Old Horse: >>10156298Good night, MLPG
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>>10159207>Good night, MLPGbut it's two in the afternoon
Continue with the contributor shippingMewball x thumbs
>>10159207>NightIt's 1 in the afternoon, silly apple filly.
>>10159179The quality of writing isn't something that can be fixed between posts. How much writers you know who magically started to write better when were told they are bad at it?Seriously, I was waiting for Celestia quest from you almost a year.And now there won't be any. yes, I'm fucking mad.
>>10159235>>10159241It's 3 in the afternoon and it's time for bed.
>>10159246but what was so bad about it?
How do I become pone artist
are there any good human-Ponk fapfics?
>>10159246>Won't be any.Who said that? I said I won't run one of the same character that another is in the process of running. Should a Celestia quest happen from me, it'll happen after smutanon's quest has run its course.And I'm still not sure why you're angry about that. If I recall, I was under the impression my characteristic understanding of Celestia was poor at best.
>>10159236Zooming in definitely helps. So would you suggest working in a bigger canvas and then cropping the work space for the final result?
>>10159286Draw circles
>>10159286have depression. rave about it. draw draw draw. cry. envy others.Just ask SB.
>>10159286draw a ponestart doing commissions of ponego to cons about ponesell outstop drawing ponemove to the next thing
>>10159207>nightBut it's only 1!
>>10159286Take requests.Don't be a dick.
Loveliest, sweetest, cuddliest, best pony
>>10159286Just a pone artist or an MLPG pone artist?
>>10159307The Beatles are overrated.
>>10159302Who came up with that lie?
>>10159302And turn it into porn
>>10159326No shit
>>10159300>And I'm still not sure why you're angry about that.Because PQ won't be runnin any quests at all. Only you left. Why, because:> I was under the impression my characteristic understanding of Celestia was poor at best.you did more or less well Celestia in Luna Quest (except few mistakes). So I was hoping another big quest will put you back on the rails. *there was supposed to be idiom about talent and alcohol but I forgot it*
>>10159326Overrated, yeah, but still good.
>>10159323MLPGI feel like contributing but I can't draw for shit
>>10159286Don't be mysterious. Be outgoing. Draw. Don't delete your tumblr.
>>10159315>opinionsStop taking subjective preference as fact.>>10159326See above.
>>10159350I actually like some of their early pop-y justin bieber shitLove me do is catchy
>>10159354Then fucking practice and prepare your anus for a pounding when you post it.
>>10159302I tried that.I didn't work.
>>10159354Draw for us anyway. You're learning so its ok.
>>10159383>your anus for a poundingunf. I should raw more
John is a pussy whipped twit, and george and paul are best, I think we can all agree on that.
>>10159340>tfw Lyra shenanigans won't ever happen ever again
>>10159354Just start drawing and ask people for feedback, they are normally not too hard on new artists and always love to see improvementAlso, since you said 'MLPG artist' I guess you want to be recognized in here; if that's so, don't follow the "only use your name while posting art" advise. If you do that, people wont remember you
>>10159256Det er leggetid for meg.Sånn går det når man har et liv.
So... Anyone still interested in that Guardbutt balls, actually that someone wanted earlier today?God that sketch took way too long. I
also make sure to double check derpibooru has things you've uuploaded on itthere seems to be a loss of images
>>10159417Don't be a Kraut or SB and be a depressedfag. Poeple hate that.
Haven't been here since the season finale..How have you people been? what have I missed?
>>10159433Anon stahp it.
Alright let's see if this system works.Rules:1. Don't vote more than once. I'll find you.2. Don't vote for a pony who has already been written about. Any redos will happen after I've completed the circuit and learn from my gamut of mistakes.3. Background ponies are allowed as an "Other" choice, but the quality of such a quest could vary wildly.4. ONLY VOTE ONCE.5. Remember that this is for fun. We're aiming for the lightheartedness that my first run had, not any 2deep4u explorations of pony civilization and philosophy. http://poll.pollcode.com/nl6e6Give it a vote and I'll release the results later today, after I give the evening crowd a chance to vote.
>>10159430>tfw anonymous uploads your art to derpibooru
>>10159447>what have I missedOh you know, the usual fetishfaggotry that runs rampant. But seriously, nipponese horses are now real.
>>10159334Why is pinky such an asshat?
>>10159433But that's one of the manyways to get recognizedor be areally raelly good at drawing
>>10159447equestria girls is real, the comic is great. Season 4 is confirmed 26 episodes. We have been ok.
>>10159426LewdLooks pretty good so far
>>10159447DramaSome anons became mares
>>10159447Everything is shit. We're in the usual hamburgers mode until new stuff. Comics are pretty neat.Not sure what the latest shitstorm material is.
>>10159468Drama doesn't make you a good artist, it just makes you look like an ass.
>>10159486Im talking about getting recognized though
>>10159447General skulduggery and other classic types of riff raff. Mostly, we've been surviving on the comic and Nippones Japanese pones are starting to come out. This hiatus seems to be littered with goodies, from the Unicon implosion to now. There's usually something new to talk about on a week to week basis.
>>10159478Poeple animating good blowjobs
>>10159463Because shes made of fluff and leaking winking wet mare pussy
>>10159500I don't think you want that kind of notoriety.
>>10159500Oh if that's your goal and not be good at art then follow how they did it.
>>10159500>be recognized for being a dramaqueen
What if shota x filly?
>>10159511I KNOW, RIGHT?
>>10159433Well, yeah. Obviously you shouldn't blog about yourself in here or constantly talk about the same single topic. That will get some people pretty mad at you, no matter if its justified or not.But if you go Anon after posting your pic no one will remember you if you arent a skilled artist
>>10159240>you will never be recognized enough to be shipped, despite the fact that you try your bestBeing a writefag is suffering.
>>10159500Would you rather be known like ross, or known like -insert not-shit non-drama artist here-
>>10159484this thing. people even confused metals with you
POST THE LAST MUSIC YOU LISTENED TO!!Would your favourite pny like it?
>>10159473All right.I feel dumb for agreeing to do it. Now I'll have to do armour and stuff, when it's not even the main focus of the picture. At least I'll have a clean version in the end as well..>>10159511Yeah, wouldn't want to jump on the bandwagon too late. Do you mind though?)
>>10159240Almost forgot about this
>>10159537shut up gypsy
>>10159539The drawing thing starts tomorrow right? Is it another week long thing? How many ideas for it did you get?
>looking at girl's Facebook you knew in high school>tfw new pictures are being posted with her in prom dresses and swim suits
>>10159539Draw some porn, Nobbs.
>>10159551As long as you draw some flutterporn
>>10159534The point is SB and Kraut are good role models for getting recognition.Everything else, not so much.
>>10159537Why would you even want that? That's some sad stuff.
>>10159551I honestly don't care. Draw what you want to draw. That's my philosophy.
>>10159556Funny stuff.
>>10159562there's this by jailbait and one from jalm but i forgot to save it
>>10159538>known>not-shit non-drama artist herePick one
>>10159560That's not me, mate
>>10159500Good luck on becoming one of SB's homosex concubines. I hope you like fat, hyper cocks, fat, and depression.
>>10159594Nothing bad about a good old paradox
>>10159597A-are you saying you want to be my mate? Oh jeez, I don't think I'm ready...
>>10159551>>Yeah, wouldn't want to jump on the bandwagon too late.>tfw its already too late for you without looking like you jump on the bandwagonI'll just wait a little bit I guessAnd I don't mind. It's your time, you are free to spend it like you want - if you end up spending it on drawing something I like, thats great, if I don't - I'm sure there's someone else in here who will enjoy it and it's always practice for you
>>10159594>LKDone, what do I win?
>>10159565Yeah, in about 11 hours.I got a little over 20.
>>10159624Pretty much LK
>>10159560I'm actually the guy who wrote the CMC Tea Party, and am making a full-blown story based off this.I should get a name but my whining about how much I hate myself would get me filtered.>>10159597Why would you imposterfagging me, of all people?
>>10159609What about giant boobs and muscles?
