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03/09/12(Fri)08:19 No.482398 File: 1331299169.png-(284 KB, 600x608, AVE DOMINUS MORTES.png)
 >As I return, I find the boat, once again, in chaos. This no longer surprises me, and indeed I find some comfort in the short-lived madness. I fear this, like so many other things, are but a symptom of our starving exile. Any scraps of information, any crumbs of new content and whatever else we can gather are comsumed with such ravenous fury that they last only for a short time. >To escape this consuming hunger, many have turned to spam, low-quality drawfagging and ever writing long-winded meta greentext stories. I fear the days when the first >Original Characters and >fanfictions start popping up. When that day dawns, I fear it will soon be impossible to tell us from them any longer. The boat will be no more, and we will only be another drop of piss in the ocean. >Inevitably many will blame that on the hands upon the sword that forced us here - moot. However he only performs the duty he has to his people. To expect further malignance is redundant, to outright hate, foolish. But ultimately, it was not be, but us, who brought this upon ourselves. Us, and THEM. But in time that distinction will fade, and all that will be left is death. >There is still light on the horizon though. Tomorrow we will see a new episode, and from it, draw another day or two of content to rant about. Smile will make gifs, people will complain about logos, Artanis will ask when the new episode is. For a fading few hours, things will be back to normal. beyond that, the cycle of madness will go on for a few more weeks still. >After that? I do not wish to think of that time. Not yet. Not while we are still alive, no matter how barely. |