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Previous Horse

Aren't there anymore teacher other than Cheerilee that teaches that school? How did you like her as a character and her appearances in both seasons? How about interaction with some of the casts? You think she might have some potential in the new seasons?
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Version 5.0 09/20/12 - Onward To S3
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>yfw graduation episode
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Season 3 soon fellow horsefuckers

I thought it was great.
I was righteously pissed off when Hub didn't air the episode again after the first broadcast.
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fucking faggots
get the fuck out back to your 1337t chat
Fluffy's stream was a guaranteed way to get away from bronycancer, which is why it was so popular and so "elitist". But now the ponykart stream functions the same way, so we're in better shape now than we used to be.
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You think they will cry when they leave her class? The only other teacher in any given media that gave me that graduation feel is Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World.
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You know what time it is.

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We haven't had new Marker Pone art in a while.

What gives?
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Diamond Tiara is the most emotional
I thought it was pretty neat. I think the hub shouldn't have caved in to the tumblr faggots
...I have Shadow of the Colossus music playing in my head now
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i made this 4 days ago. does that count?
Ponykart isn't yet set up for the stream, though. It is attached to everfreemedia.
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Sorry I was going to post this little doodle yesterday and forgot.

I've only drawn her 3 times, but every time I draw her I always stress out when it comes to her hair for some reason. Thus I give up when drawing her.
Hnnnnnnng! It does.
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please tell me that has a "ur a faget" edit
I was mad at the pandering, then l was mad at the censorship, then I learned better and was mad at the ableism.
That shit is adorable nigga
Didn't se that. looks real cute.

I got mad because she didn't fit my fanfictions and headcanons. I then got mad when they changed her again because the original Derpy was so good and I loved her.
I am very changeable and temperamental about these things, that taught me.
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hold on, i'll make one.

also, nostalgia edition.
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She would defiently hug Cheerilee. Also, anyone that actually watch Boy Meet Worlds in the past, here a blast from the past. God these shows in the 90s were so good....



23hours 17min left until the Great Waiting 2: Pony fleshlights and autism is over.
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I certainly hope your thinking of the best one
I don't get why is that thread special
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>tfw ditching helping out my grandma tomorrow to watch mlp

you did this to me laruen faust
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dat's some sexy marker
too bad it's so slooooow
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Guys.....I just [realized] something.
You're a shit person
googly chubby marker is my fetish now
it was exactly 2 years old when i made it
We need more Googly Marker.
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>tfw cutting down my volunteering hours to watch ponies
Why did I think Klondike was singing this when it started?
Two in the pink boop in the stink.
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This is hilarious considering how MLPG is now.

I kinda miss cute lesbian horses though
Who sings this?
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I want them to leave our threads forever.
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They never left us
Dear god no
Me too
Now you get showered in >brony if you lesbian horse too much
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LK went to bronycon, do you disown him too?
Hahah she was asking for a googly edit.
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>Not liking lesbian horses
I shig with all my dig
I was late to my own birthday lunch because of S202.

No way in hell was I going to miss that episode.
never liked him
SB, Cosmo, Rubro, and LK went to the previous bronycon
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This time tomorrow.

We will be ponying.
Don't forget GG.
what does ponying mean

does it mean we fuck pones or what
Oh man I remember when Ghost came here due to the Lyra doll.

The dunking was glorious.
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Everyone who stayed here all hiatus gets head from those that didn't.

Come on. Give it up noobies
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Would you
Anything of or relating to pony.
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there you go.
shit, i should actually draw something today. getting ready for tomorrow and everything
I like how Ghost knew who Princess Celestia was. I mean sure he would by now but I still think its funny.
Would I what? Be welcomed?
Spa ponies need more porn
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What will happen to Marker Pony when Pony ends?
She will die.

Just like the main six and the princesses and all your favorite backgrounders.
She will live in our hearts and memories
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Why doesn't the third one get more art?
She's moving in with me.
>That dialogue
Because there is no third one.
marker pony general
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Thankfully there this:

>tfw Mrs. Cake isnt chubby in the game
Then who's that in >>5603774
>Neighponese bodyslide
This is now my fetish
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what are you going to snack on when new pone starts?
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>Just like the main six and the princesses and all your favorite backgrounders.

>implying they won't live through the fandom
It's basically reached the point where it's self sustainable without any new material.
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That means some unlucky anon has to give me head.

How does that make you feel?
Tears. Since I will be working tomorrow morning.
>tfw the free gems bullshit doesn't work
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So, how are you preparing your body for season 3?
dammit I was asking two month ago no one answered
Haven't you heard?

I rather that we watch the show together. I understand why people leave the hiatus. Remember a time when banana was a thing............
Apparently you need to not be connected to the internet

You are talking about changing the phone time thing right?
I don't normally snack on anything during new episodes, so probably nothing.
It's Aspirant. He did it for the Pinkie quest.
You can download some apps and it should give you free gems
but it doesn't
By staring at a computer screen 24/7 for 6 months
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Aspirant. He wrote that alternate route in the Pinkie Path. I like it when he write cute things.
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>Not thanking the big ben
With lots of lubricant and a drawing tablet.
The first pony I see that's new, I'm going to draw porn of.
Though his sweaty rarity work was great.
I knew it was familiar while I was reading it.
damn he is amazing at this stuff
If I'm not misremembering, I think that was was a side thing from Aspirant's Pinkie waifuquest thing. In the quest we turned them down at the "Would you be willing to fulfill her curiosity" because >notPink, but Aspirant wrote that up on the side afterwards as a non-canon thing.
It's eleven bong!
God damn

I wish I could write like that
>tfw 2slow
Not bad, pretty hot but damn, wall of text. She should have split those last paragraphsa bit
Speaking of which

>Calling her SIbsy instead of Wildfire.

These guys really have no sense in universes. Calling her Sibsy as a pony would be like calling Mordecai J.G Quintell
Writing, like anything else, takes practice and critique to build on.

Unfortunately, MLPG isn't very good at the critique part. Neither is the rest of the fandom for that matter, but for different reasons.
You better post that shit
Where's the joke
>for different reasons

yeah no
Will there ever be big adventures again?
It's not that good.
Friendship is dead.
Sibsy just killed a brony.

Its funny
MLPG is too hyper negative with their critique, more content to say "It's shit" and move on, leaving nothing for you to build off of.

The rest of the fandom (read the EqD and Fimfiction user base) is a hugbox that never offers useful criticism, only vague praise.
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>Anon's first time
My fetish is watching kratos brutally but awesomely murder ponies.
D-don't laugh!
Are you me?
I don't get it, why did she throw the car into a building?
I'm sorry I asked now.
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I would an Anon.
I'd even wear a collar.

I hold down left shift instead of capslock, like all master race typists do.
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He'd be in a very sensitive place emotionally, I'd have to be there for him.
>Lol randoms of unneh
> Unicorn pone sees Pegasus pone hug Human master.
> Unicorn pone wants to hug too
> Unicorn pone runs to master at full speed for hug
> Unicorn pone charges face forward straight to Masters crotch
> Unicorn pone now alone.
>there will never be Sibsy's OC good porn

Apparently Sibsy gets easily upset, it's not the first animation where she gets mad.
>Loads of munneh lorn
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I rather a pony wears a collar. They are cute with them on.
I dunno, most of the time I get mixed critique, but nothing too in depth so I don't know what I did wrong
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I'm sorry but gushing over the episode is all there is to do, it is the best thing at least
>Diamond Tiara costs 35 gems
>Meanwhile Silver Spoon is 600 gems
The fuck
This is the curse of fanfic authors. Their intended audience will never offer them enough critique and the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously enough to care
Would you make fluttershy act like a pig for you?
>That feel when the gameloft game is not compatible with my model of android phone
Oh well

At least I have fun writing
>Source2 is coming soon

Let us give thanks to the Gay-Ben
>come on, squeal! squeal like a pig!
Not when Pinkie Pie would do it willingly.
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Gilda please

That's what, 10 years?
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How do you draw things that don't look static and void of personality?
wait what
Anywhere between infinity years and infinity years.
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When episode 3 comes out
no shit
also episodes 1+2 are being ported over to it.
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Imagine yourself, or somebody else in your mind doing the look that you want in your picture and reflect it within your picture. You have to put the personality there.
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I'm really slow at drawing today, still gotta do Pinkie, Flutters and Dash.

