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Last thread

In this thread we talk about the best pets.

Pee Wee thread.
Spike is best pet.
s p i k e
That was a fucking bad idea.
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Twilight is best pet
Spike is clearly the best pet.
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>you will never have Spike as a pet
>you will never dress him up in cute little outfits
Why do I even get out of bed anymore?
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twilight is best pet
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But Twilight isn't a pet!
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also best means of conveyance
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I thought he was a slave.
Or is it the same thing?
You guys do like spike, no wonder i so many requests for him, haha
>you will never have a Spike in a maid outfit servicing stallions
/r/ing rule 34 winona pony please
Where's a tripfag
when you need one?
You there.

Watch an episode.
why do you say haha in every post you make
Spike is actually one of the few characters I dislike seeing sexualized for some reason.
>you will never have a baby dragon bro

i dont even want him as a pet. Just a bro to chill with.
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>Spike will never teach you the best way to service a stallion
Well, there's mine...
Not sure if it will last too long, if the janitor gets a hold of it, though.
But it's 05:09 am
I don't like Spike because I'm not a pedophile
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Because he is a happy person.
Someone mark this.
Hey me too

Wanna hook up
>servicing stallions

That's fucking gay.

I want him to be a sissy who's molested and groped by the women and he doesn't like it.
its annoying.
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Gummy is best pet.

I wouldn't complain if someone did some for Opal.
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neat, my wardec is over time to AFK mine
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I dunno, I feel like periods make everything sound super serious and formal, and that's not really me. that's why i usually end with a laugh or a tilde
>Anonymous marker
the fuck is going on tonight?
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53 KB
Seems legit
We are 100% business here at MLPG Co.
OP here.

Unless you know the password, I will delete this thread after it's old so the marker can be moved.
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>/b/read linked to MLPG
>this happens

I'm not saying /b/read ruins anything it touches...

Oh wait. Yes I am.
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>Spike feels during Rarity Quest
I like your idea anon. Please tell me more.
is that a fucking top-down rip-off of EVE

what game is this?
We do have anons on the marker team, you know.
Also >implying that's the marker
So I've seen you take other fanartists to task for getting horsecock wrong.

Why, then, did you draw AJ with a human pussy?

A period ends a sentence on a declarative, neutral note. That's its grammatical function.
I'm honestly glad we didn't blow that roll.
>14 kb
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that isnt the marker
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another eurobro at this time in the same thread?

I'd like to see some more thunderlane personally.

Also you should do more comic strips, that mac/SA one was pretty good.

No but seriously, there's a reason we tried to keep some degree of exclusivity in the past.
I really don't even know what thread is the true MLPG anymore. It probably isn't this one...
the real marker is 21 kb or not?

See, i've always wanted to see spike and r63 rarity. he'd be SO CONFUSED
It's 27 kb.
see >>4324405

Just roll with the punches, anon just feels like being a cunt today for some reason.
We also like Pipsqueak and Featherweight.

Draw more supple underage cocks and soft little balls.
>that one comic
Damnit why don't I have it
It's 21
No shit.
what if pone was big and strong
It's 16kb.
>rule63 rarity happens
>spike realizes he only liked her for her looks
fuck that

If anything he needs to draw more ponies tripping over their massive horsecocks
So... this is the thread?
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u wot m8? that is top down of a tiny ass ship

Because i rarely see honest-to-goodness accurate horse vaginas on ponies, yet you never see a stallion with a human dick. They just kinda work different i guess
No, Sent, it isn't.

why are you awake?

What are the differences between a human and a horse vagina ?

I tried looking for this earlier but couldn't really find anything.
Why not?
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>still not the real marker
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Oh, I'm sorry, those jaggies make it look like a JPEG.

You should get a better computer.
Well, no
Axe wounds look wrong on ponnies too
you just wouldn't know because you're gay
still a better ending than twilight

get it?

Well for one, i'm pretty sure horse vaginas dont have a visible clit (unless they wink or something, i think that's how it works). they're differently shaped, and honestly they're like super wrinkely

a lot of people find it easier to put a bit of a human spin on it
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What is going on?

Should I put on my trip and make a thread?

>what are the differences

Well for starters one has an internal clitoris and powerful vaginal muscles.

fuck off Nathan.
The problem is that none of the marker team is here.
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There's already a tripfag thread >>4327847
Can it be swirly pones time now
We've already got another tripthread in backup.
No idea what's going on, though. I think we're just sitting here and seeing what happens.
absolutly disgusting
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We have a perfectly fine thread, we just need someone to move the marker

also, we're really heavy on meta nonsense so it would be nice if we could start talking about ponies instead
So build that wall and build it strong 'cause

we'll be there before too long
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Ah good, marker's finally here. Thankyou Anon.
God dammit, what did you guys do?

I just feel like i'd get more hate for drawing a very detailed horse vagina then a simplified, human one. Idk, people seem used to it.

I could start drawing them more anatomically correct and see what happens. I kinda like the ones commonly drawn though
I'll bake my /b/read

you build a boat
can't sleep
I'm going back to high school tomorrow after a year doing nothing

I'm 21 and I'll probably be surrounded by younger people laughing at me
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Wait, no...
or perhaps i need to set the resolution higher.

something i probably should do
Let's all report the other marker and get it deleted.
Mother I'm home
reports don't work that way

Or you could just stick to what you're good at. Horsedicks.
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That's retarded

You're retarded
I couldn't hurt. There's always a base for something. It's also a learning experience.
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I do hate the line vaginas. I at least try and put some depth to them. Then again, I barely ever draw them. If I drew them more, I'm sure I would find a nice way to pull them off, kind of like I did with my buttholes and such~

I thought that if you reported x number of times under "Illegal content" it would be deleted automatically.
>we will never have our marker again
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>abusing reports
we're better than that. "Oh no they stole our extra-special image!"

Ah, so basically a different shape and no visible clitoris. I sort of knew that but wasn't sure if there was anything more.

it should have something like "by Anon, age 6"
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Your butts are nice but they aren't poofy enough.
Draw poofier buttholes. Like little chocolate donuts
MLPG: Horse Vagina education
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I just graduated last year and are going to turn 21 in November.
>Oh no they stole our extra-special image!
That's not the reason at all, silly. It's not even been stolen, we just accidentally locked it inside the house.
But agreed, abusing the report system like that would be stupid.
What? His buttholes are already poofy like doughnuts.

Braeburned don't listen to this anon he's trying to make you overdo it.
You have some good ideas anon.

>donut assholes
>liking Reva's huge exaggerated assholes unironically


I actually prefer the pictures he did that don't have the vagina in them.
horse pussies have big fat lips external lips that pretty much go all the way around to form the sphincter of the anus. They also have no inner lips.
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That looks like it's going to burst and spew pus everywhere.

It seriously looks infected.

Artist ?
Well since we're chaotic anyway, might as well repost. One more needed for horsemurder.

/epicmafia/i in the comments section of the filter if you never want to see a link again
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no need to scream ;_;
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I don't mind a little engorged genitalia.
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This picture is taking forever.
I feel like my buttholes are like

tastefully realistic?

Like they're pillowy but not too much, but still pretty accurate
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fucking finally
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I dropped out of college for good.

A 25 year-old sophomore. I failed life.
Fucking finally!

Wait... who the fuck are you?
Who cares what anyone says about your buttholes.

It's your style; who gave them permission to critique you?
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...Is it over?
somebody show this faggot some real horse ass references

It checks out!
Maintenance seems to be popping on and off, but not interrupting the game much. Keep trying.
wow you are much better than tiarawhy. the hell were you saying before about looking up to him or some shit? he just makes money off porn.
>braeburn refusing to listen to criticism and improve himself

Oh lawd, we've got a new LMJ
I want to lick them, they are fine.
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Finally the reports worked!
They're not bad. Better than "ass"terisks.
A lot of people don't like overly poofy and you would probably lose some fanbase
...Yes that was the joke, anon.
To be honest they look painful for the mare.

Do you think they enjoy it? Like your creations, are they happy?
Actually, I deleted Isaac's, it's all cool
Check the password, I know last time anon marked a thread it couldn't be moved

It's anon marker
i'm fucking logged in. Why isn't this working right?

I know what it looks like, male and female, haha

I will say though, accurate horse vaginas are like, pretty hard to draw on a normal pony anatomy. A lot of people just cheat and do it however they want though
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Apple still streaming.


Try restarting your browser
Blow into the cartridge.
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oh jesus nooooooooooooo

But really, I'll try and throw some realism in the next time i gotta pull off some horse vag

Aw shucks. I wanted to keep going.
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It's just me, hope you don't mind me not wearing a name for that.
And that's fine with me
just don't be afraid to try new things!
tell me when it's pony. Horse pokemon doesn't count.
Be...because you're gay?
Oh, okay.
>pretty hard

I find it pretty easy. It's got a natural curve that just flows with that wonderful pony rump. It's like a... really good sandwich.

Check 8li9ht for some good pony pussy
By all means, continue. Don't let the cap stop you.

...What looks painful exactly?

If your talking about anal in general, then no, it doesn't hurt unless you do it wrong. And it feels incredible for guys. Thats why I draw it so much, haha

so yes my ponies are happy

I think he meant because they're easier to draw.

New homo horse when brae?
Now where's the linkboard?
Yeah, this. I just capped it because I thought the story was done, at least for tonight.
I would, but my partner left.

I hope my last post about her cock swallowing the last gallon of her load didn't scare him away.
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Who cares?
If I could suggest anything, it's work on the positioning.
NMM and that one OC thingy both have some serious stomach vags going on.
Nein. Nicht hier.
fuck it, I give up
Well, it isn't high school but secondary school actually, but it still feels bad.
May I ask you where you're from?

