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Let me get this straight. This series gets around the whole "you don't get what you wish for" lesson, by wishing yourself to become god? AKA, something even a 5 year old could think of within seconds?

How exactly does /a/ consider this deep, again?
>by wishing yourself to become god
But that's not what happens.
You wouldn't understand.
/a/ doesn't consider anything besides LoGH or madhouse shows deep.
YOu're thinking about gaiafags who came here and took our jokes seriously.
Madoka is only able to do that because her power is so great because of Homura constantly travelling back in time. Kyubey says that there are limitations that he has to work within.

Ahah, so Madoka just conveniently doesn't have limitations, because otherwise you'd need an actual intelligent solution?

Good to know.
You cracked the code, OP. You're better than all the people who like Madoka now. Good work.
But even before Madoka everyone got what they wished for.
1) madoka becoming a god was a consequence of her wish, not the wish's substance. a literal "become god" wish would probably just sever you from the world.
2) for most people a wish like that wouldn't even work - it only worked for madoka because homura kept inadvertently hitting the "make things worse" button.
3) I wouldn't call the show "deep". it presented an interesting take on the genre, and an interesting setting, but there weren't really any mind-blowing deeper meanings going on.
People only claimed this show was "deep" because everything was foreshadowed well, the runes, and faust references everywhere.

If you honestly think it had anything to do with the theme of the series you might be a retard.
It ain't deep.

But it does have extremely obvious Buddhism themes, which I guess you're too stupid to understand the point of, OP.
I didn't really see it being deep, it was just emotionally moving fort me. The "having cute girls and having terrible things happen to them" style always gets me (assuming I don't die of boredom before the series gets good)
since /a/ never thought of that until it happened

ITT: confirmation all /a/non's are dumber than 5 year olds

have a nice day
Nah, the whole 'break the system' theory was out there since probably episode 4.
What if Madoka wished to eliminate all witches, past and future, after they're born?
>op might possibly be someone who is not too knowledgeable on Buddhist themes or might not be of Asian descent at all
>automatically calling OP stupid

This is why I hate anime fans.

I missed on the Buddhist themes myself the first time around, but I definitely do not think I'm too stupid to understand the point of them. Why don't you try keeping yourself from talking down to others the way you do just because you understand something they don't? You sound like a prick here and are most likely one in real life.
The legend of Faust codified the "deal with the devil" plot line, The reference alludes to the theme, it's not complicated. I'm sick of people saying shit like this. I know high school english sucks. Get over it.
>conveniently doesn't have limitations

If you're going to try to point out inconsistencies don't go for stuff that is explained in the show.
What are you, new?

'OP is a faggot' sentiments are practically a form of endearment here, you know.
Plot's okay. It's all about the animation, art style and music in my opinion.
Hey man, I like Madoka, don't get me wrong. But its animation quality is usually shit.

Episode 10 was fantastic, but that's it.
Mami had some good scenes. The art direction is pretty good though throughout.
'Usually'. There are some stand out moments, but I can't ignore the QUALITY.

Art direction is entirely different from animation and is indeed top tier.
>the whole "you don't get what you wish for" lesson

But that was never in the show in the first place. That cliche's so common that you're seeing it even when it isn't there.

If anything, the message was, "If you get a wish, make sure ask for what you want and not what you think you should want. And read the small print.".

Disregarding the fact that they become part of a cosmic joke, what should each girl have wished for?
You don't need to be asian to have general knowledge of Buddhism. Anyone who doesn't have at least a general idea of Buddhism is ignorant.

Madoka: Wish for a method of collecting magic that doesn't hurt people. Only possible if Homuhomu does her timetravel shenanigans.

Homura: I'm am efficient monster so I'd rather she keep her wish, word for word. To make her happy I'd wish to redo the fight but make sure all her friends survive. She loved being a Puella Magi so wishing themselves back would make her sadder, not happier.

Sayaka: Fuck. I have no idea. It was a perfectly good wish. She could wish for counseling on the side too? That might get her over that whole zombie thing.

Mami: Wish the crash away, turn back time like Homura. Her family would still be alive and so on. The kharma would cause some really sad shit though, if her wish saves a train full of people.

Kyoko: Wish for the OPPORTUNITY to have people listen to her. Her wording needs to not give her dad mind control powers so he doesn't freak out.
Ageless Immortality is the only correct answer. (Assuming you can still kill yourself if you get bored after a couple million years.)
>Not realizing that Madoka is a rip-off of Haruhi
>Not seeing the clear connection
Just think about it and you'll understand.

