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This Princess is displeased
what has her so upset, and what are you going to do to make it right?

Old horse: >>10307797
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes:
All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

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Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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This time of day is shit and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for making it that way
delete this thread, it was more slow to get linked and to be created
but i'm so tired I stayed up just for you twiley.
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you know what they say, if you're bored then you're boring
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>and to be created
but that's wrong
check the post numbers
And a patent lie

Please delete your own thread
> equivalent for a pony
> implying horses don't eat meat
They eat sparrows all the fucking time, dude.
I deleted the other thread.
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I'm just a little black rain cloud,
Alone in the background of mlp.
I'm only a little black rain cloud,
Pay no attention to little me!

Oh, everyone knows that a rain cloud,
Never needs canon, no, not a bit.
I'm just floating around, over the ground,
Wondering where I will derp!
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

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marked properly. Keywords include:

Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide

All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:


Room: mlp
FiM Blogs:



Pony IRC:




Who's who in MLPG:

http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)




Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
wasn't my thread you fucking dweeb
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what am i doing
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>best filly thread deleted

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Whoever said that? Your parents? That's just what all parents say. It's a parrot thing, like "If Johnny was going to jump off a bridge, would you do it too?"
She's just playing dumb

if any of the ponies know what a penis is it's Pinkie
Drawing a cute pony then ruining the jaw and cheeks.
> Pinkie doesn't know what a penis is, just long hard cock
you know, if you just went to mlpgco and requested a link to the mlpg scripts pastebin be added you could probably stop doing this
rarity actually
the agony and the irony, they're killing me


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But the difference is that Sauron at least had a fucking huge army!

Sauron had presence because of his fucking army!

That comparison is stupid

Meghan doesn't understand Sauron
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>tfw not sick and not well
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Celestia is upset because Heavy is teasing Twilight
Tell Heavy "He is prettiest princess"...NOW!
Throw him back into his dimension.


>You end up having to check her bags for sewing supplies.
>She's been trying to sneak in some work on the sly
>She protests vehemently while you take them out of her luggage
>"But Anonymous, REALLY, it's only a few things, I can manage THOSE--"
>"You remember what the doctor said - 'don't even so much as pick up a needle and thread'! - you're supposed to be relaxing!"
>"But the Exposé Hoof Couture de Prance in Maris is six months from now and if I don't get started--"
>"Rarity, you're going to have a fun, relaxing vacation if I have to drag you kicking and screaming!"
And if anyone would know what a pen is, it'd be Twilight!
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that's the point

she wanted to make a sauron type character, not sauron copy

least she admitted she fucked up
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Twilight is a member of the Pen15 club
She's not sure why everyone thinks it's so funny
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you heard the pony
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How blue is your favorite pony?
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Too tired to draw, too tired to bother conversation, too tired to even post barely.

I can't sleep till 5am due to having to wake my roommate up early.

life is hell
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>what has her so upset
She probably wasn't too happy about <pic related>.

>and what are you going to do to make it right?
Do you really have to ask?
> you whip it out
> she shrieks, because you're circumcised
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About that bluer
maybe a little bit bluer on sad days
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The opposite.
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This blue
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>She's a proud Value Customer of Penisland.
>She mentions it in a letter, citing their high-quality products - sturdy, reliable, with excellent capacity and the smoothest, cleanest stroke you'll ever see.

>She gets a lot of weird looks and she doesn't know why
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What's opposite of blue?
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I don't know why, but I like this.
>you will never be long enough to satisfy longbon
> Sweetie sees this, isn't really certain what to report
> Celestia gets outed as "an occasional smoker"
> most anyone doesn't really care, except for the Anti-Drug League
> Celestia winds up on the nicotine patch, cursing Sweetie Belle every time she patches it on her inner thigh, with that bizarre aftertaste washing over her tongue from the inside
Is that Billy Mayes!?
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take a guess
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That cock would take several more pints of blood to sustain than is available in Lyra's entire body.
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Orange, anon.
>Implying they wouldn't be shocked by uncut dicks

Horses don't have disgusting bits of flabby skin all over their junk
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> disgusting bits of flabby skin
Most men don't have that much coverage, and more to the point surely she's seen other species' dicks over the years.
She's blue on the inside though, right?
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How hard?
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In LoTR the obvious enemies were the armies of sauron and his minions, in mlp the obvious enemy was time. That was the theme. Twilight was taking a test and the clock was ticking. And like an advancing army, Sombra was pushing forward and she was running out of time.

It was actually very well done. A lot of people whined that Sombra had no lines and wasn't like every other damn villain in the show, but they did a fantastic job with Twilight's priority being on passing the test so she could then realize that the test wasn't as important as the mission itself. Sombra was a personification of fear. That was his soul purpose. He was like sauron in being dark shadow hanging over their heads.

Seriously was I just watching a different episode from everyone else because no one seemed to get this at the time.
>Sweetie sees this, isn't really certain what to report
You didn't read that word balloon, did you?
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It's not pank
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I know....
hard enough to make the suit sticky with sweat
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>flu nose
Only primates have foreskins

So no
She wouldn't have
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>Quest died at the first post

welp, time to go buy a gun and slit my wrists.

But how about a joke first?

In his younger days Mr. Cake was actually the stereotypical dumb, but good looking jock in school. Yet despite being an athlete he was always a bit of a klutz and would knock stuff over by accident.