So, some bands/artists have a Signature Song?Does FiM have a signature episode?
>>10159591>Markerita complimenting a contributor on their latest work.gif
>>10159458>everyone else winning over celestiawatch me being surprisedit is like my Eqd poll!
>>10159643But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
>>10159637I could never forget you anon.
>>10159577The only Flutterporn I'd be willing to draw is either solo or FlutterMac Sorry, I'm just a huge dork like that.>>10159604>>10159586I know, I know. I'm not being precious about it.>>10159614Just do what you want. I've just been waiting for an excuse to do some, really.
>>10159582>good role models for recognitionNot fucking really, they are virtually unknown. If you want recognition try to copy why Tiarawhy does.
>>10159591>Jailbait out of nowhere kicking so much assNow that is awsome.
>>10159633I am the other guy he was talking about
>>10159667So, you are in a mood to draw porn?Any chance to make chrysalis porn I requested earlier?
>>10159655>you will never get your dick sucked by marker as a reward for drawing
>>10159546It's been so long I nearly forgot about that. I look forward to your work!>Metals being mistaken for meWhat a terrible fate.I miss that guy. >VN never took off either.....I need to find that engine we were using.
>>10159591>>10159644What was this done in?
>>10159655>markerita will never show you her gratitude for that nice contributionI feel duped
>>10159677Oh, my bad.Nice to meet you, I guess.
>>10159689>VNwait, what?there was a VN?
>>10159635Things you must like to become SB's tumblr fuckbuddy:fathyper cocksfatdepressionhyper titsmusclesfathomosIf I like all of the above, do you think SB will promote me on tumblr? Maybe reblog my shit? Slip the dick inside me?
>>10159691Paint tool sai
>>10159691Microsoft Paint
>>10159691frames drawnpaint tool sai, animated in photoshop>>10159707>>10159712heh
>>10159691Windows 8
>>10159624I just assumed they were talking about mediocre (ie not shit) artists such as myself.LK is a good, chill artist.
>>10159696Same!Your stuff is pretty good, keep on going, we really need more writefags
>>10159708He promotes artists who he thinks are good
>>10159691A combination of these two>>10159707>>10159712
>>10159689>VN never took offwhat a shame...
>>10159708>2/8I should apple-y myself
>pokehidden's artWhy does he let himself be so bad.
>>10159730>someone calling it goodOh m-my...<3
Things I wanna draw when I get good:ButtsDicksCute stuffFlutterseatWould you accept me mlpg?
>>10159704I joked one night that we should make a VN.MLPG took it seriously, and some of us volunteered to write the dialogue and all that.So we started working on stuff, assigning writers to paths and working out the paths.But slowly the writers jumped ship, or were unable to write what they theorized due to life constraints or any of that. I myself joined the Air Force and had to leave before writing the Fluttershy arc I was supposed to write.Since I've heard nothing from Cosine or any of the others, I've assumed it kicked the bucket for good.But why should I let that stop me.
>>10159733Damn, I just cannot get it up to this guy's stuff at all. Not that it's bad, just none of it really pitches the tent for me.
>>10159708Why would you want to be his fuck buddy? Have you seen his videos on PonyHotGlue? His penis is so small.
>>10159733Is there a word for something that is both sexy and adorable?
>>10159754He's like the epitome of stagnation.
>>10159760>ButtsHow big are we talking here?
>>10159765>>10159767 lel
>>10159773I thought that was JJ
>>10159776All the butts anon, any size, any sex.
>>10159782There are many stagnation epitomes.
>>10159773Did you guys read that post he made about his doctor or whatever telling him he had the mind of a 13 year old?
>>10159681The one with Changelings?I have a few things I'd like to do, finish that guard first of all, then do a slightly saucy(but not really NSFW) Lyra There may be a version where she's holding a dildo. Maybe and some grown up Scootadiving featuring Rumble.. And this is all pretty long term, I'm busy with school as well.
http://i.imgur.com/JLWYa56.jpgI will never stop loving CBT
>>10159766So that's why he draws big dicks? To compensate?
>>10159810Think I'll never start.
>>10159692>>10159683>"What have you got for me tonight?">"What's this? A picture of Lyra in a fancy hat? How adorable!">She undoes your fly with her magic, then begins sucking your dick>When you're finished up, she straightens up your nametag>"Please, keep them coming. Everyone loves new conte-">Ross comes in with a small portfolio>Flat expression. She buttons your pants and gives you a spank on your way out. Ross smolders as you exchange glances.>"H-hey, you never slap me on the ass when I bring new content..."
>>10159799How can a doctor say that? How can he measure it?There are many different 13 years old. Not everyone matures at the same time.
>>10159764You have my sword.
>>10159788I'd follow you.
>>10159799>reading his postsBut how the fuck is that even possible
http://i.imgur.com/xHApQun.jpgSO MANY OF MY FETISHESI CAN'T TAKE IT
>>10159766Which one do you think he is?
>>10159764I can code and write.Where do I apply?
>>10159799I wonder how many MLPGers would be in the same boat if they took the test?
>>10159810>internal shotI don't know why I love this so much, but I've saved this solely for that purpose
>>10159838You can discuss all of them on /unf/ instead of here
>>10159735aka his friends or people he's currently jealous of.
SmutAnon, are you around?
>>10159764Wait, what's a VN?
>>10159810His ponies always look like they are made out of gum and someone gripped their ass and head and pulled
>>10159810CBT is "Hit-and-Miss" with me. This was a miss
Put your sister to the test
>>10159733>Cadence teaching Twilight how to masturbate>started with the doll, then goes in to a full demonstrationThe art doesn't do it for me, but the concept does.
>>10159853You can suck my dick
>>10159754I thought he was in art school.
>>10159854mostly poeple he's jealous of which is pathetic
>>10159858visual novel
>>10159858Visual NovelYou know, like Katawa Shoujo but with pones
>>10159821She never slapped me either...>tfw markerita puts you on the same step as ross
>>10159829but i woke up like 2 hours ago
>>10159764Well then godspeed, Aspiring Artist Aspirant
>>10159290Yes. But humanized.bittersweet
>>10159821what do you have to do for vaginal?anal?
>>10159821...Go on.
>>10159878Who would you promote?Artists you think are crappy?
>tfw Pepper dies at the end of IM3
>>10159915When you make a picture that someone turns into a greentext story or gets capped for some reason, of course.
>>10159929THANKS DOC
>>10159824>>10159827http://pokehidden.tumblr.com/post/48259849288There you go, enjoy.>>10159873He is, but he sucks
>>10159931>tfw Pepper dies at the end of LPS
>>10159928No my friends and poeple who inspire me. Not for petty reasons.
>>10159929It's been a while since I've seen this one
>>10159956>tfw the finale was pretty damn meh
>>10159691Actually, it was a combination of SAI, after effects and a little PS.This is what my screen looked like when I reached that point of realization"Oh god I'm traditionally animating horseporn, what the hell am I doing with my life"
>>10159841Send me an email if you're interested.I can't work on it right now, got those fics to finish and so on, but I've been mulling how to do this. It won't be complex, but with luck it'll be something memorable to have done.>>10159905Thank you. The biggest issue will be pictures. But considering how long this will likely take me, I'll have time to find those willing to draw what I need. Hopefully.And if I have to commission a few struggling artists to get it done, then two birds with one stone.>>10159821>
>>10159928Just nice things that more people should see. Anything I'd come across, really. But I don't really have enough followers to do that.
>>10159952Looks like he's just a bad case of procrastination.
>>10159967Oh good, you can disregard my question then.
>>10159929II can't
>>10159809Looking forward to that rumblescoot pic. Always good to have more of best ship
>>10159967It's ok buddy. You're among friends.
>>10159958How exactly do you promote someone for "petty reasons"?
>>10159945Huh.And what if you make a picture based off a greentext?
>>10159945>my last sketch sparked some greentextOh boy, Markerita should better hurry with showing up here
>>10159952Oh wow.
