!derpv/fTOE 03/31/12(Sat)01:30 No. 942919 >>942795 >>942817 "Okay, Rainbow... I'm gonna lay this on ya kinda heavy. Listen up." You stand up and lean against the side of the cart, taking care not to let the Adanemzurai fall off your back. "So here's the scoop so far. There's a bunch of brainwashed unicorns all going out into the desert building a giant stone warrior to crush Canterlot, right? It's part of this evil King Tezel guy's plan to overthrow the Princesses, right?" You make sure she's listening. She looks horribly confused. You slump a little. "Too much? Anyways, we're too slow to make it to his castle and we need your help to defeat a supremely evil King out in the desert. Can you help us, Dash?" She looks at you funny, then laughs a bit. "You were reading those comics I gave to Scoots, right?" You look at her. "Rainbow, this is no made up story. Twilight's gone, a ton of unicorns are gone, and if we don't get to the castle by morning..." You swallow hard. She holds a smile on her face for a minute as if expecting a punchline. It fades slowly, then disappears. "...wait. You're... not joking?" "No! We REALLY need your help!" Sweetie Belle looks at her and gives her the best set of filly eyes she can muster. "Please? I know it sounds crazy.. but..." She waves for Rainbow Dash to come over. The colorful pegasus rolls her eyes, but trots over and puts an ear up to Sweetie Belle. She gets an earful of whispering. "I didn't know Earth ponies could do that..." Rainbow comments. She looks you over, then looks at the golden box on your back. "What's that? Treasure from the castle?" She says with a sarcastic tone.