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Old Horse: >>4189044

This thread brought to you by: a sweet pony.
It really is.
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First for pretty horses
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Sweetie belle and rarity's parents interaction thread?
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N-no need to thank me
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>Lyra refuses to get out of the cake
How carefully do you eat around her? Accidental nibbles?
Directed by John Joseco

I don't eat cake that someone hid in.


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Show time
kierz stop plugging this, fuck me
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Why not just grab her out of the cake, lay her covered cake body, and lick the frosting off her skin?
Only 16 posts in and you try to start it again

Sometimes, he's does something that brings a smile to my lips.
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>road hogs
He should've screencapped the reactions at the end.

If he reads this he probably will.
Not even cake that houses a minty fresh pone?
>screencapping all that crap
but why?
It's not Kierz
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2.23 MB
pinkie pie woud probably just devour the entire cake whole anyway
Some Anon joked about if sentenal screencapped that stupid argument we wouldn't need to talk about it again.

And he did it.
Because someone made a joke about sentenal capping it because he's that autistic to do so.

Then he did
now I get the "Sweepy Belle" thing
Someone joked and said it would be funny if he did.

He did.

Everyone laughed at him and he didn't even understand why.
>Cake vore
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My fucking sides
you know, sometimes that guy makes it a little too easy
I still don't.
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>Rarity is in the background but she is in front of Pinkie
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She is a very sweepy pony
If sentenal was a pony in the show, would you like him? Sexually?
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>lashing your tongue all over her tummy lapping upwards in long strokes trying to get the sugary pastry out
>sudden minty flavor
HAHAHAHA she is a very tiny pone
My Little Little Pony
Work on your backgrounds
Work on your traditional art skills
Thats a very nice eye you have there

I don't think anyone called that out on episode day
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So who is ready to party?
Are you my personal Batman now
Thank Christ they aren't using Pinkie's old vector,
>new Vita update region locks your memory

It's like they want to kill the Vita.

It's an improvement, but they're still using Dash's old vector.
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need 1080p 3D HD technicolor gluten-free version of this
If you want me to be.
I actually like Dash's and Rarity's vectors
Oh shit, when was this?
how recent is this?
did /mlp/ end up winning?
Who cares? It's /mlp/
What ISN'T wrong with it?
It was a while ago, one or two months. I was there, but I think it was just friendlies or even unofficial stuff. I don't know this shit, just thought it was really hilarious what with the summercup and all

It's the final result, so yes.
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It was unofficial
My first thought was that VIVA PINATA show Microsoft was shilling for a while
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I don't get it. How is it possible that the fandom that is made of casuals and autists creates tons of better vectors than Hasbro? I mean, there's no excuse like it's not their specialization, they are a toy company, they've only got 1 fucking job!
>I'll destroy her
Don't think we aren't part of /mlp/ now.
Just because bronies and other general faggotry are parts of /mlp/ doesn't make us a completely different thing.
Anyone knows when the fall cup starts? I heard there was one.
It's in October. You can find all info in the /vg/ thread.
It is when we purposefully distanced ourselves from the creation of the team and the guy running it agreed to take our references out.
That comic is really cute...
because they're not getting paid enough to care
Thank you very much!
I have a picture of my waifu in my wallet.

I have a picture of my waifu on my mousepad.
We told the people from /mlp/ to fuck off in spring so why do we care about this cup shit now?
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Would you?
How hard?
All of them are in here
> take our references out
Well thank God
I am getting awfully tired of DERPEEE 4 LYFE
And the dumb fucks who say "I really like derpy but hate 4chan, you'd think they made her lol"
With a pillow? Kinda hard.
Not even the tip.
I would.
Very hard.
My floors are so dirty. They need a good sweeping
>all that elitism
See, if you didn't think MLPG should move in lockstep on this shit, you wouldn't have a problem.

I don't care. If you don't like it, neither should you.
>implying that's a bad thing
Some of those fag came in to rally and pretend to be one of us.

I remember a time when we told them not to use one of the reference, one of their tripfag say fuck you and take it anyways, then Leth came out of nowhere and told them they have too much of this general.