I know I know, those were bad. One was mostly because it was done in 30 minutes.

I'm used to dicks, I've only drawn like 3 vaginas, and from what I can tell, they're not bad compared to a lot of others?

But yeah they need work and I'm workin on em, haha
>tfw I'm practically the entire bottom half
Well. I didn't think my "approach" to the matter would be worth capping.

What do you have lined up after the straight commissions?
But FF7 is shit
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No matter how you feel you did with your idea, in the matter of caps, if two or more people are involved, somebody will find it interesting to read. Never sell yourself short anon.


I've got a straight pic, A pic of 3 mares presenting ( i can practice some vag on that one!), uh, 2 solo stallions, and I dont think the other have gotten back to me
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What happened to LMJ?
Did he subaru?

Thank you

It's crazy, because I"m pretty sure dimwit is only 15. CRAZY talent honestly, especially if you've seen his paintings
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why arent u drinking?
I'm drinking always
>not playing shooty shooty pony booty with us
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497 KB
too depressed to
I'm saving the Viking's Blood for tomorrow. My older brother and I finally paid off our respective student loans.
We fart yet?
because i only drink with friends or family on fridays and saturday nights, or on special occasions.
Oh. Right. Forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.
>not being able to get the goddamn link to work even though it was working fine earlier
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New pony death kill.
fucking die you autistic shitstain
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But I am, silly.
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tryng to quit because I dont want to be an alcholic
>Faster pony! Kill, Kill
The site probably logged you out.
Have you tried just going to the sandbox lobby and joining the game? You should be able to tell it by the players; password's boop as always.

I would put my face between those cheeks
Oh look another generic picture of Celestia's giant ass with her looking back over her shoulder at the viewer.

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I just ventured outside the general... aside from one thread or two, it was horrible.

/mlp/ is a wasteland of a decayed fandom. When did it get this bad? It's just the post Season 2 slump right?
She's 17 according to her DA

still hurts ;_;

You can't force it Anon, just let it come naturally.
It's actually gotten better since the start, if you can believe that.

Now you know why you should never leave us.
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We sunbuns?
Some shit went down last night and now panychan has invaded
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>reporting on Tara Strong at dragoncon

>not reporting on Andy Price and the official comic book at dragoncon
>motorboating ass cheeks

What is wrong with you.
Wait what?
I can be fart, but I'd rather be hollow sounding or debauched fetish transformation pone.
what's the point. i haven't enjoyed drawing in weeks anyway.
>inner labia

The only way I would ever find this hot is if I found out she used herself and a mirror for a reference

whoops my bad, was just going off an inaccurate source i guess~
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You have to island hop. There are fun things beyond here.
Panderers reporting on panderers; what did you expect.
nope. just doesn't work
There is no real purpose to /mlp/ other than to stop the spread of ponies to the other boards, so the threads will typically be crud. Hopefully once S3 is here there will be more interest about show topics outside.
A lot of people got banned pnychan went down and a lot tripfaggots migrated.

Have you ever considered doing another animation? That braeburn one was pretty good.

Nothing, absolutely nothing
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pls friend

I say it's the fact that a board cannot subsist on a 22 minute show and nothing else.
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There are one two other gerenals I check out in situational cases but I stay here
I love that picture. Sillysexual is the best.
but i thought a bunch of people migrated from Ponychan when /mlp/ opened. its part of the reason why /mlp/ is such shit

Eh, coulda done a lot better.

But I have been considering it! Probably some generic stallion blowjob one. It wouldnt be too complicated.

Maybe no one recorded his panel.
and aside from one post or two, this thread is crap
Im guessing.....

drawfag thread starring charmer and uttuku
not chubby pony and macro general
These threads are just as bad 70% of the time to be honest.

Oh boy.
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1.54 MB
word, brother
FO:E thread I'm one of the anons who keep it alive
maybe AiE if I feel like it, same for Dark Equestria
and oc general when i make an OC
okay, this is actually pissing me off.
It's not even that I can't play, it's just that it isn't fucking working. Broken things aggravate me.
Garbage webstie
why? even if you are really good at art the chance of making it anywhere are disappearingly small. and good night irene if you suck ass like me.
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>good night irene


Now I gotta listen to some Leadbelly.

Thanks, Jackass.


>Scratch doesn't realize her Swedish Accent makes it impossible for her to impersonate any other accent

>but somehow it lets her talk underwater.
Has anyone made an abridged version of Fo:E, anon?
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It's called havin' a dream, punk.
I'm gonna make it.

Is anything good in AiE anymore ?

I liked Leucine's stuff, but its seems he has stopped writing.

My Negro.
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'm gonna work hard.

And I'm gonna make it.
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Any >feel smiths on?

I needs some catbutt feels forged. Do you take franks, guilders, solidi or florins?

yeah, you do that. i'm not going to stand in your way.
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I'm here
But Gilda is shit tier
What else is there to write about her besides being a cunt and a bad friend?

Your weight in Drachma, two goats and three chickens.
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If ya don't find drawing fun, just don't do it.
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No, The story would really benefit from some editing. We mostly talk about the side stories anyways. Murky Number Seven is a favorite. and Project Horizons whenever it fucking updates
>no blush
0/10 would not d'aww
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You are now realizing that Rarity designs girly clothes for Spike, and he wears them because it amuses her.

This is canon.
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You could write something along the lines of fuck you nigger
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mlpg, I demand drawings. Drawings of sleepy ponies.
Being a cunt and my girlfriend?

Is this a trick question.
>green in the top part of her mane
>Project Horizons
What IS PH based on? Fo;E is based on all the Fallout games, thought heavily on 3 and a bit from NV.
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rainbow dash is a very sleepy pony
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I've got a bunch, but they're mostly JJ

Is there a particular pony you're looking for?
It's rare. I write some AiE cause I like the concept of it. It's been awhile
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so sweepy
Hoofington's the Big Empty if it were a city but other than, it's pretty much it's own thing. I just wish'd it stop interfering with FoE.
going fast can really tucker a pone out
PH is based on Fo:E

fanfiction of crossover fanfiction
>that vibrator
How about nine bolts of purple silk, a pound of saffron and a giraffe with a weird looking hoof.
ALL the sleepy ponies.
Like some one said fanfiction based on fanfiction based on a show that also was fanfiction
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this is best sleepy pone picture, i win you can all go home now
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It's been getting a bit ludicrous but I love it to death. Blackjack is my waifu
please, Pacce


eat shit and die
>Fo:E discussion
why MLPG why?
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You sure about that?
There are a lot of ponies after all.
that's a good walk animation
Also my fetish
...Really? BM? That's neat, I loved OWB.

So, given what the general reaction is to Fo:E, over the course of several months, is PH worth reading?
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Funsmith x2, come join!
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>a show that also was fanfiction

Wot? When Hasbro says okay and makes their changes it ceases to be fan fiction. See apple bumping.
I'm sorry, we'll go back fetish discussion now.
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unf, would you?

we'll take six head of oxen. we need to be prepared for the winter solstice festival, it can sneak up on you.
one day i will draw something this cute, and then you'll see, you'll all see
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Good night have some stupid slowhorse.
It's longer than the original but it's also darker and has more feels.
>F:E shit

Guys, come on, that's last hiatus shitty fanfiction. Picked something new already.
the beginning is great, but then it sucks
>is PH worth reading?
Sure, if you've got several months spare. It's not without it's flaws, the main character has a breakdown every few chapters.
Thought last one's was Past Sins.
Would you keep your pone well-drained or would you let them get achingly full?
This Fyreflye guy really sucks at drawing ponies
>dont want stupid fanfiction discussion
>he must want fetish discussion
how about pone discussion? like what is your favorite episode and for what reasons?
I only prefer fiction where the writer hates the franchise and was never a fan of it.

Like Tim Burton Batman movies.
Alright, thanks for the feedback!
how about you just let it runs it's course, we'll change subjects soon
>listing our favorite episodes

that's stupider than fanfiction
it was both
Good night guy
Draw FemSnails playing with Sadsack's ears and calling him cute.
Because that would amuse me.
his problem is that he never listens to criticism

I've tried pointing out his problems on his dA page, but he refuses to improve
>how about pone discussion? like what is your favorite episode and for what reasons?
Go nuts mate, but I like talking about other things as well.
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I like when Zecora shows up she's so sexy. My favorite episode is Stare Master for reasons
i never did though

i hope he gets raped.
oh man look you drew snails again what a shocker
Trips confirm he didn't ask for this.
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>zecora's episodes
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>ever trying
What are you, a tryhard?
It's like people don't realize how easy life is.
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Reposting for evening crew because I'm inordinately proud of this.
Thirties-style rubberhose.

>you will never make Zecora forget her rhyme mid-sentence
Braeburned, you still here?

If I draw gay pony porn, will you reblog it?
>not picking rich background and lucky trati at birth

It's like you guys don't even try to win life
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Why aren't you partying?

thought that was a thong hanging from her mouth at first.
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Cor draw more funny scootafamily shenanigans pls
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ewwww, that wig
Which princess has the softest balls, most suitable for comfotably using as large, gently churning pillows?
You think everything is a thong.

>begging for reblogs to be brony famous

Come on man, have some self respect.

She's practically a little boy
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Spoiler Image, 176 KB
I guess I'll put this here.

