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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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Last Horse

Is there a limit as to who cute the fillies are in the show? How cute is too much cute?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
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marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes:
All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG:
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Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

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More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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Diamond Tiara is cutest filly
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puni puni puni
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ANY thread is better, even KS, SC2 and LoL general

>more then 2 posts per day
If you deleted all 40k threads and all posts bringing 40k shit into unrelated topics, /tg/ would be the best board on the site.
40kids are as bad as mainstream bronies with their fictional religious fervor.
>being this deluded
The most amazing part is that LoLg manages to talk more about League than this thread does about pony
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Objectively wrong.
Scoot and Sweetie outclass DT in cuteness so much it's not even funny.
We'll they outclass her in every way, even AB does that, but that's besides the point. point is that DT is a low tier filly
The only generals I'd rank over MLPG (on average, not just hiatus MLPG) are GSG and DFG.

KSPG wins most autistic general, narrowly edging out Anon in Equestria.
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I truly wonder what would Spike future would be if he keep living like that.
I'd rather see the shit we talk about than an assfaggots, SC2 is worse than us for absolute shitposting and dont get me started on KSG.
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If there is a limit, Sweetie Belle crosses it.
No words can explain how cute Sweetie Belle is.

And yet Apple Bloom is even cuter
There's still a motherfucking KSG?

Fucking waifufags, man...
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This anon knows. A filly like Sweetie Belle is quite cute at what she is. I could say the same with many of the filly due to their cute behavior. DT, however, is just icky.
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Would having sex with Fluttershy make her a more confident pony?
hey gg

you drawn femsnips and femsnails using their talents yet?
>implying folk here don't have pony waifus
>Apple Bloom
>cuter than Sweetie
You're approaching Terse tier opinions anon

No, because she'd be a terrible lay.

She'd become more of a cunt than Rainbow Dash.

How do you think Dash gets all her confidence?
Yes. /thread
No, her whole point of her character is that she will always be shy.
>not a virgin
Anon pls
>giving Fluttershy more confidence
Bad idea. We've seen what a fucking cunt she can be once she overcomes her shyness
Sweetie's cracking voice says otherwise.

By that logic, Rarity should be the biggest cunt on the show.
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Sweetie has the cutest voice. I'll admit that much.
I want to make love to Claire Corlett's voice.

By which I mean I want to facefuck her.
But Anon, that'd shut her up.
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Theres one pony with a cuter voice
Yeah but my dick would be wet so I wouldn't care.
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I wonder how cute Sweetie Belle would be when she grown up to be a young mare.

I hope she keep her round, cute eyes.
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Nap time
See you later, MLPG.
He has a mid tier voice at most anon. And that's being generous.
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no, shes fubar
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>9 am
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>that fucking watermark
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

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marked properly. Keywords include:

Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide

All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:


Room: mlp
FiM Blogs:



Pony IRC:




Who's who in MLPG:

http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)




Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
Did any new or interesting info come out of the larson interview?
equestria girls confimred july
Did that come out of the Larson interview? That's pretty odd
It was carried out at gunpoint.
theres a eak through some american site saying it so Larson was all"oops, that wasn;t supposed to happen, well i'll confirm it"
then any other interesting info?
the music is apparently going to be at least okay
Not about equestria girls, the larson thing
we beyond ded

where all our contributors and posters go

is there a stram on
It's sunday morning man
I should have killed myself decades ago.
curse you, timezones
I'm cleaning the house, and then I'll go out to buy some stuff to make risotto. I could entertain you for a while, but frankly all i could do is just namefag at this point.
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>8 minutes without post
Why are we so ded
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10MGET is over and nobody cares about pone anymore
fuck, dropped my hat
That picture would be better if it was mindrape
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>people in MLPG
>caring about gets
Pick one and only one
Can i pick 1.5? Pretty please?
>roogna posts without his fucking trip sometimes

Why can't you do that here?
I dont like using a trip anywhere else on 4chan, but here I feel obligated too, because I know how much everyone here loves me.
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They are so cute together.
I smile whenever I see your trip, dude.
The mane 6 has convinced you to get a pet from Fluttershy. What kind of pet would you choose and what would you name it?
I would pick two ravens and name them Hugin and Munin
yeah, I hope jalm draws them together more, they are a cute pair

10/10 would allow to kill me during sex again

So goes the whole fandom.

We already drank the kool-aid, now we're just waiting to die.
who's the cancerous OC on the left?
I would get a toothless alligator and name it Gummy.

>"Oh my gosh! You have a toothless alligator named Gummy too?! Please fuck me!"

Or...or something...
Jalm's succubus OC
That is quite cute of those two ponies.
I just want one, ONE non-ponfag to say that they don't hate us...
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A boar.
And it has to be male.

Those guys live longer and are more aggressive than dogs and easily house trained
do what i do and just live in a constant state of hate toward the entire fandom
>sex fiend pony with a very shy pony

this is cute
Why does it have to be male?
I suppose I just want validation. To feel that I didn't waste my time.
they did.
a long time ago.
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More aggressive.
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That's sexist!

Women can be aggressive too!
I'm a neo-nazi transexual bi-triquater two-spirited proto-jew African American.

I don't need to check my privilege
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>Princess Highhorse

Has there ever been a good succubus character before?
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daily dose

>not an animal
>not a hypervegan

Guess again, you oppressor.
>sissy panties

Annah in Planescape Torment was a bro
I'm a ultravegan, xon.
SB pls
go on
and the writer of that is working on project eternity

can't fucking wait
I wish you would draw mares every once in a while. Don't get me wrong I love colts. But it would be nice to see a fluttershy from you.
I disliked Torment because it felt like a visual novel but I loved the Icewind Dale games. I hope Eternity is awesome.

Isn't someone kickstarting Torment 2?
Man I really need to hurry up and play all those infinity engine games.
After those NWN 1 and 2 and their expansions.

From what I heard Mask of the Betrayer is praised to no end for it's writing and that writer is also working for Project Eternity.

well, he drew something with twist in it.
It' called Torment but it's not related to the first game.
It was a success with 4.2 million if I remember correctly
The following years are going to be incredible.
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Mah nigga!
>my sister is good friends with chris and josh sawyer
As opposed to MANties, i guess?
Man I loved those games as a kid but I just can't replay them. I try to start but they're just so clunky.