Those two things combined gave him the nick name BEEF Cake!
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Nope, she's a happy pony.
that's not right
I did, but Sweetie cannot into what Twilight's "slamming into her"

It's a weird game but whatever, that's Twilight

It's far more juicy to report on Celestia as doing something naughty - like smoking! It's smelly.
Who is FtK anyways? Do they have a blog or dA or something?
> implying it wouldn't look kind of like a sheath
> implying Equestria doesn't have monkies
wait what quest
>cutting yourself with a gun
It's probably because that other anon is doing Celestia Quest
> implying Equestria doesn't have monkees
no idea sorry
If Tex isn't careful he may get shitfaced!
that stopped at least an hour ago
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Anybody else think the idea that Rarity gets flustered and drops her spaghetti around Anon hot?
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Not really, it doesn't fit Rarity's character for me.
She does well in situations with important ponies.
It's probably not considered naughty for Celestia to smoke. First, royalty often does, and second, she's immortal anyway.
What's yours look like?
why would she get flustered around an ugly green man?
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>Quests are dying

Good. They were basically interactive fanfictions.
We can see that she has eternal life and some derivation on eternal youth, but there's no indication so far that she's immune to hard knocks. It's possible she could get tar lung even if cancer is out of the question.
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Well, yes, but it should be for a very good reason. She's not the type to lose her cool around those she's attracted to.
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Are there any more of these?

How do we know she's immortal? Maybe she just has a long lifespan.
w-why'd you stop?
Nope. Like this guy >>10312102 said, it's not even believable from her. She didn't even drop spaghetti around Blueblood, and she thought she wanted him.
Wait, since when is she immortal?
Thank you RD. I totally agree.
There's no such thing as "tar lung." That's one of those lies they tell you in school to scare the shit out of you.
I guess that shut them up.
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It's not like i'm not saying the truth. Quests are dying because they're shit. And since fanfiction is shit it's fitting.
Or is it fate?
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please stop
please don't stop
What? What is it?
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it sounds like she likes it anon, don't cry
Well, you're a faggot.
Yes, Dash, you are pretty.
No u!
You guys have a point. Whatever her lifespan is, though, it's way over a thousand years.
y-you too
I dunno, some people do get tar deposits, it's just not 1:1 like the model you get in fourth-grade class. Most of it gets cleared along with the mucus in the lining of your lungs, but not all of it all the time.

If she isn't a chain smoker Celestia would probably be fine.
I agree with this anon. Easily the most high-fantasy of the episodes so far, though not as vibrant as the series pilot.

Of course, it blatantly references LOTR. Twilight and Spike had a Frodo and Samwise "I'm going alone" "I know, and I'm going with you" moment. However, Sombra got closer than Sauron to reclaiming his former dark glory.

One wonders how amazing the Crystal Empire was in its heyday. They had crystal spires and a vast library when the ponies of Equestria were living in huts and corrals (according to the pilot animation).

I found it best to watch the Crystal Empire two-parter before watching the S3 finale; it makes the timing issues far less blatant.
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you heard me.
you're a very pretty pony.
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>a smutmonger deserves respect
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I want to get that horse pregnant
Why are your balls so tiny, Pinkie?
your opinions are shit.
Not to mention that Twilight/Frodo were supposed to be the heroes, but it was Sam/Spike who really came through at the end to save the day when it mattered most.

The episode was still weak
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>Using tomorrow
You can't trick me
But you are a human, anon.
>muh quests
>muh greentext

Might as well be eating shit.
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Haha, I posted it again.

But seriously, I may end up making an Iron Derpy if I get bored enough.

Alos my lighting gets really shitty in this room when the sun goes down apparently. And yes, the chest has a light in it.
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well, I'd certainly be willing to try
though I don't think human can get pone pregnant
The only thing more pathetic and autistic then bronies are people who have the pathological need to fight them

Because nobody was responding, mostly.

If you guys wanna take this and run with it, that's perfectly fine with me.
>Black text with white drop
>On a black background

Ok that's not exactly a LoTR exclusive trope, and mostly because everyone has stolen everything from LoTR but also because it's just a high fantasy thing anyway.

And exactly a season before that there was a direct parody of the ending to Star Wars. At least this reference was more artfully wrought.
Do it.
fuck off, asshole
Smokers don't even get that. They fake up the materials they use in schools. Usually they use retouched pig lungs. Seriously. The only way you can get lungs like that is to work in a coal mine.
Fine Pinkie, be a jerk about it. It's not like I feel inadequate or anything. You probably don't want me anyway.
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it's possible
>tfw impregnation fetish
>tfw pregnant women freak me out

It's so weird.
> human can't get pone pregnant
Humans are the one thing in the magical kingdom that can be impregnated by, and impregnate, anything.
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I thought that was dragons
>And exactly a season before that there was a direct parody of the ending to Star Wars. At least this reference was more artfully wrought.

ahah thanks for reminding me. That was hilarious.

FIM is the only cartoon I know that had stressfuly parodied Star Trek and Star Wars at the same time
yes. gently.
and then replace it with my dick.
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Gee Fluttershy, you sure are one lewd pony. Why didn't you just ask me to help?
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Looks like Fluttershy likes VLC.
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Holy shit I am legitimately concerned for these people.
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I want to have mutant centaur offspring with one of the mane six!
Can I pull it out like I am starting a chainsaw?
Well, at least for once someone drew her without a horsecunt. I think these ponies would look a little neater down there.
its not like she'll feel it though
C-can we still be friends?
those eyes! they see into my soul! They see my shame!
> pregnant women freak me out
I have the opposite problem. I really want to knock one up and like pregnant women.

At my brother's funeral, a girl I had a thing for in high school was there. She was knocked up by her boyfriend and was absolutely gorgeous, visibly pregnant. Almost gravid.

She went in for a hug and I popped one right there. I can't tell you how awkward it is filling your head with bad, bad thoughts so you don't pop a tent in the receiving line of a family funeral.

