Old horse>>10256209Lets talk about this cute, blue pony here and why she might or might not get her own comic.
Last Thread>>10256209[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:http://arch.413chan.net/mlpgeneral Current General Active:http://arch.413chan.net/mlpgeneral/go New generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names Please check locator before starting a new thread. Download links for episodes:All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guideAll Seasons: http://yayponies.eu FiMchan:http://fim.413chan.net MLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.com My Little Pony Flockdraw:http://py-bot.com/apps/flockmod.swfRoom: mlp FiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.com Pony IRC:http://webchat.irchighway.net/Channels:#mylittlepony#mlp Who's who in MLPG:http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/) Events:http://mlpgwrites.tumblr.com/http://mlpgdraws.tumblr.com/http://mlpgn.blogspot.com/ Stream:http://ponykart.net/mlpg/index.php Drawfriend Stream Monitor:http://twilightlicio.us/streams Drawings Requests doc:http://tinyurl.com/7j8yge3 Art reference and tutorial:http://mlpg.co/art/res/23.html More links:http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/External_linkshttp://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlpgeneral Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>10259043GO TO BED
>>10259043Sethisto, it may or may not be time for your nap.
Blue Pony is an irredeemable bitch who doesn't even deserve any love, let alone a comic.
>>10259043Get thee to bed, Sethisto!
>>10259043>talk about cute blue ponyCan do, boss!
>>10259071>>10259088>>10259090>>10259104Twilight stop samefagging
>>10259071>>10259088>>10259104But I am not Seth I like Trixie and she was in one of the best episode in Season 3.
Let's talk about how much Cuteosphere sucks!
RD is a very jumpy pony
>>10259117I like when pony wears a bow
>>10259071>>10259088>>10259104/mlp/ pls keep your shitty memes to yourselves.
>>10259135>being in this much denial
>>10259043i love blue pony
>>10259164I haven't watched since Naughty Bear, but wasn't Jontron not so grump?
>>10259166I like them and their art a lot.Why are you buttblasted about them anon?
>>10259166Fuck yeah!
>>10259182Me too, man. It's just so cute.
>>10259189...Christ you could be right. I don't know, I never watch game grumps.
>>10259166Let's talk about how much my art sucks.
>>10259172Oh shitis ciircuit making more gifs now?
>>10259172Totally nailed the style. Down to the smears!
>>10259166what's cuteosphere?
>>10259221but I love ronnie.
>>10259221>eating 20 mcnuggets
>>10259213More ponies would have those bowtie in their tail.
>>10259227that's actually xieril
>>10259213>tail bows/ tail wrapsi unf everytime
That feel when you search for your favourite sketching pencil for ages and you suddenly realise it's behind your ear.
>>10259260Yes/r/ markerpony being gang-bagned in all 3 holes
>>10259227It's actually Xieril emulating for the mlpg draw event.
>>10259227That was xieril actually>>10259234He kinda messed up the timing on the jumps, but yeah really nailed it.
>>10259262>that's right, every single one
>>10259261Do you even watch the ronnie?
>>10259253>>10259262>tfw they really aren't actually that filling>tfw you have calculated the exact amount of sauce per nugget so that each nugget is properly dipped and tasting of barbecue sauce
>>10259264>>10259271>>10259274Whoa, really?Damn, nice job, then.
>>10259274I thing the timing isn't bad. A little jump, a big one... What's wrong with it?
>>10259266god, that expression>whatcha lookin' at, Anon?
>>10259276It's illegal to be thin in America
>>10259291Ronnie, pls.
>>10259293Rarity is the best one in that gif. Prove me wrong.
Big Blue ponei?
>>10259304It's illegal to not be under surveillance in Britain
>>10259304What if it was illegal to be thin in Equestria?
>>10259317You're so full of shit I hope you get hit by a truck.
>>10259306>tfw someone has actually compared you to a thinner RonnieSadness.
>>10259317Pinkie Pie
>>10259318All 3 big ponei?
>>10259321it's illegal to not be laughing in Brazil
>>10259304>>10259321it's illegal to be fat in japan
>>10259302her butt!I'm looking at her butt!
>>10259318Big Blue pon is very good pon.Big pon is very good in general.
You may assassinate one musician, one artist, and one writer from this fandom.Choose wisely.
>>10259338Then why do they have sumos?
>>10259317The hair lacks momentum when she arrives. It just stops in mid-air. I'd have added a bit more movement.
>>10259317I can and I will, you disgusting slutfag. Twolot is best in that pic.
>Far Side discussion last thread>remember I have 3 of his cartoon compilation booksI forgot how good these were.
>>10259335Celestia, Luna, and Discord is a fantastic dynamicno matter what's done with it, it always seems really entertaining.
>>10259298I can't into art, but the rising smear doesn't match the motion when she's jumping up.I don't know how to explain it, but it looks odd.
>>10259356>twilicorn best at anything
I don't want to draw backgrounds... I want people responsible brought to justice!
>>10259172reminds me of radiohead.tv
>>10259321It's illegal to be unfashionable in italy.
>>10259351Mic the MicrophoneYaminoI don't care about fanfiction so abstain.
>>10259351I don't remember any of them
>>10259340Anon pls.that's so embarassing
>Grandmas License plate is CMC ####>She was talking to a "Babs">Robot Unicorn Attack says I'm a Celestial Mare>My Friend ask if I own Twilight PrincessHELP
>>10259366Hm, I don't really see it, but that's probably because I'm not very good at animating.
which mlpg celebrity is best for sexual?
>>10259364I'd like to see how he'd act around Cadence to be honestwink wink hint hint
>>10259391You're becoming the ponychan
>>10259364then do more with it
>>10259383that was you? I request the Applejack/Rarity one.
