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12/12/10(Sun)17:39 No.21847340 File1292193546.jpg-(137 KB, 640x360, 1291522937803.jpg)
The episode opens with Twilight and the girls making some sharp comments about Spike and Big Mac's lack of tact, fashion and delicacy in general. Later, the girls get in trouble when the week's villain sets a set of traps targeted especifically to each girl's fears and illusions, locking them into an illusion from where they can't break free.
Big Macintosh and Spike team up and simply stomp over the traps (Rarity's trap cuts off part of Big Mac's mane and he shrughs it off claiming "it will grow back", Twilight's trap surrounds Spike by books full of knowdeledge that stay out of his reach, and he just sets them on fire to read them later, etc. They either destroy or ignore the rest.) Eventually, they arrive at the big guy's lair, break it's shit, set the girls free and return to Ponyville to finish what they were doing before, Twilight later writes a letter to Celestia where she admits that "boys are different and it's wrong to judge them under a girl's point of view"
Neither Spike or Big Mac make a big deal of the rescue. |