Not that it was disrespectful to my brother's memory or anything, he'd think it was funny as Hell.
shes laughin at it
Only after I've made her cum though
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> centaur ladies
I can't tell you how much I want there to be more centaur smut on e-hentai, but half of it is shit Western stuff.
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>yfw Lauren Faust is a white nationalist
Babs, stop that. You are too young. Didn't your parents teach you better?
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But you know I'm right

MLPG hasn't cared about fanfiction in ages, and now quests, the one thing that used to keep MLPG interested during hiatus, are dying. If that doesn't tell you that fanfiction is shit and not wanted in MLPG then you're delusional.
i dont get it
If odds, I'll start a stream /texdraws

; ;

if odds that post doesn't count and you stream anyway
Her nose says different
Alright, butt you have to go first
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but you're the only one here that does like fanfiction
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I drew Dafty's Ghost Pony.
If doubles, you'll stream now
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you aren't talented and you DEFINITELY aren't creaitve
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I like western art more...
>MLPG hasn't cared about fanfiction in ages...
I'm still sort of a newbie, but does "MLPG" refer to this one recurring, perpetual, high-speed thread?
so close
Pinkie, look, we're friends and all, but I don't think I could go through with this. I mean, you are attractive, but that dick... I'm not gay. Despite what my boner says, I'm not gay. I'm so confused right now.
If you have a guy with a smaller dick, you can at least get satisfaction being filled anally. Your anus responds to just about anything larger than a Sharpie, and he'll get plenty of grip-and-grab.
alright now that's just a higher power fucking with me
I feel like the face should be sillier for it to really be a dafty pone but otherwise it's very nice
you're not very good at this...
I like fanfiction. stop being a loud majority, I don't care enough to defend shit all the time.
I'm straight as they come for people but I'd pretty much any cartoon stallion or mare and vice versa
Just roll with it
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so is her special talent being dead?
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sorry anon, we must continue this later
Well, that's an okay opinion. It's just harder to find well-drawn faces with some of the western stuff - they go straight for matte color and forget about shit like shading. Since most manga/doujin are black and white there are some subtler shades, though that's no guarantee you don't get fish-eyes and other bullshit.

On the other hand, Japanese art tends to go really heavy on the BLUSSSHHHH crap.
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I don't even know anymore
Yes. And for your own safety, don't do anything fanfiction related.
okay, don't go dicking around without me
Tightness, and general sensation. If you're really small sometimes you barely feel anything when you enter an aroused woman, and an unaroused woman isn't much fun to fuck.
>And for your own safety, don't do anything fanfiction related.
I wish I could draw well and fast enough to do these silly little quick quests.
Do them anyways
>I like fanfiction. stop being a loud majority, I don't care enough to defend shit all the time.
You're not the only one here who likes fanfiction. There are a lot of anons who like to pretend that their opinion is everyone's opinion. I think they're probably middle-school age. "I Am Part Of The Collective" is classic middle-school thinking. It usually seeks the lowest common denominator, too.
I'd say the best part about buying the official tie-in books and comics is downloading CBZs with absolutely no guilt at all. It simply saves me time scanning them.
Crashing hard and in desperate need of a boner
pls make boners
i need to drink khalua apparantly
>loud majority
but that's not readily proven to be true or false
I can say the same with anime. So many of the faces are drawn by people who are trying harder to draw 'anime faces' than they are drawing faces in an anime style. They might as welll blur out so many of those horribly simplified and generic plastic messes with not character.

Difference is most western cartooning styles don't allow that laziness with faces, because when you do them lazily they look like shit. Colors and shading aside.
She's just going to go completely crazy one day

She's just going to snap and go all Jhonen Vasquez and start hating the shit out of her fans
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I'll stream anyways. I'm just coloring with no plan for the picture so nothing too interesting.

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Oh, I feel pretty safe. I mean, I'm sitting here at a computer. What's the worst that could happen? A bunch of parrots start squawking "AUTIST!" at me in text or somethin'?
meant to type minority there... oops.
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how do you feel about greentext
what kind of boner catches your fancy?
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>Pony or Die 2 will have less fanfiction focus due to not enough writers
>multiple "authors" have been switching to drawing because writing isn't worth it
>overall less enthusiasm regarding fanfictions as a whole
>quests are dying due to lack of interest

You know know in this crazy thread
Steve Martin's old gag was to have everyone repeat after him, and the punchline was them repeating "I will be an individual and not mindlessly follow others."
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Dead and cute.
you take that back!
If you're into Fluttershy and consentacles, I'm doing it in the ded horse.
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>Responding to the shitposter.
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always wear a feedbag for snacking on the go
Steve Martin was something else back in the day. Amazing now to thing how original his stuff felt in the late 'seventies, early 'eighties.
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Does anyone else care that Anamanaguchi's new album leaked?
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> see that fluttershy
> can only see Futashy now

Goddamn it MS

>overall less enthusiasm regarding fanfictions as a whole
>overall less enthusiasm
>overall enthusiasm

You brought that evil upon yourself
>that pic
I wonder when that Scratch x Rumble fic is gonna be done
Horses need to boop their noses on the ground to eat from a feedbag.

That is how feedbags work.
Like Hell I did. We used to paste (censored) Futashy all the time here to make fun of MS and Cartoon Lion.
why are ponies wearing horse things so hot?
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>there will never be feedbags for humans

I'd fill mine with candy
>Waht isn't seen in that image is her futa dick flopping in the wind.
>Derpy just wanted to look at it, it was too hot for her.
anything relatively vanilla, stray too far into /d/ and you lose me like mermaid man loses the invisible boatmobile.

If it involves femanon you've got my full attention.
Wait what?

Details on that shit.
Very slightly. I did download it when it showed up, though.
>tfw writing
>tfw too self-conscious about it
>tfw trying to write fanfiction, who cares about fanfiction anyway
>tfw still too self-conscious
>tfw want to contribute

>I promise to be Different!
>I promise to be Unique!
>I promise Not To Repeat Things Other People Say!
Not true all the time actually

you guys think i should do the small quick quest things regularly and with different ponies?
i can poll for each pony or whatever
I never did
Mostly because I knew that if you spend most of your time making fun of something, it will end up becoming a part of you.
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You could always take a party hat, fill it with candies, and use it as a feedbag! Just like pinkie does!
I really love it when people do those so
yes yes yes
They're fun, but best spontaneously
That video makes me want to slap a horse's fat belly, but I'd probably get kicked.

pinkie pls
Still you statement about being safe is BS
Anyone else notice there are no reviews for Great Gatsby out yet, though other movies slated for the same release have quite a few?