>>10259351MicSlugboxThat guy who wrote past sins.
>>10259397sex me up
>>10259397Tiarawhy, Jessy, Reu or Xierilunf
>>10259269>nobody will ever draw it because they are too afraid of markerknights wrath I miss Disco
>>10259414>including animation amateur Thicklegs McMoonfacewhy?
>very time I hear the word 'wink' now I have the mental image of a mare vagina squelchingthanks Obama
>>10259407What's wrong with Slugbox, if I might ask? I really don't keep track of what artists do besides what they make, before you ask.
>>10259401Hmmmthat's a very interesting ideaI do wonder how that would go
>>10259395Don't feel too bad though, you emulated it really fucking well since you managed to confuse a person into thinking it was actually from ciircuit. Good job
>>10259444He's pretty damn fit
>>10259447I just hate his big glossy and shiny art.plus, his fucking cteno chracter.
>>10259450Name? Andrey.
>>10259452Oh shit, you were the one that made that set?
>>10259448applejack season
>>10259447He's a complete fucking scumbag when it comes to commissions
>>10259458I'm not Xieril
>>10259340>>10259452Holy shit bro you've really improved a fuck ton. I honestly don't remember you drawing these.
>>10259481[citation needed]
>>10259452now draw them with your new skill
>>10259477Yeah, ages ago.
>>10259446You're welcome, Anon.
>>10259456Jesus fucking christ AppleDan
>>10259269>>10259433...3 male pones. I have some beer it just might work.No, no blankets this time. Anon couldn't take the joke last time
>>10259433Really? I haven't seen anyone bitch at artists for drawing her for sexual.
>>10259462haha what an ugly fucking ginger
>>10259462Where did you get that picture. My facebook is private.Please don't post pics of me. Ponies only please.
>>10259462Who is that?
>>10259512oh that's you?ginger/10.
>>10259433Boo hoo
>>10259506Spaerk, last thread. They washed him in shit.>>10259503>you>drawing porn>especially with MPAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH
>>10259483Meh whatever. Still true
>>10259526I'm sorry, I was too busy saying "Dayum girl!".Silent hill 2Twilight sparkplug
>>10259535>They washed him in shit.
>>10259497I can do one of them tonight, if you'd like.I'm done trying to animate for tonight, I think.http://i.imgur.com/9ZHyFQZ.gif
>>10259526Monster HunterTwily
>>10259562the one with AJ and Rarara
>>10259535No they made fun of him deleting it. It got reposted and no one cared.
>>10259535Oh boy! Are you trying to provke me?Give me 3 male pones fitting such picture.
>>10259526Monster HunterTwilight
>>10259577Alrighty, then!
>>10259526Hard to say but today i think ill go with Valkyria Chronicles.Rainbow Dash hands down
>>10259569>fucking pokemon>not g1 &g2Shiggy diggy.
>>10259598thank you train.
>>10259579re-read again, there were only 2 posts mentioning removal, others were about how bad it is he drew porn with her>"you should only draw what I like"
>>10259526I wish Twilight was my sexy librarian
>>10259589Icepack MUST be one of them
>>10259589You're gonna regret it
>>10259564Tell me that background is ironic. Please.
>>10259612>Valkyria ChroniclesFUCKING YES
>>10259589>ponenot poneanons
>>10259526Wild Arms Rarara
>>10259589Icepack BluesCaramel
>>10259625fuck off retard
>>10259562Use less frames when the ball squashes.Remove one, for instance, while keeping the extremes (the ball squashed on the floor and the ball stretched when it arrives at the floor, at the highest velocity)>>10259569>not wanting to fuck his hot momShiggy
>>10259631i got that game initially simply because i though the art direction was neat. boy did i score big with that purchase
>>10259462i see that fucing orchid shirt
>>10259631>Sega will never bring over VC3 to the Vita>Sega will never stop being retarrds with some of their IPs
>>10259589My original idea >>10259269 was with humans >>10259635if you want to do ponies - I don't care, not interested>no one ever will draw her with 3 anonsprobably because they suck at humansjalm couldbut he is too afraid for his reputation in mlpg
>>10259580If animation did not take so fucking long I would totally make a RR inflation animation
>>10259526RarityBanjo Kazooie/Tooie
>>10259679The art direction was really unique. But then you get the battle system and the characters (especially the secondary squad members and the villains) and just oh gosh.Wish I could have enjoyed the second one more, but high school shenanigans just take me out of it.
>>10259564>First thing that bothers me as is, sexualizing My Little Pony.At that point I just smiled, shook my head, and closed the tab.tl;dr version please? Or a non-autist version?
>>10259692>tfw doom the wolf will never try ponies
>>10259627I regret many things when I'm drunk. It's okay!>>10259635>>10259690Oh... hmm damn. I tend to fuck up things when humans come in play. We will see... there will be an attempt.
>>10259478>applejack seasonbut that has nothing to do with cadance or discordor does it
>>10259526I want to pinch that horseass.
>>10259705Try and get VC3 with the English patch
>>10259535>They washed him in shit.Not really, there were just two or three guys who got 'mad' at him
>>10259526OctaviaArmored Core 4
Oh... also I finished cute pony.
>>10259740Her sweater is melting
>>10259740Well then why don't you post it, then?
>>10259526Wind WakerRarity
MLPG, how do I emulate old vidya games?
>>10259526CelestiaKid Icarus UprisingI wonder if there's a connection...
>>10259717I swear to god if Applejack and Spike end up being changelings I will choke you
>>10259715>there will be an attemptNo, I want a good picture not a drunk doodle.
>>10259755>>>/vr/There should be a sticky by now.
>>10259755Which old vidyas we talkin bout 'ere?