Sakaka should have wished that she be the one to heal violinfag, this was specifically brought up in the anime.

Mami always regretted not saving her family.

We don't know much about the specifics of Kyouko's situation, but if she had the same "selfless wish" problem as Sayaka, that she and her family have enough to eat.

Madoka and Homura were the ones to break the whole system, so their wishes were presumably ideal.
Concerning how the system works, I'm pretty that kind of wish doesn't fly.

Madoka: Is this wish making the Incubators privy to a new method that they never thought of so the magical girl system would be dropped? What to do with the witches and familiars that will still be floating around?

Or is this a wish for a universe where they try an entire different method? Would magical girls need to exist? That would affect human history.

But the worst part is none of her friends will return to life.

Sayaka: Couldn't see that zombie shit coming.

Mami: Well, she said she wished she had time to think about it but didn't regret saving herself. Loneliness got her. Can't be helped.

>Sakaka should have wished that she be the one to heal violinfag, this was specifically brought up in the anime.

I don't know if she misunderstood what Mami said and thought she shouldn't gain from a wish for another person's sake or what. So, healing hands while he watches? I don't know if that will mean he'll fall for her but even if he did, she may run into her zombie problem anyway.

And there's the risk of word going out that a fourteen year old girl can perform miracles.

>We don't know much about the specifics of Kyouko's situation, but if she had the same "selfless wish" problem as Sayaka, that she and her family have enough to eat.

That would solve their food problem but she did want people to listen to him. Or maybe he wasn't completely miserable over that and that's just her wish, not considering his opinion (not blaming her though).

Seems that many of their personal dilemmas were solvable without magic and using the magic to solve extraordinary problems just made things more complicated. That in combination with the truths of the system made for a harsh existence.
Bearing in mind, of course, that an immortal witch is still immortal.

IMO Kyoko should just have talked to her pop first. Like, her intention - help Dad get the his message out - was a good one; she just needed to articulate it in a way that everyone involved was actually okay with (e.g. some other way than making his every word into unnatural mental influence).

Sayaka's problem with the particulars of being a puella magi seem to me like something that can't be solved by choosing a better wish - or, at least, something that's suboptimal to solve with wishes. The better solution, to me, is for it to have been an informed decision, so that she could come to terms with the idea of becoming fundamentally inhuman *before* she takes that plunge, instead of contracting and then finding out later. (Of course, that's against the business plan. But people don't always have the information they need to make the best decision.)
>Madoka: Is this wish making the Incubators privy to a new method that they never thought of so the magical girl system would be dropped? What to do with the witches and familiars that will still be floating around?
>Or is this a wish for a universe where they try an entire different method? Would magical girls need to exist? That would affect human history.

Either would work but a new universe would be a cleaner way of going about it and if we keep Madoka powerlevel in mind, a universe restructuring would be more likely. Koobee could always give magic to the remaining girls once a new method is found and either wait for them to all go into despair or to kill themselves off. Or let them burn out themselves. Magic welfare checks don't seem like a very Kuuby thing to do though.

>Sayaka: Couldn't see that zombie shit coming.
>Mami: Well, she said she wished she had time to think about it but didn't regret saving herself. Loneliness got her. Can't be helped.

Both of these girls made fine wishes, it was the effects of being a Puella Magi that drove them off the deep and and Into Charlotte's mouth respectively. That makes this a hard question to answer for those two. Frankly I winged that answer, I do not really have a better wish in mind at all.
There was never a "you don't get what you wish for" lesson. Kyubey is emotionless and doesn't try to monkey's paw everyone, he allows you to have whatever you desire and doesn't twist the wish. Most wishes are greedy, however, and the burden a magical girl must carry makes their lives shit.
>(Of course, that's against the business plan. But people don't always have the information they need to make the best decision.)

To go without saying, that would also ruin the surprise. The girls would have to pry information like that out of him somehow. Homura knows but Sayaka probably wouldna't believe her. She could always demonstrate (she should work on presentation and demonstration because that would have really helped her, imo). But judging from events in the PSP game, his words regarding Sayaka's relationship with the boy, and of course the anime, I think he's just dedicated to making her life as hard as possible.