That typically means the studio doesn't think it's very good and hasn't released early screen times for reviewers. They don't want negative reviews to game opening weekends. After all, not very many people go to a movie with shit reviews.

> mfw Great Gatsby sucks
> and Leo actually deserves not getting an Oscar
>that outfit
And people call Rarity a slut.
You could pat it softly without repercussion
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Double the sluts, double the fun
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What about something a bit messier?
Doublemint Doublemint

Safe from disappointment and ridicule. No one needs to suffer from writing (or even reading) fanfiction.
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I would introduce her to vaping
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the book was pretty mediocre to begin with

the trailer made it look more interesting than I knew it was
Why is Twilight looking at my anus?
Okay, it took forever to clean, NOW will you shove your horn up me?
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Well, shit, Fluttershy went to the Grand Galloping Gala naked in a cape. Pony fashions are apparently just meant to accentuate. They don't have to conceal anything.
>Rarity and Pinkie sloppily making out while Pinkie gets her party pucker pounded by a stallion
Plus IM3 is out.
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it's not femanon, but
try this
Don't be such a brown noser, Twilight
I'm a sucker for drawn quests.
they don't normally wear clothes.
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She enjoys giving peaks
Well yeah, but I want a nice smack sound from it. Not hard, just forceful enough for a good whap!
still pretty /d/.
small quick quest things?
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This is probably the most slutty "official" thing Rarity's worn
>they are all sluts
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She's wilder than they let on in the cartoon.
Exactly. Why do you think it was shot in 3D? They need some sort of a "hook" to get people there for the early summer crowd.

Also see the soundtrack which they decided - for some fuckall reason - to load down with hip-hop. They want to get the diehard fans of those artists to come and see THE COOLEST MUSIC VIDEO EVER LIEK TOTALLY BASED OFF A NEAT BOOK
that's just lovely
Given that I've ridden a few horses in the past and from what people have said about how docile horses are when they are being fed, I'd wager you could whack that belly pretty firmly. Horses are pretty tough animals.
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It's a known fact that Fluttershy is a huge pervert with a number of disgusting fetishes, she's just way too beta to act on any of them, let alone get a stallion to fuck her.

She probably schlicks to her animals fucking wishing she could find someone who will fuck her like a wild animal and let her live out her depraved fantasies.
alright, maybe this then?
like, the pinkie replies i just did above
If Rarity had a more "lewd" expression, I could totally see this being a adult magazine in Equestria.
>She probably schlicks to her animals fucking wishing she could find someone who will fuck her like a wild animal and let her live out her depraved fantasies.

So like the average horsefucking Anon here and how we fap to horsefucks?
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Fluttershy does have odd fetishes
I really see her doing erotica based off those fetishes.
That's not really Fluttershy having a fetish, she's being forced into those situations.

Although she does develop a fetish for it afterwards
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Sometimes she helps her animals out if they can't find a mate.
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Rarity does have the best dresses
There was a short story about her and Dash fucking a "needy" dog that was pretty cool
whoa man, you don
t say that without linking
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Sometimes she just helps them mate.
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>You'll never almost force yourself upon Fluttershy
>Not rape her
>Just force her to date you even though she tries to get out of it because of her anxiety
Was a while ago, sorry
I'd call it a fatty fat fat and laugh then give it a carrot and a tender rub on the face
I hope some one sees you talking to a horse and laughing to yourself
>fluttershy plays viva pinata.png
all this fluttershy discussion just decided the next small quest pony
finish the pinkie one
Right now? Because you haven't "finished" futa Pinkie.
> no means no
> unless it's Fluttershy, where it means "I can't bring myself to say yes"
So that's how little they are? I'd wondered.
in a few minutes hold on
the next one
>It's the most awkward date ever
>You two barely say anything the entire time
>Never make eye contact

She wants the D, but she doesn't know how to ask for it.
Well I'd only do it if I owned a horse that was chubby. Which most likely will not happen.

The way I would do it is write her a letter asking if we could go out on a date.
It should ease her social anxiety a bit if I allowed her to decide on her own time.
Any bigger than that, and their heads start looking weird.
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Hello MLP general. I didn't feel like making a thread for just one question, so I'm posting it here.

Do any of you know what happened to that trotting dead story? Was it finished? If so please redirect me.
may the fourth be with you :]
You can do it one day
I believe in you
>"Um, would you mind sitting on me?"
What trotting story? Also, you could always check /mlp/'s archive.
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>firefox crashes
>starts back up with homepage instead of old tabs
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>Restore previous session

You've beefed it though because you opened this page
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Would you help Fluttershy get over her anxiety and become a vehicle for her fetishes, /co/?

Would you call her mistress and let her do anything she wanted to you, or anything she wanted you to do to her?

Would you let her live her dream?
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Israel attacked Syria. It habbens.
Back to your scheduled boners.
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>being american
> mistress
Only if it means she wants to pretend I'm a married man and I'm studding her out.
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>hating freedom
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>being euro

>mfw my fetish is two people trying to act upon their fetishes but both are incredibly awkward about it.
>they just end up madly thrusting at eachother in frustruation after half an hour of fumbling around with petplay
>"Now you will feel the lash of my whip on your skin!"
>"Um, I mean... If you want to...."


this just makes me want nintendo to work with hasbro to make a pony game even more, could you imagine the shit they'd do if the FE:A team got their hands on the license to make a game?
the internet amazes me.
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>being on this plane of reality
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why do I love these so much
you bitches can't even smoke pot without the police attacking your family and killing your dog
I wish this was better drawn
what sort of fetishes are we talking about?
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Hope she likes being panties.
pony porn in a nutshell really
I wish it was a strap-on instead of futa
I wish you were better drawn.
but possession totally legal in my state
horsefucking isn't though
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>having a physical form
she wants you to cuddle her and look her in the eyes while inside of her

God dammit. Still the worst Nintendo branch. Just hope Iwata does some good there for once.

