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Horse thread.

Prev: >>8224634

Discuss the show. pls
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>we might not be talking about horses in the future

I'm really scared.
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The show? THE SHOW?

I'm still avoiding it because I know it's going to be terrible and I don't want to listen to it unless I absolutely have to
I like AJ's part the least
Sounds like a normal day on MLPG.
Y-you shut your mouth Isaac! You don't know what may happen!
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I quite like this pony.
I hope we get a back story episode on the two of them next season.
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And I was so close too.

Lets discuss the show.

What if an episode was about another race? Just one episode in Season 4 about the pony relations with that race.

What would it be?

Here's the catch: The characters in the show that represent that race do not show up.

Personally I want a new dragon episode. Too many questions unanswered.
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whatever bro
bestpone right hurr
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Can human Rarara take the knot?
But that pony is objectively shit, even if I subjectively love her.
Fuck you and your opinions. My Favorite pony is a shit pony.
I'm afraid the diagnosis is Just for Sidekicks worked really well as a follow-up to Games Ponies Play
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She's okay too.
I mean not my cup of tea but I'm glad you like her!
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Of course she can. She's a total bitch.
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Equestria girls? More like Detestin' this hurl.
When we were young
I want to keep tickling her until she can't hold back any longer.
Mad Magazine writer from 1988 pls
Cokepone is worst fuck.

After round one she's just flat as hell.
>Discuss the show.
hahaha faggot
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something something carrot flowers jesus christ
That album isn't nearly as good as /mu/ would have you believe.
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But it is. Maybe you're just a hipster
I wonder how Noel's pics look like with the sketch layer off.
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Ah I see. People only care about the ponies in a pony show. How could I be so silly?
I think it's kind of annoything that we now know that there's gonna be a Celestia song
Imagine how hard we would have shat ourselves if we didn't know
Is it bad that I find this oddly arousing?
Oh Kay, don't be like that...
But the owl is the best owl.
At least the song hasn't leaked
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I'm really, REALLY disappointed that the sunshine ladybugs shit became a regular thing.
Main 6 are not gonna be the main characters in season 4.

Calling it
Always griffons.
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we all are

honestly i really hope the episode leaks tonight or tomorrow. i can't take this shit anymore
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I'm happy that she does but from experience I know I would be happier if I didn't know.

Its almost the same as when I refused to listen to Smile X3 until it aired. I would have loved it but to see in in full made me smile harder then I would have if I heard it 500 times before.
>tfw you will never do a little shake with Teenage Cadance or Twilight
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>Oh Kay

why did I laf
Dude, it didn't even take screentime in the last episode, when Twilight and Cadance started doing, Rarity got the focus.
>I sure told those anonymous people on an anonymous imageboard
for me it's the party cannon.
looking at what they keep doing to pinkie i might have to divorce my waifu.
and then give rarity a shot
but we will stay friends of course.
Imagine if we knew that Derpy was going to have a voice in The Last Roundup before it aired.
Because it sounds like Okay.

You can post that when that "leaked" pic turns out to be true.
I love it when people actually use their brains
You crack me up impostor nathan

someone please draw this
Imagine if we knew that Derpy was going to be murdered for The Last Roundup before it aired.
You disgust me.
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Reminder that sibsy said this a day before the leak.

She knows it's all over.
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Those humanizations may not be official but that doesn't change the fact that they could be working on it.

it's still annoying
the dialogue and the stupid little giggles they both do at the end
i mean you're a princess and a archwizard, grow the fuck up already
You are everything what is wrong with this world.
>guise please pay attention to me
>pls respond
>All of them are talking about the unconfirmed pic

At least it may have taken some of the edge off the drama.
Oi, that's a bit concerning.
It's one of those things that I was expecting to see in the show when I first started watching
and I was pleasantly surprised that the show was what it was
and now it's turning into everything I wish it wasn't
That may not be the final design they go with, but it's definitely happening
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Did anything more get done with that loli anon & 63 Pinkie?

You guys know that Seth knows, right?
He's closer to show staff than a lot of other people.
He probably knows the facts on everything we're talking about. He just can't post about them. And he wouldn't post rumors about something he KNOWS isn't true.
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>tfw late
Didn't one dude say that Sibsy told him about the humanized thing?
Yeah it might be over for her

Thats why it's called fucking "concept" art.
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I know what you mean.
We've been bamboozled.
We were led to believe this one was different. This was a SPECIAL little girls' show.
And here we are.
Maybe the world really did end in December and this is all just a nightmare.
That has spawned art? Haha oh wow.
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Why so hostile

Well, we still have the show dude.
The whole "humans" thing is completely seperate no matter what
Media blogs post bullshit all the time for hits. Not that you even know he knows anyway.
>hasbro makes the main 6 humans the sell dolls to tweens
>makes a new cast for season 4 to sell new dolls to kids

Sorry guys, but that is what is gonna happen. It's over for us. You're favorite ponys are gonna get gutted and removed to sell dolls to tweens.
>why so hostile
>not "why so mean"

Oh fuck, he drew them all.

What a champ.
How would you know that you're dead?
If that's true, I'm actually thankful for Seth shutting up about it instead of constantly reminding everyone with retarded posts like "If you'd know what I know" that he has inside infos.
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"The American public's reaction to the change was negative and the new cola was a major marketing failure. The subsequent reintroduction of Coke's original formula, re-branded as "Coca-Cola Classic", resulted in a significant gain in sales, leading to speculation that the introduction of the New Coke formula was just a marketing ploy."
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I'm not worried about the spin-off. I'm worried about the stuff that seems to be happening to the show.

>implying seth doesn't know.

I don't think you realize how close to show staff all of these people are.

He knows
Wouldn't it be the dawn of the first day?
71:36 Hours remain
Fucking this.

mirin that Gala dress
>Having hope
Foolish mortal.
what leak?
As far as I know, that's the only one that got drawn. Was that corwin?
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>It's the moment you've been waiting for.
And we fucking put him there.

That would be devious.

Like, I don't think Hasbro would be capable of doing that . . . would they?
That would imply that Hasbro actually cares about how good the show is and not how many toys sell
The leak about Equestrian Girls.
She was under a NDA and people are saying she leaked the info. She'll never work for the industry again if this turns out to be the case
I think you overestimate Hasbro.
The moral of Cutie Mark Chronicles is that the tools to create an immortal are inextricably linked to be used and then discarded when their usefulness has passed.
I've been expecting this ever since I watched S1
so it wasn't just tumblr bullshit?
it's comforting that I seem not to give a shit but I'll reserve judgement until I've had some coffee
Pinkie likes everybody
>implying I haven't been waiting for this since S1

That's what happens when you take the pedo dick
Yeah, no shit.
I always thought Twilight's friends were just as important as her. I guess not even poneworld is free of the caste system.
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It's the real deal.

Hasbro wouldn't plan tons of expensive toys just to ditch them for the old ones. Tricking kids and bronies is probably the last thing they'd do on purpose.

Sometimes things are as real as they seem.
I'm so glad larson is writing this.

Can you imagine if they tasked someone else with this?
Pretty sure the claims that she leaked it were all on tumblr.
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Can we just like
stop talking about things that suck about the show
and just pretend it's as good as it always was
It's gonna suck.

She was my source

Indirectly, but still
I'm a little worried for her
Yes, it would be complete, utter shit, worst episode of the show. They have to show an insanely large amount of things in those 22 minutes which never seem to be enough even for the simpler episodes. Larson is pretty much the only one that might be able to do it well.
But it is
I would do all my best to find who is in charge of MLP marketing and send him a letter congratulating him if this is the real deal
Seth put a lot of hard work into Equestria Daily. If he gets something out of it then great. He did the work. You didn't. I didn't.
>tfw will never ever be anywhere even remotely near the loop.
I'm actually sorry for him
This is his only cource of income and if he doesn't play his cards right he'll be fucked after MLP
I can't stop screaming. does anyone have freaking out gifs? I need about one hundred to express how much freaking out I am doing
Certainly looks like it.
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That's the spirit!

I don't like ignoring reality.
Okay, assuming you arent just joking:
If she really leaked stuff and gets fired she had it coming. How stupid do you have to be to do that?
>tfw having a stroke
You guys are all liars, my uncle in the CIA told me that hasbro was just reserving the EG properties to prevent other companies from taking advantage of the idea!
Yeah, what a miserable life he's living hosting a blogging a site about a show he loves, and having a staff, and getting to see MLP premieres and stuff.

It's like you're saying you shouldn't enjoy a thing that doesn't last forever. Who wants to live forever, anon

She really didn't tell many people. It just spread a lot from the people she told.
I don't think it was just her, either.
Mando and some others were probably in on it too.
Everybody wants to live forever.
>tfw I shove dragon dildos up my ass to get rid of the twilight alicorn taste from my mouth.

actually, it's just more for pleasure
Fuck man, your uncle is in the CIA? Shit, they're after my penis. Can I hide it inside you?
If she really did this I won't feel sorry for her

Look I have nothing against communicating with the fans. I actually say it's a good thing. But there are limits. Limits that are obvious as fuck. You can't accidentally go over them.
Pff I fucking don't. I want out as soon as possible.
>She really didn't tell many people. It just spread a lot from the people she told.
Man, that's the same thing. If she was stupid enough to trust someone to keep this kind of secret, so be it.

Shit like this happens all the time though.

She's getting fucked because she was mentioned as a source of this. If she wasn't mentioned she'd be OK.
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Oh Alberghetti your exploding with confetti
your dropping spaghetti
Except those morons who are afraid to get bored.
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Not everyone
wow twilight's horn is REALLY far up on her head in that gif
Note that there's still absolutely no reason to believe anyone of the massive amount of people who claimed to be Sibsy's closest friends ever. Even if this anon isn't making up his part it still easily could've been someone lying to him, or to his source.
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Who here prefer to have a Spike Alicorn?

I do feel a bit sorry for her if anything happens though. Her storyboarding is fantastic
/mlp/ in a nutshell

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everybody has to die sometime red
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No one got fucked yet as far as we know, it's all speculation.
Still, if she did it I'd have no sympathy for her. It's a fucking stupid thing to do, you don't throw around informations you are supposed to shut up about just to show your friends how special you are.
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Does anyone have the full screencap of what Writer's said so far? I feel strangely comforted when I read his posts.
Except Gilda
And Discord
where's the horn?
>Hm I work in a fandom where it's fucking obvious that most people are fucking attention whores and want to be famous
>Surely those guys who are in this fandom but are good friends with me won't let it accidentally slip or tell anyone for the fame
>No way
/mlp/ in a nutshell
Everybody wants to rule the world.
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come on apes you wanna live forever
And you
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'd feel sorry too if she ended up losing her job. Maybe she was manipulated into giving informations.
... duh? the song fucking leaked, and there's a confirmed celestia song too
tears for fears pls
>implying dying and then going to Equestria isn't infinitely superior
but there's no place for love
>Maybe she was manipulated into giving informations.
>implying dying and then going to Equestria
I just don't get masturbation.

