03/22/12(Thu)15:38 No. 761622 File: 1332445134.png -(242 KB, 500x377, tumblr_lhbszroOIL1qh1ps6o1_500.png ) From the last thread:>>761475 I'm usually in the late-night/midnight threads (PST, anyway) and did a 20 minute stream last night. If there's a new song this Saturday I might stream working on that.>>761499 I just don't let it bug me much. My first reaction to that comment was "Ew", then I found more productive uses of my time. I still let a few things slip— the infinite chants of "ALL OF IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME ALL THE TIME" are criticism I actually use, so it does kind of sting to get it again and again despite my efforts to spin a somewhat hard-to-spin genre— but for the most part I acknowledge that there will always be stupidity, and simply by participating on the internet I will get splashed with some.>>761492 Glad you do! I've changed what I use for the riff, the bass AND even the drum samples (mostly), so hopefully it's something new and interesting!