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10/23/10(Sat)20:52 No.20736948 File1287881544.jpg-(58 KB, 349x450, bookclubtree22.jpg)
 >I suddenly have the urge to go out and violate a cookie tree. >Is Cookie Monster raping the Cookie Tree? From his point of view (although he never pauses to worry about it), I believe he is. The real question is, does the tree mind? Clearly the cookie tree exists to provide sustenance in the form of cookies. In this case, The Cookie Monster, in the symbiotic relationship developed between the two, is doing his part by eating the fruits of the cookie tree, and spreading its seeds/crumbs around in his fur. >However, this serves more as a metaphor to humans and what we are doing to the Earth. The same relationship exists between the Earth and humans, but are we smart enough to use only what we need in order to live and prosper? Of course not. For thousands of years, we've been raping this planet and taking more than we need. It makes no sense to devour all that we have, and leave nothing for future generations. But still we do it, because we are greedy. >So to answer the question, does the Cookie Tree mind that it's being raped? Or rather, does the Cookie Tree feel as though it is being raped? I think the Cookie Tree, like the Earth, is smart enough to realize that it will outlast the cookie monsters. It was happy before the cookie monsters came along, and it will be happy after they are gone. But it being truly zen-like and void of conflict, it brushes the incident aside and lives on to the next day. After all, while the tree may be essential to the cookie monsters, the cookie monsters are not essential to the tree. >Holy shit, this just became my new favorite book. |