Seems like a waste of time for me.
>he wasn't around when we waterboarded Sibsy in order to get show information out of her

wow bro

be more casual


She put some of those friends on a comic cover
she has a lot of them

imagine that: you discover your love for art at an early age, it becomes your passion, it's your dream, you spend a fortune in art school and your dream comes true, you become part of one of the largest popular culture phenomena, but then say a little too much, which is ultimately what ruins your career and your whole life forever.
I would go to that human world with them. It would be so surreal.
You know, emotional blackmail and these kind of bullshit. It's all speculation of course.
That video has nothing to do with horses or horse accessories
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i had love once, it was awful
Once I had a love, and it was a gas.
you are responsible for your own actions
But I don't even like apples.
It's her own fault
Fluttershy pls.
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Sibsy has brony friends.
Okay, we know that. What is the indication that she leaked the info? Her Twitter post is not a valid indication because she's in deep shit even if it wasn't her who leaked it.
Who's going to Unicon?
It's not like this is the only way you can ruin your life with a tiny mistake.
>you will never play Halo with Dooks, Cosmo, and LK
>you will never circlejerk on Skype with SB, Kraut, and Mew
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Then it's your own fault.
She an adult, she has to deal with the consequences.

I feel like we are taking this speculation a bit too far though
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she doesn't have wings!?
Could it be...
This is bait.
>never had love but apparently it sucks anyway
Man, fuck that noise. I'm gonna stay alone, and get so great at drawing people will be afraid to talk to me through skype.
nobody does.
now shut up, braeburned
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Motherfuckers, keep me up to date.
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Well, shucks, sugarcube, would you like a corn fritter instead?
I am going to annihilate every drawfag at Smash Brothers
>you will never get to kill Tex and SmiLe
...before she gets wings in the episode? It probably could!
She isn't new to this industry
This isn't her first day here
And stuff like this? Dude it's probably one of the first things you are told.

Look if she isn't actually the one that let it slip then yes she doesn't deserve it. I feel sorry for her. I really do.
But if she did, if she really told people about this, dully knowing the possible consequences, than no she deserves it.

There's one thing tough. No matter what's the case I would still feel a bit sad for her foor one reason. It must majorly suck to tell someone that your chances of ever working in the idustry were fucked up because My Little Pony
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I hate to say that I find that really funny.

but i wanna give you guys free stuff

Well, when my boyfriend doesn't have time to cum over, I have to please myself somehow right?

also, you are bait you faggot
You can give me a free blowjob
Me too. Good luck to both of us, I'm sure we'll be so ace that girls will get weak kneed around us.
If you pay for a flight, a ticket and a few days in a good hotel you can give me all the free stuff you want, brae

I know what you mean. I just masturbate once a week to get rid of the stupid urge. Quickly and with minimal mess, straight into the toilet.

I don't understand how people do it multiple times a day for fun.
>going to Unicon
>not Alicon

Get with the times man
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It will either end up a complicated process that isn't worth it or a simple one that will end with you getting scammed.
Look I and many others, maybe, appreciate this but forget it.
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>>you will never circlejerk on Skype with SB, Kraut, and Mew
he doesn't even know they hate each other now.

Actually, she isn't.

She's one of the view va's that ISNT going
What do you mean?
Really? Why?
you just need to start to draw mediocre gay porn, then people will pay you everything.
Furry drama.
You know they make horse speculums? It's true
Sweet. I'll give you the rating R, for "rival".
They insulted each others' waifus.
You know I feel horrible for this but imagining her having to tell her grandchildren about this makes me laugh.
Something about rubber ducks, a little trumpet and a book on knitting.
I thought they were each others waifus
>all of them are still alive
All of them failed their waifus. A disgrace.
>tfw this is partially true

One of the artfags I talk to more regulary always has a good laugh when he does a gay pic once in a while and it immediately gives him like a bazillion new watchers while his other stuff doesnt
I know. This fandom really underappreciates them.
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Just taking a second to say this isn't true.

>Kraut's Tumblr
>Posted on February 7, 2013 with 19 notes

Looks like someone didn't recover from his wounds.

Yeah, that tends to happen.

It's because that type of content appeals to a niche that doesn't get as much as others.

Draw a mare presenting herself and you'll have drawn the same thing that hundreds of people have drawn.

Draw some gay stallions and people will eat it up because its harder to come by.

It's pretty simple.
And how i got popular
Princesses should be afraid of their little ponies.
Didn't you leave forever?
anal pleasure is best pleasure while stroking your cock. Have your boyfriend in this case for you guys it might be girlfriend suck on your cock while she puts fingers inside your anus giving you that prostate stimulation. You will cum buckets
I never used the word "forever."
I want to rub that pony's belly. It look so soft.
…wait, when the fuck did Equestria get telephony?
>How to kill MLPG in 3 easy steps
>Invite everyone at a restaurant promising free food and booze
>Hire 6 people and spread them trough the cround and make them all yell [insert pony here] is shit
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>tfw your dignity forbids you to get popular that way
Guess I'll have to work hard to get my pocket money from art
Are there mares at the restaurant?
Are the maid mares?

It's not like i did it just for popularity man
I'm fucking gay as hell i love that stuff
why do you have a name and why are you posting about prostrates

meawhile domer is probably home free because if he was dead you can guarentee they'd make a big media party over it
>It's not like i did it just for popularity man
i'm sure you didn't. milking these sad people for money must be great too.
Huh. Last time I drew gay porn I only got a hundred or so notes and eight new followers. I wonder what the secret is.
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Well truly this place is cursed for "trying" to leaving. That said, you thought on the last episode?
I swear to god that if I had a lot of free time and motivation I would do everything in my power to develop two completely different drawing styles.

One would be for slutdrawing where I draw almost anything if given enough money and the other just for fun and for cute and nice requests and keep the two identities separated.

Of course I would make commission prices in such a way that it insults people with shitty taste
I thought we had something special
Hey brae
please buy that mug >>8227161 and use it for drinking at your Unicon table
>I only got a hundred or so notes and eight new followers.
>tfw got the same with cute pictures
Depending on how much time you invested into that pic, that's not too bad. I get like ten notes maybe one or two new followers for a pic I spent a considerable amount of time on. And I'd label myself as mediocre, at least compared to other fandom drawfags

Saw that yesterday.
I would if I didn't dispise coffee
it's over. it will never be the way it used be and it will not change in a positive way ever

And again: Notes don't mean shit
Drink some gay beverage in it then (like tea)
>work hard
do you mean "never get it"?
You need exposure via more well-known people reblogging you.
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I thought you were cool, brae
you're dead to me.
but they are nice and feels like some recognition.
Good night, MLPG
They are a pretty good indication for popularity, which we were talking about.
They of course dont mean nearly as much when it comes to artistic ability
but i hate tea too
i'm sorry
i just dont get it
Well you should try prostate stimulation one time. It feels great and the orgasm is unbelievable.

If you check back, I posted about dragon dildos and it just went from there
>I would if I didn't dispise coffee

Not cool.
I fucking hate tiarawhy
What do you drink? WATER?
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>Hating coffee
I thought you were an alright dude
Then drink mountain dew or something, jeezuz.
Well, at least now we know why most off the show staff left before season 3.

I really did not want it to end
woah, fuck you, nigger.
>show characters doing cute stuff: cheap as fuck
>If picture involves OCs 5 times the normal price
>If picture involves shitty OCs 10 times the price
>If picture involves fetish I dislike 15 times the price
>If drawing is opinion I dislike 20 times the price
>Note: Those are multiplicative not additive
>Still get shit load of money if you are famous because HOLY SHIT GUYS I COMMISSIONED X EVEN IF HE'S SHITTY AS FUCK

and koolaid
it's really cheap and i like saving money
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Be madder
Leaves in water? Pffwah!
You should make a piping hot cup off koolaid sometime
>show characters
What show do you have on mind?
Brae pls draw kool-aid colt.

After all the self-insertion she tried to pull (See Wonderbolts Academy), Hasbro probably had her sacked after Season 3 was over.

We can dream, anyway.

And your little Mando, too!
>no snoops

I WILL be madder.
I was just giving an example Anon.

But I would make my commission prices like that if I had some drawing skill
how much of a babby do you have to be to not drink tea or coffee?
i bet you also mix your vodka with sodas.
My nigga

Water is just enough for me
They fired her?
Yeah, and Braeburned has his own little fag community, so it's not so much about gay porn as it is networking.

I don't like alcohol yet either
I'm only 19 GIVE ME TIME
It's just speculation because Anon went tinfoil over the "I will never forget you" part
No, but she's probably going to get shit for the supposed leaking even if it wasn't her.
Nothing is known right now. Only speculation. But her Twitter isn't encouraging.
>not mixing vodka with red bull

Pretty much.
You gotta brand/market yourself.
Also: don't be a dick/be good to your fans. That gets you far.
>Not mixing vodka with vodka
I wouldn't take commissions at alls.

Or I'd pretend to, just to take months and come up with beutifully done picture were I'm beating the shit out of a character I hate.
you don't like alcohol "yet"?
are you twelve or what?
>not rum with cola
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I originally wasn't gonna do commissions, but people were pretty much begging for them
My fucking nigga. I don't like alcohol and it has almost no effect on me. How can I get wasted like that?

I worked for a company that Hasbro took over and remolded in their image.

It's not about anything except maximizing sales. Fans are irrelevant. Basically, MLP was going to start being spunoff and twisted back into the usual "22 minute commercial" model as soon as Faust's influence was cleared from the show. Without her, Hasbro just will keep twisting wrists until they have the mindless animated series they really wanted.

tl;dr - you're all fucked.
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Last time I did that I nearly went hops though
Never mix vodka with home-produced vodka kids

everything is ruined
>Home-produced vodka
Do you have a distillery or something?
>tfw straight edge non-horsefucker
So what? Slap them in a face with guro.
My friends grandpa has one.

>Doesn't like tea, coffee or liquor
>Is 1 year over the legal age

Get some taste
I'm pretty jealous, anon
I don't fap to the ponies because it's bad.
Come at me.

