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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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you're all fags
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


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time for bed
Oh well, time for bed guys.

College is suffering
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What is the best way to learn how to draw?
Having depression and autism
Practice, draw from life, observe shapes and forms, don't be too sensitive
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Have you ever wanted to go to space?
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draw a million vaginas
Make me.
>you will never a moon princess
Twishite Parkle
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i remember that comic
read the /ic/ sticky
draw from life
wait that was a comic?
>applejack's butt tufts are actually tentacles
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it is eleven in the morning.

Go to bed.
ya it's popular on /d/ its pretty funny
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
5am here chief
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britfag plz go
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Pantsu everywhere
Have you became a pony yet?

Also what's the pony level around here?
>you will never sound your urethra with each of AJ's butt tentacles
I need it. For reasons.
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Practice. Draw butts. Etc.

Key thing though. Don't make it a chore. Enjoy the activity of drawing. Don't stress too much about how you're drawing looks so far. Appreciate the little gains in experience. It all adds up.
Do you happen to have a link or a name? I'd just assumed it was inspired from that Drawn Together octopussoire thing.
neger als du blieft
im looking im looking ...

pantsu no pantsu
>you will never wake up to her snoring softly as her tentacles writhe inside your cock
Anybody else remember that tentacle vagina story some Anon greentexted?

*Germanfag. Get your Time right


Yes. Eat your Cuntflakes somewhere else.

Rumble/Twins thing is finished. Here you go.
Threadly HOT GLUE drop box reminder

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Oh Princess Clara ...
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But it's chill time

I'm so glad that I don't have to suffer through peak MLPG during my time off after work
Everything is better when you're Australian
having the right genes
>you will never repair a fine vase with glue made of your favorite pony
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No some anon mentioned vag-tentacles once and I just drew stuff from it
They're not meant to be sounds, fuck you guys, isn't a tentacle-filled vagina weird enough for you
Bugs pls go.
>Pone loses one of her legs
>You make glue out of it
>You build her a prosthetic leg using the glue

i totally like understand that


Not chill time. Time to go to bed. Really. Get your sleep cyclus right or you will end up with a tulpa that wants to kill you.

And when you are Australian, small boobs are forbidden in your country. Still better than New Zealand, though. I herd Hentai was forbidden there?!
>isn't a tentacle-filled vagina weird enough for you
As that anon, thanks for drawing it <3
if everyone could do it more would be doing it and above all more would be good at it
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>Fluttershy's tenticles are more assertive than she is
>If you so much as rest your hand near her behind while she's horny they'll grip you and pull you in
>She never stops apologizing for them

Those crazy brasilians and their fart porn ..
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Thanks anon, it was nice and cute.
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why is she so purple, /co/?
That was about the gist of it for her, I think thus why they're forming a heart for you
>the tentacles pick up anything close to them
>by the end of the day, she always has to empty out her vagina
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how about you gtfo?
So how did the Rumble and CC/Flitter thing become a thing?

Sounds like fun. Fluttershy is such a freak. I'd rather stay with cunflakes-Dash

Really. What is better?! Tentakle Shy or Flake Dash? You can order Dash to wash or you will never spank her again. But getting rid of Tentacles?!
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hey fatfags, when someone becomes super obese their skeleton doesnt grow also.

I think it started with that scene of the Twins with Rumble and Thunderlane in HFS - where CC's rubbing Thunderlane's mohawk?

It implied they all knew each other and out of that came Flitter and Cloudchaser being friends with Thunderlane and babsitting Rumble.
I'm not that blind, GG

she just has big bones
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I don't like fat ponies in any form, but I assume this is the defense they would use to justify what you're seeing there
i didnt notice it

Because the idea of two pretty ponies babysitting for a cute little colt is adorable and fun.
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It's always possible the character is just big in general
>She becomes the greatest shoplifter in the world
>No-one can catch her because no-ones going to search her cunt for something she's nicked

>fat ponys

I hate fat people.
They are disgusting and being thin is not THAT hard.
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All right - I'm going to bed.

Try not to kill each other while I'm gone?
at what age do you stop using the excuse "they are just kids doing stupid shit"
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I'm not buying it

Agree. Killing yourself will help.
One Faggot less to get rid off.
Cleanse the fandom of ugly neckbeard spaghetti'os
But I make sure that they have a proper skeleton unless I'm purposefully breaking the rules with something ridiculous.
>select your pistol
>select your horsecock
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>being thin is not THAT hard

Confirmed for being retarded.

Hey GG, your new monster offers Ice Pack 1000 bits to DP Pinkie with him.

What do?
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>tfw when almost out of bd lube
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You win a free™ hastily done pony™ doodle. Congratulations™!

Into the shadows I go. A-woogy-woogy-woogy.
If Pinkie's on board, then what's the harm?
That's a lot of bits.
oh god what
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it should be "MLPG advanced drawfag kit.jpg"
Glory to MLPG.
>they're waking up
And we were doing so good.
I just wish night threads could last forever.
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Oh my god i am so fat and McDoanlds every day.

But i cant get rid of my fat. What am i doing wrong?
excellent idea. renaming it now.
I kinda want one
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i dont think so pal
>no anti-depressants
Why even bother?
Every fat person has fast food every day, and comedically large portions.

you can't really lose weight without hard work
that's now really how it works


im 95% sure its in here
what do you think the revolver is for
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Please tell me someone saved it.
I think I would a Gillou.
If you give her more personality and TELL US

I have a very different definition of hastily.

The harm could be loss of all felling in her vagina.
>Because the idea of two pretty ponies babysitting for a cute little colt is adorable and fun.

Actually that sounds pretty fun. Gonna make something out of this.
But how do I become a pony?

So you can do this shit forever?!
Well then stay virgins forever.

I just don't understand what the motivation of people like you is. The sad thing is, some of you might even be serious about thi shit, not even attempting to troll. This is just sad.

found it
me too.
but shipping to europe is so expensive and it's a real hassle to get a gun.
when you wake up in equestria, guess what you'll be.

It's too early for this shit.