>>10159967>tfw you didn't even like furries before MLP>tfw you still don't, but pones are special
>tfw pimple on an old stretch mark gets infected and starts oozing puss
>>10159990I mean Scootadiving as in Rumble pleasuring Scoots orally. I hope you're not disappointed
>>10160022>tfw pimples on ballsack
>>10159875>>10159915>>10159922>Markerita sorting through shitposts at her CEO desk>She sighs. "Why doesn't anyone bring me new content anymore? A General can't survive on nothing but shitposting... for too long.">You approach her desk, asking for some loving>"I don't put out for any old contribution. You got some animation work to show me? It better be goo---">You bring her this >>10159644>"Pony blowjobs? Well animated? This is a rare treat...">She turns around, swipes her cape to the side and lifts her tail>"15 minutes on the slip and slide. Come on in!">Ask how to get some anal>"Got a pony version of Harvest Moon stuffed inside those pockets?"
>>10159967>"Oh god I'm traditionally animating horseporn, what the hell am I doing with my life"You know when that thought hits me everytime? When I see LPS fanart.I always think "Wow, what the fuck are those guys even doing with their lifes" and then I realize that I'm doing the same
>>10160002but she's not real, anon
>>10159866he's mostly miss with a couple of hits. like maniacpaint too
>>10159945>mfw one of my pictures kickstarted a greentext fetish storyWhy isn't she booping yet
>>10159998> "I wish I could animate like that"> "I'm so jealous of this artist's [insert some technique or aspect of their art]"Is what I think he meant
I want to follow more people in tumblr that are in MLPG, seems that I'm new and want to get more of an idea of who's who, can I get a link to your account?
>>10160036>tfw pimples on asshole
>>10160046B-but Anon promised me that she would come... it doesn't even have to be sexual, I just want to hug that silly pone
>>10160002what sketch?
>>10159967>"Oh god I'm traditionally animating horseporn, what the hell am I doing with my life"I couldn't stop laughing when I realized that. Well, it wasn't really horseporn, but still.
>>10160056>tfw pimples inside ear
>>10159912There was another pretty good one on clopsort that I forgot the name too. It was pretty short but sweet, with anon helping pinkie after a party and then fucking.
>>10160037Fun.Also >Pony Harvest Moon I'll take twenty!
>>10160056>tfw pearly penile papules
>>10160054There is a who's who list in the linkboard. If they have a tumblr, it's probably there.Does anyone even read the linkboard anymore.
>>10160070>tfw pimple inside nose
>>10160037eeee~does she wink a lot?
>>10160053How is that any different from posting "inspiring" art?"Oh this inspires me but I'm not jealous and I don't wish I could create anything like this."
>>10160054There's a who's who in the linkboard with all the artists and writers. Read it and do what you want
>>10160061Stop it anon, please
>>10160048which one?
>>10160079>alliterationI don't want to find out what those are, but i could rattle off that phrase all day
>>10160037>tfw Dinofag never delivered.
>>10160085New content gets her hot and bothered. The only reason she'd consider giving vaginal is if your animation got her winking in the first place.
>>10160084>tfw pimple on outer ear
>>10160074oh yes I remember that... but what was the name?
>>10160106I wonder where that crazy old bird is at.
I just want to draw ponies slurping giant cocks all day. All day.All day.
>>10160023Why would I?
I don't think I've ever read a fic where a colt gets rimmed.I think I'll write that next
>>10160116well, why aren't you?
>>10160072Which pic?
>>10160116You're drawing them all day or are they slurping cocks all day?
>>10160110good.winking combined with bareback is ridiculously hot
>>10160066Ciircuit pls, more twerk
>>10160119There's one. Big macx Blues one.
>>10160100They're just harmless little bumps that show up on some men's cock head.
>>10160096What do you mean, 'she wont come'? Did she get stuck in the traffic? It's okay if shes late, I'll just leave the meal in the oven to keep it warm till she arrives.. she will come, right?
>>10160090It's slighlty more pathetic, I guess. I mean, when I reblog stuff I don't go on about how crap I am and how I wish I had other people's mad skills. But maybe because I don't tend to get jealous about people's work. I'm jealous of others, of course, but not because of the content they produce.
>>10160119Only if a mare is rimming him. Maybe even a silly lil filly
Guys the tolkien ensemble is fucking awesome.
>>10160144She's going to 'come' alright.
>tfw Weaver will never write againI really liked Rarity's Generous Plan...
>>10160142I meant colt as in younger male pony.Think Rumble
>>10160144S-sheShe...Of course anon...
>>10160114Home something? Fuck I don't remember. I don't remember if it was on Googledocs, Fimfiction or Pony fiction archive.
>>10160168You should draw more in general.
>>10159301What I do basically is that whenever I start drawing, I just do insert > new symbol, and from there it goes into editing mode within the symbol's internal workspace. If you happen to exit it, just bring up the symbol in the library, right-click and choose "edit".This way you don't get distracted by the FLA's canvas area, and you can keep on drawing as you please. Once I'm done with the drawing, I just go back to the main timeline, drag the symbol from the library and place it on stage. Then I just apply any needed cropping or scaling.
>>10160169Oh I see.
>>10160169Rumble/Shady DazeDo it
>>10160113>small bump in outer ear>poke to it>it doesn't seem to be a pimple>fastforward a couple of months>it's still there>poking and squeezing>that refreshing pop when months old of matured puss is ejected from the inside of the skin bulb
>>10160179To the clopsort mobile!>>10160164you're kidding me right? GG wrote RGP?
>>10160176Oh, good. I'll just sit down on the porch then and wait till she's here. You almost got me worried!
>>10159821>>10160037I wonder what Gloomy (or Junior) think of this...
>>10160197Thanks for that mental image.
>>10160202>clopsortOh.... Oh anon.....
>>10160169What could be really hot is shota on colt. Maybe even humanized colt on colt selfcest.
>>10160202>To the clopsort mobile!Anon, I...
>>10160128Because if I drew them I'd want to draw them choking and crying and drooling and totally turned out, and though that may be my fetish I can't reconcile it with not wanting to hurt these hapless, innocent ponies.
>>10160182I probably should I guess.
hm. i've been drawing for almost an hour now and i looked at what i produced and realized that i forgot how to draw.what the hell am i supposed to do now?
>>10160219What about femanon/ colt /ss/?
>Meanwhile Homestuck is still on hiatus
>>10160239Post it
>>10160197>>10160113>>10160084>>10160070>>10160056>>10160036>>10160022I fucking want to die.I look like scaterpillar.I'm actually considering dousing myself in gasoline and lighting up the night.nah i will do that during the daytime
>>10160218>>10160228NO!NOIT CAN'T BENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmarker, save us...
>>10160197>small bump on earlobe>the fuck is that>poke poke>eventually get a needle, heat it up, and lance the thing
>>10160194I was thinking Cheerilee and Nathan, but I have weird tastes.
>>10160241Fuck you, that episode really got me.I'd wait a thousand summers for her
>>10160236deafdefiler pls
>>10160202Or so the legend saysThe facts are that GG has never denied it and the guy who wrote it never did anything else before and after that
>>10160145>It's slighlty more pathetic, I guess.Yep, sounds about right.
>>10160273uhhi vote for this >>10160247 personally
>>10160247Also yes
>>10160254i can't and i meant as a whole. it was more than one drawing.i often feel like that directly before figuring out something important, so i will do it for a few hours more
>>10159301>>10160190Oh yeah, just one thing to keep in mind is that you should draw somewhere near the "+" inside the symbol, as that's the anchor area.Flash has an invisible barrier beyond which you can't select or draw normally, so you might want to watch out for that. The area you're allowed to mess around with is relatively big though, so I don't usually have any problems with it.
>Pone dream>It's not a slutty mare dream>I just sat with fluttershy staring off into night sky while she talks about her day and the dream ends with cute cuddling and neck nuzzling
>>10160281horsewalk is so damn compliacted. It's hard to tulpa it.
>>10160281See, this is good. Keep on keeping on.
>>10160271http://clopfic.heroku.com/I-I'm sorry anon.