I mix mine with coffee liqueur (or Kahlúa if I have it) and milk. Shit's tasty.

The legal drinking age is 21 her
I like all of those but don't expect others to like them too
Spaerk pls, only use your chemistry power for good.
What company?
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>Has almost no effect on me
I don't like alcohol and I'm 27.

I had a pint last week to be sociable and had to take two sick days to recover.
>is 21 her

Easy Company

>I worked for a company that Hasbro took over

i almost stopped reading there.

but i guess you are right.

just look at all the other shows on the hub
I like the idea of Fluttershy having a gambling problem for some reason
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this is the worst pony, as we all know

how do we fix her

can she be fixed
I will use my chemistry power to create horrible crimes against nature, like talking horses for example.

How the hell? I'm not the only one in here who speaks german
I kind of want to see the main 6 as a card counting team
Nigga, that's not Fluttershy or Twilight.
What's EG's version of Dash's equivilant of the sonic rainboom?
less lol random polsky pinkie
So EqG is real and I had to check /mlp/ for it

Cmon guys, I can't lurk forever.
Why did you post Pinkie if you're talking about Fluttershy?

i just recognized your filename

being fluent in german helps too.
BCS is fucking awesome, man. What are you talking about.
Stop letting Polsky write. He can't and never could.
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It was kind of obvious.
Yeah, that post was stupidly worded but I think I know what he means. Like, when I drink sufficient amounts of alcohol my reflexes go to shit, stuff gets blurry and so on but I'm still fully aware of everything and completely missing the "I dont care if its stupid, it sounds like fun" part.
It's ironic than that Braeburned is a dick to his fans.
That's not Fluttershy
Pinkie went down a bit this season but shes still 4th best pony

Anyway back on Fluttershy
I say we either don't do anything because she's still great like all the main six or somehow make Hasbro give the writers more freedom like the comic ones
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>there seriously are people who want to get famous in this faildom
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And his customers
He is?
Well if you remember Dash's words from Sonic Rainboom: "HOLD ON RARITY, I'M COMING!"
I'm talking about the fact that you eat shit.

Get your bad taste fixed.

>wah he charges too much
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Sonic Boops
I've seen him come here and openly mock his followers.

Hurrdurr, this one brony started following me, and he's got such a retarded name, hahahahaha. (Because "Braeburned" is so clever).

Well, they're all terrible bronies so it's reasonable to dislike them sometimes. Especially when they try to speak for him and defend him and shit.

But directly to them, he's pretty damn helpful.
back in the time when he was new here and still behaved like the total queen he is he kept ridiculing people who were talking to him and at one point actually made fun of someone who drew his OC.
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>People don't like coffee or tea
>They're over 16

You can't drink those sodas your whole life kiddo
The guy doesn't cut corners on his commissions. His prices are fair.
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Yeah, those original signature cards Pixelkitties has been doing for VA's as commisions?

Those are some awesome looking pieces.
Oh wow, it just occurred to me that becoming human means they are going to lose their magic and flight abilities. I mean, that sounds really crushing.
why would you be near the vicinity of circlejerking? that is an obscene dream you have anon.
Fuck you, I'm gonna.
Why does she wear a fucking diaper
Jessy does that too here, but she's smart enough not to post with a name
Expecting =/= waiting for
at least not in the context they were saying it in.
The main 6 are not gonna be the main characters of season 4 at this point. So they have no reason to.
>I drink tea
Well I certainly read that as Princess TooT
I don't think they were commisioned.

Dude I won't accept money from them and would give my 110% to make something for them.
No Bigmac....No....
Let me guess. You went to her stream, acted like a cunt, and she banned you.

Am I right?

East Empire Co. LLC
And this is another reason why the portal thing is even more stupid.
If they are making them humans make them humans from the start. Different universe where Eqeustria is Earth.

I wasn't expecting her to become AN ALICORN, but yeah, I think the princess thing it was obvious since season 1.
I don't mind though, one alicorn more, one alicorn less, we'll see what happens.
Anon I don't think you know what diapers look like. Those are called bloomers.

That was back when I first came here, yeah.
And I realize that was probably stupid. You guys make fun of them constantly so i figured i could too. But, I know, no matter what their actions may be, I should appreciate everyone who appreciates my work. They make it tough sometimes, but I do.
>Miss America
>Princess Twilight

america confirmed going back to monarchy

I hope they don't go by their pony names. That'd be awkward.
You're making an assumption there.

This is going to be competing with Monster High. So they might still have fantastical powers. Twilight will be some kind of witch. Dash will still fly. Spike will be a talking dog. Etc.
I know, right?

Maybe you can have the portal be a less retarded plot point in that SOMETHING is trying to come through, and whatever the fuck it is you certainly don't want it in the world presented
Peter is a pretty funny guy, I need to make a Twitter to follow the staff.
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I always thought those maid cafes based around having the customers and the maids interact were a bit weird.

Recently the idea of Pinkie in one popped into my head, and suddenly I realise I totally would visit one if she were she a maid there.
You just know she'd actually enjoy making friends with all the customers, remembering even the one-timers by name and making them feel immediately welcome.

And that's my moment of autism for the week, hopefully.
hahaHa NO

I didn't even have an accoun on livestream.

Projecting much?

I'm just sayin' how it is.

Go back to sucking off tiara and his shit flashes made without any trace of talent and skill.

Gosh, why do people so untalented get so much recognition in this awful fandom...

Instead of actually good people...

Well, I guess if bronies weren't retarded they wouldn't be bronies...

But equestria is earth
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>Nanaki's dad is foreclosing and kicking him out of the house
Wake up and smell the real world, furfag.
>he really believes BCS is a girl
>East Empire
Wait, you sold Constantinople to Hasbro? What the fuck, man.
>boy my followers sure are stupid, it makes it hard not to be a dick to them

You've got some sort of mental incapacity.
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>Entire series is about PP, FS, RY and AJ trying to find a way back to Equestria while Twilight and Dash never leave their beds, lamenting their loss

I'd watch it
Oh look, it's the same jelly tiarawhy hateanon.

Surprise surprise surprise.
I want you to go deeper with this, sounds nice.
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Yess, YES!!
>he doesn't know about the porn photos
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>Principal Celestia

Go away Fluffy.
C'mon man, I'm sure you know better.
I usually fell sorry for most people but because it's Nanaki I am happy.
>hurr everyine i dont like is the same person!! its just the conspiracy!!

Actually, how did we let MLPG to sink so deep?

>Wake up and smell the real world, furfag.
>implying his furfag friends are not going to throw money at him
No, that would be Discord. Luna is vice principal.
Lots of masturbation!
Thanks for the blog update, Nanaki
I'd rather die than be him.
forging replies is just another shitposter tactic. you're better off ignoring the whole thing.
Man, I'd do shit all the time to get called into the principals office.
>Janitor Discord

Who is also Ross who is actually Fluffy.
No, Zecora's the janitor, you're right about Luna though.
She would give you a footjob eventually.
then by all means, please die

it'd make these threads so much less meta
>Zecora's the janitor

Das racist.
If that's true, which I doubt, it would mean they're gonna keep their pony names

Which is pretty silly
>magic wise black janitor Zecora
Exactly. So is Hasbro.

Zecora seems like she'd be either the science teacher or guidence counceler

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. My folks say it's because alcoholism runs into the family.
Zecora should be grounds keeper
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>while Twilight and Dash never leave their beds
oh u
>lesbian sex will never fix problems with interdimensional travel

Wizards of the Coast. You know how they used to have a chain of gaming stores? Open tables to play what you wanted when the store wasn't running a TCG league or organized play? It's own LAN network hooked up, plus the usual Internet stuff for folks who wanted a nice place to play with friends? Carried all kinds of TCG/role-playing game products from a wide variety of companies and would even special order from you?

First thing Hasbro did when they bought WoTC was rip out the computers and ship them back to their own company for office use.

Then they eliminated all non-WoTC/Hasbro games from the sales floor. They also marked the prices up another 20% or so.

The space cleared for this was replaced with "novelty items". Like fake dog vomit.

All non-Hasbro games were banned from the tables and only store staff were allowed to use them for "demonstrations or play".

Of course, when you literally tear out most of what attracted your customers and then raise the prices through the roof on what's left...people stop coming, especially when what you do carry, Hasbro's selling at a deep discount to the department store 500 feet away.

>Oops, your sales have slipped horribly, guess it's time to get rid of these drags on our profit margin.

The Christmas after Hasbro took over operations, they let us know that they were closing all the shops- including the chain WoTC had bought to help up it's sales presence. Thousands of employees sacked.
Man you know what would be great
Zecora and Discord both having the same position and constantly arguing
>Not a philosophy teacher
What would her porn stash look like?
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>discord janitor
>not the board representative

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Zecora's your standard magic negro archetype.

In films and shows set in the real world, they're always some subserviant type. Janitors, maids, caddies, etc.

fucking christ, in the cartoon she does nothing but live in a hut in the jungle.
I was hoping for something else.
Why I laugh
Right, but she's black.

So Discord's going to be the wacky old science teacher, Zecora's going to be either the janitor or the lunch lady.
But why a footjob? Why not something more quick like a titjob or a blowjob?

Ah man, I always wondered what happened to those stores. Shit sucks.
And give others important advice
And be generally bro as fuck
>implying shitposters are smart enough to forge any kinds of tactics
Oh God, just imagine Tumbr if that was true
Cause it's true.

It's as big a cliche as the black guy dying first in action/horror movies.
>Twily and Dash holding each other with mascara running down their faces wailing about their life being ruined

Could make for some nice art
How long has WOTC been under Hasbro?
/b/ obvious troll please leave
Because you're missbehaving
>live in a hut in the jungle
Fuck we really are fucked aren't we?

Why couldn't literally any other company be in charge of this show? I'm freaking out now.
Sure. They give the white protagonist useful advice, and often magical powers, while they stay stuck in their shithole.
>Both Zecora and Discord constantly bicker
>Discord still has his powers and uses them to prank Zecora
>Zecora plays mind games with him most of the time either making him do something stupid in front of Celestia or just leaving him confused.
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We Janitor now?

Is there anything worse than a footjob?
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GG EP made a thing

She's fukkin kawaii
> The amazing, talented, and all-together awesome Peter New, voice of Big Macintosh is going to be at Las Pegasus Unicon and he asked for a very special coronation image to sign at his autograph table!

Close enough.
>she does nothing but live in a hut in the jungle.

>she can't possibly live a rich and fulfilling life outside of normal society, she must just sit around the hut all day
Oh well, I'm not into that thing but as long as she makes me cum.