So have some Flusterjack.
here come the >flutters

Awesome, she looks good in a saloon dress
>episodes 1+2 are being ported over to it

No dammit! You're wasting time and resources! Just make Episode 3, you fat fuck!

>tfw Gaben will never read this
ITs cute. I bet she hates that dress.
Requester here, I like what you are doing with the colors, most people just use the same colors pinkie's dress had and it looks boring.
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daily dose

What if pegasi could use their wings to hug you for twice the hug? Which pegasus would give the best wing hugs?
the wonderbolts
Can you post Twi and rarity?
There are very few meetup pics as bad as the first.

This is not one of them.
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Celestia. I want a double hug from sweet, Celestia.
>Rainbow Dash will never be hugged by a wonderbolt
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this one
Which pony is the biggest cock tease?

I'd say it would have to be either Rarity or Pinkie Pie.

Rarity we've actually seen be a cock tease in the show on multiple occasions.
>Watching Superman TAS episode "Apokolips Now"
>some sound emitter begins to break glass, everyone covers their ears
>Superman finally destroys the machine and removes hands from head
>his ears and nose are bleeding
Thus my day of no disturbing shit came to an end.
Rarity's cock teases to get what she wants

Pinkie Pie cock teases for fun. She thinks it funny when other ponies get all flustered over her.
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Well, you did request to have complementing colors for each pony. I'm basically gonna follow Pinkie's dress' colors as color guide lines (the stockings are kinda darker than the base coat color, the skirt is slightly different and darker color, etc) and trying to find complementing colors. AJ was the first one I properly colored in, though.

I haven't colored 'em in properly yet, but I can post 'em separately (probably on tumblr to avoid spamming) when the whole thing is done.
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also, try to push your poses, exaggerate what you want to convey
That's really useful, thanks.

Rarity or Rainbow Dash if she wants to annoy someone.

Pinkie is all for instant gratification, she would just drag you behind the corner and screw the balls off you.
Back legs seem a bit too cylindrical.
>Rarity's cock
Whilst giggling and snorting, too.
Yeah, I seem to have a tendency to draw 'em like that, especially in the sketchy phases. I try to fix 'em as I go, though.
That's Pinkie being a slut, not a cock tease.

And I honestly can't see Rainbow Dash being a cock tease for some reason. At least, not on purpose.

Pinkie thinks it's funny to make other ponies flustered and so she cock teases them.
I'm not sure about the dark orange top for AJ. Maybe keep it black?
God, I love gigglesnorts.
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/v/ made a visit to VALVe studios.
Shit got leaked.
Keep drawing, and keep showing us progress pics, man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight your art can get.
Twilight would tease but poorly, she'd show stuff that wasn't sexy, or show too much, or just do it awkwardly.
Rarity would tease fantastically, she's got it down to an art form, and enjoys seeing guys squirm.
Applejack only teases as foreplay, she won't tease without an eventual payoff (though she may draw it out if she's having fun).
Rainbow Dash doesn't see the point.
Pinkie Pie only teases on request, usually she just likes getting to the real fun stuff.
Fluttershy is the anti-tease. She'd never do it except by accident and then she'd apologize and stop doing whatever it was.
It's one of the things I wasn't sure about either. I'll try to experiment more with it before deciding on that ground.
You watch that tumblr too? So kawaii
Are you telling him to draw porn or something?
>Pinkie only teases on request

But that's so unlike her. She's a prankster. She'd tease a random pony just for a laugh.

Or a random griffon for that matter.
Dash is more of a prankster than Pinkie, and Pinkie's never mean about it. She wouldn't tease for a laugh, that'd be like laughing at the expense of someone else. We know she doesn't do that.
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>Twice the dose
I think he's pretending to be /fit/

I dont think Rainbow Dash would set out to be a cock tease, but if she came to understand that she did fluster people then she would probably think it was hilarious.

With Pinkie on the other hand i cant really believe that she would have the patience or discipline to be a cocktease. Pinke would never spend time on something as "subtle" as cockteasing when she could be out there running some bacchanalia.
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I miss old spongebob
I have never read this in the wrong order.
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I my option, I think you should keep the base black color on all the designs and build around that. Would give their dresses a sense of unity
This really is excellent.
Read it in normal progressional order.
She's laughed at the expense of someone else before.

All those people she and Dash pranked in Griffon the Brush Off? Giving Spike the hiccups, Ink stain around Dash's eye, and more.

The only ponies she doesn't prank are the ones who are too sensitive to take it, like Fluttershy and... Fluttershy.
I need more time.
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You won't be ready?
>She's laughed at the expense of someone else before.
>All those people she and Dash pranked in Griffon the Brush Off?
Not the same thing. Laughing with VS laughing at.
There would be nothing subtle about her teasing.

She'd be all up in the other pony's face with a big smile and bedroom eyes, rubbing against them before blowing in their ear and running away in a fit of giggling.
Oh, that reminds me... Where's Average American Man at?
Yeah, I was initially thinking that, but I colored differently AJ as an experiment. I'm gonna have to finish drawing the rest before I can really try it out better, though.
22 hours 7 min
Sat 10 Nov 2012 3:00pm GMT
>All of my friends do~

"I am sorry Pinkie but your cockteasing have made me very upset and emotionally fragile, i am afraid the only way to make it up to me would be to let me fuck you senseless"
Pinkie and her pranks were really weird
it almost seemed like she wouldn't do them to people who wouldn't get the same amount of joy from them as she did.
Rarity and AJ both laughed when they realized what was happening, Pinkie wouldn't prank Fluttershy because she knew she wouldn't like it, and as soon as their prank with Spike went a little awry, Pinkie showed genuine concern.
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I like it more this way
Yeah, it's cute. It's even more ginger-ish.
im so excited
pinkie pie
rainbow dash
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"Of course, silly! That's the punchline!"
I'm afraid my Internet connexion won't be great enough to give me the new pone... Fuck.
hello pinkie pie
Pinkie Pie gorges herself on Smile Dip.

What does she see?
>you will never get casual kisses from your same sex friends ;_;
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Nothing less, nothing more.

right now
Rose please

What wrong have I done now?
Well, except for Luna. She was more focused on freaking out rather than actually talking to her.
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hello anon fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
Why ded now, though?
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i'm going to go find a pony
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draw ponegina pls
Does anyone have the season 2 bingo card?
I need to make a new one
you're not pinkie pie
My computer is in front of a window which is in front of a field, and I can see pone all days while ponying. Jello?
What if BOOP.MOV?
Draw flutterbutt
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Not really, real horses are pretty disgusting.
I want blue!
Fuck you, she wasn't "asking" for anything.
blue isn't a flavour
draw wings
pony optional
What the fuck is wrong with you
She was, she needed the googly eyes.
Last call for Wakfu season 1. When season 3 airs, it goes.

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>Someone here gets me to go play COC.
>All that new content.
>Start playing it for the story and not the sex.