I wish someone would just completely remake them with new technology. Same story, characters, etc., but just make it play better.
That or the bat. Or a spider

Ravens are cool too tough.
>not getting two owls and naming them Lechku and Nechku

They are making sure the combat and shit will be up to snuff. You can even skip combat with dialog if you say the right things and you get the same about of exp as if you did battle.
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>meet Deekin in NWN2
>can't recruit

I cried.
They tried to do that with the enhanced edition. It's shit.

It's Baldur's Gate 1 with a zoom option and some community mods.
That's how Torment was, though. I read somewhere that there were only 4 fights in the entire game that you HAD to participate in, and the rest you could just talk your way out of.
That cute but why is their anatomy completely different? Compare Shy's neck to the other OCs'
If that Shy was on all fours she'd look weird as fuck
That's what I liked. In every game I was a blood hungry fucker and tried to fight everyone because that way you got the most experience and after the half of the game you weren't fucked up because you were underleveld.

That and the world they are creating sounds great.
Can I get a bear?

I would armor that fucker and go into the woods and kill every last timber wolf.

The mares would be all over me, I mean like I would be an alien warrior who just killed a bunch of timber wolves while riding a bear.
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>you will never gather your party before venturing forth
>you will never gather your party before venturing forth
>you will never gather your party before venturing forth
Combat is a bit more important in this. So while you could skip some battles, there will be many more that you can't get out of in torment
It was kinda because the combat was shit and talking your way out of fights gave you much much more experience than fighting. It's the reverse of the other games

Eternity makes both options available. Doesn't matter if you slaughter the entire bandit camp or use your charisma and intelligence to convince them to protect the caravans they were raiding you get the same experience.
Nothing is more boring than listening to people talk about a game you haven't played.
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Which ponies would you choose for your party to save MLPG with it's history?
Sorry, personal blog moment
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Holy shit that dinner was good
I find it interesting since I will play them all. You should try them tough. Fuck I tried one of them some time ago and quit after 10 minutes. Now I' playing it again and god I haven't had so much fun with a video game for a long time.
I think singing a song about it should suffice. DYEWTS?
fuck, marry, kill.
tell me which ones, anon.
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Video of game we are talking about:

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Hiya Pink.

Any three from RenneQuest
Oh, it's that thing I had a slight interest in but forgot to donate to and subsequently forgot about
It's just so fucking gorgeous. And it's Alpha

After finishing the game I'll make the mane six as a party and complete the game as them
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Which pony would win Miss Autopsy 2013?

i remember when 4-5 years ago these graphics were the shit.

>tfw i bought a new PC at the time the game came out
>tfw previously owning a computer which could barely take half-life 1
>tfw those graphics

still the weakest title of the series
Dash, AJ or Fluttershy.
They probably have the healthiest organs
Dash or AJ because they've got guts.
Crypt Keeper pls
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Hi Twilight! Why are these morning threads so slow? And why am I asking just you? Wouldn't other people know why it's so slow here in the morning?

I mean, how can you NOT be awake in the morning? That's when the day begins! And breakfast and coffee and croissants and other morning sweets!

Anons, waaaaaaaake up!
Well you can still donate and get a copy if you want to. $30
It's 5 PM here

Evens - Draw pone
Odds - Draw other
Dubs - Vidya
I don't get it.
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Shut up pank
hi lk

we stram now
Oh Oh!
Can I make a suggestion?
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fuck that. Im guessing youre talking about PYHD and that's just because she was taught confidence wrong
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I am disappointed in you, Pink.
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You shut up Twilight
Depends on what I'm drawing. If I do, it won't be for very long.
I think you put the over diapers
Lyra in a Handyman outfit
>implying Twilight wouldn't be a big coffee drinker
The only reason I was slightly interested is because I never played any of the games of that genre before
I might get it still but I'm not sure
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At least I'm not an idiot like you, Dash.
Pinkie pie's smarter than you.

You're a useless arrogant shit, at least FS can tame animals
he got odds though
But it's not necessarily pone
They are fun. Play them if you can.
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Purple greatly dislikes coffee.
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5 PM?? Wow! You must live really far away! Can you imagine how the sun is rising somewhere and SETTING at the same time?? Wow! What if it rose and set at the same time in one place??? That's a lot to think about!


*grabs you by the throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF?!?!?!?!?!


ill fukin deck u rite in the gabber m8 oi i swer on me mums life
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A pony adventuring party?

Derpy + The Flower Trio + One of the inept guardsponies

Then grab the popcorn
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You tried I guess
What was the get?
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She just woke up
I want to cum inside _Vinyl Scratch
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went to a swim meet, saw this


why do you do this
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Would you cuddle a diabetic pank with a shot thyroid?

She'd be straight haired and sleepy all the time
My favorite r34 artist got it too
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That's terrifying
>tfw diabetes
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at first glance I thought that was a feeding bag
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>tfw morning
>tfw see rainbow

>browsing mulpug
>same old day, you're off work
>you loved being home ever since that pink fluffy ball of sunshine entered your life a few months ago
>it was all so perfect, just you and Pinkie
>well, that is, until it happened
>earth sure is different from equestria
>and sugar there is harmless, while sugar here is harmful in large doses
>one day she had just gone too far
>she got better, but was never the same
>but you stay with her, you love her so much
>although sometimes you think-
>pinkie suddenly wanders into your room

pls wat?
I like drawing military things even though I'm the worst soldier in the brigade this batch of recruits
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Its the old RAF id scheme

Two letters on one side of the roundel for the squadron, a single on the other side for the individual aircraft
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Yes, I know it doesn't really read MLOP. Just looked silly.

>she utters a feeble hello as she leans against the doorway
>her straight hair was matted slightly on one side, probably woke up from another nap
>she yawns quietly and just sorta looks at you with this blank look
>you smile at her
>she blinks after half a minute and starts to walk off
>you call to her before she can then completely turn and ask if she would like a snack
>she plops down on the floor
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What were we arguing about
I don't know
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I don't right know, partner, but i'm defending my side.
I love those hips on Twilight.
shit proportions 0/10 would not fuck
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>by mamandil
u wot m8
>You will never be twilight and get eaten out by spike
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>You will never be Spike and fuck Twilight
Neither of the circlejerk trio. They'd pretty much attention whore the thread to death.
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>I don’t have anything spectacular to share for the occasion but I’ve now been drawing for roughly two years. Yay.