>>10259755take a stick and bunch of sand and go outside
>>10259756Celestia as Palutena where
Garth and Lilly are my OTP
>>10259715I say you should do 3 ponies if you can't handle humans
>>10259722There's an English patch?Oh gosh!
>>10259774Let's say I wanted to play Paper Mario.
>>10259785all of those look awful
>>10259785>grimdark panelHaha, what
>>10259785I cringed so hardI am so glad I am not going
>>10259526Twilight, Celestia and ZecoraLegend of Mana
>>10259785>Join Devnul, Jitterbug Jive, Shroobs and Lil’ Miss Jay in a journey through the world of Grimdark, a genre of fiction that puts our colorful equine friends in tragic scenarios. Whether you’re a hardcore horror aficionado or have never seen a spooky movie in your life, we welcome you to our panel where we hope to demystify the genre and show you why a lot of ponies love grimdark!
>>1025980464? Get Project 64GC? Get Dolphin
>>10259791Don't know if its out, but there should be one in development, close to being finishedWhy was Sega so fucking stupid with VC? "Durr it sold well on the PS3 so lets change to the PSP and pander to muh otakus"Fucking retards.
>>10259760>No, I want a good picture not a drunk doodle.Wanna see my commission prices then? Yeah... thought so. I'm doing it for free same as I did in here forever. You want good picture draw it yourself or commission some artist you have trust in.>>10259783I'll get her pose first then see what flows.
>>10259690Anon, please stop trying to pressure artists into drawing stuff with comments like "he's too afraid for his reputation". I'm pretty sure that makes them want to draw it less even more than people who tell them that they shouldn't draw it.
>>10259785Sometimes I look back and thinkWhat did we start
>>10259740her back left hoof looks stuck to the ground
>>10259785>Grimdark: Ponies & Horror
>>10259785Total mierda. I don't think this will even be fun to rip on this time around.
>>10259814what will be hilarous to watch, and probably quite a bit sad
>>10259785>'Allon-sy'>butchering Voltaire's language
>>10259690I don't understand why we need so much porn of her. There's been a whole fucking lot of it lately so noone can complain now that no artist is appealing to their tastes, hell a lot of it is rather well done, and marker isn't outstandingly good looking or hot, so at this point I'm once again thinking it's the same few people spamming requests like during the marker pony is not for sexual-period. It's obvious that the guy complaining about markerknights is one shitposter and he's irrelevant, but as for the rest, are there really that many people looking for marker porn?
>>10259785>Whooves and Assistant
>>10259825You're underestimating PSP's influence in Japan because of Monster HunterProbably was cheaper to produce for that thing, too
>>10259828>acting like a bitchfuck off ross I don't want your shitty doodles.
>>10259785>Grimdark: Ponies & HorrorTHEY BEST BE JOKING
>>10259868Eh, I kind of like that series, though.At least their voice for depy was nice before the lovely tomboyish official one came out.
>>10259776Is GR around?
>>10259785Oh godthis is gonna be a riot to watch on a streamI cannot wait
>>10259690i don't like gangbangs.i prefer healthy loving relationships.
What the hell is that passion panel even about?
>>10259785This is all complete shit. Like most of the people hosting the panels aren't even good at those.
>>10259868>there will never be enough content of Time Turner as Mayor Mare's assistant
>>10259897They're gonna burn the con with passion
>>10259877I don't. I know why they did it, and it (rightfully so) bit them in the ass
>>10259825Well, the console itself isn't that big of a setback to me (unless it's on Vita - don't have one of those). VC3 didn't look like high school stuff, and that's enough to get me more hyped for it.
>>10259785>Jacking off to Ponies for Beginners: A Primer
>>10259896>i prefer healthy loving relationships.
>>10259896Why are there two loaves of bread in front of her?
>>10259896Draw AJ in a similar position, maybe? Loose hair and hat at a messy angle?
>>10259896IS THAT A HORSE?!IN MY BED?!
>>10259837I see that now. Thanks a lot. Will be fixed in a moment.>>10259878Ok. Fuck you.
>>10259884I like the voice they gave derpy too, it just.... fit. It wasn't too doofy, and it wasn't too "normal".>>10259903Good, Harsh and Mur are mines
>>10259785I vaguely remember watching a panel about a roleplaying Facebook group in the first Bronycon and wondering where everything had gone so wrong.
>>10259930check your filnames, Spaerk
>>10259949Wasn't that a Twitter thing? Or was that in some another con?
>>10259897>The Passion of the PonyPonies will be crucified.
>>10259945Fuck you faggot "hurr im drunk im going to shitpost xd"
>>10259881OH THEY AREN'T JOKING AFTERALLhttp://bronycon.tumblr.com/post/49385832875/bronycon-panel-spotlight-grimdark-ponies-and-horrorYOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I MAD
Assuming the facebook used for verification is his. Seth is taking questions in an /mlp/ thread over here if any of you care.>>10259377
>>10259957shitposter autist pls
>>10259898WillDrawForFood1 is pretty good
>>10259759What if only Spike
>>10259896What about warm fluttersnuggles?
>>10259966we don't
>>10259976I'LL WAIT AND SEE
>>10259976What if Applejack was actually Discord? And Spike was a Changeling? And they're both surprised when the reveal happens?
>>10259976gg plsYou're better than that
/pol/ here.you guys are faaaaaaaaaaags
>>10259976What if I find your place of business and shit all over your desk
>>10259526lyrafinal fantasy tactics advance[/spoiler]or dark souls
>>10259947it's not like he's going to take her offerHe has sights on a much "bigger" goal
>>10259526ApplejackEither Crash Bandicoot or Bioshock.
