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Think of you favorite pony. Got it? She has an episode written by Merriwether Williams. How do you feel about and do you worry that she might mess up your favorite character?
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Zecora who let you mark?
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Prepare for the cringe.
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I don't fucking care, I like my ponies no matter what.
Yes we know stop linking it.
I feel like we should have gotten an episode preview by now
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Cute Quest in about two hours. I-if you want, that is.
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I thought I was the first to link it...
Fuck man.
Where can I find the other Cute quest sessions.
Because we've been getting 2 a week this whole season haven't we? And it's already Wednesday.
Unless I'm going crazy.
I'm fucking glad we haven't
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What is this /pony/? Since when do we treat Merriweather like the worst writer ever? Has everyone forgotten about Stephanie Meyer?
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Spoiler Image, 133 KB
>this comes to ponyville
what do
>My friend manages to spill his spaghetti all over Joe
Which one was your "friend"
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They're still up on the sub. I don't believe anyone is capping them, if that's what you're asking.

Session 1:

Session 2:

Working on a better page for Aspirants quests.
>no previews
>suddenly itunes leaks the whole episode friday afternoon
>Knowing people in that video
I sure hope they dont know about your pony power level, or else you're going down with them.
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I never really cared for these videos of his, he obviously seeks out the most stereotypical of X in his videos. I'm all for making fun of ponychan autism but it gets old.
It's like a foot tall, if that. Spike steps on it.
Tell him to cut his damn hair.
I couldn't watch it.
I just can't mentally take it anymore.
I'd have to cut mine first because mine is longer. But yeah.
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Oh, hey! Didn't know you were doing that for this one. Thanks, Sent!
Twilight needs some more of that jew gold
At what time in the video does Braeburn come on?
46 seconds.
Fuck, that wwas one shitty cosplay. Don't tell him.
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The fuck is that?!
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>Being a grown man with long hair
>Especially that long

Eh, could've been worse.

Thanks for capping, man.

And holy shit those girls who came on right after him. Although they don't sound too happy to be there.
I like the show's official clipart. It's sort of a remnant from early 2010, from before
all this

(plus they're cute)
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>"yiff yiff yiff"
I would.
She hasn't so far so Imma say no. Even if she has done some of my least favorite episodes you guys tend to overplay it.
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I only have 2 of this though, does anyone have similar comics?
>Pinkie with glasses
I'd the one on the left. The one on the right has arms that look like they'd snap in a light wind.
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dude they look about 15
she'd scarily skinny
>English handwriting
Pinkie with glasses is best Pinkie
I'm just waiting for it to be in the show
>tfw petite skinny girls are your fetish
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That's alright, mayte. Only 1 year off legal.

That sounds like a good episode to me.
>subtle shipping

Damn, this picture would be so much better with a happy ending when she realizes she's adorable.
Rarity gets a Merriweather episode?

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It's a great feel.
Holy shit this is great.
>Merriweather episode
so um


was wrinter wrap-up, like, a fluke or something

cuz damn
>Rarity gets a Merriweather episode?
But I thought Rarity cared about material things, like her social stats
I feel more fan comics need happy endings. I know sad pony is popular and all but happy pony is just more...happy.
>pedophiles on the internet
Does this honestly surprise or disgust anyone anymore? Does sharing a website with those who are aroused by underage kids upset people?
He's responding to the OP.
>Does sharing a website with those who are aroused by underage kids upset people?

Yes. As it should.
Well this one in particular would have been a nice little surprise at the end if she just got all bouncy because she realized she was adorable.
In it's current form it's really just an exact duplicate of a scene from the show which is zero creativity.
>why are people offended and disgusted when I tell them how much I want to have sex with children? gosh you guys are so prudish and naive
Surprise? No
Disgust? Yes, because I still have morals despite coming to 4chan
>But I thought Rarity cared about material things, like her social stats

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Happy pone is best pone
I think the point is we should be talking about ponies and not that.
dammit gg stram where

>everyone is a prude, why cant they accept I want to stick my dick in underage girls

I made it up. No, seriously.
>Toot propelled pony.gif
I will never understand how people have this mentality of 4chan being "anything goes and is accepted". Fucking kids is wrong and you should feel bad.
nice try, pedo.
What is with you tootfags and fluttershy?

Fluttershy is always doing acrobatic shit like that. I bet she has great subconscious control of her wings even though consciously she's a shitty flier.
>yiff yiff yiff
To be honest those two girls actually made me laugh.
It has something to do with her monotone and irritated look.
GG isn't even online.
Yeah, if you want to fuck kids, you should go to reddit, they have boards for that.
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I heard she has excellent control over her ears
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I fixed the cheek problem this had earlier.

Anyone have any simple requests? Willing to take at least one for practice because I'm too uncreative to think of anything. No guarantee I'll finish timely though.

I agree, they do have boards for that shit.
man, fluttershy is really bad at flying
Pedophiles deserve respect for being able to contain their urges and not molesting children

What's the difference?
>trying to start this shit up again

No, your all gettign reported

it should stay in the last thread where it belongs

go to /b/ or soemthing instead

Except that child molesters are paedophiles.
oh, you guys
Which cartoon has sexiest characters?
How about Rarity sewing?
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Fluttershy is so fucking cute.
Pinkie booping a smal Pinkie doll
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Wow, Joe seems like a real bro, I'd love to hang out with him
bananas in pajamas
A pedophile is someone who is attracted to children.
A child molester is someone who molests children.
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All thing consider, what can the worst Merriwether Williams do to Rarity anyways? There was the part she was a whore in PYHD and then being the guardian of Spike in Dragon Quest.
boku no pico
Oh my god why are we talking about this.
pinkie squeezing fluttershy in a hug


2.3/10 would not grow old with and have deformed ponyhuman offspring to raise
Based off of the R34, Kim Possible.


I saw no penetration nigga. She threw on her swag.
don't fall for the >guaranteed replies guy AGAIN, mlpg

we literally JUST picked ourselves up from this EXACT SAME FUCKING POINTLESS ARGUMENT
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Always with the jumper. Like the sweater vests for Twilight Sparkle. Or the shirt for AJ.
if reddit is for pedophiles then why do the cmc voice actors go there
Wakfu has criminal amounts of legs, hips and ass for a children's cartoon.
Which pone would have best mutant mulatto offspring?

because they want to get fucked.
Will try this one >>6325264

May try this one later. >>6325257

would not fuck

Everyone has their kinks anon.
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I dunno, she was tempting the nerd to giving that veggie of his. That no swag at all but just whoring herself to get his attention.
Don't fucking start with the pedophile shit
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And delicious brown skin
for hot neckbeard pedophiles, obviously

girls love guys like that
I agree.
they can go wherever they like on the internet

it's the pedophiles lusting after them that are in the wrong, you utter utter moron
I don't think a lot of people who aren't in touch with the internet know about those parts of reddit.
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Oh god. I'm so sorry. I never meant to shit up the thread. Goin' anon and posting pony. Let us never speak of this again.

