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Pony or die pls

Old: >>4747146

Also, [sound]
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you better step the fuck down senpai
fighting games
what do you want to know

I'll tell you all about frame 14
Weaboo Sweetie imbedded sound image where.
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Select your character.
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2.76 MB
>pony or die is here
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the one in the foreground
All of them.
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inb4 it's shit
Let's go AB I'm ready to rumble
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Hmmm, let's see if we can't get those friendship levels up this time out.

Fanart thread?

Post your favorite bit, why do you find it awesome?
>Pony or Die is finally here.
Awwww yeah.
>you will never be as happy as that pone
Dem grapples.
I still want you to eat shit.
Pony or die soon.


No fuck you I want my Leth tenderly
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I dunno, I just like it.
Sweetie, we have an epic karaoke battle.
>Writer of the comic is a Twifag
>Artist is AJfag
What the fuck is pony or die?
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>that anatomy

>Those legs

Absolutely disgusting. I would slap this person across the face if I ever met them.
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Okay, so bear with me to make sure this all works right before I start getting this rolling.

This here picture is by Obsidian. It was an original piece, made specifically for Pony or Die.

(Please let me know if this link doesn't work)

And here's the first story, written by Fluxy!

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Which pony would gladly serve under Discord?
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Something that took months to finish, and now it is time to unleash it.
Screwball obviously.
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>this song
Care to elaborate?
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This was one of my first requests.

Strangely enough my first pony related request was filled on /v/

I like it because chubby pone and cute.
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i wuv u obsi
It's a fun project
So basically you take a picture and send it to a writer to write a short story` about it.
Then you send the story ti an artist ti draw a picture based in it
Then you send the new picture to another writer and so on
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You are going on an adventure to save your favorite pony from a dragon. However, you will need help in your valiant quest. Choose wisely which package you will choose to aid you:

PACKAGE A: Your least favorite main 6 pony and one MUSIC DEFENER of your choice.

PACKAGE B: Diamond Tiara, who will do nothing but complain and demand things of you the whole time, along with all of THE MUSIC DEFENERS.

PACKAGE C: Your least favorite main 6 pony, spike,
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How did I not know of this? I LOVE the Starry Night, saved!
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Its gonna suck, isn't it?
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2.54 MB
Got a screenshot of that fic from old horse.
Anyone can do it, then?
Probably, but the fun is seeing how the original picture mutates from there.
>writer says the funnest to write is Pinkie and Rarity
>she loves writing Rarity since she has the greatest personality, has flaws and she loves writing her
Kawaii desu~
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Fluxy's story made a slight change to the feel of the setting, and turned it more into a Fog, rather than a Goo, which is sad considering how much Reuniclus like Goo...

Anyway, after her picture here, was a story by Standard Namespace!


Aww, that is cute.
But I wanna go alone!
That story fucking sucked. Not even remotely worthy of the greatness of that image.
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excuse the roughness. i'm going to sleep now and finish this up tomorrow.
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The second picture will be full of memes and have nothing to do with the original, won't it?
>First spoiler is hidden
>All other spoilers are selected

First time capping horsesex?
Take this for next time
I choose package A.
>Fluttershy and MC Ride
This will be wacky.
Spike nigga
I like this. Gives me hope for the comic.


That is really good Kraut, I'm jealous of your arts.
Well, read the thread and watch how it goes.
Second picture is >>4749447
I wish to lick a pank
>boomer as Ritsu

My fetish.
It's Cadance's VA turn now
>removes the goo setting from a Reu picture

That monster.
Thanks. I'll edit it right now to include the text, but yeah.
It's shit
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SN's story gave it a totally different reason as to the mist, and when it got to Mumbles for drawing, they made sure to keep it fairly vague.

It then moved onto a story written by Qawsa!

hey thanks
i meant to allude to, you know
but this is also great!

>all these good arts

Oh god

Why did I sign up to be an artist
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>make a suggestion to moot
>he implements it into the site
What a great feel
>implying that picture is good
Heighten your standards
>we're going to stay on model as much as we can but we also have some freedom.
>So we're going to see a lot more graphic approaches and design approach that you won't see in the show

Package C
>Leth intentionally put all the good artists first

Wait until you see mine
dont worry, im sure some arts will not be good mine included
Wolf Nanaki pls
How about you stop being a furfag?
don't be. i know that feel and it's not good for you.

b-but, that's not what i was trying to...
ah, fuck it. last week i thought of a good name for my NSFW tumblr. i guess that's a sign
dude my comp went bust and I had to draw mine on paper in only a few hours, we will be in good company

also im shit anyway but I like excuses

whats that tumblr again
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This was the first major shift in direction, considering the vagueness of the drawing (not a bad thing!) and Qawsa interpreted it as a potentially failed party for Pinky. Surely a terrible thing.

It then went to Rose, portraying this failing party.

It was Terse up next to shine more light on the party!

like i said, it was still good
next time i'll just straight up ask for cum
thanks again!
My heart hurts.
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at least post a good diamond dog you niggers
ok it stopped being funny a long time ago
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This nigga is a good nigga and I would like ownership of this nigga
>furries knowing when to stop being awful
It was never funny


that nigga is mine unfortunately and i am not looking to transfer ownership
so anything interesting happen at that andrew wk panel?
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Would you go to tea with your favorite pony?
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>that file name
fucking unf
these hands and clothes are spooky
I would pay you twofold for a percentage of this nigga. We can be co-nigga-owners
He got wet
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Terse continued on the party, and then with Jailbait's portrayal of Pinkie's eating habits, it seemed just about normal for her.

After that, was Nano!

All the fics fucking suck

Art is mostly good so far though
No, tea is gross
I reading the story nigga
You're gross
Most people are reading the fics, retard.
Holy shit they just keep getting worse.
>All fics fucking suck
ficsed that for you
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300 KB

>The guys working on the comic said that they were asked multiple times by bronies if they could include their OCs in the comic
oh god, her tongue is on fire

Wow that's a really good impersonation of GG's style. I almost believed it was him. There are a few mistakes though.
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>all this new art

I'll have to read the fics later
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Looks like first shitty picture goes to me ;_;
Don't bother.
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I like the pictures but the fics suck
The Spike doesn't look right
Whatever you do don't look at Faust's DA page.
That's pretty good fake GG.
Well at least I feel better juxtaposition with everyone else. Guess I don't have to post that Timestamped MGS4 suicide video now.
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Next bit took a bit more of a shift, with Elslowmo taking on an interesting idea for after the cake was eaten.

Then Zulu took the idea and ran with it. And I mean ran. At almost 3,000 words, he certainly had the longest fic of this event, but that by no means is bad.

Is it just one guy repeating the "fic sucks" thing over and over?

Come on guys.
>expecting quality of anything

I bet you think season 3 will be good
>leth puts the best artists first
>be one of the last ones to go
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1.88 MB
Virginoid question but.

Why have I heard stories about guys crying while having sex? I mean this is a little different since its interspecies but ... I don't get why guys would just start bawling unless they break their dicks
I can vouch for the fact that a couple of those weren't me.

But honest, they're legit bad.

>that song

Which keions would each of the ponies like the most?
>Dat no bones
I guess that explains the flexibility
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281 KB
what the fuck do you think
>enter a password
>Enter the password the author set for this story to view it.
Did she eat a mini-bake oven?
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>tfw last artist
>wrong font
>odd spike
>shitty jpg quality

If you're gonna try to fake GG at least do it right, dude.
>implying any of the art is good so far
>Enter the password the author set for this story to view it.
>inb4 everyone hates my entry
just kidding no one is going to read the fanfiction are they?
Nerves, I imagine
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I cried while being semi-sexually cuddled for the first time
Sometimes I cry when I get a rush of emotions, even if it's happy or angry.
My girlfriend cries occasionally when we have sex, it makes me feel awful but she swears it's just hormones or something
I'm reading all of it, that's what qualifies me to say it's shit.
I don't think so.
I'm reading it

I'm also having >fun
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No but seriously, way to be critical at an obvious parody.
Twilight - Mio
Rarity - Mugi
Pinkie - Yui
Dash - Ritsu
AJ - Azusa
Fluttershy - Also Mugi
i love you terse
mlpg is in a super critical mood right now apparently

Probably something to do with hormones
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Considering all the time that I've waited for PoD, I'm gonna read all the fics whether they suck or not.
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Soup then took the story, and made a very large Pinkie Rump.

It then moved onto BradMayFan for his interpretation.


I forgot to publish that last one before posting, sorry, it's fixed now.
It's because she isn't your girlfriend and you're raping her in a bush.
Leth I don't know if you did the formatting for the stories, but if you did you fucked up. Put some indents or line breaks in.
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>Chapter 6
>Dat wall of text
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Women have spiked vaginas.
Sex is very painful for the male.


Okay yeah, but come on.
You'd think she'd get used to it after the 5th or 6th time.
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Goodnight ponies.
>Perspective so bad the author thought she was on top of a tree

Ahahaha, I thought this might happen.
So that's why it's called pony or DIE
>restless leg syndrome

banished to the couch
It's more likely than you think
Wait, she isn't?
The fuck is happening then?
Everyday until I forget

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>worst pony liking worst girl

It fits so well.

if anyone can draw an AJ version of this, they would be my nigga forever.
Is it just me or is there no coherency between entries 2 and 4 ?

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Brad took an interesting approach to the boxes in the last picture, creating an interesting comic from Krabb.

It was then Mane to continue from where Krabb left off. Fortunately there was no Braeburn.

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Cadance and her sister sound like really nice girls
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She's supposed to be really big and walking out of the forest.