Yes. They don't know how to do sports, or how to eat lesser, and or healthier. Try out Vegetarian Food. Ponies aren't usually fat, too


Agree. So everyone reading this being fat. Get your ass up.
Why don't you go archive diving?

I'm pretty sure I wrote some of it but I can't remember it
so what other pony should have womb tentacles

Big Macintosh.
Rarity would be interesting.
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*sits in your lap*
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>i dont want to learn about proper eating or exercise
>obama makes heath food more expensive so i cant afford it
>i dont have the time to take care of my own body

its not my fault
One pregnant with a squid
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Hey! I have set too!
all of them.
all of them
>restricting tentacles to only females
Check your privilege.
And everyone knows Spike has asshole tentacles.

A faggot.
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>Vegetarian Food
For the last time, you are too big.
Hey I'm cunt

*kicking her out*
Not now Shy ..
but that is a starter kit of the furry classic line
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I... hope that's not a problem

I only eat fast food about once a week, if that much, and I'm 300 lbs.
Draw more Fluttershy

She'd be the most fun to explore the idea with

We've talked about this.
Just because you will do anything I ask to get my love is no excuse to keep pressing yourself unto me.
Stop it.
I'm only okay with that if it injects drugs that make you forget your dick just got stabbed.

So much agree.
I have to say, german bronies are 95% Thin and even 40% good looking.

I guess America is not that lucky on their fandom
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Uh oh
The difference is, you eat for a whole week.
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oh she has those too
I wonder how heavy a FiM pony would be.

>being fat
>eating meat and liking ponies
this is almost fappable, if only the situation was more interesting.
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>i dont want to learn about proper eating or exercise
>its not my fault

Except not.
Most of the time it's a 6 inch subway sandwich.

You have big bones. You can't do anything about it. get your lazy ass off the couch and do some sport oô
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That is not how tits work at all

Please come back when you can display a cursory knowledge of anatomy
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Probably between 80 and 120
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howdy gang
what's the good word

>having a vagina
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>you need a cursory knowledge of anatomy to post in mlpg

i dont think so, that would mean 90% of the people who come here would need to leave.
Probably about 30kg, same as a big dog
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Oh look

Horngasm Denial
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>still using Pinkie Pie

Nippony must be getting to us

Lotta body odor stuff

you should get into that, I bet you'd do it well

Thread's gonna be awful goddamn empty, by that logic. Yeah, the second doodle's tits are too perky.
I am okay with both of these things.
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I thought that was a badass large horse with twin short manes

I am sad

Thank you for not being retarded aka an american and using the metric system. I never really understad those crazy measures
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>Linking to Marker pone
I know people give you a lot of shit, Ross, but this really is rather repulsive
She looks like she's got some sort of disease like Rickets or something
she could technique me any time

>thank you for not being retarded aka an american

say that to my gun, fucker
>legs are broken beyond belief, even for the most noodle-limbed of cartoons
>grandma ass
>elbow is far too low
>uneven breasts defy gravity
>eyes change each pose
>perspective on 2 is fucked up, her legs should be far larger if you were looking up at her like that
>conehead hair also defies gravity
>line thickness should vary based on depth
What's it like to not even stagnate in ability, but to actually get worse?
Can't help that those before me thought it would be a good idea

You know ross, I actually very recently got into girls with tiny-ass legs, and I've always liked tall girls

keep doing that thing

also keep drawing boobs and butts
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i recognize that gay horse cock dildo

sup dovne
has he drawn naked pinkie pie yet
When was the last time hoppip was here?

What kinda situation would be interesting to you? Also, this should show people why Fluttershy always wears leggings and a skirt - wearing jeans or anything tight makes her an instant creeper target.

Twice, three if you count no bra

I think, anyway
Wow. I know everyone's giving you shit for those awful tits, but the vagina's even worse.
Is that really where you think the vagina goes?
someone should get a large flared chance and boxed copies of photoshop and flash and some more books and call it the "MLPG professional drawfag kit"
I really don't care, he was rather useless after Ponykart fell through
gibbe links pls
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I upgraded to a nedium seadragon if that's any consolation
this is a thing that must be done.
>boxed copies of photoshop and flash
Mine were digitally delivered
i forgot to also mention a bottle of bleach and a 12 gauge shotgun
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Ross, you're actually the creepiest one here.

All of your requests from other drawfags have actually made them uncomfortable.
i am thinking about getting a large when i have the spare money. im not sure what color though.

Oh no darf, no links for you. You're not nice enough to get a link. Go back to being a mole and writing on whatever porn story it is you're working on.

Okay, I have to ask. Why do people like anal? Does it feel good, or is it the concept?
We would still pay attention to him if he was still a girl
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what if; that is what he thinks he is only cappable of
You're never gonna guess it so you might as well stop trying

feels good
i assume that's ross answering
i won't lose sleep over it

but, okay

actually, i was gonna ask
did anyone here read the new story and have something to say about it?
i'm kind of bummed over how it did
Have you ever had your prostate massaged?
Prostate stim, the feeling of feeling 'full' and just the idea of it rocks my knockers



there's two, I've gotta dig through my porn folder for the last because it's not on derpibooru. hold on.

Blah blah blah, what else is new

You come up with something you want to fap to yet? I'm not making the same offer twice.
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Are you a girl or something?

Stick something up your butt you ignorant ass
>black zebra cock

i know its you MT, dont even try to lie by denying.
Question for you. I liked your futa Celestia and Twilight story, and was wondering if it would be okay if I made a follow up story of it?

I'm fucking proud of you, anon.

how's it feel being an intermediate dildo user?
>tfw so many gay artists
>tfw nobody wants to draw and be gay with me

>the color and size of an actual donkey dick

yep, confirmed for rose 100%. but she can never admit its her.
go for it, i guess
don't see why you need to ask me, but thanks for doing so anyway

if they're old pics i probably already have them saved
a man can dream
A dragon dildo will love you no matter who you are.

well nigga why did you ask if he drew naked pinkie if you saw them already
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>tfw can't afford to get a chance shipped to where I live
>Only have a 9 inch human dildo

Say that to my economy, fucker. China owns you, basically.

