Watching a Vegetarian Being Told She Just Ate Chicken EditionOld Omnivore: >>10196784
>new horse smell
I want Pinkie to give me pure pony pleasure
Which pony likes to eat chicken the most?
>>10200802Fuck you lady.That's what stairs are for.
>convincing Gilda to try cooking meat slightly before eating it
>>10200802Why Did You Capitalize Every Word
>>10200835I wish I was Sweetie's dadI wouldn't even sex her up
>>10200873UNF What the fuck? That Applejack picture is weird.
>>10200873that hair...
>>10200889That's kind of weird anon
>>10200889What if you could
Is it way to want to be some guy's subby and suck off his cock until I feel his load hit me in the back of my throat, then swallow it all like a good boy then let him plow my tight, pink virgin anus into next week?
>>10200802I would eat a chicken.If you know what I mean.
>>10200838the best
>>10200849Fluttershy secretly samples the food she gives to her pets
>>10200898>wayMeant to type gay...
>>10200897Well, I guess I'd still not do it
>>10200835Sweetie Belle is cutest filly.
>>10200892I know right?>>10200891Best ship.
>>10200912>tfw no lucha
>>10200911it's only gay if you're both humansif one of you is a marshmallow horse then it's totally hetero
>>10200897if I were going to sex her up, I'd be her brother instead.
>>10200924I think the fact that she's kind of thick makes her cuter
>>10200849Sweetie Belle(I ship that like FedEx.)
Faust at her worst was still better then the current show at its best
>>10200898>>10200911Yeah, that's pretty gay. 8 guys sucking off 9 guys gay.
>>10200912>Fluttershy and Rarity wrestling.>Fluttershy not stomping thr shit out of her.It's like you don't know she is a professional Luchador wrestler.
>>10200947>liking stupid
>>10200912Rarity confirmed for Chris Jericho mark.
>>10200958More lucha ponies.
>>10200968Go read a book egghead
>>10200934I'm okay with this.
>>10200961>that one guy sucking off two guysLucky
>>10200958...Wait, what's the point of the mask when your cutie mark is visible?
>Nathan will never hold you in his powerful arms
>>10200941But what if >>10200914 finds out?
>>10200963So she wrestles professionally to fund her critter care?
>>10200997What's the point of saddles when there are no humans?
>>10200907So Fluttershy likes fish? Does she eat mice too?
>>10201017What's the point of a penis when you have no gf
>>10200997that's a good point, actually. luchador ponies should wear ass-masks, too.not pants. ass-masks.
>>10201011I'd probably kill him
>that EG discussion last thread... I just want to like pony without Hasbro messing with it. Is that so much to ask?
>>10201017So ponies can ride ponies, duh,
>>10201017Because they look sexy in them
>>10201011Idon't knowat least I'd wait until she's older
>>10201042no that is forbidden
>>10200835Okay, Sweetie, I know you're excited, but it's time to settle down-->>10200977I said settle down, Sweetie!
>watching a horse semen collection instructional dvd meant for real horse breeders>first thing the guy says is "masturbating a horse is much harder than everyone thinks".how awful would it be if you get to equestria and your arnt able to properly masturbate a horse?
>>10200934>>10200983>you and your favorite male pony casually sucking each other off while talking about pretty mares, not because you're attracted to each other, just doing each other a common, every day mutual service as normal and platonic to you as having breakfast
>>10201028>Ass masks.You sir, are A GENIUS!
>tfw trying to keep up with MLPG, HSG, GoTG at the same time
>>10201023I'm sure she cooks them first, what judging by the giant cauldron she had in her house
>>10201036The only way for pony to be "pure" would be if Lauren Faust acquired all rights to it, which would never happenso no
>>10201061>That tumblr is still a thing
>>10201053That means it's OK in my eyes
>>10201068I'm sure they would understand that you can only improve with practice
>>10200959I think people are over exaggerating the state of the show
>>10201068I wouldn't be too worried. I don't plan on touching any horse cock.
>>10201061>>10201082Why haven't feminsts gotten their panties in a bunch over it?
>>10201070>You keep doing it because he's fucking delicious>you keep letting him do it because he's got an incredible tongue and he knows how to use it
>>10201087SO WRONG
>>10201099They have, but the arguments only last about an hour.
>>10201094no we aren't
>>10201099Because you haven't reported it to them.
>>10201099Because Celestia isn't a male
>>10201087unf canon forbidden pony is best
>>10201087Remember, that happened before Celestia seized power and set things right
>>10201070>>10201100"totally straight" homo-eroticism is my fetish
>>10201077I do wonder how much money it would cost to purchase exclusive rights to the brand, or atleast total creative control over the cartoon.
Ready for another pony ride?
st-still streamingalmost doneit's been 7 and a half hoursfinal stretch lets do itlivestream, room is /poniestuff
>>10201099>Why haven't feminsts gotten their panties in a bunch over it?Some have and nothing really has come of it. The blog has 50k followers. I really don't think anything is stopping it other than Jon himself
>>10201134>I do wonder how much money it would cost to purchase exclusive rights to the brand, or atleast total creative control over the cartoon.If only Gaben were a huge obsessive brony. He alone has the kind of pocket change for that.
>>10201154g'niteit's neat!
>>10201142>The blog has 50k followers.
>>10201140shits boring now, tell us when you move to the next thing
>>10201140Never give up! Trust your instincts!>>10201162This is a joke right?
>>10201154I feel like something is missing because it seems like she's not really sucking to me, just bobbing her head.
>>10201154>twilight is awful at giving pony blowjobsha
>>10201156>Gaben buys ponies from Hasbro.>/v/ explodes.>/mlp/ explodes.>We have to wait for a new episode that will never air.>"Season three soon!"
Could Sunset Shimmer beat The Undertaker?For the title?At Wrestlemania?
>>10201114I will admit that the show struggles at times to live up to the standards it sets itself. But isn't that far off where it should be.
How many butts, would you say ten million?
>>10201132>a weekly bukkake session with the town's stallions keeps your skin clear and healthy>afterwards it's only polite to let them stay over at your place, they're just so tired>you only have the one bed but they don't seem to mind
>>10201169>>10201202I think that's a decent checkmark of how many bronies there are. 50,000 follow that one big brony blog. Let's be generous and say world-wide there's maybe 75,000 or 100,000.
>>10201205Hell fucking no. Undertaker will always be popular, ergo he will always be on top
>>10201200>Episode 3 has ponies on a desk in a cubicle
OFFICIAL MANE SIX FINISHERS>Rarity: Diamond Cutter mk II (modified cutter from the top rope)>Twilight: Knowledge (dragon sleeper)>Applejack: Applebucker (superkick)>Fluttershy: Animal Urges (crippler crossface after a spear)>Dash: Like the Wind (repeated moonsaults from each of the four corners of the ring)>Pinkie: Party Time (repeated strikes followed by a powerbomb)
>>10201094>I think people are over exaggerating the state of the showS3 was shit and consisted of me constantly yelling at the screen.
>>10201207Wait a fucking second, do I have to house and feed all these butts? Are the like currency, can I put them into a butt account for later use?This is important.