By the time I realized how bad it was I was too lazy/in over my head to fix it.

To be honest it's more interesting this way.
K-on is a show marketed towards pedophiles.
Yo, sir, have my respect
Pinkie got turned into a box?
They look like trailer trash whores.
They're not.
read da story mang
I haven't read anything since middle school and I'm not starting now.

Vagina Dentata
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LK took over depicting the box debacle, with Wf+6 making up an interesting reason as to why it was happening.

>Daytime MLPG.txt
>marketed towards pedophiles

That's Lucky Star. At least K-ON girls actually look like high school girls instead of lolis.
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that's the spirit
what a horrible phrase
More like deboxle amirite?
Applebox is best box
Vagina Dentata
Vagina dentata. Ain't no passing craze
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>Dash box on Pinkie box.
Its means no fucking, for the rest of your days!
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It's bad how accurate this depicts people from Oregon.
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With Wf+6's thinking outside the box, and Tess' vagueness at Twilight's thinking about a "Boxing Match", it then progressed onward.

Issac then took a stab a writing, and came up with the next story!

Which episode of this show is the newest?
Still Little Dipper?
I swear I remember there being something about two episodes.
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Well hello there? Need something forged?
Okay I did
Mane is terrible at writing haha
its our sex-free biology
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Braeburned pls
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They're all terrible at writing.
Little Dipper and Summerween were announced last week.

We have Little Dipper so far, and Summerween is due on next thursday.
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Careful where you point that, Derpy
Ha ha, okay.
That's actually pretty amusing.
Worst cropping I've ever seen though
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I personally don't have anything against reading... I just can never find the time for it.

I've been poisoned with flashing lights and video games. There are times I do want to read but I just always gets distracted.

I feel retarded at times.
>He did not want to shame his cat by making him wear a Twilight hat
...How are you reading these posts?
You're reading MLPG right now. You aren't a lost cause yet.
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Careful where I point [what?]
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This song is too catchy and the dancing is too fun. I wish someone would play this in public where I was..or had a flash mob
Fuck that song. It' sjust way too catchy.
ab pls go
>tfw no body swap episode
It's just not the same without the video to go along with it...
You should. You need to spend some time away from the flashing lights or you'll just get depressed at them not being as entertaining as they used to be. Reading is a good alternative.
Issac's story which was a little hard to follow, lead to Flak's drawing of some re-sized and slightly altered characters.

GypsyMagic continued on with the story of a misfired spell.

And you were on a roll...
I'm using a computer for the blind
>forgot the image
Leth, why.
Yeah but that's only cause there are lots of pretty pictures.



Somehow, I was expecting you to forget to post a pic haha I know that feel, man
the day leth beefed it
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10.0 Best New Pic
>In the middle of the resulting fist fight over a table this song plays.
>Everyone stops and starts to dance.
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243 KB
>mfw Leth keeps beefing it
oh jeez
>Sweetie and Rarity switch ages
>Spike a pony
Holy unf
that gives me some ideas
whose voice is the text-to-speech voice?

>using anything other than Giltbert Gottfried
Get an ereader
The problem is we've become conditioned to looking at glowing rectangles. Put your books on glowing rectangles so it's not as much of a culture shock
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My biggest writing pet peeve is when people keep using descriptors instead of the characters name,
These fan fictions won't stop doing it
I literally can't read some of them, my mind is stopping me
>Still a blank flank
i too have bonered
I tried downloading some books but found myself alt-tabbing over to furfox more than actually reading
I hate ereaders
Books without actual pages just feel so wrong
You mean the whole 'lavender unicorn' thing? Yeah, that's the sure sign of a completely useless shitbag.

Welcome to fanfiction
Thanks for reminding me I have an ipad. I'll do this.

Also MLPG inspired me to get a pdf of one of the pathfinder books.. Its a DND story for those that don't know.
>Spike has a cutie mark but Sweetie still doesn't
Is Purple Tinker still locked?
The song sounds infinitely better with the video to go along with it.
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>Grown up Sweetie Belle
>Filly Rarity
hhnnnngggg I'm dying
That's a funny way to spell worse
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More progress on the story of a misfired spell in the next picture and story, with Sar's visual deception, and then onto Scrubbing Bubbles taking a stab a story writing.

>Spike already has a special talent in the show

New headcanon acquired
Motha fuckin Nu Jazz, steak and ponies to start my weekend.
I could not be more content.
I just thought you should know.
Exactly that.

>tfw beef
>Rarity's face
Isn't that done to spice up the writing or something? I mean it's not bad if it's used lightly.

Its Spiderman doing the Gangnam
>spike keeps getting cutie marks
>sweetie gets none

Being a cmc is suffering
Leth, stop beefin' it.
the video is what makes the song good though
without it it's boring k pop
Yes it is. It's an unnecessary set of adjectives and a pronoun in place of a character's name.
I haven't been bothering to read them but...
its the kind of thing that should be reserved for when the character/creature's name isnt known
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The stream chat has been pretty ded the whole day.

MLPG doesn't care about this con?
No, they're worse than that.

Yes, and even then, only sparingly.
There's a con today?
Hey guys, remember the day Leth totally Soosed it?
Not really, no.
I'll watch the parts that are pony or john dimaggio related but that's it.
Nope, Pony or Die happened.
I don't care about whats going on today. I'm there tomorow though
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Its basically needlessly verbose.
Could you imagine if one out of every three times Rowling randomly said "the ebony haired bespectacled youth"
You want to concentrate on the characters actions and not their physical description.
I only watch bronecon cause I expect a trainwreck,
Jesus, I was called mediocre, but you make it sound like we gave all the writers Nathans crayons and let them go hog wild.
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This portion of the misfired spell has Rarity rather upset, as drawn by Peanus.

Then it's w_o's turn at writing!

You anon authors chose some weird names
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So....I see these threads still exist
Wait whoops I totally misread your post
Haha the egg has been placed upon my face
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>tfw you know you should be reading better books 40k novels, but you don't feel like it
>Not describing every flowing lock of hair on your character.

>tfw a professional author does that shit.

Fuck off, Knakk.

but Canterlot Gardens was organized by the same people behind the january Bronycon
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Sup fag man

Today wasn't that great
Heey, it's Vegetable Dude!
>Purple Tinker nowhere to be found
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MLPG will never die
people still remember me? Fuck.
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Scootscoots then gave his visualization of the failed spell, leading into Dr. White's first few forays into writing.


The story idea was in a rut for a while, but, it finally broke off into new territory around here.
Things are happening tomorrow and sunday, today only WK was good.
Veteran for life bro. HUAAH
> Dr.White
Ooooh boy.

>implying you are the real Plantman
Fuck off, Cutman
No one likes you
PLANT-FUCKING-MAN! We...we missed you..
Didn't it try to get this one shut down because its a hate organization?

I remember everyone
You made my first pony request so you are my nigger in my book.
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was it recorded? I missed it.
MLPG is like Cheers.
I've got my eyes on you Leth
Quick, I need YES.PNG WE.PNG and CAN.PNG

on that note, anyone up for a My Little Election General on /pol/?
Where nobody knows your name~
And every day is just the same~
Eh, that DJ is interesting.
B-but I like sausage...

Penis joke.
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Hey, cut him some slack. He might not be the sharpest drawfag around, but he'll get snippy if you keep being so edgy.
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your favorite megaman is shit
I came back for a little nostalgia
No its really me. Trip to prove it, but I'm not going to be using it any more
Well technically Im a half nigger. Only my dad is black
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Cosmo then took to drawing, getting the story focused on something slightly different than a failed spell, then goes onto Faraway.

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This thing makes me want to puke and laugh at the samte time.
Just go through the archive and search
>Where nobody knows your name~
>And every day is just the same~

Holy shit it IS just like Cheers
Yeah because it's "transphobic" supposedly best not to get into it
oh god what the fuck is that banner?
Your favorite pony makes you an ultimatum:
She will greedily suck all the semen from your penis, if in exchange, you first suck all the toots from her farty butt

Do you accept
brb sending pony or die to Seth
Yes, some people were wondering about you some days ago run while you can, save your life.
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Shit Shepard
Leth is the only one who doesn't drink.
But he runs the bar.
I don't have that kind of time.
>sullying JSRF
why can't I have a platonic relationship with ponies
Anon pls



I will never make that thread again, enjoy the archive.
but I don't want her to suck all the semen from my penis
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PS made a little comic, then it was followed by Sanguinius, who went a little.... dark.

I just come back every few months or so to see whats going on. Most of the time I see or hear ponies now a days I cringe, but now matter how much I dislike ponies now, I'll never forget the months of my life that I practically lived here.
>on that note, anyone up for a My Little Election General on /pol/?

You don't plan shit like that, faggot, it just happens.
Well it's a good thing her boycott is working so well.
You wouldn't fucking dare.

What a dipshit.
Does he not know that IRC cannot open doors?
It's just a chat program.
>make a door opener that accepts commands from an IRC bot
Now it can.
>My Little Election: Broken Promises are Common
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Kitty took the darker story and turned it into a rather beautiful piece.

Chryssalid then detailed the end of ponyville, which is rather appropriate considering it's the last story of this even. One more picture after this.

Oh god what is she doing to Sweetie Belle
I'm going to have to read this text wall.
wow now even the GFG is faster than MLPG
It opens e-doors anon, and gets at your enformation
Today has been the slowest day for MLPG in like two or three weeks
My sides.
They absorbed all our pedophiles.
Sanginius does the first good story in this entire event, I'm not surprised.
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I liked the one done by that Gypsy Magic
It's a good thing I invested in this hearing aid
Isaac's story was pretty interesting.
So when can we expect a My Little Wendy tumblr?
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This event finishes with Anonymous' scanned drawing onto his computer which at the very moment might be melting. Godspeed to you.

