Last Thread>>10249638Is there a pony you think that need more attention and explore their background more?
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Applejack.More Applejack.
>>10252393A cherry is fine too.
Well, then here.
>>10252379>>10252406wait I'm confused. What's the real marker?
Somehow, getting constructive criticism can hurt more than a simple "you suck" or whatever.
>>10252427Neither of those are the marker. the "fixed" one is posted out of some sort of spite
>>10252412So, what if Rarity wears the mask?
>>10252427The one that approved by DIrector of MLPGAnything else is illegal. Don't tell me youd idn't read MLPG rules, retard.
>>10252436You SUCK
>>10252436Then unfuck yourself because constructive criticism should be held above asspats.
>visiting a farm>sleeping in a cozy loft in the barn above the stables>can't sleep, go for a walk around to look at the animals>freshly bathed mare, very pretty, well groomed, and young looking too>can't stop staring at pussy>everyone is asleep, coast is clear>lean way in to get a closer look>feel the heat rising off of her genitals>rest your hands on her firm buttocks and lean in closer, inches away from her pussy>she starts winking, and playfully sweeping her tail against you as if to egg you on>you nervously and cautiously peel back her lips, staring into her pussy and the it's hot pink interior walls which shrink into back into blackness>you notice you have a raging hard boner, and there is a stool a few feet away that would put you at perfect height to comfortably insert yourself into her and begin fucking her>you've fantasized about this scenario for over a year, and might not have a better opportunity againWhat do you do?
>>10252405I really wonder how old the cherry pony is.
>>10252452who you callin' a reeturd, niggaI'll have you know that I read a lot. Of stuff.
>>10252372Yes sapphire shores and cherries jubilee should make a reappearance somewhere, also whoever this background pony that's in multiple episodes at different times needs explaining
>>10252461That better be about a cartoon mare.
>>10252436how about growing thicker bones, you sucker?
>>10252461Wake up. Again. It's the damn third time this week.
>>10252474If you want it to be, then yes.In full bridle gear/riding tack if you want even.
>>10252468then read the fucking rules, there is a list of official things that are approved by head tripfags of MLPG
>>10252462forty somethignsomething.
>>10252436Look at it like this:Someone thought that your stuff was worth writing more than one line about it and wanted to give you tips what you should improve.To me that looks like he either likes your art or at least sees potential in it and wants you to improve further.
>>10252462old enough.
>>10252408Why is that pony looking at me like that?
>>10252485As long as it's not a real, disgusting horse.
>>10252486Nigga you ain't the boss of me
>>10252497Yes i am
>>10252490Sound good to me!
>>10252490She's anime years old.
>>10252494Because she is really longs for the fourth letter of the occidental alphabet.
>>10252494She needs some whipped cream for her apple pie.
>>10252504Prove it!
>>10252516>whipped cream >not vanilla
>>10252527As long as you get what I'm saying I dont care what it is
>>10252510Too large boobs to be anime years.
>>10252554Yup, those are butts alright
>>10252537...The joke is that we're going to eat? I don't get it.
>>10252561Are you sure?I think I'll need a closer look.
>>10252554I sure do like some featureless horsebutts
>>10252554I like those butts. Rarity has the best butt there.
>>10252554I would slap them all.
>>10252372All I want is "Derpy as a mailmare" canon in the show. None of that "single mother" shit, just a cute and clumsy pony that loves her job and meeting other ponies.Though I wouldn't mind it if "Derpy and Carrot Top being roomates/friends" became canon also
>>10252584>tfw Lauren Faust will never be happy again
>>10252555I don't think breast size has any correlation to age in these cases.
>>10252584She doesn't count anymore. Come back when she's in charge.
>>10252569Looks like a butt to me, captian
>>10252412Eh. The actual moon on the game is much scarier.
>>10252593keep dreaming, anon.
>>10252584>tfw retards who haven't even donated will still spam her with stupid questions>tfw good questions asked by actual donators will probably be overlooked because of these people
>>10252554oh my god! where did the rest of their bodies go?!
>>10252606It seems more like a peach to me, private.
>>10252624Shall we go in deeper sir?
>>10252507>you'll never a mature matron mare who knows what she wants
added some something.
>>10252573Fluttershy's butt is pretty nice too
What does the boopmobile look like?
>>10252628Yes. Bring the "lil' anal intruder kit".
>>10252615It's canon in the comics so far so I'm pretty happy.
>>10252573Nope. Applejack.
>>10252645>boop caneGood to see you managed to get back into it after the break
>>10252651 epic, truly epic :)
>>10252651So you're giving me a chair to smack you for that? that's very kind of you, anon. now prepare to suffer.
>>10252645I reich it
>>10252645Looks much better
>>10252656Requesting permission to probe
>>10252628maybe a good squeeze will settle the matter
>>10252669*handles combat shotgun and barrett 50 cal*
>>10252651've always wanted to see the chair replaced with the Twilight cutout. Then we call the video "4chan"
>>10252697Then do it.
>>10252688Permission to probe approved, private.
>>10252696Wooooah there anon. Let's not be hasty there.
>>10252470Its Royal Ribbon
>>10252697The Pinkie vector would be better
>>10252701>You promised Celestia>You>Promised
>>10252697Twilicorn cutout.
>>10252717I don't like that name.
>>10252727Sucks to be you,mate.
How're pony levels this morning?Liking the new draw prompt?
>>10252701Indeed. It's work in progress.ETA 2017Not really.I'll draw her eventually.
Reminder that Flash Sentry is fake and won't actually happen, so don't worry about Twilight getting a boyfriend
>>10252717That pony is very cute.
*unfs into thread*
>>10252736Pony levels very low, nobbs.
>>10252745>Flash SentryWho the fuck came up with that name
>>10252736Hopefully I'll be able to do another draw prompt this weekend.