Seriously, they cannot even come up with their own shit and take shit from here.
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No, she is too old in that picture.
Can I see?
Well fuck you if the general want to be left alone but shit like this make it assume we are part of /mlp/.
Guys, no need to devolve into this. The ones interested in the cup can keep their eyes peeled for the cup thread that appears often, the ones who don't care should just ignore it.
> too old
So you'd prefer fucking a cartoon horse with the development of a 10-year old

Goddamn every anti-pony Tumblr I've been refuting is actually right
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It looks very nice on the pad. I was pleasantly surprised.
> cup
> cup
> cup
Is this going to be the new PANCAKES?
To bad they bring that shit here and when told to get the fuck off, they say "ITS HIATUS!"
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We should keep the piss as far away as possible.
> 15-dollar broad
That's pretty unrealistic
She's a $5 whore at most
Less if you can pay her in patchouli
they're talking about virtual divegrass
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>having a waifu
>putting her on a mousepad
Nice. Too lewd for me though.
How long until they bring up ponies?

They've already spilled some rather uncharacteristic spaghetti when they brought up 4chan. I'm morbidly curious about what would happen, though I'd rather they avoid it.
Cheshire pls
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You thirsty, MLPG?
anyone have guild in gw2
What are you talking about?

>Diabetes with a straw
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are you telling me I could be drinking my entire day's worth of food in a single delicious blendy frozen shake monstrosity
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It's beautiful.
>anti pony tumblr
Jesus fuck, that is awful.
I'm sure it's delicious, for people who like nigh-lethal amounts of chocolate, but goddamn enough is enough. That thing is Deep-Fried Twinkie tier bad for you.
I'll stick with my milk and honey shake
Epic Burgers here in Chicago is fuckin' rad
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American "consumables" never fail to shock me
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There are some on tumblr that would have us all labeled as pedophile horsefucker weirdos

And here we keep proving them right time and again
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Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
>52% of your daily fiber needs
how about you stick to anon
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>egoraptor's face when jontron talks about 4chan
You can, but you would be shitting out water and no solid.
Who the cares? Where do you think you are?
>refuting anti-pony tumblrs
So many things wrong with that. You really shouldn't be here.
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But we admit to being pedophile horsefucker weirdos.
This is nothing new.
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when did you realize that you were born a horsefucker?
pretty much
>implying MLPG isn't just a bunch of people who are just fucking around
>still believing that
yeah that'd be pretty unpleasant.
I just want to fuck the ones who can make informed consent but they shouldn't consent, because that is my fetish
Jesus fuck what is wrong with this guy
do you think it matters
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Fucking around, yeah, hehe. We sure are having a blast pretending to be weird!
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stop projecting anon
I need a gif of Rarity double taking multiple times in shock. I think it's from Sisterhooves Social.
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Middle school, iirc.
Although my _____fucker label extends beyond horses.
Your body would take the water out of that shake and compact the rest into a mess of fat and protein. it would be nasty.
Poe's law is in full effect here, in that at least of few of the people here are serious about it
This. Why should we care? I enjoy sweet pony ass, and foalcon. This will not stop anytime soon.
Why don't you have a girlfriend son?
Is there something you'd like to tell me?
i have been a horse fucker for over 10 years but i have been a wolf fucker longer than that
We're veering off-topic, but it's better than getting called a tripfag for chiming in
(really my 4chan x is fucking up and I'm having trouble switching back and forth)
more like 4/5
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Foalcon punch
That's not something you'd normally want to share with us
>implying he is projecting, when in fact he is simply stating that there are others who enjoy pony ass.

Are you saying that nobody here enjoys pony ass? That sounds like projecting to me.
I wish moot would ip range ban everyone who has ever posted on /mlp/

>see this image
>no way it can be real
>search it on the workshop

I'm getting reasonably /fit/, I play guitar and I'm probably at least a 7/10, but my personality sucks so I don't see myself ever getting a girlfriend.

I'm just incredibly boring.
>tfw mlp is ruining children sexuality even now
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>Want's to fuck wolves
>Has never actually seen a wolf
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Guys, guys, how about everyone just ____________admits Dash is the best horse.
Its anonymous image board. The entire point is being able to share what you wouldn't normally want to. There will be no repercussions for doing so, aside from perhaps a dismissive comment or so. Isn't the internet fun?
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why would you want to put your penis inside of another mans ass?
She's the worst.
What the hell is wrong with you guys today?
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but that would be lying, and lying is bad
Apparently homosexuals like shit on their cocks.
Sounds very unhygienic
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is that even physically possible? i thought that was a legend
Dash is the best pegasus
Actually that's not the real reason at all, but whatever.
i would be ok with this
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Because that would be a dirty lie.
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not pony but hilarious