>to get his attention

Except her goal was the veggies? If she wants attention all she has to do is walk around, she's best looking pone in town.
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You must think every girl is a whore then
A homicidal maniac is someone who plays violent video games
A serial killer is the one who has played them for too long, and has forgotten the difference between games and reality
>applejack always checks her hat for spiders and Pinkie after that
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joe pls

for fucks sake mlpg

we literally had this same argument last thread

hell i'll wager these are the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE

stop talking about bullshit and begin ponying already
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hat fucking duck.
>deformed ponyhuman

Centaurs are a noble species, Anonymous.
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There looking best and then there acting like a slut to get what she want. Who know how far she would go with that nerd just to get that veggie.
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>no fun allowed
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>in MLPG
I think serial killers existed before video games.
>Pedophile trying to steer the discussion away from his child lust.

>all dat autism
Oh, Nathan.

>who knows how far she'd go for those veggies

Good lord anon, they're just fuckin vegetables. And it's not like we see her going around and doing this all the time, she's done it like twice off the top of my head.
Yes, but video games make more.

That's why rates of murder are skyrocketing all over the country.
u jelly
having the same argument over and over shitting on all the threads isn't any semblence to funny

it's fucking boring
>e3 2012
>injured dude on floor begging for his life
>dumfuck presenter laughs and blasts him in the face with a shotgun, predictable response
>crowd whoops and cheers and hollers

it's like that scene in robocop, only instead of biting social satire it's completely unironic
that's why i don't really enjoy videogames
she could be better
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Centaurs are prideful and arrogant as fuck. There no noble one. The only exception is Fluttertaur though.

come on

pls come


Just stop it

Just tell me

what are you listening to?
i liked the saddle-arabian visitors
Where are you getting this information?
It sounds like some really scientific shit.
>Playing shooters
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check the fbi reports

you'll see that violent crime rates skyrocketed after gta 3 came out

Oh, you know, just some linkin park. Gets my blood pumpin when I feel like strangling shitheads posting /soc/ stuff.
Twocsinak & DJ Sarah Wilson
>even redditors know this guy is autismal as fuck
Have any new clips for this weeks episode come out yet?
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But Rarity isn't shy when it comes to affection in public when you think about it.
Do you have any proof the two are actually related? Or are you just talking out of you ass?
>linkin park
>le shiggy diggy face.tiff
I don't need any evidence to prove what I know in my heart to be true.

Because she's not an insecure mess of a person.
I know, but it's kind of silly when people so desperately seek GAMES ARE ART validation, then turn around and get huffy and defensive when their 'art' is critiqued in any way other than 'the disc holds the disc really well in the box, and man shoot is always fun'
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Nope. Maybe Friday is when they might show Scootaloo being in her worst moment in her life.
So is everyone in Saddle-arabia a horse? I hope they have an episode there one day.
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The joke is that it accentuates my edginess anon.

Eleventh time today.
I want to stick my dick in that underage horse.
>Correlation implies Causation
Which pony is most likely to give a blowjobin publicon the dance floor of a crowded club?
Honestly? I think it was just a convenient horse pun. It would be interesting though!

assuming they've not already forgotten about the crystal ponies

Ponk, obviously.
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Why aren't you loving?
Look, we just don't know, anon, we just don't know.
I don't think many people go to COD when they try to claim a video game is art. Anyway, this conversation has nothing to do with pony.

What do you fine fellow think the next episode will be like? What are you hoping to see?

Yep, gonna have to go with ponk. Party hard and all that jazz.
>Cadance doesn't make another appearance
haha what
That's a 4chan argument for you.
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She went overdramtic most of the time in public though.
I think it's funny how Rarity using charm to get asparagus for a friend makes her a slut.

I hope it's a troll tbh
Where's the club
I'll love you right up your ass you fuck
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>Roisin Murphy will never shout "RAMESES, COLOSSUS" in your face.
What's the point of living?
but she's aware of what she is doing and it's for the sake of levity.

Not to be taken seriously, as even she admits she's fucking around
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Of fucking course it is, it's all trolling and it's getting fucking old.
>I think it was just a convenient horse pun.

it actually came from a Facebook poll Hasbro did a while back as to where Silver Surfer/Candyass honeymoon would be.

Manehatan won though.
>Goo Cadance
>She slips herself under your clothes and stays like a skintight suit for an entire day, literally wrapping you in love.
I drew attention to a mistake you made. Now you can think about what you've done.
Merriweather episode notes:
>oh boy it's a twilight sparkle needs to go do shit episode
>here's TWILY and cadance again
>oh no, princess celestia can't do anything to help
>something something mumble friendship aaaand
>the day is saved
Because I'm obessing. So there's no chance of being loved back.

>visual Novels
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I've been listening to [this] but I have no idea what's the name of it
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Can we talk dreams now
I'm not that anon you silly goose.
That outfit looks quite good on Pinkie, I think.
Isn't that Maghan?

Let's not start that shit, I was supposed to link to >>6325466
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How much of a brony would I be if I use a pony avatar on steam?
Sick beats

oh my goodness it didn't take much for my imagination to go flying there
oh well then just quit responding
It's still tied to the same thing you cited (correlation != causation), but actually the FBI reports on violent crime showed that there was decrease when GTA III came out.
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What does a bag of sand feel like?

That's pretty fucking brony

>not hiding your powerlevel
>not using your own ingame screenshots for avatars

Get on my level.
Literally worse than Hitler
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Holy crap that's terrible. Superior mule coming through.

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A-Trak - Tuna Melt (with Tommy Trash)
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>implying classic unicorn isn't best
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Though it unhealthy if one (Rarity) keep doing that in public just to get attention.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA1eV73Tft8 for those not in the US.
I just use a random NES sprite most of the time.

It can always fit, and it's easily recognizable even when it's really small.
Reu pls.
A horse with no name, actually.


>five minutes later
>name this new character
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>you will never spoon feed rarity ice cream when she is feeling down
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Why aren't you drawing?
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I dunno, I use this one. Rate my broniness.

I wish to hand feed her grapes on her large red couch.
It's terminal, I'm sorry.
I'm about to go draw now
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Ice cream do make great comfort food but would you actually make Rarity feel better without fattening her up?
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100% brony

Oh no. Isn't there anything I can do?
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What if it's subtile, humanized etc.
>cuddle goo pinkie
>she gets all annoyed you're not drawing and now you're all gooey and gross
>this was not a good idea
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1.3 MB
You forgot the other one.
>check signature

Where does he upload stuff like that?