>>10252745>flash sentrythat's SA m8
>>10252372I'd love to see Celestia and Luna's back story explored more. We don't really know too much about their history other then the clash they had with NMM.
>>10252717When was the last time we've seen a saddle on the show?
>>10252737Not him but I thank you for drawing this one in particular.
>>10252736I like the prompt idea. Painting scenery is pretty fun.
>>10252771rarity's boutique.The fact they're not kinky is canon now.
>>10252436Kevinsano pls
>>10252796Litterally worse than Hoihoi
>>10252784>practicing painting>funI bet you also love hugging grindstones goat
Oh right, I made a thread in the sub's /art/ section.>>10252782Well, yer welcome. Glad you like it.
>>10252797The fuck you lookin at
>>10252782>thanking him fro my requestlelAnyway, I wish someone would color it properly. That coloration kills my eyes
>>10252802I want to play with her and ponk her pank so badly.
>>10252767>>10252760No it isn't. Apparently there's a rumor that this new guy will be Twilight's crush and eventual BF in EG (they set it up in the movie but it continues on in the web series).Said rumor also mentioned that he calls her his Princess and that Sunset Shimmer is the one that starts the whole movie when she steals Twily's crown and falls into the magic mirror in EG.And lunch lady GS
>>10252788I meant a pony wearing them.
>>10252806Do you not? They're so scratchy!
>>10252824I only asked who came up with the name, I could care less if it's real or not
>>10252824just three more weeks.
>>10252834It's fucking terrifying.
>>10252824While I call bullshit on most of that rumor, this pic makes me think there's some truth to it>>10252836Sorry, didn't mean to link to you. It's stupid but sounds like how a pony name would be so eh.
>>10252820>she will never sit on your lap with your cock in her anus is you slowly, gently, and repetitively slide a spiral glass dildo in and out of her pussy, soaking in her deep, heavy breathing, interrupted almost constantly by involuntary moans and quivers as she peaks and orgasms over and over
>>10252861eeh. I'd rather cuddle the shit out of her.
>>10252861You have my attention
>>10252871>>10252878cuddling is for beta manlets
>>10252840Huh? We have a date?
>>10252861...ffffuckits too early for this, anonI can't afford to spend the whole day thinking about fucking Pinkie's plump butt
>>10252887>not enjoying cuddlig
>tfw always horny in public but at ease in private
>>10252645>added some something.>first thing i check of is a dickthe fuck is wrong with me
>>10252871the two aren't exactly mutually exclusive
>>10252894YEAH YUU CAN
>>10252891Yes. Yes we do.
>>10252910But I don't really feel like fucking her right now. I have a headache.
>>10252909Pls anon, if I drew Marker porn I'd start with the dick.
>>10252914Theater leak?
>>10252915no no no please anonhips and butts and buttsex are my weaknessI can't have it on my mind all day
>>10252935wait, leak? I thought the official release was supposed to be 3 weeks from now.
I would not like to sex pone.Couldn't I just like have her as a pet I can talk to?...Maybe massage her butt every now and then?
>>10252894I need SOMEONE else here to share my pain though.I'm surrounded by dozens of other people in the same room and all I can think about is eating out pinkie pie like her cunt is a fucking eclair until she starts begging me to stop.
>>10252960Why not both?
>>10252953This leak. And Larson confirmed a June or July date. Don't know the official date though
>>10252960Pet or close friend?
>>10252960>...Maybe massage her butt every now and then?You know that'll lead to something during heat season
>>10252967>I'm surrounded by dozens of other people in the same room and all I can think about is eating out pinkie pie like her cunt is a fucking eclair until she starts begging me to stop.I can't help you there anon, I'm not horny.
>>10252972oh yeah, 45 days from now. my bad.
>>10252824Jesus fuck how horrifying
>>10252972anyone else wish they used this shit for a FiM movie
>>10252960I would like that as well.
>>10252985Honestly I'm expecting a trailer real soon>>10252989Yes.Every fucking one
>>10252970I don't want to be zoo-file!>>10252973I clearly said "pet", ya dingus.>>10252976I doubt it. She probably wouldn't even be attracted to humans. She's not a freak like you guys.
>>10253002>dingusRBC pls
>>10252967I don't think she'd ask you to stop, anon
>>10253002>She's not a freak like you guysFun police detected
i like how no one is talking about the OP
>>10253009But it sounds so cute in my head when I imagine her voice saying "no-no-no-no-no anon, please! stop for second! I feel like I'm going to explode again!"
>>10252981aaaaaaathat fucking lookssotight
>>10253002You sound like you need to chill out, friend.
>>10253017MLPG doesn't usually stick to the OP topic for long, if at all. It's usually just whatever pony topic you want to talk about here mixed with off topic at times.
>>10253002>I doubt it. She probably wouldn't even be attracted to humans. She's not a freak like you guys.Yeah I suppose I have to agree there.But I would want to pony the pony. Imagine this, what if no pony wants to be around you because you make them feel weird, but there's some basement dwellers that want to fuck you.They're mostly ugly neckbeards
>>10253025Bob's Seed pls stop
>>10253017>the entire thread should be about one boring question proposed in the OP
>>10253023What are you waiting for anon, give it to her
>>10252372Babs'nuff said
>>10253017you're new or somethign?
>>10253027>shady>chill>at all
>>10253044no, your new
>>10253021and then her voice breaks into another quivering moan as she hits another climax...and then you rim her and she loses it completely
>>10252887>Never had a cuddling dream with a ponyI bet you never even had a dream where you was the pony being cuddled
>>10253046I dunno, man.She looks pretty chill there.Is she not normally?
>>10252372Zecora.I want to see Zebra land.
>>10253052not that anon,but no I didn't. I like my form.
>>10253055>gummy will never gargle your balls
>>10253055>ball ends up on Gummy's tail>said tail hits the flagHoly shit how come I never noticed this? I love this animation even more.
