03/31/12(Sat)18:01 No. 956739 File: 1333231261.png -(305 KB, 383x500, step upnigga.png ) >>956638 Nasse, you need to realize that there can be only one Tess or Rose, only two of them who don't draw pron and yet popular as fuck. All this praising of your silly "cute" sketches is nothing, it's cheap, it is a lie, it is hypocritical. People encourage you just in case you actually start to draw the things they hope for - furry porn (inb4 justifications from "xenophiles"). So please, don't like to yourself, just do what you have to do in order to be noticed and gather similar "fame" as JJ and MS. This is the easiest way. Well, okay, you won't be on the same level with blush king and dull-futa-porn-king, but you definitely will levels above than tiarawhy or youshiface. Embrace your inner desires, Nasse, don't hide them. You fap to pone, you draw porn - there is nothing wrong to be furfag as long as you don't go into dumb denial that just illogical and makes no sense. Same level of pathetic as wiggers. The path that Tess and Rose choose is way to hardcore, you won't be able to follow it, you are too weak and you did show it already few times.