>>10160304I want a dream like that...
>>10160304>minecraft dream>dream of getting griefed on 4craft>the base is still intactI'm taking a break for this. it's too much.
>>10160333dat tetris effect
>>10160333...That's probably a good idea.
>>10160326>not having a pone dream by now.Even my coffee-vibrated brain had one once.
>>10160318End of an era.
>>10160304I dreamed that my 3 cats became the cmc onceSeeing Scootaloo mount Sweetie Belle was really hot
>>10160328What's gay about a mare and a stallion being together?
>>10160348But my feet hurt
>>10160333>4craftYou guys actually go on there?
>>10160302Don't feel bad if you have to take a break mangTo be honest I don't believe that "forgot how to draw" bullshit. It sounds overdramatic. However, I believe in feeling low or down for a period in time, or having temporary fallow period in drawing.
>>10160333>minecraft dreams
>>10160363You want to go home? The music is too loud?
>>1016036450 of mlp and 250 in total for 4chan.
>>10160348I wish I could, but I'm not at home right nowIt would also break my art virginity and then I couldn't pretend to be innocent anymore
>>10160368i'm tired of sucking at drawing. i squandered enough time i could have spent on improvement
>>10160363Please nobby? We need the bad feels to disappear.
>>10160393When the alpha server was launched it was somewhere around 1000 total
>>10160333>minecraft dream>some kind of larger boat mod>part of an MLPG/mlp/ naval skirmish>big ass fight with bows and arrows>we survive
>>10160333is that 4craft server up already?
>>10160398every time you draw you're working on improvement
>>10160412oh, that never happened, the maximum slots were always 250.
>>10160394Do it.And try to include gloomy in there. Junior no because she's too young
>>10160380>controlling your dreams>especially when you play Blocks a lotMy bro downloaded it on xbox and we played 10 hours a day for a week. I kept seeing the world as blocks to destroy.>>10160398Then get the fuck out of 4chan and draw, jeeze. Or go to sleep. I often sleep.
>>10160393I'm on the list for /mlp/, but I don't feel like playing.I got bored with the idea.
>>10160423yes indeed it is. go check 4craft.co for the ip.
>>10160428Not at all, they were stress testing and the maximum slot number was on 2500 iirc.
>>10160416I really, really like that artist.
>>10160430But I'm not at home, Anon. I simply can't draw right now.
>>10160215>Markerita wipes her hoof over her mouth as she cleans off a little bit of 'appreciation' from the latest contribution>Gloom passes the stumbling Anon as he zips up and heads out of the CEO's office with a goofy smile on his face>"You know, if you just told them you liked what they were doing, they'd probably keep drawing all the same. There's no need for you to be a cumguzzling slut.">Markerita gives her a haughty laugh>"The contributors enjoy it. I enjoy it. Just sit back and relax, Gloomy my girl! You've gotta learn how to inspire your workers, especially through the Hiatus.">Gloom rolls her eyes. "The workers seem to love cuddles and nuzzles down in the office.">"Cuddles and nuzzles only go so far. Lift your tail up sometime and watch them bust out a ton of new content.">A namefag knocks on the door, carrying a small canvas. He waves to Markerita.>"Oh! New content! If you'll excuse us, Gloom...">The gloomy pony scoffs and heads out of the room. As she passes the contributor, she glances at him. "Filthy little slut...">He blushes and looks away
>>10160438Why is she so perfect, /co/?
>>10160435I'm getting rather bored. we're way overpowered.
>>10160424no it isn't.anyway, more draws now.
>>10159967hey Jailbaitare you open for requests by any chance?
>>10160456That head is really small.
>>10160444oh well, "they say" the number will go up to 500 slots. with valve times.
>>10160468It's called HEROIC PROPORTIONS!
>>10160454Well when you get home then.
>>10160456This.... this makes me moistname of the artist?
>>10160463It is.If you were a better artist, you would understand that.
Would you give hugs to one (or both)?
>>10160484thats by apple, its ont he sub
>>10160484It's Apple/Sunibee
>>10160484Hoi Hoi
>>10160416That dick looks so off.
>>10160456Haha what the fuckThat femSpike is pretty cute
>>10160455What do you get if you write a greentext that gets capped and circulated regularly?
>>10160424>>10160489Yeah, hm, not really. You can spend hours and hours redrawing the same character from memory when you could have drawn numerous studies of real people in the street/worked on your perspective/learning muscles/etc.
>>10160503>>10160503It's not how you spell it's name.
>>10160455>>10160455This is great.
>>10160491>best ponesBoth.
>>10160456>dat spike>short and curvyI NEED more of this.
>>10160512Hoofjobs when you're called up for review. She probably just teases, though, edging you like a wicked bitch and then dismissing you in hopes her tongue has given you enough inspiration to write more.
>>10160456I want to fuck that dragon girl
>>10160455I like this. I like this a lot.Would gloomy snuggle with contributors?
>>10160479But that wont be before tomorrow
>>10160455I wonder about Junior though. She'd probably be alone most of the time.
Would you spread your asshole for a horny stallion's candy ponecock?
>>10160555i can wait until then
>>10160565Depends on which pone and general size
>>10160554I think Gloomy would snuggle with any anon in hopes that her snuggles would inspire them to try contributing.>>10160546>teasingaw
>>10160441>no pirateslast week they said it was pirate friendly, jerks
>>10160568Oh wow
>>10160568hahaamazingWill be this finished?
>>10160588nah, it was just the admins trollan.
>>10160588Just buy it, gee.It's not like it's expensive or anything.
>>10160455>The gloomy pony scoffs and heads out of the room. As she passes the contributor, she glances at him. "Filthy little slut..."Oh god, I don't think I could enjoy it properly when I know that she's just next door, judging me for every single second
>>10160604Can she have a very modest penis, maybe,below average?
>>10160584>lipsticki'm so sorry for that painting
>>10160614>30 bucks for autismbloxI got it from a friend, nver thought of actualyl buying a copy.
Drawing requests?
>>10160573Any special wishes?Nothing super hardcore please
>>10160635His hot wife.
>>10160622>not being deliberately louder>not trying to get marker in on it
>>10160626>not a huge flaccid dickYou sicken me.
>>10160635twilestia please
>>10160635Him and that other hippy pone singing Loveshack.
>>10160635Draw Filly AJ and filly Rarara during their first nightmare night.
>>10160635Marker pone
>>10160635Babs Seed hugging Flax Seed yelling "Welcome home, dad"
>>10160635People freaking out about Night-time eternal returning. In reality celestia just doesn't want to get up and Luna's putting on the NMM costume, saying "this is the last time I do this"
>>10160638Lots of cuddles.
>>10160635>>10160394>>10160638>Jalm will never draw cute porn with herwhy do I live
>>10160635nightmare moon giving anon a hoofjob with her back hooves
>>10160680You should totally kill yourself now.
>>10160672that would be a very cruel joke, and probably destroy Luna's reputation with her current subjects.
>>10160635Nightmarity x Nightmare MoonHOTLESBIANSEXplease
>>10160690no no. I meant to imply it was the original incident, and that for a few days Celestia just wanted a reason to sleep in.
>tfw my blind bags just got through customs and are in transitFUCK YEAH
>>10160644No man, I just couldn't do that...maybe if I knew that she was secretly jealous, but if she's going to judge me for it, I'd just hand over the picture and then go back to my room
>>10160562>>10160554>Down in the office, Gloomy cuddles up next to some workers having artist/writers block. >She nuzzles up against their neck as they lay there, scratching at their chins.>Gloomy is constantly getting ear scratches, back massages, and belly rubs as Anons try to come up with new content>One Anon brushing her mane jumps up. "I've got it!" He leans over and gives her a big hug. "I finally know what to do in my hyper cock vore fat fetish greentext story! Thank you, Gloom!">"My pleasure, Anon.">Most of the times, when not helping Anons, she's taking coffee and treats around the office, keeping everyone's spirits up.>She glowers over at Anons that whimsically run to the elevators with new canvases in hand>Ross still doesn't have an elevator pass and has to use the stairs>Meanwhile, Junior is going hyper near a large table surrounded by beard/wizard hat toting anons>"So, Life in Ponyville Quest, right? Anon is trying to get adjusted to the world, he's come in all bruised and battered, wakes up in a hospital. What happens next?">One of the Anons scratches his chin. "He... yeah, he looks up at the ceiling... then looks down at the nurse pony. Oh! He wonders why his clothes are gone!">Hours pass as Junior runs through the quest stories again and again, her excitement brimming when more Anons suggest the next actions to take
>>10160672There's already one like that were Celestia is drunk
>>10160672that's actually a pic already. I remember that distinctly.