Can we submit our entries to the draw event anonymously?
>mlpg daydreaming about ponyland againwhy don't you all just go play some pokemon mystery dungeon instead
>>10253069All in a day's work, my friend
>>10253076>there will never be a pony mystery dungeon game with a tear jerker ending
>>10253075There's a thread on the sub you can post your entry to.
I heard butts and came as fast as I could
>>10253061>like being humanNothing wrong with that, but you seriously haven't had a dream as a pony? It's magical.
>>10253075>>10253082>>10253085I asked exactly the same question yesterday, got exactly the same answer and responded in exactly the same way. Creepy
>>10253079...more please
>>10253090fantastic ass but too young and thin
Which pony enjoys anal sex the most?
>>10253103the silly one
>>10253096Anonymous, didn't you know?Today IS yesterday.
>>10253103Pinkie and AJ
>>10253102>thinBut she's a fucking cow
>>10253103Pinkieand older Sweetie
>>10253108That just made me hard. reported
Do you think it's possible to spank Pinkie's butt pinker than it is?
>>10253101I don't have much Ponka butt that isn't human/anthro
>>10253113>quotes pinkie would never say
>>10253120she doesnt look too happy about this
>>10253113You didn't get a single letter of "more" right, anon.Back to english class with you.Dammit, duplicate file >>10241182
>>10253120I always thought he was punching her butt
>>10253121why dont you go hang out in the mlp anthro general with the rest of your kind
>>10253102but she's fit and slim and trimand tight
>>10253059it's been over a year since this came out, and I still enjoy this video.
good evening mlpg
>>10253130Nah.I didnt plan on posting that here anyway.
>>10253134princess shortlestia
>>10253128Nope, it's an open-hand slap on the behind.
>> is sexy in any form
>>10253134Wow that neck
>>10253134Sexy horse
>>10253125>See butts>Don't want to fap>The resistance is making me harderSame thing every time I read a slutty pony or pet pony postNot trying to give in is my worst enemy.
>>10253152>that comic>that ending page with Luna in armormy dick could barely contain itself.
>>10253145>she blushesOh, I guess she does like it afterall
>>10253124Don't let her demeanor fool you, she isn't nicknamed "kinky pie" for no reason.
>>10253154Why precisely are you trying not to give in?
>>10253148Is it that bad? I did have some trouble with the pose, but I thought I had it looking okay.
>>10253152I have missed something important. BELLE
>>10253164Playing vidyaReading programming bookPosting in /v/,/vg/,/g/ and here, of course.
>>10253161I can't hear Kinkie Pie without thinking of the person who uses that for an account name.
>>10253157The cover bothers the fuck out of me, but I love her armor in it and I want art of it.>>10253168Go read the comics.
>>10253166It seems too long compared to the body. As well as it just looks like it's bent really weirdly, but that could just be the weird bump on the shoulder area.
>>10253170objectively the cutest pony in equestriaeven cuter than the princesses
>>10253181Just give in and get it over with
>>10253170SweetiePleaseYou have to settle down now.
>>10253198>objectivelybut thats the wrong word to use in that context anon
>>10253166Her "shoulder" is a bit...confusing. >>10253185That's pretty neat.
>>10253199Your directives are making me hard, stop.
>>10253140>no plump human-Pinkie buttaw man...
>>10253198Only the purple princess is cute, though.
What are you favorite episodes of Season 3?mine are Sleepless in Ponyville, Just for Sidekicks and Magical Mystery Cure
>>10253170Oh god, my heart.
>>10253199that Sweetie is too youngfor now
>>10253232i cannot wait for the japanese versions of all the actual songs. giggle at the ghosty was surprisingly good
>>10253212Oh come on just cum already, you don't have all day.
>>10253241Appledan pls
>>10253195>>10253211Is something like this only more cleaned up, obviously better, or am I missing the point?
>>10253250I'm not your AppleDan
>>10253261Make that shoulder bump a bit more curved and I think you got it!
>>10252615A year ago we would have never dreamed to have a FiM comic, much less a comic so good as the one we got.Neither we dreamed that our little mailmare Derpy could be made canon, at least in comic book format. (And let's not start about her being a Doctor companion, which seems to be the next thing they will do.)I wouldn't be surprised if they make her single mom status canon or at least they make a nod to that, for example Derpy foalsitting Dinky and the filly calling her "mama" as an affectionate nickname, what have you.
>>10253241God fucking dammit.What's even worse is the for some reason I always imagine I'm the mare and your post was a hit to the dick.Welp time to fap
>>10253298I know the feeling anon. Ponies are so hot because i keep imagining myself as the mare taking all that horsecock.unf
>you will never bend pinkamena over your lap and spank her repeatedly much to her pleasure, telling her she's such a bad, naughty mare and naughty mares need to be punished
>>10253283It's kind of crazy the amount of interaction and affect we have with the show.Are there other examples of stuff like Derpy happening on other shows?
>>10253325um, okay
>>10253281>blushblushblush>ear blush>chestgina blush>Mass Effect 'everything's shiny'And people like this?
>>10253340I'm not even a twaifufag
>>10253312One time I actually had a slutty mare dream and I heard my own moans, I proceeded to fap after that dream, just on the basis that I was entirely mare.
>tfw boxers are thoroughly saturated with pre and there's nothing I can do about itthanks MLPG
>>10253345>boxers>not pantiesAre you even trying?
>>10253345Take pics
>>10253351oh fuck you moot>>10253345alt+3
remember britbongs, your elections are tommorwvote UKIP
>>10253359It's britfag election time again? Wasn't that like two years ago last time?Or are we talking more local elections?
>>10253345>tfw when my boxes fill up with blood almost every nightI didn't ask for this
>>10253369You can't keep blood in boxes anon
>>10253369I know that feeling too well, brother...
>>10253103The dashing one
>>10253388Fancy Pants?