I'd give her the dick
it's for humor. Most of the characters do unhealthy things for humor.

And people dont go into histrionics for attention, they do it because they are bored
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Replace your avatar with this
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Because I hate drawing.
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Spoiler Image, 80 KB
>Pony image
not a good percentile, I can tell you that.
I thought sand feel came in plastic cups.

Well, if you're sure it's going to help...
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Why aren't you the Wonderbolts?
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Canelo porfis
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Because I don't have wings
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You obviously haven't read the Titan series by John Varley.
Pick it up sometime. It's a good read.

Don't let the bedbugs bite
Don't eat 1kg of cheap chinese food and not expect to feel ill afterwards.
Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the pony.
I would hug her. Maybe we could get her sister involved in this, too...
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You don't get to ask ME questions, gumpunk
Think of the pones.
Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a gift. That's why it's the present.

Goddamn centaurs are disgusting creatures
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Its humor, yes, but I find it hard to believe Rarity would be that bored just to grab attention from any nearby ponies. Maybe she want to be that shiny diamond that everyone want to see.
So is this the art of penguin fucking or is he just saying he doesn't like art?
There's probably a swarm of spiders in your bed.
It is better to allow someone to think you an Idiot
Than it is to open your mouth and prove it.
I assume the penguin is named "arthur"
>tfw you would smash that
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pretty ponies

Wow bro. That's deep.
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I had the weirdest fucking dream the other day
I was in some sort of bedroom and there was a bed in front of me with some one under the covers. I lifted them up for only a second and it was DJ Acid , sleeping. I then got in the bed and slid my hand underneath her and squeezed her asscheek, running my palm past her pucker, only to feel bare skin, with no pussy. I then squeezed her balls a little and started fingering her plump rear a bit as she made soft moans in pleasure

Then I woke up.
Life is too cruel sometimes
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Dinosaur Jr.
Redd's little shop has new inventory today if you're playing CF.
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But... no!
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If you hit backspace in the captcha tab it will give you a new captcha
that is one pretty pony right there
i like applejack with her mane loose and down
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If you going to post a pretty apple, at least post something that is actually pretty.

Prettiest pone in prettiest dress.
>tfw the only thing you ever dream of - if you dream at all- is boring shit like "oh fuck, I missed an exam" and stuff like that

My brain hates me, I'm not even allowed to have fun when I'm asleep
AJ is the only pony for which I have 2 folders
Hat and Not Hat
I dreamt that Purple Tinker and Ken Ashcorp became a couple, and had one of those disgustingly public declaration of love over ontumblr. I remember feeling sorry for Rose.
That's actually very good. I'll remember that one!

>no hat

Damn that's lewd anon.
it's a show, rule of funny overrides.

Also, wanting attention has little to do with histrionics. It's boredom.
She's also the artsy one so she is overly dramatic as a rule

Also Ive forgotten what this is about
My dreams have recently been getting to the point where the only way I know they aren't memories is by comparing them to actual memories.
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Are you a faggot or something?
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I seen prettier dress. You don't need the glamor background as a clutch for showing off a pretty dress on a pony.

>pone sitting up in bed

Anon, pls.

You fucking beefed it anon.
I had a dream once that I was walking down the bike path near my house. I see a white blur in the distance and as it gets closer it's Rarity in excessive gear. Shorts, headband, some kind of shirt. She seemed to be breathing heavily. I remember getting a view of her rear, all sweaty and jiggling, before waking up. Didin't pony all day that day.

Can horses sweat?
I only ever remember abstract concepts. Like, oh yeah, I played basketball inside that cave under the park that one time, it was really dark and weird.
You're feeling the effects of Acid's mutagenic semen. Soon, you'll begin turning into a lesser version of her, fit only to serve your new queen.

It is.
Eh, I never really liked that concept
all horses can do is sweat, anon

it's horrible and stinky and there's lots of it and no fun at all

what do you even think 'rode hard, put away wet' even meant?
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>Also Ive forgotten what this is about
Rarity being a slut because Merriwether Williams wrote her as one.
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1.75 MB
have a different [song] for your troubles.
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Is it just because she's so thin?

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Jogger Rarity is best Rarity.
honestly? sex. Not even going to bullshit this one. Just thought it was another way of saying it was a job-well-done in bed.
>the storyboarders are running out of ideas for pretty dresses for Rarity to make
man, once I dreamed that I missed an important appointment with my prof... I nearly dropped my spaghetti when I saw him the next time because I thought it actually happened

It's an anthropomorphic quality, yes, but so is talking.

Simply the phrase "anthro" has been manipulated to mean "in human form". She's in pony form still, so no.
Should we send some of our own ideas in?
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This is a little too spot on...
No. See, horses sweat a lot when they're hot and exerted, they excrete a special protein that looks a little bit like soap lather! anyhoo it's stinky as all hell (like IRL horses actually), so putting them to bed all wet and stinky is no fun at all

>implying she just has to wear dresses all the time

Did you forget the cloaks?
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Tell me that song pls
Lately I have a quite interesting way of dreaming. During the night it's nothing too unusual, roughly 30 minutes before the time I want to / have to wake up I wake up, if at that point I don't dick it up and ease my mind I can turn any mental scenario into a dream which is way more lucid than what you normally get. These dreams play out in 10-15 minutes of real time and then I wake up again. At most I was able to repeat this 3 times during the same morning.
That's beautiful
oh yea that.
That's silly, she wanted to help her friend and used her charm. Nothing more.

Thanks, I like it. Source?
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454 KB
>tfw you're describing a movie you saw to the clerk and halfway through you realize it's actually a dream
>there is no movie about submarines that couldn't go underwater because they were made of styrofoam, so you will be unable to rent it
>which would be a revolutionary idea actually
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1.19 MB
It doesn't have sparkle to look good, Rarity.
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Yea it does, faggot.
I wish more people in real life would stop in the middle of telling me a story to say 'oh, sorry, that was just a dream I had'.
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so it's kind of like a reverse Rapture?
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How many dresses has she worn in the show that has a gaudy amount of gems? The only reason why people go off on the gems is because she made that one dress specifically for sapphire shores
Do you even little back dress?
what would a pony butthole even feel like
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>It's just a publicity stunt
>no different from training animals to do tricks for the circus
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Putting more gem on a dress isn't always the answer of making the crappy dress glamorous.
>"designated driver" dogs

I don't even
>you will never make braeburned make those noises
soft and squishy
inviting to the touch
Stick your dick in a donut.
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60 KB

He has a boyfriend too, better go kill yourself now anon.
Why should I care about that?
it sucks in your dick and doesn't let go until it's satisfied whether you like it or not

Good lord.
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That green one really show off some great asset. I would like to see a pony wear that one. The rest are terrible, however. Where does she come up with THOSE ideas?
To be honest that last orgasm noise was kind of disappointing.
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sorta bored stram going up

mostly autismblocks and some mods
scribblenauts is also a probability
maybe some doodling too I dunno


join me if you want or don't whatever

>designing purely for yourself

Son, everyone has different tastes. I like the orange one too.

