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11/27/10(Sat)14:05 No.21494533 File1290884744.jpg-(166 KB, 972x1135, mlp_brightnose.jpg)
Twilight: The market? Why would you want to go there? I made sure that all of our Xmas shopping was done well in advance. In fact, I've planned everything meticulously so that we DON'T have to leave the house until the holiday celebrations begin. Spike: B-but… we're missing everything that's going on out there! The music! The decorations! The smells! The BUSTLE! [Spike leans in excitedly, gripping the side of Twilight's pillow] Don't TELL me you hate BUSTLE! [Twilight shrinks back and places a hoof over Spike's mouth.] Twilight: Whoa-ho, there champ. As a matter of fact, I DO. The worst thing about this time of year is the crowds of ponies rushing around, trying to get everything done at the last second. The last thing I want is to go out there into a plethora of perturbed, panicky ponies. [As Twilight speaks, Spike has pulled away, circled around her, and has begun pulling her up from a seated position, which TS reluctantly leaves.] Spike: [whining] Come ON! [In front of TS now, beckoning her towards the door] I promise you, everything out there will be completely chill. Twilight: Spike, that had better not be a joke about snow. [Spike and Twilight reach the door, and Spike pulls it open.] [Exterior: Ponyville Library] [The scene outside is utter chaos. Besides Jack Frost chasing several ponies, a giant mechanical harvesting machine has gone haywire and is leaving a path of destruction in its wake, with Rarity and Applejack not far behind. Pinkie Pie bounces by on a pogo stick carrying a bulging sack, laughing maniacally. A large fireworks rocket zooms by, with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer attached to it by a tether, wearing roller-skates on 3 of his hooves, and a cast on his fourth, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on his tail. In the background, a building with a huge pile of presents on the roof collapses.] |