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My Little Pony General: S3 is on the horizon edition
Last Thread: >>5023883
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 5.0 09/20/12 - Onward To S3
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>that NMM
This thread topic is artificially pandering
What if pone could no longer contain the contents of their bowels?
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81 KB
Why contain it?
So do you think King Somber makes ponies sad and feeds of their sadness, or does he feed of their happiness which in turn makes them sad?
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Will MLPG escape another shitstorm? Will anyone post anything good today? Will "don't sign your post" become all the rage on Reddit? Find out after these messages.
I didn't want to believe that lord donut steel was real.
I-I just wanted to believe it was some kind of a horrible joke for an OC someone put in...
Alright, guys, I'm trying to be the first to masturbate to crystal ponies but other than some futa shit I'm having a hard time find any pics. Help me out? For science?
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38 KB
>he feed of their happiness which in turn makes them sad?
King Sombrero confirmed for Dementor
I would think you are already too late.
>coke pony loathes pepsi pony
>just like your 'requests'


>anybody who DOESN'T share your opinion is to be blatenetly ignored.

"not behold to the whims of" =/= blatanetly ignored

I explained my view point pretty clearly in the post, I felt. I'm not going to dance for every person who says something bad about my work or offers advice, but, like any reasonable should, I'll take the advice or criticism, digest it, and apply it if I feel it's relevant.
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961 KB
So, let me get this clear; both the Luna banishment and King Slumber event occurs at the same year?

I don't know. I prefer the second one.

I'm sure it will all be revealed.
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137 KB
>dat apple dropbox
way too late
Roughly, yes. Celestia had a busy time during that year.
That's not a baabhabhiat

I'm downloading it now

I can barely wait
fuckin 200mb

Is it any good?>
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11 KB

Well, he is a Changeling (note the changeling wings on the lower right, his eye color, the neck armor, the holes in his horn) so that absolutely makes sense.

Still, are there any relevant pics? I want to brag to all my friends about how cutting-edge my horsefuckery is.
Because he has no happinies for himself, hence the name, King Somber
So, you never apply it, then, because you believe you can never be wrong.

Glad we've sorted that out then.
would you say it'll make your >dong ding...?
last thread
ctrl f

Maybe he is just king No Fun Allowed

There will none of this fun stuff on his watch
>King Somber
>Queen Chrysalis
>you will never carry a sleeping coke pone to her cooler
>you will never lay her down on the bed of ice, scooping some over her to keep her cold
>she will never wake up for a moment and smile weakly at you as you run your hands across her glassy mane
>you will never whisper "sleep tight" as you close the lid and head to bed yourself
Go to last horse
ctrl+f "dropbox"
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>Lord Donut Steel is indeed King Somber
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141 KB
Have we even seen his entire body officially yet?
He's the King of /v/
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>crystal ponies are all depressed and shit

Clearly a shoutout to MLPG. Fucking pandering dickheads.
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Where are Scootaloos parents?
Does she even have a family?
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41 KB
>mfw he's only a head
this entire conversation is stupid
and you are both idiots for participating in it
Those front legs bother me because they look like rear legs.
MLPG references in my cartoons? Fucking dropped, I'm barely able to put up with you fucks here. Unfuckingbelievable.
It's Apple so, I doubt so.
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>He is evil pony zordon
of course she does
the orphanloo fanon is retarded
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the thumbnail makes her look like Nathan
It's, in my opinion, the best fanart I've seen of him.
>So, you never apply it, then, because you believe you can never be wrong.

uuhhh, okay, I'm glad to see you've made that judgement call without even knowing anything about me.

In fact, I can be and very often am wrong.
>get up in middle of night
>sounds from downstairs
>creep down stairs holding baseball bat
>it's coming from the fridge
>poke open fridge door with end of bat
>coke pony is in floods of tears
>oh fuck
>she's holding a pepsi label in her hooves
But they don't recognize 4chan, it pandering artificially, such bullshit
In my opinion, you are an autistic shitstain.

It's my opinion though.
>King somber will be a one dimensional villian
>We will call him donut steel and king sodomy
>He will not be voiced by a British actor or the guy who id jack skellington and sound sexy as fuck
>He will not be a good guy from G1 perceived with bad intentions by his subjects
>he didn't make the kingdom dissapear in G1 to save his people from the smooze
>The method to do this was to drain them of happiness and thus make the city opaque and dissapear as the yand the ponies are linked.
>Twilight's mother will not come in to denfed him at last minute from the mane 6 as he tries to stop a smooze sample from reforming and expanding.
File: 1350077063819.png-(318 KB, 1098x678, Nathan cosplaying as Van (...).png)
318 KB

She has an adoptive father

He's a human.

It's me.

I'm Scootaloo's adoptive father.
But pepsi is terrible. What's it doing in my fridge?

Be nice
>British actor
mr. stewart, i presume?
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What about crippleloo?
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2.58 MB
Overdesigned, but cute.
That's canon
That fucking picture is artificial pandering, you goddamn brony.
#swag #YOLO #italiano #ice_burn
Have you seen any others that are good? By all means, do share
>Van Helsing

I actually liked that movie

We need a stretcher and a straight jacket over here
my nigga
i laughed somehow
I prefer to think of her as a late bloomer
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1.51 MB

Me too. I don't get all the hate.
You tell me. Something about cheap, artificial floozies?
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you'll never come between me and my adopted daughter/paramour filly
>all dose squishable asses in Apple's archive of all his art

Please don't leave the Internet forever. If this is your way of saying goodbye, I'll give this ZIP right back to you.
So i heard something about an OC becoming canon. Details?
RainboomCrash Pls....
Won't dashie get mad?

Only the dead leave the Internet forever
Are you sure it's the same ZIP?
Your favorite pony just kissed you
Please. The only other soda from Coke that would wind up in my fridge is either Barq's Root Beer or Vanilla Coke. Can't stand Pepsi since it leaves a film on my teeth.
I swear to god if smell-o-vision becomes real, I'll dedicate my entire life producing wonderful sexual scent simulations for the masses to enjoy
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53 KB

It has happened in the show a few times with staff OCs
>tfw no more lime coke
>that feel when the only soda you drink at home is rhubarb flavored
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>"Outside of the MLP community, Pinkie Pie's adapted human design has garnered almost universal praise, compared to the other five I drew. Don't know what you mean there"
>ross is talking about the fat fetish forum we know he posts on

ohgod my sides
Ya better not steal from him! Otherwise he'll drown you in eternal unhappiness.
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Yep, shit's pretty shocking. I mean just look at her.
Isn't that Tutti Frutti from one of the earlier generations?
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1.66 MB
I'm entirely okay with his
>4chan smell extension
>every general reeks of musky stallion testicles and candy pony semen
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I have these instead. I wonder how would she deal it these?
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Well, I hope she intends to take responsibility for giving me hopes.
Well, you know how the Internet works. All kinds of 1s and 0s zipping around like that, it's amazing anything gets done.
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Oh jeez
>take responsibility for giving me hopes.

I wish this is how real life worked

It would be fucking beautiful

and all because of me
I hope it was on the cheek, otherwise this would be really weird!
I fucking love ginger beer, and wish I could drink it all year round without it being all weird and off-season
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269 KB
oh gosh...

>tfw something you drew is the OP
>tfw you've been reading Renne Quest logs all day

This is an interesting combination: warm and fuzzy on top of gut-wrenchingly frightened.

Don't flatter yourself, no one wants to smell your dick
It's apparently everything Apple's ever uploaded under the nickname "applesarcum". And some new things, I guess.
>Lord Somber
>Lord Donut steel
>Lord Sober, Master of Drinking Contests and archnemesis to berry puncj
>Lord sombrero Mexicano
>Lord Sodomy (The gay poni will skyrocket with all of our male ponies being ass raped-by suave british voices in crystal dungeons and crystal dildos)

>real-life death threats online

>pick one
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251 KB

Its an OC of one of the animators that dropped her in and admitted it after the fact. Someone who had a DA that I can no longer remember, its been too long
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Zip it
I know I wouldn't be able to do much else than sit in front of my computer and bask in that intoxicating aroma all day.
Oh god, how could you forget about the farts?
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Weak willed faggot, I'd give my all to make feel like the most special pony in the world. Not a single will feel complete until I see her smile. At the end of the day, after she's been hard at work, I'll cary her in my arms and lay her down and the bad, patting her head and tell her she is my favorite pony

Please, any old deviantart smell-o-visioner would label erotic scents but they'd really just be his smelly dick.