As if wouldn't want a threesome.

>The rest are terrible

No they're not, I love the lightness of the blue one, the orange one looks fun and quirky, the purple one is a slutty with style and the yellow is perfect for a picnic on a beautiful sunny day.
Didn't he once say that he's open to the idea of a three(or more)some
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What was your Graduation quote, MLPG?
That picture got me right in the feels

He still wouldn't take you
Sometimes I wish there was an indication when those few writefags start posting stuff in dead threads

I love those trains of thought
You mean the erp?

Okay, there's not being a poorfag, and then there's being a fucking idiot.
Can anyone remind me of the link with psychology test, which was only viral marketing thing? please guys

thats debatable
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Have you ever felt that this was your moment? This is it. This is mine.
Does CRAB remind you of anger?
Is that what it's called?
I thought that meant stuff where people roleplay as characters separately
does that pertain to conglomerate fics made in the thread or no
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How did Pinkie have that Dress if she did not get it in her high school year?
>not "you are this gay.jpg"

Time machine and lots of plutonium.
No, that's different since it usually doesn't involve actual role play.
Anon, please, I want this song.
I dont remember anymore but I wrote down something incoherent and stupid because all that pretentious bullshit the other guys chose made me want to throw up
Especially since they just googled it, no one of them ever thought about anything else than fucking and drinking
Na, there's fics that people type up in threads occasionally that are just meant to be read.
And then there's the role playing that happens at the end of dead threads which is 2 or more people pretending to be usually ponies and doing, well erotic things.
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We didn't fucking get one.
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Renne Quest when?
I never graduated from highschool, I took a test and left 2 years early because I hated it so much.
10:00pm with a 1 hour break because Lk has to pick up a fly boy.
same here

shit sucks
what is Renne quest about? Is it any good?
thanks man <3 :3
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Oh wow, that's completely different than what I'm thinking
Shit gets creepy
all friends are dead
Oh dang, that's right..finals I'm assuming?
Is this like an ARG for a movie or something? A little too dramatic for a professional service isn't it?
No he siad he has to go to the airport
The braeburned swf ain't bad, but I'm kind of disappointed that the cock is upside down.
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I love when walmart screws up the price.

Just got these for $2 a set.
we're all kinda jealous

Holy shit all those good pones.

>best spa twin
>motherfucking hoity toity
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>spa ponies
Fuck you with a rake.
>Zecora and Pinkie
Sort of jelly.
Zecora is fucking show-tier.

Good catch mate
Eh...sort of, I guess? She did make a fuckhuge bath in Bridle Gossip.

I dont think it is!
If it was upside down, we'd be able to see the hole in the top.
Unfortunately, theres very little references for the angle I used, and since they're cartoons, I simplified.
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889 KB
>Class of Cutie Marks
>AJ is there
>She never graduated
>class of cutie marks

applejack attends night school to pickup on her grammar so she can be regal and intelligent like her crush, rarity.

>saving ssonic art


>Spa Pony set

>Class of Cutie Marks set
>Diamon Tiara

is there an archive of threads?
I'd like to read it

Actually yeah, it does look a little upside minus the hole in the top, sorry about that. I added the head in really quick to comply with the flash maker.

At least you dont see it much

Why would she waste her time in night school when she could just ask rarity for lessons
She's a canon dumb hick.
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2.28 MB
Sorry guys, I can't pony today. I'm sick


Bullshit, you're coming into work today or I'm docking your pone.
well you can just lay in bed and we'll all just pony at your house.
You can't be sick, I'm sick.
I think it might be an ear infection...
Fluttershy those are pepperoni.
Have you been fucking the pizza guy again? That's him behind the chair, isn't it!?
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That's pretty good. Who made it?
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Hah! What should I say? And I'm still ponying.

>that sfw porn picture of the black delivery guy form dominos
>ship ship
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Go see a doctor and throw those fucking q-tip away.
>Get threatened and otherwise left alone
>Go back and punch them
>socially acceptable behavior
The quest was made by LK, a local drawfag whose had no experience with Quests before this other than reading Ruby Quest by weaver.
Sen- ...wait a sec are you trying to trick me?
>ship ship

Every damn time.
I have an appointment tomorrow.
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Iron Will is good at marketting.

He didn't even show the part where Gilda regains conciseness and 1 week later, picks up fluttershy , bites her wings and drops her off a mountain
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that'll be six fifty plus tip, darling. I take cash, credit, cheque, money order, gold, and ??????????
Can I get my pizza to be ...a little...SMALLER
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>tfw nobody cares about your drawings
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>Braeburned and his boyfriend will never form the pyramid over you

>6.50 for a pie

Christ where the fuck does he live, I want to move there.
>Rarity using her disguise techniques to pretend to be a pizza-guy for the sake of erotic roleplay with Fluttershy
Muh dick!
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>That feel when I don't care about anyones drawings but I do care if they actually want to draw.
>tfw I don't care about your whining

Just kidding, post that shit you bloody moron.
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Hmmm, quality could be better.

>them eyes.
LK makes the quest. Sentenal and archiveAnon archive it.
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You just have to know how to get people to care, without overly pushing yourself onto others.

Market yourself, upload lots of places, ask for advice, etc
>chubby Zecora
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>hit it a little harder

Muh dick

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Oh damn, I forgot Renne Quest was tonight.

Cute Quest folk, do you want to just reschedule for tomorrow? I don't want to make people split their attentions between the two.
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B-but cute fillies
It's really not hard to do both.
I'm fine with doing yours tonight as well.
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>potentially two quest in one night
Yeah, better not split attentions
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That mane is entirely unfabulous.
I'm just asking. I know the two are not similar in any way, but I understand that Renne Quests requires more thinking and paying attention. And while the overlap of audience is probably minimal, I dislike causing problems.

If most of you are okay with going ahead, then I guess we will. I'm just trying to be courteous to LK and any interested in both.
It's alright. I also run it tomorrow night too, and I don't want you to have to reschedule because of me. You shouldn't worry too much about splitting attention, because my updates are rather slow.

Speaking of questing, some MORE shit popped up, yay! I have to play chauffeur in around 30 minutes. I shouldn't be too long, but I don't want you guys to wait. Should I hold off starting it until I get back?