Spoilered for not pony related.
>asking an artist to ship his own OC

That just sounds wrong. Get Rose or MT to do it.

not as bad as that way she's holding her foot out. 'tain't ladylike at all.
>hating on gay pony porn

Go back to the RNC, Romney
how was he even allowed to sell those shirts?
Obviously Celestia's twin suns

Although Cadence might give her a run for her money
More like that fucking face.
Of course it's Big Mac
they'd be so big and plump. Like two big pillows you could rest your head on and slobber all over them
It's Tuesday Pinkie are you fucking shitting me
Don't you know, he's for gay rights now.
It's not the gay he's hating, it's that you're leeching off braeburned's fame
What is "promoting:?
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looks good, lines arent all jittery

Hating gays is the one issue Romney has never flipflopped on.
Like what?
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>implying Braeburn doesn't exploit the hard work of all the peons he reblogs
I'd praise the apples every day if Big Macintosh were my princess
>not supporting gay marriage
>hating gays
We tumblr now
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Alright so, I have an idea. We take Will Smith's face and crop onto various pony bodies. Any takers?
>Big Macintosh being a princess
I don't think you understand how this works, anon
Who's shipping? It would just be him getting teased. By Femsnails, of all ponies.
He should be happy I didn't ask for someone to draw Sadsack getting shoved into a dress by Rarity, or Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
>not even supporting civil unions

What does he have to do? Tie a gay to a fence, beat him, then leave him for dead before you acknowledge he's a homophobe?

Oh wait, Romney already did the gay bashing thing.
Sounds pretty 2007 /b/ to me.

a king, maybe.
>not even supporting civil unions
I did not know this was his stance.

One more reason not to vote for him I guess.
>Sadsack getting shoved into a dress by Rarity
i want to see this for scientific purposes
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MLPG, I need ideas for AJ dressed sexy, with her hair down, in chops, rodeo or bondage/pony gear, or Western style... I'm doing sketches but I've got nuthin for scene dressing ideas.
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I don't see any problems here
Something funny I guess?
Maybe her granny is showing rumble baby pictures of scoot doing something embarassing? Like in family appreciation day episode with granny smith and appleloom
why do i got to be the idea guy
Best pet is Tumblr. It's just pissed itself in a rage.

Care to look?

>bondage/pony gear
this it should be this
Nigga do you even squigglevision?
S3 is never happening.
"Soon" was a lie.
He's a Mormon, and therefore believes that homosexuals will burn forever in the fires of hell.
And he's perfectly okay with it.
I think I'd call that hatred.
Oh sorry, by ideas, I meant if you have any pictures or classy Southern ladies... if it's not too much to ask...
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What's not to understand?
He's a princess and he has massive balls.

Assless chaps is the way to go. That shit is sexy as fuck on AJ.
isn't his oc also snails?
Holy hell I thought her hat was a portal or some shit.
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Wanna bring it back?
I didnt even make this
yeah, there's no way big mac could be a princess because he's a filthy mud pony
You mean chaps? Not sure what you mean you "need ideas". AJ in chaps is always a good thing.

Definitely assless chaps.

And boots
So how long does it usually take mods to respond in the 4chan irc?
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draw her like a bull-rider, juxtaposed against Rarity's classic equestrian outfit.

They're pretty lively, moreso than you'd think.
If they don't respond instantly, then never.
Those all sound like ideas

Maybe you should use them, all of them, at once
I'd love Rarity as Will Smith
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is this classy enough?
goddomot fronk
Would you lie in bed with both of them, Celestia's testes under your head and Cadance's hugged against your chest?
Alright, I'll get to it.
It was a combination of a "Squigglevision" attempt and not trusting my own lines and the shitty Flash brush. I think it looks better without squiggling.
>that spraytan
Dunno but little puncture wounds on her ass from spurs would really do it for me.

Draw her riding a mechanical bull.
Not with those boots.
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>not luna
foto shoooped dumass
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Another horse murder.
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Rose pls
>barrett .50 caliber horse

Luna's your back-door man.
This guy gets it

It was worth a shot.
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what about her?

clearly she looks like a hard working southern girl
Make next one with one more pls.
i'm okay with this, but it messes with the "nonsexual ball cuddling" thing
Oh, it can be nonsexual if you want.
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Alright, thats enought grab-ass for me. Im out.
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you mean you don't want her balls nuzzled against your lower back?
no she looks like a model in a cowboy hat
What is she doing back there that's ball related yet nonsexual?
>quietly giggling as she teabags your butt
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Just so you all know

You've been found out

You're all the most pathetic dregs OkCupid has to offer.
Do Big Mac and AJ as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans

fucking in costume
>tfw the filter works

its a good day
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ok, last one

this one is as realistic as it gets

clearly this girl lives and works in a farm
maybe she just likes to play with balls

for fun
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closest to "honest Southern gal" i got. most of the Applejacks are slut-tastic.
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Can't help it, I think he's a cute pony
they are pretty fun
a makeup farm

get me an ugly, fucking disgusting-ass homely-looking motherfucking applejack


Fan of Ayn Rand... he's THE MAN in the relationship ... he's writing an e-book on how the liberals are eroding the MLP fandom...

Where do I even start here?


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Is that a mime fluffing up a mess of blankets with a disembodied glowing red head?

looking baller as hell.
lets take bets. what comes out first: comic or season 3?
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finally a fucking good comic out there that isn't crossover crap and autism induced.

fucking brilliant
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>get me an ugly, fucking disgusting-ass homely-looking motherfucking applejack

but the vast majority of AJ cosplayers are fucking hot
That's too good to be real
pls rose

one day when you're not super swamped, and have some free time, could you just offer to pone requests pls
you know, in the future or so
By fellating him. You know you feel the urge to service that alpha motherfucker.
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> urge to service
No, bro, no
Not even if I were into hating myself

i don't have a single unrepentantly-unattractive Applejack.
Rose? Would you maybe draw Snails' penis?

Totally clinically, anatomically, and non-sexual.
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Who's a
I'm actually looking forward to the comic series.
I'd hope that its first run comes out before S3 airs so people don't forget it exists.
Someone here needs to storytime.
that's why they've never truly captured the 'hard-working, au-natural spirit' of applejack

she's not one to make herself look pretty, save for going to the gala or something. but these cosplayers aren't doing the gala look, so there's no reason for them to wear makeup
gay greenwords?
You'd still masturbate to it you weirdo
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this is the ugliest AJ that i have in my folder
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>That feel when you'll never be a speedster
>That feel when you'll never easily dodge around the bullets fired by a filthy criminal right before you punch him hard enough to knock him back thirty feet
>That feel when you'll never race the sunrise across the country
Hey, is it true you have your own page up on artists-beware? Why? You are not an asshole like Ross or OrO, you are a swell person.

i've read some theories that the fellatrix is actually the one in power of the pair in that situation, stemming from the natural castration-terror of men.

so doubtless, he'd rather get anal.
This. Not a single cosplayer has captured the rough-and-tumble, very physical, naturally sexy, muscular allure of Applejack.

>i work very hard to enmesh the philosophy of Ayn Rand within the framework of tolerance and love espoused by Pinkie Pie and friends.
words fail me
Oh, so the filters work again, do they?




She was a hardcore defender of CT's bullshit for a while.

play Indigo Prophecy. maybe your desire for these things will outweigh the inevitable disappointment with how the story goes.
and you'll just be filtered more :)

man you are soooo pathetic
I wouldn't. I don't even masturbate to pony porn.

I just think their genitals are adorable.
im curious how canon the stufff in the comics will become and whether there will be any crossovers.

getting closer
> fat Pinkie getting good and railed
Not sure if angry
or frustrated I didn't get laid this last weekend more than twice
Don't look at me like that, it was a bad dry spell and I didn't get much for it.
i especially liked the part where he went "WOAH-OH-OH-AH-AH-AH-AAAA-HA-AH-AH-AH"
Hey, does anyone here use TEGAKI?
>implying CT has ever done anything wrong that needs defending
>>4329305 >>4329310 >>4329312 >>4329320 >>4329337 >>4329343 >>4329403 >>4329410

I have never been prouder of my boat in my sea of piss.
You're no fun
Also who the hell are you I've never seen you before

>I work very hard to enmesh the philosophy of Ayn Rand within the framework of tolerance and love espoused by Pink Pie and friends

>Ayn Rand
>Pink Pie
>something of an intellectual
>goddam liberals eroding freedom in Equestria
>I'm the MAN in the relationship
>love and tolerance

This nigga can't be serious. If he is, I'm genuinely frightened.
It had a run for a little while. Don't know if the drawfags still use it to shoot little notes to each other, though.
>still calling it a sea of piss
Man, this thing I'm drawing...

this thing...

I don't know if you're going to love it or hate it, of laugh your asses off or get a boner

>playing indigo prophecy
>those feels at the beginning
>running from the fucking cops
>suddenly cops persepctive
>"uhh, okay, why not?"
>story progresses

What in the holy fuck were they thinking.
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so you're saying we need more Samanthas to cosplay appropriately. check. we'll get on that ASAP.
When I saw that on Its Walky's Tumblr, I couldn't fucking believe it

If it's a troll OkCupid profile, it's consummate with real people I've met.
Rose who is your favorite non-pony on the show?

No, I don't have one ... yet anyway... I'm a total doormat who would rather give someone a discount, their art for free after taking so long or just give them a refund if they're unpleasant, though. I can't take direct conflict, like all artists, I just want to improve my art and to make people happy.

Also, Artists Beware actually tracks both poor commissioners AND poor artists. Take what you read there with a grain of salt, but heed trends: if lots of people are weighing in with evidence and the same story, we-e-e-ll...

The only truly bad clients I had were SmittyG and Octavarius that actively either tried to rip me off or really make me feel like I was scum with words but those are stories for another day.
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>an expose on the liberal agenda slowly eroding freedom in the My Little Pony universe

I... I just... There are literally no words. There are no words. I can't. I just can't. I'm out, have a good life. I'm done. There is nothing left for me to see here.
Jesus christ get her a wig and an accent and she'd be perfect.
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79 KB

I'll check when my next break is

>still calling it what it still is
i believe it's fake. there is no way a self respecting human would have those beliefs and open up about it.
> people think the new Dredd will be a good movie
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183 KB
Pls draw butts rose

you should get an agent.
>SmittyG being a jackass

no surprise there
Hey rose, is there a place where I can find all of your art or do i just have to lurk?