I plan on making a final story tomorrow based on this latest picture, and sending it off to Obsidian to draw for it, if he wishes, to wrap it all up nicely for everyone.
pls go
So now that they've tested how suicide rates, how long until Fox makes a death-match show?
"getoffgetoffgetoffgetoffgetoffgetoffit get off it GET OFF IT. GET OFF IT."

What kind of a name is that?

Wow, that sure ended up dark.

Thanks for all your hard work Leth.
Thanks again to everyone that participated, and I'm very very sorry about all those that I missed after the long hiatus I put the event through.

I have different ways planned to go about it next time, and will have a partner with me to keep it and me on track, to make sure it all goes as smooth as possible.

Thank you all MLPG.

Here's to Season 3.
That was fun.
I hope now that we've done it once if we do it again in the future then everyone will have a better idea of what to do on both ends.
Wow, its finally ended.

I like how everything was fine and dandy until one person turned it dark and it just headed south.
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I sure do like that pink pony named Pinkie Pie, what a great name, huh? People say she's great and fun and best pony.

No, I'm not her, what makes you think that?
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I see half of /co/ is /o/
There's still missing a story ad a pic.
The dark stuff was the only interesting part.

Way to have shit taste, anon.
I liked the short change of pace into body swapping.
I think we can all agree that we need more bodyswapping
Pinkie Pie, please
If you're wearing a Pinkie Pie mask that doesn't disguise you
If you wanted to know how I feel about you, you can just ask.
I like how everyone did the same thing for like two weeks.
I want to see more ponies wearing mask.
I think today has taught us a valuable lesson...
Our writers suck.
And our artists are terrible.
That's what I've been saying for almost two years now.
Artists weren't bad, writers were shit awful.

I'm disappointed in all of you.

Ponychan would kick our asses in another writing contest.

You should all be ashamed.
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yeah well fuck you
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Dooks, why didn't you tell me that mexicans can't sing at all?

Your story sucked so much he got rid of it.
And the art was something be desired.


>only Anonymous

This happened in the friendoff too, you guys are killing me

Thanks leth, posting from an iPod touch now, guess it's finally dead
Well, I'm glad I didn't write. This way, I didn't fail to meet your expectations.
Leth is write the last story and then Obsideon draws.
Hey, how come you never sent me an art thing to do?
I'm more disappointed in you than anyone else because you didn't even bother to try.
Way to let me down.
I think Kitty's was my favorite (Obsi and Reu close seconds), and Sanginius's story was the only good one.
we lost our god tier VAs a long time ago
>not trying and being shit but not giving a fuck

where is you MLPG spirit, Anon?
I liked >>4749999
this picture the best.
But that's only cause I love body swap. I'll read the stories later tonight to tie it all together.

They were really all great and enjoyable.
Based on your post. I can tell you that any form of the written language you would punish your readers with would be terrible enough to be considered terrorism.
Haven't read all of them yet
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I tried to sign up and even got a confirmation from leth but he never sent me a picture to write about
am I a disappointment to you too?
But I would have only written shit in that one-day time period. Not to mention that I probably wouldn't have even looked at my e-mail until half the day was over, which would lower the quality further. Additionally, something might have come up on that day, ripping even more time from me.
inb4 >excuses
You tremendous faggot
You are literally the biggest loser in MLPG
I blew that in the second Friend-off.
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clearly my 3 legged pinkie being transformed into a box comic was the greatest
yeah me too, he seemed kind of stressed so I didn't push the issue and give him a larger load.
no biggie, we'll do it again.
Since I usually take forever to write anything of substance, doing it in the space of a day was pretty tough. I probably would have done much better if given another day to re-read and revise.
I did miss some people, and I really am sorry for that. There was more to it than I thought when starting, and I got pretty busy in the middle, and I got it all messed up.

Like I said, next time will be better. Promise.
>Even Leth hates you.
Everyone look.
Look at him.
Look at him and laugh!
I agree, that friend-off killed all of our spirit.
You're the worst of all. Why didn't you send him an email telling him this? Are you that much of a beta loser? I fucking hate you, you piece of shit.
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We probably won't.
but that's not _______ross___
Well I had fun, I love doing things with you MLPG <3
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>that AJ and RD


Well, at least Rarity's singing voice is cool.

We had some good dubbing in the 90's, but those days are long gone.
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I know that feel, and it really, really upsets me.
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Whelp that's exactly what happened to me. I rushed the last half out and just turned it in since I didn't want to hold Pony or Die back any more. Anyway I'm glad all the writer's diarrhea of text inspired some more fanart.
That is one cute buffololi.
If we do another one of these things then I'll prepare myself for unending disappointment.

Why don't we just do a draw off instead? The only talented people here are artists, and we could have fun destroying Ponychan again.
That is a cute ungulate. I would hug her.
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Lo sé.

Adiós a los noventa, la época en que teníamos buenos VAs en latinoamerica.
> Drawing porn of their OC's fucking other OC's or the mane6/bg ponies.
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Because some of us like writing and/or reading fanfiction, and so this was fun for us.

Hey, I had a lot of fun! Everyone should remember that this was all just for fun between friends and not a contest. Everyone's part was great, jeez.
Why I always read this with a russian accent?
But all of the stories were fucking terrible.
I rather liked the writing portion, actually.

I think the best format was when they were only a paragraph or two long, though that's just my opinion.

Some of the writing could have been better, but that's what next time is for.
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>Pony or die is done.
>And the results are in!

>MLPG when.
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Que pasó? estan todos retirados acaso?
Praise the sun!
>Blueblood's voice

Oh well that's interesting.
This is just one of the reasons I'm glad I've given up writing for you guys.

That and now there's more time for vidya and other things.
>cold have been better
This is the understatement of the century. I've read nutritional information on the back of a cereal box that was more engaging - and it at least had correct spelling and grammar.
I doubt you read all of the stories.

Also it's subjective, and our art isn't exactly spectacular, either.
I was talking specifically about my own part, I thought this was great
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Now that all of that is do we fetish now?
People who write well get deserved praise - people who vomit literary garbage onto a fimfic document get shit on.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you're the former when people didn't like your shit, because MLPG recognizes talent when it's appropriate.
I dunno, I wasn't expecting masterpieces.
This wasn't some nationally published event, it was just for us just for fun.

Sometimes mlpg has a hard time finding a good happy medium between criticism and praise.
which pony's feet would you fart on?
I did read all of the stories, and almost every single one of them was pointless tripe.
>liking fanfiction
I don't have a reaction image smug enough
>not reading it in benevolent general Krull's voice
practicamente, los actores de doblaje mexicanos hicieron huelga a finales de los 90 exigiendo la misma paga que los actores "normales" recibian, los mandaron a tomar por culo y desde entonces las mismas personas son las que hacen los doblajes latinos con una calidad increiblemente inferior
Can't we just enjoy something?

I enjoyed all of the pictures and stories for what they were, and was glad at the end of each one for the effort they put into it.

You're trying way too hard.
anon ponies don't have feet
I like how MLPG is so hostile towards art and writing when it's even slightly off, but if it comes from their own circlejerk they can't love and tolerate the worst garbage fast enough
This is boring. Im going to go watch the new Grabibity falls
Problemas con el gremio y demases, caso Simpsons siendo el más resonante.
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Let me help you out there.
>almost every single one of them was pointless tripe
How could pony fanfiction be anything other than pointless tripe?
Specially when >fanfiction is involved.
No. no fun allowed.
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MLPG doesn't recognize talent, as far as I can tell. If not, no one says anything when talent is spotted.

It's always /v/ in here about contributors or tripfags or writing or drawings or whatever. Ya'll just love to hate.
I had a lot of fun, I hope we do this again

but not too soon, need to allow time to get hype
>love and tolerate the worst garbage
Are we in the same MLPG?
hold me Leth
But this did come from our circlejerk. And yeah I hated my entry so at least one story was shit.
Would you a pone with swollen, wobbling teats?
Pretty much.
It could have at least been enjoyable to read, or tried to tell a proper story.
No, we just hate writers
Art bros are the coolest fags around
Apparently you've never read Past Sins. That one was so good it got published in a real book.
>a proper story
>the entire concept is based on telephone

I don't know man, sometimes our artist can be to emotional.
There's plenty of people who enjoyed it, too.

The angry people are always louder in mlpg.

Fuck off.
The angry people are always louder everywhere.
If I could suck on those teats till they weren't swollen and wobbly anymore.
>people shit on the stories but no one shits on the art

You don't speak for the group.
Except for space.
You're the only one not part of the 'we', and we're telling you to fuck off.
Which one was yours Anon?

A lot of the art wasn't good either
Earth ponies live longer.
I liked the stories
I like the writefags

To be honest I'm kinda sick off Fapfics or greentext feels.
the art gets shit on too, just to a lesser extent
You can never be angry in space.
Only super chill.
Nope. Fun fact: Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle are both older than Granny Smith.
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Rainbow Dash will outlive all her friends thanks to relativity.
I like a good read better than a picture. Although, there are rarely ever any good stories out there.
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That's so not true you made me fart.
Wait what?
The only person shitting on the stories is someone who didn't even participate.
Unless you're near a star.
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Me too, it's why nobody has heard from me for a while.

Hell it's my first time back in here in over a week or something.
No they are not.
Why does not writing something bad invalidate a criticism of something bad?
>not dying during one of her reckless tricks
Sh'll be the first to die
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Según se, la mayoría aún estan vivos.