Do I get to see her tits at least?
Elder shitposter pls
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> enjoy sleeping in the bed you made
Implying this is our fault?
1999 according to Wikipedia
Dammit. I was just working on a cuteling too
jesus christ, weaver is unable to make anything that doesn't turn into gold
No you have to blackmail her.
Awww, she's even missing the horn.
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>the company has been a subsidiary of Hasbro since 1999. All Wizards of the Coast stores were closed in 2004.
I don't think this was made for Weaver man.

Didn't Weaver make that thing like yesterday? Are they buddies or why is EP already doing art of it?
Does that guy visit here or something?
I'm not a fan of him either, whenever he was around he would just post like one or two word replies with a picture and then someone would ask about his money and then he would derail the thread by going to great lengths to talk about it.
Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all~

Unnamed changeling by Weaver/GlitterGlue ([link], [link], [link])

In b4 the magic portal to earth is actually A portal to the past
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MLPG I need your help. I need to practice really bad. I need something cute to draw. Even if it doesn't come out cute, I need to try. I'm suffering over here.
Oh, I thought it was named different.


Gummy and Pinkie Pie playing with a square ball.
That's really an unnecessary cruel punishment.

>You think you finally reached you goal and then she uses the most unattractive part of the body to get you off
Draw Gilda playing with a ball of yarn
Diamond Tiara sniffing flowers
Rarity and Sweetie tickling each other
Fluttershy having a panic attack with her friends around comforting her.
Draw wheelbarrows.

Fields of wheelbarrows.

Growing wheelbarrows.
Her role is to help the white character become a princess, while she herself remains in her social station.

Legend of Bagger Vance, Dick Holloran in the Shining, Bubba in Forrest Gump, the janitor in Hudsucker Proxy...
Babs Seed bumping something off a shelf
Human skulls from reference
>unnamed changeling

The closest we have is this but I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be saying what she is, not who she is. Don't think GG ever gave her an official name, since all the filenames are "changeling *something*"
That's what she want anon.
Man that is DEEP
>implying she isn't actually the devil
>implying this isn't all part of the deal she made with Twilight
>implying she won't use Princess Twilight for fun
Rarity with a big, giant, "Keep that hair short"
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Guys does anyone have the artwork for the covers of all three comics? I need them to fulfill my autism. Nothing in my library can be without the proper covers

Handcuffed to a radiator, dying, and with a crying Sweetie pointing a gun at her head?
>she prolapsed her anus just for the purpose of punishing you
she sure is dedicated

a true ruler is never afraid to sacrifice himelf for the good of his subjects
That doesn't sound cute.
Way to kill the mood, Anon.
God damn it why
I guess it's gonna be awful to discuss EqG on MLPG once it airs, would you go talk about it in some EqGG?
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would you buy a changeling a dress
Draw Nanaki homeless.
I laughed so hard I farted, god damn it man.
Is that on /co/ or /mlp/

Yes yes kill the mood.
I don't think it can get worse from here if you avoid fecals
Sure why not since I'm obviously hemorrhaging bits over here.
I don't really find prolapsed anuses that unattractive.
No, it will be discussed here. It's not like there's an overflow of pony to talk about most of the time.
Nigga, it's not going to be on /co/.
> finally you can't take it anymore
> this bitch has been bringing you in for detention every day
> teasing you, scolding you
> she actually gave you a footjob that one time and then laughed at you when you came
> you've had enough
> you don't have to take this
> she doesn't have magic anymore
> when she's not expecting it you slam her against the desk, ripping her clothes off
> thrusting into her with all your rage
> but she only smiles
> "I was wondering when you'd get around to it, you naughty boy."
i would buy a changeling
Yeah it's all the corn bits stuck in the folds that gets me
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JJ pls go
you are getting too hardcore for your tumbrl fans
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anon pls
Oh boy is it really Believe Everything With No Source time again?
I'm not sure man, but I really hope you're right.

And I really hope the people not interested could ignore it.
What are you talking about?
I don't know if that's wise. She'd be so excited she'd shunt her love into you and not notice and then she'd be hungrier than ever!
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I thought MLPG liked prolapses.

oh youre just being hypocritical retards again
fuck her asshole
What are we believing without a source? Human show is confirmed bro.
I'm hoping something like this doesn't happen.

If it's going to be shit then discussing it will equal to bringing LPS and Carebears here, otherwise it will just be the general shitflinging-kind of discussion which we already have about episodes and ponies.
You mean like this source?

1. /mlp/ doesn't like it
2. pony stuff goes on /mlp/ anyway

calm down

MLPG is not a hivemind
I do not and have never liked prolapses
Nah dude we're just having fun with Celestia as principal.
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A show about humanized pons is confirmed now
Or did you mean that discussion about principal celestia?
That was just us fucking around
Issue 2 cover where
Loosen up you prude.

For how long you've battled the evil clop until you realized it's retarded?
>you will never slam principal celestia on the desk and take her from behind
>you'll never hear her laugh at your impetuous assault
>you'll never see her bite her knuckles as she's caught off-guard by pleasure, the laugh stuck in her throat
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What do we actually know about the humanized pons?

Fall of 1999. They cleaned house in corporate through most of 2000-1 (March 2001 marks when you really started noticing, as they'd managed to replace enough staff to start making changes), reamed the shops through 2001-2002, and announced at the end of 2003 that they were closing them down. Dead by spring 2004.

Worked for FAO Schwarz before that, I knew the shit had already terminally hit the fan for the retail chain by the summer, had a new job just before the Christmas season for 2003, watched my co-workers suffer through it and get the mercy shot from Hasbro in December when the numbers came in. They had to hire another company to manage the liquidation because most of the employees didn't want to work for them after getting their Christmas surprise, especially management.

Did I mention how Hasbro systematically hacked up the employee benefits and such for good measure while they were running the shops into the ground? Or that Hasbro managed to obliterate WoTC's grip on what was the biggest CCG of the day by stomping all over Nintendo's toes?

Yes, Hasbro is absolute shit for IP they come in contact with. Faust was an anomaly that they pushed out of the show as fast as possible, and without her shielding your little ponies, they will handle it with their usual ham-fisted expertise until it lies broken into the usual dull mold all "girly shows" should.
Nothing except for the fact that it's aimed at teens
The target demographic, the fact that it exists, and that it's due out this fall.
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I don't even know where to begin with you.
You don't need to.

Start with yourself.

>Celestia as the principal

Then what the fuck is Mayor Mare supposed to be?
meh I don't really care if they kill the show I can move on.
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Draw lots and study of course.
Welcome to the real world, kid.
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I tried doing a human Chickadee.
Politics teacher
gold star, 'you tried', don't have the image
The town mayor.
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okay. i'm just glad it lasted as long as it did.
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My word
She's a potato!
I have one reason and one reason only why I am not worrying yet.

Guys just listen to me a bit.
Okay look we all know why Hasbro hired Lauren right? They saw that if they throw a lot of money at one of their IPs ( the Transformers movies) they receive much more money from them.
So they hired Lauren and did the same thing with MLP.
They tried the same with Care Bears. And LPS which to be hones is successful and while I really dislike it it's still kinda decent compared to things like G3 and Tales.

They learned that if they spend more money they get even more. Hell Jayson said that Hasbro ordered from the start 2 seasons. They were sure it will succeed. And it did. All their toys had decline in sales Except MLP which had an increase every single quarter since the show started airing.

They even say that this is their best selling MLP generation.
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Next they went with the comic. You know what the guys working on the comic said at a Q&A Panel at a convention? That while they have a lot of freedom Hasbro is very very strict with Quality control and was very involved with it. They even commented that a certain line of dialogue fitted Rainbow Dash more than AJ. They also said that while they didn't receive the Show Bible they received a lot of information about the show and were close to the show staff.

And now we know that the second writer didn't even know that Twilicorn is happening.

Look Hasbro is still a corporation. By definition their only purpose is to find the most efficient way to make money. And they will do that. But they know that they will receive more money for quality shows. And even Larson said that Hasbro is pretty chill.

Yes right now it seems that they are clearly just saying fuck everything we're making this toys again but somethings are kinda strange.

I personally still am in doubts about all the things that are happening but I still have a bit of hope left. I am more than likely be wrong. And I really dislike what's going on right now. But somehow I still think that all of this will be okay.
I wonder if she can count to potatoe
>I'll take a corn chip
>and eat it
They ordered two seasons of all of their shows. They were starting a whole new network, they didn't have much choice.
I know who drew this.
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Things have changed.
>They learned
valentines day yet
Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!
I know it's not much, but hasbro has has gotten an new ceo since then. Maybe, just maybe he is smarter than that.
MLPG pls.

There's a whole rainbow of possibilities between mindless asspats and saying "It's shit." Try some constructive crit sometime.
Corporations have more rights than the producers.
Well fucking hell anon I left my gold star stickers at home.
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That's a pretty terrible Catch-22. If there weren't Faust there'd never be good designs or the interesting world of Equestria. Without Hasbro they wouldn't have been ponies or had production values nearly as good.
>wans to go up against MG and Bratz

I really doubt it. Hasbro has the advantage of MLP being a strong brand now, but it'll all come down to EG actually being good.
But realistically that's the way it looks. Sorry.
it's not quite shit but it's close
I never even doomsayed about anything before in my life until now
Rainbows are fucking lame.
I learned that people don't like round heads.
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Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
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>Keeping hope alive
What are you, some kinda really cool dude that I wouldn't mind being friends with?
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You anons so condescending. Fuck no wonder I like it here so much.

Pssh. I knew it was coming as soon as enough of the pre-buyout staff had been replaced with Hasbro's own people. It was my co-workers doing pretty much what the average MLPG poster is - "Oh, it'll be fine" that made me write the comparison.

It is -not- fine. Hasbro doesn't give a shit about the average brony, only their money as a bonus to selling to little girls. They will continue to manage the IP in a direction that fits their standard model, and without outside influence,that's what you're going to see through S4 -> S5 (though I doubt you'll see an S6, and maybe not even an S5).