Its MGQ all over gain. Helial is just so kawaii. And the interactions she has with the other whores you meet. SO fjkwpfjk
I'm gonna edit a pic with her in, though, since we need new art.
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Can you draw kinky celestia though
Fuck off.
You are annoying
5,2GB huh.

This better be worth it.
Just fucking leave
the game's not finished
Cats on Computers
He should GET OUT!!!!
You have not been told pls enough.
This is important and serious business.
I know. neither is MGQ
Ask /vg/
cringe or cry
pinkie pie what's your favorite sweet treat
wow rude
and they wonder why people call Rose rude selfish bitch
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I really like NMM's design.

I think she looks better without the armor though.
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JJ, pls go
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What if Pinkie Pie hated pie?
You are not funny Kraut.
He's kinda funny though
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well he's emulating JJ so I'd say he's doing a great job of not being funny
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>Not saving all picture mocking JJ
I'm not going there, it is even more fucked up board than /mlp/. Can you just fucking explain it to me? it is not liek you are busy at work or something
Has she ever even eaten a Pie in the show?
What's up with that?
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No. thanks for asking nicely, though.
Why? Why do you care?
Corruption of Champions
Google it.

Its about sex with monsters and monster girls and not monster girls
'Pies, oh my!'
Too old for this show
I want to touch them
I'm blue!
>Scootaloo after Red Bull
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She threw a pie into her face, that's kinda like eating.
I played CoC. Who is Helial? Where is the story there, it just constant sex opportunities.
Rose are you gonna draw more of your furry oc raping that sheep
>you will never eat a pinkie pie pie
That is a very good I think Rainbow Dash.
Possibly Derpy
I will now beg Dooks or other colorer to color until they do.
Derpy is non Rainbow Rainbow Dash
>pinkie just killed herself
What do you draw with, MLPG?
Hel is a salamander girl that after fighting her several times starts digging you. After being her "lover" for a while she gets a story quest.
>Derpy is non Rainbow Rainbow Dash

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Draw more anything like this
Marry me

Bwah, sorry, got distracted. Where will you post her then?

Also, can someone link me to the countdown timer?
I am calling Bullshit on that.
No, fuck off.
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earth ponies work hard for their money

quick hooves, strong back, sweat of their brows etc.
Wait..I didn't even notice those text things.
seems legit
Best race.
It's Bon Bon, I just edited it because I thought it'd be funny
Fucking images stopped working. What does it say?
A Trust tablet and SAI, black markers or Indian ink, watercolors, felt tip pens.
but is pony entitled to the sweat of their brow?
>Bon Bon
>Official pony name
Oh God...
Can you buy Derpy? What is she called?
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POLL TIME: what's your age?

I'm 24 years old

And I fucked up adding my image.
You can't but she appears in a cardboard box sometimes and if you click on it she'll come out and fly around
Fuck off you fucking retard.
We are all 9 year old girls here, anon
Bon Bon
Lives (some house) - Works (another house)

This Earth pony's name is the French word for 'hate' and she has three bows for her cutie mark.
Too late. I'm still blue though.
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the mayor pony is also an earth pony

in fact, isn't it a point in the show that ponyville was founded yeeeears ago by earth ponies

i don't know if that's a thing or not
Beginer here. Someone told me to try Adobe Flash. Is it recommended?
but the image isn't relevant to your question
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>read that image
>Look at it.
>Oh wow.
>Read this
>Look at it again.

I swear it did actually say hate. holy shit what
I'm green.
And question isn't relevant to pony
It's almost as if his whole post is reportable
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50 KB
I am drunk
>'my internet speed is very slow I thought fiber optic was supposed to be good'
>ok what was your speed last time you did a speed test
>'50mb, that's very low isn't it? my hard drive has thousands of megabytes!"
>well you see
>'no you're wrong I have used computers for 20 years I know what I'm talking about'
>implying I didn't report it already
Rose, do you find Andrea Libman cute?

The Unicorns in Canterlot prefer to know Ponyville as "Hoboville"
I haven't used Flash much, because of the feature that "simplify" your lines. You should ask Corwin, Dafty or Randumb tips on how to use Flash, I think they all use that.

It is, you should rewatch Flapjack.
>unicorns are snoooooobs~
>once a day you can give your friends who play the game a special currency
>fuckers cheat to get more money and so on
>now they have to wait 99999 hours to give gifts again
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183 KB
>Thousands of megabytes
How do you pony with such a small hard drive?
Thats like, not even near enough for the amount of pony needed!
>cheating in a my little pony game

get a fucking grip!
Rose has returned to her home planet to fight the C'ythxlan plague.
She will be back in Quintillion years
>missing the entire point
>as always
a million megabytes is still just a thousand thousand, anon
If by "50mb" you actually meant 50mbit - this is fucking fast, even for downstream. Perfect variant for Onlive for example. Not even speaking about some shitty network game
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>I don't see any problem faggot
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Which pony would be the cutest pony
Fluttershy, what kind of a question is that?
>Cheating in a game for little girls
no you see my customers have used computers for 20 years and therefore they know everything better than me despite it being my job to know
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THe point of the game is to be patient or throw some dosh to save the world.

Just like in real life.
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1.59 MB
I think the tiny ponies are really cute.
For instance, the little apple seems real nice.
Pancakefag defense force incoming
>they have 150mbit in a near town for only 35$
>I have to wait at least a year before I can buy it
your reply has nothing to do with my statement
Pinkie Pie no contest.
yes it does
>sticky hooves
Your hooves would be sticky too after baking with the Pink
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Pinkie demands mandatory showers before being approached
Australia pls
That feel when I turned off the notifications in fear of Pinkie wanting to play while my uncle or someone borrowed it for a second
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That just seems annoying
No that's just Pinkie suit anon
Pinkie would want you in your full smelly glory
You can turn off the push notifications easily
No, it doesn't. He said it is slow and you didn't correct him instead jumping on the harddrive comparison.
No that's disgusting and gross
Oh also you guys know that filly pony drawings right?
The recolored one for all the ponies?

They used on for Ocatvia's picture in the game
What, screencap now.
Post it.
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I mean, I'm rather hygienic but I still think Pinkie would be down for just about anything
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Pinkie is investigating you.
She has just gotten access to your hard drive.
What do?
Uh...isn't that fanart?
I wonder if it's the same one or if the vectors are just basically identical because there isn't much to them.
oh no

they used generic_pony_template_04 INSTEAD OF generic_pony_template_03

HAHAHA, dammit.
She'll probably be amazed when she found my +5000 files I have in her folder
that's very unnecessary
Shut the fuck up you fucking autistic shitstain.
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>not unlocking Spitfire as soon as possible.
Whats wrong with you?
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>You sure do have a lot of pictures of m- hey I don't remember doing that
Nigga I don't have the dosh, I need to expand
i dont think so.

Remember when they used Rose's Discord in a commercial?
Been here for almost two years and I save almost everything is posted.
Actually it's a modified Hasbro picture
Before Cutie Mark Chronicles aired they had this coloring pages on their website witch had the mane six as foals.
They have been modified so there's one for every character
vaguely, wasn't it just on the website though?
perhaps I should've exaggerated the part where people stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to listen

It is, the show never used Octavia's design for a filly.
b-b-b-but I COLORED IT

therefore I OWN IT


>tee hee i'm helping out with the show now
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no it was on an actual commercial

Nah it was on tv. For the Nauhty or Nice vote.
I wonder how Pinkie would react to that suit
I can understand it for a commercial since they'll probably made it in twenty minutes and they just googled "Discord" and found her drawing.