let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
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>MLPG pretending to not be gay
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Which version of that picture are you most happy with Tex?
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>tfw your son also turns out to be a horsefucker and is worse than you
Tried it, didn't like it. Might go back one day, but it'll be a while. Or a spectacular person'd have to show up.
Why do so many geeks think a perfect maiden will fall in their lap from the sky
The one I posted.
my worst nightmare
Wishful thinking
I don't expect it to happen, it's what it'd take to get me warmed up to the idea again.
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Because that's how it happens in my animes.
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uh someone wanted this rarity horse butt.
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Don't worry Rarifags, someday a girl as fabulous as her will take an interest in you.

Everyone else will die alone though
Spent 4 years at college watching all the ones not worth my time going to bars, while the others already were in relationships.

The remainder were crazy, morbidly obese, or unattractive even by my standards.

Mostly crazy.
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>implying you will have a son
oh my
>Rarifags confirmed for delusional
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i tried 3 times

all of them rejected me

eventually i just gave up
oh my
Why is she wearing a crazy spandex suit
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I hope they make an actual good pegasi character in S3.
>Farts? We raised you to be better than this, son.
>Here, take this mindbreak fic.
You have request?

Do I have to be british to think this is funny?
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>3 times
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I like it.
I've got things to do. Can't waste my time with women.

They have a strange sense of humor.
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520 KB

>giving up


That feel.
It's easy to change your appearance, level of physical fitness, and develop new talents, but inside you'll always be an ugly motherfucker.
I just pretend not to care, I'm really good at bottling up my emotions.
I guess everyone stopped posting to curl up in a fetal position and cry out of loneliness
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But I like being alone.
No I'm, still posting normally.
i will never give up

not until i am able to marry a sentient marshmallow mare
What should I draw?
I'm alone, not lonely.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this how the typical sociopath thinks?
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Real women suck anyway
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well when you are a teenager and you get rejected 3 times in a row by girls that you really like and as the time goes on you lose motivation to look for more
Rarity like this one here.


Or draw worst pony sleeping on the couch.
Would you draw that humazid pic please I asked you yesterday?
I don't think I've ever been in love. I'm pretty much like this guy >>4193392
but I'm just not interested. Also, I don't see anyone outside college, where we're like 30.
can you do a sweaty fluttershy butt?
No, it's just normal self-hatred.
Pretty much.
Or someone who has completely lost all social awareness.
Rarity squeezing AJ's butt.
I can't get into situations which would fuck me up emotionally even more. Art is taking most of my effort, time and mental health. It would sounds like masochims to care for a girl as well... So... nah.
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>That feel when you can still cum to vanilla porn
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Social situations scare me.
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Don't you talk shit about my weightlifting waifu again, you hear?
>tfw you can't watch or get aroused by vanilla porn, but enjoy greatly all kind of fucked-up fetishes as long as they're drawn
My nigga

Draw Lyra dressed as the last video game character you played as.

I can do all that AND enjoy vanilla porn

I swear I'm the best masturbator in all of MLPG
lyra as scout
Octavia impregnation
How am I being edgy?
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nah, i'm ok,

i became a loner and i don't feel like changing just to make others like me
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I don't know. I'm still trying to accept that I'm probably going to be single for the rest of my life.
I remember riding on ponies a few times as a child at parks and such. They're big.

I've ridden a horse and an elephant before

The elephant was scary as fuck
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Oh god what if Angel finds the Acid blog?
What if she doesn't like it?
What if she wants it deleted?
Where will I get my dose?

I don't think she'd give a shit.

She seems pretty chill.
She'd probably like it
>tfw fapping while drawing
>we will never have a Dragons Lair type episode
don't worry anon, we can be single together
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Oh aren't you a joker.
It's a pretty nice gesture. Although they should maybe tell her about it.

That must be it: http://fyeahdjacid.tumblr.com/
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what's wrong with masturbating to animated girls for the rest of our lives?
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doin wot?
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showing it off to rarity of course
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259 KB
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175 KB

That's not a vector, not at all
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221 KB
>573x469 screenshot with lousy transparency
>flaky leftovers everywhere
just think, eventually virtual reality/artificial intelligence/robotics may become so advanced that we can have virtual waifus or robot waifus of any body type and personality we choose

we can reprogram them at will and live happily ever after
or maybe have them be workout partners. I mean if they go to the spa together, why don't they workout together.
Why do so many people on MLPG have this twisted notion that in a relationship all the responsibility of it all actually working out is on their shoulders.