>>10253364I'm not sure, I'm just follow the internet equivelent of the jungle drums, which point to britbong elections tomorrowit's possible it's local PM/goverment elections or something
>>10253359>vote UKIPThe only hope left for Europe.
>>10253273Like this, then?
>>10253397Ya must be. Hasn't been squat about it on the news here and news here usually make a big deal out of britfag elections.
>>10253406>goat drawing NightmarityI swear to god goat if Tess wasn't my husbando you would be
>>10253406The shoulder needs to be smoothed out so she looks less glued to the bottom of the throne.
>>10253414>not being a libertarianPls go
>>10253331only stupid people. Which makes it the 90% of the fandom.
>>10253398Christ why is she so useless in the comic.I mean, that moonrat will probably bust them out of there somehow but every other scene she's in she is looking stupid and worthless.
>>10253369...Do you get raped daily with broken knives?
>>10253424So se's just like in the show.
>>10253424>Christ why is she so useless in the comic.>Christ why is she so uselessftfy
>>10253406very static posedullneeds more dynamicsPicrelated is wok by Noel. See how she interacts with chair. She isn't glued to it like piece of paper, she actually half-sits half-lying.
>>10253431I'm presuming it's chron's
>my day 3 submission didn't get postedo-ohi didn't think it was THAT shitty
>>10253436>>10253433Everyone's becoming my nigga!
>>10253442What?Which one was it?
>>10253407news is naff in england anywaySee: every newspaper having celebrityshit on the front page instead of being Aljazera tier
>>10253424she's not really an adventurepone the way Twilight, AJ, and Dash are.FS, Rarity, and Ponk are more the cute ponies doing cute things type rather than the adventuring type, which is why they're the three best poniesand which is why the show is still better than the comic
>>10253281I call it the slugbox effect.
>>10253440Chron's what?
>>10253424I liked what they did with her with the spiders in #2 and beasts fighting in #3. Wish we could have more of that applied in the show and comic somehow.
>>10253453Well i'm not in Britain.
>>10253451I probably just fucked up submitting it somehow.I was trying to draw like Dafty.
>>10253442There is no quality control, Nobody must have missed it.
>>10253440>>10253431Yup, it is Crohn's disease
>>10253453>newspapersdo people still read those
>>10253457Good god I hate that artist so much it hurts.
Is there any dragonball general on /a/?
>>10253458I think he means "Crohn's".
>>10253453>takes pains to offend absolutely nobody with its newspapers or reporting>runs an article about pedophiles opposite a splash page about a 15-year-old celebrity's breastsWell-done, Britain. Well-done.
>>10253442I don't think thats the case anon. Ask nobody about it when you see him.
>>10253453>tfw you have to get your news from aljazera and russia todayThanks Obama.
>>10253472apparentlyI'm just as shocked as you are but they must be sold somehow to justify their exsistence
>>10253474>>10253474Oh. That sounds terrible.But luckily there's chipotlaway!
>>10253488BBC's okay. They do a better job reporting Murkan news than most Murkan outlets.
Oh jesus christ guysd hearing is great.
>>10253488>>10253453>tfw you live in the south>tfw you're probably one of the only people for miles who doesn't think Al Jazeera is a terrorist group
SoHow do you guys get to draw? Do I need a program or something? Is the mouse enough or should I get a tablet?
>>10253470I "only" got Ulcerative Colitis myself.Have you tried LDN? I hear lots of Crohn and UC patient get nearly or completely symptom free on it and i'm trying to coerce my doctor into letting me on it.>
>>10253416Ah, that's what you meant. My bad.>>10253412Stay true to your husbando, Anon.>>10253438Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to sitting/laying. I'm keeping this pic for future reference.
>>10253488>russia todaylaughing assasinated journalists.jpg
>>10253466WhatI don't remember getting this at all.Where was it submitted?
>>10253506>Is the mouse enough or should I get a tablet?GG uses a mouse, ain't that for fancy? Don't you just want to draw like him?
>>10253515She looks fukkin CHUNKY.Try turning the canvas upside down and fix the body.
>>10253525He put it in an imgur link in the submission box.
Allie Way.
>>10253525Uh, at I probably just fucked it up somehow.
>talking about newswheres that damn image /pol/ has of all the various news channels I swear I left it aroudn here somewhere
>>10253505>mfw explaining Al Jazeera to my parents for the first timeI gave up after five minutes.
>>10253532She looks pretty chunky in the comic, too, doesn't she?
>>10253506First learn to draw on paper. Then start with a bamboo tablet. It's not easy as it sounds.
>>10253552>tfw you skipped the paper step and will probably never go back to it out of lazinessI regret everything
>>10253538Someone told me I couldn't make image submissions without a tumblr accountOops
>>10253561You can always drop them off at the thread on the sub if you'd like to stay Anon.
>>10253545You're welcome.
Marker pony in heat
>>10253575Marker pony under the seat
>>10253592Marker pony drops the beat
>>10253592marker pony...dropping beats?
>>10253613Now make this pony.
>>10253605>>10253607damn straight son
I can't stop thinking about butts
>>10253592UNDER THE SEAT
>>10253624What should her cutie mark be?
>>10253605>>10253607WE DUBMARKER NOW
>>10253605>>10253607Marker Pony going to Crete
>>10253633A BUTT
something pink and bouncy
>>10253638Marker Pony has no feet.
>>10253641Her special talent is having a butt?
>>10253643What a fatty.
>>10253652Marker Pony above the sheets
>>10253652Marker pony is a NEET
>>10253652Marker Pony goes out to eat
Marker Pony taking a fat ogre sheet
Drive was a good movie. thanks for the recommendation mlpg
>>10253662I'd still take care of her.
>>10253629Do you like them fuzzy or smooth?
