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03/23/11(Wed)13:02 No.24512995 File1300899725.jpg-(129 KB, 671x500, pinkie pie and spiderman.jpg)
 >>24512863 Its funny, its random, characters are well defined, there's conflict, there's action, the plots are pretty simple and designed so they can be enjoyed by a younger audience but not so simple that older people can't also enjoy it, there's the potential for more epic plot lines and the creator has stated she would like to do so, its well done, the design is beautiful, the creators listen to what the fans want (see the canonization of Derpy Hooves), the characters are written to be likable even when it seems like you wouldn't be interested in them (never thought I would be able to identify with any aspect of Rarity until Suited for Success), ponies are adorable, do you need me to keep going with this? |