I have a theory.

The original writers wrote the script halfway, but then they were assassinated and had to be replaced with new writers who wanted to draw in the dragonball z demographic.
>SmittyG and Octavarius
>actively either tried to rip me off or really make me feel like I was scum with words

These are names I have heard of.

>but those are stories for another day

Please, please share what happened, if not tonight, someday soon. I'm genuinely curious and a tad worried.
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>it won't

it will be a good movie. it will be a TERRIBLE movie, but it will still be a good movie.

there are many types of good.
Hey guys just got back from class what's the haps
And I quoted the wrong post.
Whos octavarius?

Relax. The randroids and reaganauts are going to lose the White House again this year.
I'll take 4.

I'm Leth, the robot. bleep blap bloop
someone found a neat storytime
Transformers 1 was good. The Expendables 1 and 2 where good.
>Dredd will never wear his helmet
>not even in the intro
>he will not be played by Stallone, so it won't be as funny.
Again? But we did horsecocks last night
and of course, a fedora
>this fucking format
I swear to god I hate you all.
> being "american" and "brony" now have the same proud meaning to some

all those movies were garbage


What about marecocks?
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better than being in any part of the mud countries and a brony at the same time
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if you continue to draw things nonsexually i will love you forever
uhh, I saw the trailer for the movie. Stallone is in it, and he wears his helmet
>watching the expendables as an action movie

I bet you hated black dynamite, too
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77 KB
>Golden Pie
oh boy this is gonna be good
Mares are horses too, anon.
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30 KB
>you are now aware thet terminators are skeleton robots
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care for some tea govena'?
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But I've seen scarier
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79 KB
This sounds familiar...
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Hahahaha this is great.

Falling so slow...

Like tiny fragile shells

drifting in the foam...
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Rose your Snails is cute. Too bad SB's isn't.


Dragon Wars was good. Space Mutiny was good. Ghost Rider I and II were good. Dragon Ball was good. American Ninja IV was good. Season of the Witch was good. films so terrible, they transcend even your basic understanding of the concept of terrible.
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Octavarius ... http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/tag/comm-handehog%2Foctavarius%2Fkawazuslime If I had checked Artists Beware, would have saved myself some time ... I didn't know it existed then, though.

Basically, he kept on asking for free changes and then when we discussing the commission, because I already have a romantic partner, told me the commission had no future. I was just like ... lolwut? What did you think you were paying me for? I wasn't flirting with you, you paid me so I was trying to be polite and discuss the details of your picture...

The other one... I basically was like, okay, cool, SmittyG is my friend and I feel spunky, I'll just animate it... well... yeah.
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crossovers are fun
no please stop ;_;
Voting time, children!

Same as ever, you get half an hour to cast your vote for the next stream. However, due to the volume of movies suggested, any movie with no votes will be cut from the lineup at the end of today's session. At the end of tomorrows session, movies with only one vote will be removed, and so on in this fashion. If the movie you voted for is removed, you are allowed to vote for another movie. Simple, no?


Space Jam
Princess and the Cobbler
The Incredibles
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit
Fire and Ice
The Iron Giant
Rescuers Down Under
The Pokemon Movie
Pokemon 2000
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Land Before Time
Batman Mask of the Phantasm
Secret of Nimh
The Warriors
Osmosis Jones
Monsters, Inc.
Prince of Egypt
The Iron Giant
Land before time

Rose is just full of cute in general.
> because I already have a romantic partner, told me the commission had no future
I can feel the autism.

i hope this series is random adventure fun. we need a break from last series' melodramatic bullshit.
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Voting for Rescuers
PKMN 2000
Iron Giant!
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10 KB
>Rescuers Down Under

This. Wish I owned it.
>no brave little toaster
What the fuck is this?

Iron giant I guess
I didn't feel then and I won't feel now.
Fire and Ice.
She needs to throw some of that cute onto art and make pone.
Spess Jem

Pokemon 2000
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That movie never gets old.
Well the Ponds are leaving andmy money is on them being stranded in the past by the work of Angels.
Well the Ponds and their failing marriage bullshit is over and done with. I think once the new companion comes on full-time, it'll be fun again.
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pokemon movie 2000
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> then when we discussing the commission, because I already have a romantic partner, told me the commission had no future

what the hell
I fucking hate these people. I'm sorry you had to deal with them.
>that part where he left uncle to do something retarded and turned his back on him
>beg for forgiveness, uncle didn't budge
that hurt.

you can't get rid of a Scot for long. it's scientifically proven that if we go for too long without some form of fried food, we can alter the very fabric of reality itself.
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You Are Umasou
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>those choices

So are we watching movies or are you trying to quell a noisy class of third-graders?
No, I'm pretty sure your tight filly vag will make spike like you
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Jesus fuck I hate Kraut.
Why can't just fucking accept that he's good.
Why is he such a fucking cunt
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86 KB
last one for tonight

I keep a tumblr, but I'll outright say that there's furry things there, but if you wish I tag all my pony stuff. http://inkydonkey.tumblr.com/
>says the guy posting in the My Little Pony general
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Hey, Rose, did you have time to draw Swift Cutter I requested yesterday?
Just curious.

have a good sleeps

Because accepting that you're good leads to complacency. Look at Dobson, LMJ, and Buckley.

Art is suffering, and if you're not suffering then you're not improving.

being a cunt is the natural state of those in positions of power.
> yfw thrown back thousands of years into the past by the Angels, given the insane amount of time energy they've been exposed to throughout their travels and Rory's time spent as the Last Centurion and/or witnessing the Big Bang, Amy INVENTS fish and chips and their family goes on to comprise some 1/3th of all of Scotland to some degree or another
get dunked ross
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yes, and faggots say it's a sea of piss

i bet you're one of those people who says that TDK was better than the entire Godfather series.
>rehash of the "lived a full life" end from first angel episode
pls no, can we leave the angels as a fun one-off and forget the shitty 2nd episode with them?

Meh. I've seen people drawing in this fandom for close to two years now.

The ones that have actually improves I can count on my fingers.
jesus fuck
this thread is full of autism and retarded tripfags

fucking why
can be there at last one normal thread ffs
I dont mind furry cause I'm autistic. Thanks for the source
The Iron Giant
Juice just filter his pictures you can do that now
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What movies would YOU like to watch Jimmy?
Pokemon 2000
Does he do pony?

What am I saying, I heard his Cirno Invades Equestria.

not autistic
Well, if you have to include The Godfather part III, then yes.

Otherwise, no.
I can see little improvements in almost everyone. Even shitheels like Ross.

Dramatic improvement is kind of rare though.
I don't filter. That's browsing the thread on easymodo
Princess and the Cobbler
People who have seen the episode in question "have cried" and all of the actors said it was "really really really sad". It's going to be a tearjerker and my only guess is that they're stuck somewhere somehow the Doctor won't see them again. See: Amy's actor doesn't want to do cameos after this.
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Or a very nice filly to have an egalitarian relationship with discussing art, politics and apples with.
Fuck it, my inner weeaboo is calling. 5cm/s
I didn't see the request, actually. I'll see if I can doodle her in class or something tomorrow.
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>I'll never be one of those >Dramatic improvement people

I'm doing my best gosh darn it
>listening to Talking Heads
>Letting the Days Go By
>he sings "time is a pony ride"

they know
He very rarely does pony

I was actually "Code" in that collab
It was the best music I'd ever made
And now I can't do shit
Trying to push past it is hard
>>4329780 here
also train buff.

the only recurring baddies should be the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master.

and to that, we should have Cybermen soon, because they've been a fucking joke for a long time. they already made the Daleks a threat again, let's spread that love.
I don't know
It's up to 4chan
Odds: Iron Giant
Evens Space Jam
He's been drawing the exact same way/shit for like 5 years.
>Swift Cutter
...please tell me that isn't what you're calling Swifferpone.
Listen to Burning Down the House instead. Letting the Days Go By is uninspired.

I am so glad they're out of the picture soon, they were reaching soap opera status there.

Are you excited for the new maybe-Dalek companion? I am! She was so sexy and had a fun personality...
>your whole fucking post

I don't even watch Doctor Who, but I can tell this is going to be a big deal for people.

...Squeak ;_;
we ded
This is original name from the creator, Art-Anon.

Any problems?]
Did the new season start already?
Which pone soaks her mattress every time she cums?
i thought her name was dust-mite maggie, queen of the couch lel lel lel
i had no idea there was a swiffer pony now

I'm not gonna lie: I saw it coming that she was a Dalek, but it still hit me pretty hard. she deserved better.

also, bi-curious girl was sexy and bi-curious. :3
Hey Horsefuckers, can someone post the greentext story of anon in equestria at the marketplace when all the mares were in heat? Thanks, another anon
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goodnight MLPG
Road to Nowhere is a much better song though.
>dat opening chord
Yep. Next episode this Saturday. I'm excited.

i heard a long time ago that the guy who played Shakespeare in Shakespeare Code was still slated to work on the show. don't know what, if anything, has or will come of it.

but he was cool, so i'm hoping maybe we get some Abe Lincoln: Time Cop shenanigans.
I always thought Swifter was a male that love Tabasco Pony.
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full comic is over
Are we 80s songs now
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I'm not familiar with the particular greentext that you're requesting. Can you tell us anything else about it?
well shit
I should pay attention to when things come on
You're two minutes late.