2 years and you draw shit like this. I am disapoint. You are a fetish artist and nothing more.
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>invite Ponka over to watch the Simpsons movie though her ass
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some of his first pictures involved lots of dicks
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Waaaaait a sec, so what does the last episode tell us about the properties of Cutie marks, the effect cutie mark has on ponies?

when the cutie marks were switched, the ponies were driven to take up tasks even though they had no desire to do those things.

Does this mean that cutie marks have specific properties that allows a pony have a place in society?

How does this thing work?
Every time, I hear the trumpet part in my head and I crack up
its magic i aint gotta explain shit
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I'd be sad if I didn't have a nose and I worked at a bake shop
>pinkie pie walks around down
>theres a crowd following her
>she thinks they all just want to be her friend
>they are trying to watch the TV that appeared mysteriously in her ass.
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I haven't posted a pony in two days, I guess I'll just leave this here..
So cutie marks are composed of memories?

Pony career chips
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That's a good pony
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I suppose it's just a visual representation of their talents.
Rarity's cutiemark has nothing to do with dresses, and when she had Rainbow Dash's cutiemark all she did was move around clouds, something any pegasus can do.
But then look at ponies like the CMC who don't have their cutiemarks but are still shown to have talent in certain subjects, so really what's the point?
At least it doesn't hurt when they got one.
What is she trying to do?
>no vagina

I hate it.
Make it the Crypt Keeper's emerging head.

Truck bees.
She was trying to buck a tree but something went wrong. Somehow.
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>google "chickadee"
>it's a bird, but not a chicken
>I didnt notice the AJ cutie mark
Why is she so cuddleual?
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I guess that makes more sense

When a pony discovers something they like to do their job is decided and forced upon with magic
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Best part of MMC
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>Chickadee 752.jpg
How many of those do you have?
LK, you gonna stream?
You seriously had no idea?
That's not too surprising considering Hasbro mentioned they were revealing it properly in SDCC.
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Every frame
Plus some gifs and fanart
Well I give up drawing.
Straight haired Pinkie is the sexiest Panka
"Shit be serial cray!"
LK is ded
Especially with southern/western accent.
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Kiss her, you foal.
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That is correct
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apparently this is too offensive for derpibooru
They don't die. They are merely forgotten when they stop producing anything.
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What the fuck
I'll kiss her cheek to snag that french fry stuck on her face
>biscuits and gravy!
I just quit. I'm done.
I dont get it
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what is that even?
So americans eat "cookies" with gravy? that's gross.
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>the one black guy
What is this even from
What are American biscuits to British people?
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I find little pip sexy.
probably a kind of bread
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boston special forces

I got a two month ban for posting>>10012574

It's starting to feel like ponychan there
"Special" Weapons and Tactics troops being deployed to look for the boston bombers.
I wonder how much money was spent looking for that guy
I don't know why, but the dry dialogue in this comic makes it funny for some reason
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where do you think twily hid the body?
celestia's uterus
If you count lost revenue due to business being closed for a day

A lot
The posing and faces help it a lot as well.
Fat horse wieners.
Oh, murrica..
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She gave it to pinkie
What the spell Twilight cast did was it changed their destinies. It didn't change their talents or anything, just their destinies.
So even though they had those cutie marks telling them what they were "good" at, those destinies were not meant for them.
They were raised to know that a cutie mark is what represents the things you are good at, and when they got a cutie mark that didn't line up with what they thought they were good at, they thought "Oh well, it's what my cutie mark is telling me." and tried doing tasks they were not destined to be good at.
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>still keeping the pre color corrected ones

Are you me?
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I remember those miscolors. Poor Derpy.
I thought that was a pic of derpy holding her futa cock.
I was disappointed.
That's some loud breathing
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the problem here is the implications of what their "Destiny" is

I.e Dash is forever destined to be a sky janitor due to the detiny spell, never obtaining the dream of going fast, and fluttershy will forever live in obscurity with her animals, never being able to change or become something productive or positive

and pinkie pie is destined to be lolsorandom instead of having times of genuine wit

I'm trying to wake up, Pinkie. I'm really tired, though.
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jalm makes cute ponies
Did Jalm forgot the Cutiemark on purpose?
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with discord
surprised no one's tried redoing this comic
and personally speaking, mailmare derpy is probably my favourite fanon
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But, in Cutie Mark Chromicles, the theme of "Destiny" is touched upon, and Rarity;s destiny is A ROCK, But rarity decides FUCK THAT NOISE ITS FABULOUS TIME

And then season 3 acts like OH DRESSES WERE WHAT RAIRTY WAS DESTINED FOR, when in fact what destiny TRIED to do was make her become a huge minign corporation, and she instead wanted to be a favulous jewler and artisan of pimped out dresses.

so basically Rarity was destined to get rich no matter what hobby she had
Not everyone's talent aligns flawlessly with their "destiny". That's what hobbies are for.
or blazing saddles

Which is your favorite name?
What? Is that Jalm? I thought it was sbuh.
so coot..
It's jalm, it's on his tumblr
That's Jalm's lines and anatomy
Pinkie Pie
Aren't dresses the thing Rarity was destined to do though? Because the talent for her gem finding came when she needed to make the costumes for that school play.

Actually, I hope there's a episode where Twilight freaks the fuck out because The Alicorn spell has loopholes due to the fact it was unfinished, so there are LOTS of very dangerous minefields Twilight Herself put her friends i nthe middle of by just casting the spell without first carefully checking it and doing her own work LIKE SHE SHOULD HAVE IF SHE WAS IN SEASON 1

remember Mcarthy's Tweet on how Twilight won't outlive her friends, and then the show canon that actually alicorns DO live practilly forever (Celestia and Luna have lived 1000 years at least)?

Basically the implication is that, although her friends are the reason for her accensionship, Her friends ceasing to be the elements of Harmony (possible) or dying (unlikly on a kids show, but old age will kill them eventually), a magic feedback loop might happen and Twilight might spontaniously explode for real this time.
I just call her PP

But I guess you don't have that one...
You, stay. I, go.
No following.
You're not the first one I see saying that.
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>still trying to make sense of cutie marks
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I just realized who he looks like.
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Pretty much this. My problem with the finale (among numerous other issues) was that it picked a very one-dimensional, shallow way to go about a great idea.

