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03/25/12(Sun)14:06 No.831923 File: 1332698818.jpg-(386 KB, 1024x691, 1302922612461.jpg)
 >>831888 Season three is dead. Studio B and anyone which helped in the summer and is currently making season 3 are a bunch of fucking non-caring douchebags just like you, they just care to have ''fun'' while killing any quality which the show ever had cause they can't think of shitting something better.
The nods would have actually been well made and good if the retards knew what ''subtlety'' is, but they're just as ego-maniac as you are when someone points out the truth.
Remember: What do you really know about this team? What did they make in the past? What are their records? All you know is that they were stupid enough to accept to work for Hasbro on creating 24 episodes in just 6 months, which means less time than Season 1, and without a creative director to help them in everything.
They're just as bandwagon jumping as you pony fans are. They care more about fucking around with their fanbase and having a good time rather than caring that they're considered sell outs when working for Hasbro or thinking about what they create. As long as they're getting paid and they're having fun with their job then they can't give a flying shit if they create acceptable quality or not, especially that if they quit then Hasbro would just hire other un-experienced and uncaring people to take their place, like Newborn Cuties or any other Generation. |