This game had more development and all...I can't remember if those fillies pictures come from a official vector or if it's fanart...
I would pet that horse
are you all stupid or something

like, dropped-on-the-head-as-a-baby stupid
Oh ok, that's what I wanted to know, if they come from a official vector.

It's all cool then.
can you stop shitting our thread faggot?
you are dam annoying cunt

See >>5604861
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Now there is no need to resort to petty name calling anon. That's just rude.
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yo, stop that. that's too cute
>Request that
>Rose draws it
>It is incredible
>It is best pony
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Who drew this also do they have a tumblr?
this is gonna not end poorly at all
I wonder how long it'll take Hasbro executives to realise their horrible mistake
#wow #itsfuckingnothing
you should do one for the rest. that style is cute
Looks like MT
What's mine say?
>implying The Hub won't be moderating it
Rose pls don't stop being awesome

Bracing myself for Tara's boobs. IT COULD HAPPEN ONLY ON THE HUB
I'm listening to:
It's quite enjoyable.
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oh fuck
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I drew a mayorhorse.
Any coloring requests? I need more practice.
That probably means at least one person saved those pink ponies pictures I drew.
She'll probably reign it in a bit. I doubt she's completely void of self awareness.
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It might be a bit much though
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Want to try this out?

Color a Rose thing
but where are her wiiiings
Hasbro will obviously approve all her Tweets beforehand.
I draw with Flash, but I'd rather recommend SAI, Photoshop, or something else. I dunno. The only reason I use Flash is because no pressure sensitivity for SAI on macs and I suck at using photoshop. On the plus side, I can also do animations with it easily.

Few tips if you want to use Flash:
Unless you draw with the line/pen tool, the brush tool can be finnicky and annoying to use.

Basically Flash works on a 'grid' that has a fixed size for each tile in the grid. Brush tool attempts to conform the shapes you draw into those tiles, with less than satisfying results if you're using 100% zoom or less. To get around this, you need to zoom in at preferably 400% zoom and a big enough brush tool size (fourth or fifth from the top is my preferred one), and change the smoothing setting between 60-80% (0% gives you very messy lines but exactly like what you want, while 100% is very smooth but 'waves' too much). With these settings, draw BIG (like the head of the character almost filling the whole screen).

Don't use any zoom beyond 800%, because at that point Flash starts to disorientate the shapes' quality and structure, resulting in circles looking like hexagons etc.

(to be cont'd)
It is MT. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if those futa LPS pics aren't edits.

For sketching, you can use whatever zoom or brush size you prefer. I suggest to use 'object drawing' option with the brush tool, and use a semi-transparent color for sketching too, since it makes each stroke into an object (or 'group') that you can reposition or delete invidually.

Line/pen tool with the combination of using the free selection tool is good for doing vector-quality things. Modify > Shape > Convert Lines to Fills is a good thing to keep in mind if you go with this route. Just keep in mind using lines to fills converting, the lines become slightly thinner than what you may expect, and some lines may outright dissappear after the conversion. To get around this, change the line width (even just 0.05 line width increments can fix the dissappearing lines issue) or skew the drawing with the free selection tool just slightly.

Also please note that Flash is very precise about the bucket tool by its default setting (which is still the preferred option): even the tiniest holes will be registered.

Well, that's all I can think of now.
Aw yeah, looks like I've got my work cut out for me.
I'm not at home right now but if you're the guy who always post that drawing of Pinkie with the filename "okay.jpg", yes, I like you.
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I would so belly rub that horse.
i choose to believe that pinkie pie thinks in felt pictures

My God, she's NAKED
Hello new headcanon.
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Did Braeburned draw fempip in a pretty dress yet?
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I would belly run most horses
But it's canon

Isn't it pretty much canon though

You have good ideas, Mr. Bond
>tfw the House of Hats sells Fancy Hats
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and so the terrible influence of Meghan McCarthy will finally make itself known in season 3

she was trying to ruin the show in season 2 but people with standards working on it were like 'no wtf' so she went 'okay i'll just wait til season 3 to ruin it' and lo and behold she did

Yes, I did. I posted it here and tumblr.

I got it done in the same thread it was requested man
Is that SA or Blueblood

Either way, I would rub so hard


Shut the fuck up.
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Do you do anything other than shitpost all day?
i just want them to do horse-y thinks

not people things
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Yeah, I guess I would too.
I would pet horse too.

Go play League of Legends ya butt.
well I had to go to bed don't be so rude man
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>A certain "Great and Powerful" character

That's why she decided to add Dark Magic into the show

Just curious how you missed it! Answered, though
Who's that?
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Simply fantastic

>not roasted
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A /co/ girl obsessed with sharks
nigga pls
pls nigga
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Also to give a sample of those brush tool smoothing and zoom settings, see pic.

First row: 0% smooth
Second row: 100% smooth
Third row: 60% smooth (my usual)

First column: 100% zoom
Second column: 200% zoom
Third column: 400% zoom

This may not be the best example, but it's very noticable when you try to draw with these different levels of zoom and smoothing.
I had Angry Beavers on my mind
holy shit you guys

they have these things called 'happy meals'

you get a food AND a toy, fucking awesome
>MLPGs femdrawfag obsession
Also probably gotta mention that I used the pressure sensitivity option.
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Pony would make good sentient pets
I like the idea that if they were real you would convince them to at least pretend to be your pet to keep up appearances
>pinkie pie will never annoy you
Dang man, I'm not the guy who asked, but thanks. It's very useful.
Hm, can you do Princesses too then? Cadence, Chrysalis, luna etc?

(and cmc)
I'm sensing some hostility for Rainbow Dash there.
>Beavers on my mind


i don't play league of legends to begin with
>not knowing someone who's been drawing for months
the fuck is this
when it starts
what city
Enjoy your McLife
Thank you alot, anon. I really appreciate it.
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I think my Cheerilee, Pinkie Pie, Carrot Cake and Bon Bon formed a cult'
They're just cancing around the stone for no reason.
Please help.
Maybe Rose can just do everything ever in that style.
I'm thinking start with Teddy Roosevelt and move outward from there
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Eastern Time. time zone
To be fair, MT is a pretty forgettable drawfag.
>Select your gun
>Select you horse
I found this shit cute.

Carrot Cake = Charles Manson

You get the rest. Hope you're ready for Ponyville CSI.
how come we never fetish over saddle soap?
I...I don't wanna.

I think he's made himself fairly known.
why is that sign facing the wrong way

does the cashier need to be reminded he works at McDonald's
I meant dancing, fuck
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>The joke is raping Dash
>tfw you've drawn stuff in MLPG for more than a year but no one knows you
Man, I wish I had boobs.
why is the 'WELCOME TO McDONALDS' plate facing the cashier

who presumably works there
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Anon, ponies are always cute.
I don't see you drawing it better
I don't think that's what he implied at all.
the word you are looking for is 'sapient'
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It's pretty cute out of context
The sign is backwards because SmittyG is an idiot
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It's ultimate irony.
What does sentient mean, anon.
twilight just in the frame is too funny
you might say it's an

...unhappy meal #lolle
>anon thinks buying unhealthy fast food is cute
Not you, for example.
Well you're right
But you're also a jerk

Okay so she wasn't THAT well known to me
We keep their saddles nice and soft?

I mean, saddles are sexy, but I fail to see the eroticism in the actual care of them.
Good one, mate
#yolo #MLP
Also another thing
If you cheat at the game by going forward in time, besides the inability to give gifts, your village becomes invaded by rocks that cost a lot to remove and hundreds of parasprites

>Not "This is the thanks I get for booping over time?"