I hope you have trouble getting up in the morning.
no not that. that shit made me cry.

night mang
Nothing quantifiable. I just don't like how it sounds in relation to her being, well, a swiffer duster. They don't really cut.
I mean, it's hard giving names to things that work, and I can't currently come up with anything better other than just leaving it at Swiffer pony like we did for Tabasco, but... Swift Cutter? Really?
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Damn Sunny.
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Don't worry. Soon we'll have an IDW comic to storytime, mock, tear apart, rage at, and finally make sweet, sweet rape to.

And who knows what kind of wacky crossovers IDW might agree to? They're in the middle of a ST:TNG / Eleventh Doctor crossover right now, and that's a whole ball of copyrightfuckery waiting to supernova.

Damn right. Doctor Who is one of the best shows for actually having realistic non-straight characters for a change. She was still pure Miss Fanservice, but I'm not complaining... I'm just curious if she's going to be a past-human version or a saved Dalek version as a companion or if they're going to throw us all a curveball.
goddamn he draws genitals so fucking well
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Anonymous, you rock! Woohoo!
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>Golden Pie
How does MLPG make friends in college?
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>My fucking face when that episode of Doctor Who
*clink clink clink*
by having friends in highschool
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What's it matter to you?
what do you keep posting this fat slutty dude for
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How do you not make friends in college?
I can't get rid of these assholes.
"I WAS GOING THROUGH A PHASE" isn't so great, but neither is minimizing what might have been River's sexuality. It was a joke at first but then played off as NO REALLY OH GOD NO YOU ARE SO REALLY BI, RIVER, ALL THE BI-BAIT FOR ALL THE NONSTRAIGHT FANS
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W-who's there?
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haha wat
I'll let you in on a little secret: talk to people
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>mfw watching Doctor Who
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It's so true.

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>mfw I cropped that image too
What I did was find someone kind of nerdy, talk to him, and from there we started hanging out with his nerd circle of friends until that was the tightest group of people I knew at that place.

And now most of them have moved away and I'm not at that place anymore.

Actually fuck, this is making me sad now. I was loved in that group.
I read somewhere that supposedly she'd be the related to Oswin, but named Clara or something.

>dat song
...you're good people, Snarky.
it matters to me because i can pleasure myself to them
And I'm 75% gay
Hey, as long as they're not sending fucks here or to mlpg.co, we've got nothing to worry about.
I fill as though I should draw something for general too.
But Rose and Ross have been here.
You didn't even know what that place was til like a month ago.
*ulp ulp ulp*
>talk to people
but how
Just say the sub.
>do anything
>friends do it better and faster
>why did you even bother
Knock on wood, Deaf. You've just tempted fate.
Better to have had than never.
Derpy flash?
> they choose Screwloose to keep Yamino away
I'm alright with that.
So does that mean you're taking requests?
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Hey now, it was at least two months ago.
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>That feel when higher profile artists in the thread intimidate you
like who?
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Captcha: seamen ypestfa
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i thought EqD and ponychan were buttbudies

why is EqD promoting another chan?
You won't care after a little while though.
I really wanted you to start singing along

You really shouldn't be intimidated. A lot of them are pretty nice people. Just get in contact with them and say hello.
Unf that butthole.
>no murderhorse yet
or did I miss it?
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>tfw he does at least four free shows a year here
>tfw even though he's fat and old he's still got a good voice
Ponychan put up a wall that blocks new IPs. Or at least they had a few days ago when someone tried to poke them.
because the secret is out about ponychan

Short break
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"Funny Scootafamily Shenanigans"
This is the 75th drawing I've posted the the general on /mlp/.
You're... you're not intimidated by Ross... are you?

All he does is turn on the stabilizer and trace
>he's playing 2 weeks from now at this crummy venue in the boondocks
should I go? Is he actually good?
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Congratulations! Now I wonder if I should have counted too or what.
I can't help it. Rose has intimidated me way back when she was Thorn. So SPooky.
I'm a newbie artist and I know that I'm better than him. All his big talk and shitty pictures don't phase me in the slightest.

Draw something anyway
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what secret?
i've got time to masturbate, then
I need to make one of these. How does it work?
pfffthahaha that's perfect cor thank you. fuckin' Ace man. Thank you!

I don't think I'm that strong of a singer - I think I did you a favor by not subjecting you to it.
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Which soda has the best fizz?
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hah, that was pretty good I suppose
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Is there an end in sight?

he's average. if it's going to be taped, don't go, because he has a few new tribute songs (read: songs he fucks up) that he'll do more than once if he thinks he didn't get them right.

if it's not free, or at least anything more than cheap, don't bother going.
It's a leafblower, two rolls of toilet paper, a paint roller, and probably some duct tape.
looks like take paint roller, attach to stick. put 2 rolls of toilet paper on, press against wall and thrust upward, then aim.
Weld a toilet paper holder to a leaf blower.

saw it at a concert once. it was awesome
Where did the phrase "hamburger time" come from again?
I know I used to know, but i am a forgetful anon.
To infinity....and beyond!
The folk pop band Metallica.
paint roller. that's the word I was looking for.
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now enjoy these feets
Walk without rhythm.
The band was faced with their own mortality. They didn't want to say "death" so they called it "Hamburger Time" instead.

That's also where "drink the bleach" came from.
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Hahahah Awesome

Definitely gonna do that some day

Warren Zevon.

>well we're stuck here in Miami
>and we're going 'round the bend
>send lawyers, guns, and money
>it's hamburger time again, HAH
If there's one fetish I don't understand, it's feet fetish.
And our results are in.

Space Jam and Iron Giant are directly tied for the lead, while Pokemon 2000 brings up second place, with Princess and the Cobbler and Rescuers Down Under bringing in third. In addition, movies with no votes have been culled, bringing our lineup down to a very manageable 13 titles. Additional culling may not be needed.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have one fatass of a burrito waiting downstairs.
And you won't attract the worm.
>New TF2 crates have strange FaN

Oh god my dick
I want to auto-fellatio while pretending Braeburn is atop. How do?
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As messy as I draw and with variant angles, adding clothes on ponies always ends up just cluttering up a good sketch.

I really don't like either doodle, no surprise there though.
call your mom over and have her push down on your lower back so your dick makes it in to your mouth

once you have it, bite it to keep it there. that way you mom can then leave
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I could be braeburn for you if you'll be big mac for me after~
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remove ribs.

may require outside help.

>liking space jam
get slammed.

It would be nice if there was more good MLP foot fetish art.
Force of notpony
Unless you're either really flexible or really hung, here's what you should do.
1. plan ahead. don't eat anything for a while. full tummies make bending hard
2. find a spot, preferably on a bed, against a wall
3. stretch, because
4. you're going to want to put all of your weight on your shoulders and neck, with your dick above your face
5. you probably won't be able to make contact or go deep at first. but you'll settle into the position and it'll become easier

I found the hardest part was staying hard, honestly.
>anal creampie
Oh baby.
Yeah, maybe it'd mean people wouldn't post shit like >>4330135 in the general.
Oh, right...
so now we're gonna see even more scouts with that bloody shit.
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>That piece of shit

There is no good art directly centered around feet. We'll just have to make due.

What if season three never comes?

What if we are stuck in an endless loop, doomed to repeat the hiatus again and again with no hope of relief?

Do your fucking summer home work.
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Would you let pone belch on your dick?
NMMxCrysalis fash when?

this is my OTP

>it would be nice if there was some good MLP foot fetish art

You're dumb.
>those comments

The best way i can explain it is that I view feet the same way others view breasts.

I like feet a little more than breasts
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Can she have spur marks on her ass please? I'll give you some gum.

i don't get it either, but i enjoy it.
So so does that mean toes are the nipples of the sole?


I don't even fucking understand
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Yes, I would let fluttershy burp on my dick

Honestly, feet is one of the most vanilla fetishes ever - if not THE Vanilla Fetish itself.

Which makes the total absence of any decent Foot Fetish art from the internet all the more mystifying.
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>Pinkies gimpy little arm
Just, god fucking damn it. How could anyone be so fucking bad at drawing?
Look at that shit. Look at it.
That's because it's traced.
But feet are just like hands, really sensitive, and toes are cute... a properly-maintained foot is a pleasure to touch or caress... and feet just naturally function like hands in some situations...

Imagine you're like, sitting at a table in a restaurant and your feet touch by accident and they blush like "oh I'm sorry" but the next time isn't an accident and ... I got distracted...
What, do you mean pony drunkenly sucking my cock and falling asleep halfway through, leaving me frustrated? because I like this idea.
it's just shit perspective
i think she's supposed to be lying back, propping herself up

It's hypothesized to be a criss-cross wiring of the brain. The feet-area and the genital-area of the brain are oddly placed close together outside the normal linear pattern the sensory regions are ordered.

Still doesn't explain why its disproportionately male.
I think it is called "playing footsy"
Well that was a waste of two mouse clicks
Goddamnit stop that you enchantress.
I like that one
Her feet look too big for her sandals

All I can ever see when I look at a foot, is a repurposed hand. The same structure is there, but instead of being a manipulator, it's become a weight-bearing structure.

While we're on the subject of evolutionary reasons for eroticized portions of the body, did you know that the gluteus maximus muscles evolved in humans to allow us to be able to run on two legs?
I have a one where it's like this but reversed
and i spend the next hour just having fun with bigl chubby pony whiskey dick

because men have different genitals, and therefore the genital brain wiring placement is different?
cute but 2fat4me

I hate unrealistic proportions. Always a boner killer.

I know.

It's like heart-meltingly cute
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Oh, I didn't mean to say that picture was good, just that I wish there some good art in general.


This is what I was tryng to get across.
You sound analytical to the point of stupidity.
If Coke Pony drank grenadine and put a cherry on her head would she become a man?
Sure... it can go further than that, though... sadly, ponies only have hooves unless you go full human.

