!derpv/fTOE 03/30/12(Fri)22:11 No. 939162 Once again, adventurers, we meet to watch the fate of one purple filly unfold in the palms of your very hands. Your actions and decisions will either see our precious Raisin to a wonderful, celebratory victory... or off on her way to Sovngarde. Let's recap, then start playing once more. Last time on My Little Raisin…>Analyze the White Chest to find a way to open it >**Tell Sweetie to distract Archæus** >xXx Prod at the holes on the outside of the chest xXx 1/6 chance of triggering Chest Trap >Remove Fancy Horseshoe, push down on stone button >--Begin turning stone button— >xXx Yank on pin xXx 1/3 chance of trigger chest trap >**Pin Removed** >Open the White Chest, wrap Adanemzurai inside of dress >**Convince guard that bundled dresses are all the rage in fashion** 1/5 chance of failure, modified to 2/5 chance due to lack of significant chosen number >Have Sweetie Belle wrap up the writing supplies (Glass Jar, Quills, Parchment, Empty Ink Bottle) in her dress >Go out onto airdock balcony, begin inspecting chariots for your old supplies >Apprehended by guard that asked you to leave the chariots alone >--Tell Sweetie that you planned on taking over the guard— >Send Sweetie to distract guard while you sneak up and take over his mind >--Bail out of plan, go to airship instead— >Wind messes up Raisin’s mane (1/6 chance while on balcony) >Enter airship, invited to stay in private lodgings