>it's 5 o' clock in the fucking morning
sorry, but nope
no more guesses, come on
i don't live in the US and shipping costs a fortune
he drew a new naked thing
i thought maybe he had drawn more
sorry, geez
Sounds like you want it... bad...
I just wanted to know if you wanted your story linked to it or not, since it was a private one and all. I lost the link, please give again.
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Hey Ross, why don't you draw ponies anymore?
I kind of like these old ones.


We have the power to tell China to go fuck themselves

we just won't because we're so powerful that we've gotta be responsible for lesser countries to have an example
it's on my fimfiction page
was just private at first 'cause i wanted you guys to see it before anyone else

>just finished art
>want to post it but risk being confused for one of these artists who like the D
Are you even a namefag?
Really? That's your fucking excuse?

No man, it's too late.

We're not friends anymore darf.

do you know how much effort searching for those took? it was like 30 seconds, christ. I'm never getting that back!

just post it anyway

Of course that's not where it goes. I drew these using no refs whatsoever to see what I knew. The fact that it's being pointed out makes it more important that I start studying vags. Drawing without reference helps me home in on what my problem areas are. In any case, it's 5am, and I just whipped em out.
>Jerked it to it like 5 times before bronies got to read it

ily Darf
Yeah! I've got a tripcode and everything!
I've even been known to start threads!

I'm starting to see why people do awful attention whorey stuff like this

pls post it anyway
But you do like the D, Anon

Is that you Dooks?

Because here are so many fucking furries

I am gay. But i hate furries. I hate them.
Where do you live? Could change your problem.
Yes, not fat, yes, confirmed (even by /b/) to be a 8/10

would your favorite pony like your favorite album?

what about your favorite cartoon? movie?
you caught me
Now I'm going to sleep because I've got to wake up early for homework

It's my explanation. It's not like I disagreed with what you had to say. It's right, actually, since I drew these without refs to see where my problem areas were. I knew as soon as I had finished the middle one that those breasts just weren't right, certainly not the vag. Among, well, every other error you listed. Now I can home in on my problem areas. For now, I'm foolin around.
Hey, does anybody here still use Tegaki Messenger?

>dating someone that posts their face on /b/

Where do YOU live?

Don't make me laugh. You have no Idea what we have in storage; ALso, best hackers worldwide.
i ran the gauntlet too once and i averaged at about 7/10, so i may or may not be too ugly for you, but i don't live on your continent anyway.
are you trying to whore yourself out on a board for a little girls show?
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weaver probably does

Who gives a shit about what you've got in storage?

You've got to cross an entire ocean to get to a country with the biggest navy.

Yes, attentionwhore, i know ... But i can't do anything about it ..


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Because ponies bore the shit outta me, they're really easy to draw. I don't even like the show outside of like five episodes and three of those were from the first season. I do like the strong, but basic personalities of the main six though, as well as the CMC, so I tried to do something that WAS challenging for me. And two and a half years ago that was drawing people. I'm certainly more competent now than I was then. If you don't believe me, have another look at the first main six human lineup I did. It's nightmarish.

that is incredibly gay

Fak. Alright then ..


Yes. Weird fetishes and such. Must be genetical. But i know for a reason that here are 90% homosexual adult men ..

Well fuck, i'm not gonna pay for a flight to another continent to get fucked in the ass by some stranger.

Maybe one day if I win the lottery and have some money to spare.
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>ponies bore me
>I don't like the show
why are you here
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Tegaki is a lot of fun

as i can see you are really mad about it
>tfw i wouldn't have to travel too far
>tfw i don't even have to cross any geographical borders
>that comic
my sides
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I think Fluttershy might like the Red Album, it's got some neat stuff in there. It wouldn't be close to her favorite, but she wouldn't hate it. Dash would like it more.

I really don't think she'd like JLU, too violent.

She may very well like C.R.A.Z.Y. It's story-driven enough. Don't know if she'd mind the adult tones though.
>Fan of the Fandom
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shit niggers, n2o is best of things

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wow you really are a sociopath

Not in the slightest, but I jump at this kinda discussion.

/k/'s been my homeboard for a few years, it happens.
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But I'm a horse

Shipping to Equestria is insane
I'm really not seeing much of a difference to be honest
>Rose x Ice Pack

You win

You loose

(I guess)
Meet you at galacon
i'm not going
Wait, you actually don't watch the show?
I'm just confused now, why come HERE of all places then? Why not just go to /ic/ ot something?
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Stop being /soc/

You're both ugly
I guarantee it
i prefer pot

>Meet you at galacon

Well if i'm not going to fly across the world to suck some cock i'm certainly not going to do it to go to a my little pony convention.
because they'll eat him alive there

also fat pinkie
>tfw you will never have a qt3.14 drawfag shove a horsecock dildo into your ass
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whats pot?

but you can agree, that china is superior? okay then
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That's the best smear i've seen in a while.
Don't mind me, just the best song on the album coming through
>that last minute or so
i want a girl with a horse strapon to fuck me in the ass, not a dude since im not gay.

That is why i am alpha and you not
i would only go if i could sell something, but i sure as shit ain't gonna do that
yeah, look at those, back when i thought your designs were good, guess things change


i hate fluttershy

Now please someone post the new tiarawhy rip off with some other mane 6
But...why not just make his own characters to draw?

If he doesn't like the show and wants to get better at drawing humans, then why would he even come here? I know I wouldn't.
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so are you.

How do you equate liking only five episodes to not watching the show?

"I like only balogna and cheese sandwiches"
"You've never had any other ingredients on your sandwich?!"

Of course I've watched every episode so far, you fuckin moron, that's why my opinion is informed to where it is, and why I only like five epsiodes.
ross thrives on negative attention
it's like metaphorical ball stomping

he comes here to draw things we hate
we insult him
he jerks off to our vitriol
the cycle continues
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Is this nigga serious?