>>10201226>implying JJ has at least half of worldwide bronies' attention
>>10201235>Digital episodes delivered every week through Steam>No leaks, high quality episodes that are always on time>At the end of the season they release all the digital assets and an update to SFM for compatibility
>>10201252>>implying JJ has at least half of worldwide bronies' attentionI think he might. do you think Pony street food is like?Do you think they have Donut carts or food trucks or tofu-dog stands in Canterlot or Ponyville?Would they have more exotic fare in certain parts of town?
>>10201206the show went from being my favorite tv show to now i just want it to end and be all over
>>10201270Well we've seen Applejack's different food carts and the Crystal Pony food carts and I think that's it. So just more fruit/vegetable themed, obviously enough.
>>10201264>he grew up where I lived and I never knew
>>10201235>All the steam games have pony references in them.>As a result, all other games have them too.>Gabe funds the conventions now.>He rides the burdened from place to place.
Why would I ever choose Twilight over Pinkie?
>>10201284that feel
>>10201284you just want to shitpost.
>>10201310In case you needed some actual knowledge
>>10201247>constantly yelling at the screen.Shit in what sense? Compared to other seasons? Other cartoons? television in general?
>>10201284Are you saying you aren't looking forward to Season four?
>>10201245ALTS>Rarity: Liontamer>Twilight: Three Amigos>Applejack: Stunner>Fluttershy: Diving Headbutt>Dash: Eye of the Hurricane>Pinkie: Stink Face
>>10201281Every time. Every god damn time.
>>10201336>stink face>she rub her butt on your face
>>10201270>>10201292>Food Truck Rodeo/Ethnic Food Festival in EquestriaThat actually sounds like it'd be a lot of fun.I wonder if Buffalo can make frybread.
>>10201245>Twilight: Brainbustah>Fluttershy: Cattle Mutilation>Dash: Reverse 450 Splash>Pinkie: The Cobra
>>10201346it was either than or the Bronco Buster.
>>10201270i am guessing it would have to be shit you could eat in 1 bite like apples. the ponies cant walk around holding food.
>>10201339>Oh god hes spinning again.
>>10201223>the leftover pheromones leave you highly attractive to the local mares>they're so impressed with your stamina that they let you take them two or three at a time in any hole you like>a stallion in a pretty dress could slip in from time to time and you'd never know the difference
>>10201284That seems a bit melodramatic don't you think?
>>10201357>the Bear Buster
>>10201284have faith, S4 is going to be as good as S1 and S2 put together
>>10201336>Pinkie.>Not Mr Socco.
>>10201358sometimes I watch the show
>>10201270what an interesting video>boiled tomatoesdropped
>>10201332Me watching S1 and 2 = smilesMe watching S3 = OH FUCK YOU THIS IS BULLSHIT FUCK OFF CADENCE
>>10201334>Are you saying you aren't looking forward to Season four?I'm dreading it.
>>10201389upvote xd
>>10201339's more. He's so good at saying A LOT while never really saying anything.
>>10201374the magic is gone. if there was never a new episode of FiM and all we got is EQG from now on, i would be fine with it.i only come here out of nostalgia and habit.
>>10201402I'm sorry anon, have some Scootaloo flying
>>10201389what about the comic?
>>10201377>Pinkie uses Mr Socko>Pinkamena uses the Cactus Elbow
>>10201419not really
>>10201383oh my mistake, i didnt realize impossible bullshit was allowed.
...I want - no, NEED to learn how to do shit like this.
>>10201444wow is nothing
>>10201415Greatest wrestler.
>>10201419>the magic is goneNO ANON YOU DON'T UNDERSTANDFriendship IS Magic
>>10201423It's alright. Nothing to get worked up about.
>>10201456Spike goes over him.
>people want to cosplay as Renne and Chronicleyou bastards better take pictures
>>10201140>spending more than 5 minutes on anything
>>10201455Anon there's this amazing new image format that can display animated pictures.It's called a .gif.
what if you woke up and you were a good person
it's just a show
>>10201419>if there was never a new episode of FiM and all we got is EQG from now on, i would be fine with it.
>>10201352>Ponies selling all sorts of delectables - from dumplings to crepes to curries to sweets to savories>Donkeys making blintzes and donuts and jellyrolls>Buffalo selling frybread, tiswin and a sort of vegetarian pemmican>there's even a couple of diamond dogs selling jerky and meat-dishes>and one deer has a booth tucked into a corner trying to sell haggis
>>10201415Where the fuck is he getting those creams?
>>10201444Everytime I see one of these, the transition from at least one slide to the next is always:>draw a circle>draw the rest of the goddamn background
>>10201483okayI'll be honest though, I'm kind of a quitter so that's probably not going to happen
>>10201444>Nothing happens.>Keep it highlighted.>Shit starts happening.>Rapidly.
>>10201489The pictures... they're... coming... alive
>>10201525He had like, five of them in his left hand.
>>10201525>>10201506I think he's holding several in his left hand. But he is only using a few fingers to hold them, so it doesn't look like he's holding them.
>>10201383>pinkie grew hands one time>that means all horses have hands in the show whenever they wantthats how you sound
>>10201068>watching a horse semen collection instructional dvd meant for real horse breedersCan I get a torrent link?
>>10201499it was a great show though, I'm going to miss you guys when this is over
>>10201439but it happened so it is not impossible
>>10201551>All four legged animals cannot walk on three legs.This is how you sound.
>>10201439>>10201551I'm sorry if I offended anyone with a counterpointgeez
some bigger pone practice
You guys are depressing the fuck out of me.
>>10200963that's a nice belt
>>10201499maybe I should just relax
>>10201579Nice patterns.That's a pretty Fluttershy.
>>10201579The design on those socks is like...odd
>>10201444Those are fun to do - and one of the upsides to exporting every time you make a brush stroke.
>>10201495I actively try to be a good person but goddamn there is just so much shit.
>>10201565>I'm going to miss you guys when this is overB-but it'll never be over...Oh god what am I gonna do when this is all over?
>>10201589>You guys are depressing the fuck out of me.Right now in Syria a little 9 year old is huddling, scared. This is nothing.
>>10201602It's the best Fluttershy I've ever seen
>>10201505>>10201560I never had haggisBut I doubt I'd like it as I dont like variety meats
>>10201613Objection! Brae doesn't draw humandicks
My Lucha Pony General
>>10201512Renne is a trooper, you can do thisso is Chronicle if that's who you are going to be, but he was on crazy pills
Next MLPG draws drawing prompt when
>>10201613Wow I've never seen someone rock hard and flacid at teh same time!
>>10201626well then you'll never be a man.only those who have had haggis are men, you see. legal definition.
>>10201624Gif Version
>>10201623>Her entire family is dead>She received shrapenel wounds to her right leg, and can't walk right>You will never adopt her and show her MLP and watch it together with her;_;
>>10201648>You will never adopt a limping loli;_;
>>10201633I'll try my best, anon
>>10201505>A pony is brave enough to try it.>The deer are excited as hell about it, praising it as a delicacy of the finest class.>The pony has no idea what they are even saying and takes a tentative bite.>His ears perk up.>It's actually not that bad.>Even good, in it's own exotic way.>He asks what it's made of.>Everyone remembers that Food Festival.>Mainly because Hoity Toity nearly knocking down half of it screaming incoherently.