>>10160728>>10160730Dang.Well how about some Zecora and Twilight mixing potions.
>>10160716you know what?I'm writing that damn story. Thank you Gloomy, Marker and Anon.
>>10160680Geez, thanks Anon
>>10160614I never play it, this was the first time I was goign to play it in a year
>>10160739>you look like quite the alcemist. How about mixing up some potions?OBLIVION WHY DO YOU KEEP TORMENTING ME
>drinking hard cider at a friend's house>try not to pretend I'm AJSurely, someone knows this feel when you're the only horsefucker surrounded by nonhorsefuckers.
>>10160679I'll try to come up with somethingCuddling with whom?
>>10160716Someone better be capping those.
>>10160760I am
>>10160749Same thing with me. Didn't play it since 2011 -- I played for like two days and the repetitive boring gameplay got to me.
>>10160716>>Ross still doesn't have an elevator pass and has to use the stairs
>>10160768and new women recently?
>>10160756Actually nearly that exact feel>friend gets cider>pours me a glass >"thanks, sugarcub-SHIT!">"Anon, what's wrong?">"nothing...nothing at all"
>>10160780I want to fuck ross in the ass and spit on him when im done.
>>10160790>I will have to find out how to draw humansFuck.
>>10160780I know right? this is hilarious.>you will never work at Mlpg Enterprise
Are you and your favorite pony an effective team?
>>10160791Sadly no.
>>10160799...Pony anon!
>>10160568God damn, that Corey butt. UNF
we MLPG office now
>>10160756goddammitjust another reminder that we're all a little autistic
>>10160807>Daily fights will never break out in the break room over waifus>your nametag will never have the cutie mark of your waifu on it
>>10160815I've only seen one woman there, in the rarity section. Can you point the others?
>>10160807I wish I had that "the police discover MLPG" greentext storyI just have this...
>>10160813>RarityWell, I do a lot of digging at work, so maybe.
>>10160819>Bammes>Bridgeman>Hampton>Hogarth>VilppuFind the one that works best for you.
>>10160807I would love to work at MLPG Enterprise... I would even be productive to make sure that I never lose this job
>>10160828There are a few in the Applejack folder as well, but no insertion.
I want to cum inside
>>10160847you mean that you can actually see a woman there?
>>10160853Well, the back door is open.
>>10160818Oh, yeah, that should be doable.I hope I dont fuck it up too badly
>>10160853Marker pone
>Whole mlpg and all artists went full porn.Like I haven't feel alienated enough lately. Well It's adjust or die now I guess. I wonder which will come first.
>>10160858No, just her hands and juices.
>>10160872No one's going to judge you if you don't draw dongs.
>>10160872and then there is this markerknight
>>10160872first one, I can assure you that.
>>10160843>implying you would ever lose your jobmost likely you'll just be relocated to the graveyard shift
>>10160883epic meme xd
>>10160872not everybody draws porn anon
>>10160831you mean this one?
>>10160872>Whole mlpg and all artists
>>10160853I've not yet come across an instance of this joke when it was actually funny or clever.
>>10160881Couldn't it be a very girly hand? I don't know the difference between watery semen and juices.
>>10160872Cheshire, Circuit and Spaerk don't draw porn as far as I know. And I'm sure there are more
>>10160883>markerknightBlehPlease find another expression, which could be used everywhere and not only here.
>>10160894>not "nobody draws porn"STOP BEING ORIGINAL
>>10160882Maybe not here.>>10160888You can assure nothing anon.
>>10160872are you the same guy who whined about AA drawing that Silver-Spoon thing?
>>10160906They were made by the same girl as the Rarity ones.
>>10160897That's the one.I'll have to start naming my saves, it seems.
>>10160568Who drew this?
>>10160926a very fat hand then. got it.
>>10160872>implying all of the artists went full pornAnon, please.
>>10160893>>10160916That is the fucking point, you dolts. It is supposed to sound pathetic. To reflect markerknights nature.
>>10160914>as far as I knowHE HEHEAlso Nobody hasn't drawn porn I think. Same with... Smile, Goat...
>>10160949>HE>HE>HEWait, what are you implying, Anon? What did I miss?
>>10160944>flak still thinks hes slightly relevant or worthy of thought or mention
>>10160949he has.
>>10160922Mmm nah. He drew porn of her? I'm the guy who nods and say oh cool. Whatever rocks your boat. I'm happy that you still do stuff.
What if pony was heterochromatic?
>>10160922AA drew something with silver spoon?What did I miss?
>>10160969Really? Damn. Link?
>>10160949Dunno about Circuit but Cheshire and Spaerk never drew porn.This is the most explicit thing Spaerk drew.Cheshire drew Mr Sparkle x MsSparkle UNDER A FUCKING BLANKET and it was so subtle and dull I would never thought it is a sex scene.
>>10160975http://i.imgur.com/fPRgaSX.pngbehold.it's nothing.
>>10160966A man can dream!You're correct.
>>10160967I want to copy paste this and replace bronies with stuffed bunnies
>>10160716I just finished reading all of this. Is there any more?
>>10160981Don't have it on me,sorry.
Remember, drawing porn is bad,That's why Lauren left us,.You are the faggots who make us look bad.I wish you all die.
>>10160990My favorite part of those pics is still Pip's face.
>this thread
>>10160993>filename>gangnam styleThat's a fad I thought I'd never hear about again.
>>10161012It's okay. I'll find it sooner or later.
>>10161021Hey Dash is this bait?
>>10160990It is not AA but someone very clever imitating himAA is "too pure" he is afraid to lose his morale virginity. We spent fucking 3 threads trying to convince him to draw porn.not him.
>>10160967>it's not for youI would like to see these people try to enforce this logic on others.
>>10161030Would you mind terribly holding off on the avatar business, please? It eats up the imagecount quite a bit, so we try to keep it to a minimum here.
>>10161030Have you not see all the shit Psy is selling out on? This shit is constantly in my face.And im not saying it was never good. It was cool. But its run its course
>>10161021Hahaa nah. I never said that. I just wanted to get some facts straight and the facts areee... yeah maybe not all of them but for sure most drew something like.
>>10160990>http://i.imgur.com/fPRgaSX.pngHmm. HMMM. Yes. Yes I'll allow that.>tfw wanting to be used liked that
>>10161042I would like to see you close mlpg and never come back
>>10161042sentenal, anything interesting regarding 4craft?
>>10161055>closing mlpg>closing>mlpg
>>10160985>Cheshire drew Mr Sparkle x MsSparkle UNDER A FUCKING BLANKET
>>10161036>he hasn't seen the pics of Gilda and Flitter
>>10161061Pinko the dragon needs more art
>>10161055I'm sorry, but this is all I can think about anymore whenever someone complains about Sentenal
>>10161036ddnt he draw a pantsless human gilda before?
>>10161049It's not like I comment that often, but mkay, fair enough.>>10161050I haven't really noticed them since their GS thing died out.
>>10161063Server is up, and /mlp/ is the largest and most powerful faction as of now. Sproutcraft is supported, and is better to play with.
>>10160949>hinting at the fact that you have seen porn from them>not linking itShame on you, Anon. No ponyhugs for the next 5 weeks.
http://derpiboo.ru/310004>someone actually did this as a parodypfft
>>10161042>"It's not FOR you!"That phrase always makes me think of Twisp and Catsby."REFERENTIAL!"