>Captcha: BLOG sinksub
That's not nice...

Shit, is that the official rarity?

The face is much much better than usual but THE HAIR THE HAIR
a medium pep w/ one can of soda at PizzaPizza in canada is like, 6 bucks after tax.
I fucking love the look on Fred's face
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This lovely gem popped up in my subscriptions

Just kiss already.
Smell each others hair a little bit...
Nostalgia Chick pls you're my favorite tgwtg reviewer
old news anon
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>that hair
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I want to dota, anyone wants to dota?
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Well if it doesn't bother you, then I won't let it bother me I guess.

Thanks LK.
Already discussed, Braeburn is my "friend"

Yeah he's got that world-weary look of a man who knows he has no choice but to fap
dota is a bad game
I want to dota, but I'm eating soon
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>that Twilight-tier mane

Is this some kind of joke?
Yet he still seems happy about it. Man, what a great actor.
Yeah, it's no biggie. I was going to mention the audience as well. I'm sure there's people who look forward to just one, with there not being too much overlap to worry about.
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I'm agree!
Dota 2 is a better vidya!
So...any art of Twilight with her poofy mane from episode 1?
what is your steam?
What are you listening to right now?

Would your favorite pony like it?
>GG makes cannibalistic Pinkie in scribblenauts
>only eats Applejack.
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58 KB
Having opinions doesn't upset me.


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So I heard you guys like goats!

I too like goats.
They're okay, I guess.

>types in brony
>it actually works.
You should post your drawings.
Human should human human
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450 KB
>Trying to make me gay for I.W

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44 KB
>Bronies r weird


>tfw I have written 4 novels and done like 6 sketchbooks of drawings and will never share them with anybody

Tex pls draw something adorable.

Involving Rarity and her Dad.

>Kill the noise

She'd be confused and dumbstruck

it's against the law
And somehow the community got worse.
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>choosing the fire starter
Enjoy your babby no-challenge game.
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I've been waiting for this for so long.
>implying Pokemon is supposed to be challenging
But you can't stick thepig down a gym leader's vagina without ripping it apart. leafsnake just needs a little lube to get in without major damage.
>tfw you secretly hope they'll get printed when you get famous
only sometimes
Well, a custom wig/hair is probably cheaper than buying a brony plushie.
>brony orgy
>caught crabs

oh god who was that guy dressed up as fluttershy, why did i recognize him.
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Hey Aspirant about how much longer till cute quest, need to know if I have time for a save & shower.
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Anyone else fill one of these out since yesterday?
Wait, do they mention that? whats the time stamp

A close friend of mine is the one who made the original tumblr post about the orgy and crabs that everyone actually started believing
Why is Slarks voice so sexy, MLPG?
Doing what?
I guess I'll wait until after I'm back to start, then.
I did, it didn't show me anything except that I change styles like a mad man.
Making Sweetie Belle.

Only in the deepest core of the most jewish part of my brain Anon. Also maybe my family will discover them when I die and try to get them printed but that's beyond my control.
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Cute Quest will be starting up momentarily, I gotta make the OP and we'll get rolling from there.

Shave and shower though, man. Basic hygiene is important.

Draw Magnum trying to help filly Rarity with her homework.
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Yoshi want a bed story, Anon!
Tell a story to Yoshi, Anon!

I'm working on trying to do it in SAI, since I can't use Photoshop.
The fillies wouldn't be caught dead around a smelly colt

Rarity is at her dad's house for a meal and is trying to stay high-class and ladylike but she is eating bacon and eggs that are arranged into a smily face and drinking milk
I did, nobody cares
what the fuck was the point

i did improve but its not like anyone fucking gives a shit

Trying to get her into sports and failing.
>Shave and shower
>Running a quest is basically going on a date

This is super cute. Second.
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>so why is it so popular now with adult men?

>"I think a lot of them want to sleep with Fluttershy."

Well, MLPG? Is it true? Would you sleep with this dirty slut?
>I can't use Photoshop

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71 KB
Post it
But what if he's >musky?
fucking nope

>sleeping with 2.3

I would ___
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>Incest baby
So what porn did Japanon pick to draw earlier today?
what does it feel like to suck a dick?

Because I may have to soon
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Real reason: pedophilia.

Just make sure you don't start sobbing into pubic hair.
Fuck you
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60 KB
> Not being double gay for Iron Will.
Oh boy, you're going to have a bad time.
I...am okay with this.
>centrifugal force
I cant hear it
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Are you saying you'd like her less if she was born out of insest?
I find it funny how similar this is to the easiest way to skin and gut a rabbit.
Ugh..that anon disgusts me
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Can't be arsed, here's just one from jan and one from now-ish.
Oddly satisfying if you have an oral fixation like me. The texture against the tongue is definitely something not easily described
Heh, I saw someone on twitter like "what are they teaching kids these days!?" in response to that line.
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Water is so relaxing.
What is this gif? It doesn't feel from the show.
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71 KB
You are now a Pegasus and the only person around to teach you how to fly is Fluttershy

Is this good?
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I'm sorry anon, but that pony ass is gold.

Honestly, though, there seems to be more confidence in what you are doing, you may need to use more references and ask for advice while drawing.
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FS is bestpone but I don't want to fuck her because I'm not a weirdo.
it's fucking awful

That charmander is dead
>Being near fluttershy
I'm sure it will take forever and i'm totally fine with that
I'm seeing lots of cool Pokemon fanart lately. Maybe I should hang out in that fandom for a while, since it is no longet the uncoolest thing to like.
I didn't want draw attention to it, but please, if you see a Renne quest that is hosted by LK with no TRIP, do not post in it. I'm posting in it so it can be archived properly. Every new post is just more work to remove.
That's her ranting at rarity during the sisterhooves social.
Well, not me. He said he was going to.
Albeit if I were to regale someone with tales of pony in person, I'd at least wish to be clean and smelling alright.

And with that, Cute Quest has an op on the sub for session 3! See you there!

Have a nice night whether you play along or not!
Snarky Bastard, are you here
...It's porn, isn't it?
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69 KB
>FS is bestpon
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93 KB
Why do you think that? Can't he take a break once in a while?
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23 KB
Fluttershy is a pony.
Would you have a cuddle threesome with your favorite ship?
>Spoink's heart stops if it ever stops bouncing


i mean, duh
>Why do you think that?
That tail is out you cad
Libman tweeted that there was going to be a con at Larson's house. Was she joking?
Don't charmanders die when their tail flame go out?