Post it, brae.
>>10201647>Celestia wonders why you're looking at Shiny's ass
>>10201560>"Geeeeeetcher haggis, right here! Chopped roots and leaves boiled in a wee bag!">"Tastes as guid as it sounds!">"...Guid fur what ails ye!">"...ugh...!"
>>10201646Who cares, haggis tastes like shit inside a sack made of rubber.
>>10201680Patience is a virtue anon
>>10201680ITS NOT DONE
What are we going to do post ponies? I kinda like you guys. We're... friends right?
>>10201682his ass is tiny but proudwhy wouldn't I look at it
>>10201689how would you know unless you tried it?
>>10201693>full perfectionist mode>has to be exactly right or it's fucking shit to myself, no exceptionsIt's a blessing and a curse
>>10201606Yes, but how do you DO it.I need like. A shit-ton of in-depth tutorials or a mentor or something. I REALLY love that kind of painted backgrounds and goddamn I want to know how to pull them off myself.
>>10201669>From the people who brought you Katawa Shoujo...
>>10201703It's synching with Braes music.
The kinks are better than the beatles
>>10201687There is a Dutch supermarket with some fucking hamsters as mascots that look just like the X Hamster logo. I can't fucking see those commercials without thinking of it.
>>10201713I'm not that anon, I've actually tried it.>>10201733God fucking damnit anon.
>>10201703>all the ponies think Mr Cake is having an affair with Pinkie>Is actually Mrs Cakeunf
>>10201733Justin Bieber is better than The Beatles.
>>10201733the Subways are better than either of them.
>>10201623Not my fault she chose to be born in a shitty country.
>>10201733Justin Beiber is better then the Beatles.
I don't love you TwilightI dont think I ever can again
>>10201704We can't keep running from this question, what are we gonna do after the last New Horse?
>>10201746>>10201748>>10201758You guys are just joking, right?
>>10201749there is a country sittier than the US? oh god the world is a terrible place
>>10201768We're going to break up the gang. Or we can keep the Pony avatar and fantart circle-jerk forever.
>>10201766>but you're my first boyfriend>anon pls
>>10201560>>10201505>>10201674>>10201684>Leftover roots, leaves, stalks and bark mixed with oatmeal, stuffed in a bag and boiled for ten hours>held as a delicacy and the finest of all foods by some>usually regarded more as a form of punishment by everyone else.
>>10201768>last New Horseanon, when we say "the ride never ends" what does that mean to you
>>10201778Yes, there is a country full of chairs and couches where you can sit all you want!
>>10201768We live. We live in freedom.A sad freedom
>>10201579Looks like she is wearing raffia baskets on her feet
>>10201733To be fair, Ray Davies is a fucking genius.
Am I /gd/ yet
Did I miss any pet pony/slutty mare greentexts?Donovan is better than all of them
>>10201771>dadrockis what i would say if I ever went on /mu/
>>10201154I really. really. really. like this trend
Anyone knows who draws these? He's some /v/ guy who's been around for years.
>tfw trading your ponyfu for lava loli
>>10201807Oh, piffle. /mu/ likes to rag on The Beatles, but that doesn't mean they don't like them or other "Dadrock" bands.
>>10201784>implying you werent my first too>implying your betrayal doesnt hurt me more
>>10201783>Or we can keep the Pony avatar and fanart circle-jerk foreverSounds good
>>10201806there's some slutty stallion greentexts up here >>10201070what do you mean by Donovan?Link?
>>10201787I like to think they make it as actual traditional haggis and it is actually a meat product.Because deer are a little fucked up like that, and it's tradition, what else to scare the rams then eating the dead?Like it's an old war time food that they just kept with because it's tradition.Just don't ask how they get some of the ingredients...But they will go into full detail on how it's made, with great pride.
>>10201832Sounds hot.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.
>>10201807i only like Season of the Witch
>>10201838Really unf story
>>10201832No one can ever replace PinkieNever Ever Ever ever ever!
>>10201849In a sense the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little attention to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as one can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for free for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply publicize what the music business wants to make money with.Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. And rock critics will study more of rock history and realize who invented what and who simply exploited it commercially.Beatles' "aryan" music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll: it replaced syncopated african rhythm with linear western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.
>>10201854Dude, birds are filthy animals. I'd probably get a disease.
>>10201863Contemporary musicians never spoke highly of the Beatles, and for a good reason. They could not figure out why the Beatles' songs should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that the Beatles were simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to "Beatlemania", which had nothing to do with their musical merits). THat phenomenon kept alive interest in their (mediocre) musical endeavours to this day. Nothing else grants the Beatles more attention than, say, the Kinks or the Rolling Stones. There was nothing intrinsically better in the Beatles' music. Ray Davies of the Kinks was certainly a far better songwriter than Lennon & McCartney. The Stones were certainly much more skilled musicians than the 'Fab Fours'. And Pete Townshend was a far more accomplished composer, capable of "Tommy" and "Quadrophenia". Not to mention later and far greater British musicians. Not to mention the American musicians who created what the Beatles later sold to the masses.The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time to read a page about such a trivial band.
>>10201854Yes, owls are great
>>10201857okay I wasn't sure if you were joining in with the /mu/fags or if there was a new pastebin I had to read
Tiny chromatic mammal-beasts.
>>10201863Go away pasta.
Fuck off Scaruffi.
>>10201832>no hugs
>>10201807dadrock > kidrock, even with autotuning
>>10201858anyone know a good fic to pair with this image?this is how i do my best fapping
what the fuck is with all the off-topic beatles shitposting lately?
>>10201854>>10201878I guess.
>>10201886>You can't just make up terrible new words!
>>10201841>scare the rams>implying it wouldn't turn into a game to see who can outdo the otherOh GodImagine a Deer cuisine booth next to a Sheep one.All that alcohol in one place.
>>10201882Fuck man, who made that. I think I'll just quit now.
>>10201903I could be your Rarity anon~
>>10201919>Every year they're sold out>the first year they aren't, they try to sample each others' stock, since it "cain't be near as good as ours">everyone still talks about the fire. And Princess Celestia still doesn't know how that deer got a hold of her crown.
>>10201919haggis can't beat that lye-shark stuff.
>>10201901 A DIIIIIIICK
>>10201887scherzo good gravy i thought you had died
>>10201919Would Sheep cooking be more like Swedish cooking or Norwegian?Or Finnish?
>>10201935I will never be an Anon's Rarity
Goodnight again, MLPG.
>>10201919Well exactly, they are both fucked up and twisted and went from the most hated enemies back in the day to the kind of buddies who destroy bars, towns, or any open area with alcohol.As a sport.Those two in one place with their drinks out would probably result in the entire place being passed out, or on fire, or the owners of each booth at each others throats because someone thinks they have better shit.
>>10201904I started avatarfagging using McCartney 2/3 days ago, then I started actually talking somewhat on-subject and using notably less pics.Then I started namefagging for whatever reason.. I think I might have caused all this -- Please don't hate me.