Not only is that incredibly patronizing, but also a sign of really low self-esteem.

Don't know if it has something to do with having an affection for a cartoon characters and one-sidedness of it all distorting their impressions of real life relationships.
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I'm going to try and pretend I'm not single.
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99 KB
>doing quest in gw2 where i have to kill the wild donkeys who keep stealing the farmers corn
>there are baby donkeys there too

wow, what an awful quest why would they even design this.
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Moral ambiguity!
i like this
I dunno, I been killing anything I see to fill up the "Kill variety" and "Kill count" for the daily achievement.
I just don't get why is Twilight's head so terribly drawn on the cover art
Who do I talk to about joining the horsefucker guild?

The fact that a job takes two people is not an excuse to only do half the job.
>run across 5 acres
>legs and lungs hurt like fuck
>the mucus will not stop flowing
this is what I get never having run much in my life
>what a load of horseshit, why would anyone pay money for this?
>only $3

thats actually not bad, i might consider, if the story turns out to be good.
I just walk around killing things and I still get the variety achievement like nothing
If you're satisfied with it, nothing I guess.
I've already moved on to hookers but somethimes I do get an itching in my curflexer to beat it to some 2D.

And no I don't have gonorrhea
Just pirate it like a normal person.
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>Why do so many people on MLPG have this twisted notion that in a relationship all the responsibility of it all actually working out is on their shoulders.

where are you getting that?

i don't think anyone here has implied that
>comic comes out on my birthday
Best birthday
if you lift 2-3 times a week and do cardio on the off days it will become a lot easier
I'd wait for scans but I will support like a normal person
>reprogramming your waifu at will
>not volunteering to be among the first wave of implanted cyborgs and being reprogrammed yourself to live a happy subservient life as the life companion of a successful and attractive woman who'd rather not bother with the mess of a real relationship
Well its still faster. One shooting rats and other animal is just super easy.
I'm expecting a cbz within the hour of its release.

I'm going to buy the special box set and then get hella bronybux down the line.
Acres are not a measure of distance, that tells us nothing about how far you actually ran.
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I will be getting the physical copies.
>lift 3 times a week
>don't do any cardio
This ain't gonna end well but I can't bring myself to it
lift how? Biceps? I have logs I could try it with
That sounds like some heavy projecting to me.

>Not only is that incredibly patronizing

>also a sign of really low self-esteem.
ok doc

>yadda affection for horses delusions REAL LIFE YAP YAP
Normally I would but I might want a physical copy of this if it's good.
At least you got your fat ass off from the seat and exercised unlike 90% of the slobs here.

Don't quit now faggot.
across a square acre
The cover seriously looks like shit. What were they thinking?
Yes it is
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Who is this comic aimed at? Bronies, or children watching the show?

Actually most of the people here either lift or are really, really fuckin' skinny
MLP fans.
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Hooo boy.
First thing I'd advise you to do is go read the /fit/ sticky and start up on something basic like Starting Strength.
It involves a lot more than just curling.
Anybody who likes the show.
A little of both. It's not patronizing shit for 3 year olds but it's an actual quality product. Just like the actual show.
Just 25 days and 18 hours until season 3

The only fat people I can think of are Nathan and SB and they're not really fat.
Do you really have to ask
that sucks, adventure time comics are way better and give more depth to the show
do you have weights (mainly dumbbells and a barbell)?
If so, focus on pectoral flies, sqauts, bicep curls, situps, and bench pressing in your workout. All you really need are free weights, I personally like to work out in my own house in a room I have dedicated to it.
say what
This shit looks fucking gay
I'd set one up to just be me and my husbando on a beach that stretches away in both directions
and then the carbon monoxide would be pumped in slowly outside
There's a show?
BECAUSE you're full of shit
you mean find a gym or get stuff. If you have to go out of your way for things to get fit then it isn't natural
Not really to be honest.
I'll probably just watch the Rarity episodes and skip everything else.

Apparently nathan is 6'7
This seems to be most accurate.
>says the anon in a my little pony thread
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I really need the practice. Could somebody request something?
As someone with no weights of any variety, but a small pile of bricks, how would you propose I convert those bricks into weights? The bricks must remain intact, as they were for another project that has yet to be completed.
I have 70lb logs and that's it, I live out in the country
Deadlifts, overhead press, and some other shoulder exercise is generally also pretty important.

