04/01/12(Sun)18:37 No. 977165 >>976980 Well, ok. What's the worst that could happen, right? She's an Earth Pony, obviously. I was thinking to go with earth tones, a kind of cream-leaning-towards-khaki coat with a deep brown mane, maybe have it in a big curl on the front, but with vivid green eyes. She'd grow a few different kinds of mushrooms; those you'd commonly find in a supermarket or grocer. She'd be knowledgable about wild growing ones, even the strange ones out in Everfree, but she certainly wouldn't be brave enough to go out to find them. She's a little bit introverted, and doesn't have very many friends, but the few she does are very close. Also she'd have a very minor case of wing-envy, probably caused from spending so much time cooped up in her mushroom cellar, tending to the crop. I've spent some time thinking about her name. Thinking something to do with a certain genus of fungus, and then throw some descriptor on there, to fit the 'Adjective Noun' format of some pony names.