>>10260028>FFTAAre you for fucking real
>>10260040>dissing on FFTAu wanna go m8
>>10259526RararaMonster Hunter/FFT
>>10260034>BiggerNOT HER EITHER
What if a loli wore flutterpanties
>>10259526Lyra / MH series.Capcom please MH online for the rest of the world.>>10259957Not drunk yet mate.
>>10260027why do these kind of things always make me laugh?
>>10260040>not liking fftawhat, you never had dreams?
>>10260064>>10260063What if RR wore flutterpanties?
>>10259932yeah something was bothering me, thanks for that.
>>10260080she'd stretch them out~
>>10260080>implying RRs fat arse can fit them on
>>10260028>final fantasy tacticsMy nig->advanceBut why
>>10260067fuck you
>>10259896What if it were loving sexual relationships between mp and anons? I never said rape btw. MP were supposed to enjoy it, a lot.
>>10260089didn't mean to be mean.thanks for fixing it~
>Seth is still avatarfagging with TrixieSome people NEVER change
>>10259526majora's maskfluttershy
>>10260053it's shitat least a2 wasn't that retarded.though ogre battle is still better>mfw I realized the original and PSP remake's titles were a reference to Queen songs
>>10260040>>10260053Is not FFTA2
>>10260122>implying it's seth
>>10260063I mean Derpy's fat ass ya twat
>>10260125>ogre battleMy fucking nigga. The soundtrack is one of the bests.
>>10260131>implying it's not
>>10260089I like it. It's pretty good for Fluttershy.
>>10260148>implying implications
>>10260067>wanting a MH game not by the real teamWhy? Plus its by fucking Tencent so it's going to be P2W gringing out the ass
>>10260155That, is a mighty fine ass.
>>10260117if I ever draw porn, it's always sex after marriage, the only proper time for it..
>>10260040yessorry>>10260106havent gotten the chance to play the original yet
>>10260125>>10260142Fuck yeah, Ogre Battle.
>>10260175Does she do anal
>>10260182>implying your anon is married to Lunasinner
>>10260182Now you are just trolling
>>10260189I'm sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean it that way. You're not that bad. It's not like you're Rainbow Dash or anything.
>>10260162It's the most I can have at the time being... or maybe if I stop being poor I could get myself vita and soul sacrifice
>>10260218>talking shit about the pegasi
>>10260155Jesus derpy cut off the muffins
>>10260234but wherei can probably emulate PS1/2 on computer but I dont have psp
>>10260218"You wanna go tough guy?"
>>10260239Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to post more delicious cake.
>>10260231Or just get a 3DS for MH4.
>>10260239>Mrs. Cake forcing herself on Pinkie while Mr. Cake is outUNF
I'm just kiddingof course nobody trusts me at this pointevery step of the way people have been saying that this will turn out to be innocent, or a dream, or some fake premise or somethingreally the only question left is can dragons get ponies pregnant
>>10260182 marriage is a worthless concept, akin to a placebo
>>10260272I'd say no, but I know you.
>>10260277I had hoped that the person behind the blog is male and all of those donators get pictures of a hairy ass.
>>10260064What if she was a flutterloli?
>>10260272There's a breeding chart for mythical creatures.If I recall correctly dragons are pretty much compatable with everything.I wish I had it.
>>10260248>not already having a hacked PSP Go with a 16-32 Micro Pro memoryDo you even vidya?
>>10259960i bet fluffy ponies will mke an appearance
>>10260272I do believe they can
>>10260298They are male.
>>10260303ms pls
>>10260314Well, shit. I can't tell anymore I guess.
>>10259623>>10259623>>10259623http://vocaroo.com/i/s05TqsFWvgvuhttp://vocaroo.com/i/s05TqsFWvgvuhttp://vocaroo.com/i/s05TqsFWvgvuFuck you, that jingle was stuck in my head for YEARS after that commercial first aired.
>>10260309I got a hacked PSP 2000 with a 32, but the fucking card runs slow as shit for some reason.
>>10260305The D&D thing?
>>10260325You forgot to remove your name again, GG.
>>10260325are you trying to trick me
>>10260334Because there is no official Magic gate cards from Sony for 32gbuse hacked driver for card
>>10260340I think so. I'd know it if I saw it.
>>10260092>>10260101What if they were really stretchy?
>>10260346You caught me. How can I make it up to you?
>>10260325If I were a namefag and I fucked up like this, I'd be panicking too.
>>10260369>panties stretching over big buttsYes I need this and am willing to back it 100%
>>10260369They'd have to be if they're gonna fit over Ribbon thick, luscious, curves.
Dildos & Dragons
someone please screencap it
>>10260369YesYesIt doesn't even need to be flutterpanties, just regular panties
>>10260325Trust me I already know which way it's going, GGYou'll just have to wait and see by the end of itI've got a climactic moment in mind but I really don't know where it's going to go from thereI estimate 2-3 pages left until the whole thing's done
What's the point of having 4chan x if I miss dead posts? Fuck sake
Did that anon requesting for hands show up again?
>>10260263but no more neko helpers... instead you get chakalakas. Who gone blow me up in the most crucial moment of the combo?I don't really like DS...
>>10260408>>10260397>>10260392>>10260369oh dear
>>10259526Diablo IISilver Spoon
>>10260384Draw a Pinkie.
>>10260422The cat masks for the chakalakas make them throw bombs
>>10260420GentlemenHow do we make this post pony related?
>>10260413>trying to pretend it was someone else with your nameGOOD FUCKINGLORDYOUAREMISERABLE
>>10260387It's really not much fun.
>>10260309noi have a 3ds and am getting a nice computer in about a month
>>10260445by pretending that was pizza pony's flank
>>10260433>That NecromancerI see what you did there
>>10259526GOD that ass is amazing.
