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!BGjq.lB0EA 03/03/11(Thu)21:55 No.46646960 File1299207344.jpg-(72 KB, 295x301, Madoka_alpha_as_fuck.jpg)
 >>46645937 "Contract, Madoka! There's no other option!"
"All right, if that's how you want to play it: I wish you and your entire race could feel all of the suffering you've inflicted, tenfold! Every last one of you feel what you've done to Mami and Homura and Sayaka and Kyouko, and every other girl whose soul you've ripped out and crammed into an accursed stone, as if you had any right to decide where one's soul should reside!"
".......Is this what I have wrought?"
>Madoka's face when, in one fell swoop, she just thoroughly decimated QB's keikaku and damned him to an eternity of regret and suffering |