The franchise is already old in toy company terms. They're just spreading the hype far and wide as they prepare for the usual recycling and G4 gets turned into a more generic style of cartoon with G6.
On humans.
This show has let me down so thoroughly over the past ten months that I really have no reason to be optimistic anymore. It's going to shit. Period. The comic is okay and maybe season 4 won't be exclusively about Twilycorn and her Five Loyal Subjects, but there's nothing coming out of the rumor mill that makes me think it'll ever be back up to the consistent quality of S1 and S2.
Listening to the new song makes me depressed. It just feels like I will never be able to see them as cute ponies doing cute things anymore. I tear up at the height of applejack's part
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You know what else is lame? You after I stamp your shins into powder.
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>New song
I just got here don't tell me it got leaked
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>during show development Hasbro almost made Faust change Rainbow Dash because they figured her toys wouldn't sell because of her colors
>Dash has more merch than any other pony
Your highschool-ized waifu is getting a boyfriend.

How are you dealing?
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If it was purely profit-driven why remove a show character when merch of that character was selling?
the whole episode got leaked bro

read the thread
You ruined the moment anon.
by drawing porn of them fucking

maybe date rape
>faust original characters
they were shit, I'm glad hasbro forced her to change them.
Jokes on you, my waifu is Celestia
One song is leaked. The ep will have many
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>they figured her toys wouldn't sell because of her colors
this sounds unlikely given previous generation color design

FiM Rainbow Dash is LESS outrageously colorful than G3 Rainbow Dash. And she still dresses in style.
It's too ridiculous to me that they could just suddenly end up in the world of humans and find them attractive enough to get into a relationship with.
>Hating on based Surprise
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Sometimes I wish I was good at art
but then I remember I don't want to put effort into it
and I accept that
>Your highschool-ized waifu is getting a boyfriend.

>How are you dealing?

Not well.
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Denounce love for pone and waifu, burn all waifu toys.
they pulled derpy because she is a very ugly pony
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All these moments will be lost. Like tears in rain.
go back to your tumblr faggot
Surprise was a terrible color scheme.
I'm looking at these two shows as completely separate things, so I'd be intrigued at how it would work out.
That's good. A lot of people start drawing, and then later realize they don't want to put any effort into it.
why did they de-age the ponies for the teen spinoff anyway?
>One song is leaked. The ep will have many

That padding.

Writers have given up and replaced plot with song. They know it's the end
>Faust originals
Dude, they were recycled G1 ponies. Hasbro found out they couldn't use ANY of those ponies, save for Spike and Applejack, because they had gone so long without Hasbro making toys of them that they lost the copyright protection.
What I was saying was that they almost changed the current Rainbow Dash into something completely different because they have no idea what makes money.
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>white and yellow
>terrible color scheme
Good choice. You'd end up sucking cock and circle jerking and getting nowhere with your hobby.

And battling depression and pushing your drama onto boards.
To make them more relatable to tweens.
You do realize that songs are actually the most efficient way to drive a story forward, right
Larson is trying to save twilycorn epsiode

it's probably going to be medicore at best (we have a celestia song, so that might save it from being full-out terrible)
You smell funny.
They need songs to move through the plot. You can tell a lot through songs.
To make generic highschool scenarios teenagers can relate to
>posting a shit pony is going to prove my point!
i really want ot think that you're another nintendo dad, but it all makes pretty much sense.
Says the anon with a yeast infection
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I have no clue why I thought this was a good idea

It's like you didn't watch the first two episodes of season three.
Do teenage girls even watch tv?
It's like you didn't watch any other episodes

who the fuck wrote that fucking song anyway
That was an attempt.


They didn't throw a lot of money at it, MLP is Flash animation. This is the usual product cycle for Hasbro's toy-animation tie-togethers. They ordered two seasons for the usual ad cycle for a given product line, and Faust basically gave them a totally unexpected success in directions no corporate exec would have expected.

They've been busy leeching off interest with spinoffs since- first with enough visual/VA similarity in LPS, then a more direct one in Equestrian Girls- which I can guarantee will be your usual tween animation with a few horse-themed visuals and pony names to try and catch the eye of fans so you can BUY OUR STUFF.

As for the Transformers movies? Hasbro licensed out the IP to the movie company to make a film. No real investment, they got their money up front + what was basically a huge chunk of free advertisement and product development.

They haven't "learned" shit. Hasbro will strip-mine the IP like they've done with everything else. When they bought Avalon Hill, they eliminated all product development save for using already proven ones. When they bought Wizards, they killed all new game products in favor of D&D and Magic (again, the proven products). Originality is risk, risk damages the bottom line.

They couldn't develop MLP into a long-lasting franchise if they tried- any "good writers" will be shuffled into more conventional Hasbro work (see many MLP writers ending up elsewhere on other Hasbro/animation products despite it's huge success) and the "formula" will be pumped out with minor variations until the limited range Hasbro will allow is exhausted.

At that point, kiss the current generation goodbye as it's dropped into the same hole G1-G3 was. Since it worked out so well for a while, they'll make sure to keep the character trademarks and recycle them for the next MLP product line...but forget actual creativity.

That's not good business.
canonically there are more pretty background ponies than there are pretty main ponies
Does youtube count?
Happy Valentines Day! I hope you spend your day with your special some pony who may or may not be cheating on you and sleeping with your dog.
>It's like you didn't watch any other episodes

W-what of it?

I fast forward through the songs, because I can't stand the singing
What the fuck is tv?
Tomorrow, anon.
It's the 13th.
But all ponies are pretty anon.
>implying I have a dog
>implying I have a special some pony
>implying it's Valentine's Day
>implying you're not gay
Man, we got some industrial strength doomsayers in today.
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but some are prettier than others
you arent
I got responses! Stupid anons.
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Then she will simply die of a heart attack. You can't stop it.
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>I fast forward through the songs, because I can't stand the singing

you really should listen to them at least once, though, so you know what's going on and then just mute them on repeat viewings rather than fast fowarding
But Golden Harvest is not pretty at all
She'll just die of a heart attack in that case.

You should read all of the news articles WoTC's bigwigs made before they pretty much retired (whenever they felt they'd gotten as much as they could from the sinking ship).

Larson could be getting fucked in the ass with a sandpaper dildo and he'd still say that, because that's how it works when Hasbro is boss. They make it abundantly clear that if you make trouble and leave, you regret it. In a nice, legal, contractual manner of course- but you will get the equivalent of employment hell where-ever you go if you leave on bad terms.

Regardless of the actual truth, the second the creative head of MLP was off the project, the guns were to the heads of everyone else.
>That's not good business.
But it is, though. Otherwise every publicly-traded company in the world would be bankrupt.
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I've taken your criticisms on board and redone it. I think she's much cuter this way.
I'm broken Anon
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simply untrue
Remember Star Wars? Remember when it was good?

And then the Prequels happened?

Remember that?
Hey remember that guy?
Anything's better than the fate Hasbro has in store for her.
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Anon please. I try my hardest, doesn't that count?
I like the prequels more.

You may stone me now.
Lucas knew exactly what he was doing, though. Fucker made loadsamone on the movies and the related merch.
Even if you're right about all the business thing, you're still full of shit and I don't understand why are you even here. I really hope you leave after this saturday, I'm still enjoying this show so far.
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But Episode 3 was semi-okay
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And I agree. Shame she already taken in the show.

Samefag. A bloo bloo he will never come back. A bloo bloo.
>he knew exactly what he was doing
>he made loads of money

Just imagine how much more money he could have made if he hadn't made such shitty prequels.

I'm sure Hasbro's going to make a lot of money off of EG.

But they could be making more.

And if MLP had been owned by Disney (or Dreamworks) instead, you'd be looking at season 4 being helmed by Faust, same as S1, S2, and S3.

Some companies find an IP or develop it and take successful ones as far as possible. Hasbro strips other companies of whatever successful IP's they have, tinker with them, and aggressively eliminate any signs of creative development that doesn't match their models.

That is, they use their IP's to the point of exhaustion rather than nurture them, since the former produces more short-term profit and the latter smaller initial returns but a superior long-term one.
Lucas would've preferred the adoration he got from the first trilogy to the scorn and derision with piles of money from the prequels.

It's not like Star Wars wouldn't make money regardless.
It was the worst one of the bunch.
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I like that guy, though. He's the closest thing we have to an insider.

No, bro. He made boatloads. The fanboys gobbled everything up and the kiddies had their gay little toy commercials. Lucas did everything right, assuming his motivation was money, which it totally was.
A muffin floating in front of two pillows.

Is this some kind of metaphor?
Lucas made more money by making the prequels flash CGI jedifests than he would've by pandering to the "core" star wars nerd demographic
Taking the bait
That goofy smile is adorable.
It sounds like good business to me, just devoid of empathy, respectability, or concern for art.
But that's a pointless thing to hypothesize about, because Disney didn't make MLP, and likely never would've since it's whole intention was toys first, everything else second.
>And if MLP had been owned by Disney (or Dreamworks) instead, you'd be looking at season 4 being helmed by Faust, same as S1, S2, and S3.

I bet you are like those guys that think Google is a paradise.

Bad advertising model, because the public painted her enough as "discriminatory to the disabled", etc. etc.

Derpy got the boot because political correctness is huge in large corporation thought, and Hasbro's quite large.
I just don't get why they are soon hellbent on it. Do they really believe they are trying to save us or something? Or is it just a different type of shit posting?
You're ignoring the fact that he would have made even more money if he had just made a better film.
>Lucas would've preferred the adoration he got from the first trilogy to the scorn and derision with piles of money from the prequels.
No he fucking wouldn't. He had complete creative control AND he made shitloads of dosh. That's all he wanted. Like he gives even half a fuck about what the critics think.
>implying he couldn't have done both

It seems /v/ is back.
I'm goin to bed. Have fun shitposting everybody
power corrupts, wealth corrupts.
in different ways, but it still does.
I don't understand.
I read the messages and the words don't make no sense.
So I just look at the pretty picture.
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If you got transported to Equestria and turned into a little filly would you tell anyone or just try and find a home and fit in?
>discussing the business side of the cartoons industry is now shitposting
Okay, thanks for the update.
>like he gives even half a fuck about what the critics think

I'd believe he could've felt like that if he hadn't just sold the entire franchise to Disney
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But I just got here
fuck off
option B pls
unicorn pls
this will never happen
I'd try and fit in first then go to someone and explain what happened after I was set there.
Marvel comic book movies make money. X-men made money. Thor made money. Captain America made money. Iron Man 2 made money.

They all made money despite being shitty films.

The Avengers made a shitload more money. Why? Because it was actually a good movie, on top of being a successful franchise.
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Indeed. He shut down a respectable MMO of Star Wars for that abomination ToR and okay the Kinect Star Wars game, which rape the childhood of so many fan. That faggot just want money, even if it destroy any meaning to the franchise.

I shut up about it and try to fit in.