>Anon - Cygaj>goattrain - elslowmo>dotkwa - PK>dooks - ciircuit>ponebrone - Golly>Cheshire - Mewball>xieril - ciircuit>scribblefag - Jalm>kevinsano - Mewball>The Purple Yoshi - BDF>SB - Leighanna>Apple - Nuclear Starlight>isaac - Apple>jalm - Magneto>jalm - Magneto>AppleDan - Mewball>jailbait - shemhamferosh>elslowmo - Tess>MT - Tess>PNGLN - Apple>Khorme - GG/Weaver>Saine Grey - Crooked Trees/Pokehidden/Daily >Derp/Egophiliac>gigapuddipuddi - Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man)Here's a list of who emulated who if anyone was interested.
We ded?Did Nobody kill us?
>>10253718Nobody would to that.
>>10253701We really do have a lot of artfags in here
>>10253701Pretty cool. Anon emulating cygaj surprised me.
>>10253701>>kevinsano >>The Purple Yoshi lel
>>10253718That Nobody kills everything
>>10253718Nobody really knows
>>10253724Nobody is actually interested in destroying everything.
>>10253701where can I find the drawings?
>>10253638They tell me it's lovely in the summer.
Why do not work?
>>10253741I'm telling you all that he is evil. He's just using us right now and when he achieves world domination he'll jsut throw us in the trash.Except for the Drawfags. They get their hearts consumed so he can get their powers. Why do you think he has this drawfag events? To train them so he can gain even more power
>>10253753but it's not minor labour day! Get to work you useless little apple!
>>10253753Oh shit, I spat my drink.
>>10253678What does Marker Pony like to eat?
>>10253730woop woop
Why ain't y'all doin' any masturbatin? This is a masturbation party, ain't it?
>>10253767Anything sweet
Why is he so perfect?
>>10253779Would you feed her sweet treats?
>>10253701I might have to do one of these
>>10253777Actually, no. This is a 'you May not fap' event.
>>10253701Well that's sumtin' right hur
>>10253767Anon's spaghetti.
Happy May Day, comrades!
>>10253785I can vouch for this
>>10253793you have a fan
>>10253789From my hand? hell yes.
>>10253760>>10253763HA HATHESE ARE GREAT
>>10253800That's great news. Weather's getting pretty hot.
>>10253795Happy first of may, comrade.
>>10253812gloomy pls get off the internet
>>10253810Sure is anon.
>>10253810Nobody is hot anon.
In the end, the only thing that could kill uswas nobody
>>10253795>1:20dat choir
>tfw I suggested the ''artists emulating each other's styles'' months agoI like to think this is contributing in some way
>>10253810They say tomorrow's gonna be even hotter
>>10253837good job,anon
>>10253753>labor day>do no labor
>>10253813And a good day to you, comrade.
>>10253701>tfw no one will ever emulate your style
>>10253840Pretty sure the joke is going to be sex.
>>10253795Communism pls go
>>10253488>AlJazzyOkay-tier. Little to no bias MOST OF THE TIME.>Russia TodayYou're fucking with me.
>>10253832I came.
>>10253848It's okay, Anon.I hardly even have a style to imitate.
>>10253848>someone tried emulating your style>they couldn't do it so they chose someone else
>>10253694smooth and plush
>>10253837It was >fun
>>10253701Whoa someone tried to emulate Yusuke Murata? Damn that takes balls!
>>10253855You got a problem ?
>>10253880It was Apple so no suprise there.
>>10253898>it was AppleNigga what
>>10253898it wasn't apple it was giga
>>10253898That wasn't Apple you shitstain
>>10253912Motherfucking backgrounds? Goddamit man just... goddamit.
>people who announce they are never going to draw ponies again>they start drawing ponies again lol
We red nao.Working proletarian horse master race
>>10253898That's not Apple! Nig you crazy
>>10253914>>10253912wait shit
>>10253883swear on me mutter i'll deck you schwein
>>10253919>posting most capitalist horse
>>10253918Shut up. It's like saying: Sure! I'll never do coke again.
>>10253918Saying that you will never draw/do something is kinda silly
>>10253937>capitalistDo you even super speedy cider squeezy
I have cured myself of my butt-fixation
>>10253938Or saying >pic related
>>10253945>citing most capitalist episode
>>10253955Guys I'm leaving MLPG forever
>>10253955Hue... fuck
>>10253942I'm never going to draw fillies for sexual
>>10253951That's great.
>>10253962See you tomorrow!
>>10253962Ok take care. See ya tomorrow.
>>10253951Oh, you finally found the lube?
>>10253968Oh fuck you! pfft
>>10253942you never know whats gonna happen.i claimed i would never jack off while wearing womens panties on cam then post the video on the internet.anything could happen
>>10253962likely story
>>10253962See ya tomorrow BDF.
>>10253972I need good artists butts
>>10253967I've always wanted to try drawing with a really thin weighted line style, but it always ends up looking the same. Hey, Japanon uses like, 1px all around.
>you will never K969 with winona
>>10253967>>10253972sorry, you'll have to get back to me after the refractory period>>10253974I didn't need it
why aren't you sleeping
>>10254008nigga it noon
>>10254008But I was asleep you dumb moon.
>>10254008Because it's, like, 19h.
>>10254008it's 7 pm why should I?
>>10253966That's what you say NOW
>>10254008It's 10 am go to bed luna
Wake up.
>>10253987I don't even remember what line size I used for that picture
>>10254021bdf bdf, hi bdf. why no draw bdf
>>10254034Already did a few hours ago.
>>10253966That's exactly my philosophy, fillies are never for sexual.
>>10254036 to art.
>>10254034But this is the real life,anon. This isn't fantasy.And I lvoe spending it with you guys.
>>10254028>that faceI should be ashamed of myself...
>>10254045all ponies are for sexual, anon
What the heck sort of landscape should I draw for the thing?
>>10254045They're for sexual,anon.
>>10254059Renard's music is fucking awful
>>10254063Draw a new town you'd like to see.