>>10201955>that feelWell the best we can do is pretend to be excessively puffy futa fashion horses on the Internet.
>>10201949Were you not here last night when I dropped in.
>>10201954>Finnish cookingGood one!
>>10201921I did, Anonymous.
>>10201954Norwegian.Anyone that mentions Sweden is a fucking idiot.
>>10201942Am I really so out of touch with everything that i knew nothing about this until just now. GUES SO AHAHA
>>10201964>Pinkie Pie will never flip into bed beside you like that, ending with her legs wrapped around you snuggly
>>10201978oh well, my mlpg browsing has been down lately. i blame the economy.
>>10202032Well there's always my tumblr where I sometimes occasionally post things.
>>10202009>A sheep can entice even the most cautious pony into trying a bit of smoked salmon.>Most of the time the pony will cringe as they take a bite, and have that moment of confusion when the flavors assault them, and they chew.>And take another bite.
>>10202043post it jerkface. that way you can immediately see which mlpg chumps start to follow you. myself included.
>>10202044>only after the prompt is over do I have an idea for a pieceBeing me is suffering
>>10202060>hakuna matata
>>10202060This looks like someone was watching too much lion king
>>10202060>Neither will this.
>>10202060why does that animation look so familiar
>>10202056>>10202009>>10201919>>10201841>>10201674I'm laughing, but I gotta say - I still find this whole thing to be REALLY weird.
>>10202066You can draw it anyway
>>10202074lion king hakuna matata thign on the log
>>10202009>>10201954What do lingonberries or cloudberries taste like?Am I missing out?
>>10202078Welcome to the night.
OKAYokayit's doneversion 4 of 4, the other 3 will be on my tumblr
>>10202062http://scherzicscrawlings.tumblr.comAnd the rarely ever updated NSFW blog is
>Two cats instead of one cross the streetOh my god, I squealed like a little girl.Anyway.Master's been treating you nice lately, brushing your mane and letting outside longer in the backyardHe's even bought you a nice collar and a nice bowlOh and how scratches your withers, you just curl up in his lap like a catYou think it's time to pay him back, just for how much he's done for youYou decide to put on the maid costume he got you for HalloweenAnd you cleaned his roomWhat, you expected some saucy story?
>>10202056>>10202078How did me saying it would be more Norwegian-like, put me in the midst of this?
>>10202110I already masturbated today but I know what I'm going to masturbate to first tomorrow now~
>>10202122lmao 2cat
>>10202110But brae, where's the video of you taking your chance?
>tfw you forgot to take twilight barkle for a walk
>>10202110is one of the versions not gay?
>>10202089>>10202070OK MLPGLive in Equestriapony waifuall dreams coem truedBUT, you now have to eat bugs for the rest of your life. And not good ones either. The smelly ones
>>10202110I like it
>>10202123I will drag whoever I see fit into my shit man.Nothing is safe from my writing.
>>10202121>http://scherzicscrawlings.tumblr.comoh hey i didnt know you drew that one picture i liked
>>10202149you can just imagine they're all girl pegging him with really detailed/functioning horsecock dildosthen it's not gay
>>10202153>"writing"That's a nice joke.
>>10202143She's being punished for ruining the carpetthe carpet is the show
>>10202162hmmmnope, still gaythanks anyways though
>>10202164Fucking don't
>>10202134Hah I just realized that.
>>10202162>>10202162Ghost dicks in the haunted barn have no sex.
>>10202124I dunno man.IF you put a dog nose on them, they look more like deer.
>>10202174You could crudely photoshop a vagina over it.
>>10202177Oh look out, it's the whiteknight patrol!
>>10202190nah, I would knowI will always know.
>>10202188Whoa, holy shit.
>>10202155Which one?
>>10202188Would kiss.
>>10202188>Rain Dog in a wizard costume.
8 and a half hoursmaybe i should drink some water
>>10202143Fluttershy wants walkies
>>10202153Still.. Come on, that shit was funky and not in the somewhat normal way.
>You master will never tug at your collar
>>10202220>mfw I actually just booped this image on my screen
>>10202217>not staying hydrated>not getting your exercise>not getting rid of the libido enhancers in the stack
>>10202177>We better defend our 'contributors!'
>>10202225I have written weirder...
>>10202209>old time disney cartoons turning everyone into furfags
>>10202209What a fox.
>>10202256You look horny to me
Someone asked me to draw a Lamiapony and Panka cuddling.Critiques welcome.Also, taking requests, I guess.
>>10202256im a wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwizard
>>10202098I didn't notice until now.It's a bitter-sweet taste, for some reason good on waffles if you don't have any real jam.Of course after drowning it in sugar.>>10202247I'm not doubting you.
>>10202122>You will never wear a maid outfit with a nice collar>You will never raise stretch in front of your master and wink a bit, telling him that you're ready to get fucked>You'll never be in heat and have to constantly fuck your master
>>10202256huge eyes next
Would you scratch your pony waifu's itchy butt
>you will never be a puffy well hung pony>you will never seduce an anon with your swollen attributes
*wwalks into thread*heyits meeri>>10202275wwhat the fuck is this
>>10202272I don't like the atryl-ish eyelashes, but thats just my personal taste. Apart from that I can't see anything I'd improve, good job!
Do beaks have feeling or is it more like a tooth/nail?
>>10202256I want to stroke it
thanks for stickin around gnight
>>10202316night brae
>>10202222>pet-play fluttershyunf
>>10202323Fuck foxes, they shouldn't be allowed to look so hot
>>10202277>Trotting for him like a good little mare>When he's sitting on the couch you lay your head on his lap, with bedroom eyes
>>10202334I prefer my Fluttershy snuggling me close as she suckles girth and length onto my shaft all night long
>>10202123...I don't know.I find myself thinking about what regional cuisines would pop up in Equestria sometimes, and in lands beyond it.In my headcanon, Sheepish cuisine is a blend of lots of Scandinavian cooking styles, with ingredients like potatoes, onions, root vegetables, wild fruits like berries and apple trees, some kinds of mushrooms that can grow in colder climates, and gathering kelp/seaweed in some of the coastal villages; and dairy/eggs when they can get them.Emphasis is on foods that fill you up, and ingredients that keep well for long winters. Pickling, jam-making and fermenting are quite common. It's simple, but fairly nutritious, if a bit plain compared to the stuff you'd find in Equestria. On the other hand, the liquor's a lot better. It's said it's because any yeast that can survive up there has to be a mean son of a bitch.Deer have a slightly easier time of it on their isle; due to the richer soil, they have a wider variety of fruit trees and vegetables - as well as mosses and lichens that can be used as food or cooking ingredients to make things like bread. And an upshot to such a damp climate - molds, which make cheesemaking much more interesting. Their cooking's actually pretty nice - even if the only ways they know to cook things are baking, stewing and boiling.I'm not sure why I think of these things.
>>10202343>all nightNo. No, you do not want that.
>>10202335You want to fuck that fox, dont you anon?
So finally sat down and read IDW's comic issue 6good it Luna is annoying she's the worst part about this comic all she does it be a dumb wafiu so her stupid fanbase will buy 5 copies
>>10202343Why not both?