>>10260446Bazinga, I don't care
>>10260433I would pick amazonpony
>>10260332Oh fuck
>>10260452Are you kidding? I'm laughing my ass off!
>>10260454Lyra plushie when?
>>10260471Confirmed for huge attention whore
>>10260445>An Equestrian eats 2 million apples a day>ponefacts.tumblr.com
so we glitter glue all of a sudden
>>10260433>asassin pont is a bat ponyunf. What's wrong with druid legs?
>>10260454>>10260387>someone demanded me to post with my early tripcode but I beefed it and pasted it onto the wrong field>tfw not use a tripcode at all since like february so nothing was lost
>>10260481It genuinely tickles me.
>>10260488>Eating Pizza Pony every dayS-so Lewd!
I wonder now how much of these shitloads of replies to GG posts were unique and not his samefagging
>>10260496I'll admit I did pretend to be him on the second one. Even deleted it to make it look authentic.Who does vodka compel me to shitpost
>>10260478I didnt mean the GG thing but the fucking-the-name up in general
>>10260487the plushie maker got sick so she's behind on orders, but technically any ay now>>10260503i lose it a lot so i have to go find it and im lazy
>>10260503I'm glad you didn't
>>10260528i have a bunch of ideas but i keep using up all my time grinding or doing requestsgomen
>>10260520That's not true he's just keeping all the Lyra to himself
>>10260511man, "lunch" was a massive let down compared too "breakfast"
>>10260497I missed a couple of spots on the masking between the characters and the background, so it makes it look like the Druid has no thighs.
I'm mewball! I have big thumbs and am totally gay for dicks.
Just fucking stop it. Please.
>>10260422But the Neko fuckers are back for MH4They even get a tank
>>10260488>>10260511Pizza pony reproduces by budding to keep up with amerifat demand.
>>10260546but that is me
>>10260568Fuck you Lauren I do what I want
>people are now copying namefags and deleting the post to make it look like they samefagGG's good and all but we don't need to be doing this.
>>10260571I thought they were baked.
mewball's tangy, tangy anus
>>10260556Is he a pony or a deer?
>>10259623>>10260332I loved that game - never got to play Thousand Year Door, but the first one was a solid A.
>>10260542This is getting out of hand.>>10260569...I'm going to check the prices on that thing right meow.
seriouslyis today the day anon first learns how a name is different than a tripcode
>>10260503but i liked your trip
>>10260488>that pizza pone futa fapficOh christ
>>10260587Who would do something like that. Honestly?
>>10260604Hi I'm nobody!
>mewball will never massage your prostate to orgasm with their big sexy thumb;_;
>>10260503hi im xieril and i love to draw porn and then deny that I did it!
>>10260604And there's an axe that changes into a SnSAnd a Bug Staff that launches you into the airAnd actual onliny
>>10260588Asexual reproduction in an oven
>>10260594Pony. Considered using a deer for a while, but it stood out too much, went too Special Snowflake for me.I might mess around with the other species if I ever get around to do something with Diablo III, though.
Any holes around here?
>>10260630>this is the real klondike but nobody cares enough to copy him
>>10260614Tripcodes are for pussies...wait ,no dammit.
We namefags now?
>>10260652Shut up dooks
>>10260652We name gagging
>>10260642He doesn't "stood out", like the bat pony he fits and I think this version is better.
>>10260646I thought it was more because he didn't care when people did copy him. Also he hardly wears a name lately anyway
>>10260652Oh yeah
>>10260652haha, yes.
>>10260664Nothing Klondork, go back to dragoons dogtag
You guys are fags
Just over here going to delete my tumblr.
>>10260689Oh fuck I thought I had this one filtered.
>>10260303i don't know I've just been feeling very bestpony today.
>>10260697Rose here is my dick. Want to suck it?
>>10260697Quit diddlin' yourself to that damn panda, Rose, your mother and I are trying to sleep.
>>10260642Art-Anon, I like your stuff a lot, but there's one thing I've really noticed about your style that could use a little work.Pony heads aren't straight-up circles and I think that's throwing your game off. It makes them look sort of odd. The heads are just slightly elongated.
>>10260697>anons are putting on the names of random contributors>rose thinks she can sneak in and put her name on without anyone suspecting somethingI'm onto you!
>No one will ever impersonate you;_;
>>10260721Rose's mom passed away
pimple hairy butts
>>10260746I'm a faggot!
>>10260746OP is a le fag! :DD
>>10260689We fusion ho namefags now?
>>10260746shut up Anonymous
>>10260723>no one wil ever give you thoughtful critique while calling bland behind your back
>>10260726this one too. I should update my ross image spam filter pastebin
I'm impersonating
>>10260746>not putting on your name
>>10260749Ghost Blowjob WOOOOOWOOOOOO
>>10260749...And now I feel bad.Sorry, Rose! It was just a joke!
Favorite song?
>>10260777Draw a diamond crocodile
>>10260762Or you could just deal with it.
>>10260781ur mom
guys please stop shitposting
You will never get on my level drawfags. You must be born to draw well and a lot.
>>10260746That's cause I'm the one doing most of them
>>10260723I'll look into that. Thanks.
>>10260749>rose is more qualified to be Batman then you will ever be
>>10260788That's SB's job.
>>10260793I was born once! Is it enough?
>>10260788lead by example
>>10260786I deal with it like the rest of the garbage that goes into my filter. 2 clicks. Gone.
>all this name using is just GG>he's trying to distract from his #beef
>>10260810MLPGa thread should be
>>10260810MLPG a place should bethat's often
>>10260816Nope, natural talent of bust
>>10260786This picture upsets me.
>carried a 130 pound AC up two flights of stairsFuck wheres AJ when I need her.