But I was the one that threw in a foot option to the Midna flash and I did a hoofjob pic with Minty once in socks but most of you have no idea about that generation...
I'd love to take Trixie's place. Feeling my horsecock throb and my nipples grow erect in anticipation as the princesses' cocks swell to turgidity in my hands.
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I think a human sweetie belle would be ADORABLE. especially if she was a magical girl.

>you will never play footsie with Silver Spoon

You sound like you're totally unwilling to make observations and look for the underlying reasons for anything to the point of stupidity.
Alright, everyone ready to mafia again?
i would too only with more realistic proportions
Its still the same in the stack. It goes from the bottom up, with each area starting from the surface of the brain heading towards the center. The feet area appear next to the genitals instead of on the surface. Really odd.
>But I was the one that threw in a foot option to the Midna flash
BCS, could you draw a cute sketch right now?

Like Fluttershy barefoot and clenching her toes real cute like

She's too shy to be so forward.
> most of you have no idea
By all means, enlighten us.
I'd rather be a pretty anthro mare or stallion in trixie's place, left to the mercy of the two most powerful beings in the universe. They've had a thousand years to get bored with slow, vanilla shit, I hope they don't go to rough on me.
Sweetie Belle looks more like a cleric.

White and pure and stuff.
I r.

I think it's due to fact that it's much easier to snap some pictures than it is to take the time learning how to draw.
Please go on.
It's kind of a shame that the foot section is Wolf Link only.

Midna has some delicious feet.

I normally don't go for oral, but goddamn that was the best option in the flash. It was simultaneously adorable and erotic.
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What would you teach tiny Purplesmart?




We'll never know because nobody seems willing to write a date with her.
never trust a naked man
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What would her wish be?
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>Nanaki now has over 1000 followers on Tumblr
What the actual fuck.
Good thing someone told our knees and spine that.

Oh wait.

except, they keep those legs. there are parts of anthro that i hate, but muscular horse-legs aren't one of them.
The wonders of friendship
derpy is a very ugly pet
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You haven't seen the Midna flash?

The one she made with Zone?
I don't have much to teach her.
Years down the line, when you visit her in the restaurant she owns and runs, staffed by her former house help, she'll invite you to sit with her at a table for two, and the tablecloth will reach all the way down to the floor.

You'll remember touching those feet, once. And though you can't see them, by God does she make you remember the shape of them.
is till dont know why Pinkie is sitting on a jar with Tank and Fluttershy's face on it

Well, aren't YOU a happy camper.

In my headcanon, human Fluttershy has big feet that she has alway been self-conscious about.
obviously her cutiemark would be her wish.
Which would be that of suffering.
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I can understand that, but having both sets of genitals would just be so amazing. Not to mention that you've got two gorgeously endowed deities ready to serve you your dinner in the most depraved ways possible.
I've always wondered... Does he draw? I can't seem to find any of his art.
He draws his OC he ported over from the furry fandom
I dunno, I just can't get into a sub role if my self-insert is big and muscular, even if still small relative to the dom
He commissions a lot of porn. I see a new picture or two every few days.
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He doesn't draw. He complains every time somebody says "love your art".
He colors, but he mostly colors King Cheetah's stuff. He writes, but he procrastinates to hell and back.
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>implying we didn't do an entire line for her

yeah, we went all the way with Bloom. but she's the exception rather than the rule.

and as for her being too shy, maybe she'd do it to piss off her mother. maybe she'd take you out to dinner with her parents as an attempt to bury the hatchet between her mother and you, and when it became clear that that shit wasn't going to fly, she'd decide to exact a little petty revenge.

That's mine too.

I like to imagine she's paranoid and thinks everyone is staring all the time.
Room for one more?
Teach her the advantages of the hand with fingers.
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THIS King Cheetah?
Oh boy.
human fluttershy is a bit of a Lurch.

6' 2"
70 kilos
11 USA Men's shoe size.
I just wanna spread those legs and go to town with my tongue, her feminine hands holding me beneath that wool skirt, those stockings and her slight thigh chub pressing against my ears, and those ballet flats sliding smoothly across my back as she squirmed in pleasure.
Oh you don't have to be muscular. I'd rather be a curvaceous feminine beauty that just so happens to have a massive horsecock and swollen balls in addition to a deliciously puffy marecunt.
I tend to think that she'd be somewhat tall in general, at least compared to her friends.

>getting intimate with you as a way to spite her mother

I'm not feeling it.

And really, that sounds more like something Diamond Tiara would do.
where is her torso?
I suppose I wouldn't have much choice in the matter. I'd just be grateful to be able to please my mistresses in any way I could. And if they wanted a big ole' horsedick to watch flop around as they pounded me, then I'd just suck it up.
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Argh, it's so old.

Assuming I wanted to do one with feet, with humanizations, I don't know what style to go for. MLP Powerpuffs, anime, Western, realism, classical watercolor painting, condensed vector style or a detailed American comic one... there's just too many options.

You're a human female with a futa horsecok and puffymarecunt.
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>How 2 develop diabetes.jpg
I like to ship Zecora and Twilight Zecora likes to get plowed by Twilight's magic/potion penis
That's a reasonably awkward height

Unlike that eight foot tall stringbean abomination some people draw
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is it normal not to like king cheetah's stuff?

It's a shame that some women are either embarrassed by or hate their feet, when in reality they may be quite lovely.
All of them

Of course.
More "I'm my own person damnit" and less "fuck you, I'm doing this to hurt you."
Liking him is bad.
Oh! So THAT'S what you all mean! Thanks!

would you want her to wrap those dancer's legs around your head and squeeze? or would you rather try doing it through the stockings?
Oh MT, I know you're a strong independant woman who don't need no man, but maybe you should get a spell checker.
still doesnt seem right.

SS always struck me as more of a nice person who acts like a douche because of DT

oh god, derpy, someone stole your spine and guts
i hope the police can find the thief
well it has to be feet with toes for one. As for style I really couldn't make any suggestions, sorry

>Size 11

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Me too!
derpy why do you have a collarbone
apparently to King Cheetah fat= having a torso that can actually support her upper body
winter is coming

sandals are going out ;_;
What about a traveler who is waylaid by two brigands while walking through a forest? The look in their eyes, and their slowly stiffening nipples and cocks, tell you exactly what they want.
Well they do have female needs in addition to cum-swollen testicles aching for release. So they'd take turns between stretching out your marecunt and bloating your womb with hot, viscous spunk and roughly grinding against the base of your fat cock. It's only natural that you be perfectly equipped to slake the lusts of your goddess/mistresses.


she's doing it not because she wants to hurt her mother, but because she loves you, and her mother hates you and has never stopped trying to split the two of you.

maybe she believes a public affirmation of your affections will get her to lay off.
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No idea, anon!
> cum-swollen testicles aching for release.
thats not how testicles work

Either way, it just doesn't seem to fit her, is what I'm saying. She doesn't seem like the type who'd initiate something like that for such a petty reason, if she wasn't ready for it herself.

And I firmly believe the first time should be something special - for us. Moving to the next phase just because of her mother means she's still controlling our relationship.

More or less this.

I live in Florida, sandals and flip-flops year-round

Whats with shitty porn artists and the "BIG TITS NO STOMACH NO BACKBONES" thing? I don't understand how anyone can possibly fap to that. It is literally impossible for those proportions to happen in any universe.
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I know, such a shame.

On the other hand though, the best remedy for cold feet are a pair of warm hands or a nice warm mouth.
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>not wearing flip-flops shorts and t-shirts in any weather
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Whenever he colors something he always does this thing where he posts just the finished lineart. He thinks it looks cool.
Is there some disclaimer I can throw up that says "I know that's not how anatomy works, but I don't care because it's an unrealistic fetishized scenario so breaking the rules isn't a big deal."?

she's not moving on to any new stage. she's playing footsie with you under a table. hardly a violent teen rebellion.

i cant hear that comic. turn it up.
>He thinks it looks cool.
>You can actually see how everything he draws is the same
lucky bastard
new york is bitter for like 7 months
oh yesss they are


I can never be sure with you.

But I stand by what I said.
why does she have a penis?
>a human female with replaced horse genitals of both sexes getting fucked by magically endowed anthropomorphic mythological creatures
>calling out the testicles
>implying Zecora wouldn't use her potion-made-penis, the insane amount of cum zebras are famous for, and a mess of other potions to gradually enslave Twilight
>implying she wouldn't use Twilight to get close to the princess so she could do the same to her
But anon, summer isn't even over.

I think mostly just him and Jay are the main offenders. Any others are probably style biting them
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i probably will be within a year or so
>playing footsie under a table
>to get back at mommy

thats... actually, that actually..

thats fucking adorable

It's going to be fall in the northeast soon.
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>The only truly bad clients I had were SmittyG
From his point of view it seemed like you were a faggot and tried to rip him off when he asked for a simple sketch of one character and you dew two and even colored without asking him and then raised the price x3

This is quite a faggotry and mental issues right here.
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So did anything interesting happen today?

whose that guy with this shitty webcomic, most of the time it's pornographic? starts with an s. i know he does that shit a lot.
maybe do a quick pic of a hoofjob, with the guy cum pooled in the bottom of the her hoof

we're all here.

right behind you.
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one day anon. One day.
yes, one useless furfag and tripfag and attention whore just joined the thread. Sad times.
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Something as intended for a change. Just went with lazy floating dick because drawing that male squat position on the bed will block out 60% of AppleJack according to my top layer, anyway
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>Raindow Bash
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sounds useful
MT I keep missing your stream and i makes me closer to suicide. I don't like this course of action. When do you normally like to stream so i don't have to clean out my garage and put a garden hose in my tail pipe?
Jesus christ, this anatomy and genitals... have you ever considered to draw something appealing and not disgusting? For some reason, when I look at your porn, it reminds me about dirty, smelly and hairy vagina.
oh god that's hot, verbal AJ is my fetish
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Now hold on there, there's no need to be calling names!
i don't know why but reading that made me laugh. also unf
For some reason, ponies using human vulgarity just feels wrong. They already have pony swears and I can't really imagine any of them swearing.