Also, fuck IS for fucking with Paper Mario.
that's my fetish. That right there.
>no reins
then what's the point of the bridle?
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I am okay with this.
That's fucking disgusting.
at least we still have Alpha Dream

what's so bad about the new paper mario anyway?
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does she mind if I finish inside?
>old horse overtaken by yellow consentacles
>new horse dominated by yellow fetishes
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Maybe there's an Equestria dimension somewhere...
She'll wrap her legs around you and hold you in
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don't try to fight it
let it happen
Actually, NoA is just a puppet. It's known that NoJ does not what their American group doing anything. So NoA just does what NoJ tells them to do, with no ability to do anything.
As long as you don't do it every time
Sometimes she just likes to fall asleep like that
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Day 76
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 4,146 (Running Total: 472,187)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 19,334 (Running Total: 2,018,024)

Kinda of a slooow day today. Everyone's just taken it easy. Chillin.

Pones are cool man.

love me
Night thread.
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take TTYD and strip everything good of it. Fuck IS

Which is why Iwata being the new CEO is good.
that fucking song has got to be one of the five worst songs ever devised

it's like pure shit in musical form

Sorry your quest was DOA Scrubbing Bubbles, it seems interesting but I'm just not on the right sleep schedule to help out
>Quest died again

Well I guess I'll just give up and leave for good, then. I mean, what's even the point any more.

Nah. I'll just try again another time, maybe focus on my voice acting and try to take up drawing again for the ten thousandth time
You just made my day~
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Anon plz
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Which flavor do you like your pone? Which pone would have it?
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>this guy's entire deviantart gallery
then I'll give her the biggest creampie she's ever had
if she likes I can stay inside her when we're falling asleep snuggled up close to each other too
would she be willing to indulge in my fetishes as well?
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> in mlp the obvious enemy was time

No it wasn't, it was the test

>That was the theme

A very shitty forced theme that diminished any impact of Sombra and failed to convey its Sauron like role by establishing the plot around Twlight's test and not around Sombra's return.
It's not about the return of the Crystal Empire, is not about saving the Crystal Empire and is not about stopping Sombra, is somehow a test for Twilight.

>but they did a fantastic job with Twilight's priority being on passing the test

No, they didn't, the premise is fucking stupid because it reduces the Crystal Empire and Sombra to mere props as part of Twilight's test. It's forced, and a complete waste when their role should have been expanded upon so they don't fall flat and somewhat unimportant in the big scheme of things and make Twilight's accomplishment actually significant, not just a "I PASSED".

>so she could then realize that the test wasn't as important as the mission itself

and yet it somehow ended with Twilight mainly caring about passing her test

>It was actually very well done.

No it wasn't, case and point, Meghan admitted that she screwed up.
People born in 1999 already have girlfriends.
I haven't been able to take part, but I should be able to in a week or two, if it's still alive
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Eye contact is great, but my girlfriend finds missionary really boring.

I mostly agree, though it's nice to kiss and mug while getting things going.


I know, right? I prefer "Blue"
Fluttershy is the type of pony who would do anything for you short of hurting her animal friends.
>1988 was over a hundred years ago
>1 hour(s) and 31 minute(s) remain on download
Fuck, well shit, is anyone streaming or anything? Thread is 2slow to take up that amount of time.
>your grandchildren are already dead of old age
> creampie
> staying inside
I have a girlfriend who has trouble with UTI's sometimes. That whole "get up to pee after sex to ward it off" thing REALLY kills the mood.
but I don't want to make her feel obligated to do something she doesn't feel comfortable with
if she doesn't want to try something, she doesn't have to hesitate to say so
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>MLP has been canceled for over 25 years now
You forget, people with autism really does think the world is about them.
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>14 year olds have girlfriends
>I still haven't had one
>Or a boyfriend
>Iwata being good

Nope, the Wii was the right system at the right time, but he failed to take any advantage of it's success.

The WiiU is an awful system with almost no support and feels like it was designed in less than a year.

The guy has no idea how to run anything.
Well she really doesn't want to try most new things, but the joy of doing what you want outweighs her fear of the unexplored.
I'm only surprised because I've seen that guy's stuff before and never would have expected it here.

Want something more relevant from deviantart's weirder side?
he's done one of each of the six.

>born in 1989
>haven't had a girlfriend or even kissed anyone

Doesn't really bother me.
It's like... this would be super hot if he did the exact opposite of every image.

Oh yeah its fine, I was just being dramatic for a gag, hence the spoiler. I wont give up on this quest, simply because I just don't want to flub yet another quest.

But I am serious about drawing, even though I've started and stopped more times then people have posted the marker. These Loomis books someone posted the other night should be a big help

>Reading Fun With Pencil
>First thing it tells me to do is draw circles

Oh MLPG, you really do know your shit
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>the mane six pre-alicorn toys are collectors' items now
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I've never attempted or had an interest in attempting to get one.
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then I'd be gentle
and not take advantage of her kindness

guess I'd better give her derriere lots of warming-up first and use a lot of lube
Nigga, that shit gots fuckin monster hunter
Yup, it's pony
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I feel fabulous!
omg Flitter!
ITT: things that aren't hot
ponies are pretty good at taking things up the ass
> human back legs

Classic centaur or no centaur.
But that is really the only reason to get a wiiu at this point.
>Wings go here
I can imagine Discord walking around with "Wings go here" hovering behind him.
>Not Discord/Crackle
Which is why the 3DS is dominating in Japan and doing well in the EU compared to the US right? Specially after the shit launch it had. They're experiencing a typical Japanese transition to HD, and that affected most other japanese companies as well. Plus if those rumors of EA and Nintendo are true, they've got even more shit to deal with.