Just for fuck's sake make sure you're doing your deads correctly.
Rarity squeezing Applejack's butt.

1 because i replied

1 because i was very tempted to type >typical rarifag
Because it's going to be longer than that
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>AV is common term used in horse semen collection

my brain is ruined
Draw Sweetie horse and Fashion horse
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>No deadlifts, cleans, OHP, or rows
Applejacks butt squeezing rarity
No shit, but it beats doing nothing, and it's also faster than getting ripped doing manual labor.
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Comic doesn't look exactly the same but I don't think it'll go full fan-pander
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>average Rarifag

Buy a backpack

Put some bricks in that backpack

Lift that backpack
.Glorious Twilight Sparkle hips. Humanized, of course.
These too. Also, can't emphasize this enough:
>Just for fuck's sake make sure you're doing your deads correctly.
Ye... it's also me being lazy and not writing whole "avatar".
do humanized ponies.
Sweetie butt.

>Not SS+GOMAD.jpg
Being an internet artist is stupid.
Do you have a job?
Is there a gym or a place where you can buy weights nearby?
if your bricks have holes, tie rope or strong string through to a thick stick. then using your wrists only, wind the brick up the stick and back down. you will get fucking popeye arms
Snap City's a bad town.
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Welcome to My Little Pony General, how tough are ya?
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I wouldn't start criticizing anything for being "unnatural" when you're sitting hours in front of a glowing magic box, most likely in a position that twists your back "unnaturally".

Gyms are simply the most time cost effective way to exercise your muscular system. Running is the other. If you're not ready to commit to being fit then that's fine, but don't go spouting bullshit about lifting being "unnatural".
...Christ I'm stupid. I've even got like, two or three old backpacks that are still serviceable.
On a side note, I hear gallon jugs make decent weights in a pinch, if you fill them with sand or something.
Here's a handy dandy video on proper deadlift form

i'm so tough i embrace reality and know i am on /mlp/ and not on /co/
$20 + $7 shipping for a complete MLP comic box-set preorder.

Should I do it when I get enough money to afford it on Friday?
I was thinking salty spitoon when I named it, but that's hilarious
no, no, and no. Also I live in a trailer so my floor is hollow, I'd have to put it outside
I masterbate to Ross art
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My oldest mlp picture is G1 porn. Yes really.
If you have about $50, buy a barbell and some weights, considerably better than the backpack with the bricks.
I talked to a girl today and didn't spaz out like a retard.
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I had a bowl of cereal of breakfast this morning.

Without any marshmallows.
She did mention not liking people drawing her characters without consulting her first.
The mane6 riding a Orca

You can throw the bar up and catch it really quickly after DLing and from there just work in the OHP to the squats, though.

>Exercise your muscular system
>Running at all

Enjoy your fucked up knees
I'm so tough I commissioned 27 pictures of my OC making out with Dash from 27 different artist.

50 dollars worth of a barbell and weights isn't going to do much more than a backpack with bricks
I made my very own pancakes and I punched an old lady while going to get groceries to do so.

Pinkie is such a badass.
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>being fat and lazy
enjoy your fucked up knees
all I do is manual labor but I'm still 20 pounds over, so I'm trying to run. My lungs fucking suck so bad though
you're absolutely right, I'm sorry. What do you mean by cardio, if not running?
You haven't comissioned me that's for sure.

Water is really useful for low-level weights, I'd imagine, because 1 litre weighs 1 kilogram, so each jug can weigh 4.5kg if you fill it with water.

>If he doesn't run, he's gotta be fat and lazy

There's more than one way to exercise your heart, broham.
No, seriously, you should spend more time doing squats than you should running.
oh, you gotta hold your arms straight out for maximum effect

Crossfit pls go

Swimming > running
1liter weights 1kg in temperature of 4 degrees celsius. Yes but I think it's about distilled water...
I wouldn't be asking how to turn bricks into effective stand-in weights if I had the money to buy actual equipment. There's even a sporting goods store fairly nearby that I could buy them at. If I had the money.
But I figure, even if I'm out of work, that's no excuse to be fat. If I can't have a job, I might as well work on keeping my weight in a healthy range. And maybe be less paranoid about working on that in front of other people.
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>MLPG reminding me once again how lazy I am
I just wanted to pone;_;
>Crossfit does this
Oh shit, I shouldn't be doing this, should I be?