I don't want to believe he's serious
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>suck cock
>want to recieve
>not gay
We're literally the only people who somewhat tolerate him
With all the shit we give him, this is the best he gets
He even got chased off of BBWchan of all fucking places, where you think he'd thrive
sell your virginity
>you will never have futa rarity fuck you in the ass
I know this might sound misogynistic but I love pics of clueless-looking girls with their mouths wide open.
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I'm not gay because I don't identify as gay

suck it

And you thrive on the attention from people who request you to write whatever pony + fetish related story they do, you fuckin leech. If you tried writing original stories for a change you'd get dropped like a bad habit.
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>not wanting human x zebra
only when it comes to homosex.

you don't really sound like my type though.
but he writes stories about ponies

He's got an amount of fatfurs that like him
please dont mention this. lately i have been jacking it to every futa rarity fic i find. the slightest mention of her gives me an erection and my dick needs a rest.
They have no Idea what they are gonna choke on soon, eh? Or is it the joyful surprise, when they see a 8 inch cock?
i actually do write original stuff, i just don't post it here 'cause this is a board for the my little pony cartoon show

and yeah, i like attention. i'm totally comfortable admitting that.

no need to be so caustic, jeez
>That D/s thing EA did

Man, I really miss being that turned on by things.

Ever since I started smoking pot, my urge to masturbate 7 times a day has vanished. I struggle to masturbate once a day sometimes.

Go rub one out for my retired soldier, anon.
you saw this right
>you will never tease her urethra with your tongue until she floods your mouth with cum
Mornin' lads.
Do we still suck?
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Why not
Here's the sketch
But that's his only solace
He's so caustic and unreliable and fluctuates so often in everything he does that he cannot keep even a handful of people around as friends
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get stomped, bitches
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>tfw straight virgin
>I'm bi


File deleted.
Here's the finished painting.


Haha wow you must like the D
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>you don't really sound like my type though.
did you have to work your way up to the medium chance? how long did it take?

j/k it's pretty nice but a little spooky
i think you must like the D
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i just want some gay sex preferrably with my artbando.
is that too much to ask?
8 inch zebra cocks
Her snout looks twisted

It makes me want to throw up, for real.

The coloring makes me think of a bottle of Bacardi Superior, and I drank so much of that once that just thinking about it makes me dry heave.
looks good
only eight inches?
I can be your artbando~
I have plenty of love to give .. trust me ..

When you have too many betas in your real life, and you are too alpha. You are gonna see a lot of virgins loosing their status quo

>feels good man

it's reasons like this that I like to keep spoilered images on

I like to catch shit like this full-on in the face, no warning. It helps my sides leave.
the word urethra is not sexy at all, it makes me think of a medical office and a catheter in an old mans saggy ballsack.

>tfw you will never have lovely gay sex with Metals while he whispers dirty stories into your ear
>also while you're both fucked up on drugs he made


i bet he's in jail
It is. Man up and get here.
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I don't care if he's serious or not

Just make him stop posting
thats old shit man, everyone has fapped to that already.
just making sure
We need a sexy colloquial word for it
Woah, calm down. I honestly just don't understand. You said you only like 5, and most were in the first season. I figured you'd stop watching the show if you only liked 5 of the episodes. Sorry for the confusion, I guess.

And I just don't understand the whole 'informed opinion' thing in general. I don't like tomatoes that much on my sandwiches. Doesn't mean I'll keep ordering them just to reaffirm my dislike for tomatoes.

It just seems like you could get more help on a board that specializes in drawing human figures.
what a strange combination of thing
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"Come now Anon, surely you wouldn't deny a lady?" Looking at the rod between her marshmallow thighs, you wonder how it got from asking for a new shirt to this. The silk panties outline her hardened member, and you can swear there is a twitch every time her heart beats. "Aren't you even a little bit curious?" Her horn glows as the underwear begins to shine within a blue aura. Slowly, they move. The top rolls past the flare, and goes halfway down before stopping. "Do you want it?"

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guys pls

Yeah... it looks disgusting. I was trying to challenge myself using a limited palette. Didn't turn out looking so good....
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>everything above will never fit and is unhealthy
It is hard enough to find condoms for 8 inches, you know? When i was under 18 and wasn't able to buy them in sex shops, the normal ones in normal stores never fit
>sucks to be me

Pic unrelated

god yes. in my mouth, all over my face, everywhere.
fuck you engineering is sexy

Man I am not even that guy, but
>the silk panties outlined her hardened member
got me good

that just sounds ridiculous anon.
>flaring that early.
So she's on the verge of splooging?
we've been over this, anon
horsecocks only flare during me moment of climax
they aren't like that all the time
>implying she hasn't developed the ability to consciously control that
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>mfw i make you feel bad about yourself

She may have a cock, but she's got the drive of a lady

she can cum several times and still get hard

ah geez how do you know my fetishes
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Why did you post a pretty lady?

don't you have a squat rack to go curl in?

tickle tunnel
because gf.
you guys need to brush up on your horse cock knowledge.

i see stallions masturbate with a full flare for quite a while without ever cumming.
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are we pretty girls now
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You do know that Magnums are just over 8 inches long?
>tfw rarity will never shower you in jizz so thick it makes it hard to open your eyes when it coats them
>tfw rarity will never trace the head of her cock across your face, coating your cheeks and lips in precum but pulling away every time you dive closer for a taste
>tfw rarity will never dangle her cock in your face like a throbbing treat waiting for your attention to be tugged and milked until she bucks and unloads her balls down your throat
do not want
>jizz hits your eyes
>searing pain
And that's the end of that.

>glue-thick cum
>lots of it

jesus fuck darf, I haven't been able to enjoy this without buzzwords that make me want to strangle myself in the longest time

till 13' i was going to post here and make you feel miserable
oh come the fuck on
'open your eyes'

fuck you guys
from the thumbnail i thought you had a furry paw in your signature name.

i was scared for a second that you went full furfag.
No, I checked.
Still a moderately attractive dude here.
they dont sell them here ;-;
darf, your killing my boner here
I guess in that case i need to remeasure ..
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you can gargle shit

Just kidding, it's your opinion and it is beautiful in its own way!

