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03/24/11(Thu)20:24 No.24547750 File1301012643.png-(78 KB, 870x505, 967 - derpy_hooves Doctor_Whoo(...).png)
 I was an idiot and didn't save the screencap someone made of the first part of my story, but here's the second part. If anyone wants to post that screencap, I'll love you forever. Also, this is just an in-between update. In the next one, Derpy meets the Doctor!
Walking down the path to Applejack's farm, bag full and eyes askew was Derpy. She came from a long line of mail carriers, her father being responsible for personally delivering important letters that Princess Celestia would not trust to the whims of magical transport.
Derpy was expected to take over her father's position of Royal Mailpony, but she was still an apprentice. That, and she was sure Celestia needed time to forget how Derpy had mixed up the Pony-Dragon Peace Treaty with a rather personal letter that was meant for one of her attractive attendants.
So, she was sent back to Ponyville. Plain, humble Ponyville.
Derpy nosed through her satchel, taking one of the grey muffins that she stored inside by the teeth before swallowing it in one gulp.
She sighed, "Even the muffins are boring."
Back on the TARDIS, the Doctor was still trying to get his bearings with his new pony body. Already frail and dizzy from the regeneration process, his usually efficient mind was clouded. The Doctor stumbled back outside and tried to survey his surroundings. They were colorful, unlike anything he had seen before. It was almost like Earth, but brighter and without a sign of mankind.
"It's…brilliant." With that, the Doctor slumped onto the grass with a light -thud-. |