>>10202272do you draw horses in panties
>>10202357SureThe vixen's pretty cute, too
>>10202356Tell us your story anon
>>10202360god is*wrong box
>>10202335I know, right?
>>10202294Stand back, kid.
>>10202335i wish it was still acceptable to call a hot girl a fox. shit's sexy.
>you will never do this to RD>she will never act creeped out and tsundere at the same time in response
Cadance is objectively the sexiest princess
>>10202355It's called world building, Anon...Let it out.
>>10202335>>10202372>>10202387>>10202392They smell like feces all-year-round. How's that for hot and sexy.
If you told yourself 3 years ago that you would so be in love and following a kids pony show would you believe yourself?
>>10202343>sucklewhy is this such a good word
>>10202423irrelevant. "foxy" is still the hottest adjective in the world.
>>10202423>not cleaning your fox
>>10202418well, that escalated quickly
>>10202423I'd argue so do horses
>>10202356Maximum exposure to suckling pone vagina is given as 3 to 4 hours dailyThe supplier assumes no responsibility for any unexpected results occurring from overuseEnsure you use your pony in areas with proper ventilation and code-approved fire exits
Almost 4AM, I think it's time for bed.
>>10202440I'm willing to lose product support for the gains I need to properly push my pony's holes to the limit.
>>10202432Yes and no.No because I wouldn't believe in someone being able to predict one person's future.Yes because I know this is the kind of shit I would be interested in
>>10202437>that fox>that austere face
>>10202462Needs glittery blue eyeshadow
Sometimes landscapes
>>10202436>>10202437Whatever>>10202439I have farms all around me, access to foxes, equines and all that jazz.. Foxes smell putrid, horses not so much.
>>10202469>>10202462and a dollar sign chain
>>10202477oh jesus, I was not expecting that
>>10202477It was fine up until the last picture.
>>10202446Please, I would have named it a little better...Like, APrincessUnderLockAndKey.
>>10202477Holy shit
>>10202479Have you shampooed and hosed down a pony to make it smell nice and then fucked it?
>>10202477>That last imageWell that happened fast.
>>10202477No...I didn't want this....
>>10202471I HAD to post my image right before a pony-fucking sequence on imgur. Agh.
>>10202435Because it's a word that calls to mind a baby at it's mother's breast. It's a nurturing word - a hungry one - a primal one.
>>10202526There's one gif of a cartoon cat climbing onto a bed and doing a sort of seductive dance involving the sheets and wearing them like a dress that I can't find...
>>10202532Her body needs your seed the same way a babe needs its mother's milk.
>>10202500I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about doing it.Y'know, the couple that runs the farm is going away next weekend and I'm supposed to tend to the animals whilst they're gone..
>>10202548Take up the mantle and stream yourself fucking those horses
>>10202556OK, I saved that one
>>10202538Rita, from Animaniacs.
>>10202539And you need to have her just as badly. You hunger, a deeper hunger than the one in your gut. That's my perception of it anyway.
>>10202572RCH please
>>10202557Maybe I will, anon, maybe I will.
>>10202566Thanks!Looking for it now, found this already though.
>>10202582>that bulge
Derpy is a very ugly pony
>>10202582Can you imagine all the fucking bubbles those guys had to animate
>>10202582Good god, does she even have bones down there?
>>10202574As soon as I get bored of these things i am going to be really fucked.
>>10202583Animaniacs was rife with sexuality.I mean fuck, Minerva Mink alone. I swear she's probably the reason for 60% of the furry fandom.
>>10202602Technically no, since that half is squid.
>>10202610>Canal 5
>>10202600They probably used the same animated bubbles multiple times
>>10202596More than meets the eye.
>>10202619Just imagine how squishy it would be, then
>>10202624>using the same bubbles>cel animation
Funny pone time?
>>10202629Haven't we always been seductive cartoons?
I've only got one bad idea for today's MLPG draw event, should I do it?
>>10202477Well, I guess you could say that he was I honestly have nothing to say what the good godly fuck seriously god damn
>>10202662What is todays event anyway?
>>10202500I'd rather give Sweetie Belle a bath, make sure she's all nice and clean, then wrap her in a towel and dry her off a bit, before she shakes the rest of it out of her coat.And then I could show her how you wrap a towel around your hair to help it dry.
>>10202668Something something CMC getting their cutie marks.
>>10202668CMC trying to earn their Cutie Marks.
>>10202355>there will never be a Skyrim/Oblivion-style open-ended Pony sandbox game>You will never spend hours just wandering the countryside, picking wild herbs and ingredients>You will never spend your nights in the inn, turning them into delightful treats and useful potions/medicines.
>>10202684What the fuck
>>10202684Goddammit who let Dash have access to magic.
>>10202686>you will never have a million and one sex mods available
>>10202673That's what we all watch it for.
>>10202686>Skyrim>open endedI'd rather have a Wurm Online pony game, how's that open-ended for ya'h.
>>10202702Fuck it, I'm out of here. Y'all can deal with this shit.
>>10202696>You never use any of them
>>10202697Fluttershy has a very beautiful mane
>>10202684>>10202702why has this been happening so often now?
>>10202722Who knows
>>10202659You really have to wonder what was going through their minds when they were making this sequence.
>>10202669>Sweetie Belle running around Rarity's house with a towel wrapped around her mane like a turban while Anon tries to round her up and get her to bed.I need to see this
>that crown
>>10202746Wait. ....Wait wait wait
>>10202746What is old and outdated concepts that have since been dropped after faust left for 50 points, jim.
>>10202596Why is that robot manhandling Kuwabara?
>>10202746>>10202751You guys..
>>10202746Celestia used the elements of harmony to banish Lunawhy wouldn't she be wearing it
>>10202755>been droppedExparden me?
damn artanons newest pic seems better than his usual, its like he put in a real effort
A reminder to those of you who complain about hard drawing is.
>>10202786I was jelly as fuck.
>>10202786>"And that, children, is what's called a 'backhanded compliment.'"
>>10202776Just a bunch of things that faust wrote in the bible have been completely ripped was never meant to be an alicornscootaloo was always meant to be disabled and never being able to flyapplejacks parents being deadcadence not existing>skyla twilight having a brother who she looked up to (cause every girl needs a big bro and wants to be a princess!)
>>10202776Exgard on me...
>>10202773Well yeahbut the star is the same star as the one in twilight's cutie markjust a nice little thing shower how she really was "chosen" or "special" or whatever
FINALLY found it
>>10202790>sad.png>not "fake.jpg"Please.
>>10202790Drawin's for weirdos and queers. Now shut up and eat your steak 'n beer, son.
>>10202806>fake.png>not "pandering.png"Please.
>>10202786Glad you liked it!
>>10202806>shitty parents are just something out of myths and legends, like bigfoot and five dollar footlongs
>>10202790That if you don't start young you'll never be good at all?
>>10202805god this cat gave me so many awkward moments when I was a kid
>>10202805And people wonder why young men today are so drawn to children's cartoons.We were all set up to look like pedophiles.It's a conspiracy. Soon they'll round us all up.
