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03/03/11(Thu)19:27 No.46642200 File1299198464.jpg-(85 KB, 688x487, qbslap.jpg)
As a matter of fact, we aren´t that far from the original Faust idea.
Faust is damned because of his hunger for knowledge and new experiences, Mephistopheles represents the turning of Man from God and his godly dogmas.
What´s the antithesis of a Ned Flanders? A Dr. Frink. Industrialization, science and new discoveries brought through human intellect and reasoning is making us trespass God´s holy domain, desacralizating everything that his holy teachings brings up to them. Faust is not willing to accept it, thus he questions, pounders and rejects everything that God represents.
This is a pyrric victory for Mephisto/QB, since Man rejecting God would also imply abandoning his demonic nature. He knows he is bound to dissapear of Mankind´s mind and heart when logic and science are the only truth remaining, ---------------------------------------------- Just remember achemists. They were the prototype of a scientist, yet many people saw them as worshippers of the Devil with crazy powers.
tldr:MAGIC(religion) AND SCIENCE(logic) are pretty much the same shit. The trick is that you will call magic everything you can´t /won´t understand or pretty much ignore (red pill), while science is attempting to run risks and question the fragile balance of things than live ignorant but blisful. |