i loved how they made toothless communicate.the expressions he makes are so daw
Axolotls make the best kitties.
I've been trying unsuccessfully to draw a picture of Hiccup using a broombrush on Toothless in a "brushie brushie brushie" fashion..I have not been satisfied with the results. :( Toothless' expressions and head are hard to duplicate.
No one's posting...
u all just mad cuz im stylin on u
http://i567.photobucket.com/albums/ss111/christyj12/gifs/2exx6rk.giftoo large to post... But animooted derp smile.
imma keel y'all
>>20701921Axolotl bird kitty.Man, Toothless is weird.
>>20702221It's a flying Mudkip, simple as.
>>20702402Oh god I said 'dreamcast'I usually go back to watch some part again, and then end up watching the rest of the movie. I wonder if Dreamworks will ever manage this again.
>>20702426Yeah, when they do the sequel.Hopefully, the fix the one complain I have about this movie and that's MORE DAVID MOTHERFUCKIN TENNANT.
>>20702426naw now that its popular the next one will be filled with pop culture and fart jokes.
>>20702469Don't you fucking say that DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY THAT.
The staple of the writing for every sequel to something good:Fart JokesButt JokesTopical HumorPolitical wankingInappropriate Jewish Culture Jokes by Characters That Aren't Even Jewish and Only Appeal to Other Jews. Because LOLJEWS.
>>20702577They won't do it to something holy and good like HTTYD.They can't.
>>20702641I'm honestly not getting my hopes up.It's Dreamworks.
>>20702658You have to give them a chance.Yeah, lighting never strikes twice, but c'mon. They can't fuck up HTTYD.
I can't wait for the cartoon series.Moar Toothless/Hiccup fanfiction plz.
>>20702497>>20702528>>20702577I'm sorry lad.Search your heart.You know this to be true.
Prediction for 2nd movie:Jack Black will have a bigger role
>>20702713They won't do it though. The author of the original novel was holding their hands throughout the first movie, and she will be for the rest.
>>20702745he was in the 1st one?
>>20702780I'm so glad that they got Jack Black to do his voice and they kept him from being too... Jack Black-y.
>>20702755Whoops. Guess it just sounded like him.
>>20702713Well, I read that in Connery's voice, good on you, sir.
>>20702793Oh no wait, shit, that was Jonah Hill.Same thing though, kept him from being too... Jonah Hill-y...
>>20702793I'm pretty sure that's Johan Hill voicing him, not Jack Black.
Haha, my face when the movie is nothing like the book.....
>>20702939I think it's a good adaptation regardless. Hiccup with a tiny dragon would be weird.
>>20702961It'd run on that special Pokemon law where you can fly on tiny birds like Pidgey.