>>10161083You may have some kind of brain damage then.
>>10161091why are you herewhat have you ever done for anyone herefuck off
>>10161091>not using nodus
>>10161091Sent fucking add Marshtomp already. I thought we were bros
>>10161088Thanks very much.
>>10161084>that>porngood lord you are newlike... in general
>>10161107how about you fuck off?
>>10161111You need an invite to the MLPG faction?
>>10161080>PinkoHe does but these guys need real canon like names since all the dragon names seem to be related to sounds
>>10161107Pssssssthttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/QuestArchive.htmlHe also does a ton of other shit, like autistically managing the Marker art archives
>>10161111>>10161132*/mlp/ faction
>>10161132it's the MLP faction.And it's Marshtomp? okay then.
where do you think you are?
>>10161132Fucking yes. Everytime I get on Steam and Minecraft I always get a "We're busy, ask TWH." who is always busy
>>10161120No problem.*insertwinkingmccartneywithdrinkhere*
>>10161084Yeah he did. Kevinsano even colored it in!
>>10161111>>10161149Sorry, you should have PMed me on Steam though. So many people asking to get in, it's hard to keep track of everyone.
>>10161137>that feel when nobody cares about some episodes secondary charactersit's sad we don't have more teen dragon stuff
>>10161157u-unfThat glorious butt massaging
>>10161149>twhtwh isn't even in the faction. Send a whisper to dreadger, aegisftw or trelatyraelis.
>>10161149I am Twh. For the record you can reach me rather quickly via e-mail at ponykart@ponykart.net; but I don't think I have mod status on the new server.
>>10161167>So many people asking to get in, it's hard to keep track of everyone.that's what she said!
>>10161157Is he stealing her wallet?
>>10161036whatever you say, anon
>>10161169It probably has to do with the fact that all the teen dragons were assholes, going out of teir way to smash eggs for no reason, and later trying to capture the pheonixs for no reason
>>10161137>>10161169>all dragon names seem to be related to soundsMy headcanon remains that Dragon names are most often based on forms of electrical/radio interference - so Spike, Spark, Fuzz, Arc, Flat-Top, etc.
>>10161083wait, that's Nachos?what a fag.
>>10161190oh. Oh my.
>>10161169Just wait until they become a theme in the 30 minute challenge. Then they will get all the arts>>10161167I tried earlier. I should probably log on now that I got your attention. I've been wanting to help for a while but getting to the island is such a pain
>>10161091Wait... 4craft finally got through reset?What is spoutcraft?We play as /mlp/ or mlpg?I'll join after weekend.>You are not white listedWhat the fuck.
>>10161216I doubt it would look like someone kneading dough.
>>10160872same boat as you.I miss show discussion. It's a whole lot more fun than porn discussion.
>>10161122frontal nudity is by definition pornographic. is it painfully vanilla? yes but it still shows that he isnt against drawing naked things.
>>10161054>"Do it! Punish me, Diamond! I've been SO FUCKING NAUGHTY--!!">"I JUST WANTED TO CUDDLE AND WATCH A MOVIE WHAT IS GOING ON?!"
>>10161179scratch trelatyraelis, he's not on. But there's zeldazeez and snowman and the other guys.
>>10161225actually the general consensus seems to be that we're not making our own faction apart from /mlp/. Seeing them in action, they are actually really fucking cool.
>>10161242>implying vanilla is a bad thing
>>10161243>this worries me, but pleases my boner.jpg
>>10161236>this guy has never kneaded a glorious squishy marshmallow pony butt before
I tried to "update" how I do this minimal style so all my pones don't look like hippos. I know someone on the sub suggested I try working on the snouts. So if anyone wants to red line it or something for ideas, I'd appreciate it.
>>10161256thanks anon
Would you leave your apple pony in the rain?Taking a request.
>>10161094>>10160958It's just that I have trouble believing they haven't at least tried. Out ot curiosity...
>>10161236You'd be wrong
>>10161275Marker pone hugging anon sexually
>>10161256>that glorious moment when /tg/ alliedi no longer felt torn between my boards
>>10161242there is nothing wrong with artistic nudity
>>10161260no im not. im just saying that just because most are desensitized by their fetishes doesn't mean a bottomless woman isnt technically pornographic
>>10161264>implying you havedreams and your tulpa doesn't count>>10161278That's nowhere near dough level of goopiness.
>>10161284Indeed. /tg/ is still the best board.
>>10161243I really hate the masochistic Silver Spoon idea.
>>10161267Nostrils are just too far apart. Make them super small and close to each other and that 'hippo' effect with vanish.What do they look like without the nose holes?
>>10161293>Lead you to where?Even I don't get this one
>>10161298f-fuck you tuppers c-count!
>>10161293>"Who is PT? Cum inside who? Lead you to where?"Oh wow. They really are kids.
>>10161297Nudity isn't pornography
>>10161303Fuck that, shit's hot.
>>10161314gay bathouse.nigga u new
>>10161314The gay bathhouse
>>10161276>getting my hopes up for nothing
>>10161308Probably something like the pointy pony style
>>10161282I can't into sexual due to people in the room, but I guess I can do a VERY passionate hug
>>10161314I got the other two. This one eludes me. Sounds like a piss meme or something.
>>10161303I'm not fond of it either, but when it comes up, I think of it more as comedy than unf-fodder.
>>10161314Gay bathhouse>>10161316Agreed, but it has kept out spies from /v/ as far as I can tell.
>>10161308Making them closer seems to help. Thanks
>>10161316oh, like you knew better questions."who should go to bed""what is the worst fanfic ever written""what generals do you usually browse"
>>10161293>literally none of the questions have to do with the showyep, it's /mlp/ alright
>>10161293>Cum inside who?>not whom
>>10161288there isnt but its still pornographic>>10161317i would argue that it is always pornographic, which isnt to say that that is a bad thing.
That P+ asshole
>>10161326It will do. Thanks anyway!
>>10161333>it has kept out spies from /v/ as far as I can tell.There are? Hahaha oh fuck. Makes me want to join in the fun.
>>10161314I'm so confused. How do I go about joing /mlp/s faction?
>>10161334That's actually really cute. I like noseless pon
>>10161334Hmmm. I think it actually looks pretty good without the nostril holes at all. It's a very cute style overall. Nice work!
>>10161293Oh ok sure. It's not like I'm afraid of test but I hate tests in general so I'll get in touch with you after weekend. Thanks.
>>10161321>nigga u newim hardly new and i wouldent have gotten that. i literally never go outside MLPG
>>10161345"Who" has taken over what "whom" once had because of illiteracy.
>>10160716>a drawfag approaches Gloomy at her throne of doting workers, a canvas tucked under his arm>"Artist's block? C'mon over, we'll see what we can-">"No, uh...actually, I finished it.">Gloomy's expression turns sour>"Aren't you going to go show it to my...ugh...'dearest' sister?">"Well...no. I thought...I thought I'd show this one to you.">"Anon, I'm not a slut like Marker.">she says as she's being stroked and scratched all over by loving drawfags>"Don't expect me to give it up the moment I see a new scribble-">"No, no, I know that. I just...figured you might like to see it.">"...Well, let's see it then.">the drawfag holds the canvas up for her to see>it's a drawing of Anon resting on a couch with Gloomy laying on top of him, fast asleep while he pets her head>"...">a faint smile comes to her lips, her usual bored expression broken for the faintest of instants>"...It's not bad.">"Th...thanks...">"Come here for a second.">she holds out one hoof and makes a "come-here" motion with it>the drawfag tentatively approaches her>Gloomy lifts herself off of her pillow of anons, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the forehead>"Thanks.">"...No prob."
>>10161321>>10161322>>10161333Oh, I understand this one. Would've made more sense if the question was "Follow me where"Also it's incredibly stupid how easily they adapted a forced meme like that one.
>>10161353Fine. FIne. I'll get on. Tell me your minecraft names and I'll add you.
>>10161346>>10161317>>10161297>>10161288>Is nudity pornographic?>Is art with nudity pornographic?We're getting into a REALLY deep argument here - like the kind people have written theses about for their doctorates.Just agree to disagree for now?