>I figured you'd stop watching the show

Somethin to do innit? And for the record, I have more of an interest in drawing cartoon figures, not human figures. There's errors abound but I'll fuckin figure it out when I figure it out. I've gotten this far, haven't I? Again, the first human lineup I drew was horrid and I'm still doing repentance for that. Less lines, stronger, more exaggerated forms, features that better sit on the new forms, etc. It's getting there.
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"Anon..." You step closer to this beauty, your own loins starting to grow. "I've always wondered what it would be like... with a human." Kneeling down in front of the table in the middle of her boutique, you inspect what you see. The way it's shaped is different than your own, the top has a flat cap and the middle ring is visible through the soft cloth that's currently hiding the rest. Looking down at the two spheres, they heave with a slight thrust from the gorgeous seamstress. You notice she is already leaking pre. "It must be exotic... I've been thinking about it since you walked in here..."
>night/morning threads

You guys will probably appreciate this more instead than. I don't really plan on finishing it so here

i feel like you missed the joke
someone post a cap of this, i cant from phone
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I know I did, Satan. I'm sorry. It's 6:30 here and I thought you were insulting my tastes.

Oh FUCK that one's ugly, I should look at these girls before saving them.
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captcha: leakage nicxtr

how did you know, captcha? HOW DID YOU KNOW?
I like the second one a lot.

Oh wow that's a nice horsecock
yes that is a good cock, i will be saving this to my good horse porn folder.
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Would you tumble with this fatass?
it's very nice
>show discussion

I wanted to give critique because I heard artists like that but I don't see anything wrong

it'd be nice finished, though
I see the other pones. Post the full scale.

She's not even a fatass in the literal sense

Yeah, i kinda stopped posting. Making a Salad right now ..
That's a pretty detailed horsecock Jailbait....really detailed
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>show discussion
>in a night thread
almost as if he drew it from a lifelike replica

What are you talking about, it's Fluttershy, all that bitch ever does is sit around and eat. Teach her some self-awareness with your dick.

Ooh, what's in it?
you lost me with this, im goin to bed now.

b-but what if she eats my dick?

no wait you dork you didn't masturbate for me
I'll consider myself fortunate that Rarity is polite enough to bring it up first. This seems like an appropriate point to mention my fondness for dicks of all sizes.

It's an Schafskäsesalat. dont know whats it in english right now .. already nomming it

Aw man dude that looks gross

She'll gobble it, but not eat it. She's too sensitive to eat it.Now jam her upper body in the doggy door and go to work, putz
That is a lot of syllables and umlaut.
Whatever it is it sounds silly.
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>day threads is getting flooded by le raid
>night threads are fetishist's hours.
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God morning mlpg, how was your sleep?
dude there was an umlaut in the name what did you expect
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Feta cheese salad?

We should totally be /ck/ right now
What is your favorite pony's favorite dish to make?
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Looks like sliced veggies and Feta.
Actually seems pretty tasty, and healthy as well.
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let me enjoy the maredicks just for tonight. it is rare we discuss this fetish instead of the usual.
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wait why the revolver
Kraut pls

Please draw something substantial
I feel like the advanced kit should include a cracked copy of Photoshop
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Has this been talked about?

It's kinda funny, because when you say "instead of the usual", you really mean "instead of the unusual" because futa is tame as fuck compared to what we talk about
>20 rounds
You only need 1

Am I still allowed to drawfag if I neither own a dildo nor a handgun?
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yes :3
with some Tzatziki
You forgot the mine make-up
in hindsight i realize that i should have made it 1 round of .357 and 12 gauge
as long as you're willing to admit that you're not going to go anywhere with your art unless you really apply yourself
substitute for antidepressants.
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I guess it has
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The guns are optional but the dildos aren't
>Doesn't own a dildo
Who doesn't own a dildo

That's like
Not owning a computer

put a cigarette next to it and a blindfold
The shotgun should have several shells because it's for scaring people away
The revolver should only have the single bullet as it's only there in case the bleach fails
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"Oh my gosh, you too?!" Then you and her spend the evening drinking girly drinks and talking about dicks.
The end because I have to sleep.

americans =__=
you just don't like greek food, do you?
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that's perfect
I have no problem with the way night threads are
Still feels hiatus man.

Probably not, but I'm also sure that I couldn't name any Greek foods

are olives Greek

I'm pretty sure I've seen Greek olives
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It's fine, it lets them practice.

Also holy shit, captcha, what did she do to you?
I'll just daydream that the night ends with mutual blowjobs, then.
>That pinkiedash frame
how cute
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i don't formally own a dildo
i just use a ghetto one
>reasons i am not fat
I like going to Olive Garden that's greek right?
Oh... guess I better wipe this canvas then... good bye MLPG
>not using the handle of a screwdriver
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see >>10058833
if you don't own for reals you can always improvise
just be careful out there, sticking stuff up your butt is dangerous if you're bad at picking things to stick up your butt
I could kill for a good gyros right about now

>not using a dildo
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Ain't that something
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of course
my dad is greek, so i know how to do it right

if i wasn't so lazy i would also draw the MLPG drawfag ultimate kit, which includes
a live stallion, a scholarship at calarts, 3 barrels of ammonium nitrate with gasoline gasoline, 12 pounds of thermite.
>Opal, Spike, sultry-looking Applejack photos next to the bed
>Lacy underwear
There's nothing about panel 3 I don't like.

they .. are oo"
Why the fuck do I even care so much about this shit
woah there sugarcube
what am I supposed to do with those barrels and all that thermite
this isn't how you open the portal to equestria
is this a preview or is the comic out?
>no magnesium strips to use as fuses for the thermite
don't forget the .50 BMG rifle
Schawarma, man.
Shit be mad tasty.

Also gryos, baclava, ouzo.
Greek yogurt, though of questionable nationality, is a delicious high-protein snack.

Greek food is great.

how should i know? let me google it ...
yep, looks pretty greek. at least mediterran

>no pressure cooker
>Special mushroom
Preview, both the micro and #6 will be out tonight.
thats the spirit!
tonight like 18 hours from now?
>sleeps with a cock on her face

What a classy lady.
Well that's generally when itunes has it out. So hopefully!
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Rarity has photos of Spike and AJ on her nightstand

awww yeah
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Oh, yeah I always have Greek yogurt; it's one of the staple foods of a healthy diet! I just didn't think it was applicable. And I've had gyros from a pretty legitimate Greek place.