Siempre me encantó la voz the Goku. Escuchaste la voz que le pusieron en el doblaje de E.U? Suena muy forzado para mi gusto, como si el tipo que lo dobla se apretara las bolas y la gartanta. Goku con su voz real(la de Japón) suena bastante afeminado.

Pero si, que trizte que ya no los doblan como antes.

I want to show a recently genderbent stallion what it feels like to be a mare.

Because the point of the event wasn't to make something for you.
Maybe the fic hate comes from not being made with a grater than symbol behind it and the text not colored green?
me too
They're marshmallow, if she ever wipes out super hard they'll just melt her down and pour her back into her mold.
Trolling with the Fanfiction Topic is easy, babby's first MLPG troll. Best you can do is just ignoring the kids until they go to bed.
I just realized I've been using a 4x6 inch tablet this whole time. No wonder drawing is painful and I hate it and I want to die.

Requests? I need to warm up.
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>no trip
who the fuck cares? if you want people to give a shit about your attendance to MLPG, feel free to put on a tripcode and fag it up, cockgobbler.
>She hits a bird just before she pulls of a sonic rainboom.
>All the ponies see is half of her explode into mist, and plummet.
Then why the fuck are you presenting it to the general? If the point of making something is presenting it to an audience and then saying 'you can't judge this' then you've just undergone an exercise in futility.
No one will come to her grave cause no one actually likes her.
You forgot "not being written in second-person present tense."

okay nobody cares

we all had fun, sorry you're angry.
What car would you nonsexually?
It's just supposed to be fun, guys
Draw Dash being angry at a computer
You need to tone it down about 8 or 9 levels.
Mazda Miata, of course.
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I love that set
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De verdad?

No tenía idea, eso lo explica todo.
Rarity and Twilight fencing with a shitload of sabers thanks to Telekinesis
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I'm angry because you're too stupid to understand an opinion.
But what if she wanted to feel them jiggle and slosh every time your balls slapped into them as you rutted her into the ground?
I would befriend a Golf
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an Impala
this pls
>not a Mustang
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Everything on the internet is serious business.
Didn't your school teach you that?
Auburn Boat-tail speedster, I haven;t picked a year yet

No, you're angry because nobody cares about your opinion.
So anyone watched the Cincinnati comic panel thing? The one about thee MLP comic?

Can someone give me a summary?
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You're downright amusing.
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So does most of MLPG now hate writefags ir something? what about greentexts? Those seem to get a free pass.
Shhh, just let it fester in him. Eventually he'll realize there was nothing to get angry at, and calm down.
the writers care a lot more about the comic than we first thought.

overall, it was hopeful.
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MLPG has always hated writefags, which is why it makes even less sense that they're defending this terrible showing of their worst members.
>So does most of MLPG now hate writefags ir something
No, there's just a small number of very vocal faglords.
>He still thinks greentext is writing.
I'm still waiting on Pony Should Pony Pony: >Rape Edition Mk.II.
The stories were all wrong
1st. They weren't green
2nd. Nobody got fucked at the end
Never, hopefully
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You're alright, Anon.
And if your fic doesn't get enough upboats then you get thrown in the sex pit.
I hope we never do anything fun again.
>mfw I made the worst contribution to Pony or Die
>mfw I have no face because I'm too ashamed to reveal myself
I guess I'll be back when the kids are sleeping, stay classy MLPG.
writing has always been considered a low tier contribution
It's Friday night. They aren't going to bed.
I like how the thread is butthurt about not enough love and tolerance for the Pony or Die thing, but the last Friend-Off got completely ignored and no one cared.
Me too. Obviously we aren't mature enough to have fun while writing about pictures of pastel horses.
Are there pony in said pit?
At least you got a response to your picture ;_;
Nope, I don't go hunting fanfiction but I read all the ones that were posted and enjoyed them, even the one that the guy before me wrote and was adamant about being bad for some reason
I'll give it a month or two to cool down.
>Next pony or die.
>Place a >in front of every line.
>One line per sentence.
>everything is green.
>Win at everything forever.
Just like all intellectual pursuits.
I want to be a little colt and suckle on Applejack's milk filled teats.
Original Plan:
P-or-D in July, finishes in August, then S3 starts in September. We all transition into the new season with some fun.

New Plan:
P-or-D doesn't finish until late September, S3 starts sometime before the end of the year, and retards get all pissy about it.
Okay, tough guy, if you want to be rude you can do it outside.

That can't be true because mine was the worst.
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>second person present-tense
really? some of these "fics" were written like that? good grief.

good thing I didn't read any of them.

Only griffons.

And they _do_ have spikey dicks.
I'm watching it right now

The guys working on it really want to make it great and so far what they said is preety hopefull

And Hasbro is actually gives a lot of fucks about it and in the make it sell more toys way but in "make it more close to the show" way

I'm quite happy till now
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Right, well, later MLPG.

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Would you walk through a snowy forest with Twilight while you both watch the large snowflakes lazily drift to the ground?

Would you just listen to the sound of your hooves and feet crunching in the snow as you admire how pretty her mane is?

Would you silently enjoy each others company until you gently scratch behind her ears and she starts to giggle and tell you jokingly to stop?

>[this will never happen ;_;]
Don't do it, just look at this, it's not worthy, let the retards swim in their own shit.
Is it online some where? Link?
No he's talking about >greentext
He was making a jab at arrowtexting you silly goose.
Thats quitter talk anon
More people enjoyed it than didn't.
Read the post it replied to, retard.

I suspect you didn't read any because you can't read, cocknobbler.
The joke is that's how all the shitty in-thread greentext stories are written.

You're a fucking idiot.
he's saying they werent written like that, as opposed to greentext which often is
I didn't enjoy it therefore nobody did
Reality is so cruel.

That's just silly, we can't all be the worst
Well we haven't had any writefags for awhile other than fapfiction and greentext. Even before then most of the time Art was considered the blood and butter and writing wasn't really held to this position, ever. So it's just the nature of MLPG to not really like fanfiction as much as art.
This is exactly how Obsidian felt after the friend off, and no one consoled him.

You guys are such flip-flops
>post stupidest pony while making a stupid post

good show
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Thank you
He's got you there leth
That's right. Mine was the worst.
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>Relaxing with Thunderlane at your house, having a couple drinks
>Little does he know that you've spiked his drink with a gender transformation potion that you payed that zebra in the Everfree to brew up for you
>Sit back and wait for the magic to happen
>you will never enjoy the last few days before winter wrap up with your favorite pony
I enjoyed it.
of course we can, it can be a tie for worst
Could you make a short summary at the end?

I'm too lazy to watch it now
nope. mine was the worst. mine was the one where it turned dark, and the rest of the writers followed suit.
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This could be the motto of MLPG
I will fight you. Mine induced vomiting.
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>Leth can see all the IP's of the haters.
>All two of them.
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mah nigga
Aww I didn't know he got down about that.
It was just a little too soon after the first one I think.
Still loved it.
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what's important here

is that mine is the best
I would go back to the library and drink hot chocolate with her non-sexually.

At least we can all agree on something
shut up Bonbon you don't like any thing
You should send him a sensual message to tell him everything is okay.
Maybe I will.
well yes, that much is clear
Make that AJ and I so would.
You lost me at "walk"

Got me back at "Twilight"

Then lost me a again when I reread "walk"
Snuggling close to her as you whisper into her ears, making them flick as you tickle them in front of a warm fire?

I could get behind that. And falling asleep together on the couch under a large, really comfy blanket.
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>he forces the drink down, wincing at the flavor
>you idly pretend to sip yours as he continues drinking
>finally done, he fidgets in his seat, looking uncomfortable, sweat breaking out on his forehead
>his wings flare open, and he doubles over, coughing
>you notice his mane growing out a bit
>it's happening
>not fluttershy unwashed

I can't fap to this
Are you in a wheelchair or something?
Oh boy, fanfiction, my favorite!
paraplegic anon, pls
apple needs to post more of his art i mean porn instead of keeping it for his few select internet friends.
keep it goin
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How does it feel being the worst when I'm too busy being the [best]?
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I would always walk behing Applejack.
>RCH stole his wheelchair.
No, just very very lazy
No, no, see, when it's really terrible like that it's not /really/ fanfiction, so it's okay to like it.
That's why you're my favorite Dash
Oh, okay!
get to farting
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Sometimes I think you guys are too hard on yourselves. And overreact. Just a little.
I'd much rather make snow ponies with Pinkie and have burst out of one to surprise passers by
fartfag pls go
we're catching on to you, and we don't like it.
you're almost as bad as that foodscat writefag.
>you will never give Pinkie a ride in your wheelchair
Why was I cursed with the ability to walk?
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The feels, man. The feels.
MLPG's spirit animal is Chicken Little.
Some times I think you're a good pony, Rarity. But then I come to my senses
What did you make the original post? I usually go back and forth with this. But I can keep going
>blushing through the cowl
That's dumb
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>MLPG is like Bizzaro bronies.
>Where Bronies will faun over normal fanfiction, MLPG will do the same over the texting version of it.
No shit.

Oh nono just reading.
Don't hate on the foodscat man
I can't wait for winter to get here.

not that I have anyone to share a warm fireside with, or a warm blanket, or really anything that would be reciprocated. It's times like this, and times like the ones to come, that make me want to go to equestria for good.
>implying im too hard on myself
>implying my art doesnt actually cause eyes to bleed and the dead themselves to rise and shitpost about it
I am fucking telling you, the sky is trying to kill me!
Why don't you write about it
Would you kiss fluttershy on her lips?
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shut the fuck up, you're part of the problem. MLPG created that bullshit and now you're defending that depravity.
Because like hell if I am paying you assholes the rates I am paying my shrink just to TALK about it.
No, my spirit animal is Pinkie Pie because I love her
I'm an recently revived corpse and I can attest to this man's opinion of his art.