I'd be the goddamn gold standard. I'd be paysite worthy.
I'm super jelly faggot
No sympathy. He knew what 4chan was how could he have not seen this coming?
>Blushes deeply
>Kisses her back on the cheek, nearly falling over
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Weird, i had a dream about Wild Fire becoming a main character or something

What's up with that?, i don't even care for her.
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>"They're like the illuminati of the internet"
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Just looked at all of Apple-Sarcum's stuff. Not bad at all. Dude's got some energy in his work for sure. Also, had no idea he drew Pokemon stuff.

You guys say he's twice the artist I'll ever be, but if I had to right now, I don't think there's a picture in there that I couldn't manage drawing, EXCEPT for the ones with digital painting. Still trying to get a grip on that.
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I don't think that's possible
>not knowing that a girl like AJ would want space on occasion
I can't see her enjoying constant pampering, though I'd endeavor to cause her no distress or harm, as well as to make sure that she has all she could possibly need.
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662 KB
don't respond
don't respond
don't respond

I was hoping you died, anon, why are you such a selfish prick?
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Normalfags, I swear
where does apple post his stuff? i thought he got mad and deleted everything again.
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You cant trick me
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That's what you said about PHN. Look how that turned out.

Why are you even here? You haven't watched the show since Season one and you hate everyone here. Go away.

Dreams mean very little. Everyone dreams stuff which feels odd or out-of-place.

It was uploaded in a zip file on dropbox by a "mysterious person" (guessing Apple-Sarcum)
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pinkie pie has a nice tongue
you are spending too much time in the fandom
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Have you seen this?
Why is mane spamming?

I've actually seen every episode and am preparing for Season 3.
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1.67 MB
Bring it on then.

If I'm correct you are Ross. Let the MLPG pick you a topic based on Apple's stuff and prove it.
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I really hate her mane.

I think I am like the only person who likes ponies with unstyled manes

Nope, he's way better than you and that's speaking objectively. Your linework is too sloppy, your fundamentals are flawed, and you exaggerate so hard until things are ugly to look at.
the previous thread was dso nice

what happened
dreams mean more than that
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222 KB
Kate? It's Dr. Hallen, I'm still at the office... something's come up. I need you back here right away. No, you've got to come back, Kate. There's a man here with some sort of a parasite on his arm, assimilating his flesh at a frightening speed. I may have to get ahead of it and amputate. No... I don't know what it is or where it came from.
Twilight's just experimenting.

I went to piss and everything went to shit
anyone have the s3 clip?
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180 KB
Applejack wouldn't kiss you unless she meant it
>Trixie Unicorn
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242 KB
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2.51 MB

Have they released a descent quality version yet?
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115 KB


No. They don't.

If a general theme is recurring then yes, maybe.

A once of thing means less than nothing.
I can't tell if that her tongue or if she is making a duck face
......Why the hell not. I've got nothing better to occupy my time with.
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147 KB
>Implying indirect responses are any better
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2.79 MB
thank you based Apple

so what's up with him giving all his art?

is this his way of saying good bye or something?
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1.45 MB
>not blocking facebook
File: 1350078114227.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 471 KB, 1181x863)
Spoiler Image, 471 KB
Then she'd best be prepared for what follows after that. If she means what she does, then I can do no less than return that affection.
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He does this with pokemon in the past. I assume he refreshing or he has problem in home.
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I still don't get it. Why is mane spamming?
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380 KB
Are you prepared for this though?
Which pony loves giving blowjobs the most?
He gave his art? Links?
he knew exactly what 4chan would do and he was counting on it. look at all this free advertising and fame he is getting for his shitty movie before it is even released.

i am even a little interested in seeing it now.
Why do news show need loading bars these days?
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63 KB

Not in the browser anyway
because he wants to get banned for being proven to have spamed 4chan for over a year, I'm guessing
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It's part of my autism

no trust me unless you respond directly to someone they can't see your post, that's how 4chan works it's like PMing
come on, man. Just look at the damn thread
>tfw that was me
Seems so.
i am sexually attracted to this picture

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It's one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe, along with "Why won't people separate their unibrows?" and "Was Jesus actually a black nigga?"

fucking hell you nigger

I gave you people the link twice
Pinkie Pie of course
File: 1350078380354.png-(194 KB, 840x525, 1330946305955.png)
194 KB
>Error (509)
>This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!
Dammit, MLPG.
File: 1350078391369.jpg-(96 KB, 320x342, bcf.jpg)
96 KB
can I be autistic too?
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I'm so cute, would you guys bang me?
Her lisp is because of the always-present peppermint in her mouth to satisfy an oral fixation.
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155 KB
I had a feeling~

That was a lot of fun to do.
Don't. It's ahorrible fucking movie

You mean "Zelda"
Someone who downloaded it could just rapidshit it.
fuck off, /trv/

only one autist at a tieme permited

failure to comply will result in your arrest at the hands of the autism police
What if Zelda was a girl?
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173 KB
this is the right moment to post that Sanic image
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467 KB
But Rainbow Dash has B-cups in humanized form.
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14 KB
No, you may not.
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74 KB
is that LMJ?
There needs to be more Sorain/Braeburn stuff.

I know there's a lot of it, but it's just so great.
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78 KB
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69 KB

Looks like Fat Bastard during his years at Uni.



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480 KB
Based MD5
Nah he drinks Hawaian punch or something...
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153 KB
Who the buck is Mane?
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79 KB
>That chubby pinkie with pubes in Apple's art

oh my fucking god

oh my gooood

brb fap marathon, not coming out of this until I rip the skin
>doom paul spam
What if it turned out it's actually that crusader from /v/?
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254 KB
oh god i'm so fucking sorry
i'll leave good luck with this guy
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faceless plz...
It was a nice little exercise.
I really don't know why it got saved, since I tend to write very dryly.
I like Gayburn spam.

It makes me horny.
>dropbox is unavailable
>Chubby pinkie with pubes

Nigga please, we had a tsunami of shit dumped on us when we were being script-spammed. This is no worse than watching two lonely turds floating by
Did spam seriously just beat spam?

Be warned that by chubby I may have meant obese

chubby is just friendlier

she's still got huge tits and a nice belly
>tfw download stopped at 7% and doesn't move
Man, fuck you guys.
I wish he would at least change the order of the images he spams just to spice it up
He usually leaves when you ask nicely. He's not exactly difficult to get rid of.
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989 KB

>not liking Dash with big titties

well, would you prefer Dash with big ass?
I still want it.
Can someone unfuck the dropbox?

That's like meaning "fuck you" when saying "hello"

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15 KB
>All these tears of the dead dropbox
>That feel when you have the sense to not be into chubs
feels indifferent
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19 KB
>mfw i prepare for a fap marathon but always end up fapping only once
So do people here even care about longer fanfiction at this point or has it degenerated to just greentext and quickfics

There isn't nearly as much pokemon porn in this upload as I was hoping there would be
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870 KB
>This thread
Nope, he's just saying like this.
Seriously. Mane's not really a "spammer" so much as an image dumper. There's no malice behind it. Even when he posts Nyx (which hasn't happened in months now) I get the feeling it's more for a mutual laugh than anything.

fuck, that was for>>5028152
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194 KB
>making up in the back for what you lack in the front
My fettishu.
I prefer Dash with a toned, tight butt that looks damn good in a pair of running shorts
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62 KB
>mfw i forgot to take off name after shitposting as ross
File: 1350078889630.jpg-(33 KB, 356x327, 10-12-2012 5-54-51 PM.jpg)
33 KB

I'm above all that shit
We still read fanfics, post a link and someone might read it and even give feedback
you are blinded then, you take them for granted
For me, any dryness in the description was more than made up for by the subject matter. I rather like the thought of a paragon of masculinity with a magnificent cock and incredible production lovingly settling down with a hard working earth pony. The fact that they both lust for each other is the icing on the cake.
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2.58 MB
hopefully this will work