I haven't watched Pokemon since I was 8, so I'm probably remembering that wrong.
>Luna and Twilight
>Cuddling while learning about Equestrian History and Magical Theory
Best night ever.
dead pokeymans. ;_;
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That's an old piece though. It's at least 2 years old.
I just found my old /vp/ reaction folder I thought I had deleted. Many memories...
I'd probably learn faster by myself but I'll let her think she's teaching me
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I don't want to ruin the perfectness of that ship by having me sandwiched in the middle.
Oh really? Consider object A in swinging basket centrifuge.

Describe the forces on object A while in motion.
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91 KB

I was taught something similar by my parents anyway. It's only illegal if you get caught doing it.
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35 KB
Nah, they're just sleeping.
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14 KB
>2 years ago

I never notice how fast time goes...

I don't know why. I keep getting the Licensing has Stopped Working error on start up, and deleting the cache.db file doesn't seem to be doing anything to fix it.

Sweetie disowning Rarity in SHS
Me too, actually. Luke, is that you?.

Centripetal force
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12 KB
That's what you get for pirating, anon.

They have specials every now and then.
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288 KB

I didn't pirate it, is the problem.

I'm guessing something went wrong when my computer shit out.
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388 KB
Regretting things is my main terror.
Normal force
Centripetal force

How many times did you read the nfo included with your torrent download?
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124 KB
Alrighty, Renne Quest is up and running.
I have to go run an errand really quickly, so hopefully I won't be gone too long. Sorry guys.
you can buy it in PRINT?
aw fuck, link please.
Are you fucking stupid
GloomQuest resumes tonight at 20:00 PST. It's war!
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125 KB
>Everyone talk about Pokemon just because of this picture:
>mfw the only generation I know is the first one

>he actually bought Photoshop

What is this referencing?
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281 KB
You guys...




>Shift + Click to remove the file
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126 KB
I didn't get that scene. Is ash just a moron?
What is she sad about?
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102 KB
BatQuest begins in four hours.
Right after BrocolliQuest but before SpaghettiQuest, which is after NightmareQuest but before MuscleQuest. Don't forget to catch ButtholeQuest as well, it'll be playing tonight instead of SweatyBelleQuest which has been postponed until tomorrow right after GopherQuest.
You mean there was no brony orgy?
>it is okay to sell fanfiction and make money on it


She woke up and remembered she was Fluttershy.
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43 KB
>those reviews
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76 KB
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As if anyone needed anything else.
Do you really want to know?
I will lets people to tell you that you are a faggot before the feels thread.
>That feel when he looked up Koffing recently in the Black and White series
Why is that something to be sad about?
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182 KB
> Is ash just a moron?
Did you watch the show? Of course he was. Probably still is.

>Lol, pikachu fight an onyx!.
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162 KB
stop talking shit about her or face the consequences
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20 KB
Anon if you don't tell me the song I will slap this pone
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46 KB
>how do you beat an onyx?
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12 KB
I'm liking this idea!
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2.84 MB
Because she is a sick pony.

We only storytimed that shitty comic just yesterday, don't post it again.
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1.89 MB
>looking up Koffing

Holy shit Ash. It's one thing to let small children wander around the planet unsupervised with dangerous animals but you are clearly some type of mental deficient.
>Handles berret fifty cal!

>Bat Quest
>Renne Quest
>Gloom Quest
>Cute Quest

Good golly miss Molly
For pete's sake, put the man out of his misery and give source already
man i love that episode
>hurr gee wun da bes

All generations have their good and bad pokemons.
Yes. And she's not a dirty slut.
I'd still rather fuck Twilight though.
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28 KB
>Not digimon or monster rancher or Megami Tensei
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144 KB
Sorry, but a guy is still referred to as "he" even if he acts and dresses girly.
sub, but it's one of the MLPDND quests
You are in for a ride if you want to try archiving those, friend.
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That's because the target audience is too young to know koffing.
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For one condition:
Is a deal?
He never did register a Koffing in the original series.

sPlus there are kids who don't know about that Pokemon so it makes sense to do that.
What is wrong with these people?
I always sucked at Monster Rancher.

I read a cheat book that had a list of all the CDs that had badass monsters on them and scoured my parents' collection looking for any. No luck.

>all the monsters had fucklong names and spammed the same move
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445 KB
Why not HEEHOO all of them?
>monster rancher
My nigga
I remember training durahans and golems to OHK everything.

Broken game was broken as fuck.
are people talking about pokemon I came as fast as I could
Because SMT isn't comparable to Pokemon other than the monster capturing.

Devil Kids.

You agree there's a centripetal force acting on object A from the basket, going in the direction of the vertex, correct?

Are there any other forces in the system?
>Megami Tensei
No one plays that to collect the personas, obviously everyone plays it for the shitty dating sim.
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66 KB
is this guy for real

Reu draw each pone with their favourite pokemon.
don't forget to clean up
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Bat Quest was a joke How the hell were we suppose to get out of that cave without eyesight OR sonar?

Brocoli Quest and Butthole Quest are straight legit, though.
best gen is 4, yes this includes SS and HG.

>all those improvements
>fucking grafix
>those nostalgia tunes from GB sounds in HGSS

Good lord why the fuck would anyone play anything other than those two and platinum.
no...seems to be turning into a genwar
Though points on being the best pokemon from BW
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40 KB
>TFW I used to frequent Pokesho and get people to translate the new comics
everyone knows that ampharos is the best electric type forever
Wait, that croagunk was a boy? I always thought it was playing the role of "jealous girlfriend"
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226 KB
>turning into a gen war
>3 posts about it at most
Because BW 2 is GOTY.
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373 KB
i just remembered that i promised someone to draw this.

i just hope you're here right now. sorry that i could make it any better for now.
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You only need one.
Oh oh oh! Looks like someone needs to check their privilege!
That motherfucking test was bullshit.
I loved HGSS but after playing gen 5 they feel so slow it's painful, it's really sad, puts me off

I was actually going to do something like this to go with twily bulbasaur thing but I didn't
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All of a sudden I remember /vp/ having boners over pokeparents.

I think for a second there was a phase where everyone wanted to fuck Milf Ninetails and Bi Buizel...at least I think it was a buziel. I forgot.
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In other news, MegasXLR game.

I am excite.
What was the request exactly?
Some kind of prank on Twilight?
Kraut feel better your sketchdump post is getting a million billion notes on the tumblrs.
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68 KB
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Spoiler Image, 124 KB
>tfw I saved over a hundred of them
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I kindof remember. But not sure which one.
Can we at least agree that Diamond and Pearl sucked?
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Magic Duel was originally going to be an S2 episode.

Would reaction have been different had it aired then?
which one was the flirty sister? It's been so long.
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2.59 MB
Is it really? Cause I just got to the Dragon Leader city and so far it seems pretty boring.