But at least you aren't Ross.

Wait, you write stories for your shrink?
No. I know where those lips have been.

I do that every night with my brushie of her.

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Anon, please stop.
I'm not allowed within 1000 yards of her office anymore...
yes. no matter your ability to draw, you're still better than ross, who's dedicated who knows how much time to learning how to draw that shitty art.
I dunno

Has she brushed her teeth?
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Can I get some greentext >feels about this? I cannot into writing, even greentext.

I'd say that's my job, but I think I gave up on it.
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>implying there's only one fartfag
[deal with it nerd]
>he groans, shivering in his seat
>the light blue of his mane grows out until it hangs from his neck, curling over the side of Thunderlanes face
>his body shrinks; the once bulky, muscular pegasus reduced to the size of an average mare
>with a final cry of pain he throws his face upwards, his growlish voice cracking into a feminine whine as the spell finished taking effect
>Thunderlane, fully female, sinks backwards into the cough, and exhales, inspecting her smaller, softer body
>one hoof travels to where his impressive stallionhood once dangles and her wide golden eyes shrink, and look towards you
>anal sex
Do you see a horn on that bitch's head?
they are minty fresh
woah what
you take that back
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u mad bro?

MLPG has turned into a giant fetish discussion thread that's always on the newest perversion 24/7, with an army of greentext fags just waiting to write about the flavor of the week.

soon you'll be blatantly praising and encouraging pony guro and scat porn.
Is it so wrong that I just want to hug and snuggle the bottom Fluttershy softly and nonseuxallt
would you
Why is she trying to pull of that innocent look? She's obviously a cheap slut with tail extensions.

But no tongue
No, its a shit sex act.
cant i
I would.
There's a perfectly good hole like an inch and a half away.
what the
I would an Anonymous sexually___

It's completely true, and I've accepted that.

But you know what? Outside of the fetishes, you're pretty neat people to chill with in an air of pony. So I do.
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Hey man, don't get mad
get [spooky]
Would you point out to Fluttershy that she is starting to grey?
i see what you did there
you're entitled to your opinion but i don't see how anyone could feel that way
I don't want to put my dick where shit comes out of.
how did
but she wants tongue
Oh you
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You guys are hypocrites.
i cant
I don't care.
>perfectly good

Not nearly as tight and muscular
Looks like
Thats not ok, Fluttershy

No means no
I dunno
I can live with that.
I know you are, but what am I?
it's really the best if she's taken a shower right after shitting. she's clean in there, and it's amazing.

you really can't knock it till you try it.
can't say anything about being on the receiving end, though...any anons here have experience with that?
No, you think?
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so what
Someone's stabbed
No we're Anonymous.
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In what way?
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You have exposed our greatest secret.
Now, you must engage us in martial combat to escape with your life.
One that doesn't require an enema to not get shit all over the place.
Makise Kurisu
I didnt
I would both
We all know better
But we just cant do it
>he's into urethra play
who else
>requiring an enema to have clean anal sex

virgin detected
de geso~

I put something sizable in my butt for the first time a couple days ago

probably the best orgasm I've ever had, I think i sat there just drooling for like 5 minutes, I lost track of time

Now I can't stop fantasizing about dicks and getting fucked, help me.
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I'm just going to post this and hope everyone calms down
not yet
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Have you ever stuck something up your ass?
If anal is so great how come I don't have an orgasm every time I take a big shit

>You allow your eyes to roam over his new form, looking at him like he is nothing more than a piece of meat
>"You're a pretty little filly now aren't you ?
>women have to douche before they have sex, otherwise they'll get menstruation all over a dude's dick
normalfag pls go and stay go
please go on
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>He doesn't even own a toilet that helps clear the way.
Hes also a poorfag to boot!
>not having awesome poop orgasms
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Why are MLPG's panties in a knot today? I dont understand
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this thread is now haunted
not today

you have to be aroused and masturbating while you do it

also it's a different sensation
It's going the wrong direction.
Man, I love taking a really big shit.

One of the many advantages of a diet high in fiber is the fantastic shits you have.
have you ever had fiber in your diet?
I'll help you. by putting a dick in your butt. My dick. In a completely platonic way, of course. N-no homo.
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>selling porn prints at a brony convention

i really hope someone is there for this. i would give anything to see a video of the type of people there.
Because fanfiction is shit unless it's green.
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Cute pony pictures and stories to fetish talk in 10 seconds flat
Why did I laugh this hard
come again
>If anal is so great how come I don't have an orgasm every time I take a big shit

if cumming is so great how come i don't have an orgasm every time i take a piss
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thanks, i was looking for something to fap

darf quit getting aroused by anons

it's weird
That didn't really calm me down, if you catch my drift.
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I once got menstruation in my dick.
I had to be on the pill for a month after I started spotting.
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>tfw I'd actually be kind of happy if Ika spam started again because it'd feel like /co/ again

What's wrong with me, MLPG?
This...general is not what i expected...

Uh, yeah.

That doesn't answer my question.
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MLPG, ladies and gentlemen.
i can't help it
i'm sorry
We all think this way, assface.
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>both guys entered in the fandom like most guys "pff MLP yeah rig- Oh shit this is actually good"
>Writer's favortie pony is Twilight
>Artist's favorite pony is AJ
>Writer loves writing Rarity and has the most fun writing Pinkie and Rarity
>she also says Pinkie is the easiest to write for her
>they love the Muppets. They love the Muppets a lot. Also Star Trek.And love superhero comics a lot. And Star Wars
>there will be BG characters in the comic but they don't exactly say what their role is
>also apparently if we pay attention we can see some small cool stuff or something

>A small girl asked what Derpy's cutie mark means. They responded that probably she's an airhead and it was cute

>they didn't receive the show bible

>Hasbro is involved a lot but the only thing that they complained about till now is how a line of dialogue fits Rainbow Dash more than Applejack

>the writer heard rumors about a Derpy episode

>they watch the show mostly for fun. And they watch it for fun more often then watching it for references

>the writer has a daily pony time with her 2 year old daughter when they look at an episode.

>the writer's husband has FS as his least favorite character and RD as his favorite character

>they also do what the guys working on thee show do regarding fanfiction and OCs, They do not look at them. They avoid them
its been a long hiatus mang
We need to just put a collage of these together. We've got enough.
have you ever had anal sex, anon?

Have you ever had sex?
Would you cuddle with a pone after a night of pounding her maresex so hard she loses her balance?
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I think that all the shitposting about Pony or Die was from the piss because they were jealous

y'know, just saying.
Imagine the shitfest if an army of unsuspecting soccer moms brought their daughters there.
And saw all of that.
Because you know bronies won't put it away.
You're having a brief moment of clarity, and realizing that this place has gone to shit in short order.
Soon you will be consumed once again by The Cycle, and this realization shall be lost until another shares in it.
One day, The Cycle will end, and we shall be free.

>Hasbro gives a shit about the show

Whoa wait what
maresex is one of those words that just gets an instant eyebrow raise from me every time
i think it's lovely

I was hoping to reverse psychology you or something
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This is acceptable.
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Is it forced cuddling?

As long as I could leave it in while we cuddled.
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oh god, one week i was eating huge amounts of beans (chinese fried broad bean snacks, they are more addictive than potato chips)

and i had such a massive shit that when i flushed it clogged and filled the entire bowl and then immediately the entire bowl emptied right when it was about to spill over

it felt amazing
Lil'D you might be onto something.
But how'd they get passed the bouncer with the crazy arms?

Uh, yes.

But you still haven't answered my question.
Come back for the other one.
I'd like to believe that, too, anon.
bronies are the ones that hate porn
MT, run while you can.
Use your dyslexic legs!
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After I'm through with her she'll need me to hold her upright.
Plus it'll probably get her ready for another round
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the rule is they are only allowed to sell porn after 10pm

>MS will be there selling human CMC porn
Darf, your dick gets wet at the drop of a hat.
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I don't know, Sonny.

I don't know.
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Thanks a bunch for this summary.

>They enjoy writing Pinkie and Rarity the most

Aww shit, this comic might be awesome.
>that feel when you used to clog the toilet every fucking day back when you ate oatmeal daily

Jesus fuck I'm glad that's over

>that feel when toilet unclogs itself
best feel.
>"You change me ba-"
>she clasps her hooves over her mouth, her new voice, light, airy, the voice of a bubbly young teenager
>you laugh a bit at how flushed her face has gotten, and start approaching
>she stands up awkwardly and falls down on the couch. The spell has left her a bit off kiltered
>she lifts the long frosty strands of hair from her eyes. The difference in size between you two much bigger
>you grab her hooves before she can think to swing them, and pin her hindlegs with your knees
>time for a closer look at that pretty body
You people are delusional. It's all MLPG
i love set funny pony
it doesn't really though
i mean, if i was actually physically aroused to half the stuff i 'unf'ed at, i'd never be able to do anything other than masturbate

it's more of a mental arousal, you know?