Do you even watch the spongebob?
>femdrawfag obsession
Why would you ever cheat in that game?
#whoa #scrubbingbubbles #scrubbingbubblesnewchallenger
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30 KB
>Try out that new pony game
>oh god it's so grindy
>background music from the show is in it
>jesus fuck there's so many ponies to unlock
>I've got to have them all
>fucking Hasbro
Well, he's right.
>implying that wasn't just a cheaply veiled attempt to get you to get off your ass and draw something
roody poo-poo and rummy tum-tums
#a_new_challenger_approaches #MLPG2012 #YouOnlyYOLOOnce

well if you call these scribbles art.. okay, I guess. opnions, right?
anon why
why are you so cruel
Every day you get a bonus and other stuff and shit like that

The sad part is this
>change android device
>years later find your old one
>open game
>the ponies are still there
>but rocks every where
>parasprites too

It's the Animal Crossing comic all over again
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257 KB

hash tags are yet another thing I only know about because people decided to complain about them outside of their realm of influence
Like YOLO and Snooky

Just letting you know you're that guy
Because I love you.
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27 KB
>Not choosing to be accurate
#leepicmeme #/v/ #/v/plsgo #italiano
um, this'll sound kinda awkward, but does anyone have a link to that tumblr video of the guy in a skirt fucking a huge dragon dildo?
I know absolutely fucking nothing about this game

can i get it on a droid

It's not a dragon dildo, it's a horsecock.

But yeah

Is it on android?
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aaaahh, the final day of shitposting before the season starts
savor it
Just google kidsune
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I'm more interested in how long till PC emulation.

I don't have a droid or an iwhatever.
>implying I'm going to stop

It's by gameloft, right?
>check history
Apparently I do. Here you g-
Oh, nevermind.
it's still a "bad dragon" dildo
that's what i meant

I can't wait for it to end.

Not gonna pretend there was never shitposting, but having the topic shift back to pony will be a welcome change.
her hat is silly.

I like it. 10/10 would bang
you made a spelling error
it's cunt, Ros, cuntdance

But I do understand such a gentle flower like you would never use this word.
Also forgot to mention that to achieve the best results with the zoom and smoothing settings, a tablet with pressure sensitivity that Flash can support works wonders.

Drawing with a mouse or no pressure sensitivity on, you may have to draw a line with the brush tool a few more times than you'd need to before Flash manages to 'capture' your line right. This is again thanks to that grid thing I mentioned, which makes it so that seemingly identical strokes result in completely different looking lines. It's annoying, but it's nothing a few ctrl+Zs and patience can't solve.
cadance is so pretty
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65 KB
Aaaaaaaah yiss
As long as sentenal is still here and unbanned, there will always be shit posting.

Yes everyone prepare for the shitposting DURING the season.
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>Rarity's ROH crystal are the rarest for me
It's funny cause her name is also Rarity
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Your memory serve you well.
I'm preparing for the next hiatus which is going to start in february
it's amazing to me that any typical guy can just throw on a skirt and those arm/leg things and he's instantly a trap
It shouldn't be that hard
The android SDK is free, and if you get it all set up you can install from .apk files to it
There's tutorials and such on the internet

I'll be doing that later today when I have time, because it wont run on my phone without crashing
princess celestia
2.3s are the rarest for me
...I'm still lost about one little thing.
Jamie is he or she? It's ...kind of important.
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but nobody will pay attention to you! what re you gonna say? "Duh the episode sucked because all these generic bullshit flaws i pull out my ass"? Bring up some dirty dirt on one of our fellows? Puh-lease
she looks like a dick with horn and wings

why would someone make this?
>implying your dick cares

From rares to least rare for me till now is
Rarity>RD>Fluttershy>Twilight>AJ>Pinkie Pie
Nah, you have to be a least a little feminine
If he had a beer belly or was a bear it wouldn't work

Not being able to see his face helps too, probably
Is there a functional emulator for this game?

You've gotta have the body/skin for it, too
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Almost there.

10 EST.
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You need to use their social services for a resource that unlocks a few things like Zecora and scootaloo and shops and things
I don't think you can do that on a emulator

Throw on a tripcode or a name and do that and you're guranteed at least 10 replies. Just look at Juice or Terse or any of the others.
Uhm, MLPG how do I become a trap?
curse my masculine jawline and my hairy ass
no just buy it
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But Klondork I allready added you as friend. Why would you need an emulator if you have an iPad?

oh god what
I thought those things were meant to be decorative
By the way, how do I add you faggots on that gameloft thingy?
Imagine if when you sleep you didn't fall unconscious and just laid there for 8 hours straight.

What would you think about for that long every day?
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Or sentenal or Nathan

I would if I could. But I don't have the required platform. And I can't just buy an iPhone or whatever. 2rich4me.
Excellent. I might have to sit in the corner of starbucks like a weirdo but oh well






20 hours 49 mins! GUYS
you understand nobody even knows what you're talking about anymore though
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draw aku- i mean king sombra
Her horn is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge
>implying that's not what I do every night
anon pls
I think about ponies.
>you understand nobody even knows what you're talking about anymore though

>best, most responsible pony as icon

I'd work on my imagination story that's been going strong since I was 9.
It's nonsexual anon. Goddamit anon why do you always have to make everything sexual. At least pones are still safe...
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One down, three to go.
work on your game, ullililia
Speak English sentenal
You need an account and their account names
So you need real people...

There's a thread on /mlp/ that collects them but it's a bitch to add them on a phone

Open the scroll and go to social. Chose friends and connect to Gameloft Live
Then add people
but then it isn't shitposting, it's conversation
can you try to draw something sexy in this style?
That was fast, nice.
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>That stock Pinkie Pie Vector
Will they ever make a new one?
don't you dare change her, anonymous
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Thats berry nice
yo, is rose streaming? Also do we have a synopsis for tomorrow?
shit shit the intro music for the game is so loud on my phone

all the sudden my apartment rung with, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE MAGICAL-shit shit

wait what is this bullshit modified NMM story
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>please get this semen out of me
>i beg you
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Kiss goodbye to your free time
Give me your names, faggots
mine is dyewts
i like the stock vectors

they're cute
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forgot text
rise of the guardians pls
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Why doesn't Hasbro make nice plushies like this?

Also, I didn't realize that they'd get the characters to actually voice everything with new lines and everything

Isn't that the shitty movie with talking owls?
I still have a little bit of free time. I'm gonna wait until I upgrade my phone next week
>caring about rose
I would imagine design and manufacturing concerns.

Shit is easier to excrete than gold.
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Are those made by the same girl who made the recent Lyra with socks?

I suck at names

Here's the list with the /mlp/ people
Don't worry you don't interact with them.
All you have to do is click a button to give them free hearts and visit them from time to time to give them a chest.
They will do the same for you

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Fucking dropped
All I know is that I think the designs for the characters look neat. And that I want to see Rose's take on them especially the easter bunny
What're you, a retard?
they are thigh highs anon
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Go ask her on Tumblr you fucking retard.
No I mean that was a guardians something movie that was all about talking owls
do we all hate rose now? did i miss something?
Does anyone have a screencap of the little comic that the game shows when you go to fly for a star?

