!Leth/HQgHY 04/01/12(Sun)23:43 No. 982829 File: 1333338209.png -(59 KB, 500x500, 1314263203185.png ) Reposting for later crowd: Hey everyone! Archive's been an awesome guy to all of us, taking the time and server space for our archive, and having the marker system available for quick access to the general threads. As a token of appreciation, a few of us are compiling a Thank You picture/collage for him! If you'd like to contribute, in any way you'd like (either a little drawing for him, or a short note in picture format, even just a 'thank you!' signature), feel free to make something in a new canvas, please have a white background, and e-mail it to double.drat.them@gmail.com . The main picture is done, but we'd love to add more to it, to really convey our appreciation. P.S. If he had to pick, his favorite ponies would be either Celestia or Pinkie, but I'l sure he likes them all. PPS. Please don't post it here or anything, just send it in. Don't want to make more people annoyed at a nice gesture than needed.