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12/10/10(Fri)14:34 No.21798732 File1292009665.png-(82 KB, 225x193, NightMare.png)
Your arrogant, big sister. For so long you portrayed yourself as some vision of perfection, and even you believe it now. You hated it when I brought you down to earth, even if it was behind closed doors. Can’t go speaking our big secret, now can we?
That we are not goddesses any more than a normal pony.
You outlaw the marriage of the unicorn and pegasus bloodlines, claiming that children born from such unions would be sickly and soon to die. In truth the child would most likely be unicorn or Pegasus, as one would expect. But between those two choices, you fear that the coin will one day land on its edge, like it did for us.
You never could accept your own flaws, could you? Not surprising, since you always seem to have so few. The one flaw you have in spades, however, is the belief that you have no flaws. You always have to get your way.
I grew sad and lonely and bitter that you were known as the warmth of the day, and I the shadow of night. Every foal that ever feared the dark feared me! They lit fires to hide from the night, they all go into their houses and sleep, or live in simulated day within. I knew it had to be this way, but is it so wrong that I felt envy? |