I haven't read long fanfiction that wasn't shit in a long time

Not to say that quickfics and greentexts aren't shit, but they're a lot easier to take in small doses
How can you orgasm more than once?
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48 KB
Leon is one smooth motherfucker
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576 KB
>plan to edge for hours and hours
>cum in 15 minutes
>open 50 tabs of porn
>get to the second one before finishing
>Anthony finds Cal listening to King of Limbs.gif


a loooooooot of fucking practice

I mean like 3-5 times a day for years and years

It masturbation were a sport, I'd be the world champion. I've spent enough hours on masturbating for my skills to be regarded as masterful.
Wait and go again in a few minutes.
Or infinite prostate gasms.
Oh my god. These ponies are rappin'.
Lust is a bit much. Love is where it's at. Nothing is more encouraging than reciprocated and mutual affection.
Hey look, it's Fluttershy recycling an old and overused gag.
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Stick a vacuum cleaner hose in your ass and go full power
itt: 1992
>Wait and go again in a few minutes.
Didn't you mean hours?
>Implying that wouldn't be the shit to read
All I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away
>tfw Illuminati

Fucking hell, my sides!
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19 KB
You need to learn self control. Gotta have willpower man
No. I mean a few minutes.
Is your refractory period really measured in hours?
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1.96 MB
Pick one.
I had to delete a single SAI file called chubs.SAI to make room so it was small enough to upload


This is the image after export. http://i.imgur.com/mRDEF.png
I heard RE6 was a shit game.
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576 KB
Huh? I can usually go back to back if I feel like it... I just thought that was normal.
>tfw you give yourself the dick
What, are you fifty or something?
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after warming up the fleshlight, lubing the horse dildo and getting fully dressed in womens clothing it always feels like a waste to just fap once.
Of course. You obviously care for each other very deeply.

But don't you also think her strong, orange body is the hottest thing on the planet? Because I'd bet she thinks your toned, muscular form is.
>Crystal Ponies all sound the same
>Crystal Ponies all LOOK the same sans coloration and markings

They're homunculi given life after being crafted out of crystal, aren't they?
>not edging for an hourm shooting a load across the room
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113 KB
>mfw I put off fapping to play TF2 for a few hours, came here to browse the general for a bit, and now have Apples art-horde on my desktop.
Today, I shall wank like a king.
stop perversing this
>your toned, muscular form
ha ha ha ha ha
did you know

pontius pilate was an equestrian

spike x twilight
YOu don't even know the half of it

We're not ERPing in a live thread.
Let's just leave it at the fact that, given the choice, we probably wouldn't part from each other for anything less than food or hygiene matters for a very long, long time.
I just said masturbating and willpower are mutually exclusive concepts, doesn't matter if you can hold off the orgasm for days.
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199 KB

ERPfags are being a disgrace in the previous thread, go join your friends
Oh man it was terrifying
Especially because he was coked up and basically forced me to do a line before just jamming it in
>browsan apple's art
>Child-bearing-hips Zecora
Apple. I don't know if you're lurking, but you are my nigga forever.
4/10 joke
Needs some work
You probably have seen it zillion times already but... anyone up for Gravity Falls - Summerween episode? I haven't seen it yet. Can stream and stuff...
man, I need to finish writing that fic
>tooting your own horn
But thanks nonetheless
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84 KB

You forgot the name field, Braeburned.
So everyone is planning out some serious masturbation to some dudes drawings right now?
Anon I think you were raped.
>deleting when we all have 4chanx
Wasn't really my intention to get it going again. But I'm glad she's the apple of your eye.
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Blunder of the century
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>crystal ponies have been asleep for 1,000 years
>they wake up and go about their day like nothing has happened

i am a huge fan of time travel movies/people put in different times and was kinda disappointed how mlp was handling this. i guess that would be too much story for a 20minute show.

that was pretty much the only reason i like the dark shadows movie.
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Admit it, you're inviting bronies to your house for the season premiere.
And you're doing it for the boners.
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Uuuffff, embarrassment by proxy is hitting me real hard right now
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>tfw you and your bro were hanging with some girls and they went to a gay bar but you didnt know it was a gay bar and someone roofied your drink and after a single drink you pass out, fall down and start foaming at the mouth and your friends have to take you to the hospital
It was a scary night.
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nigga i dont even have the hub, also i aint got no friends.
>sleeping for a thousand years
>time travel

Yeah, you're retarded
retard, you don't let ANYONE other than the bartender or yourself handle your drink
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2.74 MB
>Running and drinking club wants to finish off the run by heading to a gay bar next to the airport called "The Hole"
>Nope the fuck out

why didn't you upload it sooner?

Seen it
>oh you.gif
Everyone is fapping now. Try again later.
No, anonymous, you're retarded.

"The Forever War" is basically a book about time travel (and Vietnam), and it just involves relativistic effects. "Time travel" doesn't necessarily mean "special super magic time device."
>human poses
>King Somber

Pff, Lord Somber would have sounded so much better. But I guess this is Disney Logic where Queens and their counterparts are Evil, while Princesses and Princes are good.
>going to bars
Mistake #1

That nod to No-Name from Spirited Away and Slenderman was amazing.

Wow, what a bro you are! Fistbump!
Would you brush a pony's mane?
Can anyone link me to king somber source? I was off MLPG for some time.
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Hello this is Balloon Suprise here, reminding everyone that Pinkie Pie is best pony
With great relish.
if pony asked you to put suntan lotion on her then fell asleep as you were rubbing her down would you masturbate while groping her
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
That guy helped us real good, didn't he?
Rarity wouldn't like it if you got relish in her mane.
There won't be later. I'll just watch it now.

but I still might stream whole mini series of FLCL tomrrow... something that I wanted to re-watch for some time but forgot.

Spo-... oh ok. I'm running away before it'll be too late.
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Would you Twilight's mom?

I really am the best!
I think king somber is just fine
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This isn't nearly as funny as you seem to think it is.
alright thats enough, it was only funny the first time

don't drive the humour into the ground over and over again
It's a figure of speech, Sweetie.
I'd brush either Luna's or Twilights.
While watching the night sky or while she's reading, respectively.
I bet panka would.

That girl is weird.
No one uses the title Lord anymore.
Plus, it might confuse kids if the bad guy is called "Lord" and then Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior
Well you mustard-y up your room, it's such a mess!

Catch me later, I'll buy you a beer!
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Would she breastfeed me?
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it's very silly but it's not a big deal
In a second. On her kitchen table. While her husband watched. Or plowed me from behind
I've read The Forever War, ignoring how it's a thinly veiled analogy for culture shock during the Vietnam War, it involves frame dragging at relativistic speeds, ipso facto time travel. More to the point, it involves individuals traveling to a distance future setting. Whereas in MLP, the whole of the crystal empire was asleep a thousand years.

This is like reading Arthur Conan-Doyle's "Lost World" and saying "OMG, this sucks. These time traveling dinosaurs would be totally freaking out because they were in the future."

Fucking illiterate faggot.

It's nice, but they're a bit too humanoid for me.
what the fuck happened to darf and his stories
Too late.
I+love+you+Apple+please+don't+leave generals start next week.
I'm eager to read his Lyra thing when it's done
pls respond
>it involves frame dragging at relativistic speeds
And that's no different from sitting around and waiting a while, except that in one case you're moving very, very fast, and in the other you're sleeping.

What you're doing is splitting hairs over nothing.
no i mean
on fimfiction

i can see three stories

that's it


is it a problem on my end???
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what if the Crystal Kingdom episodes suck?
I'm not sure how you can brush and ethereal, floating nebula of magical stars, but she'd do anything to spend an evening with you.

I don't know what you want.

They gave the name "King Somber" in the interview at the NYCC yesterday. People assume that it's related to an image file found in a flash game several months ago.
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>wake up
>see this
>what do
then they'll still be better than fluttershy episodes

wat if ur mum suks

o wait she does

What if they are good ?
View Mature need to be on to look at Darf stuff.
I'm expecting they will. Maybe the next ones will be better.
Start licking, I guess.
Masturbate to myself in the mirror, like usual
>implying HCFS was bad
Get out of my bed, speedycunt
That belly is ripe for raspberries.
I'll say this one more time, Dash.
You do not taste like skittles. Yes I'm sure. No I won't check to be sure. Yes I'm tired. No I don't want to share the bed. Yes I'd like to go out to eat later.

Assumption, nothing, did you watch the clip?

