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Old pone: >>4239505

Pinkest pony edition. Is there anyone pinker?
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There are many pink ponies, but I'm pretty sure Ponka is the Pinkest
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I can be your own very special anonymous for a small one-time payment of just $19.95.
When was the last time you watched an episode of goat anime?
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Two days ago
>you will never freebase ponies
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Can you tell who people are by their filenames?
4 days ago

A friend in deed.
I wanted to draw Cranky
2 months ago.
Duh, yes, it's easy.
>new canvas
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501 KB
>TFW sometimes people can tell who I am even if I don't name filenames
Anon pls
I saw cutie mark chronicles one day ago
>Homestuck updates
>A new character is a massive parody of the usual tumblr overzealous proselytists
>check your privilege jokes abound

I couldn't be happier
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It's not hard Klondike
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Nope. Also nobody can tell who I am because I'm one of those unimportant nobody contributers.
Klondork pls
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You are so easy Klondork
>tfw aspies in MLPG document, cross-reference, and memorize people's writing styles and filename usage - even the 13-number default 4chan filenames

>tfw we are all being stalked
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109 KB
Way to go, you've ruined the "American" joke
I officially hate all of you
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164 KB

I wish I was being stalked.
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>Here’s a sneak peek at some of the characters that will appear in the story very soon.
>Can you guess them all?

Well...? It's pretty easy, though
well obviously
Lyra and Bon Bon
Steven Magnet
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315 KB
No one's stalking me.

>Big Mac.
trixie, lyra and bon bon, gilda...um gabe from penny arcade, big mac, steven magnet
That Magnet is extremely fabulous
this except braeburn is probably big mac
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Spoiler Image, 95 KB
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>ponies doing duckface
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You are abusing some gifs man. Just like I do.

W-what am I looking at there?
Shut up ChestHair

Will somebody please post the original version of that face that Flam is pulling?
GG and Roogna are the same person.

Oh and >autism.
Its not possible that..they just named it the same thing?

Also FS's mane looks fucking horrible from the back.
Shes got Skrillex
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894 KB

She is horrible.

DUHH, obviously, man. I stole filenames too the funny ones
Because Fluttershy got her money back
She just found out Spike makes jewels when he poops

Because the horde of rancid neckbeard bronies all think she is worst pony and would never try to hug her.
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200 KB
"Shining armor what should I do? "


SA officially wants Spike to fuck Twiight
Good for you Klondork but WORK ON THE GODDAMN GAME
Flim Flam Bros Aria was the best song of S2

SA VA and CA VA are VA-OTP, don't you think?
Glitter Glue is Tozac
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I agree
Shrek is drek
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179 KB
Rainbow Dash is so cute in the background here
>No smile
GG is New Canvas anon
Brazers version when
Have you checked your wing/horn privilege today?
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13 KB

Or maybe I'M New Canvas anon and looks like you've all been trolled hard and I'm not really
Klondike is Diabolical
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140 KB

>not cutie mark privilege

there's an internet subculture in equestria of adult ponies who never got their cutie mark and they spend all their time being bitter towards normal ponies
wwhy shrek is piss. why shrek is piss #italiano
Klondike stop rebloging butts.
She walked in on Cranky and Matilda fucking.
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Because she see's best pony
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Listen douchebag, just because I was born with wings doesn't suddenly mean I'm an asshole who can't care for others who are lesser equipped.
I'm perfectly capable of treating others the way they deserve the way to be treated
She's looking in a mirror?


Why do you hate the English language? What did it ever do to you?
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You know you like it
Given her occasional inability to solve menial tasks and lack of self awareness in social situations, I'd say it's a combination of prenatal brain damage and childhood emotional trauma, both of which are not uncommon in the type of environment in which she grew up.

my sides
oh my, that's a very nice wall of butts
because she doesnt know the pain of living like i do

now i will go to listen to linkin park and drowning pool
rose pls
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>cannot into menial task

what? site some sources mothafucka
>not listening to chipgaze
Can Earth Pony be considered a trigger?
Didn't we already know that?

See: Detecti- no wait, hang on.

See: Being an adorable p- nopenope, wait wait.

See: Internet piracy. She can't do that, I bet.
Can we talk?
She cannot into internet piracy because ponies do not internet
but if you're saying she would be against the free sharing of information you're stone cold retarded

Which pony would be searching for the thin line between entertainment and war?
Keep in mind there be no shelter here, the front line is everywhere.
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FUCKING LYING PIECES OF SHITS ''We'll it keep it exactly like Faust's vision'', after she said that the show was gonna be fucking different.
The whole fucking magic of the show was that it was an above crap girl show that had some level of maturity in it, but noo let's take a shit on all the characters and turn them into slapstick jokes and ruin the character interaction, yeaah best idea ever. Reverting the show to a 8 year old boy show, instead of a girl or family one, yeeeah!..let's scare /co/ away and invite /b/ inside more than ever....fucking assholes.
And they're such fucking dishonest cunts, they're too scared and ego-centric to even admit that they simply weren't capable of writing the show for shit. It makes me even more pissed off at how they blatantly lie ''We know the characters so well that we didn't even bother reading Faust's bible.'' Fucking retarded ignorant egomaniacs. And incompetents.

Actually fuck Faust too, with her laughter endings and those bully characters shits and giving rarity too many bad traits, and barely giving enough screen time to expose her good ones...Same for her delusional crap about changing gender stereotypes. And Rainbow Dash's theme was barely average, let alone good.

They could have got a better director, and far better fucking writers that were actually great, not just average.
But who the fuck am I kidding...the chance of the My Little Pony franchise getting bought by a good company that would hire an amazing team, is more rare than me getting laid with Jessica Alba.

And that, ladies and gentlemen...is how you do a butthurt /v/ post.
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1.09 MB

Well we sure can, sugarcube! What's eatin' atchya?
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>visit an archived thread that took place on my birthday in 2011.

>see this

I guess it doesn't help that day happened to be in the summer hiatus now does it?
Why is Applejack so boring?
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Party of One aired on my birthday
Does that mean I share a birthday with Pinkie?
damn, that horse has huge talons
No with Gummy
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Found that like 20 minutes ago
Way to be slow 2.3
it'll suck.

just like the first one
remember when derpy didnt have buns of steel
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Wait. I thought Torchlight 2 was already out...
They were always there, we just weren't aware of them.
Now let's hope Derpy never becomes aware of them.
Nigga imma fuck you up
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remember this?
Is Derpy the equivalent of Nukes?
whatever faggot, gb2whatever games you enjoy playing
well it has been featured on steam forever
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Well, technically it's still Summer 2012 until the 21st...

The first torchlight was good for what it was.

It wasn't exactly a super polished product but it was fun, if a bit easy.

The biggest let down imho were the bosses and the fact that the enemies didn't change every floor.

I went and looked at mine, it's full of Rarifags complaining that Rarity didn't show up in Luna Eclipsed, people talking about meta and people trying to troll hard.

Yeah you know what actually I'm glad I only started posting in the general after the migration to /mlp/, it looks like it was pretty much the same as now, except filled with 10x the amount of plebs.
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That's the first time I've ever noticed that.
i thought rarity was in the vampire costume?
Rose fans are the worst posters in MLPG.
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Good thing they're putting a shitload more stuff in
TL1 was a good buy when it went on sale for $5. Reminded me a lot of the first Diablo game, actually. I got my money's worth and then some.