Right now it's too early to tell if the Wii U will end up like a Saturn, but I'm willing to bet it's going to be another Gamecube saleswise and hopefully game wise.
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that's pretty dope
All he has to do is go though
...I still would
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Oh you know, S&M, petplay, hoof worship, swinging, pegging, femdom, humiliation, impregnation normal stuff like that.
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Well, this is pretty cute right?
There are kids who are playing video games now who were born AFTER the dreamcast DIED.
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I take it yall don't want to go buck apples with me huh?
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how would a Tang foodpone work
like, you have a powered mix and you throw it in your bathtub and mix it up and a pony pops out?

I remember loving the Dreamcast so much.
I also remember how fucking loud it was. God damn.
I would also that
Instapone, just add water
i want everything to die
> that long trunk covered in human skin
Goddamn, she'd feel like a pig, stroking my hands down that. Ugh. UGHHHH.
this is so odd
yes, but this is Fluttershy
it's important to be delicate with her

since she loves finishing internally, maybe she'll enjoy the feeling of being filled in a new way
Her body would leave trails of powder everywhere
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it's time
If you shake her powder falls out of her mouth

She can gargle water and tang comes out
> ponies are pretty good about taking it up the ass
Probably because stallions have such terrible aim.
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Time for traps?
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You did that? God damn.

Your faces have really been improving
sounds hot.
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Of of the main reasons why the 3DS was selling like shit at launch was because of the name, the market did not understand that the 3DS was a new system and not just the DS with 3D.

So now they do the same with the WiiU, which is currently selling like shit everywhere. Nobody outside of of the core gamer market knows that it's the next generation of the Wii, and the fault lies on his hands.
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>tfw no centaur thread on /d/ right now
Yea. His faces used to have that sameface look from both pony to human. it was eerie.
> that long sleek centaur-horse


she's so large....
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You just reminded me I lost a trap bootleg I was making of a song, I'll remake it in two days.
Search on e-hentai; there are a few. "But I'm a centaur too!" is pretty good.
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I've been waiting for this
>climb on my back anon! I'll fly you into town.
>It's ok to put your arms around me anon, now hold on tight.
>um anon... I know I said tight but not that tight, and I meant around my waist anon... please hold on lower...
she might even let you ride on her back
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> "I'm a centaur too, you know!"

It's pretty great. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/575274/c1b4da3977/
>at this point

No shit. Which is why they're going to stack their releases after July.

Yet they turned it around. Not like Sony who left the Vita to rot for god knows how long until recently (at least in Japan).
> teaching myself to draw while sitting the floor, staying up way too late on MLPG, living off coffee, pop tarts and cheetoes

Living the dream
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oh gosh shes so precious
>you finish up and look over at her
>she's breathing hard with teeth clenched and one eye closed
>you see the moment of realization hit to her as she opens her eyes and gasps, feeling something warm deep inside of her
>she places one hoof under her belly and smiles at you
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>I'm older then dooks
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84 KB
this is a good premise

I know.
I love those push forward videos though.
>Recieve mysterious package with orange powder in mail.
>Comes with a note telling you to dump the contents into a bathtub full of hot water
>Against your better judgement, you do.
>You wait for a good couple of minutes, nothing seems to happen. Must have been a prank.
>Just as you get ready to pull the plunger, an orange pony pops her head up out of the water with a bright, sunny smile
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oh god
I wasn't prepared for this boner
I take it that means she'd be willing to do it again someday?
I love the idea that Fluttershy is bottled up.
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oh god goo nostalgia
What would she eat?
Whenever you want, it only gets easier
This one was pretty good too.
>despite the fact that you're still screaming, she stops and whispers
>"why are we yelling?"
damn, i don't like fs at all yet this is hot as hell.
Yeah, and do you know why it started to tell well in japan? Monster Hunter. The interesting thing about japan though is it does not give a shit about console monster hunter games.
>You messed up the ratios so she's rather diluted
>ask her if she minds going back under for a bit while you dump in more powder
>she nods with a huge grin and lets you mix her up some more
My biggest boner is transformation into a centaur.
Country-wide vidya preferences are weird.
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God, I love Pip.
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...I think I need to lay down for a moment

...would she like it if I gave her tail/mane a little tug sometimes?
maybe a little spank to her plush cheeks?
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Yeah, I read this one. Has to be the cutest monster girl hentai I've ever seen.
I don't like his splotchy body.
That's strange. The link only leads to Sad_Panda for me. Any advice?
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Hello, I'm new to the board and I want to ventilate a little bit.

I've been a fan of the show since January of this year, I marathoned all the episodes until half of the 3rd season, when it was still airing, and I have to say it was a great ride.

Since then, I read the comics, got the show, saved OC of all kinds and enjoyed what you guys have done.

But slowly yet steady, my interest on the show has getting smaller and smaller. I think it all started when I read about Dərpy and the reasons why she was taken out. I know it was rumors but from what I get, this person, Yamino was the main reason the character was taken out.

From then, almost daily I read about stupid drama. Discord in a dissapointing episode, Twilicorn, that god awful Equestria Girls, some rumors about the higher ups on Hasbro saying that they want the show to be again only for little girls, some older tweets by Lauren Faust saying how dissapointed she was with the current show, bronies making fools of themselves, etc.

Also the fact that the 4th season won't air up until what december doesn't help.

I don't know what to do guys, maybe watching the show in the first place was a bad idea.

>She's a plastic pony filled with tang powder
>you pour it out of her mouth, or scoop it out with a little spoon.
>her tail pops off and can be used to measure out for various size batches of Tang.

>she eats citrus peels and sugar.
>she also likes marmalade
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he's pretty cute
I'm jealous
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Sure, though I'm picturing you giving her ass a good smack and her tail a tug for the first time and her just turning around with that
>"why did you do that?"
register an account
Not just that though. It was MH3G/MK7/3D Land that saved it.

Plus, Japan does care about console MH to an extent; MHP3rd HD sold a respectable 300k, making it the most selling HD remake in Japan (KH HD is at second place with 150k or so). And MH3G HD has an attach rate of 2 to 1, meaning that most of the people that own a Wii U will own MH3G, and I do see that game selling a lot in the long run.
Hmm. Even the root site gives me sad_panda.
>maybe watching the show in the first place was a bad idea
you think?
>dooks is only 18.
>I'm going to be 30 this year
>why do I even try to art
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That would just make me want to do more.
Lean down and give her a little kiss on the head for reassurance
Or he could just go here for free and no registration.