>>10254082>>10254061what about this filly?
>>10254063Everfree Forest?Ghastly Gorge?Mirror Pool Cavern?Cloudsdale?Dragon Crater?
>>10254040I can't blog on here anon! Why u trying to get me in trouble!
>>10254086Ha! Gotcha! That one's not renard. but it's personal preference
>>10254092that's no filly, bruv
>>10254086I agree.
>>10254092Colts aren't for sexual. I said fillies.
>>10254092Only aged up
>>10254045not until they're older, at least
>>10254028that's pretty good for being JJ's work.
>>10254098They're all made by the same dude.
>>10254090>>10254093I should draw Wiener Town, town of the sentient penises.
>>10254086Hey, I like the rainbow one. I tried to learn it on the harmonica, but it's a bit difficult.
>>10254114> should send them the r34 link of Mlp.
>>10254098It's all Renard
>>10254114>Today's My Pretty Pony Not so in 2013. This sleek and sexy pony looks primed to prance around the stripper pole at the nearest jockey club.CELESTIA PLEASE
>>10254123>I like the Rainbow onedon't we all
I like Ken's music...
>>10254122What about its sister town, Cuntsville?
>>10254123Fuck off Braeburned/Nanaki
>>10254134Oh gosh yeah she's the best.
>>10254121Not that one, I don't think. I never saw him post about the Eugene alias on his blogs. You know, it might be, though.
>>10254114>This sleek and sexy pony looks primed to prance around the stripper pole at the nearest jockey club.Who comes up with these things, it's a horse!
>>10254092that is not a filly anon
>>10254134>>10254143she's so adorable
>>10254114>>10254132Fucking unf.
>>10254147Eugene is one of his aliases.
>>10254114Well, Celestia is pretty hot.
>>10254157Cute as a button.
>>10254147As far as I can tell, he just makes up new aliases for his music all the time.I don't read his blog, though, so I'm not sure how he does all that stuff.
>>10254147Why would someone who isn't Renard post music on Renard's website?
>>10254162Huh, guess so. It just sounded pretty different from his other stuff/aliases, but I guess that makes since. I really really have a thing for music that is so glitched and harsh that it sounds like the sound is literally digitally tearing itself apart. It takes a ton of talent to do that right.
>>10254175Attention whoring in the furry community?
So MLPG I think we need a break. It's not you it's me. I think I spend a bit to much time here. I need to be productive.Sorry MLPG.Nah it's for vidya
>molestia shoutoutlel
>>10254183Who are you?
>>10254183whatchu playin?
>>10254052> 5 seconds reminds me of monstergirl quest so much
>>10254132I need to see this now
Odds: draw Stripper CelestiaEvens: take a nap
>>10254178>implying he's trying to do that
>>10254199Just wait til JJ updates.
>>10254201I can't wait.
>>10254201Well shit, gotta go find my pencils then.
odds: make a sandwicheven: try to buy soda even though most shops are closed.
>>10254217You mean you don't grasp a pencil at all times? SHAME!
>>10254201>>10254217Aw yiss.
Why aren't you animating?
>>10254234Because I can't even draw.
>>10254234Because finals and preparing for conventions.
>>10254234Working on commissions
>>10254234Because i can't even draw still pictures well yet.but i'm working on it when i have time
>>10254234...maybe I should give that a shot.
>>10254243>going to conventions ever>>10254250>tricking people into paying you for shitty drawingsMan my life is so boring compared to everyone here.
>>10254262Conventions are fun
>>10254234...I will soon but just as warm up for proper animation I'm supposed to do for classes.
>>10254257Good luck! It's hard but rewarding.
>>10254239Still one of the best Babs r34 image.
>>10254271What's a good simple thing to try?
>>10254262>>10254265Yeah they're seriously a blast. I can't wait for all the 18+ pony porn panels they're having this year.They were seriously a fucking blast last year.
>>10254265They probably aren't all that fun when you go alone and I have no friends at all. Also meeting up with people you met on the internet is a terrible idea.
>>10254189what are you talking about you idiot
>>10254286Well duh, don't go alone dude. Go with friends, even if they aren't bronies or whatever. Just people watch and have someone to laugh at people with, if anything.
>>10254284hi Braeburned
>>10254286>They probably aren't all that fun when you go alone and I have no friends at allagreed, unless there's something going on unless you really want to do>Also meeting up with people you met on the internet is a terrible idea.actually I disagree since my current convention group is all that and we all get along really wellthe mlpg meetup last year wasn't bad either
>>10254278If you aren't churning out tons of shitty pictures to make the most amount of bronebuxx in the least amount of time then you should seriously consult your inner jew.
>>10254329Spongebob can awfully depressing sometimes
>>10254072Beautiful song.
>>10254277A bouncing ball. It falls and bounces two or three times and then stops.This should have you try basics of acceleration and slowing down.You could even try some squash and stretch!And, since Ponk is a ball after all, you could always make it pony related by adding a few limbs!
>>10254336Sadly I can't lower myself to LMJ level
>>10254346part of why it was so great. it got real as fuck sometimes.
>>10254358Pshh, that's not really what LMJ does. I think JJ's a better comparison.
>>10254358it takes a special kind of jew to stoop that low
>>10254356I'll give it a shot!This may take a while. Patience, please.
>>10254371He held a donation drive, offered prizes, got like 4 grand, and then cut the prizes in half. I wish I had the balls to get money like that.
The shadows come to danceMy lordThe shadows come to playThe shadows come to stay
>>10254386Well yeah, he still cons people for bronybux, but he doesn't really "churn out" pictures to sell at conventions. JJ's a better comparison for that original example.
>>10254381Don't be afraid to take your time!
>>10254298>Go with friends, even if they aren't bronies or whatever.No, no. You don't understand. I have no friends at all.>>10254317Well I just envisioned that meeting people who talk about fucking cartoon ponies would be awkward as hell.