TL2 looks/feels even better and I can't wait to buy and mod the shit out of it
This entire post hurt my head.
Rarity did not appear during Nightmare Night
Sweetiebelle was dressed up as dracula
the first one is true, I don't know if the second one is fanon or not
Fuck you the /co/ days were the best.
I like Rose but I have to agree.
Must have been a bad thread, I remember having fun discussions after Luna Eclipsed about how great a character Luna was compared to what we thought she would be.
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we waited for you, rarity

we waited and you never came
2nd one is true
I didn't even fucking see her until a couple of weeks ago though.
She was dressed as the invisible pony
We posting gaming news?

Okay apparently Baldur's Gate Enchanted Edition may also come out for Linux

Just because she was wearing an invisibility scarf doesn't mean she was trying to dress up as an invisible man
check your privilege
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It's okay anon...At least the greates episodes of S2 were Rarity episodes
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222 KB
Luna Eclipsed was my favorite episode to watch live

>That anticipation
>That real Luna
>That aftermath
>All those Halloween pictures

Loved it every second before and after it. I'm surprised when it's so overlooked in S2.
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Anyone have any inspiration?
Why is the one on the left upside-down?
Too true they were
Meh never really liked those comics
Two of the top five. Not all of the greatest.
SHS and S&E were fucking awesome though.
Wasn't it voted best S2 episode on the Hub a while ago?
My favorite live episode for season 2 had to be the first RoH.
All that anticipation and waiting, it was great.
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This is the one I commented on: http://arch.413chan.net/co30813805.html

Here's a different one on the same day: http://arch.413chan.net/co30821235.html

And yeah I want to believe that I'm grubbing in the shitty remnants of a once-great general but all in all I still think you guys just have rose-tinted glasses on or something, I could change the dates on this to five days ago and you wouldn't really notice anything amiss.
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Check my autism.
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i want to cut your balls off and feed them to you
I thought Lesson Zero was the popular choice but I'm happy with both

I love both.
Not with that attitude
master ~
September 17th was a good day.


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>#5 May the best pet win

Was this made around January because I don't see any S2 later episodes?
Oh man remember the threads after the first clip with Discord was shown?

Everyone was happy that we were getting Q as a villain
well hey
torchlight 2 got its release date finally, after months of waiting
so now we just wait for S3 to get its release date


just sit here and wait...
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I wonder if we'll get more facebook shit this year

Remember when "Discord" was an alicorn oc?
Look, even if you or I could objectively say whether or not the threads were worse or not is actually pointless.

Even if they were just as bad, it was still a new kind of bad, and that made it more fun than seeing the same content over and over again today. Even though October 2011 is a little late in the game...
Now we have to deal with people who have been here probably too long and new people such as yourself, it causes a lot of grief. Probably more than we used to have.

You can't just randomly visit a thread with the intention of judging it. You weren't there when it was happening. It was just indescribably different at the beginning.
I'm pretty sure that marathon ran the week after TLR aired, but not positive.
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We were so happy it was a comedic villain, and I recall Ponychan getting depressed.

Also I enjoyed the VA speculation leading up to that.
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>You will never sleep now in the fire
I just hope the next villain isn't another dumb horse
Yeah Ponychan was assmad about Discord. They wanted more edgy grimderp.
>implying GIYC isn't the best episode yet

Fair enough. I guess maybe I hyped up these earlier threads in my mind or something. Also I'm kind of drunk.
What if it's two dumb horses?
...Is ponychan alive anymore?
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only if they're twins with opposing personalities

Last bump on the MLP board: 6 minutes ago



stop bringing everyone down already!
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30 KB
Better than a single horse that wants to murder everyone forever
They were just upset because it showed her in the leaked storyboard thing but then she didn't appear in the episode
also you're a huge faggot and this board is shit
"As we say in the old country: Pfft! What is the point, is that there is massive creative energy there. So much that your verse has recently had children of it's own. Dark day. I say neigh. Mere expansion. Just create. Create. Create."

-Tabitha St Germain.
Eh, I'm sorry if I got a little defensive. I just remember the early threads very fondly and I'm pretty tired as well.
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This isn't like marshmallow ponies. This isn't like marshmallow ponies at all.

Actually make that an hour ago, I think.
Yeah, it's definitely one of the bests
Rarity was disguised as Spike's costume.

She was sucking him off the whole night and no one ever knew.

He came in her mouth three times.
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22 KB
Thanks so much tabitha
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367 KB
That's an impressive disguise for a unicorn

Did she teach herself that or did she have an instructor?

isn't that vore, sort of
I don't think there was enough room in the costume.
Maybe she magic'd her head into the costume and left her body at home.
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324 KB
No, because she had no intention of consuming him and he has shown no signs of "interference" since
it's magic, i ain't gotta explain shit.
I love you Anonymous
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371 KB
Of course you do
Who could teach such a complicated spe...Dammit Twilight the fuck they teach you at taht school for gifted unicorns?
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We love you too
I hope

I love you too, Anonymous.
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11 KB
I love you too Anon.

Remember Unicorns are the most sex obsessed pony type
Whatever Dweeb
Right in the fetish

is theremore pls?
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314 KB
horns are bad, but
wings only make it worse
They're horny all the time.



How did you even get online I thought griffins live in caves or nests
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Did someone say love?

Sheesh, you dorks will forever be dorks.
Fuck you, you're an asshole!
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68 KB
Steve why are you a pony?
You fucking pussy.
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160 KB
No you don't understand!
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Would you? Or do yo prefer to watch?
Do you have the original comic?
I would get the fuck out of there
I prefer to gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork.
Do you have the "I'm a rufus?!" one?
I do not, sorry.
Why is Blueblood submitting to anyone, ever?
He's a prince!
I don't understand
Why's it always gotta be rusty x? I don't see the appeal.
Disregarding the terrible drawing style of those comics, I find them so cute and heartwarming...I love this show
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446 KB
Oh it's ok.
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421 KB
wait here it is
>you will never be ,,rufus''

Why is it always the German comics?
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1.31 MB
that's the point. he'd prefer to use something that would be particularly painful to remove his eyes than look at a beautiful stallion pleasure himself.
You're a casual, that's why.
>John Doe
Is it the same as calling yourself anonymous?
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I just find them silly
me too.

I pray to god the official comic won't be full of brony related stuff but sadly that's how it seems so far...
Rarity looks very asian
I like how Spike is so tiny in these comics
>dat tiny spike
Evens - Commissions
Odds - Sleep
Dubs - Ultra-sleep
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This episode made me feel really fucking uncomfortable and is the reason I don't steal.
Good night ya butt
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1003 KB
Spike doesn't look so happy...
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104 KB
At least Pinkie looks somewhat show accurate
LK pls dream of pone

Imagine being in bed and then all of a sudden your 5 friends burst in and start yelling about tiny spike, who offered to keep guard.

I'd be like 'what'
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Cause she's the coolest one
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I love that comic where Pinkie gives those "special" cookies to the girls. That's a goddamn reference too cocaine.
i'd be like 'holy shit is that a dragon?! why doesn't it have any wings?'
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25 KB
Talking about comics...

Should I do it?
I guess.
I wasn't too impressed with the cover art for something that's supposed to be official and professionally done.
Do it you wimp..
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863 KB
>implying it's not a reference to special brownies
seriously, if you believe it's a cocaine reference you are severely sheltered.
No. You should spend your money on something more important.

I'm thinking I might keep it sealed and then maybe I could sell them for more this time next year.
>More important than ponies
Hah, no. Do it.
do it faggot.
>Ha, Ha, Ha, Kooky Cookies ha, ha, ha,

Holy shit that Twilight must be weird to hang around

Someone make it a gif where Rainbow Dash is just spinning around on a pivot
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It's only $20, so if you want to go for it.
>implying Discord wouldn't suggest buying the disc set with pennies and then throwing it at a pizza hut employee while singing Skrillex music and vocalizing the drops with your tongue
Ponies love apples
Looks a bit thicker than water.
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>MFW last night was a full moon and I thought of Luna
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80 KB
I'll have to write that down.
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562 KB
thank god
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12 KB




Nope, you misunderstand. I mean if someone could edit that comic to make Rainbow Dash literally spinning around on a pivot like she had a pin in the middle of her, not flying in a circle.