It shows an overlay of his eyes with purple smoke coming off them. Fucking CONFIRMED.
Blow a raspberry on her belly.
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I want to be a pony

Wat do?
If you watch the Facebook clip you can see a flash of his eyes. Donut Steel is King Sombrero
Wonder why I was sleeping in front of a bed? Then wonder why I was sleeping in front of a bed with a birdhorse in it.

that's new
Neat. Where's the clip?
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thats disgusting
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>leave and come back
>see this
>what do
Kill yourself
Enjoy being a pony in Equestria in the afterlife

Eat shit and die
Obligatory "bleach" response
oh, you know, only the thing we constantly talked abotu previously, leavign links adn screnshots in our wake
Do my duty and and pound that mare vag. Pound it good and proper like a real American. Maybe muff dive first because that's how we yankees do.
dammit anon, I just fapped
>bleach confirmed for just sending you straight to hell
>rainbow dash episode
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62 KB

Wonder who left this bad art at my doorstep and what I did to deserve this
Fix her broken legs.
Well, post it again.
Thank you
>inb4 someone says they like shitty pig genitals more
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sage and report
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>leave again and come back
>see this
>what do
>discerning taste in cartoon pony genitals
she looks pretty big

if you tried that she'd probably grab you and pull you under the surface with her superior pegasi strength
>saging a well-functioning thread just because of a post
>implying both are not fine

The best combination is human vagina and teats.

Where the fuck do I keep leaving for?
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2.34 MB
>implying saging does anything
>Crystal ponies all have the same exact voice

Goddamn Hasbro, step it up.
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2.35 MB
>not matching
I bet you like hooves and hands, too
steal pinkiesuitanon's fursuit
Tell her she should train her capacity for apples..

Saging is okay when you post something off-topic.
>implying sages are not well-respected elderly

"I can handle it," you said. "Estrus isn't that big of a deal," you said.
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>the aftermath
Cool, thanks.

Wait, so how are those directly under her ass if she's pushing them out of it?
No, it's like going into a time machine and going into the future.

In fact, they literally go into a machine and go into the future.

Jesus you're dumb.

No, sir, I don't like it
because shitty artist
As hard as one tries, shit doesn't "shoot" out of an ass.
Believe me, I tried.
applejack's fetish is being kicked - though not too hard, natch - with spurs
So S3's quality has resorted to stealing Fanfiction and OC's, and they now have the quality of Bethseda, where they rape any previously established lore concepts by not living up to them in future installments by representing them poorly or forgetting how they were done entirely.

In addition to this, a miniscule ammount of VA's

It's over.

We will degrade worse than /jp/
Fucking lazy bastards

Taking our medicare and social security payroll taxes like a bunch of do-nothing freeloaders.
shit would mean that it has some kind of redeeming qualities.

like corn or something.
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>just finished off a costco bag of mini candy bars

fuckkin halloween candy sales, also i need to stop having candy by my desk
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53 KB
oh fuck, no, not this shit again

What an original post
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2.93 MB

/v/ pls

just pls
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>grimderp villain
>1 thousand years
>main 6 has to save the day
>main 6 saves the day with the power of friendship/love
>villain defeated in a matter of seconds
>status quo

I'm getting tired of this shit, why can't they introduce toys without doing that shit every time?
Come on, this is the 4th time already(probably there will be a 5th time for the season finale), i just want cute ponies doing cute things.

I'm not going to ask.
>miniscule ammount of VA's
The word you're looking for is "number." When dealing with discrete values, you should use the word "number."
>implying /jp/ is bad
We should strive to be like them.
what this guy said >>5028769

Wassup, fatso!
>huge quality dive between last thread, which was mosly season 3 centric, and this one

what the fuck happened
They did. They introduced Cadence and Shining armor by having the main 6 be completely useless and have Cadence mary sue the day
wig fuckin fairy people are always ruinin my me time

That's just stupid, anon
Kids came home from school, and it's a weekend.
This thread actually is better.
you're stupid anon
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/jp/ is us but better
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And then you realized you were watching a cartoon show that is essentially an ad for little girl's toys
Well, since you asked...
In a short way of answering, stickiness.

That doesn't make you any less stupid!
If it's anywhere from 1PM EST-7AM EST, the answer is always KIDS ARE OUT OF SCHOOL
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fuck yes
Stop posting this art, they're realy not that good.
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>implying her comeback episode isn't going to be the best episode of S3
you're too stupid to accurately comment on my stupidity

>intentionally making me more curious

Okay fine, I want the long answer. And don't skimp on the details, I might as well get the full picture at once.
>not having a refined pallet
I downloaded this thing weeks ago and never looked at it. Why is there so much traffic right now?
I've speant too long on /a/, this is just cute to me.
>anti-fans of the fandom
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72 KB
>So S3's quality has resorted to stealing Fanfiction and OC's, and they now have the quality of Bethseda, where they rape any previously established lore concepts by not living up to them in future installments by representing them poorly or forgetting how they were done entirely.
Yeah, they're obviously wiping their bums.
How it happened
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2 MB
I would that splotch.

I would that splotch so hard.
...I like the other option better.


how does it work
back off bub that's my splotch
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204 KB
>Gloomy sex...?
>Glomy sex...

"Anti-fans of the fandom"? They are against fans of the fandom? Well sign me up, baby!
>you will never take Trixie's place
Is there any new Mystery Shack ep since that video games one?
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>tfw no qt 3.14 pgf w/ gr8 hooves
How's Babaycake?
what he hell, how did u get a blue name???
>just watched high quality clip

wow it is almost completely different without the screaming children
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Here you go. Don't forget to jack off to powerlevel fights every day.

Gosh, it would be so hard to just find out at Wikipidea!
yeah, it's actually enjoyable
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>saving with my file name
You and I are friends now, anonymous.

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40 KB
two more yep
hes not posting it because its good. he is doing it to troll idiots.
sense when does hating bad R34 imply you're a spess mahreen
>not animated .gif

You're joking

What's wrong with him?
>being this new
Speaking of which, I think I've gone too far in the other direction; the only thing that gets me up in the morning is the thought that I might get the chance to dunk a brony.
>tfw no qt pa2t bf
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It's not like your opinion ever mattered, furfag.
Would you have a belching contest with pone?
MLPG should be renamed MLGG

My Little Gravity General
Well, the kids definitely got out of school, this thread is flooded with newfaggotry to 11

That shit's nasty, yo
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1.72 MB
wat?? tell me how u got a blue name plz
>you will never be a pony's loving boyfriend
l 2 anglis fagloard
>Pinkie's the kind of drunk where you can't tell they're drunk, because they act exactly the same way
>Rarity's language tends to become more and more vulgar as she gets more and more inebriated
>Twilight's repressed libido spirals out of control when she's smashed
I'd let pone belch in my face
I love these kind of pictures
Would you _____________________________________________
Someone put in multiple captions from MLP thread simulators popping up in this.

>"well that was a total bust"
>everyone starts laughing

Nah, I'd watch one.
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1.54 MB
It's really cute when neckbeards get all mad at other stupid nerd shit.
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272 KB

You must have something in your e-mail field. Enjoy.
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300 KB
here is some fresh R34
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8 KB
>that feel when not excited for season 3
>All the newfags S3 is going to bring in

I guess I'm a fan of the fandom now. Who am I kidding, I was always a fan of the fandom
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MLPG, what is it like to be kissed? I've come to terms with the fact that I'll probably never experience one, but could you describe it to me?

Is there a reasonably easy way to replicate the sensation without actually doing it?
I want to say hivemind but I relaly fail to see a joke as well, maybe they're just projecting their own headcannons of spike being comic relief
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Rainbow Dash's parents, voiced by Weird Al Yankovich and Sandy Duncan, visit Ponyville and are decidedly uncool.

Coincedentially, this is also the day the Wonderbolts are in town, and so Rainbow Dash has to keep trying to hide her parents from them so they don't think she's too dorky to join up.

Also, there is an accordion duel between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash's Dad.

>that feel when you will never be her
Hey man, cool it...

Also, I think it's nice too
Would you judge a belching contest between two pones?
kl thnx :) :) :)
lol were are all the sexy ponies at
Man, sometimes I wish I didn't cum so fucking hard.

I've got a headache now and the world is dull.
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83 KB
A little closer to heaven...
What about watching them gulp down glass after glass of fizzy soda, leaning in close to burp loudly inches from your nose between each refill?
Get a vacuum cleaner with a hose extension, and put that to your lips and turn it on
Basically the same thing
>High quality, brony-free version of the clip is out
>Still watching that version
Why do you do this to yourself?
I actually got my first kiss from a boy.
He was 12.
I was 10.
We were playing House and had no girl.
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Except we are totally better than *them*, of course.