I'm more cultured than I thought!
What the fuck kind of pony is that.

Samurai Champloo pony?
>no gas torch to light the magnesium
i didn't include these things, because i thoguht they were obvious
stoned as fuck pony
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>Ask this
>Right when I realize the whole micro series is being posted
Shut up I just woke up
Holy shit a female Donte

Sorry anon, I only own a Crème brûlée torch
It's only a preview.

Wait for tonight.
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LFM Need 1 DPS 1 Healer pref Unicorns no Earthshitters allowed

Have Zebra will travel
Man I can't wait to read it.
It looks great till now
how do i keep myself from doing things i hate, but can't quit?
that'll work.

Like what?
I love that laughing jap show. I haven't seen this one, where's the episode?
That doesn't look like a mismatch an armor that had a Rainbow barfed on it so it can't be WoW
Isn't that the gladiator's set that drops in BRD?

But what will I use for my desserts if I use the other one for bombs?
drawing. i hate it, but i can't quit
How do I get myself doing things I love, but can't start?
That Flax pony reminds me of Klondorks OC

Cut off your drawing hand.

Actually, cut of both just to be safe.
>implying gas-powered torches are one-use-only
Not that Anon, but I've given in and done it. It's just so hot, especially fantasizing all those personalities and possible fetishes they might have.


>Too many god damn things happening per page: The Comic
>can't stop drawing
Wow, what a problem, said nobody ever.

No but I don't want to be using the same torch for desserts as I do for bombs

that's how people begin to suspect the chef
You could have ADHD

I have the same problem. But the pills help

So Rarity joins some Hippie Comune or cult?
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this is possibly the most I've needed this image

please don't be duplicate
it's making me sick. i don't want to draw anymore, but something just keeps pushing me as if it was some kind of disease.

She really has to shit bad.
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Fuck you I've held out for YEARS... I'm so conflicted.
whats the easiest way to pander to idiots without having to put in the effort to write a good story?

stuff it full of memes and references.
Is she choking?
>that fucking awful pokemon oc

Is this some kind of choking fetish?

Why is clopping so different from plain old masturbation to you?
I'm sure you'll forgive me if I'm not particularly concerned.
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My actual nigga

I'm not sure but the latest one and all the rest are posted here
(Link in email since its apparently spam)

I haven't even watched the newest one yet. I should do that today.
I'm sure soon they will have them all on youtube
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I don't like the way price draws AJ's hat
I don't like the price of AJ's drawn hat
Maybe he just hopped on the pone bandwagon a year ago, perhaps went through the standard 2-3 months of reduced sex drive, and only then started the slow slide towards considering horses to be for sexual.
Because it's further down the fantasy scale. I've noticed that people who are heavy into fantasy, like furries or hyper sexuals, usually have a hedonistic view and deviate further from normal society.
I nevered understood the 2-3 month reduced sex drive

I dove straight into the porn

FiM never gave me limp dick.

KS, on the other hand...
>2-3 months of reduced sex drive

That was the oddest thing.

Then I started getting off to Fluttershy sitting on my face, I was so ashamed
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I'm going to cum on Daring Do
i hate doing it and i hate myself for doing it, but my addiction keeps pushing me. i tried to quit, but i can't.
Maybe it was only commonplace before there was a huge amount of pone smut. At one point it seemed like a common experience to MLPG.
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Aw shit son. I didn't know this place existed. Time to go on a binge.
>I've held out for YEARS
Oh yeah, that gets me hot. Just thinking about someone trying to enjoy their favorite show all the while their favorite characters are being flashed in front of their eyes in lewd positions, maybe chocking down a cock or huffing a stallions musky balls. I get fucking turned on just thinking about how you got a little horny one day and tried your best, but you couldn't help at least trying to rub one out too a pony, you discovered a whole new world of porn fueled by your perverted imagination. Oh, and I bet the climax was amazing too. Your most intense orgasm probably couldn't compare to the new pleasures you've reached from getting release from the ponies, but the intense shame afterwards still follows you.

That is, until you do it for the second time, and the third time, and the time after that, and the time after that, and the time after that and the...
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me too

Why is people describing themselves masturbating anonymously so hot

even hotter is when artists say they like to make people cum
>and only then started the slow slide towards considering horses to be for sexual.
This part never really happened for me. My other fetishes are too strong.
But Dash, marecream doesn't count.

Even without those, I find the pages too damn busy. If I were in charge, I'd double the amount of pages and have things go slower.
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>These guys are fags, Anon. Let's blow this popsicle stand.
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>want to draw and write hot things because people being aroused is my fetish
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Does too
i find it hot when people say that they jacked off to my work the fact i created something that made a complete stranger hard and got him to spill his seed feels very good~
I want to suck off a guy who just finished a no-fap month
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i know that feel
How about you blow my popsicle
I'd rather do that during his nfm

like on hsi last days
Dash, I'm bisexual.
You can't keep using words like that

You can suck me off after no-fap May if you live around here
i want to find people who masturbated to my drawings to share the pleasure with them. it all started with watching videos of guys jacking off and getting aroused at seeing all that cum and those nice loads. i think i'm at least bisexual now.
Yoi guys are hells gay
Ew, now you've got Pinkie's all over you.
Is this some kind of obsession of yours?
We're walking into the twilight zone of fetishes now.
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Welcome to mlpg

>discovering your bisexuality

Haha, started after I began working out. I started 'mirin guys' muscles and then started 'mirin cocks.
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Dude, stop, it's not cool. I mean, sure, it was weird when I started getting boners, but I just ignored it. Then I got boners and switched to regular porn... one day I read a few fics. I lied in bed trying to sleep, but my rock hard dick wouldn't let me. I began to play out those fics in my head, and steer them towards my fetishes. Orgasming with shame was new, but I felt great. I'm still conflicted.
>Not the same as GIlda
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>New Tex Pic

Too cute.