But thanks for that gif though, it brings me gratification.
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She does too
Whenever I feel sad or down about my art, I try and visualize a banana.

Like a Warhol banana or just a normal banana?
Does it work?
>"Yes I can always picture a banana perfectly."
Luna would kiss her own ass
What you said is awful, and while I only have limited image editing abilities, I will never do what you're asking for

Because that (or at least my understanding of it) is awful
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6 KB
>tfw I get to post this again
That was so harsh I laughed.
Yes, the point is visualizing the maximum of details.
Any kind of banana works.
>tfw I remember you

It's supposed to be awful. Look at the comic, it appears to depicts her spinning around on a pivot. To actually make her do that when it is obvious she is supposed to be doing this: >>4242437 would make me laugh.

Crazed anus-dweller.
>You will never be harsh enough for the general to take you seriously
>You will never know if this is a good thing or a bad thing
>You will float along in your indifference forever
We banana peels now?
No, entire bananas.
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1.31 MB

I love you, MLPG
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67 KB
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88 KB
daily dose


Add 2 more frames and make it dance!
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587 KB
Luna shows up at the Nightmare Night, macabre party to change her bad pony image.
>she wants to fuck
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298 KB
I've only just realised that the guy at the back is kissing Pinkie.
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1.64 MB
The whole picture is a pretty good summary of bronies.
It would be perfect if the guy up front had a Dash shirt.
File: 1346419362987.gif-(807 KB, 500x500, DANCE-DOG-BUTT.gif)
807 KB
I love you too Butter.

>tfw the one you love is swamped with messages

Why are all the ones I love brony popular?

Mic ;_;
>Doggy do
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105 KB
Underrated dogs
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79 KB
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1.85 MB
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223 KB
>tfw you will never dance like that
Why would you need to put such an image in imgur?

Have you ever gotten a legitimate duplicate file error with one of those in the past six months?
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63 KB
easy on the spoilers friend
sentences work perfectly fine without
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45 KB
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19 KB
posting best dog
and an okay pony
I thought we were supposed to hide references that were connected to reddit.
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15 KB
I disagree

These two haven't been paired yet? Really?
Man I've been playing that quest forever.
I hope the sex at the end is worth it.

is that supposed to be rarity?
File: 1346419752688.png-(607 KB, 1030x4000, Dragon Dog Z.png)
607 KB
>Error You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
>Post goes through anyway

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175 KB
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344 KB
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4chan in charge of being a piece of shit.
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176 KB
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26 KB
not to my knowledge
lk hasn't got much art for Renne Quest
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60 KB
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157 KB
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Spoiler Image, 59 KB
...no idea.
but anon, they cannot sex when they are both dead`
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67 KB
Lacquer does wonders.
I want to cum on Applejack's pretty face
>that alt
File: 1346420168116.png-(80 KB, 466x582, 75255__UNOPT__safe_rule-6(...).png)
80 KB
Oh My
Shut up, anon. We'll all get out of there alive, I know it. ;_;
>>that alt
that's brilliant
no, it's the player character in Renne Quest
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Spoiler Image, 161 KB
>I wonder what /co/ is up to
>thread about lesbian dinosaur comics at the top
Time for bed then
File: 1346420425301.png-(27 KB, 499x94, azza.png)
27 KB
Protip. He does that notes like a namefiles which holds some extra inside thoughts.
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240 KB


I think that's what he meant by alt
There will be no Celestia and Luna episode in S3.
Celestia will make infrequent appearances and Luna may make a BG cameo
>McCarthy in charge of princesses
that's what alt meant
so is agrias his roommate or his wife?

his carer?
File: 1346420548740.gif-(1.22 MB, 351x368, 1336337041002.gif)
1.22 MB
...I had no idea what that meant. Now I know. I feel both smart for knowing more and stupid for not figuring it out. THE MORE I KNOW!
It's ok Ronnie
only time will tell
Coffee time is best time
He actually has an attractive Asian girlfriend for some reason.
Y-y-you too.
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170 KB
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15 KB
>wo, yul
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33 KB
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S3 being a half season will take place entirely in the Crystal Kingdom, the main 6 will be entirely under Cadance's command. Ponyville will only be mentioned twice, once when leaving for it and once in a flashback.
They will not return until S4
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167 KB
Slow morning...

Lets talk about why boners
But that picture of Theissen working in his studio showed the CMC in ponyville in the background.
I don't see why they would change the show so drastically
>Pinkie sounding Spike's transparent dick.png
File: 1346421035043.png-(54 KB, 501x647, 85247__UNOPT__applejack_s(...).png)
54 KB
Who drew this?
The CMC are left behind and never spoken of.
Like Scootaloo.
>You will never write the disgusting fapfic that carries the message you know the general needs to read
I don't know why I love this picture so much.
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131 KB
No more CMC? Nice. The CMC can't hold their own episodes for shit.
GG drew it; you would be objectively wrong to dislike it.
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155 KB
i can't believe all of season 5 was just a dream!
PVC and CMChr were pretty good, but those weren't necessarily about the CMCs.
To be fair G1 season 2

If you haven't seen it you won't understand.

>the solution is to not use the MLP models

>actually if you use MLP models the solution is to jump off a cliff


I want to lean how to Source animate MLP models just to spite him. WHat is his deal with ponies?
Not a fan of Show Stoppers?
That's my favorite one of theirs.
>entire post is "Exactly."
>not posting Applejack


Dude your bro totally insulted your waifu.
You gonna get him get away with that?
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35 KB
>4chan file age in charge of working
>previous generations

why would you even?
>yes, let me post an image macro to dissuade speculation in a thread about the show
Global Rule 2
Oh, it's because I just gave it random numbers.
It's complicated.
Fighting hiatus with cartoons.
Episodes 12 and 13 of futurama in 5 minutes.



Just watch his earthbound videos.
Not that guy but sometimes I just mash a bunch of numbers to make a 4channy looking filename.
I don't have a waifu

but if that motherfucker talked shit about pinkie pie i will jam him up until there's nothing left to jam.
File: 1346421427891.gif-(431 KB, 348x444, what kind of cupcake is green.gif)
431 KB

hello hi
He's from Quebec.
It's the only way to be safe from identification
Better safe than sorry
It was the best because of the song.
Pistachio cupcake
Protip: start with a 1, it'll appear more authentic.
No bro of mine would insult my waifu mainly because they don't know about it
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112 KB
You would do that?
Kinda hard to do, when every other comment of his is pony hating.

Everyone from Quebec hates ponies? Or is he ashamed ponies came from Canada?
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18 KB
>that song
I've never liked much Futurama. I was expecting the episode with the dog with great anticipation (having heard about it on the internet), but it turned out so cliché...
I thought he was from France.
To be honest I have no clue.
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14 KB
>implying global rules take effect in a general
How new can you get?
It's not really the same if you're expecting it, the clover one is pretty sad too.
Anon pls.

http://youtu.be/EKDPDn32Bmo was my ringtone for like half a year.
i would do that and then i would wait a few months until he was fully recovered, and then i would do it again just to drive the point home forever.
So let's say you have them over. And it just happens that an episode about your waifu airs, and he just stumbles about it, looks for a minute, laughs and then insult your waifu.
Then what?
I liked the DJ Alexs remix a lot when it came out. At least not anymore.
I'm sorry
Have you checked your horn privilege today, unicorn scum?
>Ringtone general
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177 KB
In a good way?
In S3
Trixie will get more screen time than the princesses, excluding Cadance, combined.
AJ will not get a song and won't do anything interesting.
Yellowquiet will try and overcome a fear or shyness.
Magichorn will lose her marbles trying to complete Cadance's tasks.
Donut Steel will ruin the kingdom.
Someone should do a pony parody of that privilege pic.
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151 KB
Hi, I'm Lauren Fowst and I declare that Pinkie Pie is best pony ever.