Shit is hilariously mediocre
Can't handle all this want


That tail looks like it would snap off easily, though.
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>you will never remove princess celestia's pretty hoof-covers
you missed that there is a guy that shits on contributors
Also be carefull the Gameloft Live is broken for a lot of people
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Dat tail paint
Guardians of Ga'Hoole or something like that is what you're thinking of, I think.
She refuses to draw us porn
Of course we hat her
19 more hours and in death we shall be free
It is for me
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I'll be honest. You can make anything look suggestive when you draw their eyes half-lidded

last one, though

can't, gotta go work or whatever tomorrow
I think it's 20 and a half hours, anon
becuase contributors sucks
everyone knows they're called quarters!
>pinkie pie will never play an instrument again
Thanks Rose
You are a pretty bad dude


what is this strawberry oc
is she so pissed that it's cloudly that she is so fed up she needs to fly above them
Those are being sold in a pair
I wonder how much they will sell for
>tfw I've never been popular enough to be shat on

>tfw you have
and she is a frigid bitch because she didn't like my penis pictures
I'll shit on you anon

if thats what you want

More than I can afford. ;_;
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>not stifles
here dammit
>the back is the loin?
Shit, new NMM lines and everything.
I like this game.
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I'll make it for you free if you can just buy me the materials
>you will never frolic free and happy on a warm Equestrian day
That Pank just looks bored to me, I'm afraid! (Loving all these pics)
I know
Same for me
I hope Gameloft will fix it after getting hundreds of complaints from neckberds
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Someone said we were in dire need of new Marker pics.
You can keep lying to the general about what you send me or not, anon, if it makes you feel better about being mad at me for fake reasons. I think it's rather silly of you to do constantly, though
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Well considering an Anon bought Lyra for $1000

...she said "little fool."

...not "foal"

game what are you DOING
>tfw you are shat on despite being unpopular
Right, so a few months ago I decided to leave /mlp/ until the new season started. Did I miss anything? Any shitstorms occured that I should know about?

'cept for that, good day, anon. Nice to be back here.
>she says fool
>not foal
I felt a little disappoint, but the game is far too adorable to not love.
>Dire need
Not really, i think i have more amrker pony than Rarity at this point

But this is still pretty great
You should send them to Reu instead. Reu loves penis.

Just your usually daily shitting. Not too overwhelming unless your a pussy about it.
Welcome back.
>Not Art-anon

shiggy diggy
>NMM will never call you her little foal
>Derpy Hooves is Doctor Whooves's companion in his adventures.

>Octavia is very posh.

>Pinkie Pie knows about the viewers.

>Scootaloo cannot fly.

>Sweetie Belle's special talent is singing.

>Octavia lives with Vinyl Scratch

>Twilight Sparkle still wishes she had better control over her teleportation spell.

>Octavia plays the Cello

>Derpy Hooves loves to eat muffins.

>Bon Bon didn't put those in her bag.
lots of spoilers and clips
what you may consider shitstorm material is Trixie coming back and kicking Twilight out of town
>tfw when your phone doesnt even have a camera let alone internet connection

fuck my poor ass
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I think they're planning to lynch Zecora.
Fucking ponies.
>that feel when you tap on the little box and derpy pops out
my heart cannot take very much of this game at once
Hearing the cathy wesluck call out BonBon feels really strange
I forgot how many fan names are in here, and didn't realize the show voice actors would be using those names.

I like it
I read that as "Fuck my pony ass"

Did you miss all the people just a little above you going gaga over her pictures? Trust me anon there isn't a "we" in this place. Some people like her and some people don't. It's just a fact of life. Then there are actually some people out there who don't even care at all.

I refuse to believe those are from that site.
Sorry sorry. I'll probably just post her on tumblr. Use the #art# on the side to avoid my bullshit.
I need to go finish some work, though.
anyone gonna stram the ponygame
isn't the point of a headcanon that it's just something that lives in your head

it's not like a headcanon is a collaborative thing

i mean, why does it need to be catalog'd and shared with the world on a wiki

what does this achieve
So unless I get a tablet, there no way I can play this game, even on teh pc?
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it's where I grabbed >>5605549 and others from before I got annoyed by Marker's look and stopped.

Guess I'll just redraw her and do it next week.
Okay, thanks, good luck.
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I don't even have a phone
Captcha: tom butypers
Good luck with the work.
its the pinnacle of autism
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>mfw I have watched nothing about new horse season
>mfw everything is going to be a complete surprise
I remember someone did a whole voice over for that fora pony version.
You can play it on any ios or android device, I think you could even emulate android on your pc
you never got penis pictures? that is fucking weird, why would somebody lie about being a doucebag
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how can i play pone game without phone please
everybody dies
Yeah, I grabbed that recording and decided to animate it.
>cat sits next to you while ponying
>rubs its head on your hand and leg
>imagine it's a pony
Sending people pictures of your penis is rape.
That true? Can't wait to finally see this show explode. I predicted that it would end poorly, after the strong decline in quality during season 2, it's bound to happen now. I mean, they went from "show for girls that doesn't suck" to "tackiest wedding-themed two-parter about characters never seen before".
Are you rock hard now?
>didn't watch any of the spoilers either
>can't even watch the new episodes until Christmas
It hurts anon.
>emulate android on your pc
that seems like a lot of effort for a free game

that would probably deliver a sub-par experience anyway

buy a phone
or a tablet
>I think you could even emulate android on your pc

Not him but I tried running it on BlueStacks and the game crashes during first loading screen. Apparently BlueStacks is also the most advanced Android app emulator there is so I doubt any other emulator works any better.
at least we got cheeselegs out of that
Shining: “Do the cunt dance, honey.”
Cadence: “…again?”
Shining: “Please…?”
Cadence: “I just did it an hour ago!”
Shining: “But I’m hungry ;__;”
Cadence: “Mmmm, well… alright.”
Cadence: *does the cunt dance*
Shining: “Hawt o3o”
but why lie and say you raped somebody when you didn't?
but i dont have any money for phone

remember when everyone liked the show
>reclaimed from the sticky fingers of small children
>to the warm, moist, onion-scented bosom of the Internet Male fanbase
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I imagined it was Sweetie. So no, since she is not for sexually.
then live vicariously through /g/ and shit on all their threads
nanaki is rape?
>dire need
Thanks, yeah, it was an exaggeration anyways, seeing how a few new pictures had been drawn only days/hours ago.
Thank you. Are you by any chance?...
>boop pony ass rapes orange master chief
but i dont want to shit on any threads on any boards
you think children didn't like the wedding?
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Applebloom begs to differ
no he's a prostitute
Would you rather have a pony that was sticky from candy and dirt or one that was damp and greasy?
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My black American friend whom I see as an equal and is a contributing member of society.
I want to hold it by the tail and pretend she's a gun and go 'pow pow pow pow'
are either of them chubby?
my little sister didn't like the wedding
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>Sharp decline in quality
>A mediocre episode followed by a mediocre finale destroyed the whole show
i think you missed my point

It's not "a good show for children," it's "show for men who turned the show for girls into a meme for 15-25 year old nerds and then obsessed over it."
But that's wrong.
you could bathe them together and laugh as they both want to have their manes brushed first
They can be just about anything, but they're either like the hands of a child or a manchild. All over.
>Not for sexually

nigga you gay

and if so i respect you and your sexual preferences
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>that entire post
>mane brushing
Oh gosh. Can they close their eyes and smile softly as I do it?

oh, yes. it could always be that, at least for those first few fans, it actually was just a good show for what it was and they genuinely enjoyed the writing and characters and animation. Then by the time the talent jumped ship and the novelty wore off the fandom was self-perpetuating and then welp, bronies
did she go, "bleehh that was stoopid"? that would be so hnnng
>Brush me! Brush me!
>No, I'm going first.
>Splash fight

I think the second episode was actually pretty good, bar the very end of it.

Like, that changeling scene was great.
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>Sexualing a Sweetie
actually she only likes animu... i have no idea why
>Talent jumped ship
>Faust left! oh my god, the show's ruined! It's not like she only wrote two episodes!
except it is still just a show for kids

some references to the older fandom are in there, but the fucking kids don't even notice or care
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>not sexualing squigglytail's younger sister
enjoy your brony show then?
What are you talking about? Sexual thoughts about pure, innocent Sweetie Belle are horrible.