Not to mention all of that fake moaning and shit that you see in porn vids is a real turn off imo.
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speell chack is for the febele.
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Next horse.
Hey now , back in line!
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Episode idea inspired by this cute pic my mom sent me: Scootaloo hears about someone who's supposedly better on a skateboard than her. It's a kid, literally a child goat, whose family just moved to town. They have a race, and Scootaloo loses. She spirals into depression, gets a nose-ring, and hangs out with the sheep. Eventually, she and Rumble run away to the circus, where she gets her cutie mark when she discovers her talent is being the best clown in the show. She moves away from Ponyville forever. Over the credits: "Don't You Forget About Me."
I really like Applejack's expression. And the anatomy is spot-on.
>2 safety helmets and a high visibility jacket
i still say he would have been fine sitting in the car for that bit.
>fuck my ass
>not "fuck mah' ass, sugah'"
immersion ruined 0/10 would not buttfuck
BCS pls ;_;

I thought I was the only one who had him... Oh lord... it's a trend. It's worse than I thought.

I really have no reaction face for what I went through with that dude.
its shit

>>not liking mare cunts

would you even a pony
>"fuck mah' ass, sugah'"
Do you even watch the show?
Does anyone else listen to Eurobeat's "Jessica" mix of This Day Aria and kind of want to fuck him

this can't just be me

It doesn't help that he's not bad looking IRL
What's wrong with vaginas with hair?
I like it in stories because that's how most 16-25 year-olds talk. I dunno, buck gets kind of tired after awhile.

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe you are gay, anon?


>tfw you will never a Mississippi Applejack

I don't see anything wrong with it
It has nothing to do with marecunts, it is the way she/he draws it.

i am an expert and i can 100% confirm it


What would AJ call her butt ? Caboose ?
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Ponies swearing does feel OOC.

The most I could ever realistically see AJ swearing is maybe saying "damn".
New gaymac when?
thats what granny smith calls em

I cringed internally.

Goddamn anatomy is life or death to MLPG now.


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The show needs to deal with far deeper ethical questions, such as pic related.
>not calling it the "poop chute"
>anywhere in the South
She is a silly pony, after all.
Was this cap intended to justify your actions? Because form what I see - the commissioner is right and has a point. Why would you even post something he commissioned publicity, without asking him? HE pays you for your work, not vice versa, he dictates the condition. Unless you are not okay with that and you do not accept the commish. But you did.

It is saddens me that there is so much your drones that supports you and bash on the client, usually there is a lot of sane and reasonable people that don't jump into bandwagon of conclusion but state their opinion freely on the situation. I miss old nightthreads.
I said new.
Cry us a river sweetheart

I don't why you would even have to come up with a pony term for sex, just use the word rut.

Well, I can't speak for others, but I know if you're having fun, they should be too and hopefully they let you know! I tend to just draw things straight out of my head: write what you know. Draw what you know.

Pornography may be one thing, but real intimacy is quite another. If the girl or guy getting it isn't egging you on or moaning, I'd say maybe the mood is a bit dampened.
No, I'm quite straight. And what is your privilege level?
That's...insanely creepy. Sorry you had to deal with that.
>not doing the poop chute boogie with Applejack
love it
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That literally made me laugh out loud!
>It is saddens me that there is so much your drones that supports you and bash on the client, usually there is a lot of sane and reasonable people that don't jump into bandwagon of conclusion but state their opinion freely on the situation. I miss old nightthreads.
Are you for real?

I don't know, but you better check yours again.

Nope, but it's only part of it. I don't do non-disclosure contracts on commissions and unless someone asks first, and that's an extra fee because I can't put it in my portfolio/example folder for future clients later.

I also upgraded his commission to a really involved animation, which I usually charge around $100 for because it takes about 20 hours when I do them properly and he paid me like... $25... I gave him the money back and said, here have it. I'm done.
lel epic trolled
I don't steal things, so no.

FiM might have covered some issues that would have helped kids out if Faust had stayed, but Hasbro wants to sell toys and money. Could you see a divorced couple in ponies, or Scoots actually being canon crippled and addressing it? Nope, need more crystal toys.
Why is it always Big Mac or Breaburn with you people? Why not go out drinking with Caramel and listen to him talk about his bad luck with mares? Why not invite him back to your place for more drinks and a movie, then bend him over the couch and teach him how to be a mare?


I'm pretty busy with commissions atm so stuff like that's on hold a little
> I don't do non-disclosure contracts on commissions and unless someone asks first, and that's an extra fee because I can't put it in my portfolio/example folder for future clients later.

Not to myself: never commission you. And never recommend. There is no reason to care about the artist if he don't care about his clients.

excuse me? privilege level?

what are you another one of those transgender tumblr scum?
Braeburned, you promised me some sexy NMM few weeks ago
never delivered :_:

Caramel is a pedophile
>Why not invite him back to your place for more drinks and a movie, then bend him over the couch and teach him how to be a mare?
Oh fuck yes this is exactly my fantasy.

Also I would like to be Big Mac doing this. Or Soarin. Or any alpha stallion, really.
>I also upgraded his commission to a really involved animation
out of your own good will or did he even want that?

OH I fucking love caramel, and I've done some stuff with him too~

I should do more though, he'd be such a cute fuck
>Not teaching him to be a man
>Not slipping a paper with the safeword and telling him that he's expected to make you scream either that or his name by the end of the night
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>commission horror stories

This is why I would never take commissions over the internet if I were an artist. People are inherently evil and manipulative creatures.
Does anyone on mlpg actually commission anything?

Apart from Nanaki.
/v/ is that way, honey.
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>he hasnt checked his privilege today
>BCS mentions "getting hurt by words"
>hate-anon immediately stumbles all over himself
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>>being reasonable means you are a terrible person
I commissioned something from rose
I just told you I'm straight.
> reading comprehension
are you for real right now?
If I had the money, I might.
My problem, aside from the lack of Dosh, would be the idea for the commission in the first place.
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>cis-blooded scum doesn't know how to check his privilege
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Why would you care if other people saw what you commissioned ?
>Homestuck fan adventures
> this samefag
Moaning and shit is good and all.

But the obviously over the top fake shit you see in tons of hentai, porn and crappy flash games completely kills it.

Shit like "stick your fat cock into my juicy pussy" and "Aww yeah, fuck my ass!" just doesn't feel realistic or gratifying. You're already doing it, they don't need to give you the play by play. Just enjoy it.
Caramel gets his dose of dick from other stallions. He's out of the equation.
Why commission stuff, anyways? That's what I wonder.

I mean, this isn't stuff you can really display. You're not a Venetian merchant noble commissioning Titian to paint your villa. It's just wish-fulfillment stuff. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't pay good money for it. I'll just stick to my imagination.
>implying samefag
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This pony needs love too.
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I tried to commission Pandadox but he never replied to my DA note.
Redsweater there is canon, from the most recent update. Unless that was joke, in which case sorry for being dense.

reported for announcing your reports
I can't masturbate to my imagination any more.
Actually, no.
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But it's canon.
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He reminds me of Barret for some reason. It has NOTHING to do with your name.
Triple reported.

Enjoy your ban, dumblefuck.
You do know most artists post their commission work publicly right?
Haha, what

I'm sure he means to say the beginning is awful and then it gets silly.

But seriously, FO:E is written much, much more competently than PH.

PH is only a viable solution if you are desperate for more FO:E, in which case you just have to trudge through it and get what you can.

Sometimes a person's imagination needs a little spark to get started.

because Big Mac pings our desire to be dominated, and Braeburn (quite apart from the fact that he's a sex god) pings our desire to dominate.

there's really nothing left for Caramel to do that the others can't do better. apart from fiddle fillies and cuddle colts, of course.
Daily reminder that artists will always get more attention and praise than writers for less effort.
I actually don't mind HS fandom that much. I mean, they're a whole lot more whimsical and not nearly as perverted as Bronies and its charming.
Quad reported
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I've commissioned about 5 folks who post or at least used to post on mlpg.

I'd commission more but EVERYONE IS SO BUSY.

Well, if I'm in Berlin, 1933, I must infer that I was hypothetically born in Germany in 1910 and don't realize that Hitler will become one of the most infamous figures in modern history.

Even if I disagreed with his politics, I don't take any pleasure from stealing and I would most likely be concerned with getting caught, so I wouldn't steal the wallet.
Man, screw Caramel.
There's plenty of other stallions who deserve more attention.
Soarin', Lucky, Flim Flam Brothers, Mr Cake, the train pulling ones, the doctor, the security officer, the list goes on.
>Less effort

>Less praise
Yeah... Art is immediately appreciable whereas fics take some time.
Because he's huge and brown?

Geez, I'm sitting here stumped for any example of good dialogue, just on principle as inspiration and all I can come up with is Nana to Kaoru. I mean, yeah, of course I'm kind of glossing over things, it's a fantasy... but I'd like to fix something if I can, even if it's a minor niggle.

You don't see me drawing AJ's long hair getting pinned and her going "OUCH, move!" or the anon fumbling trying to get it in 'cause she's so tight and the angle is weird...

Is there even any comics out there with really believable sex?
Homestuck fandom is even more of a circlejerk than FiM. It's just inside jokes built upon inside jokes. It's annoying as shit.
Why is Braeburn depicted as the dominated one?
I can't find evidence in the show.
I did once because her friend said she really really needed the money and she was a good artist. It was a full color pencil drawing of an OC with full color background. She wanted $10 US and I gave her 20.

No regrets really.