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928 KB
No, today is a day to worship our glorious Sun Goddess.
I'm okay with everything
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19 KB
Poultron please
>not keeping your phone on vibrate/silent
Ringtones were pretty cool in the 90s.
Heh, yeah, y-you too...
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242 KB
>Being called Poultron.

Why do you hate me, anon?
I like Cadence and hopes she gets more screentime than Celestia and Luna
Holy shit. I did not know the NES was capable of this.
My sides

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214 KB
>You will never submit yourself to the glory that is the Burning Sun
ah! oh god! web 1.0 is back! everybody run!
>not keeping your phone on vibrate for classes
>not forgetting to take it off when you get home
>not missing all your calls when you're home
Is this 1995 again?
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414 KB
What do you Cadencefags like about her so much
That's Tim Follin for ya. Try his 1-bit music:

I will respect that, but grumble quietly about how I don't like her colour scheme and her minimal BG presented in the show.
She's cute and has a nice voice.
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22 KB
She's cute and bubbly
This can't be real...
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30 KB
That doesn't sound that bad.
Maybe the first one is kinda meh but the rest don't bother me at all
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356 KB
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611 KB
She wears that thing in her tail for easy access.
>Threads have been really chill lately
>Have no art to post

File: 1346422398239.jpg-(39 KB, 427x320, exit_disco004002.jpg)
39 KB
That's fucking real.
draw something right now!
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118 KB
Horrible Champ
If you want I can tell you it looks really good even when you didn't post anything.
>implying PVC hasn't supplanted SS for me
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19 KB
>Not Cadence teaches Twilight how to wink.gif
>Having an AOL account.
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29 KB
>empty compliments
you're the worst kind of person
What kind of reaction is that?
I want an Apple song.
Ashleigh can do it
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223 KB
In fact, all Pinkies there
It's okay, I still wasn't going to give out a compliment.
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71 KB
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24 KB
And I want a Sweetie and Rarity duet. We can't have everything we want anon.
They know what's good.
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6 KB

They know what quality means.
i don't speak north asian, what are they saying?

they're not talking shit about pinkie, are they?

i will never stop jamming if they are
Thanks for the fucking MLPG dream assholes. At least changlingbro made a badly animated appearance.
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104 KB
He doesn't look so happy...
I had a dream last night about usual random nonsense.
And then out of fucking nowhere Scrubbing Bubbles made a pun.
It was awful
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904 KB
America: Applejack
Russia: Pinkie Pie
England: Rarity
Japan: Twilight Sparkle
Sweden: Fluttershy
Canada: Rainbow Dash

Discuss. Correct or Incorrect?
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13 KB
I disagree with Pinkie and Twilight.
>England: Rarity
>Not France
Tu vas t'en prendre une mon gars.
well as long as my country gets best pony i don't care about any of those
How do you know it didn't happen?
>Not dreaming about spooning guys from MLPG on a Saturday morning
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107 KB
je suis touriste
ou sont les putes
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156 KB
Because it was a dream about everyone being on fire.
And then I just kind of visualized a Scrubbing Bubbles post about them being extra crispy.
The fire was gone when I woke up, so pretty sure.
Who do you dream about spooning? Is it Tiara?
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115 KB
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463 KB
She'd be an aggressive spooner
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48 KB
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18 KB
I didn't dream.
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9 KB
Naw man, I was the big spoon.
It was just a skinny anon
What kind of fucking texture pack is that?
Actually pretty hard despite a fever
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429 KB
>You will never be MLPG's slutty mare, even in your own dreams
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47 KB
it gave you a boner?
What if I just want to spend time with the slutty mare and get to know her?
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500 KB
I had a dream, but all I remember is Dooks asking me what weapon I used in Corruption of Champions and then I got really nervous and woke up.
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6 KB
if i had a boat, i would name it the SS /ss/ SS.
I prefer daydreaming.
>still having dreams

just a shop, I think
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48 KB
Too bad you're poor
Mad jelly
but if i married silver spoon then i could be fabulously wealthy
I'm pretty sure she would be OK with that
she might try to seduce you, but I don't know if it would work or not
Haha damn, I drew that when I still browsed the piss.
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34 KB
>tfw no tulpa
Too bad she's not real
well now that's just not true
Favorite pony is now the protagonist of the last game you played
What happens?
Perfect Dark with Rarity

Cool as fuck.
Someone drawfag this
What if I play an MMO, how would this work out?
>Celestia plays Counter-Strike
She is either banned for hacking by a shitty admin or she gets put in to a game with a bunch of fuckasses in matchmaking
>guild wars 2

but i already named my character after my favourite pony...
>New Vegas

Applejack as Crash Bandicoot, Applebloom as Coco Bandicoot, Zecora as Aku Aku? I'll take it!

>Twilight in Doom

exactly the same
fuck off brony scum
>Demon's Souls
Magic is OP in both soul's games and she will stomp everything into the ground.
If she beats the game does she escape unharmed?
If I fail will she be lost forever?
>No more Heroes

pretty fucking cool
File: 1346423832864.png-(157 KB, 562x860, twilamb_sparkle_by_elslow(...).png)
157 KB
>Twilight the 2.5k rated arcane/destro castercleave
Let me guess, Twilight?

>monster hunter

Rarity would only wear the most fashionable pelts regardless of set abilities.
>Tribes: Ascend

Iono, she shoots some dudes and goes fast or whatever
>2.5k rated arcane/destro castercleave
wtf are you even saying
File: 1346423935247.png-(426 KB, 774x435, rip and tear.png)
426 KB
Twilight can't rip and tear
i didn't really

but if i did it would have been rarity
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135 KB
Seeing people mention custom PC, I don't think Fluttershy would do so well in Guild Wars 2.
>Warrior Within
Okay first question: What did she do to make the Dahaka come after her?
Other than that all the fights get easier but the jumping and singing and all the other things kinda becomes impossible...

>warrior within
>grimdark rarity

Yeah, I can see that.
archaic WoW lingo
File: 1346424251215.gif-(79 KB, 770x770, 1345753273044.gif)
79 KB
>Celestia as Jayce
>Says "Gotcha" when getting a gated 360 pro noscope
Jayce is OP
File: 1346424370875.png-(909 B, 108x84, ded1.png)
909 B

>Just Jause 2

Would you brutally rape a filly twilight in front of her brother?
why do 'we ded' posts always get posted after the thread has stopped being ded?
whoa...hes awesome but hes hardly OP

Yi ...now hes OP
File: 1346424486393.png-(79 KB, 900x506, luna__won__t_you_cry_for_(...).png)
79 KB
>This .gif will never be properly animated
>You will never have a good American_Princess.gif

Pinkie would jump out of the cockpit of a moving jet and fly it like that wouldn't she.
>Rainbow Dash
>Cut The Rope, Win8 version

I would feed her candy.
Because by definition, the thread stops being dead when they post?
That would scar xir for life. I could never do that to either of xem.
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22 KB
What the fuck are these pronouns you're trying to use
File: 1346424692649.jpg-(52 KB, 240x277, me.jpg)
52 KB
You guys working on any pony related projects? Fan writing, art, Flash, etc?
yeah but, like, there's a period where the thread is ded, but then someone posts something and only then does someone post the 'we ded' post.

it's weird, it seems to happen every single time

> "Reaching a wider audience isn't worth sacrificing your content."
> tiarawhy
> Celestia
> Darksiders II

I... what?
>You will never betray your values for cold, hard cash
Theme songs for all of the mane 6. Are you?
I'm working on a desktop ponies like app, possibly with virtual pet features, or at least something slightly more entertaining.