>>10260789I would read it
GG is a con artist. I'm shocked you poeple actually like this guy.
>seth is posting in /mlp/>They are asking if he likes /mlp/>I lost all of my screencaps of his autismTruly, this is hell
know what I call cash bricks like this? firewood. :)
>>10260807She has a vagina, so she isn't even remotely qualified.
Why haven't you masturbated to me today?
>>10260831Kraut I'm glad you are back.
>>10260709an we have some Flutterlestia snuggles/kissing?
>>10260844That's from the one time were they raided the drug boss' mansion, isnt it?
>>10260841that would explain the sudden surge of /b/ like retardedness in the general
>>10260828So you have no chance either? Cruel world!
>>10260838I dont think even AJ could life an AC130
>>10260857>not flutterluna
>>10260852You're the only one, Kraut.
>>10260869worst shipbroniest shipget out
>>10260857>>10260869>not both
>>10260863Haha he'll never have talent like us?wanna be friends?
Im a namefga now
>>10260857Close enough
>>10260845>imagining Rose trying to talk like BatmanIt's too cute.
This would actually be the perfect chance to say what I always wanted to say with my name on without anyone holding me accountable for it!
>>10260877Not Kraut but I am another one who is glad Kraut is back.
>>10260869I don't cate about brony princess, i just want jalm to draw more celest wings ponebut apparently request should contain flutterboredom to be at last considered
>>10260844get on my level poser
>>10260896Twilight doesn't have wings anymore
Shitposting is fun.
Rose has bushy eyebrows. I wonder if she has a bushy vagina
Hey guysIt's been awhile
>>10260884Yes let me draw your rabbit in sexual poses now. Do I have official permission? Fax it to me.
>>10260899I hear they named a real plane after it
>>10260895Unfortunately he is still acting like a huge faggot.
>>10260923go away lyra I'm busy
>>10260899>not having your plane types memorizeddo you even Ace Combt
>>10260919Hey guys, just got back from being fucked by a bunch of pimpled bronies and sucking there smelly std cocks.
>>10260923hello, dooks
>>10260906Zone isn't rich at allHe's told people more than once that he's run into money problems and has occasionally been unable to afford food
>>10260887There are a lot of fetishes I can wrap my head around and go "Yeah okay I can kinda see that", this... I just
>>10260920>faxWhy don't I just eat it, digest it, turn it into semen and then just blow it all over your face?Haha jk rabbits
Who's ready for some NSFW humanized CMC art streaming?
>>10260925He is? Do you have screencaps?
>>10260901>not liking flutterpanties
>>10260934>thereI ebt this is the real smittyG
>>10260960>pants arent even blushing2/10, best I can give
>>10260953Holy shit circlejerking is hard... I give up.
>>10260923No you may not see my hands
>>10260956He's acting like an elitist and shits on you if you use tumblr.
I'm on my phone so I can't make one. Did someone screencap GG?
>>10260974It's not like you're using them
>>10260978You are a kraut hater SB.
>>10260980>tfw read phone as pone
>>10260980The archive saved deleted posts so just wait a few minutes
>>10260955>tfw MS is not going to draw loli anymore:(
>>10260988Yeah I am
>>10260980do you honestly think that it was him
>>10260988says you
>>10260999prove it
>>10260973get gud
>>10260955Hell yeah, Motherfucker!
>>10260844BCS please stop.
>>10261029That's impossible
I've been thinking about the Teen Feels a lot lately.I'm starting to think the reason Sweetie and Scoots never got a lot of attention compared to DT, SS and Applebloom was because we didn't really have a "theme" for them - or at least, not a very strong one.
I wish there was a contract to kill annoying contributors
Okay guys from now on this is my tripcode.
>>10261042>luna will never /ss/ you get get you grilled cheese sandwiches to make it all better
>>10260989Is that your argument?
>>10261066Make a comic out of it, besides we only know the real GG when he posts something new
>>10261065Like who?
>>10261066no this is
>>10261086GG and Klondike.
>>10261070>implying she wouldn't fall for my cookingI'm very skilled at cheeses and moon pies, cakes and other fattening foods.
Hey Rumble! Whatcha doin'?
>>10261063what exactly are teen feelsTeenage ponies in sad situations? humizazed relationship bullshit?sex?
>talking about pinkie pie's ass all this morning>moisten my boxers with pre>maximum horniness>get home finally>flaccid as can beI knew this would happen.
>>10261122>Pinkie Pie's Ass>I work in the morningsI miss out on all the good stuff.
>>10261028Does anyone have the edit Slowmo did?
>>10261114Reading comics.
>>10261116Humanized stories with the CMC, Twist, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as teenagers.I always approached them as teen romance stories, so centric on the relationship.
>>10261122That's how I feel about diaper ponies. Used to get me rock hard but now I just can't get off to them anymore.I think it was mostly because of how taboo and fresh it was. Now it's just a shitty fetish.I MAEK PUN
>Pyguem, Zinc, L-Arginine, and Lecithin came in todayToday is good day
>>10261063Pretty much. Specially the Scoots one since that one felt like a compressed fic.Glad someone else is going to do a full version of it finally
I'll do itI'l do it right nowdon't think I won't
>>10261164>>10261063>themeWhat do you mean? I thought "Teen romance" WAS the theme.
>>10261144can't you faggots just fuck the regular CMC?
>>10261166WhatDo what
>>10261177no, that doesn't appeal to our particular fetish
>>10261183your mum xD
>>10261173Yeah, but those didn't have a "hook" per say.
>>10261122Morning faps are great
Just a friendly reminder that bronycon should be bombed.
>>10261237Bombing is so 2001
>>10261237That doesn't sound friendly at all.