They could have really explored what those marks really meant here, but they took the easy way out and said "HER CUTIE MARK MEANS HER JOB, COS IT'S WHAT MY CUTIE MARK IS TELLING MEEEE~" even though a few of their cutie marks really have nothing to do with what they DO.

Rainbow Dash is a fast flier and can perform Sonic Rainbooms - moving clouds and fixing weather is just her day-job.

Rarity's talent is finding gems - but she's a tailor/fashionista, not a miner.

It seemed like they weren't able or willing to really look at what something like switching talents with another pony could mean, and just went for the easiest way out - they have the cutie mark so they're compelled to do stuff they're bad at, Twilight fixes it with a song because perfect and she gonna be princess bing bong BOOM

The whole thing struck me as lazy and sloppy.
But I wana know!

someone explain the le epic meme joke
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Every time
So Princess Twily is to blame?

No surprise since she's objectively worst pony.
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I bet those 5-8 year olds would agree with you too
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this guy
any particular order?

>Why should I bother taking pride in my work or trying to do a good job?
>Kids don't know what good storytelling is
>And I don't have to show them

>Lauren said kids are smarter and better at spotting bullshit than we give them credit for, but what does she know?
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>Not posting the good one.


>Planescape Torment

It's Fall-from-Grace dingus. Annah is the tiefling thief. FFG is the chaste succubus who has sworn off sex.

Which is tragic because Purplesmart is best pony.

I miss Purplesmart. Purplewings is boring.
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I still say that MMC was supposed to be another Best Night Ever (a simple season ender where nothing "epic" happened and was more simpler in terms of plot), but Hasbro forcing Twilycorn made them redo the episode as a musical to try and shove as much plot as they can.
>the show will never have a indepth look at the implications of magic

we STILL don't fuckign know what Earth Pony magic entails - we all assume its MYSTERY OF THE DRUIDS sort of nature stuff but honestly it's never really BEEN canonically addressed
Wait until the comics
I hope anyways.
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Some things are best left unknown
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Weren't there pre-Faust G4 designs floating around? I remember seeing some but I never saved them. Anyone have them?
>my special talent is an island with a tree in it
She could be a bouncer that booted ponies out of buildings.
>she gives people the BOOT
>implying he isn't chill as fuck
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How many times have the writers written themselves into a corner like this?

Can they even SAY what makes Earth Ponies special beyond the vaguest terms, despite going on and on about Pegasi's cloudwalking and weathercrafting, or Unicorn magic?

Do they even KNOW?

Seems like it'd be bad form to make Earth Ponies the Hufflepuff race, but so far, their attitude seems to be

>"So, these guys have magic, and these guys can fly and walk on clouds."
>"What about us?"
>"What ABOUT you? Eh, fuck it you can... grow plants. Knock yourselves out."

Do they even care anymore?
and it is funny because?
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>Vin Diesel will never feel you
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And what a talent it is
>Do they even care anymore?
They never addressed it early in the show either
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Shit nigga that's kawaii.
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pls respond
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The earth pony thing has always bothered me. If their racial special is DRUIDS or whatever people like to go with, what about ponies like this guy? What good magical miracle grow when you want to study space or be an engineer or something. The other two racial specials have much broader applications
Throwing in my interpretation/rationalization for the S3 finale.

Cutie mark represents their natural talent and the discovery thereof. They've gotten themselves jobs that take advantage of their talent, and such is their lot in life (i.e. destiny).

The cutie-mark spell didn't just swap their cutie marks, it also swapped much of, if not all, of their memories. So each of the ponies also tried to get back to their (ab)normal roles and found that they couldn't function right, especially with regards to their cutie mark.
Are you also upset with the fact that a full-grown manticore didn't kill the mane 6?
Are you upset that with the fact that trans-dimensional chaos god capable of warping reality to his whim is thwarted by friendship?

The thing is, it's a kid show.

In fact I think most kids would know that a full grown manticore would rip ponies apart and is smart enough to pull a thorn from it's paw.

No wait a sec, I'm wrong because not a single fucking kid watching that episode would know anything about a manticore, especially the fantasy manticore that was depicted in the show.

The fact of the matter is, this is some trivial bullshit that the kids wouldn't even bother looking into, kids see into bullshit when there's bullshit to be seen like when a character does something blatantly bad not critical analysis of something so trivial.
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If I was a mudhorse I would be fucking pissed. Pegasi and unicorns live life on easy mode.
It might be smart enough to, but it doesn't have opposable thumbs.
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What's the matter, human?
Don't you believe?
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>being a pony
That's good enough you faggot.
No it fucking isn't, not if all your friends can fly and do magic and you're stuck on the ground twiddling your hooves.
It's not funny. It's amusing. Perhaps par tof the amusement comes from the ironic elevation of SWAT to the same tier as Canadian special forces.
In what
Because he looks funny? I don't know.
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If you had to redefine a "racial talent" for Earth ponies, what would it be?
Yes it fucking is.
you talking shit about UNOPT?
what is it with fluttershy and butts?
Earth ponies are naturally strong, and are far more in tune with the universe and earth.

Pinkie sense.
Unicorns/pegasi can't farm for shit.

AJ is able to kick hundreds of trees so hard that their apples fall out.
Earth ponies able to cart trains/houses.
Being inferior
endurance and stamina
it's what makes the earth pones the best cuddlers
Being basically enslaved by the other two races while being perfectly happy about it.

See also: Brave New World. the Huxley novel, not the Civ 5 expansion

>I'm not going to read that post.
>But I'm still going to respond to it.
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I don't see how being a farmer is the same as being a slave.
Being proletariat
>I didn't read it but I made a post addressing all of his points with counter arguments
try having no reforms, or what passes for farming laws, and if your farm falls through? lol we can always get more earth ponies mudscum die in a ditch
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is a good pone
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Here's an odd situation I'm in.

So I found out someone took a sketch I drew and inked and colored it as their OC. And didn't say it was someone else's sketch obviously. And they're using it as an avatar.

Now looking at this person's blog they seem to be horribly depressed and a cutter.

