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11/27/10(Sat)01:45 No.21486079 File1290840334.jpg-(60 KB, 471x898, ponehs.jpg)
 Fluttershy confirmed for shit tier.
She was a cringe-magnet for this entire episode, and her crowning moment that was supposed to redeem her was actually just her bitching out a dragon that was only defending itself.
Yeah, I realize the writers wanted to show that Fluttershy is capable of being loud and assertive, but they really chose a really bad reason for it. If they wanted us to like Fluttershy they shouldn't have had Rainbow Dash kick the dragon in the face (which, incidentally, was fucking awesome).
Hell, they could have had Rainbow successfuly scare the dragon away or something. Why does every children's cartoon have to have predictable morals? The whole episode tries to paint Rainbow as the bad guy even though she's absolutely right.
In fact, it reminds me once again of The Powerpuff Girls, where Buttercup is often shown to be a "bully" when all she does is call Bubbles out on her inadequacies.
Posting as Anonymous because I know I'm going to catch a lot of heat for this post, but it just needed to be said.
P.S., before anyone accuses me of being a Rainbow fanboy, let me say I'd be saying all the same things even if Rarity was the designated bully. But obviously it had to be Rainbow, the athlete, playing on the old "jock bullies the nerd" cliche which is bullshit in and of itself but I'm probably just starting to overanalyze things at this point. I know, children's cartoon, etc. |