But yeah, motivation is an issue.
>not knowing the proper usage of xim and xir

cisscum pls die
File: 1346425039403.jpg-(230 KB, 847x731, 1345841544942.jpg)
230 KB
Will I be able to beam my pony?

I played Nintendogs recently and it pissed me off that I couldn't abuse my puppy
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99 KB
As much as I respect your right to make up words, you have to at least try to make sense with your final result. If it doesn't at least try to fit with the context of modern American speech then you have no-one to blame but yourself when I make fun of you for saying something dumb.
But you can. Kind of.
File: 1346425182757.jpg-(418 KB, 2500x2248, 1346069367868.jpg)
418 KB
If you can draw it and code it in Lua, you can do anything.

Of course the other problem is that I'm not a very good artist.
File: 1346425193019.jpg-(1.3 MB, 2000x3000, DARKSIDERS.jpg)
1.3 MB
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272 KB
I need more drawing inspiration.
File: 1346425276294.png-(264 KB, 790x700, 58781__suggestive_artist-(...).png)
264 KB
There you go
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285 KB
I'm sueprised these two never were shipped at all yet
I saw a herd of deer run across our college fields the other day.

They seem pretty cool
I already used my best quote last thread
File: 1346425344520.gif-(22 KB, 360x357, 20120826after.gif)
22 KB
I waifu ViHart
File: 1346425380491.png-(19 KB, 165x177, mind altering substances (...).png)
19 KB

File: 1346425425331.jpg-(128 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_m9g12iQY9l1qj6juso(...).jpg)
128 KB
What was it? Link?
Weaver pls
>"Gib donut. Gib donut."
>No you're a fucking deer go eat some grass
>"I report u hue hue hue"
For the fighting game, or just for fun?

If you posted your progress on youtube, would you get adsense money from the bronies?

I guess there's a couple of way around that. I understand the whole "do what you want because a Youtube account is free", but at the same time, if you acknowledge the existence of an audience, you shouldn't feel bad about pleasing them if they have good ideas.

The internet has enabled each of us to reach a massive group of people, but it has also enabled an audience to reach out to creators of content more readily. Taking a blanket statement for either case, for or against the audience, strikes me as ludicrous.
Have xou even checked xour privilege today?

It's filthy cis scum like xou that makes the world a worse place to be for all the good little nonbinaries around the world.
File: 1346425466223.png-(76 KB, 252x252, 1345661245473.png)
76 KB
Guys you know how they have anon in equestria?

What if I started a series of threads called
Equestria in Anon?

Like the country of Equestria...inside a stomach.

Good idea. Y/N?
I'm DMing a MLP quest if that counts
This isn't Osmosis Jones.
Great. Would obsessively write shitty greentexts about.
> stomach
> stomach vagina
haha clever
i got it
Next session when
File: 1346425581680.jpg-(86 KB, 300x393, benefit of doubt.jpg)
86 KB
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239 KB
Thank you I like this.
File: 1346425603807.gif-(2.48 MB, 350x197, LTdisagrees.gif)
2.48 MB
wait a sec I'm going crazy it was this thread all along

Oh god now I can't stop imagining that scene with Rarity. It's fucking hilarious
Shadee was a bitch tough
File: 1346425630011.jpg-(16 KB, 602x275, fucking incredible.jpg)
16 KB
Maybe. Only problem is I have next to no progress.

It doesn't even draw ponies on the screen because I haven't written the file loader yet. It just draws semi-transparent black circles. Programming is hard.
Why is Rarity so fat?
It's fashionable
Taking new players?

We have the macro threads. But they pop up randomly.

Just hunker down for half an hour and code. You'll feel better.
Just for fun, I'm using a speech sample for each one. I'll post them on Youtube and then gain money.
She isn't.
File: 1346425774320.gif-(1.73 MB, 417x347, FATTY.gif)
1.73 MB
I don't know man
>She's so fat she causes an earthquake when she dances.
Half an hour? He should just sit down for 2 or 3, put on some daft punk, and bang out as much as he can. Programming doesn't really lend itself to whittling.
When its my turn again

I am, I certainly wouldn't mind a seventh character
File: 1346425902232.jpg-(88 KB, 1032x774, 1344729603600.jpg)
88 KB
Twilight: 0
Fluttershy: 0
Rarity: 6
Applejack: 2
Rainbow Dash: 1 (mare)
Pinkie Pie: 17 smiling stallions
Well Spike really wants to do her so I suppose shes doing soemthing right
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She never does anything more physical than pushing fabric against the sewing machine
>tfw not enough art of Pinkie with an apron.
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I can get behind this
At least post a good gif and not one with that shitty animation.
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>Posts the same gif but captioned.
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I love the idea of clothingFetish!PinkiePie but I can't force it any harder than I already am
>Spike's tail
>gets mad about dumb stuff
Remember - MicTheFaggot is a true musician that got recognition in this fandom and mediaworld.
It's not even the same.

Why is that?
What instrument does he plays?
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>Not getting upset constantly by the general
You don't have any emotions at all, do you?
It's a new dumb talk.
Remember - Justin Bieber is a true musician that got recognition on this planet and mediaworld.
shut thef uck up
no he's not
You are just jelly of his awesome talent and popularity.
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Fair enough. I'm going to do exactly that. Even if nothing comes of it, I'm learning a lot about application/graphics programming so I can't lose.
It's a way of notating an alternate, non-canon character
Like gypsy!Pinkie or rapist!Celestia

It gained popularity in the homestuck fandom, I'm sorry if it's not welcome here, but I don't know how else to mark it
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> not dancing like Applejack
That "Baby baby baby" song he did with Ludacris is surprisingly catchy and dumb. Also it's fucking hilarious because Ludacris used to bitch about rappers collaborating with Brittney Spears and shit.
Just say as it is, we aren't bronies or homestuck idiots, we can separate canon and retarded fanon. This is MLPG after all.
>homestuck fandom
I guess it had to come from somewhere.
>It gained popularity in the homestuck fandom
It was around long, long, long before then, amigo.
remember when everyone hated Justin Timberlake for this same shit? and now he's bro tier and everyone wants to suck his dick.
Rarity dies and then a virus that can shape shift gains all her memories and personality.

So nothing changes just that Rarity now has some extra abilities. And doesn't really like water so she won't be in the beach episode
> he thinks mlpg faggots are better than bronies

nigga please
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what a hunk
Just mark it as "gipsy Pinkie". That's what adjectives are for.
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.....doing it
But...why would you need to use the "!"? It's not like we can't separate fanon from canon (no matter how much we joke about it, we are not THAT retard)
>You will never make Ludacris feel appreciated for his rap music while simultaneously shaming him for going to far and teaming up with the beebs
that horse can dance
It's like you people have never actually seen an internet fandom before.

No wonder y'all flip your shit all the time. "OMG Bronies are the worst! Thing! EVER!" You don't have any context for that.