So here's my dilemma. For some reason I'm considering doing a little doodle of this person's character and saying "Hey, I know you took my sketch. I'm not gonna drag it out in the open or anything but if you'd like you can have this instead." Hopefully something that would be perceived as a nice gesture. But I don't really know the mentality of people who self-harm and I don't want to either accidentally provoke a feeling or guilt or send the wrong message and make this person think I wanna be best buddies or something. I'd just like to do a tiny little nice gesture.

Should I?
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None of those are unique to earth ponies

Dash beat AJ in the strength competition

Pegasi have been shown to pull FLYING moving vans, Dash and Fluttershy were pulling a cart which which kept pace with one pulled by 4 earth ponies, which they also got to fly in The Last Roundup. So pegasi make superior transportation ponies even.

Seriously everything that has been proposed to be done better by earth ponies has been demonstrated to be done far better by the other two types.
That goddamn Spetsnaz next to Grom gets me every single time.
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starting a stram in a couple of minutes with Equilibrium
Go for it I guess. What's the sketch?
Um, that should be fine. As someone who was like inches away from cutting my neck at one point I don't think it would be too bad. JUST DON'T TALK TO HIM IN PUBLIC KEEP IT PRIVATE
Depressed people aren't crazy.
But a cutter is crazy.

I unno

I think you should drag it out in the open and see what happens, it might be a jolly good time, yeh?

You really didn't, though.

I criticized the writers for not taking pride in their work and getting lazy with the Finale, and you said that since it's a kids' show, nobody has to make any effort anyway.

I asserted that mindset is wrong, and you proceeded to accuse me of wanting everything in the show to be like real life, in an attempt to trivialize what I said.
If you were a pony and you had a thing for a cutie mark and you met a pony that had three things for a cutie mark do you think you could be friends or would you be too jealous of the fact that they're three times better than you?
Do ironic revenge.

Have him colour and ink really happy images of "his oc", knowing full well he's a depressed cutter, so people get the impression he's in serious need of mental help and hope tumblr does soemthing about that

meanwhile you can still sketch your sketchy charatcer and everythign is peachy because hey - you drew another happy pony! obviously your happy about something or another
in magic
of a young girl's heart?
And when I say talk to him in public. I mean call him out in public.
but anonymous three times 0 is still 0
Consider what would happen to you if you do. You can do it if you want but you really have to think what you are doing.

From what I read, you are about to sketch an OC of a cutter that stolen something you do (which was someone else) and hope this might be shown as good gesture.

Think real about this.
I was hoping for cumming inside Vinyl but alright
you should grow a pair.
>education in 'murica
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Anyway I'm in business here.

Anyone wants this piece finished? I mean... I can take care of lines but don't want to get into color and all that. So basically I'll do the lineart and leave it to someone for coloring. Is that ok?
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It's not about revenge. My initial reaction when it was pointed out to me was to ignore it because I didn't care if someone took a sketch of mine or not. Finding out they were depressed made me sad though.

Yeah hence my hesitation. I really don't think there's a good way to talk to someone after they've stolen your art even if it doesn't bother you.
Yeah, I'm sure elslow or dooks would be willing
Haha this is cute.
I wish I still got stickers as an adult.
I didn't say nobody did have to make efforts, I said no one has to care about your shitty ranting.

How do you know they didn't take pride in their work?

Maybe I shouldn't be conflating my job as a developer with that of a cartoon story writer, but I think things can be explained to the point where's easy for the target audience to understand but not overtly stupid that I'm practically patronizing them.
Aye! I'll get it in day or two done then.
Well, why change the nonchallent attitude? It's not like you can stop him from being a cutter, or from ining and colouring your work. Just pretend you honestly don't know, which is easier said than done.

Mostly don't give him a excuse to try and guilt art out of you
That is cute. Is that Cider or Candy Apple under AJ. For some reason, AB looks like Sweetie Belle.

Pretty much what this guy says >>10013272. If that was the case, just don't art for him.
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now stramming
either one works
as long as the music frees her whenever it starts
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>Depressed people aren't crazy.
>But a cutter is crazy.
>my mental problems are better than yours
You are both scum.
>How do you know they didn't take pride in their work?

I present the entirety of Magical Mystery Cure as evidence.
Oh my, did he finish the other one?
as someone who has stolen and recolored art in the past, friendly contact with a legitimate artist would be pretty cool
It's supposed to be Apple Fritter but I'll leave small note there just in case. It's just sketchy especially upper part when I was getting tired.
The problem is you could be rewarding his bad behavior. "I get free art when I steal art in the artist finds out I cut?, BETTER DO THAT MORE THEN"
I didn't imply that I had a mental disability, what I said was an observational fact.

A depressed person isn't crazy, someone who wants to cut their arms is crazy.
How depression isn't craziness? Hell, you can even fix it with medication, how is depression NOT a mental disorder?
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good movie
That's also what I think. I mean... think if he harmed you in any way. It's obvious that using your work in such way sucks but then is it worth to bother with him/possibly hes defense force and all that shit for justice?

I'd leave it on your place I guess or just left a note that you didn't find it cool but you don't mind and for future reference you'd like him to credit you.
>all mental disorders are craziness
Yes, this is true.
yes exactly
I say they did take pride.
But it isn't.
I think anyone would have to realize that the chances of that happening even once are pretty astronomical. I mean that would be the point. You'd expect an artist who found out you'd been stealing from them to be pissed, so if one was understanding and even a little generous it might feel a bit uplifting.

Yeah I'm mostly afraid of them either getting defensive (I have seen people defend their thievery in the face of the actual artist before, even when they have hard proof of the crime), or just accidentally triggering guilt over it.

I guess I just hate being passive, but it's probably the least bad option.
>black is white guise
Should have presented Spike At Your Service
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But autism is just another form of retardation.
So where's Discord now?

Does he crash on Fluttershy's couch?
Have the princesses uneasily agreed to give him his own room in the palace?
You could diagnose every single human being with some sort of mental disorder. Does that mean there is no such thing as sanity?
Yeah I think I know the feel. Some of my works got stamped with some fucking brony captchas and page sources to bullshit pages as well... fucking annoying but I don't have patience for that kind of shit.
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Why aren't you drawing? Draw Fluttershy.
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Speaking of art thievery, Jay stole something once but I can't recall what it was.
He's probably got his own little room at Fluttershy's cottage.
However, he's called on from time to time by the rest of the Main Six to come help out with

but pinkie i can't draw ponies yet
best request
best ship
>You could diagnose every single human being with some sort of mental disorder.
Misanthrope pls yiff in hell
He would be a brilliant background gag during Season 4 if the artists/writers were given a little more freedom. Imagine Celestia talking to them and in the bg, Discord is playing dice with guards or up to some shit outside in the window?
I lack the will,dexterity and skill to draw
I was about to draw a pony but then you said worst pony so I'm not doing anything.