>A Soccer Mom takes her seven-year-old daughter to a con
>slavering, sweaty bronies everywhere
>she's horrified to find someone selling porn prints, covering her child's eyes and trying to usher her away
>misunderstanding their reaction, the print-seller brings out MORE and tries to explain why their work is worth the price
>Police tear-gas the entire building
What if the pleasure of being so utterly fucked by you left her nearly senseless, a dazed look of simple joy on her face as you held her close, your cock still throbbing inside her?
>wake up tied to a bed
>fluttershy comes in and mounts you
>she starts to cuddle you
>It's Friday.
Kids don't gotta go to school.
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Please tell me you're joking
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Yes. Interesting. That was quicker than the others...
that's the rule, yes

MS isn't going
>MS will be there selling human CMC porn

Fucking lol

I hope it gets uploaded soon

Are you physically unable of answering the question?
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I can't I took a break from my plush making...it's still hard and terrible to do...I need a mental hug...or something to cheer me up.
Would you let a pony snuggle under the covers with you and sleep on your chest?
>Fluttershy is cuddling you
>You can't cuddle back
Fate worse than death
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the mods are really cracking down, i keep getting 3 day bans for shitposting. i am actually going to cut back now since im not able to change IP easily.
I would do it in a heartbeat
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This is amazing.
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oh boy here we go

what about a

Is it wrong if my first though seeing that pic was she was sewing a corset?
Meghan McCarthy wrote for this show too
MT draw MT wearing a corset.

I don't sleep under covers, I just wear shorts over my boxers and put a fan on me.

I'd still cuddle that pony like nobody's business though.
i streamed for like 3.5 hours earlier today...what would i even draw besides smut at this hour?
>MLPG is watching the stream.
>The chat is dead silent.
>Their hands are all busy.
>Much popcorn was had that day.
Well sure. I know you're pretty picky when it comes to actually whacking off, but you unf at fucking everything's what I'm saying.
You just answered your own question.
>nipple piercings
My weakness.

stram a movie
goddamn it my libido is dead
revive it pls
The problem is everyone thinks these threads are a safe haven, a boat. They aren't they never have been. Anyone that wants to can post in them. Anyone who has been going here forever can still act like a jackass.
There is no piss, no boat, no great wall. Where everyone is anon only a fool would try and distinguish between them.
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I wonder if animals ever feel embarrassed about fucking up simple tasks
>The next story arc the writer is pitching has new character but she doesn't know yet if it's going to be approved. It has a crew of baddies that she wants put in

>The comic is for many shops the most preordered comic for November, having more preorder than some DC and Marvel comics.

>the sound effect BOOM is in the first issue

>It will be released on 14th of November

>They can take their scenery, explosions and things like that regarding to drawing how far they want since they don't have a budget limitation

>Also it will be more expresive than the show

>they will use design methods and things like that or whatever (shadows, perspective and things) that aren't in the show to help set up the mood

>they also can have their own pacing which will let them accentuate the mood in the comic as opposed in the show where a dramatic moment they can have a dramatic scene for 30 seconds before having to show another thing

And this is all


I was in the shower and decided i was gonna take it farther than fingering this time since it's never been very satisfying before

So I loosened up with my fingers, then a toothbrush. Then I lubed up the handle of a toilet brush (clean of course) and stuck my ass in the air with my head on the floor for the best angle. It was actually arousing just being in that position, and I really wished I could do it for someone else to enjoy. The brush had a long handle so I had plenty of room to grip, and I brought it up behind me and slowly pushed it in. It had the tiniest bit of texture to it, and it felt SO good going in. I managed to slide it in and out a few times, stroking myself, before I got overwhelmed and I came with it deep inside me. I think I involuntarily groaned a bit too which has never happened to me.

I don't think I hit the prostate but it felt better than anything I've done before. Afterwards I kind of just sat there for a few minutes until I realized I was drooling on myself and I stood up and cleaned off. My legs were shaking and I could hardly stand, and I had to go to bed.

God dammit now I'm horribly aroused and I want to do it again. Help.

I'm sorry I'm not very good at writing erotic things.
>that feel when you are finally starting to get into the habit of drawing everyday
Oooh, a plush.
I would buy a MT plush.
Also a plush made by MT would be fine too.

We know that

the piss doesn't know that
take 50mg of zinc 4 times a day.
good one

well, ideas are sexy, but execution is another

i can get 'turned on' by the thought of something, but if you sandwich it in two thousand words of bad writing, it kind of kills the boner
Would you let a pony spoon with you non sexually even if they were uncomfortably warm?
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>my sister with huge boobs got nipples pierced
>she showed me

i jacked off hard to that mental image for years
don't you dare be sorry, that was beautiful
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Spoiler Image, 141 KB

...mine too...
that's what i'm actually trying to make. A small MT plush to stand on my sharks when I'm not home.

I don't think I could handle drawing and exercising every day

it's a tough battle to decide which is more important, because I really want to start drawing
is it as good a feel as when you start weightlifting 3 times a week?
I'd imagine very social animals

embarrassment is what happens when you break social rules. It's an evolved response designed to keep the individual a part of the social fabric.
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yeah im pretty excited about this
Cats like to lick themselves casually after falling or slipping on stuff, like "yeah, no I'm fine, I meant to do that"
So that's a definite maybe
>Will there be adult content there? I'm no clopper!

All content in the Gardens is rated PG. We have a strict policy against the display, selling, or buying of any adult content within the convention area.

Sounds like it won't be hampered by Hasbro in a bad way. Optimistic as fuck.
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>crew of baddies

It'd be really uncomfortable because I toss and turn when I'm too warm, but I'd do it for the pony.
i thought it was clever, sorry

i just couldn't help myself
>fapping to your sister
I want to do this now.
Fuck you MLPG
Fuck you.
yeah, I hope fluttershy won't mind
Oh god this is going to be incredible

Oh shit I'm excited as fuck

uh, thanks

oh god i'm all embarrassed now, I don't normally talk about sexual things like this
>Dangle cat toy on cats back.
>She spazzes out thinking a bug is on her.
>She turns around and sees the folly of her ways.
>Has to clean herself.
convention ends at 10

that's why the artists are waiting until 10 to sell the porn
Just get one of those prostate vibrator things.
They're like the width of a chop stick
Nipple piercings are all kinds of gross
the embarassment is only making it better
i'll be keeping an eye on you, anon
Remember to take your suppliments
You can't spell unf without fun
Nipple piercing is terrible and a major turn-off.
oh come on now
that's a little excessive
oh shit I almost forgot

Thanks, anon.
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Spoiler Image, 62 KB
I agree
Corset piercings are better

oh gosh

>You realize having your hands free will make easier for you to perform a proper inspection
>Your belt should do a nice job keeping those pesky forehooves out of your way
>Luckily the potion has left him somewhat sluggish and you're able to remove your belt and begin to tie his forehooves together without much trouble
>Thunderlane tries to put up a fight, but the potion's side effects and your now larger form quickly put a stop to any ideas he has of breaking free
>As you're putting the finishing touches on your handiwork, Thunderlane looks you straight in the eye and mutters a single word
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>That feel when you realize what exactly we're doing
Okay really, there's no way that's safe...
That's Canterlot Gardens

The pony convention with the porn is pon3con
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43 KB
>tfw not bra-
You know what.
I am going to purchase this shit in public.
Why do I fantasize about that, even though I'd never be able to put myself through it?
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>crew of baddies
Maybe I should just commission a sewer to make an MT plush for me...It would be easier....but damn if it ain't expensive.
Oh jeeze don't look at my like that
You'll enjoy this I swear
That shouldn't turn me on as much as it does...
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I don't get it. are we turning each other gay or something? what's with the supplements thing?

what's going on? ;-;


I think we broke darf
I have no idea but I'm having fun so I don't mind being a part of it
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Corset piercings never last. They get infected easily and don't hold up.
>toilet brush

that sounds like a good idea

i'm afraid of losing something inside me

that and colon rupture

i'm still too afraid to put anything in my ass other than fingers
that's not me, silly

Remember it isn't approved yet but the writer said that she will try to push the idea a lot.

She really really wants to put them in the comic
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>The piss looks at MLPG.
>All they see is this.
The impregnable fortress with the bounce and the finger breaking ants.
Pygeum, lecithin and zinc make you jizz like 30 gallons.
That's all.
just get a toy dedicated for it
you can start pretty small and work your way up, and if you don't like it the smaller stuff isn't too much of an investment
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The darf fetish hour, everyone.

Want to tell us about other little kids cartoons you jack off to?
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>somethingawful made a pretty long ass article about bronies

No, i don't go there and you shouldn't either. I found through another medium.

But yeah, they really took their time with the bronies.
i'll go do something else for a while
More accurately, the pygeum increases pre-cum (a lot), the lecithin increases cum, and the zinc makes it very white.
How bad is it?
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and they got everything wrong, didn't they?

like a try-to-hard ED article
Sweet christ I'm so hard right now

I've probably masturbated at least 20 times porn of every single cartoon there is besides Flapjack, out of respect for my favorite show.
kim possible
powerpuff girls
the disney XD cartoon with the cars
my life as a teenage robot
samurai jack
adventure time
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>they see that
>what it actually is
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>Gilda shows you her newest tattoo/piercing

I want this so bad...
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>apple needs to post more of his art i mean porn instead of keeping it for his few select internet friends.
but isn't that what everyone does

I still haven't had any extra precum production after taking pygeum twice daily(maybe broken a few times) for like a month and a half.
you forgot rugrats
and denver the last dinosaur
it's all the same joke -_-
>We were right about those gotdang bronies the entire time!