This explains everything. You're all just kids.
She looks fat.
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This is my first fandom.
I've been in few fandoms before, I know how bad they are. Noting tops autism of bronies, though.
pssst go back to the piss.
What if I wanted to clearly define the difference between future!Twilight and Twilight in an article where both parties are mentioned repeatedly?
Egoraptor pls.


pls do it. Girlchan 4 when?
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ur dumb
>three pics of applejack
>zero hats

Not even posting Redwall fanfiction on your geocities page in 1998?
Things evolve. Bronies are the most evolved and worst fandom ever so far.
I'm ex-Sonic fandom.

Nothing surprises me anymore.
Read what you just said, what's the difference between saying/writing "Future Twilight and Twilight" and "Future!Twilight and Twilight"?

but why use the "!"? Why not just put a fucking space between the adjective and the noun?
>omg mlpg is so shit it fucking sucks they're like bronies
>I'm going to post there anyway
>that feel

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a huge overlap in fandom. Specially from SSBM.
Well I had a Geocities page for Pokemon but I only used it to post pictures I found on Yahoo. Never been a big fan though.
because fandoms are faggots
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Agreeing with
that it's not a thing exclusive to the Homestuck peeps, it's been around for a while before them. I've usually only seen it in relation to fanfiction, though.
I want V to leave
>Girlchan 4
If you didn't care...
oh shit it's coming right towards us
Egoraptor pls
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>they really believe that
Prove me wrong.
Yeah, I don't get it, either.
It's the same shit I've seen a thousand times before.
Oh fuck I see it
Actually this is my first fandom.
MLP is the first thing that I really got interested in enough to interact with the fandom.

For all the other things I have ever liked I avoided the fandom because I didn't care about it. Don't know why MLP is different though.

I also don't care about bronies unless it's some monumental stupid shit like when someone asked Andrea if she knew people faped to Fluttershy
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Are you me?
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> sonic fandom
> homestuck fandom
> mlp fanfom
nigga please, compare to others fandom, like pokemon fandom or FF7 fandom or "The Lost" fandom. They are all bad, horrible community with lots of retardation and autism in indeed, but what exactly separates them and makes difference between "well, okay, that's people I can lie with that" and "jesus fucking autistic christ, why would you even do that?"? The amount of autism and retardation, the corruption on this field. Bronies embrace it, they LITERALLY THINK THAT WATCHING A USUAL CARTOON FOR LITTLE GIRLS MAKES THEM BETTER PERSON. THEY LEARN LIFE LESSONS FROM IT - THESE LESSON ONE SUPPOSED TO LEARN FROM LIFE.
yall niggas is my niggas
Batman fandom.

When somebody dresses up like Nightmare Moon and fires a gun into a crowded theater, then you can start talking about us being the worst fandom.
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As if people have never claimed to learn "life lessons" from Sonic or Homestuck or Pokemon.
You know that I care...
Holy shit that picture
I try to avoid fandoms as much as possible. i can't escape this one though. Even this place, the last line of sanity, can be awful a lot of the time though. Fuck hiatus.
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Sounds like a typical religion to me.

Besides, haven't you heard of 40kfags yet? Everything bronies and any other autist can do, they can do better, I mean worse and more autistic than before.
holy terrible anatomy.
>Harry Potter fandom
>Avatar fandom
>Sonic fandom
>Homestuck fandom
>Hetalia fandom
>MLP fandom

>identifying with the fandom
Someone' going to give shit to you for that.
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It's not Andrea's fault that Fluttershy is so hot
Yeah, they're retarded spazzes, just like the people talking about sonic or rescue rangers or babylon 5. Why? Because it's largely the same fucking people.

Also, fun fact: Mainstream fandoms aren't any better in being filled with retards. They're retards bound by a few social norms, but they're still monumental embarrassments to the human race. Deadspin.com is running a "why your team sucks" thing right now. Go there and read about the stupid fans for each team. The guy who gets smashed on nitrous in the parking lot before a game and then goes and throws up on a Redskins fan is, frankly, a lot worse than the weirdo chronic masturbators on the internet.
it's a comic of a cartoon
I think 40k is the same as MLP in terms of how you avoid certain groups and hang with the chill crowd who plays the game for fun.

I mean, that's what I did. Kept the "For da emprah" things at jokes and just had fun blowing up little army dudes with other army dudes.
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Every fandom is horrible. There are no worse or better ones, all must burn.
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I'm glad most of them haven't gotten to Hussie's other stuff yet.
At least 40kfags aren't doing this shit to a kids show. From what I've seen bronies have always been considerably worse in every way possible.
was that guy an actual Batman fan? Or just took the Joker idea?
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>You will never be a lecherous pedophile
>implying 40K isn't meant for 12 year olds

i know that feel.
except probably less than you but still though.
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You like popular things. Popular things have big fandoms and it is easy to notice terribleness in big fandoms.

>liking sonic
>liking homosuck

Come on man.
Let's talk about things we like.

Hell, I like things that I like.
huge batman fan
40kids take their shit way too seriously.

And then some of them act all high-minded about it, too. I was on /tg/ the other day (first time in a little over a year) and got into some retard about painting miniatures and its relationship to some quasi-mythic value of "THE HOBBY."

They're just horrible little people.
Can we talk about copious amounts of candy horse semen?
I doubt many female toddlers are into warhammer.
>Kept the "For da emprah" things at jokes
You might as well brohoof each other at that point and it would be less autistic than that.

When bronies merely worship a shitty girl's cartoon and sometimes masturbate to it, 40kfags spend thousands of bucks for shitty pieces of plastic and then thousands more for official paints that cost 3 times more than extacly same ones but without a logo. Then they get on the internet to fight against every sci-fi franchise ever as a ripoff of their shitty franchise and start powerlevel fights against other fictional universes to feel better about themselves.

I like pone and vidya gaems
Fuck you the first sonic games were awesome, and so was Adventure 2: Battle

And homestuck is a great webcomic if you get past the AWFUL fandom
>At least 40kfags aren't doing this shit to a kids show.
And that changes what?
Okay, then male. Your point?
Oh, yeah, they sorta like to think that spending money on plastic dudes to paint is better than spending it on video games due to having to do something yourself that requires skill. The painting part, I mean.

I don't really agree with that view either.

Again, you just find the chill people to game with and ignore the really awful neckbeards as much as possible.
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Let's talk about purple horse and her roles in the S3 opening episodes.

What do you think will happen?
Are there even any confirmed girls that are into SPESS MAHREENS?
Isnt 40k a game for little boys?

Power level fights are always stupid. Power level is relative to universe, and thus cannot be compared. Sometimes a work of fiction may even have a god-like character, making arguments over who is more powerful even worse.
So the issue for you isn't that it's for children, but for little girls instead of little boys?

You're really still hung up on the gender thing, huh?
It is.
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>and so was Adventure 2: Battle
>Sonic fandom
>Kingdom Hearts fandom
>mlp fandom

i may be cursed too
My nigga. Sonic games went on a slow decline after SA2. Aside from the handheld games, they hit rock bottom at the Secret Rings, then kept on going.

Generations was pretty good.
My friend's wife played Chaos at the game store a few years back.
She was nice.
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I like this pony, like a lot, do you like her too?
That's why 40kfags are so horrible.

I'm not challenging you, just asking, are there any other fagdoms as virulent in the powerlevel fights department as 40k?
I played it when I was a little boy and it was fun. I did't use the internet then.
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I sure do!
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I love yellow pony


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She's very nice
She might have some trouble with social conventions but her heart is always in the right place
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Are 40kids pushing for their own dating website?

>are you a lonely battlebrother?
I think she will sperg out and be overpowered and boring and worst pony
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/v/ was talking about how Sonic got god after the RPG by Bioware came out.

Then Bioware took the Sonic curse onto themselves.