I know they're in distress but no one questions what Kyubey actually is and what the fairy gains out of granting wishes and turning them into magical girls so they fight the monsters that threaten humanity. There must be something more to this and being the info dump, he holds the key to finding out. Were they fooled by his cuteness?
It's possible that they were fooled by being genre-savvy as much as anything. I mean, magical girl shows have been around for a while now, and certainly long enough for these kids to have grown up with it and formed assumptions of what the title "magical girl" means. Is there ever anything "in it" for the mascot, other than the stated task of the monsters being successfully hunted down?
*he equals Urobutcher

Even if they feel whatever information about himself is unimportant because they have earthly problems to deal with, it would be nice to know.

Looks like they did naively think he was just a kind familiar and depository, like in their Japanese mahou shoujo cartoons.
I should add that even putting aside genre conventions, Kyubey always couches the deal as "you get a wish; in exchange, you become a magical girl and fight evil witches". The implication is that "what's in it for Kyubey" is the destruction of the witches - that he's, if not benevolent, at least concerned with the eradication of such dangerous beings.
lol 2deep4OP
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I know but now that the magical girl shenanigans are a reality, making a wish means becoming magical girl and means fighting against the manifested evils of humankind for life, and you can die (and quite brutally) fighting witches or other magical girls, I'd think you'd want to separate fantasy from reality as much as possible.


And Kyubey's very intelligent and sociable and they liked him. They respected him enough that they were distraught when confronted with those revelations. He obviously has a reason for being here. The implication is that he wants the witches eradicated but from the looks of it, it just benefits humankind to have them eradicated. It's not a sign of mistrust to ask how he benefits from having the witches done away with and if he has a greater purpose, even if that purpose wouldn't mean much to them.

Maybe I'm being too hard on cute, distressful girls. If everything is working out as expected and as it reads off the label, and if he's not being provocative, maybe they won't feel the need to inquire. They just focus on the issues at hand. That's how it works in a lot of fiction and in reality, until you're greeted with info that challenges your assumptions.

Just...on one of those lonely nights snuggled up to her QB, Mami could have asked.
>Maybe I'm being too hard on cute, distressful girls.
That is the key, I think. These were highschool girls, without a doubt the most emotional group of people possible. They were almost incapable of thinking in a rational manner. I'd think that most, if not all of the magical girls would be too caught up in being superheroes to read between the lines.

Quewbie said that emotion = power, so it can't be too wrong to think that he chose his girls wisely. If he had 5 billion girls to pick from, why pick the ones that would ask the wrong kind of questions? It would be far more efficient to grab the emotional, impulsive ones with hero worship. They'd do their job with less bitching and you'd end up with far less girls like Homura and her meta knowledge. If they knew they would spawn huge fucking Lovecraftian monsters when they got depressed they might try and cheer themselves up or go cold and emotionless like Homura.
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>high school
>look like middle school kids

I...I have no words for this.
Not even puberty can excuse their asshole attitude if they aren't middle/grade school material. If these are truly high school kids, the nips are raising Kardashians.

They're in middle school, I believe.
>This series gets around the whole "you don't get what you wish for" lesson

That was never the lesson, the theme was that there is beauty in fighting for a wish.
Hence Madoka's wish, which causes her to fight forever to protect the sanctity of every other magical girl's wish, wraps up the series quite nicely.
Girls at that age generally don't have the ability of foresight that adults do. The don't think that what they're doing could possibly backfire somewhere down the line and they're naive enough to trust anybody who comes along and offers them something too good to be true. This is why so many cons and predators target teenage girls; they still have a lot of their childish idealism and they trust far too easily. All you have to do is present yourself well enough (in Kyuubey's case, as some cute little animal) and you're in.

Kyuubey seeks out girls specifically that he thinks are the ones that can easily be corrupted and give him even more energy when they turn into witches. The most idealistic people are usually the ones that fall the hardest when things go wrong, with 2 characters (Kyouko and Homura) only able to subdue their angst by becoming jaded and cynical (though Homura still desperately clings to what remains of her original outlook; it's helped by the fact that she can save scum). It helped that pretty much every one of them except Madoka's wish had some sort of selfish motive hidden underneath, because that's what he was counting on to go wrong.
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Okay, makes sense. If they were younger, they would ask a lot of questions and not understand a thing (well there's Yuma but her circumstances were "special"). Very emotional teenage girls are preferable --once they get what they desire and follow instructions, they won't bother with anything else. But then, maybe he wouldn't leak exactly what they want to know even if asked. He's not lying by doing that but he doesn't seem to be one to give out a lot of important information unless the situation calls. He can't comprehend emotions but he seems to understand human motivations well enough to move them along.

He picked some very kind and innocent girls. Makes it all the more tragic when things go awry.

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