The force of a dolphin's ejaculate would whip your head back so fast that it'd snap your neck if you tried to let one come in your mouth
>>10202797but aj's parents are deadthat was included the best way they could've done it, reallySo what if Laurens' vision didn't happen perfectly; she doesn't have control anymore and the writers are gonna do what they can
>>10202805It's not my fault! It were those fucking cartoons that gave me boners for animated furry things...
>>10202797Appljacks parents ARE deadScoot CAN'T flyCadence was going to exist in some fashionThe rest is unknown
>>10202843>she doesn't have control anymore and the writers are gonna do what Hasbro wantsFixed it for you.
Good night ya weirdos.
>>10202850>Scoot CAN'T fly>not being a late-bloomerI think RD taking her under her wing was meant to signify that things were going to change.
>>10202833Yeah, right. The Jews are just slowly working to make pedophilia legal so they can fuck little boy bums with impunity without having to bribe them with big Hollywood movie roles and parts in Disney musicals.
>you will never run your hands along Rarity's supple curves
>>10202853>thinking hasbro really has that much controlyeah, they force some things to happen, but they dont write the scripts dude
>>10202836Is it true the flare can dislocate your jaw?
>>10202836But what a way to go
>>10202805>When Sweetie Belle grows up, she has a singing voice like Rita'sAnd the same wiggle in her hips.
>>10202805>pone will never entangle itself in a blanket till it looks like a mummy
>>10202843>but aj's parents are deadnothing canon shows this, if the story calls for ajs parents because they are part of the new apple family barn playset they will appear in the show as if they have been living with aj the whole time.
>>10202870yeah, but they can force things like adding a new princess, giving Twilight a brother and making her a princess too
>>10202827>people lying on the internet to make people like you/give you recognition is just something out of myths and legends, like autism and PT
>>10202874>"I don't know how to tell you this Mr. and Mr.s Van Houghtten>"Just give it to us straight doc, no sugarcoat">"We found your son by one of the dolphin tanks">"so your saying one of those filthy dolphins took my son out?">"Well, not exactly....."
>>10202874Imagine the obituary.
>>10202861>Yoshi's Anorexia Story
>>10202887Yeah, those are big things, but it doesn't mean they're absolutely terrible. I think the writers are doing a pretty damn good job of pulling them off regardless. Besides, Fausts original vision for twilight was for Twilight to be Celestia's successor. This is plenty close.
>>10202886>nothing canon shows this,The two shooting stars in AFR say other wise
>>10202886It was heavily implied
>>10202908Don't bother, he'll probably say "Unless applejack says "My parents are dead", it's not canon" because he can't pick up obvious context clues. Plus it's been confirmed by storyboarders regardless.
>>10202921Well.Now I'm all sad n' shit.
>>10202888What if I told you that PT and the rest of the fandom is only a figment of your imagination?
>Tfw watching pone for the first time since Season 2 finale.
>>10202944>that bulge in her pantsu-unf
>>10202941Wait.You didn't know?You didn't catch the stars?You didn't know Applejack doesn't have parents?
>>10202955Just what do you suppose it is, anon?
>>10202955I love a girl with a fat mons and a plush pudenda.
>>10202904when you have to say things like "it wasnt terrible" or "they did the best they could"your in fukken denial
>>10202955Something is very wrong with you. Unless you're referring to a particularly large vulva.
>>10202949And that I'm the only one watching the show?Then who the heck makes all the fan-merchandise..
>>10202956I knew she occupied a Batman-like stock in the parental department, but I didn't catch the symbolism of the shooting stars.
1-3:hunt monster4-6:draw7-9:bed0 or dubs: MLPG decides
>>10202972>>10202966>>10202955mah swollen ladybits niggas
>>10202975Nobody does. The pieces you buy are secretly made by Hasbro
>>10202966Imagine if you convinced her to let you shave her pubic hair, making sure that lovely little bit of her is lickably baby-smooth.
>>10202986Men of refined and discriminating taste.
>>10202989What about all the friends I have that are also into the show?
>>10202996I'd rather trim it. I don't mind a pretty little bush down there, announcing her puberty and readiness for breeding.
>>10203014plants by Hasbro. I'm sorry, but your entire life is a lie.Take the red pill.
>>10203026I like this lamia guy
>>10203020I bet she'd give you some beautiful children.
>>10203025Can I have a lollipop instead
>>10203026It looks like her head is over a toilet from the thumbnailPoor AB, can't hold her liquor
>>10203025Well shit.I guess I'll just have to, then.>>10203034God damnit, anon. You're not real.
>>10203035I'd hold her and liquor.
>>10203020>>10203032This thread is now very interesting
>>10203032Not with how your face looks, she would
>>10203035>you will never be taunted by a way too drunk little filly in her first experience with alcohol>She will never end up sloppily sucking you off, barely having enough coordination to manage it
>>10203043Goddamn, that juice looks good. I haven't had juice in forever.Guess I'll have to settle for Bourbon.
>>10203032Of course, they have the most beautiful mother, with the most beautiful enormous breasts to feed them.
Fucking those hot,sweaty stallions with their large and turgid cocks Even after your heat cycle you're still fucking tons of stallionsYou slut
>>10203054>She will never pass out halfway through, your cock lodged deep in her throat.
>>10203062>not taking on their attributes after being pumped full of their essence for so long
>>10203026>i have jacked off to this guys art more than any person shouldand always feel guilt after
Sometimes I wonder why I even try.
>>10202548How many times in life are you going to get thrown the opportunity to slam some winking marevag? Do it, you'll die satisfied knowing that you got to fuck a horse in your lifetime. If they've got ponies or minis they're a better choice than full size mares, and tighter. Bring some apples and carrots for them to eat so they stay still.
>>10203074oh my god do i tryFINISH IT
>>10203076I'm going to (maybe) this weekend.
>>10203062Why does everyone here want to be a slutty mare?Why do I want to do the same?
>>10203088It's infectious
>>10203074To do what?
>this guy is making more of these kissing editsYES GOOD
>>10203088>you will never be a slutty futa mare>you will never use your oversized dick to pound all the other slutty mares into quivering cumbloated heaps of satisfied marshmallow flesh
>>10202805>>10202847Children's cartoons are designed to give kids weird fetishes. There's no fucking reason for animated characters to be so sexy. Look at ponies, Rarity is giving 8 year old kids across the country boners and cementing weird sexual fetishes in them for life.
Meanwhile in a universe where twilight hasnt freed nightmare moon yet...
>>10203067>you don't notice immediately, and its a few seconds before you look down and see the whites of her eyes>you grab her hair and pull her off, but the sudden rush of oxygen and slight pain of your grip wake her up>she doesn't even wipe the drool off her mouth before she rams you down her throat again
>>10202872Yeah, that's no joke. It's a BAD idea to ever get under a full size stallion, you can get stomped, kicked, or a broken jaw from a flare twice the size of your fist expanding in your mouth. And according to beastforum, you can aspirate the semen into your lungs if they cum in your mouth because stallions ejaculate so violently.
>>10203106>Oh god that face>Oh god that stomachThis is going to be one of those pictures I try to masturbate to but end up changing to something else
>>10203088I want to be a slutty mare because it fits right into my TF fetish, that and it would be hot being a slutty mare.>>10203092UNF>mfw after having a slutty mare dream>hearing my own soft moans and the feeling of a horse cock going deep in me
>>10203096Worst feel
>>10203088>everyone is the slutty mare>no stallions around for miles>suicide rampant
>>10203120Hey, did you enjoy that Rarity image Reva did?