I just realized I have no reaction images to express cuteness.

What if Hot Beef got frustrated at Ice Packs no gay rule and forced himself onto him
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Even the straightest guy would find some other male who is sexy. Just have to be feminine enough.
that would be rape anon
not the anon you were talking to but god damn it why aren't you in california
>nobody will ever get excited at a new drawing of yours
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Thank you anonymous.
You really do gain an appreciation for the male form once you identify an ideal and start working towards it.
I think it's hilarious when anons on /fit/ say they started lifting for girls and by the time they reached their goal body they were more into dudes.
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not that guy but

>my fucking state

But I like fuzzy, muscular guys
>>nobody will ever get excited at a new drawing of yours

It means get better at drawing nigger.
That is a girl with a penis and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Not that anon but where in California

well hello there
I hope all of you here are girls....

why bronies
Go have a brony meet up, faggs
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>But I like fuzzy, muscular guys

That's your thing, because you're a homofag.


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well, girls have just some slit, but having a nice big boner which sprays hot cum all about is so much more fun

dont wanna /soc/ up the thread so here's a throaway email account i use for 4chan if you want to be in contact

>tfw smooth, athletic guy

I can't get into bear mode guys
>I turned mlpg into a gay blowjob hookup thread

vag's are gross


you say that now~
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i sure do like pones

I'll pull your willy nilly
Goddamn it why is this so hilarious?
Too high up north for me sadly

Pfft. I doubt any of you guys are hot enough for me. Cross dressing 19 year olds with smooth sexy legs need only apply.
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>live somewhere where literally the only time it was mentioned/recognized by someone other than me is some hamstank from HSG put his/her mark on the HSG map
>going to move to a huge city filled to the brim with asshats soon, Seattle
I don't know what I'm getting myself into, but I know I won't like it.
I love Ruby Gloom
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I have turned mlpg into quite a few things before
>tfw having people discuss your fetish a lot
>and then it never gets brought up again unless it's late night or a friday
I can cross dress and shave my legs, but I don't think I have a feminine enough face
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>tfw brought the scentfags together
it was worth asking, at least. hope you find someone local.
If not for my instinctive attraction to the vagina it would be entirely repugnant.
It bleeds and sheds and is constantly rebuilding itself; it's fascinating in the same way as a termite mound, and about as complex.

Dicks, though, are simple and clean and readily understandable. Too bad I'm less attracted to what's usually attached to them.
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>thread about my little pony turns into a thread about people meeting up for gay sex
>people are surprised
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Oh god
We've become the sterotype
or at least the stereotype that existed before Brony Pizza Hut
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>trying to bring TF back up
AppleDan,Aspirant and anons!

I need your powers
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Let's talk about gay ponies instead
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>tfw just lost a lot of weight
>tfw went swimming
>tfw putting on bathrobe before changing
>tfw "excuse me, this is the men's changing room"
>tfw awkward silence
>tfw he keeps looking at me
>tfw saying "but i am..."
>his face when hearing my voice

i started to grow a beard because of that. that guy seriously thought i was a girl until talked
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What do you like most in a guys appearance?

I like big dicks but it's not really that important
That poor cat. Did it die?
It's time to come back later
Yes, more of this please.
Musky, sweaty pony bits have had their time in the sun and it is time to move on.
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I like them quadrupedal and fictional and also ponies

What a peculiar general to wake up too
shave the beard and we'll talk.

I thought Women liked gay men?
Fuck off attentionwhore

You don't even have a cock

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i'm not that trappy though. i just have an ambiguous face and body, which in combination with the haircut i had at the time, as well as the waist from the way i tied my bathrobe made me look feminine. i don't think i'd actually make a good trap.
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>Gets around that I've fucked a few guys
>Suddenly all my female friends want to spend more time with me

I'm not gay, but I think I might start fucking dudes to pick up chicks.
I don't get it...
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which pony is most likely to chew on your beard?
Just takes a bit of work, anon.
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>girlfriend learns I've sucked dicks
>thinks it's cool as fuck
>we bond over it

Do you play hats?
What would it do if I had no beard?
I've thought about hanging around my school's LGBT center to pick up chicks and maybe dudes.
They have Laser Tag!
Sounds like a pretty bad plan.
maybe thatll give me an excuse to get into shape again. i heard people feel better when excercising and that maybe help me with other things too

Oh shit, just go for the laser tag at least.
I know you are a kinky girl MT.
Share your fetishes.

dammit corwin

we already know bro
it's pregnant fetish
That's a terrible plan

But at least you get to fuck guys
I keep telling myself the same thing, and I do have an awesome bike I should really ride more.
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>replica Drive jacket costs $160
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My favorite TF stories would have to be the pet pony ones.
I posted the first two posts.

But I think we can combine Musky and Sweaty pone with TF pones
>i started to grow a beard because of that. that guy seriously thought i was a girl until talked

What. Stop. If you're sexy enough, keep the femme cute male look. CHICKS LOVE CUTE GUYS.
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four score five is best tf
if its a nice jacket thats not too much
I had girls who never gave me a look dryhumping my leg after I grew a beard

F2P=Free to play. f2p players being bad is a stereotype.

The scene is homer opens his door and barney is pointing a gun at him. The joke is that bad spies, new to the game, might try to go up and shoot somebody in their face instead of sneaking around.

the joke has now been ruined, but at least you understand it.


Oh hell yeah it's a nice jacket

- Taupe/Ivory Diamond-Stitched/Quilted Satin
- Ribbed Knit collar/sides/cuffs
- Heavy Duty gold zipper
- Silver Snap on collar
- Fully Lined
- Functioning Welt Pockets
- Gold Scorpion Embroidery On back

Wait, so...they dry humped your leg, but they didn't look at you while doing it so, so...is that good or bad?
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How to pick up chicks according to mlpg:
1.Become gay
2.Work out
3.Grow a beard
4.Don't grow a beard

Any others?
Didn't the guys who bought the game made a program that didn't let f2p players join their servers?
Watch little ponies
No! I don't like boys, I like fluttershy
Watch a show for little girls.
That'll get them.