>>10254436>implying that's what you'd talk aboutYou really dont have friends to talk to do you?
Is it acceptable for fillies around the CMC's age to suckle?
>>10254465Nope. Never had a friend at all. I will truly become the most powerful wizard in 8 years.
>>10254527I always wondered why the software GG uses to draw has mouse pressure.
>>10254592Opencanvas is a really shitty program
>>10254592>mouse pressureYou'd need a super fancy mouse!
>>10254592In my headcanon he has a tablet.
>>10254633I think that is a tablet.
Entertain me
>>10254646>>10254633That would make sense, seeing the lines. But why would he lie about using a mouse?
>>10254680>living your life>not punching it in the throat
>>10254676To justify his art?
>>10254664>flip over and continue grilling
>>10254690Everyone knows that a bullshit excuse.
>>10254668What song are you playing, pink?
>>10254592that doesn't look like mouse pressure. When he needs to do stuff like the lashes, it just looks like he goes back over it with an eraser.
>>10254664it's like I'm reading a youtube poop
>>10254725That would make sense for lashes, but why would he do that for the other lines?
>>10254701And yet it worked for you and you didn't even bother to doubt that until now.
>>10254741okay well we might as well test.I will draw you a horse with my mouse, which horse. This will be awful.
>>10254725What tablet do you use Jalm?
>>10254761Rainbow Dash!
>>10254752>projecting>this early
>>10254761Draw the rainbow one.
>>10254761Do you have OpenCanvas? I don't know, your favorite, Fluttershy.
>>10254771Ingredient list got me good
>>10254761Fluttershy pls
>>10254786Flutterdash is the very first pone i saved
>>10254743It's OK Flutters, I don't mind that you tooted.
>>10254817That's an odd-looking pony, Anon.Almost like there's two of them there.
>>10254838You need to get your eyes checked, there are actually three of them there
>>10254846What's the point?
>>10254838You're an odd-looking pony, gt.Almost like there's two of you there
>>10254664>>10254771anymore of these?
>>10254811cutest ship
>>10254811That's adorable
>>10254867Let that be our little secret.
>>10254844Holy shit that face/head
>>10254811This is so adorable.
>>10254901How did Rainbow Dash stick herself with a corn chip?That shit's illogical.
>>10254910<insert predictable phallic symbol>
>>10254881My lips are sealed
>>10254922>>10254922heya hey hey whats the hizzaps
>>10254931Why does everybody she loves leave her?
I got my friend to have ago at pone today, what do you think mlpg?
>>10254883heh Twilight looks like she is an anthro
>>10254954It's shit.
>>10254948That's just the curl of the burl
>>102549545/10 better than most.
>>10254922I've got some green for you to smoke potshark
>>10254527>>10254592>I always wondered why the software GG uses to draw has mouse pressure.late butthere is no mouse pressurethe lines start off tapered, which I use primarily for small details and to joining existing linesI haven't drawn with a tablet in years
>>10254967Damn that's cute.
>>10254984Not as cute as you, anon.
>>10253701>posted the bad one that wasn't actually for the event. Niggaaaaaa
>>10255009shit if only I looked like that
would you?
>>10253572>>10253576>>10253545 took me a while, but here.
>>10255033He like your favorite dragon, isn't he?I would not mind playing some vidya with him.
>>10255054No. Spike is my favorite dragon and then Crackle and then Garble
>>10255033That's cute as fuck but noKlondike what should I drawyou and me buddyno homo
>>10254036I was listening to Pegboard Nerds & Tristam - Razor Sharp
>>10255076my ultranigga
Is there a Crossover Fanfic of MLP x HTTYD where Fluttershy is Hiccup?
>>10255073>GG saying something of mine is cuteOh god.Caimon with the dragons or draw Sapphire Shores or Something with Spike I DONT KNOW NO ONES EVER ASKED ME BEFORE
>>10255096find and replace, 'hiccup', 'fluttershy'
>>10255049I-ITS MY STYLE
>>10255048>IT HAPPEDINGI giggled
>>10255125>why is this in my diamond dog folderHAA
>>10255096>Fluttershy is Hiccup.Fluttershy is fucking Fishlegs.
>>10255133Sparkle diamond dogs when
>>10254984draw some flutterdash
>>10255142...which one is Fishlegs
>>10255147Holy fuck
>>10255142>watching the trailer for the first time>"You're crazy! ...I like that~">just KNEW /co/ wouldn't be able to control their boner.
>>10255153The one that will most likely end up fucking his dragon
Holy shnikies how do I into stallion faces?
>>10255061hey lyrawould you a human girl
>>10255149I can't. I'm too busy drawing balls. You can have this to tide you over until later, though.
>>10255185>only two months agoYou have come so far
>>10255142>>10255174That's Derpy.
>>10255048Haha, thats amazing
>>10255171>Tfw /co/ likes Ruffnut more then Astrid>Tfw I remember Ruffnut but forgot Astrids name and had to google it
>>10255172>Playing as ApplejackWhoa whoa whoa, what is this? If this is a shop, it's a fucking good one.
>>10255185lewd balls
>>10255206Is show any good? I remember watching two episodes and it seemed rather dull...
>>10255206How misogynistic.
>>10255215Graffiti Kingdom lets you make your own character
>>10255174>Fishlegs wanting to fuck his dragonDidn't Snotlout say that he love a dragon like figure before Astrid punched him in the movie?
>>10255194Thanks! I'm still proud of that one, though.
Fucking studiesI want to draw
>>10252616If I can afford to donate, what should I ask her?