I thought it was implied he went back with sunbutt

That too.

Throwing away established character for the sake of driving a plot generally shouldn't be done.
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when it's ready
>Spitfire became a Wonderbolt to do amazing stunts and travel the world
>Soarin did it for the free pie
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You should really be drawing
I have no talent.
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This is the last thing I drew, Panka.

Does it count?
It was more of a criticism on the sweeping disorders that are over-diagnosed like autism or ADD that take usually mundane things and try to make people think they're crazy.
Show us the sketch brosive
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All that time saying you have no talent could be better spent getting skilled at drawing.
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Why would I? I can stir up retarded drama and shitposting without that.
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>I thought it was implied he went back with sunbutt
She came back to evaluate him but did she really take him back

where did they go
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Drawing pone doesn't require talent, just a lot of practice if you've never done it before. Talent only picks where you start on the learning curve and how far you could go.

Pone is just geometry, if that helps
But it's not talent.

It's the incapability to amass the needed will to buy a pad and work on my skill to draw.

The only thing I'm remotely good at is playing games.
guys, what if instead of discord leaving with sunbutt, sunbutt also moved into fluttershy's house?
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>how far you could go

Nope, you set how far you can go.
That would just make it easier to find the person.

I've decided to just leave them alone.
It's all in your head. Set this one thing right and you are good to go.
But I don't want to draw ponies. People will dislike me for that.
>fluttershy living with a sun god and the god of chaos

Sounds like fun
I disagree. Some things I'll never be able to do well no matter how much I practice
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>trying to pleasure a god.
>Two and a half ponies
As long as it's physical limitation I agree.

If it's not. I have to disagree with your anon.
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>Discord makes a sitcom theme circa the mid-fifties play from nowhere every time anyone enters or leaves a scene
>he adds a laugh track
>implying celestia isn't celibate
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Of course you won't. You have a defeatist mindset, you would give up before you even got to the point where you could improve. That's changeable, but as long as you keep that mindset, you will never get anywhere.
Who cares stop being a faggot.

This is why no one likes you.
What if I would rather spend my time getting better at things other than drawing?
B-but drawing is the only thing that matters in this world!
fuck you too
writing matters moreassuming you're writing something other than >fanfiction

I can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or not.

The picture, I mean.
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Am I Boolian?
True or false?
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I never asked for this shit in my pants
I really hope we get a possession episode
It's my fetish
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.
He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”
The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?
Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.
In the world of fandom, art always beats writing. You have an idea and you can draw it? Consider it fanon
>In the world of fandom

>implying anyone, anywhere, ever, should care about fandoms unless it's the fandom surrounding their own creation
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>not being pleasured by a god
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What if pone casper

>applejack under the bed

>your penis will never up and leave you for the good of revolution
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>you will never be as excited as that earth pony
I have a confession

one of my favorite lines in the entire show is in the opening scene for KCaFO when Twilight says "Yeah right that's Discord"

the delivery is just so good
there's no pause
it's just this dismissive yeahrightthat'sdiscord

I love it
drawing something doesn't make it automatically fanonunless you're klondike
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So Shiny

>where do think we are
Dinky anon why you like DIny so much?
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Because she's so cute.
Why else?
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that always bugged me, too
Its like the only other time she mention Discord for the longest time.
It was an imgur filename...
There is a difference between
>I'm never going to be great at this because I'm not talented enough
>I suck, I'll never try
That's good enough.
goodnight mlpg
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>I'm never going tobreak this ropebecause I'm not big enough
It's too early for that
Good night, anon.
Good afternoon.
Y-you too.
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>Blue Lanterns
>I hope the green ones show up soon...
No, there really isn't. Youre just making excuses.
This, stop making excuses and just do it man.
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Stop being afraid of failure and just try
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>that dock
>implying some people aren't genueinly bad at thigns
Some people just can't draw, others can't write.
Some can't play music and others can't act.

Drawfriends, relish in your skill.
Draw possession stuff
Someone forgot to add water
Excuses for what? Do what? Who says I'm not doing anything and everything I want to do. Recognizing the things I am good at vs the things I'm not so good at is a normal part of life
How do you know you're not good at it?
NO. That's bullshit. You can do literally ANYTHING with practice. There is nothing on this earth that you can not complete with knowledge of the subject and hands on practice.
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the mlpg.
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Applejacks got a few labia piercings, doesn't she?
they say that takes ten thosand hours. not everyone has that time
Can a person with Down's syndrome become a brain surgeon?
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>time for horsefucking
>all horses disappear
step it up anon
That's different. Anyone with down syndrome functions on a different level of intelligence, not shared by regular humans.
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That's to become a complete master in the field. I guarantee you not a single drawfag in here has spent 10000 hours drawing.

I.E Mental and physical capacity. So unless you're actually autistic, have downs, missing all your limbs, etc there's nothing you cannot do.
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Late in replying actually I probably shouldn't reply to this at all but that was something cute I tossed together for fun.

Anyway, outies.
If you take an objective look at something you produce or do and compare it to others, you can typically figure how good/bad you are at something.
Said by an anon here...
The ones that started with zero natural talent may have
it's cute!
Then post what you've drawn.
>there's nothing you cannot do.
I've met incredibly intelligent people who cannot draw, just like I've met incredibly talented artists who cannot balance their checkbook. People are wired differently.
Just because they don't know how to do those things at that time, doesn't mean they'll never be able to. I don't know how to balance a checkbook, doesn't mean I can't learn how.
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Damnit pinkie.
Are you retarded or just really really pessimistic.
not everyone is capable of learning everything...
I almost crashed the car the first time I ever drove. I should have just given up then and stopped.
And how good you'll be at anything depends on how much effort you put in. But how long that will take and how far you can take it depends on talent.
Thats all I've been trying to say.
Even if it is true that you can be good at something if you practice enough, sometimes the time investment would be so great that it would be better devoted to making yourself better at other things.
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No, persistence and dedication
Then how do you account for all the people in this world with both of those qualities, yet never get anywhere in whatever they feel is their field or calling?
You're only as capable as you are ambitious
You'll never know if your talented in something unless you try.
Sure some people are better at things than other naturally. But just because they are doesn't mean you can't be good at it either, you just have to try.
You can spend all of your time and effort on learning something but a naturally gifted person at whatever you are trying to do would put in that same effort and be naturally better than you.
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Let's stop talking about this and start talking about why fluttershy is the best pony.
I fucking love this artist
But that's wrong
What was the question to FemMac?
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You're joking, right?