>>10261122But anon, I saved some cake for you...
>>10261230Fapping right before sleeping is better. Nothing helps me go to sleep more than jarking off then closing my eyes.
>>10261173What I mean is that each story had its own sort of particular story it seemed to want to tell.What I saw was-->Twist: Nerdy Girl from grade school grows up and turns into a real looker>Silver Spoon: Getting a shy, passive girl to come out of her shell>Diamond Tiara: Getting a bitchy, tsundere girl to realize it's okay to be a little vulnerable sometimes.>Applebloom: Courting a girl you eventually intend to marry
>>10261198She ded, man. Why did you have to go there, why?
>>10261198>necrophiliaYou sic fuck.
And just like that, we chill.
>>10261237it would be funny if the place was bombed to hell.
>>10261262>>10261230You both smell of dick. Get away.
>>10261263>>Twist: Nerdy Girl from grade school grows up and turns into a real lookerWe never did much with this other than that short thing with Snarky right?
>>10261278if given the chance, would you take that cake?
>>10261255wheres the uneditted version?
>>10261285If I killed Sweetie Belle and then had sex with her corpse. Would it be Necrofillya?
>>10261116Poorly written human relationships using the names of ponies without using their personalities so as to more easily project awkward fantasies upon them.
>>10261262I like both.
>>10261287I must have missed the non-chill part.
>>10261272No, our fetish is much more nefarious and sinisterits vanilla sex between two legal adults for procreational purposes with the lights off
>>10261255No more cake for you, you're goin on a diet
>>10261305Yes. Yes. GOD yes. One thousand times yes.
>>10261308One for good ol' times
>>10261304No we didn't. And I really wish we had, because I think it would have been interesting to see what would have played out.
>>10261303Uhm... what am I looking at
>>10261322You sick fuck. It best be pleasurelessand in the missionary position.
>>10261335I... enjoy that style very much.
>>10261357she said ss..Scoot are you a boy?
>>10261382what does ss mean?
A reminder that the populars need to go.
postqt pones
>>10261396Sin Sity
>>10261396Straight sex
>>10261403Autism time?
>>10261410Can do!
>listening to new Eurobeat remix of Japanese OP>look in comments>"Reminds me of the Ranma ½ soundtrack">decide to Google that>looks pretty decentWhat do you think? Should I watch it?
>>10261432Would she fetch my bone?
>>10261428Though isn't "swag" a super old term? I could see Luna saying it
>>10261432I would her
>>10261444Why do you need our approval? just go watch it
>>10261428mane pls
>>10261444>he hasn't seen RanmaWatch it and learn where all the gender swap lust came from
>>10261482Mewball, why don't you die?
>>10261437IS THAT A CAT?
>>10261263There've been attempts to get another story going - there's one someone posted a while back about meeting Sweetie Belle while she's working in Rarity's shop.The stories with the bullies seemed more defined to me, and that's probably because we just spent more time on them.I think Sweetie and Scootaloo had something interesting, though - dating a talented but ditzy singer, or a punkish "bad-girl" would have been interesting - but the first stories with them seemed to be trying a little too hard.
>>10261444You never watched Ranma 1/2??
>>10261479Which one? There were two series.
>>10261446That'd be a pretty good idea, but it's already 2am and people are regularly killed or slashed with knives around here.
>>10261410For all the shit MAD rightfully deserves, I thought that skit was decent and the ponies looked real cute.Plus MAD gets some respect points for apparently using the original version of Scanty and Kneesocks' theme from PSG
aw yisswhat is the new pone news today, horsefiends?!
>>10261497No anon, its a qt pone. I think you should get your eyes checked out.
>>10261328But...but... donut hole....
>>10261524All of season 4 was leaked. It was alright
>>10261534Gonna have to ask for more of best princess.
>>10261524Not really.
>>10261534don't you dare crop sunbutt you fucker.
>>10261566AND PEACE
>>10261554>People actually think there are better princesses
>>10261554Best Princess? Me?
cutest pink face has made
>>10261534>not posting the full pic
>>10261566AND TOLERATE
>>10261548>alrightDon't give him false hope.
Why the hell would anyone want a teen feels fic. Teenagers. teenage girls in particular, are overeactionary drama whores and annoyring as shit.
>>10261502Yeah, SB and Scoots' greentexts felt "closed", as in you couldn't get more out of them unlike the others.
>>10261586I find it funny that I find this kind of hot if there are no genitals. But if there are, its gross.
>>10261568>>10261577>>10261580I'm liking this thread.
>>10261580Yes. Yes you.But it's not l-like I like you or anything. I..I just like your mane! baka!
>>10261604fug you :DDD
>>10261586is she gonna be alright under there?
>>10261611They're probably from /tv/
>>10261586I want this.
>>10261619needs some celestia comics
>>10261619>tfw wanting more Celestia since season 1>tfw actually feeling when Chrysallis kicked her ass>tfw almost crying during her song>tfw realizing she is my favorite pony
>>10261623That tsundere Celestia thing was adorable as all hell.
>>10261639I don't like those legs. Too skinny.>>10261642jealous, freud?I don't want to fuck my mom.
would you rump bump?
>>10261586why is fluttershy under butts so much?
>>10261639Shit like this better happen in S4
>>10261660>>10261639I like those legs a lot.
>>10261628>>10261611They're fun to do
>>10261657Anyone save it? I don't even feel in feel fics but i felt a feel in that feel fiction
>>10261648What is it that makes her so great?Her beautiful, regal appearance?Her soothing voice?Her bountiful wisdom?Her motherliness?