That is a good pony, but her humor can easily go from welcome to grating really fast.
Oh...oh my...
honestly while i love Adventure 2 to death it does show it's age. and there are some good modern sonic games. unleashed was fun on the daytime stages and colors was fantastic
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>Implying the glitch isn't widely known

Even Rainbow Dash (who is canonically least educated pony) knows dude
Please stop.
>are there any other fagdoms as virulent in the powerlevel fights department as 40k?
Vampire: The Masquerade fans in the mid-'90s.
But they were kind of endearing, so 40k still takes the cake of horribleness.
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>kingdom farts
Honestly, I don't pay enough attention to power level arguments to know. Star Wars maybe? Dragonball?

Again, I just ignore what I dislike and stick with the parts I do like.
dat rarity
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I like that pony moderately. I like this pony the most
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SA2 was pretty fucking mediocre, and I was like 11 when I played Battle on Gamecube so I don't even have nostalgiagoggles as an excuse. Most of it just wasn't fun.
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No, they are organizing real life squads consisting of mouthbreathing neckbeards with foam chainswords to yell "HERESY" at people to death. You know, only thing 40kfaggots crave are intergalactical genocides, not something as faggy as relationships.
She's fat, isn't she?
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>that picture
No, 40kids will stick to just staring at women who come into their FLGS and then chronically masturbating to the idea of touching her.
Would this be a good idea? I know that myself and a lot of my gay 40K lovers are very very lonely people and desperate to find women. Maybe a dating site could help out?
...Is she okay?
>Kingdom Hearts fandom

Oh god. Specially post KH2 pre BBS. That was some scary shit.
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>implying pone can video games

try again fagut
Applejack doesn't seem to care...
She looks the same as the others in that picture. Don't they have the same bodies?


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God I love a good 40k hate thread.
Nigga did you just say Unleashed and Colours were better than SA2?

I mean, I guess a lot of people liked Colours so I can let that go, I just never saw the appeal. Unleashed was terrible holdforward garbage. Also not only were the nighttime stages worse than the emerald finding missions in SA2, they were worse than the run away from Gamma missions in SA1. 0/10, would not play.
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>Implying pone can't.
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Ponies can in to videogames dude.
Scootablue is best Scootaloo
40kfags are bad but not nearly as vocal or in the same range as bronies.

It doesn't have to be a competition.

I think we can agree that almost all fanbases are terrible regardless of how high quality the product is (or isn't)

Anyone has saved that cap with WWII photo where Nazi drag few jews to gas camers and there is a sad Rainbow Dash shooped on the foreground and some brony comment under: "Sad RD here made me realize how bad it was"

Still my favorite, reflects my own vision on whole fandoms and its autism.
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Why did you save it with my filename?
>not liking the first two Sonic Adventure games
Holy shit. Holy shit. What the fuck, MLPG.
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Colors and Generations make the Adventure games look like a mistake

The only good thing to come out of them is chao
>You will never be invited to taste the marshmallow delights beneath Rarity's robe
i didn't say they were better than Adventure 2. i was just saying there are more good modern sonic games. and colors has a fantastic soundtrack.

but pone isn't GOOD at video games. there's a difference here.

plus how are they gonna find out about secrets and glitches without the internet
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which pony's silky thighs would you like to put your face between

what would you do once there
>liking the first two Sonic Adventure games
Holy shit. Holy shit. What the fuck, whatever your name is.
Yes. The only real difference is that there are a lot of Bronies. In comparison, there aren't a lot of really dedicated Sabrina the Teenage Witch fans anymore, so you don't see their weirdo fanfiction unless you go looking for it.
>40kfags are bad but not nearly as vocal
Because they don't have an overwhelming hatedom that is behind 90% of sharing the word about it.
>or in the same range as bronies.
They're beyond. Think of fluffy threads. Then imagine whole boards and forums dedicated to discussing it. There, 40k fanbase.
Why did you save it with mine?
the answer is none

none more pink
>not liking the first two Sonic Adventure games
Holy shit. Holy shit. What the fuck, anon.
Ponies are not silky
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Fuck, any of them?
Whatever they wanted?
This image is a crude simulation of my first reaction

I would rub my face against her stomach
did we yet find out who that guy with the smokey eyes is? I am excited
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I like the robe
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Did your free mousepad arrive yet mlpg?
i found the chao sections to be incredibly boring.
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say what you want but the soundtrack is god tier memorable
>Because they don't have an overwhelming hatedom that is behind 90% of sharing the word about it.
God, this. It's a dialectical thing: The fandom wouldn't be nearly as big if there weren't so many fucktards just mindlessly spamming their hate for it.
> Also not only were the nighttime stages worse than the emerald finding missions in SA2, they were worse than the run away from Gamma missions in SA1. 0/10, would not play.

I'd rather play a mediocre brawler than a reasure hunt WITH A BROKEN RADAR and a clunky "shooter".
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It is the best robe, no one else has a canon robe that can compare

Anyone make one of just the marker?
AJ's. inhale deeply
>there will never be a Sonic Adventure 3
>on the Dreamcast 2

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...VLC now?
A fandom is only as bad as the show/game/movie/comic that they like.
Those games aged pretty badly. Specially 1. 2 is still decent, but only Speed stages. Unleashed/Colors/Generations are better.
I had a friend who bothered leveling his Chao. I didn't understand it. I'd rather go fast.
Twilight's robe in that spa episode was better
>came back from class
>I missed sonic discussion

Laughing elf man.jpg
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>tfw you played through sonic 4 ep 1 and got all the chaos emeralds
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actually I think it's shit but I so rarely get to use this image and I love it so much
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You're a tryharding faggot
>colors has a fantastic soundtrack

This can be said for pretty much any Sonic game, pretty much the only thing they've been doing right the whole time.

>who is star swirl the mothafuckin bearded?
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>implying quality matters
I don't understand how games can age.

Honestly, is this a /v/ thing?
>hating on Sanic music besides Chronicles and Episode 1
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I really need to play SA2 again to try to figure out what you fags think was so damn great about it, that game emits some kind of reality distortion field or something

What I remember of it wasn't anything special or groundbreaking
you keep thinking that
You're right, I totally forgot the time he had a on screen appearance!

cosplay doesn't count, no matter how accurate it may or may not be
Rarity has the best clothes in the show overall
Anon it is still happening. Just remember that my favourite Sonic game is the best and your favourite Sonic game is the reason why everything is terrible.
SA1 was OMG WHAT IS THIS IS THIS FUN with minigames

SA2 was ......more minigames

It's how they express that they notice that a games design/graphics/whatever has a large disparity from what they've experienced in more recent gaming.
I liked Sonic Advance 1. Is that bad?
I don't know, I just want /v/ to leave
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We Sonic now?
>implying this isn't the best Colors track
It's not a fantastic game but if you really liked it guess there's nothing wrong with that...
I always consider it the real Sonic 4.
who the fuck this character. I don't know which it came from.
Of course not. SA1, SA3 and Rush were amazing. Dimps were pretty good at capturing what made the Mega Drive games great.
the sonic fighting arcade game
I think that was his only appearance.
I've got to agree. I really liked SA1, with the exception of Amy's sections (Big gets a neutral pass), but SA2's gem hunting and mecha sections were for the most part annoying, and the speedhog sections felt even glitchier than the first, though they were still fun when they didn't require precise platforming. And I will admit the space gemhunt levels were kinda neat.
Its that bird from Riders
It's that one guy from Sonic The Fighters.

Man, I don't remember that shit anymore.
What about Sonic Adventure 2 Battle? I had fun with it on my gamecube.