>not realizing Fluttershy-Pie in the finale is a nod to Pinkie/Surprise's original design
captain america was decent
the latest x-men movie was good
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>If you got transported to Equestria and turned into a little filly

Yes, please.
if i suddenly became a qt earth-pone filly, i wouldn't say anything, but just look for some nice a pone couple to shelter me. if i was asked about my past i'd say that i don't remember
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Why is it the apple fillies that are the cutest in the show?
>He shut down a respectable MMO of Star Wars
To be fair it had turned to shit with the combat "upgrade" and new game enhancement patches.
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Because you're wrong.
Captain America was my favorite of the Avengers lead-ins.

Thor was kinda meh but I will agree Iron Man 2 was a stinker. The only one I liked less was The Incredible Hulk.
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It's natural
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>all these mongoloids wanting to be earth ponies
Do I keep my mental capacities and knowledge? If so, I'll probably try to tell Twilight and Celestia as fast as I can.
I'd probably go see the mayor first though, just to get to a shelter or something: it may be a good idea to fake amnesia too.
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three days

Nope. Hired on with WoTC when they were just forming the retail chain and buying out Game Parlors, still have tubs full of old Magic boosters from my product points I burned at the end of the employee benefits program, and if you knew my name, you could find me in the "Contributors" section of the Prima guide to the CCG they made, waaaaay back when all we had out was Base Set/Jungle (and Fossil was brand new).
>wanting to be a worthless mudhorse

you people are weird
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Before what?
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I want to cum inside owl
>3 days 4 times
>not a colt but a filly
Jawsome. so when can I lez it up with my waifu?
I'd be a unicorn filly and use my magic for sex and have sex with older ponies and stallions.
Holy shit.

You're older than I am.
I know that but it doesn't mean the game was made by the love of Star Wars to a point they research an EWOK cartoon for the game.
Wasn't that from the series that was done by three artists? I like how it was done by three of different skill level.

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What's with the masterrace?
But Captain America was good.
I dunno about that, Art-Anon may have been drawing for longer but I like Kraut's style better
Why was he finally so awesome in JfS?
pinkie is the only earth pony who can do bullshit
Kraut has a style? It looks like shit.
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I wish Kraut would stop being ded.
>all these anons get turned into fillies and transported to Equestria
>they all claim memory loss
>Fluttershy starts a home for all the anon fillies because theres so many

Applejack is strong too.
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It was just a ruse man, look how he worded that to start shit.
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Nice opinion anon.
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i don't want to have an unfair advantage over other earth ponies
He was here yesterday starting drama.
It was fucking terrible.
I'm only stating fact.
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Was it really a ruse? I don't like Kraut's style either.
Except for the part where it wasn't at all.
How so?
Damn shame. I was hoping a position would open up.
So you'd rather be oppressed than be an oppressor. I guess that's laudable.

Enjoy being my slave.
rarifag pls


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I will never understand the amount of flak Kraut got from mlpg
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What do you think AJ prefers
Hard Apple Cider
Apple based liqueur
I've got some positions that open up, if you know what I mean.

Second harvest
I think she likes more her own cider.

Get it?
He does that all the time. He's the worst kind of attention whore. A dishonest and lying one.
It was so sudden, everyone loved him for a few weeks.
Send me some nuggest will ya?
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I swear to god...there was an effort.

Why would you want to be part of that group?

/sp/ pls i love you so much and can't wait for the NFL draft
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Oh anon~
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There's not caring for a person's style and then there's shitposting.
I think his name got pulled on that Bingo thing.
Bah, I don't get it either. I think I'm too oblivious to these things. I never spot anything, even if I spend a tremendous amount of time here.
klondike you forgot to draw her neck
Look at >>8231250
I'm looking at your opinion.
How did you know that was him? He didn't use a trip or anything.
i don't like kraut's style
i don't like art-anon's style
i don't like sb's style
i don't like jessy's style
i don't like tess's style
i don't like glitter glue's style
i don't like equestria prevail's style
i don't like rose's style
i don't like mewball's style
i don't like corwin's style
i don't like obsidian's style
i don't like ciircuit's style
i don't like noel's style
i don't like xieril's style
i don't like lk's style
i don't like doctor white's style
i don't like cosmo's style
i don't like smile's style
i don't like jj's style
i don't like 0r0's style
i don't like madmax's style
Why not. SB's work pretty much got me drawing.
It's really not a style. You look at every beginning brony artist and you'll see Kraut is just a dime a dozen.
holy shit i love this

>tfw no one will ever draw "Too many Surprises"
I like his style.

Glad you like my style anon.
Are you me? After all these years I tend to avoid all this drama shit and stop caring.
He's new at art and got good very quickly.

So the non-contributing and failed-contributing anons got very jealous.

Also he's insecure about his work, as all good new artists are, so they hateanons sense blood in the water and went in for the kill.

I see absolutely nothing surprising about this at all.
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I like King Cheetah's style.
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>>8231013 gets what I mean. Being creative and original means taking a risk, and that means, in Hasbro's case for a risk big enough to easily eat millions of dollars in losses for a failure.

For them, it's best business to NOT be creative and let other people take those risks. There's a reason why Hasbro makes sure they keep the Star Wars line rolling along, for example. No real effort needed creatively in developing things, just make toy, sell toy, know property is popular, hence you will sell enough toys to make bank.

When they bought Avalon Hill, they didn't have the development people kept. In fact, when other companies wanted to use AH ideas/old products, Hasbro quashed any and all requests, made a few "variant rules" versions of Risk and the like, slapped the AH label on them because it was an easy way to attract older gamers, and called it a day.

There's a plentiful pile of previously produced games that will never, ever see the light of day again because Hasbro judged them both too risky to reproduce and too risky to sell to someone else, lest they figure out how to spin them into gold and take a bite out of Hasbro's market share.

Innovation from outside sources is -dangerous- to Hasbro. They'd much rather recycle old, proven designs with just enough of a tweak to make them "modern"- especially if that can mean a cheaper promotional cycle by, say using a really easy and inexpensive animation system to make their toys hop around on the TV until little girls bite on the hook.

Faust actually -loving- the characters and idea enough to give it some life was not in their expectations. It'd be like handing someone the contract to do "Furby: The Animated Series" and realizing after they were done that you'd somehow gotten an epic sci-fi show out of the studio and hordes of adults were demanding you give Fuzzy Lumpy more screen time.

It literally is incomprehensible to Hasbro, which is why you're seeing what happen, happen.
Is that the record for "time before a baby alligator eats a block"?
Her tummy looks weird but it IS cute, nigga.

Thanks a bunch!
I still want to fuck Madmax's OC
Oh so that how it works? You improve quickly and eveyone wants to smell your farts. Nice to know.
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1.98 MB
1.98 MB GIF
he should do more requests and actually finish pictures once in a while
>it looks like all these other people
>none of whom I hate

Right. The comparison was simply to show contrast between Hasbro's development vs. other "children's show" makers.
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>Not in this list
>Because I'm not even worth being judged
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77 KB
GG's changeling is named alicore you simpletons.
He started out good. Then I took a vacation for a week or two and when I came back more people disliked him. I tried to stick up for him, but I've decided not to take sides anymore.
>improve quickly

He did but if you noticed he put in a shit ton of effort.
He had a huge sketch book filled with just poses and he still keeps that up if you follow his tumblr.
>my name isn't in here
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165 KB JPG
She's saying she's an alicorn, you backwater rube.
Yeah, I knew what you meant. Good posts by the way.
My name isn't on here. Oh thank god.
>i like kraut's style
>i don't remember art-anon's style
>i like sb's style
>i like jessy's style
>i don't like tess's style
>i don't like glitter glue's style
>i don't know equestria prevail's style
>i like rose's style
>i don't know mewball's style
>i don't like corwin's style
>i don't like obsidian's style
>i don't know ciircuit's style
>i kinda like noel's style
>i don't like xieril's style
>i like lk's style
>i don't like doctor white's style nor do I think he has one yet or even really tries
>i don't like cosmo's style
>i don't know smile's style
>i don't like jj's style
>i like 0r0's style
>i like madmax's style

I'd feel kinda weird, considering- well, male and all that. Yeah, definitely time to find someone with Lots-O-Magic(tm) and get things straightened out.

At least to getting to be a little colt instead, reverting to childhood is a treasure wasted on the young.
>He had a huge sketch book filled with just poses and he still keeps that up if you follow his tumblr.
yeah. he posts a new sketchdump pretty much every day.
but he hasn't posted anything for almost a week. he hasn't liked any of the stuff his tumblr friends did and he didn't say anything in skype either. i'm a little worried.
Of course he did.

That's the only way to improve. And if all the jelly hateanons put in effort, they'd get good too.

But they haven't got the will power.
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1.98 MB GIF
I don't know whether I should be happy to be there or not.
What the fuck
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1.12 MB GIF

Crossed the 40-line months back, yep.

Yes, that means I was old enough to remember My Pretty Pony.
Pinkie Pie
>i don't like kraut's style
>i don't like art-anon's style
>i don't like sb's style
>i don't like jessy's style
>i don't like tess's style
>i like glitter glue's style
>i like equestria prevail's style
>i like rose's style
>i don't like mewball's style
>i don't like corwin's style
>who is obsidian?
>she's annoying
>i like xieril's style
>i don't like jj's style
>i like 0r0's style. The guy is a douche though.
>i don't like madmax's style
>I don't like circlejerks
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993 KB PNG
She's sleeping anon quiet down
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this is incredibly depressing, knowing that not only are they going to ruin this franchise, but they actively buy and destroy other franchises as a model of business.
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178 KB PNG
Pinkie, pls.
mom and dad aren't home
perhaps I could be your pinkie pie tonight

Begone from these threads, ye faget of tremendous pulchritude.
Does she even sleep? It seems she browses the General the whole day!
>What is EA
MLPG help me make a grocery list.
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353 KB PNG
Just focus on the 2 seasons we had that were amazing.

Gotta take the bad times with the good.
Oh fuck I stumbled into the day thread.
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159 KB JPG
You mean Seasons 2 and 3?
i want to give birth to pinkie pie
>Coffee Mug

Instructions: Kill yourself.
Nah man we're always nice to NEW drawfags. I think I saw the first BDF shitposter a few days ago though.
why don't you take a picture
it'll will last longer
But I enjoyed season 3. I don't give shits enough about headcanons to care about Twilycorn.
>Instructions: Kill yourself.