>>10261699Her sister
>>10261707>keep thinking "you'd have better luck" says "you'd have better fuck"
>>10261699I could imagine Celestia trying to be all sexy for someone because she found their reaction funny. Not because she wanted sex
>>10261729I don't even like reading, but if its 1st person Celestia, I can't help it
>CelestiaShe's about as good as Cadence aka not at all. Luna is better, but that's like saying that a kick in the stomach is better than a kick in the balls: still sucks, but slightly less so
Did you just call me Mom?
>>10261729Is it weird that I find this kind of thing sexier than actual erotic stories?
>>10261743>her sex is like a hungry pot of honey
>>10261793Only in my dreams
go awayit's nighttime already
damn we ded
taking a draw request
>>10261864/ss/ing intensifies
>>10261879Spike and Rarity hugging
>>10261879Ms. Harsh and Mayor snugglin
>>10261879Fluttershy eating an applebutt
>>10261882/ss/ is always good
>>10261891>We're going to hear her japanese dub soon
>>10261847What if she caught you masturbating?
>>10261879Rarity and Rarity hugging.
>tfw no feminization fics
>>10261886I still need to get to watching that anime. You constantly and unintentionally keep reminding me to, but I've never done so.And yes, I'm referring to Durarara!
>>10261879Rarity enjoying some tea with her sister.
/ss/ is inappropriate behaviour for a princess
>>10261973She just sticks to young boy wet dreams to get away with it.
"When a crown is stolen from the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle pursues the thief into an alternate world where she transforms into a teenage girl who must survive her biggest challenge yet… high school. With help from her new friends who remind her of Ponyville’s Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, she embarks upon a quest to find the crown and change the destiny of these two parallel worlds."
>>10261795non sexual is best sexual
>>10261943It's interesting but rather slow until half of it.Then every piece lands in the proper place and it's getting pretty damn great
>>10259785>Grimdark and horror>LK going to bronycon>actually did horror well>no one knows of it>he won't be on the panelI don't know whether I should be mad or thankful
>>10261943but whygo watch baccano
>>10261927I'd tell her I was thinking of her just to make her feel even more uncomfortable
>>10262023That too.
>>10262020And Junior with Raisin. Both of them did horror in MLP well.
>>10262023>not narutu
>>10262020I'd laugh if he just turns up anyway>you guys have absolutly no vision
>>10262001>With help from her new friends who remind her of Ponyville’s Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy>remind her of>not even the same charactersCan Equestria Girls possibly get any worse?
>>10261793NoI called you Big Sis.
>>10261933doing this
should i emulate rikose or koki
>>10261920>>10261946>>10261973>>10261995Sure she's 1100 years old and he's only six...But nothing's illegal in dreams.
>>10262034Slow down and little, say that you were thinking fn her, lock gazes with her and cum without changing facial expression.
>>10262059ahaw yeah
>>10262020>>10262045This must be pretty terrible... Best is probably to laugh it out. At least they have us, who know.
>>10262001>reminds her ofthis is possibly the biggest wasted oppertunity hasbro ever made
>>10262001It's happening
>>10262055>>10262001>possibility of not the same voice actorsI might get away with not watching this!
>>10262060Koki? Whose Koki?
>>10262020>Grimdark and horror>LMJI actually gagged a littlelike seriously
Damn, this dub is some good shit, and I'm sure I heard all these voices before.
>>10262045He didIf Jr were going I would say they should storm the panel and kick ass
>>10262079Holy shit that would do it
>>10262034"Y-you... you what?" she cries, face flushing red."I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful and graceful, and you're always there for me—""Anon! That... that..." She storms out of the room without another word, leaving you half-erect with a serious case of blue balls.
>>10262078Secondary character waifu masterace
>>10262001So... she's going to react to being a human? Well ain't that something. Still believing Leak Anon's word that all of them fall into the portal, but well see.
God I hate everything about this picture.
>>10262055Yes, it could have tainted other poniesor even worse, my waifuHopefully I can just ignore the whole thing and pretend it does not exist
>>10262060Why do you only want to emulate styles that are even more weeaboo than your regular style?
I'm sorryI just pretended to be a drawfag
>>10262142I like the boobs, the hips and the face. I don't like the filename.
>>L10262142funny thing me toogenuinely
>>10262142The eye we can see is a bit wonky, but the rest seems all right. Slightly out of proportion, but not worthy of your hate.
>>10262118Oh god I'm dying
>>10262144Butwhat if they play the movie the movie before the S4 premier?or short 5 minute episodes just before new pone?
>>10262099>>10262102this guy. doesnt draw pon>>10262151because i like them
>>10262142>breasts>hips>thighsI see nothing wrong with this.Then again, I'm no artist.
>>10262060Skip both of those and do suikuzu
>>10262176You like buffallo belle don't you mewball
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL0sh5vKrjAMY BREASTS LOOK SO PRETTY
>>10262176Bullshit. I've seen a Peach tits pic from that guy. Or at least, looked very fucking close to him.
>>10262135well, anthro anyway
http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/05/cineplex-listing-equestria-girls.html>her biggest challenge yet… high schoolFaust is rolling in her grave
>>10262176Just saiyan you should maybe try something outside of your comfort zone someday.
>>10262176I'd say go for Koki, then.
>>10262194oh wait you said ponI thought you said pornwhoops
>>10262155How about we have a "Drawfag For a Day" day, where all non-drawfags draw, all drawfags are requesting anons and GG is the hateanon.
>>10262172>or short minute episodes before new poneNo living person could be so sadistic
>>10261502>>10261617>There've been attempts to get another story going - there's one someone posted a while back about meeting Sweetie Belle while she's working in Rarity's shop.Found it!
>>10262176By this picture I think that Koki have a little bit less vibrant colors. Go for Rikoseif you want to that is...
>>10262230this would be entertaining