We had a discussion about Sonic lore in /v/. It's fun to find out all the things about, even stuff like why Shadow has a motorcycle.
>I don't understand how games can age.
1) Something that relied upon some innovation in software or hardware might not be as impressive 10 or 15 years later. At the time, Sonic Adventure was visually impressive, and that made up a little for the fact that you just pushed "up" for about three minutes in each sonic level. But these days it's not nearly as pretty.

Another example would be the Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack: Chronically overrated because it was the first time FF fans had ever had CD-quality sound. PC game fans had experienced that for years, and it wasn't all that impressive then, and it's not nearly as impressive now.

2) A game mechanic that was new and refreshing can be boring and staid today. I kinda liked the way the party system worked in "Jade Empire" and "KOTOR," but these days I'm really wondering why I can't just take everyone on the Normandy down to the fucking planet with me.
my nigga. but i like this one too
bean the dynamite from sonic the fighters
Colors eh?

>close to the Megadrive games

Nigga what? It was fun, but nowhere near them. And Rush Adventure>Rush.
New thread, please.
no that's jet
Bean the Duck. Forgotten character from an arcade Sonic fighting game and now one of the best things from the comics.
SA1 was a lot more glitchy for me. It really hurt my experience of the game. I did play the GC versions, though.

Also, SA1 had the same gem hunting and mecha modes. SA2 really chose the best gameplay modes to keep from SA1.

Also http://youtu.be/a2sOpyF1nF4 ;_;
>When Sonic Riders was published in Nintendo Power, many fans and reporters, jokingly, mistook Jet the Hawk for Bean due to their similar appearances.
what is his tumblr? they do look nice
>I can't just take everyone on the Normandy down to the fucking planet with me
Space Niggers
The moment all the crew leaves they try to steal the ship
Apparently, he really likes it.
Then why could we all just pile into the shuttle at the end of ME2?
>And then the predator people stole the crew
Oh shit, it makes total sense.
I don't understand why people put the Mega Drive games on a pedestal. They were good, but they weren't untouchable. Sonic Rush Adventure was okay, but it didn't really do the same for me that the original did. I played it so much, I could play through Sonic Rush's levels in my sleep.
>Another example would be the Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack: Chronically overrated because it was the first time FF fans had ever had CD-quality sound. PC game fans had experienced that for years, and it wasn't all that impressive then, and it's not nearly as impressive now.

Wow, i haven't heard such autistic bullshit even in /v/ in al my ears.
Wow, MLPG just topped /v/.

This is officially the saddest day for me right now.
>You don't like the thing I like?!
>why Shadow has a motorcycle.
I used to know ridiculous amounts of Sonic lore, but I've never heard this one.

Is it from the Archie comics, because it goes without saying that shit is fun, but not game canon.
> you like things I dislike
> Shadow has a motorcycle.
Shadow has his own game. He use a gun.
That was strange game
What do you want me to say? I don't like the music all that much, I don't think it was very good, and I think a lot of the reason console gamers liked it was because it was an early example of CD sound.

You need to calm down, sperglord.
Yeah, I played the SADX PC version, so that might have affected things.
And wow, I hadn't even considered that the mecha modes and Gamma were similarly controlled for some reason.
Wonder why it was I had so much fun shooting stuff up as Gamma and replayed his stuff but hated the mech levels.
I guess I don't know what I'm talking about, sorry for being stupid.
Yeah, Archie Comics. He joins GUN and their regulations state that he has to have a working vehicle to transport passengers and stuff. And he has taken a liking to it.

I don't remember if that was GUN regulation too.
That's probably the worst game I've ever played.
>Sonic Rush Adventure was okay, but it didn't really do the same for me that the original did

It's probably because of the music since the level design in Rush Adventure is much better. Plus it had more content than Rush, and wasn't full of cheap deaths (FUCKING ALTITUDE LIMIT)
The fact that you rhibk it wasn't that good does not make it overrated or bad. Only in your eyes. I dislike many OST from many games but I'm not that autistic to use personal preferences as an argument, trying to make things look like I want not like they are.

That's why you worse than /v/, at last they do realize when they do that and make fun of it.
Nigga I know that shit. It actually had its moments.

It ruined SA2's story by >implying Gerald Robotnik needed the help of some grimdark aliens to create the ultimate life, though.
>does not make it overrated or bad
Well, I think it's like 5/10. And people seem to think it's an all-time classic. So....... yeah, I think it's overrated.

Also you need to stop using "autistic" to describe "person who disagrees with me." That's going to be a major problem for you when you eventually move out of the house and try to get a job and stuff.
Sonic's "story" isn't exactly coherent anyway.
Yeah, I'm probably guilty there. Half the reason I play the games is for the music.

Also Altitude Limit was reallly cheap in multiplayer, which was restricted to one screen so you couldn't actually see where you were going to land. I don't think they thought that through.
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It kinda makes sense if you strip away all the non-canon American stuff and the retconned pre-Adventure stuff, then add some parts from obscure Japanese manuals.

For example, Shadow looks like Super Sonic because he was based on the ancient Echidna painting from S&K.
>So....... yeah, I think it's overrated.
> oh no, lots of people like this OST and prise it - it is shit now then

Do I need tot tell how do you act right now.

Here is the real argument: FF7 OST was good because of Nobuo Uematsu. And so is FF6 OST. It has nothing to do with technology, there are 8bit classic that never die only because it has good, genuine concept.
holy fuck, is that part of the story? I love it
It's okay man. Opinions are subjective.
I think they explain it in Sonic Battle.
I know what I'm doing this weekend
>it is shit now then
No, I think it's average, at best. That combines with how most people evaluate it to mean that it, in my eyes, overrated.

Here is the real argument: You can't handle that I don't like your precious soundtrack, and so you're relying upon putting words in my mouth to "win" some pointless internet showdown.
My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that's how it went down.

Also give http://shadow.viciously-kinky.net/profiles/transguide.shtml a read if you haven't already.
>tfw Chronicles

Sonic RPG made by Bioware? What could go wrong!
Sonic Battle was fun but needed a lot of grinding. I wish I could find my old save file that actually had a decent Emerl.
Did everything go wrong? I have not played that game.
I'm still hopeful for a sequel to it. It was pretty, but repetitive as fuck.
> Here is the real argument: You can't handle that I don't like your precious soundtrack, and so you're relying upon putting words in my mouth to "win" some pointless internet showdown.
Aahha, I wish I could post that collage gif with a lot of "bad arguments" a-la ad-hominem that one never should use in discussion. Unfortunately, it is image limit, Have fun hating someone because a lot of people appreciate it and it makes you mad because they disagree with your opinion and this forces you to cast doubt on it (the opinion) thinking that may be you are actually that autistic and has no appreciation for good music? This bigs you, every day and right now and this discussion is a good example of it.

You have issues son and I can't help you here. And don't want. Have an nice day.
That synth guitar really sounded like cat murder as well.
You don't really understand what an argument is, and you have yet to say anything the least bit coherent. Your attempt to accuse me of "bad arguments" is laughably ironic. I laugh at you. Ha ha.
Everything did.

>battle system that was easy as fuck to break
>limited currency that didn't respawn
>OOC everywhere (though Sonic acting like a jackass by the player was fun)
>stupid ass story (with the worse post credit scene ever)
Was Knuckles still the designated dumbmuscle?
I don't even remember. But the story had to do with him and an ancient Echidna civilization coming back from a different dimension so maybe not. And it's almost a ripoff from an old Archie Sonic storyline.At least the new writer is incorporating it into comic canon.
>And it's almost a ripoff from an old Archie Sonic storyline
I think I remember reading exactly that. The Archie comics had some really good stories.
Good. I miss the days when his character had a bit more dignity. Now he's just the token Loud Strong Guy
He's still good in the comics, though he hasn't appeared much these days.

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