I don't think they sell that at the store, silly.
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2.96 MB GIF
well anonymity has both advantages and disadvantages
Rubber gloves
>I think I saw the first BDF shitposter a few days ago though.
Hahaha, really?
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Rib eyes, whole breast chicken or salmon, eggs, turkey breast, challah bread, broccoli, zuchini, mushrooms, potatoes, black beans, white rice, hummus, strawberries, watermelon, and ice cream.
What kind of third world shithole do you live in man?
BDF as a shitposter? Or someone shitting on BDF?

He doesn't sound like the kind to shitpost.
all the ponies you can find
>that .gif

Oh god mah drills
every time mewball puts himself down I'm going to remove a bit of one of the seams from my $1000 lyra plush
Cute pones doing cute things.

The whole reason I come to this terrible place.
I enjoyed it to, but I just can't shake the feeling that it was less enjoyable than the other 2 seasons and it's impossible to look at it objectively.
The latter. I remember what they said but I'd prefer not to repeat it just so it doesn't catch on.
What request should I draw?
probably a jelly rosefag or an analblasted artist, since he seems (!) pretty selective about which artist he likes.
You have drillhair? Let's see it
>Cotton Candy
>Pink Frosting
>Cake Mix
>Plastic Wrap
>Dog Food
whichever you want
and then put panties on her
The easiest one.
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844 KB PNG
>Someone's already trying to scare BDF away
>not salmon, shrimp, potatoes, leeks, sour cream, lemon, carrots, butter, spinach and onions
File: 1360779510592.gif-(58 KB, 500x375, cheshire tries to leave MLPG.gif)
58 KB
there's more

fucking duplicate files
Is Pinkie going to another dimension?
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84 KB

Draw Poultry Posterior
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Pinkie is canon faster than Dash
The same reason people torture cats.
Just remind newer drawfags that there will always be anonymous hate without white knighting and it'll be fine.
Lube, condoms and a pineapple
Enjoy the cashier's looks
>tell someone you like their art
>no reply
>see someone else say the same
>"Oh hey you too."
>cry inside
Charity giving soup to hobo pone
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You don't need those. Not where we're going.
That is the ugliest Gilda I have ever seen.
He seems to be interested in most drawfags from here as far as I can tell
>implying mlpg will ever name another background pony

Yep. That's why Hasbro bought Wizards to begin with- it gave them a foothold in a part of the toy industry they didn't have before, was secure (cause Magic + Pokemon was the #1/#2 TCG's at the time), and it meant that instead of WoTC gnawing at their market share, they could instead buy it out and expand a bit in the process, adding some stable revenue streams to their own.

If you look back, you'll notice that post-buyout, Wizards rapidly stops producing stuff that isn't new editions of what they already made, narrows that down still further in a few years, and by 2004 has managed to antagonize what was one of WoTC's best corporate relationships (with Nintendo) into throwing lawsuits at each other instead.

Nintendo were pretty bro about things when we first got the TCG license rolling, it was fun expanding stuff like League play and helping run big regional tournaments and shit. I still get parents (and their grown kids) who happen by where I work now, just to thank me and chat about what it was like before Hasbro shitted it up and closed down the shops.

I know, it's just nostalgia feels, but feels good man
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Where are we going?
This will always be my favorite

It's exactly how I picture Dooks
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He looks like he came here to make art friends, and that's alright, at least he's not an annoying asshole like Lamar, BDF is a pretty nice guy.
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I lost it. Thank you, anon.
That's what I witnessed as well: I don't see where that selective feel Anon got comes from.
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>speed sketch I drew anonymously gets featured on EqAD
>fully rendered stuff I draw on my tumblr doesn't

I wonder if there's politics involved
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We're plotting a course!

Bonus points if you tell the cashier "No thanks, I'll bag that myself", unwrap the condom and pull it over the pineapple.
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279 KB PNG
Sounds eggheadish
>Celestia's song
my pain is constant and sharp and I do not wish for a better world for anyone; in fact I want my pain to be inflicted upon others
Dash, go back to the window.
>speed sketch I drew anonymously gets featured on EqAD
I thought they always tried to post sourced pics.
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>not this
you have to stop
i know what redheart is doing
they are nearing completion
i tried to stop it but they caught on and i barely made it out
they are perfecting a way to use it to make
>finish an art
>send it in
>no reply
>never goes up
>still nothing
>try one more time

I stay out of brony drama so I know I've never said or done anything that would make any EqD staff explicitly dislike me.
Get the bingo card out.
they try, I just posted it anonymously here
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I'd be okay with that.
At least something of yours got on without you sending it in. I've always had to send stuff in myself.

The only followers I got by getting on EqD are gone now since I restarted everything a while back.
Oh, hahaha.
I'm talking about EqAD. Different staff.

EqD is shit, and I don't want to have anything to do with them.
Oh, I didn't see the A.

I forgot that they existed.
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>MLP series 2 card packages revealed at Toy Fair
>Rainbow Dash is casually molesting Twilight's new wings
I don't even know what EqAD is.
I think you guys just need to calm down and have some fun.
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1.75 MB GIF
What IS EqAD?

I've heard it a few times but always assumed it was a part of EqD

I don't venture outside the general
Equestria After Dark.
Equestria After Dark
Equestria Daily After Dark. Full of porn.
It's like twice as big as her.
Watching this in slow-motion, I never noticed he comes down sitting on a chair because it disintegrates as soon as he lands
I've always been confused with that comic. Is it suppose to be serious or are there levels of irony I just can't comprehend?
In my case, he's barking up the wrong tree. I told him that I'm not an art-friend material. At least he's nice, that's true.
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No wonder I didn't know what it was. Thanks.

"Do those horns make you wingy- I mean do your horn when you wing- OH, FUCK IT LET ME SHOW YOU THAT WINGBONERS ARE MAGIC!"
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Wait, there's no "Daily" in there. I borked.
It was a site that Seth used to run that hosted porn.

When he started getting famous, he got nervous, so he handed the reigns over to somebody else. They actually run the place instead of letting it stagnate like Seth did.

Imagine and erotic EqD, but without all the bronies, drama, or Hasbro cock sucking.

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I go featured on EqAD once or twice. I was surprised.
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i got my own drawfriend
>tfw there's no tomorrow
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1.4 MB GIF

also had this one >>8228604
(with the same file name), but the piss has taken it again.
He seems nice but he's too secretive. I like drawfags who talk openly about their process, their influences, what they practiced. He's very evasive about those things even when asked directly. I get the sense that he's more experienced than he lets on, but I have no idea why he wouldn't want to talk about it or acts like he just picked up drawing one day and was magically good at it.
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1.78 MB GIF
>That second gif
I never made the headline image, but I got featured a few times.
>5 729 284 views
Oh my god.
File: 1360780439818.jpg-(34 KB, 519x445, laughing dooks and some m(...).jpg)
34 KB
>more experienced than he lets on

Fucking people posting images in the board.
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that doesn't surprise me at all

seems really low, actually
have we really been here for three hours
is this the end of zombie mlpg
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I don't think he acts like he suddenly got good at drawing. He's better than anyone here, at least in terms of cartoony style stuff.
I never got headlined either, got a #2 slot for my Twilight image that I worked on for a month. But that's about it.

okay how many do you guys actually have for me
cause they always make me laugh
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2.39 MB GIF
>Meta gifs
Christ, do they always design cartoons so sexually?
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1.21 MB GIF
>decide to check their recent drawposts
>I drew some porn recently so maybe it's there

I keep seeing people talking about drawfriends, and I always think it's eqd.

I'm going to shut up now.
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384 KB GIF

He says he started drawing a month ago.

I don't buy it.
Oh I remember that, it was a nice picture.

It could be either
>He says he started drawing a month ago.
Whaat? Screencap please.
neither do I

drawing ponys, maybe
>He says he started drawing a month ago.

Yeah, like TheForMLPGAnon right?

He probably started drawing PONIES a month ago.
Meta is so funny.
He might have started drawing ponies a moth ago. That I would believe.
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129 KB GIF
>a month ago
If he really said that, I dont believe him.
>BDF is actually a math teacher in his forties
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When asked directly if he meant in general or not he just handwaived it with some stuff about reading a lot of comics as a kid.
I love these

Who knows!

I dunno if you guys remember Pigfish, but he only had a month of digital drawing experience when he got popular.

"one month" could mean both "digitally" and "drawing ponies"
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95 KB
Would you draw ponies a moth?
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497 KB GIF
Holy shit.
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You probably misread or something. You can't get at that level of cross hatching in a month.
You know what? I've seen and heard so many strange stories that something like that wouldn't really surprise me.
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2.36 MB GIF
shes so pretty
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I always ranked my favorite ponies as Pinkie > the other 5 equally.

But, man, she looks so nice with wings, maybe she'll finally take the "second favorite pony" spot...
>that chubby belly
>you will never be the subject of a meta gif
I tried to ferret out the truth. Like I said, he keeps personal information close to the chest.

On the other hand people like Rose make no secrets about pretty much their entire life of art. I really appreciate that because I can see where she started out and how she got to where she is today in a continuous progression.
Maybe it's for the best
She looks so haughty.
Feels kinda bad.
I've been ready for a while now. Just waiting to see how all of this pans out.
>bitch I'm an alicorn now I fart pure light

I think it's hilarious
Why do people hate sentenal? He seems like an OK person.
You had to reply, didn't you?
Yoinks, and awaaay!
You too.
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71 KB
I've been there for a few months now and I don't see what all the fuss is about.
looks like it's the lps episode
You know that faggot Charles? Think him.
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77 KB
Who's Charles?
From accounting?
He fucking used all my sriracha sauce the other day.
When he first joined MLPG last year he had some obnoxious /b/tard and /soc/ tendencies that one person has held against him ever since.
Don't you fucking talk about my brother like that, you asshole.
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You know what? I'm ready. I don't care anymore. I've been watching this show for two years and a half. This is the first fandom I really got into. This is the first show that actually got me to a point of obsession. I've spent so much time here, I've watched the show, I followed interviews with VAs, with Lauren, with Jayson and so on I don't even care. And you know what.
Fuck all this shit.
I liked it
I liked S1. I liked S2. I liked S3. And the team cares. And the writers cares.
This guy got it >>8230585 >>8230596.

>tfw someone you know is sick
>tfw they won't leave you alone for a few days so you won't catch their shitty disease
>tfw coming down with what they had
>tfw hate
File: 1360781422146.png-(997 KB, 2000x2000, HATE.png)
997 KB
997 KB PNG
>He fucking used all my sriracha sauce the other day.
Murder him
>it's all one person
I hope all the shitposters leave one day.