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But that's the best part about him, that and his adorable little accent.
try e-hentai instead of exhentai
Take a brake.

Come back only when new news or new comics are out.

And come back for new episodes.
hey, if you had a good time, who cares, right?
any situation with drama revolving around the show, you can remove yourself from.
>Derpy taken out
she was in the s3 finale, we were talking about this earlier today in fact.
just watch and enjoy whatever it is for what it is and you'll be fine.
Don't let age stop you.
There will always be someone younger and better than you.
Keep pushing to do your best

I should know. I'm 34
Want me to make you feel worse?

>Apple is only 18
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Well MLPG I think I really will get serious and teach myself to draw with paper and pencil. Here's my first circles, which honestly came out better then I thought they would.

MLPG has usually been a good place to get started. Any advice I should know?
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>Don't let age stop you.

Am I seriously older than Dooks?
Nah hes older than that now
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even if she's caught up in the heat of the moment, moaning and panting while having her squeezable booty filled over and over again?
you don't think she'd go along with it?
maybe some kneading and massaging would have a more desirable effect?
and ill be pushing 47 next year...
i need to get out of this place
Be yourself
Dude whatever I'm like 24
I wouldn't start worrying till you hit 60
That circle needs more blush
>two people in MLPG are older than me

Wow I feel way better now.
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He's reading those already
Well not if it's during a lewd act of course.
Fluttershy really is the best for this kind of thing, she would be totally trusting of whatever you wanted to do in the heat of the moment.
I must bed now anon, I wish you luck in you Flutterbooty dreaming
Well good.
So was a cap made of flutterconsentacles?
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Why is he so cute, /co/?
Well fuck, I give up!
I have no idea what you're talking about so I sure hope so
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I don't know
I really don't
I found this weird shit today. I guess vitamins can degrade in aqueous suspension after a while, so most sports drinks can be worthless.

THIS however holds them in a powder until you blend it yourself. Crazy, right?


Which pony would buy weird shit like this while out shopping? Dash? Probably goes for all the weird new power drinks.
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thank you
you've given my ass-fixated mind much to think about
because he doesn't have that Hard, squashed weird looking little colt snout
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Why are young crushes so cute?
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because innocent cuddly puppy-love
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Because its-


at least i understand the portmanteau
First, you've to watch a random episode at least once every three days; break up the sequence, since there's no true sequence.

Also, stop watching the fandom.
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Because innocence
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Wow, gray looks good on her.
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Art took me down a really weird path.
his color scheme looks pretty good on anything really

Fuck that bitch. She manipulated and basically guilt tripped Puff into being with her.

Scoots would've been better.
Art is helluva drug
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>that feel
I can't even enjoy some of the old things I did when I was younger because of art
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Pinkie please

You broke my heart with your size comments
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I don't art and never will.
S-So can you like, y'know, fit your thing in your mouth?
pinkie this is no place for pone

you should have stayed away


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>im only 18
>dooks spent his life improving
>I spent mine doing nothing
It's all right. People quit and new people come in, and besides, it's not an obligation for everyone to want to draw.
>All drawfags are 18
I know this feel intensively
Pinkie, I'm still so confused. I'm not gay. You'll be gentle, right?
>tfw if you were born in Equestria you would never get your cutie mark
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I agree my nigga.
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Fuck, we can all learn something from the CMC

Getting your cutie mark is no easy task. I'm such a lazy bastard i would probably never get my cutie mark OR get it in something stupid and useless.

>"hey I got my cutie mark!"
>"a couch?"
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There's no taking it back, Pinkie. You know every guy is really sensitive about those kinds of things. Who knew laughter could be so cruel?
holy unf
>no rarity
don't care
odds bed
evens pone
dubz drink an entire pot of coffee
I'm grateful to have my greentext illustrated like that and figured the alive horse would appreciate it as well. <3
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I like the pinkie thinkie hat pics.
so how big are ponies
>Illustrated greentext might be a thing from now on
My dick is grateful
What's the better incest, Twily/Shiny or AppleMac
well this threads gone to stupid
back to writing about a big balled tanuki boy gaining a huge ass from spiked chemicals in his food
...it's okay Pinkie. I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings.
which artists have a nice style of pony penis that i should use as a guideline for drawing my own dicks?
> the sudden realization that many, many tentacle dicks in Japanese porn are circumcised for some reason
> and for them, horse-dick-tentacles are far more appropriate


Captcha: INTERNAL 564
But Anon illustrated greentext is two thirds of a quest!
MLPG stupid drawing question: How sharp should my pencil be?

Is a really sharp pencil best, or is it better for it to be a little more worn? Or is it just what works best for you and what you're trying to do?

who drew these?
Twily/Shiny due to potentially bigger taboo.
incest is wrong
but what's the remaining third?
Audience participation?
Because that happens a lot
braeburned is very good at it and helpful
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How come there is almost no Tara pony porn?

I want to fap to pony Tara
My personal favorite is SB. Make of that what you will.

You can always study real horses as well
i though this was alright
> incest is wrong
And yet your Applejack and Twilight want that bone pressed to their phone.
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Oh my.

High Bs should be pretty sharp else they're going to go everywhere
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titties aren't big enough.
just fap to bimbo twilight

same thing really
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i already studied these. i got nice cues, but i'm looking for something more realistic/detailed and i have given up an stylizing actual horsedicks from scratch. real penis looks bad on a cartoon pony.
thanks, that should be helpful

any more suggestions?
Glad I could make you feel better, Anon.
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You have 3 seconds to be as edgy as possible
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Human Lightning Dust?

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How would a slutty AJ be like?
Actions have consequences, Pinkie.
> that waist-thigh ratio
What the fuck?