I would never suggest removing Sweeties's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little teats. Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow.

The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hooves scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke.
I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet mane warm and marshmellowy on your face and her flat teats, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.
>going for the younger sister
>not the mature, experienced older one who knows how to please

It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her teats hardening as you fondle her crotch, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly, "You came so much inside of me", her body goes tense as she feels your cock hardening inside her again.

You're all freaks. Sweetie Belle is too pure for anyone to imagine her in such a terrible situation, and anyone who does is evil, evil, evil.
hurr I will enjoy my little kid show
/a/ pls

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>Using the single-use time travel spell, Rarity was the one who sent the "anonymous threat" to Canterlot.
>the fucking kids don't even notice or care

>heh, i'm smarter than a kid
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My Little Pony is a very serious show
We can't let them ruin it with their sillyness and fun

It is a truly disgusting world we live in when someone finds something this sick sexual.
>going for the loose older marshmallow
>not going for the younger and tighter
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Has been a long time since I've seen this copypasta
What is Twilight doing under Big Mac's bed?
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It is really, truly a good show made with a lot of love and care and above all respect for its actual audience (little girls), which makes the issue all the more depressing. But internet troglodytes cannot--CANNOT--process something not being about them. Because they are scum.
Oh no, I get it, it's Cheerilee.

Makes sense.
>wanting marshmallows at all
>not enjoying the exotic pleasures that the element of magic can bring you
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>MT will never love you tenderly
>forgot about the usage of plot with ponies
>see a brony comment using the word in place of butt
I had forgotten how much I dislike that thing.
>it is this smartness that causes me to be a brony and think the show is so much more than it really is
>not apples

do you even pone?
Fuck off.
that's Cheerilee
nope nope nope nope nope
cheerilee is a sick sick pony
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What the original or this edit? I made this so I doubt you've seen it before.
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Okay. 4chan fucked itself or something and I couldn't access the site. In the meantime, I finished another one.
To be perfectly honest, the only pone among the main six I wouldn't is panka
It doesn't have anything to do with intelligence.
Do you seriously think a kid would get the Derpy reference in TLR?
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>End up on brony site
>People using "plot" for ass
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Who would want to imagine such a thing?
Does not compute
I still like it
but I would always use flank/rump/butt instead
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It's a great pony but I think the wings are to small.
It may be just me tough
What do you expect from YouTube?
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it's okay to have feelings, anon

let them out
>that feel when people use unappealing words for appealing things, like turd cutter
they're promoting the fuck out of that show
shit mist?
saged, reported, blocked, called the cops

Guys, we have found the best pegasus. Contest is over, all other contestants can go home.
>if you spell brony backwards without the y it spells norb
>norbert from the angry beavers

Crude stew, do you fear it Apple Bloom?
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don't you just want to throw her down and fuck her so hard, but she loves it. When she comes her horns spurts a clear liquid you lap up, and feel the burn on your tongue
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Never change, MLPG
lel xd
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i really, really wish I'd saved the source of this image

guy calls himself Rolling Wonder, and the guys at their brony meetup left him in the house to go bowling

>if you reverse some of the letter it spells born
>Deedee has a brother named dexter

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My upsetness is reaching a new level.
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>there was a chubby black girl in high school that wanted to suck your dick but you never took her up on that offer so now you don't have memories you can pretend to have had with MT

feels bad man
i don't like how sad/lonely/frustrated pinkie pie was co-opted as some kind of 'pinkie pie is secretly a serial killer this proves how gimdark the show really us for us bronies, the true audience lol have you read cupcakes yet' thing
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no your head canon is stupid
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>Deedee has a brother named dexter
>Dexter is a fictional serial killer
>Bronies kill people
u wot m8?
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>chubby black girl
Have some fucking standards anon, christ!
>FiM season 4 is a MLP LPS (MLPS) crossover
>in the style of LPS
"I'm totally progressive, breaking society's boundries, and better than you are for watching this show even though it's aimed at litle girls, by the way the only thing about this show that's wrong is that it's aimed at an audience of little girls instead of its adult fans, and it should have more grimdark rape scenes clop clop clop."

>if you take out the b and replace it with an r and take out the last r it spells ronry

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>her armpits, savoring the scent
Hnnng whyyy
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>barcode tattoo
Should have been a QR code
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>Actually believing murderess Pinkie is canon
>Actually having that head canon

I like psycho Pinkie images, so sue me
>Twilight and the gang travel to the arctic north to uncover the crystal empire
>run afoul Lord Somber, barely escape with their lives
>discover the mystery of the 1,000 year slumber of the crystal ponies
>learn of the disturbing rumbles of an uncharted black cave, no doubt the current lair of the evil undying unicorn
>risk certain death to penetrate the dark heart of his reborn evil
>discover the twisted, ungodly prison which he has now broken to set himself free
>run into the CMCs, still arguing in the fight that broke him from his prison

>if you take out the b, r and y it spells "on"

yeah that was stupid
I do hope that's some retarded brony quote and not something you typed just to sound funny.
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>clop clop clop
>Deedee has a brother named dexter
>Dexter is a fictional serial killer
>CSI solves murder cases
>CSI has doctors
>Doctor House
>Doctor House is the 14th doctor
>British Empire

Fucking bronies ruined sealab

Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.
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>clop clop clop
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Good afternoon MLPG, how are you all doing?
I liked that album. Bronies really do ruin everything
they can never say 'clop' on the show without the tards jumping up and down acknowledging it as some kind of FANDOM REFERENCE, I FOUND A FANDOM REFERENCE YOU GUYS oh boy EQD recognition here i come

like, the silly pun for 'clap'
Soarin is so cute
please, spare the americans' feelings
>I like Psycho pinkie

psycho pinkie is canon. She went completely insane in Party of One.
>Reversed: Aes
>e replaced with an s: Ass
Fun fact: Cupcakes was written before Party Of One aired.
the Hub is a new channel, they're doing new shows, what the fuck is the deal with crossover commercials? is Dan Vs. over btw? what happened to that?

>bronies has an 'I' in it
>everything does too

now bronies have even ruined everything!
oh god, imagine if they used 'plot' on the show.

wait. don't imagine that. don't imagine that at all.
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>Clop as a masturbation noise

That's possibly the most retarded idea ever conceived in this unholy shitstorm of retarded ideas
>Assassins Creed

Fucking bronies ruined Call of ?Duty

she was manic depressive. she wasn't violent.
What's your favorite part of your favorite pony?
No. It's beaten by the idiots who actually think the anatomical name for a horses ass is the "plot"
the wonderbolts
as canon as scootabuse, brony.
>YFW when they make sethistopony a background character
the ass
I don't think anyone actually thinks that
her awkward smile and blushes i also really like her mane. seriously.
There's nothing the show can do now without being misconstrued as a brony reference

we are past the point of no return
>sexual fandom reference

sure thing
plots are for bronies after all
Fluttershy's heart
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Her mane
No one does that
I hope
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Her mane.
self-sustaining fandom, you say
Twists mane
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her toots
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Fun Fact: Cupcakes is poorly written literary refuse that fails on a fundamental level to shock or horrify.
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Every day at night materrace.
>Once a week or less
She was violent to Spike. She was violent to Dash. She heard voices. She was schizophrenic. She was bipolar.