Yeah but that's a fucking awful jacket that's not even from the movie, and it's being worn by someone that can't pull off that jacket
That's not what I wrote. I said they never gave me a look before I grew a beard.
>tfw face is too masculine to be a convincing trap
It honestly feels like I'm missing out. I'd totally be into that kind of stuff.
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>Become gay
nah just experiment a bit

>Work out

>Grow/Don't grow a beard
depends on how manly a beard you can grow.
>1.Become gay
The only reason why that gets you chicks is because you stop paying attention to them. drives them mad, they always want what they can't have

Get a damn haircut

if your hair is long past your ears then you're probably awful
>taking it seriously

You guys dumb
How to pick up guys according to MLPG:
1. Workout
2. Go to a bar
3. Ask for it
4. Be a slut

dog butts
>tfw too masculine and too old to go trappan'
Why couldn't 4chan have been so persistently queer ten years ago?
>tfw hairy manbear
>tfw no one in this thread would go for that sort of thing
Sometimes I really worry about you MLPG
squishing together


you do lift, don't you? Guys with guts aren't too bad if they lift.
>rarity in a nightie

why must i only have two hands

producing raucous experimental beats
>currently on day 23 of no fap april
>too shy/beta to attempt a hook up
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Because three arms is just silly.
Four. Four is a number I could get behind.
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here is that pose for you ross
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I actually want to fuck one of you guys

You all seem legitimately gay lately and I've been single for a while

Why can't you live in Australia?
manbear as in bearmode?
There's worse stuff than actually looking like a man instead of androgynous
All you need is _____

Personal accountability

Anything else?
pls draw more this is so cute

Especially Fluttershy
Oh fluttershy...
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bullet ants

kangaroos just can't outweigh the bad of those things
I do.

I'm not gay though.
miles pls
I like the idea fluttershy can't keep a secret worth a damn, don't you.
Whenever I do nofap I just get desperate and start replying to ads on Craigslist.

PROTIP: There are no real people on Craigslist. Not the women, not the men, not the traps.

Not bearmode, think more lumberjack.

you dont need these things if you had a robot body
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>tfw not liking men
>just penis in butt
What an awful thing to have.
I don't think it fits her personally, but it's still really cute.
No men or women.
Only hambeasts.

Just do it you faggot, use your confidence you should have from not fapping
There's nothing more autistic then posting song lyrics in all caps. You fuckers are the ones who ruined it

a soundtrack
>want to get fucked
>have crohn's so my anus bleeds

Fuck life
what a weird angle it took me a second to realize she is laying down
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>robot body
we transhumanist now?

>not having a qt dom gf with a strap-on
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How does one draw a rugged stallion...I'm bad at such things...

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>tfw the only thing that can get my motor running is ponies or transformation into pony
>OC from crap Fanfiction
No P+, we are not.

give it like 3 beards
>tfw now thinking of shaving, excercising to get rid of the last bits of chub and to go trap to get gay sex from strangers on the internet
I've got a massive dick

Will that help?
God damn it. I need to start changing my filenames, don't I?

Gay sex from strangers on the internet is better then no sex whatsoever.

That's a great way to get STDs
the cape. you forgot the cape. the cape is important.
not really

What Internet shithole is this even from?

Infinite punishment for finite crimes.mpg

oh great, is it time for the raid already?
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>tfw wishing you could draw in a variety of styles easily
Shiny pls
no moralfagging
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No, I just remember

Blowjobs are better than anal anyways
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If he fucks one of us he'd be fine if he was bareback
so did anyone cap this?
im not part of le epic raid

i just am not a fan of casual sex
>mechanically augmenting yourself
>non nanite-augmentation or implants

You're doing anal wrong.
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i am bored of regular sex
b.but i just want to be the slutty boy toy
Luddite pls
An MLPG orgy of unprotected gay sex would likely be the most STD-free such event ever to take place.
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the cape was replaced by a bow tie
Did you even read my post?
Everyone knows nanite/implants are superior mechanical augments
Have fun sitting aroung revving your actuators while a more advanced unit gets the job done.
bah, like 50% are virgins anyways
10/10 fanfiction
That was the >implication

You've never had a good blowjob
but the cape...its a symbol of her origins.

bow tie makes him look like the 11th doctor though
well fuck me sideways, excuse me for not being hip with the transhumanist agenda
no it wasn't
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You've never had a good switch.
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mmmm nah. Bow tie.
Why is she sweating so much?
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She had a very intense quiet session.

She just ate a jalapeno
She is shy
i guess it works with the stallion verison
thats garbage MT no one will want to read that fanfiction

We can both keep spouting assumptions, but these are apparently opinionated.

I thought sex was way overrated until I had a blowjob. My first girlfriend didn't want to give me one, and then my dude friend gave me one and it was jawdropping.

I don't think an ass could feel better than a vagina, but I will admit I've never fucked one. I do know that taking things up my butt is barely pleasurable for me.
she just got fucked hard
Because having both is stupid.

Nanite augmentations creates little class difference and will be available for everyone also no one would be able to rip off your arms to sell them.

You don't have to worry about any sort of virus.

That's why they outclass mechanical augments, there's a reason why Mech augs were fighting to have a place in a nanite dominated world.
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You're mom won't want to read your fanfiction Anon!
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>implying nanites are more durable than solid metal
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I'm already chubbing up from the thumbnail
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My body wasn't ready
sometimes this fandom does good things
this is the first thing connected to tiarawhy that i don't hate.
What kind of session? Come on Anon, I'm no psychic
Did he edit it or someone else?
someone else
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dude, tiarawhy broke my no clop rule of 2 years

im a total fanboy of all his work
Sorry you have low standards I guess.
in terms of quality it's as abysmal as the rest of tiara's work, but i don't think it was him.
i only like this one because it panders to my fetish and that is precisely the reason why is so popular. he manages to circumvent having to produce something that requires skill
I like Tiarawhy but I have never masturbated to any of his stuff. It's just not wankworthy.
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