Also why does team plasma not get better pokemon? Too many times I heard "I WILL DEFEAT YOU" and then they send out a rat against my Fighter Pig
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36 KB
>you will never go to LarsonCon
>you will never discover it's just a big ol' house party with kegs and indie bands and everything
>you will never discover Andrea drunk out of her skull and incoherent at the top of the stairs
>you will never gently scoop her up in your arms and carry her into a bedroom
>you will never lock the door behind you and take up a chair by the door and keep watch so she isn't disturbed, and whip out your mobile so you can pass the time posting on MLPG you will also never take photos of her and post them to MLPG
It introduced best girl Dawn so it was worth it.
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408 KB
Nice thread, can we back to pone now?
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286 KB
>tfw your sketches get 3 notes on tumblr.
No, if only because it's where Riolu and Lucario first appeared.
I feel like it was Vulpix. But that might have been the confused sister
You're fucking sick
>Sb reblogs his stuff

man i wish he reblogged my stuff
that would be so nice
Huh, I remember someone saying it seemed more like an early S2 ep.
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909 KB
please no

fuck this pokeparents thing it genuinely made me wish my dad was more like Blastoise
>Andrea will never do that to you...
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1.52 MB
Im gonna try to find them

Yes, he saw Pikachu having fun with the wild pikachus and ran out so he could also have fun with them. But they panicked and ran away since they are wild and not used to humans.

Ash is just retard like that. It is why he is not a good trainer.
>The feel when Milf-tails hits you hard as fuck still
thought I got over it...
Post more.
Does anyone else find it incredibly aggravating when popular artists complain about how terrible their art is, even though they have a bunch of fans that fawn over them?

Really, get over yourselves. Could be worse. Everyone could ignore everything you create entirely, never even given you any feedback whatsoever.

You guys even respond to Ross. God damnit.

Quick, what do you guys hate the most so I can draw it and get guaranteed replies?
I-I could be your Blastoisedad, Reu

Wow. Looks like these faggots are bigger pedophiles than bronies.
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I get a few likes too
I just wish I'd get some reblogs
so i could get more likes and friends and people would start liking me
I try to reblob stuff from everybody every so often.

It already had like 150 before I even touched it.

Don't draw anything, just stop posting.
>what do you guys hate the most

People bitching about something silly like art.
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90 KB
Yeah of course.
Pokemon is full of loli shit
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I wonder if they still make those threads at /vp/.
But you always fucking reblog him
every time
he already has a fucking million followers
you dont even like my stuff any more
Swellow is the best bird.
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62 KB
WOAH! Woah.

Just woah.

That's too much information.
they didn't suck but were my least favourite
also platinum made D/P look like beta versions
and they had some nice music
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Not as good as Pelistorm
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1.15 MB
Having a bunch of fans doesn't make your art good.

See Jay.
>best girl

This fucking guy.
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45 KB
You mean pumbloom?
Has Kraut ever said how many followers he has?
>still under 30 followers
Ah well, shit happens.
/co/, i gotta art superbad! give me your requests.
sketches only
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278 KB
Hot damn, anyone here want a one dollar flying spitfire plushy? This is a crazy chance to get such a good plushie this cheap since the seller hasn't been having much luck with it.

Place ya bids.

Did /vp/ have a fanon that one of the pokegirls was really gassy?
Enjoy your shit series, babbies
As bad as Valvedrones, CoD kiddies and Personages
Yeah, you're right. Sorry about that. Back to lurking.


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Well first off, Andrea doesn't sit cross-legged like a saucy bitch. She has class.
Th-thank you
>tfw the most notes I've ever gotten was on a picture I did of a tan human!Dash playing basketball in a wheelchair, and that was just because it got reblogged by one of the diversity blogs.

I don't even know what notes are.
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74 KB
>Heart Gold and Soul Silver didn't remake this song.


This was seriously my favorite ending song of all Pokemon games. Even if it is just the credit song slowed down
Bullshit theres no typos
File: 1354754643379.jpg-(1.34 MB, 1080x1440, tumblr_med52oERWT1qd78lyo(...).jpg)
1.34 MB
I'm sorry.

I'll reblob more stuff when I see it. I have no way of knowing who I might be missing.
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673 KB
best pokemon

Goat tower Iron Will.
>Every Megami Tensei is persona
>no suit
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48 KB
Blast dad is good. But I personally would like to have Nidoking as my father.
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68 KB
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Octavia getting bread
Ah, yeah, great trolling threads. Wasn't that the girl with a fat butt and a green/white huge hat?
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581 KB
>Tfw you remember this
>Tfw MT's been around you all the time on the internet, fandom to fandom, group to group.
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82 KB
huh? yeah they did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd1bBtR4bUY

I got +4000 on an original art piece of mine once

Felt alright
>anyone here want a one dollar flying spitfire plushy?

i see its your first time using ebay.
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172 KB
Apparently Rarity/Azelf is a very persistent fetish ship.
>not golem dad
Fucking a, I want to learn CQC.
>my little pony fans in charge of self-awareness
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522 KB
SpikeDash Friendship Thread?
>talking about the show
But we are bronies. We don't even care about the show. We just like to suck the cocks of popular fandom personalities.
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44 KB
i got 60
Well most people don't follow personal blogs unless you're a super popular artist, or making decent porn.

Or sometimes not decent porn. Brony people don't care much for quality.

Just don't feel too down about it, alright?
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403 KB

>best electric type

You mean. I also like raichu. If you manage to give him that physical electric attack from the event pikachu he totally rocks, or just be a lazy fuck and teach him nasty plot.

Of course it's not JUST one dollar, but still
Hella fucking cheap for a plushie like that.

I have never broken the 300 mark.

I don't know why I care so much but I want a big number once.
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154 KB
Why yes. Volcarona IS best pokemon
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43 KB
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Man the Persona games aren't even about dating, its just a part of it.

I still need to play more SMT games though.

I started with Devil Survivor, Strange Journey, Persona 4, Persona 3 PSP, DevSurvivor 2 and now Raidou 2.

I really want Nocturne
faust plz
No it's just one guy requesting his Azlef character
It's like I'm really on facebook.
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27 KB
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>tfw you've always been with the same people all your internet life, regardless of the board
That's not a pony, that's an angry surfer horse with optional marital aid attachment.
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187 KB
>Shitty Burdened ripoff

No one will ever match his glory.
Magnezone is a fucking god-tier electric type
i can't draw iron will

what is that supposed to mean?
WHoah.. I don't remember hearing this at all!