Most definitely.
I drew something and I'm happy with the results

Top that.

I think I will individually bag and board them as well. Then I can go to a con in 2013 and sell them.
I want to kiss queen Chrysalis.

Do you know what a deadlift is? You should not be throwing that weight at all.

In fact, you should never throw the bar ever.
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>tfw outclassed in a thread for my little pony on the internet
W-we can pone together if you want.
you'll feel so much better if you exercise frequently, though. it's getting started that's the hard part, once you get a system going you aren't going to want to stop
I still have to be able to pull off a six minute mile though
/fit/ stop being so gay
This reminds me. been a way for a while. was there any good human x chrysalis stuff?

Well then alternate swimming and running every two weeks.

Your knees will thank you.
>In fact, you should never throw the bar ever.
I know, but I never feel like putting the bar down and picking it back up again so I just throw it and switch my wrist direction. I should really stop.
Kortz go away
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>tfw when i'm probably the only person in MLPG who has a 6 pack
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I've been doing 10 push ups a day because of you fucks, but I just don't have the drive to exercise regularly.

But we haven't even posted ourselves in the /fit/ nohomo pose yet.
If you lift and do cardio, a six minute mile will be no problem for you.
I just have to find a body of water now
...you don't actually think this, do you?


six packs are overrated
Shut up Applejack you're a pony.

A boring pony.
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I'm broad, I'm broad
I'm broader than Broadway
Yes I'm broad, I'm broad
I'm broader than Broadway
Years of Karate have modeled my body quite nicely.

Gee, I sure hope they aren't skinny abs
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>everyone is /fit/ right now
>hurrr I'm the only /fit/ person here
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odd way to say best, guy
I'd smack the broad side of that flank
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Hey fellow /fit/izens, post your dinner
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you are all just jealous of my 6 pack
Some of us have to run to get away from and catch sandpeople. Running is okay if you're not retarded about it and you're lucky.
I said boring.


absolutely disgusting
>having set meals
that is not how to diet
The fuck is that
Did you make it yourself?

y-you too
>That gay fork.
cottage cheese, steak, whole milk, soybeans, and caesar salad
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>tfw no gf.

Now we're 100% /fit/
You know, I would swim if grandma didn't sell that house in Miami and buy fucking land in Texas
AJ is such a hunk.
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You're doing it wrong again. Best, guy.
There's something wrong with your body, AJ.

I don't have set meals; I eat when I am hungry or weak from lack of hunger.
Falukorv and potatoes. Fuck complicated dishes.
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>focusing on SO SEXY ABS
>no core lifts

Enjoy being weak as fuck.
m-maybe if i do enuf squats girls will find me attractive
>Five Guys
You best be bulking, nigga
What can you tell me about chicken in terms of /fit/ out of all other meat?
why eat cottage cheese if you're drinking milk anyway? I guess it's good on the salad
Or maybe he just doesn't particularly care about fitness.
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Appurujacku really is.
What are your favorite core lifts?

Rarebit with pickle relish on molasses soda bread, and a glass of scotch.
>why eat cottage cheese if you're drinking milk anyway?
it tastes delicious and it's like free protein + calories

>implying girls won't gravitate to your ENERGY LEGS
on that, is bleu cheese unhealthy? Because I'd much rather that on salad and steak
Mai lilo pony~Mai lilo pony~
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Nearly unrivaled protein to calorie content

Should be a staple of any proper diet

Goat meat has more protein and less cholesterol than chicken.

Biggu Benchaa

God dammit art-anon, stop eating so horribly
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After well over a year of putting it off I've finally got a tumblr account

Link your shit or something interesting and I'll follow you.
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someone should ask Michelle Creber to sign a print of that pic
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Kind of lost the emphasis on the butt.

...Christ, am I that transparent?

One arm rows/ regular rows are quick to jump in to, so I like to do those. Cleans are too, but I don't do the jerk part.
Good to know. Appreciated.
beside it's tastes great
tess pls stop drawing butts
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>You will never draw like this.
Fluttershy should be pudgy from lack of flying anyway
I have to second that... but it would be similar to say. MLPG please stop being obssesed with butts.
Draw whatever you feel for bro
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Would you?

Maybe not YET. With time, I will, and with more time, I'll surpass it.
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Also gross as fuck and hard to find here.

