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11/22/10(Mon)17:52 No.21401743 File1290466321.jpg-(68 KB, 952x701, room.jpg)
 Check this shit out, it's my room. The red dot is my current location, the three black filled rectangles are a TV, a monitor, and a laptop, the brown is all assorted furniture, the empty black rectancles are a bed and a couch (I'm sitting on the bed.) and the blue line by my bed is a window. Now, the areas I've hastily filled with green indicate visibility upon entry; the dark green being fully visible, and light being visable above 4 foot. I have had my dad walk in while I was taking a hit off my bong; I blew it out the window fan, walked into a visible area, and asked what he wanted. I could have my pants off and a freshly jizzed in tissue in my hand, and probably still get myselfe covered and composed before anyone would walk in. On the downside, I dont bring people over, cause my room is a cave (And my parents are fucked in the head crazy, but thats another story), on the upside, I dont get caught in compromising positions. |