>>10203122>suicide>not setting up a complicated social hierarchy based on the unicorn's ability to give the dick
>>10203125It was okay, for a giggle.
>>10203122>implying they wouldn't all suddenly turn lesbian
>>10203086You better film or stream it, the last guy who promised never came through. At least a story, don't let me down.
>>10203126>setting up a complicated social hierarchyYou know what happens to be a really fun power? Howling Strike.
>>10203122>No hot mlpg orgy due to lack of stallions and futas>No sky courting>No rough mud fucking>Only unicorn pones can enjoy themselves
>>10203122>Implying every slutty mare isn't biWe'd get through it
>>10203073His stupid longbon thing has somehow caught the attention of my penisI do not understandThere's only like 2 sexual pictures, too
POST WHAT TORRENTS YOU ARE DOWNLOADING RIGHT NOWNO CLEANING UPif its mlp or bestiality related you lose>McDonalds>All day breakfast>Delivery
>>10203160Nothing right nowI'm not seeding anything either
>>10203147GOD that was a good story.The only one I liked more was The Tale of Michael.
>>10203167>I'm not seeding anything eitherMe neither.>tfw no gf
>>10203141I doubt I would stream it or even film it, I might do a story on it. Keep an eye out for the McCartney reactions around here from friday to sunday, as it would most likely be me. Ask me then.
>>10203160>tfw empty torrent listI seeded something for nearly six months, though. That should be worth something, I guess.
>>10203160Haven't downloaded any torrents for months now.Student apartment.
>>10203154>>10203149>not setting up Ponyville's first Bad Dragon franchise and making a killing
>>10203160ha! i win, no creepy brony stuff here.
>>10203160All the "Blackadder" episodes.Neuer_Ordner.rar
>>10203186>Ponyville's own BD>Modeled from real live dragons>Also sell time with the dragons
>>10203093to draw
>>10203160I marathoned it last night.
>>10203160It's nothing!
>>10203160I got lucky this time, I had shitloads of beast porn on my old laptop. Having a desktop after 6 years of using a laptop is so nice.God damn I miss zoophilestracker, if I had the money I'd buy the domain and get everything set up again. So much man+mare stuff lost forever.
>>10203147FUCK YOU WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE>>10203172/tg/ stories are always fun.
>>10203190>GoTBetter than TWD I guess..
>>10203227really faggot? GoT is the worst thing you see on there?
>>10203239I'm not going to judge people based on what they flail their genitalia at.
>>10203160Nothing currentlyJim Norton Stand Up
So shall I fetish or just sleep?
>>10203275Depends, what fetish?
>>10203190>Doctor WhoBRONY AS FUCK>Chloe Vevrierunf
>>10203282I'm mostly in the mood for something involving that futararity.
>>10203260wow you are right. your post has changed how i will view people in mlpg who like obese are a wise person.
>PROMPT NUMBER TWO: DRAW THE CMC TRYING TO GET THEIR CUTIEMARKSUm, dunno what to do with this. Any suggestions?
Where the hell did everyone go?This is turning into some weird fetish talk
>>10203288That absurd picture?Fetish, that picture was fucking hot
>>10203288If you go to bed now, I will fucking murder you
>>10203297Maybe they're reading /tg/ stories?
>>10203297so what
>>10203285the torrent guy is GR all along
I want you guys to know that I'm drunk ancd you should not feel bad about yourself and do wstuff to make yourself feel better and make things. Because existentailsim.
>>10203300>>10203299<3So what will she get up to? Have anon make out with her gaping urethra? Wink and slurp his cock to match hers in size? Something else lewd?
>>10203294take your favorite hobby and have applebloom fail at trying to do it
>>10203289I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but okay.
>>10203313I'm both confused and inspired.
>>10203313I want to hug you.
>>10203332You should be baecuse I love you anon. I love people. and you can't hate yourself baecuse i lvoe you. stop hateing you. Tell me what's rrrong.
>>10203313Scrubbles, pls
>>10203342God damn it, now I crave confectioneries.
>>10203319she gets a boner so massive in public she is cant move, so the cmc help jack her off.describe how her erection tears through her panties and dress. futa public humiliation is my fetish.
>>10203349nope i am rgular anon can't guss me
>>10203360I'm with you until the humiliation part.
>>10203358we should eat candy together and talk abouty our prolbems your problems and stuff. I love you.
>>10203364Scrubbles, please tell me a joke.
i am now writing Scootaloo sexy basketball.should it be from Nameless Audience Surrogate's point of view, or Scoots'? make my decisions, /co/.
>>10203379I an aint scubs bniga but I ltel joke tell you a joke fruck fuck the backspace hkey key. How many pones does it take to screw lightbulb? spoiler suttff bcause I be fucking them too hard and they moan in delight.
>>10203375Totally.Do you want to begin, or should I?
>>10203350This is the shot that makes me think 'They still got it' and warms my heart. Then I see the error and i fight back the cringe
>>10203302I fucking love Contingency
>>10203397Holy fuck 10/10. I legitimately laughed.
>No mind control fics of fluttershy controlling anon>No pet pony fics outside of Zephyr>No TF pics of anon turning into pony>There's not a single NSFW TF picWhy is this world so cruel
>>10203406The stories of things going just wrong enough to go right are the best stories.
>>10203402Okay. FOr first thing I aint pushing backspeacke. I hate mayslef for not bieng able to conterol my life. I like mlpgh because I feel accepted being anon. I poneis make my dick hard ecaue they feel klike perasonalitys that I can't fuck and they like it. being connectined and shit.>>10203409okay hig hig hug me pls
>>10203412At least we got our pet pony posts.>Wait I want a dick in my mouth
>>10203313Want to feel better?Draw penises.
Why are there so many alcoholics in MLPG?
>>10203327i have been trying to cut back on shitposting about fetishes other people like but i dont really like.
>>10203478It's ust me faglove youI want to let you know htat I am social twehn trungkf no backespace because hopefully it s fucnny to you ghug me
>>10203478We're all lonelyI'm just out of vodka, scotch, red and even goonI really need to get some tomorrow
>>10203493I am lonely.plshug meI ant to know i aint alone int this universe of bullshit and hsate hate
>>10203478If I could use this as an excuse for why I stay up so late, I would.
>>10203427I know what you mean, anon. If they had bland personalities and were generally obnoxious in other ways, I wouldn't be nearly as aroused.MLPG is quite accepting, that's true, if they weren't they wouldn't have such a colourful community.Now, onto my problems.I have slight depression, I only got 22m nkr from my great-grandmother when she passed away and I have severe OCD.Also I like Twilycorn>>10203482I take it you're serious then? No problem then I guess.
>>10203477So any other ideas for overly hung and swollen marecunt/donut Rarity?
Anyone got a picture of Lyra sitting on a bench? If I don't draw something for the MLPG thing now i'll never do it.