There is no such thing as natural talent. Every single person on this planet, the minute they're born, have zero skill talent or abilities. They can't even feed themselves or walk. They learn these things over time.

Sometimes I really hate how MLPG is just filled with depressive do-nothings who sit around all day and mope about how come people who are out there doing things productive are better than them.
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It's right
What you said is incredibly unrealistic optimistic bullshit.
Why is that stopping you? Why do you care if someone is "better" than you? The only thing that matters is doing the things that make you happy.
>No matter how much time you spend practicing, you will never be a slutty mare
Then explain how someone like Mozart was writing symphonies at the age of 5 or really any other child prodigy. Time and effort are clearly not factors in this equation because he was clearly better than far older people who have devoted their entire lives to the subject.
Everybody has a different way of perceiving and learning things, sometimes they need to find the right inspiration or person to help push them in a direction that will help them improve. But that's if they actually want to improve or change.
>pasting the tags
>you will never be a slutty mare
>you will never wear a pretty dress
Did people stop writing symphonies just because a 5 year was able to do it extremely well?
I shouldfap to loli straight hair Pinkie.
That's a terrible slant rhyme and you know it
Yeah, that's why people don't listen to classical music anymore
We're this naughty this early?
Is it because Sunday?
He had to learn piano first, and he was able to understand it easily. That's just how his brain was wired, to be able to understand concepts like these.
Some people are amazing at math, it's the same sort of idea.
That's not the argument, the argument was that natural talent does not exist and the only factors are time and effort.
Exactly my point, he was naturally gifted and therefore was able to learn and develop much faster than normal people who had put the same or more amount of effort in.
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We can be lewd whenever we want, anon
it's a free imageboard
Finally someone else gets it.
It's not changeable! I've tried for years, tried different methods but nothing changed. All this optimism is making me sick.
Just because a five year old is writing symphonies does not mean there is not another person in the world who could not do it equally or better.
No its not. It has rules and stuff.
Go back to b
Why are there so many people out there who are so fucking retarded that they can't realize that no one really cares or wants to know about their fetishes or obsessions?
>implying they don't
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take it to /q/, loser
what the fuck just happened

I wanted to to a quick fap, I was sure I was edging maximum for 20 minutes

where in the hell whole 2 hours went? Holyshit, I don't remember a thing
Fetishes are fun
Some people are always going to be good at things without having to practice much. They won't have that talent the instant they are born, but they learn that skill much faster than others would.
what were you edging to?
Who are you again? Yeah shut the fuck up.
That's what spoilers are for
Fetishes ARE fun and places like this are great to talk about them.

But jesus people need to learn to leave it on the internet.
He's a burnt out contributor. Be nice.
And that's all I was trying to say, I never advocated against people practicing just because there are people that can learn faster and better than them.
Wow, didnt know you were such a big fan of dick
What... you make no sense
>But jesus people need to learn to leave it on the internet
this IS the internet.
I like ponies
Someone talked about fetishes with you face to face?
nothing special, just general stuff
then got carried away
never happened before, I never did lose control over time
Who cares if they understand at at earlier age? Learn at your own pace and be just as good. Sure, you won't be at the same age as they were, but you'll still be just as good when you push yourself to be. You're note them, and you can't be, that's that. There's probably somebody out there that's envious of your skill that you probably take for granted if people could see what you do effortlessly, even if it's not drawing.
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>get on facebook
>friend "likes" this picture
>Posted by Pinkamina Maniac Pie
why do people like these things unironically
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>big fan of dick
you have no idea
And then I read the thread and realize there's a fetish discussion going on and people think I'm talking about them. Fuck my life.
are you drunk or what
I dont want one either.
Your parents must be proud
That's some pretty bad anatomy
How much does Cloud Kicker like dick?
Point why bother doing it anyways.
Oh, sorry. I thought you were that other anon who was afraid of trying.
Burnt out contributor? Well he;s not much of a contributor is he now.
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a whole lot
I still don't understand how you got "afraid of trying" from "I'm really not good at this"
I was arguing the exact same thing as the anon you agreed with, maybe not as well because hey, he's more talented than I at expressing his thoughts on 4chan .
His father was a composer and teacher. Mozart didn't come straight out of the womb already a professional, his father is almost certainly the one who started him on the path to greatness. Once again, mental capacity is not the same as talent. He was able to understand these concepts through an experienced teacher and focus.

If your father was a professional painter who started teaching you the fundamentals of art as soon as you could speak, you'd likely have dedicated your entire education to art as well.
For your own enjoyment and to contribute your own unique views and style to the world. Do you realize how many people are on the planet? If so many people just stopped what they were doing because others were better than them or there were already enough of musicians/artists, we'd be lacking in so much variety and new ideas.
but it's purple
I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say I would masturbate to Ross art if he colored it nice and purple
I fucking wish, because then I'd have an excuse.

No, I was just kind of thinking about the people who wear their sexuality on their sleeve and go out of their way to make sure everyone in real life knows about it and you gotta accept it because they're just so fucking important and otherwise they'll throw a goddamn temper tantrum and say bad things towards you.
Theres a purpletinker thread you can go vent in somewhere
just fuck off or draw
Fuck who you want, but i dont want to hear about it
I dont think this will have hooves in it, will it?
Stop with this optimistic unrealistic shit. It does nothing.
Yeah, the coloring really saves it.