I can just imagine the smug satisfaction of SA moderators ugly fat faces.
My body will not be ready.
I thought I was your friend
>"payback is a bitch" is all she'll be getting from you
>you slip half a finger inside her slit, and she gasps in her cute voice, her mind processing this new, alien sensation
>you work her slow, being gentle at first, caressing her soft body like a lover, feeling it warm under your touch
>her stiff wings stretch and flap softly at her sides, she wriggles and writhes, trying to escape the situation but alas, it only furthers her arousal
>you put another finger in, inside up to the knuckle and she squeaks, bucking reflexively at the intrusions
>she's very wet, and when you sneer at her she looks away and squeezes her eyes shut
>and you both know her body wants more
>needs more
>and soon she'll be craving more
i drew a bunch of wolf nanaki porn that i keep to myself
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Check out the stud I just got put in, stud

gg pls
>The good guys don't even have to destroy the place most of the time.
>We do a fine enough job of it as it is.
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Wow, that's right interesting that is.

Do you always tell everyone about it while you do it?
Why take it?

Does it just make masturbation more fun?
i try to keep my friends up-to-date on my current fap material.
Why do you guys care about fanart so much?

Its all just needless fluff that doesn't mean anything.

I've always had toe-curling, body-rocking orgasms, and taking lecithin and pygeum made them about twice as strong.

I've popped a blood vessel in my eye from orgasming too hard already, it was pretty rad.
I did that once.
It took use three months to get you to show us swamp girl vag.

And we still want more.
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>wake up
>Pony or Die
>a lot of info about the comic and the guys working on it
>Updates about Project Eternity

This day has been just perfect
I just can't believe he didn't bring up Totally Spies or Code:Lyoko
>Does it just make masturbation more fun?
Yeah. It's probably all psychological, but I enjoy it.

Also the pre-cum is fun.

I didn't see a big increase until about two months in, actually.
Odds: Vidya
Evens: Edge until 1 AM
Dubs: Go directly to bed
too old and too 3D, respectively
We're done with that argument, anon.
Edge anyway!
>You will never be brave enough to purchase the comic when it comes out.
Play something from an Indie Bundle.
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You don't have many friends, do you?
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>have an openly brony friend who'll pick up an extra copy for me
The greatest feel.
>MLPG would be perfectly fine with paying $1000 for a pony porn comic, but an official one is too embarrassing


pls draw more hoofjobs
no sir I don't like it


Oh mt..

But not so lucky. I bet he's annoying as sin isn't he?
But the ones he does have are very loyal.
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Man I can't wait for more Chrysalis in the comic
Oh MT.
Y-you too!
>They can use the villains that Hasbro can't.
I already buy Sanic comics in public so this won't kill me.
I just finished reading all the Pony or Die stuff and am still reading through the thread. All this negativity (from an hour ago, I haven't caught up yet) is a real drag. I enjoyed the whole thing. Some of these fics could have used some proofreading, but the timescale probably didn't allow it. Sanguinius's story was awesome, as was the other mannikin story. The bodyswap fics got a bit bogged down, but the art for them was adorable.

I'm looking forward to the next one, and to a day when y'all can just chill out and have fun.
How so?

>"Beginning to enjoy ourselves, are we ?"
>You allow the fingers already inside her to continue working their magic while your other hand slips around to her rear
>You probe your fingers over her cheeks for a few minutes and then give her backside a firm squeeze
>It's firm, but still somewhat plump in places. Just the way you like it
Which will mean no Chrysalis in S3
Just pirate it like a normal person, damn.
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I really don't know what's that site about, since i don't use it, but the article is all about the worst aspects of the fandom and how autistic bronies are.
>not wanting to support something you like
I will just hide it in the WoW comics.
Let the guy think I am some sort of WoWfag.
I am chill as a cucumber Anon
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Everybody should calm down and have some butts.
I don't have a choice since it won't be in my country
>implying butts would calm MLPG down
Some people just physically can't buy an issue.

One of you anons will scan it when it comes out, right? ;_;
>"I will buy all of these comics, shopkeep!"
>"What's this?! It seems a little girls' comic fell into my pile of Judge Dredd and Punisher and Rob Liefeld compendiums..."
>"Well, you might as well ring it up, too. Far easier than taking it back to the shelf. Don't worry, I'm rich."
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Rear ends.
I hate butts
Well that's good.
It's good to be chill.
>implying I like My Little Pony
Please anon, I just turned 11, I'm far too old for MLP.
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we have to try, alright?
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Y-you, too
Draw more butts.
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Gee wiz mlpg what are we gonna do tonight?
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but no seriously fuck this tablet. Too bad I'm out of paper.
so. hey guys, what's that there name of Megasweets secret tumblr again?
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>Spend 50 bucks for a 3.99 comic.
>You start mentally making a checklist of shit you don't exactly need so you can keep spending like that when new comics come out.
>The comic book guy starts to REALLY enjoy your business.
>He doesn't care that you have some fucked up tastes.
Same thing we do every night, Pinklet. Try to take over the world.
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brush our teeth
>pinkie and the brain
why has this obvious crossover never crossed my mind
Damn that is awesome
I love that perspective and also the everything else.
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Same thing we do every night, Pinkie.
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Dry anal
Wow that's pretty cool.
How often to you draw on paper vs. your tablet?
that spike is really cute
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>cucumber Anon
I mean, of course it was already ponified.
That's pretty damn awesome. I love those hats.
Everyone loves hats.
Hat sex is my fetish

You should stick to daww.

>"D'jou do that just for me?"
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>tfw no horse sex with hats on
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also there's this, which is fucking ancient
Gay sex with hats?
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So pony or die proved that now MLPG is full of hate?

>inb4 you deny it and come up with some excuses
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does hasbro like bronies
We've always been full of hate.
I'd a drunk dash
My excuse is that I participated and had lots of fun doing it and seeing the entries
I didn't even read it and I like it
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Of course
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no way

it was great

and i clearly won
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Wait what?
I think Dash and Twilight are the ones that gets drunk the fastes
I'm not full of hate

I love you Fluttershy
They harbour a deep resentment for the bronies, but they know that the bronies are where their money comes from, so they have to keep pandering to them.
My feelings on it all still remains, neutral.

>she tugs at your lips, giggling stupidly.

>"Lookit yer mouth! LOOKIT-IT! It's so... WEIRD...! You duneven gotta snout...! Howdo-- hoooowd'you even kiss someone with a mouth shaped like thissss?"
Fetishes are funny things
They like their money.
Oh man, if Pinkie was that big I could ride her
>all this hype for pony or die
>no more discussion
honestly never vs never I used to use this tablet a lot, but the stabilizer was always jacked up. I didn't realize until recently that you don't get a lot of useful motor memory if you abuse stabilizer.
We could talk about it if you like anon
But Hasbro hates money. They haven't even announced Season 3. It's probably done, but they haven't even bothered to upload it to the servers that store television shows.
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You tell me.
Where would you go?
I wish there was more art of anon riding on larger than normal ponies
or just larger than normal ponies in general
Not even sexually, honest
Who will even wear that?
what if it was just a little sexual?
mlpg isnt full of hate, more people liked it than disliked it
but there is certainly an element of hate to mlpg
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In a way yes, because they are basically free publicity and some extra bucks.
Do you seriously think that Hasbro would be investing in MLP like is doing it now if the show didn't become so popular with grown ups?.
The bed

To snuggle against her belly
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I'd prefer nothing was ever sexually.

Only nonsexually. Nonsexually is superior.
I will never for the life of me understand why you don't just bring it up and talk about it if you want to. Post a nice picture and some thoughts.
I mean if you're willing to make the effort to post about not talking about it.
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Take a wild guess.
I mean
you mean, like if she wanted it?
i don't know, she's pretty big
thats kind of scary
As long as she promised to be gentle
But art of that would be different, fundamentally
>S3 announced
>Simultaneously announced as 'the last season'
>The whole thing is leaked the day after
>See all pony that ever will be in one day
>Next day, nothing to do but wait for the end
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I bet.

Where would she put the tattoo of your name?
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Pinkie doesn't want to do that.
She wants to go somewhere.
Hate and a little infighting keeps us strong.
We are like a massive, fucked up family.
We may fight, we may bitch.
But in the end, we all love each other.
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Pony it is, then.
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>Not wanting to sexually larger than average stallions
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I herd u leik butts
>she gasps and moans, her longer tail thrashing about behind her, body shaking
>the pleading and begging in that cute voice of hers is doing nothing to dissuade you. If anything it's getting you hard as stone
>with your belt unbuckled it's just some extra wiggling to get those pants off, and your erection tents your boxers
>Thunderlane freezes at the sight of it, fear in her eyes as what's happening begins to dawn, the idea of that throbbing member, once his, entering her, thrusting into her, piercing her wet, soft, slippery entrance as she had done so many time before. The antitheses of malehood between her legs drooling for it now
>you poke the tip of your erection against her, and she pathetically starts thrashing to free herself again
>all she does is allow yourself to maneuver around until the tip of your cock finds a more firmer way in
>she stops once the sensation of her nether lips parting registers inside her head, the crushing reality of the situation firm

>she's being fucked
Hopefully a cute chick that is too young to hit on.
I hate every single one of you faggots.

I'll take her downtown

To the bed store

To snuggle
Fuck you your'e not the boss of me.
Are you new here or something?
Fuck off cuntstain.
Even me?

