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!derpv/fTOE 03/15/12(Thu)00:10 No.596834>>596684 >>596710 >>596737 >>596759 You head toward the next alcove, letting Sweetie Belle follow close behind. As you start heading towards the stairs, she stops you in the bridge alcove. "Wait!"
"What? What is it?"
Sweetie Belle fixes your mane up quick, making it look prissy again. "It's one thing to look fancy, it's another to ACT fancy." Sweetie Belle stands back, then tilts her head back, letting her nose go high up into the air. "Rich ponies always walk around like this."
You take the information to heart, mimicking the pose. "Alright, then let's get going. We don't have much time."
You descend the stairs, then immediately trace your steps backwards in your mind. "Right... left... straight... that should bring us back to the docks." As you exit the staircase, you take an immediate right, walk a distance, then go left. You're down a familiar hallway, but as you round the corner, you see a set of ponies ahead. They look very classy.
"I say, young filly, are you wearing a Hoity Toity #29?" The elegant mare adjusts her spectacles. "...and a Diamond Moon Elegant Design Limited Edition?" She approaches. "You two have such refined taste..."
Her husband comes up to her side. "You wouldn't happen to be Lady Velvet's daughters, would you?"
The guards seem to be patrolling around the hallway calmly. They don't recognize you.
>>596808 >>596782 >>596829 GAME INFO: You've currently going to call yourself Amethyst Jewel. |