Does anyone have that picture with furry/hater conflict shown from the perspective of both sides and underneath it says "Normal people
Nerds <
More Nerds >"?
>tfw you can't even rape a Crystal Pony because they're just so indifferent to it
Applejack and fluttershy? sure, I'd think fluttershy would win though

We can meet up and kiss, anon
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they have crystal dicks
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Just stick around for a bit. Someone is bound to post some. Enjoy the thread, and have fun.
It shouldn't even exist.
Not even close
I too have only kiss a boy and I enjoyed every second of it
Man, I wish I had the cock-holder's job.
that's not how the internet works

Why dont you just hire an escort?

Jarritos all the way!

Zodiac killer pls

just pls
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171 KB
>the horse starts farting
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922 KB
It really is, though

>that feel when you will never be hilted by two giant pony dicks and spitroasted between them
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64 KB
I love this picture, it's hilarious.
No, it's not. Unless the person your with is fucking shitty kisser

Jump headfirst into quicksand. Pretty much the same thing.
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2.41 MB
I think I'm done here unless anyone has anything else they want ripped
someone draw this

Even her mouth toots
Pretty sure those are queefs.
But it should.
>you will never be a pair of stallions' favorite cumslut
>you will never revel in the sensation of them flaring and spurting deep inside you
>you will never fall asleep between them, their hot, glistening cocks resting against your body
That's cute.
fluttershy will never be spitroasted between bigmac's and braeburn's cocks
Me too.
I love it, too. FD's whole "hurr durr I hate furfags" schtick is really hilarious.

But Leonard, today is Halo night.

[Audience's laughter emits a deadly sound wave]
Twitter's great fro making friends.
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Nuh-uh. I know a bottom burp when I hear one, and that was most firm and fruitsome in the way of flappy woof-woofs.
>what are jokes?
>that feel when you will never feel the two flared heads meet somewhere inside your stomach, pushing against each other with enough force to lift you off the ground stuck between them

>you will never bathe in the royal guards' pony semen, hundreds of throbbing dicks drowning you in the musky thick cream
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339 KB

He SO watches the show. It's like that fervently anti-gay preacher who was caught with a male prostitute.
princess celestia is a pretty pony
>best princess
>drinking from brony cup
The best description of this fandom's defilement I've seen. Thanks for the rage.
Who would win in a farting contest?
>you will never go fast
Eh, I doubt it.

He's just a typical neckbeard. He's got a weird juvenile thing for "my robot smash you!"
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137 KB
evvening mlpg
You misspelled choir-boy
I don't see luna
>you will never be subjected to that kind of punishment after taking away the royal pet
>you will never be blindfolded and bound to be used against your will
>you will never shiver as the warm sensation of gooey stallion semen slides between your legs
Get your eyes checked.

Not in that particular case
>you will never catch a stallion slapping his cock against his belly as he stares at you
>you will never flag you tail and wink at him and watch him slap even harder
>you will never be the fap fantasy of all of ponyville
I'm not sure, because I'd bet mid way Applejack would wrestle fluttershy down and force her to smell her gas
>touching the mug with the beautiful royal hooves
retarded artist
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174 KB
You can rest your head on this cushion, Anon~
Silly Anon, my bum isn't the cushion~
openly homophobic preachers and pastors always get caught with little Christian boys
It's the politicians who get caught in bathrooms with male escorts

Seriously, your type of shitposting is the worts.

>you will never let out a single whine before another jaw-bending stallion dick pushes between your lips, gagging you with its girth and what feels likes gallons of bubbling hot semen
>you will never be fucked so hard by them like that that you can't feel your legs anymore
Ted Haggart

Ironic story, bro
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210 KB
Been a while since I drew Pinkie
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69 KB
1. Samefag.
2. Autist
3. Retard

Please go.
>you will never shudder and climax from the sensation of their flares doubling in size and filling up your stomach
>you will never have your belly bulge obscenely before swelling with their cum
>you will never struggle to keep it all in before it sprays out of both ends, painting your mates' clenching balls in each others' spunk
please an hero
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Spoiler Image, 262 KB
Go fuck yourself, Sweetie Belle.

Not long enough
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144 KB
>tfw you have no friends
>literally not even one

a-atleast I'll always have you MLPG ;_;
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82 KB
>Your favorite pone toots while you're fucking her
i don't think that pony is to scale

Are you really taking offense to that?

Shit, anon, I think you might be the autist here.
I have a sudden urge to kill myself
Can you all stop being huge faggots for one minute?
lol what a loser
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too bad the crystal ponies weren't constructs.

would of made it much more interesting.
hasbro does own DnD and can do it right
Go away
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778 KB

/v/ please leave
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I really wish MLPG would stop taking itself so seriously. Its cringe worthy.
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eri pls

Still shit, nice job on the broken arms and cankles
I can't but love all of your Pinkies
>tfw that's actually my fetish
holy shit boner
I'll be your friend. ;_;

ffffuck, that's sexy.

>you will never have two other males come up behind you after that and just jam their huge stallion rods into your pregnant, bulging body
>you will never be filled with so much cum that your stomach is in real danger of popping

I operate as average-sized faggot at least, anon, and that would take all my resources
stram it
>that's your fetish
get out pedophile
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150 KB
>saying someone's from /v/
>wanting real friends
Avoidant introvert master race here
>you will never tremble as you lose track of time, unable to parse any intelligible idea thanks to the multitude of horse dicks begging for your cunt's attention
>you will never hang your head down in resignation, drooling uncontrollably through the cock occupying your mouth and choking everytime the owner decides to hold it against your throat for a good full minute
My head hurts after reading that image
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897 KB
>"How bout them apples, Fluttershy?"

>you will never reach the point where it feels wrong to not have thick dripping horse dicks inside of every orifice possible
>you will never beg and whine for them by yourself, your mind broken down to the point where you desire them more than anything else
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272 KB
can you please erp in ded horse


It's getting kinda fucking creepy just how homosexual you want to go

Can't you do guys do this in the dead horse with all the other ERPers?

>you will never spend day after day being stretched to your limits with cock, cum and foals
>you will never have a stallion pull out just so you can birth only to thrust back in once the foal is out
>you will never nurse your young as two oversized stallions suspend you in the air with their cocks
>"i've been baking them for a while now just for you"

Why don't you go and share your exquisite fetish with the ERPfags? I'm sure they would love it!
>tfw none of your friends live in-state
>tfw you're not sure if they still think you're a friend, but you still call them friends anyway
>You will never have a stallion lovingly surgically remove your jaw so he can access your throat more easily


That sounds like something a retard would utter
Is the Anon drawing a Bard unicorn OC here ?
Y-you too!
I just don' like shitposting and shitposters.
That's because sex makes people retards.

this is getting a little out of hand.
You must utter it a lot then.
>ERP in a live general
>A "You will never" one at that
I am disgusted
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70 KB

>you will never watch as bemused apathy as your daughters are brought up to worship huge pony dicks in every sense of the word
>you will never love them as much as your daughters do
>you and your offspring will never be brought to the town square on holidays so that every male in town can rub their dicks against your body and penetrate every hole you have, even your ears, until you're so bloated with pony semen that you have to be gagged with a dick to keep from screaming in pain
>surgically remove
Oddly, that kills my boner but this is fine
>you will never have a unicorn reshape your mouth into a toothless, drooling hole for him to fuck

Next thing you will tell me you avoid real sex just because of that

So you decided to shitpost about it?
>the gay greentext


please, get some new material or get out
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260 KB
why is flesh so disgusting
What becomes of the broken-hearted, anyway?
>You will never write a silly fetish greentext without someone going overboard or calling the greentext police

Come on, they'll greet you with open arms! And all the boners you guys will have together!

It makes mine harder.

>you will never have love holes cut into your flank for them to fuck while you're giving birth
aaaahahahah hahhahaha

hah ha ha ha ha ha

>you will never have fun
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789 KB
>Google Rule 34
>My Little Pony among 1st results

I chuckled
You have literally no excuse. Take it to a dead horse, please

Your mother
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82 KB

these covers keep getting better

the one with twidog and stonershy is still the worse
>you will never get to introduce your children to cocks at an early age
>you will never teach them to appreciate them by having them nurse on flared stallion dicks
>by age 2 they're bigger cum sluts than you are
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1.99 MB
>You will never stop my shitposting

You mean, like /fk/?
There isn't a tripfag or namefag as far as the eye can see.

Well done Anonymous. This thread is golden.

But that's not what's happening.

I'm asking you why you decided to post what you did.

