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10/23/10(Sat)19:52 No.20735562 File1287877949.png-(36 KB, 300x300, 4624209.png)
 >>20735360 To be dreadfully honest, times were different between then and now.
Back when Splash Woman was announced, there were drawfags everywhere, especially on /v/. Things have become a little sparse as Anons take things for granted and drawfags being banned from /v/ took a lot of material away form us. Also, a female robot master was a pretty big deal as well since an extremely popular series went for so long with male only bosses, compared to another My Little Pony series.
It doesn't help that I was samefagging a ton of threads, posting art all the time and working with people to deliberately get Splash Woman popular. On the same note I liked weight gain and inflation art, so I tried to get a lot of that going too. |