Did she just SQUATZ AND OATZ through all of high school?
it's been a while since I got a boner to a human
I feel like she's not even that attractive
You think it's okay that I'm the only human in Equestria with no female humans to attempt to fuck? I can't compete with stallions and here you are, with a HUGE DICK but noooo, let's make fun of the human. It's not like his feelings matter, nor that his balls or so blue that it makes Luna look pale. Do you realize how sexually frustrated I am? At all? I trusted you Pinkie, and you betrayed me. Some friend...
Ponchu maybe?
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Are you retarded?
No way

Too girly, and trying hard to be "fit"

Lighting Dust is just naturally fit because of flying all the time and only tries hard to look cool.
like rarity
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>implying Spazz isn't BDF
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I aim to please.
So more Cloudchaser?
You know what they say about guys with small hands...

what the fuck
who's spazz
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Are you sure?
plz drawj
I want human pics to leave
I need fap material. Provide me some, please?

That pic is so old

I can't believe MLPG is so new to the internet
You know. I think he is and I don't really care. He started contributing here as BDF and probably has a good reason to do so.
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Yes. That's so fucking fake, the desperation and insecurity seeps through her entire being.

My pic is lightning dust irl
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Spoiler Image, 14 KB

report them
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I did a mimic for today's prompt.
oh shoot, sorry about that, reinstalled my browser on my laptop, it's saving my name on here for some reason

I'm killing time until a download finishes for my computer, something borked and I've been spendign all day fixing it. hopefully this time it will work. I'll draw once I'm done with it. It should only be like, 40 more minutes at most
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My facesitting and farts fetish is tingling
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>2kg weights
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Black people are disgusting
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Where the ponies at?
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Twilight's a qt, even more so now that she got wings.
okay then
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649 KB JPG
>Hes making this in his man cave!
>With a box of scraps!
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the humans killed them
okay, i'm browsing the "impossbily large dick" tag on derpibboru now and it looks like most artists capable of drawing the dicks i'd like to draw myself draw them way too big, but reference is reference.
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Feels good to be human.
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>2kg weights
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That's not very nice.
Are you really sorry? And you won't make fun of tiny dicks again?
Which ones are those? Some links?
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351 KB GIF

humans are not nice
huge dicks are great
don't be afraid to make them too big
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60 KB

Oh god...

9.0 intensity runs...

Make the pain go away!
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>most artists capable of drawing the dicks i'd like to draw myself draw them way too big

If you want to get good at drawing something you have to fetishize it.
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I would be nice to pony.
>that pic

I love big hips AND Nicole, but there's a point where this needs to stop, and we've clearly crossed it.
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12 KB
I may or may not attempt to eat pony.

Depends how hungry I am.
Then I forgive you. Just don't laugh next time, okay?
apple pls
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54 KB
Is there anything pure and innocent left in pony, or are we all lost and damned?
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Evens sleep
Odds fap and continue to pone
Dubs fuck a horse
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i guess that's true
alarmingly most of the ones i've picked out were done by artists with furry backgrounds.
i'm sorry, but i won't draw ridiculously oversized dicks.
not all the time at least.
>not putting it into leg strength
You are no Kangaroo.
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51 KB

No you wouldn't

I would have believed you if you didn't draw porn

Now i know that you would use them for sexual
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30 KB
Maybe Dash first.

Or Twilight.
Twilight would probably have a more hilarious reaction.
...look, I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated, you know? Everybody wants to feel sexually attractive, and I'm sure ponies are the same way. I just feel like I'm not with all you ponies. Who would want the tiny dicked human? All those stallions are like, tubes of meat. It's not fair. And then you have one bigger than me and you're a girl... I feel so bottom of the food chain right now. No pone wants me, and I guess I just have to accept that.
Not this shit again. Go back to Idaho, Mormon.
Not everyone who draws porn wants to use pony for sexual. Some might like to watch.
How would you even catch one? They're strong as shit and some of them can fly or do magic.
Anon, we're ambush predators.

Take them by surprise of course.
nigger what
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66 KB
and pinkie and anon had sex, good night
apple pls, anthro hips
>ambush predators
nigga what

we endurance hunters

Kanga is all show and no go.
File deleted.

One pony has a chance to live you
But which pony?
>A. Least favorite pony with a royal stipend from Celestia
>B. a Crystal pony
>C. One of the CMC
>D. The Mystery Box
we used to be anyway
Happy end.
alright, but you better draw huge horseballs too
stallions with tiny nuts just look absurd
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I'm not apple, but here you go.
Do I get to choose which CMC?
Do I get to choose which crystal pony?

Does least favorite only include the mane 6 or least favorite over all
Depends on the climate and prey doesn't it?

Humans are pretty damn good at stalking prey.
Those fingers will never not be offensive.
>One pony has a chance to live you

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63 KB
A crystal pony
mystery box is for suckas
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We can still be.

Africans were endurance hunters, chasing down shit until its heart exploded.

Europeans were ambush hunters, bum-rushing with pointy sticks from all angles.

there's something very telling in that.
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anthro dash hips
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I just might write a fapfic of big dicked futa Pinkie and Anon now.
>One pony has a chance to live you
Ccare to rephrase?
That face is kind of weird
So it does have something to do with climate.
Among other factors that I'm not sure about.
and anon is a trap with a small cute dick
>big dicked futa
why not just make it stallion x femanon
i'll try to come up with proportions that will hopefully be satisfying

i also found an anthro picture with a dick pretty much identical to what i had in mind, but that artist has only drawn it like that once.

anyway, my reference folder is both growing and showing
Because then it's not as hot.
a random pony form the category you choose will live with you

>that face

and anyway:


Dash is a bundle of wires.
>alarmingly most of the ones i've picked out were done by artists with furry backgrounds.

You're trying to draw horse junk what would you expect?

well then
get out there and draw
and be sure to link it when you're done
I know
but that nude body and those feet and that implied-yet-covered genetalia gives me such a boner that the face doesn't bother me
Hold tight chaps! I'll prep a new thread!