>>10203517Well, you probably couldn't satisfy her with your dickfor at least a little whileAnd even one arm might not be enoughYou probably have to be careful though. If you give her too much to grip you might not get those limbs back until she's done with them
5am Monday morning, and pony pony pony. Fuck ya
>>10203510it's olkay oksy okayI love you. so muchand to know this is importantenter key is grateatsorry. anonimityity is good because you talk can talk swith without bad stuff of being handlesd by persoanl stuff. I want you to know that it's okeay. no backspace bexaue c because true heart on my haeart. it okay. we human. I be drperseed depressed too, dystymia siad by psychologist and psychairitrist. XZZoloft no help. It's a meta ehlp of feeling like universe wants yhou and loves you. I lvoes you. pls love me. I want you to know you waint aint alone. we all human. no ba ckspace, treue love. t2wilycorn is okay of if handled good. i hope things work good. hope is best human thing ever in existiantece.
>>10203478The subset of people who self-medicate emotional pain with cartoon horses overlaps with the subset of people who self-medicate their emotional pain with alcohol.The show is in hiatus so that leaves one of the two options.
>>10203548You could probably rut her cock while you're still small or even when you're not~But yes, she wouldn't splort your arm back out until she'd nearly crushed it in climax and painted the floor and wall white with spunk.
all thing considered, i dont have that many
>>10203573its np
>>10203579>>10203586Im just gonna use this one
>>10203558What flavour is that?>>10203565You're great anon, I love you too.
>>10203596>but you will always
>>10203572That's trueI wonder if humans are tall enough that you could basically 69 her massive cock, pressing yourself as far as your dick can reach into her flare while burying your face in her huge puffy rear lips>you will never
>>10203614>that twerkin
>>10203614>403 forbiddenInterestingI wonder what that was
What if S4 is rotoscoped?
>>10203614I just want you to know that I am fully erect as a direct result of that link.
>>10203614> url pls goalso looks painful
>>10203609That would certainly be delightful, hugging her throbbing erection to your chest as her heavy nuts churn on either side of your head. Not to mention her squeals of passion as you pound away at her cumhole and drink deep of her gushing marejuices.
>>10203601pls bashi share po pain. I want ot hwlpe. help. Want o be psychara no wait psychologist becaue I nkow what life is like whoi withougt without help. I a want to love everybody. This is tr trube because no backspace. pls I want to help. I wstu study metaphysical stuff. I want ot hwelp. help. I love you. I want ot love everything. Love myself. pls
>>10203622It's tf. There's an extra / before "images," remove it.
>>10203633Suck my dick, Twilight.
>>10203633Response to being told "I love you".
>>10203614Umbasa.I wish there more TF stuff
>>10203637>tf>its a gifThis is incredibly hot
>>10203614Reminded me of that one part of Pinocchio.>>10203615Good choice. Wild or Gardened?>>10203633I want to believe you're real, but it's getting hard.
>>10203640>>10203637Okay, I've giot it this
>>10203632Who would cum first?she's being assaulted in two places at once, but with equipment like that she's surely more experiencedOr does all that sensitive flesh just mean she has a hair trigger?
>>10203642o no m nom dslurp suck pls hrardrer dick.No.It's not kay because sex noever sovles love of self. I learn this hard the hard way. No fatnasy leive reality.>>10203649You don't have to knw onese soneome someont someone to kno say I love you. I do. I want ot love everything even though it hurst.h urst hursts. hursts. hurts. c'mon dude. Why don't you slove love yoruself. etell tell me. I am wanting to be on psychologist degree.>>10203659Why is it hard? tel me. Dude c'moe cmon. suttf. Why" You got nothign to lose by telling me, you anon. Just talk. You feel bette r i promose. promise. You know I telling trute truth because no backspeace. Full heart. my soul is yours to stalk talk to. pl.s tell me I want other sousl.
>>10203659i prefer wild
>>10203687It really depends. Her cock is so warm and tight that you might not be able to last long, moaning into her thick lips as you spurt hot ropes of cum deep into her shaft. But if you pull your hands up to tease her thick donut she'd cry out in ecstasy, gallons of viscous spunk blasting out around your shaft as she trembles and nearly drowns you in marecum.
>>10203691It's starting to feel like an act.>>10203692Oh lord, why did I laugh at that.
anyone else flip the fleshlight upside down to be more like a mare vag
this thread is pretty horribleim glad it's dead
>>10203714What's that supposed to mean?>>10203724You're horrible. Why aren't you dead?
>>10203724i try to keep my shitposting to ded horses
Previous Thread>>10196784 [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Download links for episodes:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG: (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Events: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:>Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content): Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>10203711You know what fine whatefer. <You too scared to say you how you wreally feel then I can't help you true self cover over com overcome eh these problems. Nothing to lose. Tell me. if ai I act then so wahy? waht/ what? Nothing to lose. Just talk. Nothing to lose a because anon. pls I love your soul iteself. I want to help people. It is it ca act because c grammar is messed up? Dude comong cmong no backspeace to prove I real. plase please nothign otlose. TELL ME
>>10203741You're late
Anyone want me to write TF pet pony smut?I'm bored.
>>10203762I assume that is a rhetorical question
>>10203747If you really want what you say you want, then that's great, but you're starting to freak me out.I own several pony plushies and I cuddle with them every night.
>>10203747I dond didn't realizde when posting pic that luna so is so hait hot. I lwou would love her hard. she good Pony. She has dick suckling lips. fuck hot sucking lispss. I would hold her while she told me her soul. She would be pained because so alone. thides this pard part of soul can be empty but I cn can help t o f to fill it. Not bacuse I will replace it but baac ue because I teacher tacher tach her how to. so beautiful
This thread frightens me.
>>10203808Everything frightens you
>>10203808dead things are always scary.
>>10203808I honestly have no idea what's going on
>>10203776I dunno.Should I write the TF process or should I just write the story of pony-anon staying with human-anon?
>>10203706>>10203687Still around?
>>10203780Every bpert person has wh hole in their soul. That's okay part of being huamn human. To fill this void is fuhu huan human. Sometimes people use symbols religions or other p;epo people to fil hole. It's not boad thing nab bad thing. It's human. Her's here's how to stop feeling abd bad about it. Realize it's not bad, then underastnt d underat undersatnd you aint alone. ther are man ypoeple t who do same thing as you. Maybe enve even MLPG do same thing as hugging plsuhses. plushes. SUT STUFFED FABRIC THAT RESEMBLES HRSOE PONES. Soryr sorry I fea freak you a out. I am drukn and just want to help others so much. I love you. Thise this void is that you belive now noo no one will ove ou. yhou. I do. OTehrs wiill. If you unde3ratnd yourself, then others will underastand you. I'ts hard. I am not belittleing your pain. I nkow because i have fants t fantasys that I go into to feel baetter. Reality is hard shut shit to deal with. You are not alone in everyithgn. I love you. please udnerat understand that fantasy is will not solve problems. It will enslave you to death. it hardsh harsh but truth. There is love in thea world and unireverse universe. Use it to not ha hu hate slef slef. self. Its' okayu to not feel like you are in contrl of yourself and ego. ego is ag bitch. I lvoe you. aht that matters i hope. please tell me more