That's because he's cleaned up his act a bit.
Then why are you still here?
>I will fight autism with autism
>there is no way this plan can ever backfire
how do you use all of somebody's sriracha sauce?

I mean the last of it, sure. But it's not like somebody has ever emptied an entire bottle.
File: 1360781561514.gif-(1.24 MB, 227x136, Anonymous screening Season 4.gif)
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1.24 MB GIF
There are excellent therapies to lessen the symptoms. There's even medicine being developed right now.
>there will never be a PONIES the Anthology 3
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840 KB PNG
>I filed all your work for you, can I go now?
Hope Corps reporting in

Blue shines bright all across the year

More pone becons!
Wouldn't that mean there would have to be a 2 first?
I'm not sure I want that
The second one was pretty shit
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195 KB PNG
Good, the first one was okay but the second one...dude I couldn't finish it.
The first one was okay.

The second one was WAY too tryhard.
No, let's fuck.
Krobo is the only person who can make decent pony poops.

I still laugh at Friendship is Gic.

The grand galloping collab was better anyway
There was a 2. It ended up being overbloated with mediocre stuff because they didn't want to cut anything.
I'll be there with you man. There's lots of doubt floating around, but I've been surprised by the show staff before so I'll stay hopeful that they can do it again.
I want to court a zebra enchantress.
They wanted it to run long so it would seem more impressive.

"Two hours? Whoa!"
The only thing I remember form the second one was the Monk one.
I loved that show and that song.

It's a jungle out there
You're asking lightning to strike twice

me too, brah
I remember the 2001 one
What happened?
I bought a bottle of green Tabasco one day and some fucker took it home. They also threw away my honey when cleaning out the fridge, because "it went bad."


The Protection cover is falling apart
I think they just didn't want to tell their contributors that their work wasn't good enough.
I liked the Lemongrab, bit. That was it.



>unfortunately, all you can find are timberwolves
I hate those -licious things
They always make me cringe
oh god why
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But you can only choose one
I like that feeling when you're taking a woman from behind and she pushes back into you just a bit on every stroke, and her cheeks bounce against you. I bet a pony would be like that only moreso.
Well, I wouldn't really mind such humans.
He is probably one of my favorite characters of all time.

He's what you get if you combined Twilight and Rarity. And those are my two favorite ponies.

I'll take the squiggly one please.
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
too many pinkie pies
File: 1360782148380.jpg-(108 KB, 572x478, hoot.jpg)
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108 KB JPG
Twilight pls go
Zero, a new personal best
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can I get an image of Charity?
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No offense but your butt is pretty yellow.
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77 KB
I could snap at any moment and just beat somebody to a pulp who pisses me off even a little.

Faggots are afraid of me, I am exactly like the driver, although nobody has given me a chance to display my bottled up fury.
You get DD
If humanized pony porn becomes more popular, to the point at which there is an abundance of it, I will begin to treat MLP like Wakfu.

That is to say- I still won't watch it, but I'll fap like crazy to the porn of it online.
File: 1360782333583.png-(1.82 MB, 1650x1500, work is never over.png)
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Work harder.

A good start.

You dare not speak to your Princess that way.
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0. In fact. I bet I can take one clone and no one would know she is missing.
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I would you Fluttershy but Rarara is better.
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I hate Pinkie Pie so much that I pretend every enemy I encounter in video games is her
Is the left dude Egoraptor?
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A good pairing.
Are you sure every enemy you encounter in a video game isn't Pinkie Pie?

Think about it.
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Pinkie Pie is the only pony in the MLP game I don't own
why do people keep wearing glasses like these
the Gameloft one?
How? she's like one of the first ones you can buy.
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grump pls
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Indeed. inb4 cottonball.
>Lyra will never, ever finish that gum.
I didn't buy her

I'm just kidding bro. I love all the ponies
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Don't say "faggot", Nathan. You'll make Karen angry.

For some reason that reminded me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp32TigGfZk
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I know bro
They should at least post the superior ship
>not songtail
it sure is pleb in here
>my eyes gravitate to her butt
What have you done to me MLPG?
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>They should at least post the ded ship
why would I do that?
Fluttershy's making eyes on Rainbow Dash...
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But you can't get best pony without getting the pink one first.

Sacrifices must be made.
Because that's what you're doing right now.
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I think they like eachother
Is Rarity's leg okay?
holy shit Luna is fucking tall
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>tfw that ship died with Tess
>Generic Mart Co. LLC
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Oh shut up. He'll return. You'll see. Till then I 'll just use other artists
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Is the game worth it if you are too lazy to bug it and dupe shit?
So apparently Celestia gets a song in the finale, too.
It's cute and kind of fun, no reason not to try it since it's free.

Well, things like that happen when you palate swap your sprites.
If you want to spend $500 or grind for 20 years?

There's no way to return from Equestia, anon. He's gone but happy.
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>all this shipping
>meanwhile EG version of pones are going to have boyfriends
it's a nice butt
I miss him. I hope he's able to come back.
artists keep quitting pone or even going ded. it keeps happening.
it's even worse when they don't announce it, but just leave.
But it smells like bug.
You should draw her singing.
Btw, did you ever finish that humanized Celestia?

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>tfw no closure
>implying I won't ship them anyway
No she can transform her smell too
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Me too anon me too.
I said I'll wait for him. And I will do this. Even if years pass and this place dies I'll still be here waiting for him

Eh. I don't think I would. I got all the ponies I could back when the free pony hack was still working. I certainly wouldn't pay any money for it, and the mini games are repetitive as hell.

And all those parasprites, and randomly spawning rocks make it necessary to pave over everything, so ponyville looks more like a parking lot when you're done.

It is free though, and you get Twilight right off the bat, so I guess that's something, at least.

>implying canon will get in the way of our precious lesbian horses
>Equestria Girls
Will there be a pony in the sky for me?
But the minigames, especially the ball one, are extremely relaxing
Yeah, if you can reach her.

>denying canon

How brony of you.
But EG is not related to the pony show.
I guess the shitty german comics are canon too
>Equestria Girls

The article said something about sending the cast to Earth. If that isn't related to the show then I don't know what is.
I bet you think Season 1 is canon too!
can she smell like the pink one?
>tfw no closure
that feel.
that fucking feel.
I was worried about Tess pretty a few days after he stopped posting.
People disappearing on the internet often gets me very worried, since i had someone close going missing in real life years ago.
still no trace.
and having no closure is one of the worst feeling you can imagine.
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How does the pink one smell?
They are canon, to me...
The main cast
And aparently Trixie too. And Twilight will give up being a Princess and magic like Dash will give up flying to stay in the human world for untold seasons.

They meant that the characters will be the same not that the ponies are going there
like pink
Can you please stop doing that, Pinkie?
it's basically All Grown Up spinoff

Hasbro will pretty much tell it's terrible due to word of mouth, hope it'll cash, it'll release and suprise suprise it's fucking DmC tier medicore
Shut up Terry
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>How does the pink one smell?

With her nose.

Of course.

It isn't over till the fat pony sings.
>All my friends are here. And Applejack too.
What was the point of the flashback at the start of the ep? all it did was show us that Dash was disappointed, which was already obvious.
Pinkie Pie has sung on multiple occasions.
You just got friendzoned by your pony waifu

wat do?
Have friend sex
call her a gay faggot human
be her friend, duh
go fuck fluttershy
Friendzone her back
I would be alright with that. I would just hit on another pony.
Friendzone isn't a thing.
What's "friendzoned"?
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>german comics
What if I don't have a waifu?
>Let's just be friends
they are horses. i rut her whenever i want.
It's when you're nice to a girl and then she doesn't have sex with you, therefore she's a bitch.

Maybe they just wanted to emphasize it given the fact that it comes up later in the episode.
Friends can have sex with each other, right?
Besides, who would she be to refuse a good meal?
>kraut comics
I miss him so much.
99.9% of me loves my waifu and would do whatever it takes for her
0.1% disagree and say that second best pony is better and love her.
If that happen then that 0.1% will start laughing at the 99.9%, call them faggots, do a victory dance and then go after second best pony.
Quit being a bitch
Can I still learn about Equestrian History and magic?
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>implying Celestia doesn't outweigh her by a significant margin
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Commit ponoeku
I thought it was when you were hoping to be romantic with someone but they aren't interested in you and you resign yourself to non-romantic interactions and pursue someone else? Or is that something else?
That guy just being bitter. Must be past experience.
It's when you ask a girl for cuddles and they say no.
You're right, that's what it means.
I think he was being sarcastic
I think he's just joking. I hope
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i miss pre depression Kraut
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Im havin a feel m8
He's in a better place now.
mfw their boyfriends will be useless spors players and honors students
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I'm not watching this shit.
ponies of indeterminate sexual preference
Kraut was a great guy and an awesome contributor.
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Lie down and wait for Death to come and take me
Though it was probably inevitable
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my best guess is that he got sucked into the competition mindset and he stopped having fun.
which is a shame since he's the only german on the planet who has a sense of humor
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>mfw one of their boyfriends with be a brony
You promised me pony bimbofication fics.

He's having tons of fun in tumblr with his friends.
It could happen!
Im no stranger to chicktoons but im not watching "You're Waifu Getting Fucked Right In Front You, Choke on IT Horsefucker: The Animated Series"
Wait. He left? Why are you all speaking in past?
Is Rarity a zombie, or is she closing her eyes do to an orgasm?
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>he's the only german on the planet who has a sense of humor
Anon hat him.
It's a bodypillow.

It's a bodypillow of Rarity in a lewd position. Did you lose your glasses anon?
porn related Furry Drama.
>which is a shame since he's the only german on the planet who has a sense of humor
But what about me, anon
Fuck Anon. That guy's a jerk.

He left because of that porn tumblr, right? What a shame.
I'm not a clever pony
No, he left because he's depressed and anon keep making fun of him.
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in terms of porn he'd be Tess 2.0
it wouldn't be fappable at all.
i'd rather see him returning to fun stuff.

Are those Princess Luna's special grilled cheese sammiches that Spike has fixed for Rarity?

>ReiDuran's art posted on /v/
>shit storm naturally follows.
I feel kind of bad for it, since it's so nice.
But does Rei have a dumping ground? I realilzed the Pinkie Dante is the only thing of his I have saved.
But the "fun stuff" wasn't fun for him.
Only on the Hub.
>ReiDuran's art posted on /v/

Also, he has a tumblr and a DA.
Here it is. Obviously not a good set of reactions.
Haha, it's a fucking pony picture. No wonder they shit themselves.
I will never for the life of me understand why people get so angry over innocuous crossover fanart.

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