>>10161349What about him?
>>10161334Yes. Completely loses that hippo groove.
>>10161369>tfwTwilight would be ashamed
>>10161349What did he do?
Does anyone have that comic where Applejack tries to bake an apple pie by poring apples into her oven?
>>10161377the only reason people dont like to label it as pornographic is because of the negative connotations pornography has. which i find stupid.
>>10161356>>10161354>>10161380Oh, well cool! Thanks for the help, glad you like it.
>>10161303>>10161331What sort of things would you want to see with her, then?The only way to change a trend here is to introduce an alternative.
Reminder that Pinkie is sweetest pone.
>>10161369My Italian teacher used to search misspelling on google to see which ones would get added to dictionaries.
>>10161374I was on some /mlp/ 4craft threads two weeks go, but then I stopped going when it looked like the project would fail when the devs where begging for money. I might already be on it or something. If not, my name is rashondala.
>>10161371>cuddleslutOh man that irks me for known reasons.
>>10161395I'm not getting into this discussion - this rabbit hole goes pretty deep.
>>10161407I haven't seen you around. get on and tehn I'll add you.
>>10161371I like the idea that Gloomy is more nurturing than full powered erotic Markerita. I love both of them in the context of this story. As long as Junior is left to just go wild with her imagination and not for sexuals, I'm good
>>10161403also balanciest pone
>>10161293I like how nothing in that post phased me except TS.So I gotta download this TS huh. Do I have to have a mic? DO I HAVE TO TALK?! OH GOD THIS ISNT WANT I WISHED
>>10161383She sure would, you can thank the US for most of that -- "gonna", "wanna" etc. Makes me want to kill someone with a dictionary.
>>10161420Which server? The actual 4craft one?
>>10161404che bella idea.
>>10161401Silver Spoon:DILF Hunter
>>10161421I'm almost afraid to ask.. but who's junior?
>>10161437the actual 4craft one.
>>10161293Sentenal, take off the TS. it's supposed to be secret.
>>10161404>Italian teacher>tfw the only language classes at your school were French, German, Spanish and ChineseThey had an ASL course, but I would have needed my own car to get to the school they ACTUALLY taught it at>Took mostly French and a little German>Graduate high school>Find out they have classes in Lakota nowGoddamn it.
>>10161450whos gloomywhos markeritathe world (or more importantly, I) may never know
>>10161401she turns dominant in the sackshe's been submissive all her life, and she relishes the chance to have a taste of power
>>10161449Seconding. Silver Spoon trying to get sexual with a Filthy Rich that's slowly succumbing to her temptations would be pretty hot.
>>10161371You guys make me want to work in this kind of companyDoes someone have the cap of those posts about working for MLPGCo?
>>10161475>the time have come and so have I
>>10161450NiggerFaggot?Or is there another Jr running around?
>>10161314 >>10161316 >>10161341 >>10161345>>10161358 >>10161425 MC server IP: you say you're from MLPG on the TS server, I can vouch for you and you can bypass the /mlp/ test. The test is a QnA about /mlp/ and the faction. "Who is PT? Cum inside who? Lead you to where?" Uhhg.
>>10161475If you think about it, AA's pics - or at least the stuff we've written around them - seem to play with that idea a little bit. If you're forcing someone to Dom you, who's actually being Dommed?
>>10161480How many closet pedophiles are in here this very moment, may I ask? Seems to be at least a couple of them.
>>10161452I'm on it, now what?
>>10161504Oh, I thought they were talking about another MLPG OC
>>10161469PffOnly classes I could take were English, Spanish, German and Italian. Chinese? I wish!
I'm gonna draw some markerponyporn and you can't stop me!
>>10161509Also the TS3 IP address is on the sub in the autismblocks thread.
>>10161514Ahahaha, thanks! I've always wondered who drew the original comic, though.
>>10161522I'm trying to get on.
>>10161529Noone cares
>>10161509>Just get in>Server goes downI AM CURSED
>>10161510It's called domming from the bottom.This is a known thing.
>>10161450Markerita is Marker Pones name. Gloom y is Hiatus Pone. Junior is the Sub Pone.Markerita is very appreciative of contributors and shows it in a sexual way. Gloomy helps contributors work around their blocks and encourages them to keep drawing. Junior is an excited filly that loves to go on adventures/quests and talk about them all the time in context to the greentext spanning the thread
>>10161517>thought crimespls go
>>10161531Xieril, I think.
>>10161551>Markerita is very appreciative of contributors and shows it in a sexual way.Her character sure has changed.Do you have any pic of Junior?
A daily reminder that FlutterDash is best ship.Also, would you give hugs to one (or both)?
>>10161504>NiggerFaggotIt's good to see him still drawing cute ponies.
>>10161552I said that jokingly, relax your rambles.
>>10161401I wanna see more stories with her cooking.___________
>>10161579>2012>Shipping from the bottom of the ocean
>>10161579Thats not FlutterPie
>>10161509>replying to me with an exact copy of what I replied towait, what?
>>10161517as an avatarfag, you've really got no business pretending you're better than anybody else
>http://horsefucking.co/>is one of my top visited sitesuh oh, how am i going to explain that to grandma
>>10161603In his defense, he DID stop when asked.
>>10161603I never said I was, stop inferring. I've got no problems with what kind of stuff you guys are into, really.
>>10161611>letting anyone else use you PC
>>10161581http://mlpg.co/v/res/31.html#390It has multiple IP addresses, the one /mlp/ knows about is the one that was posted earlier ITT, the one on the sub is the IP4 address.
>>10161611BAKA NE!Delete your history!
>>10161529Thank you!
>>10161529Don't forget to post the pic after you are done
>>10161611Tell her straight when she finds out, she'll be cool with it.
Remember when the majority used to hate Marker porn? What happened? It wasn't even that long ago.
>>10161624You need to ask Gala to delete his post, but I don't think it's going to be a problem.
>>10161623>tfw I snoop at people's browser histories whenever I get the opportunity at work
>>10161535are you on?
>>10161568Well, that's just her character in this story. There have been many different interpretations of her in the General.I thought I had a picture of all three of them together, but I lost it.
>>10161647Rashondata I have problems with keeping mlpg open and minecraft at the same time.Also it seems like the server is down at the moment, it will go abck up in a minute.
>that feel when people give you trash for liking the idea of a masochistic character because that apparently means that everything in their life has to be shit for them to enjoy it
>>10161579both always both
>>10159765Anything more specific to add to this comment?
>>10161654There's no reason to "fight" against it anymore when there's already dozens of porn pics with her anyway
>>10161668Needs more Mrs. Sparkle
>>10161659Trying. This thing has 1 g of ram.
>>10161655Nah, it's fine there. You need to know what you're looking for to find that. Even then, initially the no-ip TS IP was posted in /mlp/ threads often, it's better not posting it now but it doesn't actually pose a serious security issue.
>>10161654i liked the idea of her being untainted, but at the same time im not going to go autistic over it happening.
>>10161656You are the worst kind of person.
>>10161674I've only seen the ones that niggerfaggot did. Are there any others?
>>10161686what you don't know won't hurt you
Hey MLPG, I have an idea.Why not provide constructive criticism to people's behavior and mannerisms instead of their craft only?
>>10161678greeeeeeeat. someone unmodded me. just great.
>>10161267>>10161334>>10161400You could maybe shorten the body's length, too. Your ponies kinda make me think of dachshunds.
>>10161654It wasn't hatred, just that the people requesting it were often being retarded about it.>>10161685
>>10161654>the majorityNah sonAlso I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one to overreact to marker pony porn as a joke.
>>10161674I can't understand not fighting against it, I don't either, but now people are downright happy about it. I guess they were just pretending to be outraged back then?
http://i.imgur.com/q4qChXj.jpgI DON'T KNOW IF I CAN CONTAIN THIS MUCH UNF
>coming back to mlpg after a few months>everyone is acting strange>don't understand what people are talking about>marker porn>markerita>autismblocks>/mlp/ "memes"I'm so confused
>>10161688I'm pretty sure I have more than ten nsfw pics of her in my folder. Not at home though, can't dump them. Ask sentenal to drop his Marker Pony Collection, I'm pretty sure he has them
Nobodyare you here
>>10161721Just roll with it, anon.