I mean, now I can see you belong in /v/, but still.
please stop...
I'm taking part in the greentext, but this is comedy gold.
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I've had once a wet dream about this.

Of course I didn't self insert, since it's hardest boner killer I know, but nonetheless.


Damn, that's some kawaii shit, nigga!

But this thread is terrible.
Riddle them why you want it to be on a dead horse, then.
Just try.
You can't.
My avoidant nigga.
>That feel when you turn down social reaction so that you can be alone
Get out of here, coke pone. Everything's gone to hell. Come back later.
Its 0 bong on the 24 hour sundial

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S3 can't save us
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69 KB
I would high five you but I don't like it when people touch me
I'll head to the dead horse as soon as the "ironic" shitposting goes back to /v/
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48 KB
>tfw second pokemans

>Still being butthurt about "not being able to trip"


>not adapting bong counts for convenience of americans unused to having 0 of anything
but since there are only anonymous posters, everything is fine. There is no cancer, cancer only happens when attention whore tripfags post green text and ERPS

No one is attention whoring, and everything is good.
So much for S3 saving us...
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46 KB
Boy, humans sure are weird!



Lucky. I can't have lucid dreams no matter how hard I try.

>you will never receive a transplanted pony womb attached to a love hole
>you will never birth your foals even while getting fucked in your "pussy" at the same time
>adn the spammign retard comes back




You can't have zero bongs. That's, like, meta.
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22 KB


I'm seeing potential for comedy gold here
I'm going back to /co/, have fun shitposting you horrible, horrible people
Are these covers all for the first issue?
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we should have know better
>you will never wrap your lips around your first flare as your mother lovingly watches
>you will never taste hot, fresh cum for the first time and love every last drop
>you will never beg your mother to let you feel it in your maresex or ass next time
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I've never had my butt licked before!
Enjoy a shit board.

But he's going to /co/, not /mlp/
I didn't say it was lucid, I just said it was similiar to the events described in a post I replied there.
Vrai. Merci.

>All the serious ERPfags stopped already
>Everyone keeps shitposting anyway
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572 KB

If there was no blood or pain from all this, it'd be scaldingly hot.
it's on a hotplate
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166 KB
le fukin day threads face fuk the steam chat im too scard to join the skype i wish all the hat anons would go and the threads would be gold where is season 3 unf i want to fuck pone farts
janitor plz

terminate us
I'm having too much fun shitting up this thread
It's called having some respect for the anons who don't like it. I know this is 4chan and all but I'd rather ERP in a dead horse where it won't hurt anyone than bug some anons in a live one

>I'll stop being a little shit as soon as he stops
Real fucking mature
I want to see more Lazy Cunt refusing to get out of Anon's bed. She later goes on to take over an entire mattress warehouse.
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Well this thread went to shit fast.

What do you guys want to see in the comics that we won't get in the show.?
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74 KB

Me too, actually. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I like to imagine everyone shitposting is having a blast doing it.
Where were you when we killed MLPG?
Blood and pain somehow make it better, at least for me. Like, a little purer, more just.
Good writing
who could honestly tell the difference?
>322 KB

Damn I remember this thing taking forever to load.
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122 KB

Oh. Well, my point stands.


They make anesthesia for ponies who aren't into the pain, Anon.


>you will never treat the owners of the dicks like gods
>you will never pray to them to give you more semen tomorrow
>you will never believe genuinely in all your heart that if you don't get hilted by gigantic horse dicks that God has forsaken you and that you will die within the day
But if I put on a trip, I'm attention whoring.

This is what you get when you force anonymity on everyone. Constantly saying "Take off your trip and stop attention whoring" makes anonymity "pure", as if no one who is anonymous can possible shit post, attention whore or just make the threads terrible.

So please, continue to ERP and >feel. It's even better knowing you can't filter any of it.

Welcome to Anonymous Threads. Is it what you expected?

Speech bubbles
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192 KB
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138 KB


I wasn't here this time.

I'm legitimately sorry. I can't feel guilty for this.
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252 KB
two wrongs don't make a right
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343 KB
>all these thoughts are running through Marker pony's head all at once and she can't control it
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2.98 MB
i want to sit her down and feed her hay, strand by strand
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61 KB

As it should be.

Who says you have to listen to people saying "stop attention whoring"? What is making you stop?


Your logic is flawed and you are dumb as shit
>waaaah I can't tripfag so i'll ruin something for EVERYONE

I hope you step on legos eternally
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2.66 MB
>It's called having some respect for the anons who don't like it.
So am I wrong in thinking your whole argument is "stop liking what I don't like?"
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168 KB

I expected your mom at 5, where is that dirty whore?
Smile really, really likes NTSTS
>i'm being a gigantic faggot and nobody can stop me
>u mad
>u mad bro
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77 KB
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45 KB
That pony is good
Personally, I prefer this one
i don't like that video game but with ponies thing

it is bad and not-funny
[Citation needed]
>you have reached your report limit for the day

well shit
Testing something
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I'm actually hopeful we get a "tales of Ponyville" issue/arc that explores the secondary characters like Big Mac, mayor Mare and Cheerilee.
>you will never run to your mother and tell her you found a new trick
>you will never rush to a stallion and have him spear into your ass
>you will never thrust back as best you can until you begin to gurgle and gag
>you will never open your mouth wide as his flare pops between your lips
>your mother will never tell you how proud she is before giving you a deep, loving kiss
>you will never feel cum rush through your body and down your mother's throat
/mlp/ is better than /co/ these days. You know it to be true
Well, two of his GIFs, that I know of, have >NTSTS in them, I assume that means there's some friendship there
take it to the dead horse you inconsiderate asshole
But I don't want to get cut up.

Can't they just use magic to twist my flesh to better slake their lusts?
>Announcing that you reached your report limit
What did that achieve? Are you somehow more proud of yourself now that you've told everybody?
Since it's something that you don't like, are you going to constantly request anyone that posts anything vaguely related to it go to the dead horse?

Jesus, why don't you start your own damn show about farts?
Fuck you guys, I'm gonna go watch Sinister with my friends
that's a good film

oh god that's so sexy ;_;

I can't even say anything to that, that's just infinitely perfect.
Dammit i love this guy.
I don't know if I'd say that but /co/ is pretty dogshit.
>People in this thread shitting on other boards

I can't even begin to point out the hypocrisy
Why not ignore it like a good kid?
As much as you'd like to have good discussions I sure am not seeing one right now because people pay attention to the wrong posts.
fuck off
There's nothing preventing a tripcode
Nope, people just requested NTSTS in some gifs. And NTSTS's fav pone is Pinkie, but the two haven't actually spoken to each other.

Though I haven't seen either of them post with their trips on.
I honestly thought Smile WAS NTSTS for the longest time.
Why? He's shit.
We should all trip

>If we ignore the problem, it goes away
>NTSTS's fav pone is Pinkie, but the two haven't actually spoken to each other
really now
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19 KB

Well, no shit. Now be a good boy and take that off.
nothing preventing the entire thread filtering you either

enjoy talkign to nobody
Why don't YOU just take it to the dead horse so there's one less thing for people to bitch about? God damn..

Is this available on their website yet ?
>secure tripcode
There's a daily report limit? Why?
I'm on board.

If it'll make that fucker who always complains about trips "not being allowed" stop.
Oh boy, I've been wanting this to happen forever!

We did that routine like ten times in the past
>i'll show that idiot fucker, that'll really fix his wagon

I don't see why not.
Can't really say all your anonymous posts haven't been horrible. The thread has gone to shit.
>have dead horse open in another tab
>it's a ghost town

Because people like you still are paying attention to it.
It's so much fun when people LOVE to hate it.
Smile is happy.
NTSTS is sad.
Both never post casually with their trips on, and both are shy as hell.
Sure. Why not.
Good idea, friends
It's not goign to work you idiot

now your just doing this for a reaction

also you'll just be filtered
It's a living
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2.06 MB
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106 KB

calling butthurt samefag
mommy mommy i am famous
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218 KB
Cant let anyone steal my identity.
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155 KB
We trips now?
>notice lots of hidden posts
>remove trip filter on a whim
>trips arguing again
>replace filter
blessed be, this purity i enjoy

>Anonymous posts

A thing of the past
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652 KB
Oh boy are we pointlessly tripping again?
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71 KB

>divining emotional states through internet actions and interactions

You know nothing.
death to all tripfags

may their agony be everlasting
I could draw, maybe...
mLP#G begins its decent to /b/read tier

what the fuck happenexd

we went from Season 3 happyness to this shitty thread

OP please, release us
He does the only good anthro (in my opinion) and his comics are pretty funny.
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108 KB
When does the thread get better, anyway?