Even though I agree with all of your opinions?
You crafty mother fucker
Alright you win
Girls don't even watch this show.
Just wait till your father hears about this young man!
Blow me.
Can't suck what isn't there.
Who's your favorite pony?
I don't know why
But I strongly dislike edited stills from the show.
Drawn Together, please go.
>And in perhaps, his darkest hour, Anon hated himself.
Your mom sure managed just fine.
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yes, specially horse butt, because theri anus and vag are fucking beautiful

My little sister's friends watch the show.
But I think I'm the bigger fan of it.
They don't even know all the main 6's names!
I hope she uses her words to try and ask us to slow down, regardless of whether or not we listen.
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oh well, take this
Whatever you say, kid.
Is 'your mom' the name of the homeless guy you pay for head behind the 7-11?
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I drew this for MT but since you guys are always talking about not hoarding art I might as well share it with you too
I'm sure it was only briefly.
Giant ponies are hard to come up with clean ideas, but its easier for tiny ponies. Imagine helping tiny Rarity make a dress. Or using hamster playset as an impromptu training course for Rainbow Dash.
Yep, just bothers me.
Like some one trying way to hard to be funny.
Go die in a fire
Oh, come on... you know, the best one, right? Our favorite pony is nothing less than the best, ya know? Yeah, AJ sure is something.
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Why are you such a loser, anon?
>Twilight highlights
I would plant some tiny apple trees for tiny AJ to buck
Then we would make tiny apple pies.
oh no iec pakc is tangle
wat do
I want to sleep in giant Pinkies poofy mane like a huge cotton bed
Whos the cutie next to Tara?
>Nachos is back
>RS was here earlier
It's like all of my least favorite people are coming back. Who's next? Faceless? AB? PoE?
>bonsai apple orchard

Oh man you just gave me the best idea
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Why can't you help giant ponies with things?
Like, helping Rarity make a dress out of sails?
Then leaving a swath of destruction in your wake as you run from angry sailors
meghan i think
I don't think RS was actually here.
God, I hope he wasn't
What the fuck is up withapple, never really got the full story.

Mainly why...
I'd rather talk to AB than Nachos
He's a faggot
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Oh my...give me a moment to save you Ice pack..just..just a moment...
me too
He's an adolescent, with all the instability that confers.
Anon that is not an appropriate place to hug pony
>she thinks they are hugging.png
Wow he must be awfully small.
At least AB drew shit. I've never seen Nachos do anything other than be horrible.
Yeah I got that. Did he ever say why is what im asking.

Pulled a TAW

as in:
>Anon tells Apple he should leave
>Apple makes a post saying he's leaving
>15~ replies asking him to stay and saying they love him
At least Faceless was interesting to talk too.
Unlike Nachos.
Don't forget how he deletes his DA and Tumblr every few days.

AB was pretty interesting to talk to outside of the whole ordeal

And he drew Katia, I love Katia.
At least Faceless wrote something once upon a time.
Unlike Nachos.
>tiny ponies

Best idea we haven't ruined yet. We even had a great greentext cap that was cute as fuck.
Yeah honestly Nachoes is basically the same torrent of bile every time you talk to him.

Might say he's a one-trick pony
And I mean, I can at least relate to AB on some level compared to N4CH0S.

AB has genitals.
Meghan McCathy. She is as much good writer as much she ugly.

it's cute but
i like it


MT draw mini-anon eating a giant pea.
Well, she would obviously need a lot of cloth
And the marina is only a few minutes down the road, and ever single ship there has yards and yards of the stuff just hanging on it

Were you even here? All he talked about was shit and whine about Disco after he got ripped off.
but howe untgnke wiet hofvnawejkwe;;
AB was a cunt
>constantly complain about how he's not a good artist
>spammed the general with his Katia pictures
This Nachos hate is making me so happy.

You guys come here and give me a big hug.
fucking faggots why just they don't leave
>Outdoors fun with micro ponies
I can see mini-Fluttershy either flapping along with real butterflies or speeding along with the Hummingbirds.

Would AJ let you trim them?

Rarity would do that. She's as big as the barn the dance is going to be held, but she still has to be the best dressed there.
STILL better then Nachos.
fuck you
Faceless never left.

He stopped doing that a little bit before it happened

He was even doing that shota Spike request for us

>"So how does it feel to be on the other side ? The one being rutted ?"
>You begin to thrust in and out, working yourself into a rhythm
> Her pleas for you to stop begin to slowly morph into moans of pleasure
Are you one of those people who enjoys being hated?

Or is all this hate directed at you making you want to kill yourself?

He did
u mad
Well I mean that's the point, you trim them so they stay the correct size for her to care for and harvest normally. Unchecked they'd get too big for her.
>I can see mini-Fluttershy either flapping along with real butterflies or speeding along with the Hummingbirds.

She would be fucking terrified and barely peaking out my front pocket.
>He was even doing that shota Spike request for us
And that doesn't make your skin crawl a little, knowing what you know now?
Man, I can't wait to become a drawfag so you guys can talk about me!
Nope, it means it was like jerking off to CP I didnt' even have to download. Now he goes to jail, and I get off scott free!
He's only been tripping these past couple of days to stir up shit.
For the lulz.
Nachos is perpetually stuck in 2007 /b/.
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is this trying too hard?

Yeah, it does. A lot.

But at least it was a request.
Not really.

What the fuck do I care what other people jerk it too? You don't care and I tell you all the time.
Kid, shut the hell up. Don't you know nobody wants you here kid?
That's not really the same thing. I have no feelings for that.
>Just like the rest of /b/
It's not a guarantee. You also have to be emotionally unstable and not attempt to curb your dramu.
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1.49 MB
>Pedophilia discussion incoming

I'll be back in an hour
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join me in the RVA thread on /co/. There are puns and it's a megaman episode today.
what are you guys like 16
>implying /b/ still has originality, humor, and a skewed but present sense of morality

Not too much left of what made it interesting anymore.
Cry more.

Maybe AB will love you.
>people giving nachos attention

i need that WHY WONT THEY LEAVE comic with the man throwing birdseed at the birds.
Some cry.
Oh dang, I'm not really good at being emotionally unstable. I guess I'm not really cut out for this gig. Maybe I can make it as a bad artist nobody really takes seriously!
Apple left? Really?

FUCKING AWESOME. Less shitting and pretentious attention whoring in these threads from now on.

Is that Meghans OC?

Oh gosh
My point isn't that he jerks off to bad stuff, it's that his shota drawings now have a really awful connotation
>What the fuck do I care what other people jerk it too?
when it's illegal and involves real children actually suffering that's a little different
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
fagnig already has that covered
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44 KB
>FUCKING AWESOME. Less shitting and pretentious attention whoring in these threads from now on.
It's okay I'll pick up the slack
I want porn of her OC. Sibsy's too.
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Sweet, we can be bros.
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I don't have that one, but I like to use this one from time to time

He left like a week ago
Whether he referenced manga or CP for the shota stuff doesn't change the content. It remains a drawing of an underage boy engaged in sexual acts and should be judged on that basis alone, whichever side you take towards that sort of art.
Rows and rows of bonsai trees. She'd probably get you to make her a tiny little barn for her. For most anons, this would mean busting out the popsicle sticks.

She'd be afraid if you took her to the marketplace or the mall, that's for sure. my backyard looks like a freaking rain forest that attracts all the animals. She would be all over that.

What type of birdhouse would you build for mini Fluttershy?
I can't help it.
Nachos is the only person I can't ignore. I just hate him so much and I need him to know how much I hate him.
I'm not the mad one here.

Do you even read the thread?
Would you play Terraria with pone?
Pfft, I bet I can figure out something better than that. Maybe a converted birdhouse kit.

It actually wasn't a sexual drawing per se

>not replying or acknowledging the undesirable in any way, thus starving them of the attention they're trying to drum up by acting like an idiot.

Why is this so fucking hard for you guys?
I too am in this boat.
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I drew you a comic since you took up my request
I'd probably just go buy a Dollhouse, I think she would enjoy that more.
I feel the conversation I would have at the checkout line would be interesting.

>N-no you don't understand it's not for me it's for my tiny yellow pegasus friend
why don't you guys just jerk off into each other's mouths already
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>Would you play Terraria with pone?
no but I'd play Starbound with them
or without them

give me the damn game already
I'd even play it with Dash
>That image.
Makes me smile every time.
Almost as much as the mod sticky hanging his ban like a warning to others.
And the rejoicing of the ENTIRE channel.
I think people are just having fun shitting all over Nachos.

Because MT doesn't have a penis silly.
Man, we need to commission an orgy with all these VA's OC and lot of dildos.

(and then make a fake account and show them)
thousands of miles is the only that's stopping them
>part 1
Does this mean there will be a 2?
I was meaning for a tiny barn, not the fluttershy thing.
>why don't you guys just jerk off into each other's mouths already
what, again?
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Apparently, despite that, he still like us.

He said this on a stream the after he "left", i guess MLPG is full of cool kids i chuckled , and he also browsed MLPG during that stream.

I feel bad for Apple, his hormones must be driving him crazy, after all he is still pretty young.


It's not as fun when all he has to do is keep saying "My dick" and "you mad."

Which is pretty easy to do, if /b/'s continued existence is any indication.
Who is closer to MLPG's version of Abatap: Nachos or Ross?
>The only birds I get are doves, some chickadees and a good cove of quail.
Fluttershy would probably be bored of that all.
Besides, my walls make it look like a prison yard.

But I have my gardens...
what's an abatap?
Thats some nice back linking there, Hoss

>Megan "I am totally going to write an episode about this!"
Wait, is that him, webcam? I though he is japan-native.
He has become Jay
Russian guy who spammed /tv/ for two years with stuff about "Avatar" (the James Cameron movie, not the western animu).

You could summon him to any thread on /tv/ by just mentioning "Avatar" or his name. His default response was something like:

>implying the greatest movie of all time that changed movies forever is bad
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

And he'd keep doing it for hours, because he was an unemployed layabout from Omsk.
At least he's not hideous.

last post motherfucker
We are right here.

Well what if I was to delete this thread right now?
Do it faggot I fucking dare you

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