01/25/11(Tue)19:09 No. 22922195 I've had a theory I've wanted to share for the past few days now. Spending some time on Youtube and Wikipedia, I realized the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon is a rip-off of or homage to Mass Effect. -The protagonist reads a myth about so thousand-year-old menace set to return soon and believes this is a real threat of the highest priority. However, it seems no one will believe her, so she will have to defeat it herself. (But not entirely by herself, see below.) -Some of the ponies, including the lead, have biotics. (I think it's just the unicorn ponies, so only some of the ponies are born with the power.) -The vast majority of the ponies (honestly, all of the ones really worth mentioning) are female. I think the pony race depicted is essentially on the cusp of evolving into the pony equivalent of the asari. -There are one or two instances of the Pony Reaper ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL. There is also arguably an attempt at Pony Indoctrination, but the period of time is too short for it to actually work, so it's not really clear. -The protagonist must assemble of squad of friend ponies and employ social links to gain their loyalty and unlock their special powers, which prove key to defeating the Pony Reaper (not to mention keeping them alive in the process).