>>10161665Most masochists that I've personally known were just cooped up in very closed environments that didn't address or discuss sexuality almost at all. When they finally got a chance to embrace it, they tended towards punishment and some other weird fetishes. I find it hot when they're embracing their fetishes while fighting back against the sexual suppression they were forced to endure while growing up.
>>10161721nanaki jacked off on camera for 20buxthere's a guy with a $1000 lyra plushiemlpg still sucks
>>10161721Everything's changed except for one thing.We're still aware of our own faults, and that we're just as bad as the outside in our own ways.For we have met the enemy, and they are us.
>>10161721We don't have /mlp/ memes, just shitty ones, like tooting. Autismblocks is an event going on with all of 4chan taking part, it won't last forever.
>>10161721Flee while you still can.
>>10161694How do you even sleep at night?Snooping through someones browser history is one of the worst betrayals of trust I can think of.
>>10161734>nanaki jacked off on camera for 20buxwat
>>10161697Sure. Whose behaviour should we discuss? Wouldn't it be better to have this conversation somewhere else though. Anon isn't always fond of meta.
>>10161731sluttiness is great, yeah
>>10161752the video was linked and downloaded a ton here, too
>>10161703But now it looks almost exactly like pointy ponies with different eyes.I liked the pony up above that just didn't have the nostrils on it.
>>10161596I...I can respect that. However, I must disagree with your choice in ships. While I do agree that PinkieShy is a good ship, it is in no way superior to FlutterDash. My apologies if I have offended you.
>>10161761You disgust me.Did you at least find something that was worth it?
>>10161727Oh-okay.. I'm just afraid I'll look like an idiot.I don't feel like I fit in anymore.
>>10161769I like every ship involving fluttershy
>>10161770Not yetThe only people who leave me alone with their PC are old peopleI would never go through somebody's files though
>>10161778Lurk for a while, that's literally all you have to do.
>>10161778You will adjust fast. Took me less than a week to get back into MLPG after my break
>>10161769>flutterdash>not pinkiedash and appleshy
>>10161791pinkiedash is a very one sided ship, and appleshy makes no sense
>>10161778It's not so bad.After le epic /b/ raid I've realized this board and this thread could be a lot worse.
>>10161755It is to prevent meta. I think much of the contributor/tripfag hate stems from the fact that they unitentionally pissed people off without being properly notified about it.
>>10161770I'm obviously not him, but I once found a pone-porn folder on my friends pc, he's one of those guys that goes around calling people "fags" for watching MLP.
>>10161585>Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon eating together when DT looks over what SS brought in her lunch.>"What's that?">"It's a roasted vegetable tart... and a grilled zucchini and hazelnut salad...">"Give me some.">"A-all right...">Diamond Tiara puts a bite of the tart in her mouth>A second later, she spits it out>"That's disgusting... whoever made that for you should be tossed out on the street!">"Haha... yeah... it IS pretty gross, isn't it?">When she comes home, Silver Spoon goes into her kitchen, takes the pan of leftover vegetable tart she made the day before, and throws it in the trash.
>>10161770I found out a forty something year old guy, friend of my parents, has a gmilf fetish.I was sickened.
Man, this mandofag is some quite die-hard cockroach. First, he got shitloads of donations by streaming Rose's stream of HaHD she bough in iTunes and now he is getting shitloads of donation using show staff as promotion centers.In every case it wasn't him, he always used someone. I really despise such people, this is who true jews.
>>10161788I bet you steal pictures of people off of their harddrive so that you can fake an identity
>>10161769>Not Appleshy or Fluttermca>pairing Fluttershy with a lazy cunt instead of glorious Appleponies
>>10161825no that's dumbyou're dumb
>>10161818Brokenenglishanon pls go already
>>10161818Sabrina and him are actually an item though
>>10161827>Applejack's face>"What was in that apple cider?"
>>10161806Well, OK. You start about someone who bugs you, or someone you think is cool. We con do this until anon tells us to fuck off, I guess.
>>10161827She's not lazy, she just has anxiety disorder.
>>10161818We already hate Mando in the background for being a brony musician who's not Euro or Griffin.Bringing up more reasons to hate him won't get much traction here.
>>10161818>shitloads of donations by streaming Rose's stream of HaHDhuh? never heard of this?
>>10161789>>10161790Do we still talk about ponies occasionally?Like.. what's your favorite Rarity episode, mlpg?
>>10161845>Sabrina x Mando>not Michelle x MandoLearn your shitpots OTPs
>>10161827Dash is hardly lazy. She gets what she needs to get done done and then does what she wants after.
>>10161660This one?Also, I'm going to need art of this whole MLPG Corp thing stat.>>10160772have thishttp://userscripts.org/scripts/show/147520
>>10161853she's just lazy, 1919.
>>10161863Well, occasionally. And SfS I think, though I liked S&E a lot as well.
>>10161852I think I'm pretty cool. Pic related is the only thing that could make me cooler.
>>10161767Yeah, I've been drawing too many pointy ponies to get Elslowmo's style down exactly, resulting in it looking like that.It's up to him if he wants to shorten the bodies or not, as I didn't really mind his hippo ponies to begin with.
>>10161863If your answer isn't Suited for Success you're wrong.
>>10161791>PinkieDashI like it, personally but as one anon already said, it's one-sided.>AppleShyAs anon already said, doesn't make sense.>>10161827>FlutterMac...While I do find that ship to be quite below average, if it works for you, then that's fine. The concept behind it appeals to me, though.
>>10161791>appleshyGood tasteI remember when it was just me
>>10161863Easy as fuck. Dog and a Pony Show, by far. That's the episode that really sealed the deal for me liking her as favorite pone.
>>10161863>favourite slut episodeI'd have to say... the one where she's not even referenced.
>>10161863>Do we still talk about ponies occasionally?Always. More than occasionally, for sure.
>>10161863>Do we still talk about ponies occasionally?Yes. Though obviously a little less since there are no new episodes at the moment.If you count waifufaggotry as talking about ponies though, just mention Celestia and you'll have a thread full of pony discussion
>>10161861That was Mic the Microphone. And he wasn't streaming Rose's stream, but he had the episode. Collected 2000 bucks before being forced to give it back before people started calling the cops on him for streaming copyrighted material and charging for it.
>>10161863All of them
>>10161869Oh, that is junior? Guess I did know her afterall
>>10161893>tfw it used to be like this with ChrysalisOh well.
>>10161896Don't forget that in between he took his shirt off and cried on camera.
>>10161893oh really? CELESTIA
>>10161877that is pretty damn cool, anon
>>10161893Did someone say waifus?
http://derpy.me/D55MIguy drawing nanaki porn
>>10161863>>10161873Oh and also there's a japanese dub of s1 episodes coming out every week on Monday, you can check countdown on the top of ponykart.net/mlpg for time, this week it's Griffon the Brush-Off. It's fun to watch, try to be there.
>>10161908I kinda miss the Chrysalis stuff.It was a neat mix of being weird out and aroused at the same time
>>10161913Yep. It would have been hilarious if people hadn't been giving him money.
>>10161928Epic. Simply Epic. /)
>>10161863Did you read the Rarity comic yet anon?
>>10161869why is gloomy's cutie mark a dead twilight?
>>10161877That's pretty damn vain anon.
>>10161931>It was a neat mix of being weird out and aroused at the same timeOh yeah, exactly. And the transformation stuff gave a lot of freedom for all kinds of fucked up or vanilla stuff.
>>10161941Why is Dotrar hanging out with hippies?
>>10161941No, but that sounds nice.Do you have a link?
>>10161945>ded.pngYou know, that flash game with the pixel art.
>Kevin posted his stream list for tomorrow>Marker pony's on itOh dear.