>>10255195Derpy would be a mad Dungeons and Dragons player then
>>10255215Graffiti Kingdom and patienceI made bugpone too
>>10253283>(And let's not start about her being a Doctor companion, which seems to be the next thing they will do.)>I wouldn't be surprised if they make her single mom status canon or at least they make a nod to that, for example Derpy foalsitting Dinky and the filly calling her "mama" as an affectionate nickname, what have you.No.No.Fuck you.That is not going to fucking happen.I better fucking not happen.She's just fine as a mail pony. Nothing else needs to be added.
>>10255222I could say yes but I'd be lying. Haven't even watched it. I loved the movie so much and I knew after seeing the shorts, the show wasn't going to reach my expectations. I just want to continue remembering the HTTYD series as it was on the big screen. Not some disney esque straight to dvd show>>10255230He did. >Implying all of them don't want to fuck their dragon
>>10255238Muchly! Thank you! Felt like that cheek was out too far...I know you did a few things with stallion faces before right. Drawing them at various angles and such. Do you have those handy perchance?I figured I might as well work on drawin stallion faces in tandem as well as, yknow...
>>10252615>>10253283>>10255262You know, we're probably gonna get a TON of derpy in the upcoming Big Mac comic. The 2 parter is literally all about Big Mac pitting his bashful nature against background pony shenanigans.
>not wanting to fuck your pokemon
>>10255172>YOU'D PROBABLY GET IT MORE OFTEN IF YOU'D GET ON FUCKING SKYPE ONCE IN A BLUE MOONI'm sorry GG. Skype lags Sai. That's why i have it off most of the time. I have a shit computer
>>10255296I guess I'll have to stick to tegakiseems like you're always on that
>>10255262I'm pretty sure she'll be seen with Dinky at some point. You won't be able to stop it. They're not going to stick to just your headcanons.
>>10255281Oooof, thats a pretty old guide. I do them a little differently now, and they're pretty incorrect. BUT HERE
>>10255186I can't. This is too much.
>>10253701>four people copied mewball>on the same day he hits 2k follows on tumblrI wish anybody liked my art
>>102552842 parter? They aren't doing a 4 part arc like usual?
>>10255271Yeah I loved HTTYD movie Dragons with mentality of cats. What is not to love here but... after watching two episodes of show I... wasn't really convinced. I wonder if it's getting better further on.
>>10255303gg why don't you share your skypewe had a big skypename party yesterday
>>10255289r u simgle master?
>>10255324Nope, apparently the big mac one is just a 2 parter.
>>10255305Oh I thought you were going to post the 25 expressions chart. This works great. Thanks again!
>>10255289>not choosing your team based on attractiveness
>>10255324Nope, Big Mac will be two-parter, and iirc the next two after that will be single-parters.
>>10255303I can get one Skype when you ask. Its just when I'm drawing I have to turn it offAlso its not that I'm always on Tegaki, It just never closes. And it doesn't take up too much memory so i just dont close it.
>>10255328because he only gives his skype to cool people
>>10255333>>10255344Where is this info coming from?
>>10255322Just because no one copied your style doesn't mean that people don't like your art.It just means that your style probably isn't very distince and thus "hard" to copy because it doesn't have any trait that is yours alone.
>>10255330yesbut not for you
>>10255289>Old days in /vp/>You could post a "WHICH POKEMON IN UR PARTY WOULD U FUK." thread and always get a huge discussion going.Those weren't the good old days but it sure was fun
>>10255335AH use the 25 expressions one instead. That ones a LOT better for reference.
>>10255322For what it's worth... I planned on trying to paint something for quite longe time but needed proper push in that direction. 3rd prompt felt like a perfect occasion.
>>10255328>gg why don't you share your skype>we had a big skypename party yesterdaydo you mean that big >fanfiction thing?
>>10255353Not them but I read it on eqd.
>>10255186You can make up fictional anatomy. That's fine. It just has to look plausible. Nothing Jay draws looks like it could ever exist anywhere.
>>10255305Maybe you could redo it.
>>10255239Why did you choose to leave instead of defending equestria?
>>10255358I had like three dozen artists I thought about emulating and only enough time for one yesterday.I'll have to do some more later.
>>10255370The what?No we all just started posting our skype handles on the general and added each other
ooga booga where da white ponies at?
>>10255376Most people don't have "the eye" and can't recognize this kind of shit anyway.
>>10255376Because it pretty much can't.
>>10255358I wouldn't feel as bad about being overlooked if one person hadn't gotten four.
>>10255414Would love forever
>>10255416Go a little more exteme on that "flattened" ball. Make it SPLAT a little more, if you get me
>>10255421SB pleaseJust don't worry about it
>>10255416stop playing with your balls, goat
>>10255409I'm still not sure what they're trying to prove here by drawing the skeleton - because THAT seems to look good, aside from a few parts like the shoulders and the missing feet-bones.
>>10254761holy shit gg drawing like this is just plain awfulhow do you do it>>10254767bamboo pen and touch. four by six inches of boring.
>>10255416Oh that's what you meant about balls.
fucking painting man.
>>10255385Unless I'm missing something nothing in there or the source says anything about it being just two parts.
>>10255436It's meant to compare the skeleton of Jay's to a normal skeleton.
>>10255284If it's her just doing cute things I'm honestly not against it, but things like Dinky and DW are too much.>>10255304Fuck you you little piece of shit.For the record, I don't mind the Dinky fanon, but putting it in the comics would be stupid.
>>10255431All right. I was trying to keep the shape fairly similar, but I guess expressive is better.>>10255442Yes. Sorry to disappoint.
>>10255436Thank you for proving my point.
>>10255444It says 32 pages. Is that 2 parts?
>>10255438yes fluttershy, I would
>>10255438I would Fluttershy sexually
>>10255438>four by six inchesholy shit jalm drawing like this is just plain awful
>>10255444The IDW forums mentioned it. #9 and #10 are going to be 2 parters.
>>10255459You forgot to say "stay pleb!"
>>10255409>>10255436That actually makes Jay look more competent than he is. Like he planned out his drawing with any kind of care and it didn't