Gotta eat dat kangaroo meat for maximum gains
>tfw can't do jerks due to shit wrists.
Christ Fluttershy, you've been walking for less than a minute.
I can almost see Dash flying around them, yelling things that are just shy of obscenities and being forced to drag Fluttershy back home after she collapses halfway through the 10-mile circuit.
Thank god
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what the hell is wrong with you?

fuck off

don't listen to that anon, Tess
Go away Ross.
>MLPG please stop being obssesed with butts.

Disregarding the obsession for porn, these "butts" thing started this hiatus and I'm a little tired of it if you ask me.
Wow he drew something creative and interesting for once.
I just don't want to spend fucking money
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Someone probably had to pay him.
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Please respond

I don't want to be ALONE.
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Post your fucking tumblr
...Are those some sort of fig? Shaped too oddly for grapes.

I just love ass too much to not talk about it at every opportunity

I'm sorry
>spandex shorts
>big butts
...more? I think you should draw more. And wider.

Dates, I think.
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It's new to me.
Pretty sure they're Dates.
I feel the same. I'm tried with both butts and hiatus. Also I don't want to draw butts or... related things so it makes me just a little bit uncomfortable when I loose idea of where humour ends and fetish starts...

Shameless self promotion. Just this one time
>box of the most useful item in the universe
ha haa
Well fuck...
Those are dates. Very yummy yummy, very sugary but harsh on the palate.
or prunes.
If I wanted to be a good artist I would at least want to set my sights a bit higher than JJ.
>dem hooves
>dat height
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Hope they don't go bad.
Aren't prunes just dried plums? They don't look like that.
That would have made a good mouse pad
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>still no S3

didn't we already knew the date for S2 around this time one year ago?
guess they'd be wrinklier. I'm just not really thinkin' well.
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Sit with her and let her lecture me on the complexities of unicorn magic? Hell yes.
Then slowly moving on to more personal applications for it as the night goes on

All right, you win anon psescape.tumblr.com
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Looks like it was right around this time last year when the air date rumors started.

Armstrong payed the ultimate price for that shit to get made.
There's no stopping now.
I've gone too far to turn back now.
I still draw other stuff. I just happen to really like ass is all, but I totally see it being annoying to anyone else. Sorry.
which pony do you love the most?
Best pony
I love the one that has green parts.
I know it's you, Tess, but fat Fluttershy having trouble exercising is one of Ross's trademarks.
>I still draw other stuff. I just happen to really like ass is all, but I totally see it being annoying to anyone else. Sorry.

No, wait, I'm tired of butts but I'm not telling you to stop drawing what you want to draw.
I wish I could find something to support my weight, pine tree branches are no good. I have to build something I guess
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S3 is so close, i can smell it
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Or wait, fuck, is it Art-anon?
pls raisin
Best work of Ross right there.
Blarb nothing to be sorry about. Main rule stands before everything else. Draw whatever the hell you only want. It's your canvas, your world and your stylus and I can be only grateful that it happens that you want to share it from time to time with us. Cheers.

> pizza hut
> that video
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It looked as if JJ has finally done something creative on his own and it turns out someone else gave him the idea. I think this has happened before.
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There's probably still tons of anons, like me, who still loves butts.
But draw whatever you want
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curious how i decide to draw the charger horse and now everyone is obsessed whit fitness

might do more today just for kicks
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The best one, of course.
Trick question, there are three princesses
where can I find that plugin that's basically 4chan X for the archive?
Well duh, don't our drawfags take ideas from us to draw?
>seriously believing that JJ has done something even remotely original
so...more butts, right? Glorious and perfectly proportioned and pleasantly plump pony posteriors?

NMM. Poor thing. All she wanted was attention.
>Not smiling
Norbelus pls
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best princess
Gamer Luna was his idea first
We could have prevented this...
Ponies are pop culture now.
Attack of the Show will do a feature on it within the week.
With an exclusive interview with Sethisto.
Why is there so little hoof worship?
Why are pones so sexy when they flick their ears?
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he always only ever took requests even back when he was liked
fucking flip-flops
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Are you prefixing your AJ images with Apple so you can track them in your folder?
...You're just trying to get a rise out of people aren't you?
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almost every single pony pic in his gallery is a request

i swear, you people just look for stupid things to bash him
No it wasn't
Those times were the best times for him, some good shit came out from those requests.
No. NO! NOOOOOOOOOokay, fine.
To the anon who wanted me to draw Sexy Diamond Tiara like 9 hours ago... sorry dude, I began to do it and at some point it became a self-portrait of myself and I forgot all about ponies.
Because hooves are covered in shit, almost rock-hard, and basically giant fingernails.
I tried linking it, but I think the page is dead.