Uhhh, what
Rei you are now Ross tier. May god have mercy on your soul
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It's because I used to be afraid of trying new things, and I'm not good at this was the excuse I kept making to avoid trying. I just didn't want others to be like that.
I just got side tracked or something mixed arguments up.
Will this pony make up for it?
being pessimistic and doing other doesn't do anything either

I'd rather try and fail and perhaps learn from my failure than to do nothing and at all and go nowhere at all

How do I get out of Ross tier? Because I really didn't mean anything bad to anyone here because, you know, it's kind of the place for it. I'm just really tired of seeing people take take it all into real life and embarrass the fuck out of themselves and everyone else.
You draw something fun.
>How do I get out of Ross tier
it's really easy, just draw some ponies
its shit

any good blowjob videos
>How do I get out of Ross tier?
drawing or try to shitpost without your name on.

GG pls draw something fun involving Gillou
No I drew Gillou just recently it's time for something else
Ross shitposts without his name on, though
That's my bad
in my defense, she was literally begging for it
you need to take better care of your ponies, anon


How about

updating Boxdog
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Fair enough. While I meant it to be sarcastic earlier, I likely wasn't getting my point across well enough. Pony peace offering accepted
can you draw another cute rumbledash?
Everybody except for you
I'll peace your pony offering
I rather just go nowhere at all. I tried the other route for years with different methods. Hell I kept a log book but ended up nowhere.

Some poeple were meant to just be average or below that and never rise up.
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hahaha what the fuck


So, your pony has become a female nigger?
#wow #rude
just give her a bath or shower, ponies clean up real nice
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And that attitude is why you'll "never rise up"

Perhaps you should see a therapist or a doctor or something.
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Why is Cadence admiring her hoof instead of waving at the peasants?
It's the middle of estrous so every pony is filled with semen
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Oh snap.
she's tripping balls, man
>Some people were meant to just be average or below that and never rise up.
Then embrace your mediocrity and use all the spare time you have for something useful. Innovations come from average joes more than they do brilliant people
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Choose 2 for your party, MLPG
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Has... Has it been that long already?
I've done that route. I've done all I could have done I think. I pushed and pushed and never got anywhere. I feel better not doing anything at all than just keep trying.
Quickscope and Future!Dr. Scheme
Is his name Kevin Ware?
Bacon Tank & The Mind
What did you try to do but never got anywhere?
Tim & Wesley
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>see a screencap posted in this thread
>remember when it was posted, feels like it was maybe a few months ago
>it was posted in 2011
sweet pony bro
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It has. Only one of them has become better.
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>A Canterlot Wedding is the two-part season finale of the second season of the American animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
>premiered on The Hub on April 21, 2012

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And one of them had their whistle fondled.
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someone call an ambulance, I think this guy's having a stroke
>Hasbro has already forgotten about the wedding due to no aniversary thing

GTFO back to b
DYEWTS faggot
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Guys....Derpy turns 3 this year
Really I don't believe in talent and it's mostly the resources you have available. If you have someone who has knowledge in a certain domain to teach you from youth you'll be great from a young age because that someone probably had thought you a lot of stuff.

You don't have talent. You just have someone who knows a few things about something and sets you on the right path. He can teach you everything he knows in a much much shorter time, without all the trials and errors and since small children have a very high capacity of learning new things they assimilate it much faster.
Then I believe it's time to kill yourself.
To hell with Derpy, the entire show turns 3 this year.
The show turns 3 this year.
MLPG, the Show, everything...

Three. Years.
only 2 1/2 years. It won't be three until october
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Not Pinkie Pie
her birthday is a different day
Yeah MLPG started the first day the show aired.
Pretentious asshole.
Pinkie Pie is dead!
I disagree. If you took 100 kids and made them do nothing but study and play violin, would you have 100 equally talented violinists?
happn miklhr mlwan mar
Technically speaking MLPG is older than the show
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what a joke
...are they all Asian?
which kid is like me? because that one would suck
Show premiered the 10th.
Derpy wasn't found till the 25th. I'd rather she kept her own day

Yes. It happens in DPRK, I saw on Vice Guide To North Korea
But this MLPG didn't become an organized general until December 2010
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No because something else intervenes here. You'd have to take in account their life till then, are they interested in music, are they interested in learning, have they been raise as spoiled brats for 5 years before starting to train them, did their parents showed them some cool violin music to make them interested in learning to play the violin and so on
No, it didn't start getting ARCHIVED in that since until then. It existed before the hyperindex.
dont you remember those 2 pictures of dash and rumble you drew? it was non-sexual and cute as fuck
>JJ will never finish that comic
*flips computer*
*flips table*
*flips fandom*
*flips the bird*
Uh there's the older archive that has the pre December 2010 Generals
oh. hehhe
It wasn't officially called MLPG until later though, it was just a series of unofficial continuous threads
It's still the same concept as MLPG by the same people.
A thread on /co/ made to discuss MLP:FiM
I mean we got those friendship walls or whatever they were called.
And again there's an archive that has the predecember threads
>are they interested in music
Some would argue lack of interest is the first red flag your kid is not going to be very talented at whatever you're forcing them to do. Talented people take to the thing they're talented at like a duck to water.
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Fully functional.
I think you are right.
worse than hitler
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>plushie cameltoe for a cartoon horse
What is going through these people's heads when they create these?
So is her bday the day the episode aired or the day after it because the episode spans 2 days?
"I'm going to make so much money, this is going to be awesome"
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No one probably cares, I might have been one of the few people who liked him, but does anyone know what happened to the drawfag Scootscoots?
I haven't checked him out in a while, and I just realized his Tumblr and DA have both been deactivated.
is this just cosmetic, or can you actually put your dick in it?
An pony motherbucker
Never heard of him
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What part of fully functional don't you understand?
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She can't pee on my mouth.
>you will never bring your goat to work
No that anon is right. I should consider killing myself. I'm done.
you mean it has periods, and can give birth?
>Your fave pone will never keep you covered in her piss so other mares know to stay away.
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Wrong organ, faggot
You arrive here today?
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>How about
>updating Boxdog
what's the point of living anymore
well define fully fucking functional /b/rah
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Would you rather have just the butt of your pony, or no pony at all?
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When did you finally give up the fight and start watching ponies? I gave in the same week Party of One aired.
I was always during school the best at physics. All physics teachers loved me since I could understand everything almost instantly and could do the physics problems, even more advanced ones that were given at physics contests and whatever very very quick.
Now before I go further answer me this: Was I talented at physics?
Time to go into deep freeze hibernation.
I'll see you in virtual equestria.
Have you ever seen a females netherparts?
... ... ...
fucking freak

You can use her vagina for the only good thing it can do.