Would you be my spurty little colt?
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1.89 MB
No seriously, we did this before more than once. This will be like another rerun of a bad comedy. Embarrassing.
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39 KB
Filters did absolutely nothing for this site.
what? you've never inspected your turds before?
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165 KB
At least there's not many more images left
When we get off off it.

I'm not saying that we have to stop being here, just that we need to ERP some more.
I seriously hope you're not one of the people actually ERPing in this thread. You're a real fucking asshole if you are.
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Spoiler Image, 64 KB
Guys! I found a way to improve the thread!
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36 KB
>this thread

I'd rather be your slutty little foal who worships your dick every day before getting her belly swollen with seed by it.
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92 KB
this, but unironically
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490 KB
Can we be pedofoalia now?
But bad comedies are the ones that go into syndication and become massively popular!
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If you filter you may miss out on important discussions.
The vectors...they're all wrong...
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126 KB
Only if you would promise to keep me small and disproportionately well hung
also, if you would loan me out from time to time that would be nice
I pray for the day when 4chanX can filter out all-spoiler or all->greentext posts.
I blame Nathan and the steam chat for this
>stealing my thing
fuk u fuk u fuk u
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305 KB
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214 KB
oh god this horse just needs to die

I remeber threads being bad before but this

man this is a whole new level of bad
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50 KB
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Spoiler Image, 320 KB

poor applebloom
Why is he so kawaii uguu
hello friend

What is Deus Ex? I'll take Pizza History for 500, Alex
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364 KB
That's actually stupid
Would you let me pump your ass so full of cum your body vomits it out your mouth and nose? What if I gag your throat with a horsecock dildo until your stomach stretches to its limit before popping out of you and hosing down your face?
Filter the prompt and enable recursive filtering
This is not a difficult concept
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49 KB
>to uczucie gdy
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17 KB
After listening to "Snuff Out The Light" from the soundtrack for The Emperor's New Groove, I suddenly have a deeper appreciation for This Day Aria.

And Eartha Kitt is Jeremy Irons-tier as a villain singer
>would'nt listen
I cringe every time.
Feel free to elaborate.
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70 KB
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>20 more images
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111 KB

Yesssssssss. God yes.
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1.59 MB
I wouldn't mind loaning you out, but I'd want to make sure you didn't cum. Good little ponies save up their musky spunk in their bulging, churning testes for when their master wants to watch it spray out.
So when does the mafia horse kick in

I want to egress
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841 KB

Guys, your ERP friends are in the last thread
It's her fault for being so sexy.
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It's a stupid idea
Having that idea is dumb

Plus, you can filter ">" and "" already
No, we're pretty clearly right here
I think you're mistaken
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would you
pony pony pony pony pony pony
Fuck you
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OMG I would untie those three fillies and say "It's okay girls you're safe now" and then I would get them some ice cream and say "Who's the asshole who did this to you?!"

nah just kidding I wouldn't stop fucking them until I passed out
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>10 more
I pray for the day when people in 4chan learn how to ignore posts instead of having to rely on filters to do it for them.
How'd that meme come about anyway?
And so ERP was the death of MLPG

Well then could you wait for the thread to end?
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I like this image
There's just something about blood running freely like that
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it's some /pol/ thing
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lets just kill this thread
What about stuffing my hand into your womb so I could jerk my cock as my glue-thick spunk bubbled and hurled from your pretty lips? Or falling asleep with your cervix clenching just below my glans so I can swell you with seed as I dream of penetrating your little body's every hole with my erection?
hahah who eats a banana like that
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Whats going on tripfriends, can I be a part of your exclusive circlejerk now?
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I do.
pony does
I normally don't respond to this sort of thing, but jesus.
That's a bit silly.
early horse because reasons
move along whenever you're ready
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For me it's those wet lips.
Why does this thread smell of obese sweaty neckbeards? Oh right, ERPfags.
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Alright, all this shit you see here in this thread? It stays here.
No bringing this into the new thread, got it?
You made horse early because you want to make it.
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Why don't you just go make your own thread for this stuff?
No, you fuck, there's already a new throd.

but that one isn't butts
The Anon thread was made earlier.

God, that'd be so sexy. But why stop at the cervix?
my life is complete
Could somebody please just mark a thread?
Hm, I don't know if I could handle being a toy that wasn't allowed to cum, but if that was the rule then I would let you tie a little ribbon around my cock and hope for the best.

I just hope you spring for the magic to keep me small enough that all the other ponies tower over me while letting me have a stupidly-huge cock
So it's the new thread.
Why don't you just go make a thread for bitching about things you hate?

because that'd fucking hurt
Because the bitching about ERP being here wouldn't happen if the ERP wasn't here.

But the ERP would still be here if the bitching went somewhere else.

Good. I WANT it to hurt.


Don't worry your pretty little head about that. You'll be my lovely little femmy colt. And I'll be sure to find dresses for you to wear that accentuate your two-foot cock and cantaloupe-sized balls. Unless you'd like to be even bigger? I can't say no to more thick horsecock to snuggle or heavier balls to knead and massage as we relax on the couch.
I must admit I'm not sure where else to go from here. What about stuffing your little foal body into my boxers and wearing you around town as a cockwarmer/condom? Of course I'd need to head to the bathroom so you can empty your stomach every hour or so, but I know that just gets you winking even harder.

Yes. That is perfect. That is just so perfect.

There's my email if you ever get any new ideas. God, they're sexy.
>building a friendship based entirely around fetishes

It's a good starting point, isn't it?
Stranger things have happened
I think that would probably be a good size, and cuddling on the couch is always nice too. But would you let me come with you when you go to town to run errands? I'd do my best to keep from making a mess, but all that attention from the bigger ponies would have me hard and drooling for sure
This so hard. Always a bad idea, I'm telling you from experience.

>implying commitment is necessary

If it doesn't work out, we go our separate ways.
Why of course. I'd doll you up in a lacy silk ball bra and a pretty pink cocksock with an open tip underneath your frilly dress and leather collar. If a stallion got interested in you I'd happily let him rut you on the spot after tying a ribbon tight around your base for insurance.

And when we get home I'd give you a little kiss for being such a good pony for me and pull out your milking bucket for a good draining.
unless one of you turns out to be a nut job and gets creepily obsessed with the other and can't leave him alone and is internally torn apart by the separation

not that I would know anything about that
What went wrong?
I'm currently in a relationship with an anon that initially started through ERP

I don't get that attached to people. You don't see me begging for an email, do you? It's just a "hey, if you have any more ideas, go ahead and send them here, because they're fucking sexy" thing.
>I don't get that attached to people.

that's what I thought to

uh, i mean, I here that's what people think about themselves before it happens
>thread devolving into ERP
i know MLPG is usually ass but wow
new thread when
Hoo boy are you lost

But I don't. Honestly.
Oh boy, just seeing the bucket would get me rock hard (assuming I wasn't already). Would you milk my prostate for me?
Would you keep me going, even after my third orgasm when I'm just a quivering, whimpering mess?
Would you be satisfied to know that at that point your presence alone is enough to get me off?
wow, THE subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. A question seldom stated, and hardly ever discussed, in general terms, but which profoundly influences the practical controversies of the age by its latent presence, and is likely soon to make itself recognized as the vital question of the future. It is so far from being new, that, in a certain sense, it has divided mankind, almost from the remotest ages, but in the stage of progress into which the more civilized portions of the species have now entered, it presents itself under new conditions, and requires a different and more fundamental treatment.
That's my favorite way to get you gushing. Three fingers grinding hotly against your little colt g-spot as you whimper and moan how much you love me. The hardest part would be keeping you on edge as I changed buckets without making you spray all over the ground by mistake. And if you got so tired you couldn't stand I'd pick you up and set you in your harness, suspending you off of the ground and letting your fat cock and warm, sweating balls hang down below you. Then after a peck on the cheek and a loving ruffle of your mane it'd be back to milking your prostate and smiling at the sound of your mewling whimpers drowned out by your cum splattering noisily against the metal pail.