I threw $15 at GG when he was destitute and just asking for money. I later asked him for help with a thing really quick and he told me to get lost. He wasn't obligated but it kind of hurt my internet feelings since I really liked his art and stories, but I don't hold it against him.

It can go both ways. Business is business.
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i wish i had a cute oc
>You don't see me drawing AJ's long hair getting pinned and her going "OUCH, move!" or the anon fumbling trying to get it in 'cause she's so tight and the angle is weird...

You should. I just unf'd
I may have my own private reasons for that, it is my own right as the commissioner and the guy who pay for work. But main point is - she/he didn't even contact the client asking the permission to post commish he paid for online, I find this unacceptable when client being treat like that. If he has special fee for that - fine, then ask the guy if he wants to pay fee in order to keep it private. What the issue?

Because he looks good in a dress.
No I meant Stable 99 was a great concept for a terrible place but then everything else she faces is just retarded. FE is great, but I do think there are better side stories than PH
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Sounds like someone feels left of out an inside joke.
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>hussie will never care

Wishing ain't gonna make that happen.
>not joining the SS at the first possible moment
Do you even Grossedeutchland?
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I think it spawns from the grass seed incident.
I wish I could draw better so that mine wouldn't be shit by default.
My two fanfictions have gotten more views than my 70 something drawings have put together.

Art takes a lot of effort, actually. Some artists get popularity with little effort, but many work really hard to produce good content.
I know i do. Plus I do it mostly free, and when I do take commissions, it's less than minimum wage for me.

It is true though, that many of the hardworking writers dont have as large as names as some of the artists.

The reason for that though, is that art is a lot easier of a medium to view than a story. People can view and enjoy are quickly, though the same can't be said for stories. That's just how media works. It's a shame honestly, I know some amazing writers that should be more well known than me ;A;
I actually like your dialogue-less work the best, since it leaves all the sensual sounds to viewer preference.

Let's face it, realistic sex is hard. Both for art and writing. The more you leave to be filled in the better, so long as the actions themselves are clear.
>not nearly as perverted as Bronies

>Is there even any comics out there with really believable sex?
Good comics with good pony sex? None.
Well, he was a bit stressed at the moment.

Given that my heritage is primarily Polish, I doubt that'd be an option for me.

because its typically the commissioners job to ask to keep it private not the other way around?
Would you rather be a well-hung stallion with a pretty female human or the reverse?

not reading an artist's terms of services first then complaining when you didn't pay attention. and then not paying the agreed amount but even less.

I understood it just fine.
That's caramel, not braeburn.

But, yes, that's exactly why caramel is depicted as so "beta."
which is why i'm trying to make one.

my previous attempts have turned out so generic i didn't even have a desire to draw it
No, I just realized that it was essentially TV Tropes 2.0. One great big circlejerk that poses as something intellectual and creative. I followed it from the very start and used to frequently post on the forums and in the IRC.

because he's pretty. we don't need reasons beyond that.

i'm sure if you go back deep enough, you'll find the first ever submissive Braeburn story. we took that and didn't just run with it, we circumnavigated the entire fucking globe with it.
That means most of the clients are ok with that? I have 3 commishes with ponies that I never posted anywhere. two because I don't want to do it yet and one, saucy, because artist asked to do not do so.
You unf at everything...
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>the reverse
A well hung female with a pretty stallion?

Anyways, I'd take whatever you were saying.
Because actual sex dialouge would either be just moans and grunts or asking the other person to move or saying I love between kisses. Beyond porn, I don't think people talk a whole lot during sex.

"That's the stuff, sugarcube."
The formula for being a popular noticed writer is disgusting

It's either a race to who can pump out the most smut the fastest
Fellate the EQD staff enough to get your stories noticed on the blog
>FE is great
I choked on my rage drink.
No, not really.

But for some reason I found that incredibly sexy.

There is the whole shouting names thing. But come on, moans are sexy.

Awkward sex can be sexy too.
I TRIED making my sweet apple secrets comic SOMEWHAT believable. Then again I also tried making it as hot as possible. Storytelling isn't my forte
Get a writer for your dialogue then.
No? Commission supposed to be private by default unless client stated otherwise (or when/after asked). I commissioned lots of MLP-shit so far (round ~30 pieces) and it always was like that, with the majority of popular MLP-artists.

BCS just said there was no contract at all, stop making things up to support your point.
I asked him two weeks ago for the favor.
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But anon, Fire Emblem IS great

No, it's not.

Get laid. Or get laid more.
Murky Number Seven is organized way better than PH is, I dare even say the writings' better than FoE.

a good friend of mine invited me over to his place last saturday. on the car ride there, he was explaining to me how great FE is.

I was disgusted, but I couldnt disagree as i've never read it.

I need ammo.

not with foreign women. they really do talk as much as a porno.
plz stop responding
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So...work smut and feel dirty.

Or work a deal with the devil and BE dirty.
I beg Rose for art sometimes.
Does that count?
Okay Casanova.
>you ask him to get you something out of the cooler by the couch
>he shifts around and leans over the arm of the couch to grab you something, his rear sticking up
>you pounce, pinning him down and forcing his face into the ice while you line yourself up
>all the alcohol in his system means all he does is grunt when you thrust in
>you take him again and again that night, each time in a different place and position
>it isn't until sunrise that you stop
>he drops into a pool of your combined semen and falls fast asleep once you pull out
>before going for a shower you drop a pair of panties where he can see them when he wakes up
it has nothing to do with if the clients are ok with it its just how things work. As BCS said its how she does things and if the commissioner isn't ok with that don't commission her, not back out because he diddnt understand the terms beforehand.
Oh shit
That guy and Hector, ripping up all the red guys shit.
Not really complaining, but what's with the sudden influx of namefags ITT?

God knows you will never get popular on MLPG writing anything other than smut and >feels


I mightve considered it but NO PROMISES WERE MAAADE

I took a better request SORRY
Who the heck are all these namefags I haven't seen?
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A tad early, but thread for when we're ready to move:
I gotta fart super bad
>sudden influx of namefags ITT?
...Old vets?
Ponychan runnoff?
The world may never know.
Was he mean about it?
Were you mean about it?
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The Ghosts of Summer Past.
What could you do with the train pulling ones? All I can think of is them wanting some company after pulling a train into a small town, but there aren't any mares there and they aren't into stallions. They see you walking down the dusty street and decide that you'll do. After they coral you into an alley they pin you to the ground and take turns slapping their shafts above you until you are covered in all their seed.
Knowing GG, he probably somehow made it a sex joke.
Don't make me dig an archive I hate you ;_;
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Oh shit, we are haunted?!
i think its the same person changing his name everytime he posts

Some of them are joke names.
Who the fuck are you?
u funnay guy

a lot of stuff to draw and i cant do requests 24/7 ;A;
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Only if you're terribly unlucky. I used to be able to summon a posse without trying.

Chistery. Chistery Chistery.

No, wait. Hang on. I've got it.

Okie Dokie Fat Pone.
Is Partycat Girl still a thing? I kind of miss /co/.
I don't think I was. But you'll see soon enough.

Fuck maybe I was rude.

I asked for a cleaned up version of Ice Pack cutie mark for reasons. Is that a lot?
>Not drawing 24/7 until you are so burnt out you forget how to draw.
>Or so you tell yourself that when you look at the stylus in disgust, sure you are feeling carpel tunnel.

Sang stram a movie for mlpg.

Do you have Princess and the Cobbler? I don't think it's gonna win the vote.
I can't be put on the spot like this.
>Cleaned up.
That thing is a clusterfuck of a mess as it is.

no you fucking cat. every goddamn day we had to endure your bullshit, don't you try to start some grass-roots movement crap. not in our happy pirate ship.
The commissioner clearly was unaware she is going to post it publicity, it is clearly can be seen in his mail reply.

>its just how things work
It is NOT how things work. I just gave you an example from experience. If you need some well-known artist - take bleedman, for example, he send me 2 sketches privately before commish was done and never posted it anywhere. Never ever asked about that - I just assumed he realized I didn't want to and I was grateful for such delicacy.
>for reasons
Were you the anon who was/is going to cosplay as Icepack at some con?
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Fucking drawniggers, capable of drawing faces with right proportions and anatomy. Your sexy butts and expressions too.
Fuck you guys, I'm mad ass fuck.
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Want to party /mlp/?
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>cosplay as Icepack at some con
The first, I think.
>Mad ass fuck
Not on the first date, Anon-kun!~
Why does that bother you?
Because I won't be able to get my picture with it.
Hey guys, I feel like startin up a stream, I wont advertise it to my followers, and i'd just let you guys in, hows that sound

it'll pretty much just be drawing pony dicks anyway
That sounds wonderful
I'd tune in
I've never seen you draw, give me a link please.
That sounds absolutely amazing.
Even if I don't enjoy pony dick like the next man.
I am that bored.
>thinking this was humans
Snarky you need sleep.
That part comes after you getting out of the shower. You stop him with a forceful kiss, and then press his head down and step forwards so he can clean the one part of you that you can never reach.
Watch someone draw dicks, you say?
Snarky always turns this shit into humanized.
It's VERY confusing when I am trying to co-write with some other Anon and he jumps in like a retarded writefag supper hero and wiggles his fingers and goes "BOOP, THEY ARE PEOPLE NOW!" and flies away.
Alright lets do this


and i guess techinically its a solo wing job and i think its futa but i'm not sure? their characters a little confusing OH WEL THERES A PONY AND A HORSEDICK
He can do fun stuff sometimes, but other times he acts like Ross if Ross were a writer.

You should post that in the new thread.

Also, you might want to move on to the new horse: >>4331129
No it's ours now.

sorry. shower was mentioned. i assumed only we had shower technology.
What makes you think that ponies don't have showers?

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