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33 KB
This is the most popular thing I have on my art blog. I wonder why.
You could emulate it if your computer isn't shit, Klondike
what happened here

why happened here

It was a cute ghost that I drew around halloween time. I just catered to what people liked at the time I guess.
>tfw no one plays P4A
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57 KB

Yeah he's cool and all but I just think he looks a little strange. It's a fucking ufo that shoots lightning.
I means Octavia acquiring bread. Are you thick?
There is nothing saucy about sitting cross-legged. I sit cross-legged all the time.

Are you telling me that the noble institution of British academia has been systematically instilling debauchery in its subjects through erotic sitting for the past two hundred years?
Reading comics and shitposting.
I don't have time to pony.
>It's a fucking ufo that shoots lightning.

you have no idea how cool that is

OKAY FIIIIIINE, what pony are we going to pony tonight
Because I have Risk Management Policies to write.
Do you guys even pretend to talk about the show anymore?
I ponied too hard today, sorry Pinkie.
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33 KB
I had a crush on Lucario after that movie
He's still the best pokemon
Octavia has no bread.
Then she gets bread.
Now Octavia has bread.

This shouldn't be hard.
My computer is shit.

I played it once against a hardcore player and whooped his ass cause he didn't take me seriously. Akihiko is seriously bad ass in P4A.
Klondike, you are such a faggot

I want to save you from your shit taste but with your constant refusal to play anything from the main series that's actually at least mildly acceptable, I'm losing hope
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96 KB
We're at a point where we just don't care.
LET'S PONY RARITY! She'll be okay with an orgy
it's wednesday and we have no preview clips
He was badass in his own damn game too
Nah, I'm pretty sure the whole thing revolved around the dating sim.
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289 KB
As a kid I always had a man crush on Lugia but I had no idea what the feeling was yet.He's still my favorite pokemon


More like OU whore. He was cool but christ is he overplayed.
Okay, fuck you, anon. DIY time.
I've reconverted the Krni to Ogg file and extracted it from the image, then converted it back to mp3.

Does anyone know how to search for a song using the file itself like google image search?
Everyone's got a little bit of a headcanon about something. Be it a ship, a ponies interests, a backstory, whatever. There's a piece of fanon out there you can tolerate, and actually, just maybe, find a little enjoyable.

What is it?
You're the sort of person who thinks spamming Chun-Li's infinite kick is skilled play, aren't you? Akihiko is terrible and you should feel bad.

I've been waiting for this post
>tfw no good Spike/Rarity NTR
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60 KB

>get riolu egg from story progression
>12.5% chance for female
>hatch a femcario
Rainbow Dash is gay
When the topic comes up sure. But really man these threads are 24/7 and the show is finite. Talking about the show wont happen all day.

Nigga I'm poor. I'd play fucking all the games if I could. I got into SMT when I was in college. I'm way behind.
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21 KB
> Not being able to draw Iron Will
Well do I have a SHITTY guide for you!
All Earth Pony stallions have enormous dicks
Why do we have a 24/7 General again?
you could always ghetto rig a phone next to your speakers and use soundhound
true thing
I hate how you can't go onto the roof of the department store in HGSS
>its just a part of it

The only part people care about. Otherwise its any other JRPG

I'm still don't fully understand the workings of NTR. Explain them to me?

What the hell is your problem?
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Just read an LP or something, Klondike

Hell, I'd stream the game for you if it were that big a deal
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You're probably right. I couldn't argue. That was the first and only time I've ever played P4A
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107 KB

full retard
you're the worst kind of person
File: 1354755227068.gif-(2.13 MB, 640x360, 84576 - Sweetie_Belle ani(...).gif)
2.13 MB
>TFW not even a pony will cheer you up.
I like most of the "usual" fanons like Lyra and Bonbon being flaming best friends and those sorta things.
God damn that has got to hurt
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901 KB
Through history, I always seem to have my shiny female Infernape pit against Lucarios. Win everytime.

Because we actually like hanging around each other but dont you EVER mention that or you will have hell to pay.
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41 KB
Whine, whine, don't you talk about circlejerk.
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326 KB
Scootaloo and Rumble like each other but neither want to admit it and neither of them know about the other's feelings
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976 KB

Because we have fun here.
I hope they release the first pokemons on eshop.
Also we put on masks to conceal our identities and get mad at people who don't even though we can tell who they are by the way they are acting

They showed it on television, so she wasn't like seriously hurt.
Like even on the amazing race if someone falls of their bike and hurts themselves they probably wont totally show it
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15 KB

>mfw I played Dead or Alive 2 on PS2 when I was a kid and always kicked everyone's ass by playing as Jann Lee and spamming O to do that kick thing or spamming XO if they ever got close to me to knock them to the floor with my elbows
I hope moot bans all of you meme bracket pieces of shit
*labia face*
Actually, beating a guy who's obviously played before is really awesome.

I distinctly remember him asking if I've ever played and I said no...

He then replied no while hiding his Arcade controller into his pack. So it felt fucking awesome
Rainbow Dash is pedo for Scoot. Somehow, i can see it...
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983 KB
>that Gummy
I already tried a tune identifier from the beginning. It's probably not in their narrow catalogue.

I think that ship and Colton vines/ daisy(?) are the ones I accept.

and i do admittedly kind of like the whole lyra-human thing
I still cant hear it. What am I doing wrong?
You're my favorite
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99 KB
But the slut isn't stopping.
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396 KB
This is a retarded idea, but I still think that shit is cute.
Akihiko is actually a pretty legit fighter in P4A.
During family meetings, my family would play the newest Tekken. One of my uncles dominated everyone with Eddy. And then I had the balls to also pick Eddy and kicked his ass.

Later finding out that all my uncle did was hold back and press circle.

Now we play shooting games like Cowadudy. Its horrible
too bad p4a is a completely shit game

I think the "scoots reverse-pedo for dash" fanon is more popular/closer to how the show shows their relationship
what the shit
But that's canon. he asked for shitty fanon/headcanons.
>my sister would do exactly that
>I played Zack
it was comedy GOLD
There's an edit to the initial sound script that needs to be applied because of moot being a fag and blocking the normal format.


I like the Discord/starswirl one that came up lately.

What is a reverse-pedo?
I played that tiger dude on bloody roar who could do a 17 hit combo really fucking easily.

For some reason none of my friends figured out how to do it so they hated when I played him.
>[green] lurk more. [/green]

Well pedos are adults that like little kids, so i guess reverse pedos are little kids that like adults

sexually, of course
Liking older people. Obviously, he just forgot the correct term, as did it.
when a child is attracted to an adult.
Oh fuuuck
I think I found MT's milftails pictures.
Hello again
post it on imgur or in the new horse faggot

Fine with me, I'm tired of that stuff
I posted it on imgur, and IN the new horse.
Wait, where is this from?
The Cutie Pox.
>not May

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