And of course, once your adorable weighty testes were spent it'd be time to tuck you into bed and snuggle you close to my chest as we both fall asleep.
The struggle between Liberty and Authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar, particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and England. But in old times this contest was between subjects, or some classes of subjects, and the government. By liberty, was meant protection against the tyranny of the political rulers. The rulers were conceived (except in some of the popular governments of Greece) as in a necessarily antagonistic position to the people whom they ruled. They consisted of a governing One, or a governing tribe or caste, who derived their authority from inheritance or conquest; who, at all events, did not hold it at the pleasure of the governed, and whose supremacy men did not venture, perhaps did not desire, to contest, whatever precautions might be taken against its oppressive exercise. Their power was regarded as necessary, but also as highly dangerous; as a weapon which they would attempt to use against their subjects, no less than against external enemies. To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed upon by innumerable vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest, commissioned to keep them down.
But as the king of the vultures would be no less bent upon preying upon the flock than any of the minor harpies, it was indispensable to be in a perpetual attitude of defence against his beak and claws. The aim, therefore, of patriots, was to set limits to the power which the ruler should be suffered to exercise over the community; and this limitation was what they meant by liberty. It was attempted in two ways. First, by obtaining a recognition of certain immunities, called political liberties or rights, which it was to be regarded as a breach of duty in the ruler to infringe, and which, if he did infringe, specific resistance, or general rebellion, was held to be justifiable. A second, and generally a later expedient, was the establishment of constitutional checks; by which the consent of the community, or of a body of some sort supposed to represent its interests, was made a necessary condition to some of the more important acts of the governing power. To the first of these modes of limitation, the ruling power, in most European countries, was compelled, more or less, to submit. It was not so with the second; and to attain this, or when already in some degree possessed, to attain it more completely, became everywhere the principal object of the lovers of liberty. And so long as mankind were content to combat one enemy by another, and to be ruled by a master, on condition of being guaranteed more or less efficaciously against his tyranny, they did not carry their aspirations beyond this point.
>Stopping when I'm spent
>Not leaving me in the harness with a pulsing vibrator
I thought you loved me, anon
>spamming two anons who are rightfully ERPing in a dead general
That's cold, man

Only if the vibrator is electrified.
There's no such thing as "rightful" ERP
Whatevs, man. Just leave em be.
I'm gonna stop responding now.
I wouldn't want to hurt you. But if you're willing to endure an entire night of having your prostate stimulated nonstop I'd do it for you. But you're wearing a condom. No sense getting the bed all messy. Falling asleep without my subby little colt in my arms is not how things go.
Please don't leave me alone.
yes, it's like ERPers are the carrion that feed on the corpses of dead generals. Yet they hover the living. how's that for imagery?
reading spurty stallion ice cream gave me a hardon

What about your slutty, perverted little filly?
Which one was that?
How would she like to help me milk my colt by swallowing his massive cock until his flare popped free from her ass, then letting me grip her body and grind her up and down his shaft like a living fleshlight?
Fair enough, I might have been biting off more than I could chew anyway. Going a whole night like that might be a bit dangerous, anyway.
But it's nice to see you care, how would you have your little sub serve you? It doesn't seem right that I get to spend my day getting fucked stupid and you don't get anything in return.

She would love that more than anything else imaginable.
Well when you're not out servicing stallions you're at home worshipping my cock and balls. Though you've got an amazing ass, your mouth is absolutely heavenly. You tease me to the edge and I command you to stop and watch as my cock throbs and drools pre inches from your face. Then I tell you to beg me to let you take my load in your slutty little ass.
If she plays her cards right, she'll get an electrified fake horsecock stuffed in her womb while she does it so her forced orgasms make his girthy cock spurt even harder.
not reposting for great justice and impure boners
>Implying you would have to tell me to beg
>Implying I wouldn't spend every possible minute lapping at your balls, rubbing our cocks together or grinding my ass against you
>Implying I wouldn't be thinking of you every time a stallion ruts me in to the group

Mmf, god that's hot. I'd play all my cards as well as I could.
Oh I know I wouldn't have to. I just love to hear you tell me how much you love it when I spurt all over your subby colt g-spot.

If I asked nicely, would you let me use your swollen horsecock as a fleshlight?
What about vacuum pumping your vulva until it was a huge, constantly drooling mass of flesh, forever showing the world that you're nothing but my slutty little filly? Or stuffing a clear dildo into you so your abused womb was on display for all to see?
I might hesitate, but I'm sure you could wash away my concerns with a through milking. After all, I'm not exactly going to have concerns about the potential sanitary nightmare that would entail when my mind's all hazy from the constant jerking.
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to bail at this point. I'll be back in a few hours though, if you're going to stick around.

Mmf, both of those. You could take me for walks like that so everyone could just see how much of a complete slut I am.
I won't be back on until late tonight.

But I always welcome a subby colt to milk and tease~
If I'm taking you for a walk you're going to be tied to my torso with my cock in your ass. And every single stallion we meet is going to pull that thing out of your bloated folds and replace it with as much of his horsecock he can fit until he leaves you bloated and senseless. Then I put it back in so everyone can see your little womb painted white.

After only a few I'd be bulging fit to burst, painfully pregnant from all that hot stallion seed inside me... I'd be pouring fluids all over your crotch from the knowledge that the next one would make it pop the dildo in my mouth out so all that mixed seed can be sprayed all over my face in front of any onlookers.
And when it did I'd hold your back legs firmly and pound you hard until you coughed up every last drop of spunk, making a spectacle as I fucked the cum out of your mouth and bloated cunt. And when you were dry heaving I'd slam you against my crotch and pump your intestines so full of my cum it would surge into your stomach and geyser out of your slutty lips, marking your body with my musky seed and making you cum hard from the pleasure of being slut shamed in front of everyone in town.

Then as your mind slowly recovered I'd roughly replace the dildo in your throat and the one in your cunt and resume our walk like nothing happened.

The only problem I can imagine with that is that you would let my mind recover instead of corrupting me entirely. But that's just a small thing overall, because that's just incredibly sexy. <3
The only reason I let you recover is so you'd be fully conscious as those dildos slam home and plug you up. I want you to feel every step as we walk, every shift of the fake horsecock in your throat making you gag, every throb of my cock in your ass making you clench hard around the clear dick holding your slutty cervix open and spreading those well-used labia apart for everyone to see.

It'd be so lovely if those horsecocks were electrified somehow, to the point where it'd make me shudder place every few steps so that you'd have to force me forward using your dick.
If that were the case I wouldn't bother pulling the dildo in your plugged up cunt out when a stallion needed draining. I'd simply ramp up the voltage until your uncontrollably spasming flesh splorted it out on its own. The minor burns on the inside of your body would double as both extra sensitivity and a nice way to heat up your tunnel for the eager stallion.
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Now we're talking...

Would you modify your slutty filly in any way? Like taking her lower jaw away so that she can suck stallion dicks better.
I should have known it was you. I'm the anon who doesn't like blood.

Oh. Well, that's fine. How about magically?
Given the chance your mouth wouldn't be very useful outside of that expert tongue. So I'd change it into another puffy marecunt. Having some extra holes for stallions to occupy would be nice - would you object to replacing your teats with swollen donut-sized anuses that feed into your womb? What about making your flesh extra elastic or giving me the ability to control that elasticity so I can swell your belly full and yank your stomach taut again, watching as cum sprays out of your facecunt and ass?

Ooh, no, I wouldn't be opposed to any of that at all. That's far better than something with blood.
How do you feel about one of those stallions reaming your little bladder and swelling it with his gooey spunk? What if he did it as I fucked your mouthpussy, gripping your throat tight around my cock with one hand as the other fingered your teats? I bet the feeling of my cum gushing out of your prolapsing anus onto his balls would make him bulge your body with a full gallon of cum. And you'd have the pleasure of shuddering with pleasure as you slowly piss out all his hot seed.

Painful but sexy. And what's heavenly pleasure without a little pain~?
Unfortunately, I must leave you for now. But if you'll indulge me in a little self modification, I'd love to fall asleep at night with you wrapped firmly around my several feet of horsecock as you suckle on the knotted dildo stretching your mouthpussy to its limit. As you shudder from the pleasurepain of the massive plugs sealing off your teats and ass, my cum will have nowhere to go as I give my personal condom the stretching of her life. And in the morning I'll give you back your gag reflex so I can watch you choke and sputter for a while until you work that dildo free and heave up throatfulls of my cum all over your slutty body.

You've given me a ton of pleasure, so thank you and be safe.

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