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11/27/10(Sat)23:02 No.21504960 File1290916966.jpg-(16 KB, 300x200, hanage.jpg)
At first, I raged.
But then..
>lol, no one is special unless they "work for it", only people that are economically successful are good people, other stupid libertarian talking points, complete misunderstanding of where materialism, narcissism, and other social ills come from, etc. unbelievable fucktardery
I remember Mr. Rogers, and what I learned from his show as a kid. I can't rage at them. They're the real progenitors of evil in society, as well, ironically, as its main victims. I wish that, one day, they will just learn to accept themselves and others and try to get along with life, really doing the best they can for themselves and others. |