She was completely fucking bats in the belfry insane. But it's true that she didn't kill anybody and there wasn't any gore.
what the fuck is Mimify
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>put pinkie pie in dryer after her bath
didn't they say clop your hooves in Luna Eclipsed? I like that
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Her wings. They're so pretty.
>intuos 4 or 5 or whatever
Wish I had that. Stuck with a intuos 3 and I feel it's getting wonkier.
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meh i think it could work
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I'm currently grinding the fuck out of that new pone mobile phone game.

That's kind of true.

Like, if the show were to try doing a genderbent episode, which many cartoons have done before and is a pretty fun episode basis, everyone would say its based around fandom shit.

Thats why I kind of just let the show do it's thing. Everyones overreacting thinking what might happen, but I'm just excited to see what DOES happen. If the leaks were any measure, i'm gonna enjoy the fuck out of it
why would you shower before bed
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People forget that the whole reason Cupcakes was written was because one guy was really pissed off as the amount of PinkieDash shippers and hoped a fic like Cupcakes would make people talk about the ship less
>magnifying glass with 1x magnification

How are bats in a belfry insane? It's a common occurrence.
>you will never rub your favorite pony's gaskins
>you will never press your nose to theirs and share breath
Well for what it's worth PinkieDash isn't one of the most popular ships anymore.
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My nigga
Only 6,4k more for THE WONDERBOLTS
It actually helps you to relax, so a good shower before bed lets you sleep peacefully.
twice a day master race reporting

Playing ball catch with bon bon is too enjoyable.
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There's a pone game that actually released? Where was I? What? Details, sir, I require details.
how fucking nasty is your bed then?
It's the gameloft microtransaction smart phone pony game.
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how fucking gross and stale are you, getting straight out of bed in the morning and going to work all un-fresh like
I like her hooves, they squeak! Or maybe that is her joints?
>that feel when Lyra's eyes are gray instead of white for some reason
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Would you squeeze a squeaky pony?
Release them
Thank you, I think I'm going to look into this. How bad are the microtransactions? Required for anything >fun?
Oops, meant to reply to:
I would have sex with Applejack's voice
"Hey BLythe this is my brother big Mac he's gonna fuk u now"
that would scare the love out of me. Like seriously how can people not think those aren't creepy.

That's all I need, sleepless night!
>her joints
>Foalhood osteoporis or something
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Fun Fact

Cupcakes either didn't change the amount of Pinkiedash or even increased it - there was a ton of hurt/comfort shit afterwards.
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You can't have sex with soundwaved
No, it's quite addictive even without microtransactions
Purple Dawn

I would share breath hnnng
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>20 hours
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Neat. Thank you, sir!
>MT doesnt like synthpop
>not taking a shower every day at night
>not washing your face and ass every morning
>being this slow
>tfw woke up after blacking out next to a fat chick with blood on my fingers and no memory of anything that happened last night
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why not? are you some kind of racist
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This season we're going to see both Discord and Trixie returning, and they're hinting at Twilight going alicorn.

Guess how many faggots think it's pure pandering?
>hes never had sex with a sound wave
If a woman shouting at a glass could shatter it, I'm sure with the right frequency someone shouting at your dick can make you orgasm.
I will invent a way.

and when I do, I will make millions from people who want Luna to scream at their dick
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How the fuck tall is Blythe? Sure she's a cartoon but this is the first time an actual human was put next to the ponies by the Hub

Oh god Ponies are giant!
>bones as brittle as a peppermint stick

Oh man I want to hug and protect her even more now.
I should probably clean my butt more
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>6 hours
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Repent, the aponyclypse is upon us.
I wonder why it is that horses whinny and recoil after doing that with each other only to slowly go back and do it again.
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>you will never have snu snu with your favorite giant pony
>Slightly shorter than five feet

Back at Honest Dan`s discount urology: Weird, this is the fourth mangled penis this week.
do you have red wings?
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>not jumping ot littlest pet shop already





what are you waiting for?, they are basically the same
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No legendaries bro
Aaaand all the pony fapfiction is made inaccurate.


Isn't she a tween or something? She's not an adult, right?
that looks familiar. what music video is that from?
Don't reply and report it
>ponies are now piggyback size

I see nothing wrong with this.
pretty sure we've had size comparisons before, I mean, use that pet episode as an example, you know how big a falcon/eagle is in real life.
didn't they put Dan next to them too, like a while ago

Jokes on you I used my older brother's Action Replay to get max stats.
It's funny how I didn't care when I was young, but how now I feel extremely uncomfortable if I skip my daily shower.
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is this canon guise?
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Actually yeah, you're right now that I think about it. Nevermind.
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>Not inglorious Frame by Frame
Fucking noob
Go away Hasbro

nobody is interested in your sloppy seconds show
Hot Chip - I Feel Better

Godly song.
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>battling prior to gen 4
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so who else is joining to this group?

i know i am
Would you a pony's rumbly, full belly?
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>MFW I knew what I know about pokemon now when I did back them I would dominate my cousins legendary only team.
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Holy fuck I haven't seen this picture in forever.
Wireless kind of takes the fun out of things...
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Reu pls.
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Welp, time for some vidya.

Cya later MLPG, have a nice day!

>Get Alakazam
>learn ice fire thunder punch and psychic
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Who's excited for new pone?
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What the hell are you smiling at?
Pinkie wants to be the king of spain
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>canon horse size
that's nice
thanks. i remember seeing that video one LOGO and thinking 'what the fuck just happened? cool song, though'
Deaht's sweet embrace
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I'm coasting through today just to make tomorrow come faster.
The average twelve year old girl is about four foot nine - fifty nine inches. Let's assume that Blythe is twelve, and not abnormally tall. So going by the closest pony here, that makes them just slightly over four feet tall, or about the height of a real life pony.

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>mfw I'm so autistic that I made up lyrics to the Legendary Theme and sing them when I play the two levels.
Did Gengar have access to dream eater in G1?
I remember using hypnosis + dream eater and beat most of the opponents with that.

Mr. Mime + subsitute + whatever attacks it knew when not Gengar.
>they refer to their sexualizing fans as "petterphiles"
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>Welp, time for some vidya.

How appropriate, me too.

Have fun.

Also have a nice evening MLPG.

>That promo
The fuck is wrong with Pinkie
She seems a giant compared to Dash
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As long as the lyrics make sense, there's nothing wrong with being creative!
shes big boned
SHut up I feel autistic. Fucking yell at me.
wh- what promo?
Would you a pony with a vulva larger than both your hands?
Pinkie pls go.

Thank you.
>I decided to make a fanbase
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No way man, I'm a nice guy™

I did that too with an old Pokemon game for Sega.
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Here you go guys:
FUCK you Panka
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Jesus christ this is actually even more pathetic than bronies.
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Shame on you guys if you don't give Littlest Pet Shop a chance.

I'm gonna watch Littlest Pet Shop. Infact, I'm pretty excited for it. My Little Pony: FiM showed me that pretty much any cartoon has potential. Hell, maybe in a few months time, haters will be getting pissed off at pet shop fans, whatever their names will be.
>there is so much more 'pony' now, rather than 'horse', on all the zoo websites
I'm sure people are giving it a chance just stop pushing it
Holy cow.
He won't stop pushing it

he's been doing a similar spam thread on /co/

and you can guess how roasted bread and others react to how Hasbro somehow wants to mooch off bronies
>giving a chance to a show that hasn't even started yet
It's gonna premiere right after S3 premiere.
Some are bound to watch it if the streamer(s) just keeps the thing going after ponies.

I don't like the aesthetics in the designs so far, but I'll watch the premiere at least. Don't think it'll sell me on starting to follow the series (just like the new TMNT show isn't hooking me even though I love 'em turtles), but it should at least give me an idea if it's a decent show for girls.
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why would you give a hat to a puppy?
so are you excited for the return of strawberry shortcake

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