that's pretty much it

they can't find a good reason
Didn't they already do a piece on bronycon?
yeah it's dead.
this. anyone have that screenshot from faceless with some "favorite pony hoof worship" thing?
No it wasn't, there was already a fair amount of art of it when he picked it up. Nevermind the fact that it was awfully unoriginal to begin with, and that he turned it into even less original over time.
I can.
He's not funny.
Well, the guy who made the script is still with us. I recommend you asking tomorrow at morning, that's usually the time he's around.
They did, but it was small as fuck.
They haven't figured it out yet...But I am sure all the bronies that flooded their forums are going to help.
the same could be said for a lot of the things we hate here
overreaction to minor transgressions
Did Isaac make that?
A-And he raped and killed a girl in 1990
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Yes, JJ is a great artist and you butthurt anons are just jealous of him and his fame!
Agreed, It's pretty retarded.
Now you're just trying to hard.
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Will the upcoming pony comic have >rape
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because so little of us are artists ourselves. you have to draw what you want
daft you have no place
you know there are pristine hooves
Huh? I once asked the guy if he had a name here and he said no.
And he never pays his t-taxes and is a felon!
>I don't like JJ
>Because lots of people don't like JJ
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Well MLPG?
i would bury my face in that blue belly and blow raspberries into it.
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oh god I fucking see it
I don't give a fuck.
And he puts adult heads on kid bodies.
Separate it because acoustics would get mad.
>not resting your head against it while she brags about her latest tricks
Or some people just don't find his art appealing.
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Haha I remember some guy asking how do we should feel about JJ in one of those discussions some months ago.
>Twily taking it in the book hole.jpg
That's MegaSweet, dumbass.
I only care about the ones without dicks
Oh no I'm gonna keep drawing butts.
I'm just sayin' I could see it getting annoyin' to other people and if it steps on any toes, I never mean to.
There's still that line though. There's sharing stuff with others and then there's being an ass spamming the general with pony ass or just being annoying to others.
I'm all for having fun with butts or whatever's the thing at the time, but there's still that line where it's just annoying you know?
JJ is okay

I don't recall ever drawing that.
I don't find his art very appealing.

I don't go around coming up with retarded reasons to bitch about him.

That's what separates me from you retards.
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it's so funny you keep bringing up his fame when no one else does, like that actually is the issue with you

A needle pulling thread.
He was my friend.

Therefore I agree with him.
Just like Veggie
well that comes after i stop blowing and she stops giggling.
Black out arting is very dangerous.
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>not letting her snooze on top of you after a full day of practicing her moves has left her completely exhausted
>not petting her back as it rises and falls in rhythm with her quiet breathing
>MLPG is one person
>like that actually is the issue with you

obvious jelly is obvious
K, probably Tess then.

What happens in Vegas...
Why is Fluttershy so useless?
What kind of reaction is that?
>Javkiller will never visit us again.
>He will never get the chance to start to hat us.
>Draw a lot of stuff
>Post a lot on 4chan
>Picture resurfaces after several months
Nothing is lost on the internet.
All pegasus are.
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you posted the wrong picture anon, but dont worry i got your back
JJ is a sameface artist that refuses to try anything different and he perpetuates a shitty tumblr dedicated to a single sex joke.

This is why I don't like him.
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She still contributed some wing power.
oh okay
>listening to her gurgling belly
>"you wanna grab something to eat?"

Twilight is objectively the most useless pony

Never gets old.
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1.49 MB
Tail extensions = breast implants
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you are quite daft
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141 KB
Please draw submissive Dash

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the fuck out of JJ's humans, but I can't stand his sense of humor.
Oh thanks I almost forgot about this image
>she's not The Wonderbolts but she'll do.png
My nigga.
Luna curling around Twilight as she sleeps, kind of forming a crescent moon shape.
I only like his Fluttershy. All his humans look the same to me.
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hey MLPG

what do you think of my cutie mark?
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They can be nice
Heh, when in Rome


What I think of your cutie mark? I think it's a terrible skill in Photoshop.
Please tell me that's a trap

That is some gross fucking skin
Time to be a huge cunt
Start Applebucking
The face bugs me a little but...unf, god...
Looks like shit. I want those panties though.
Find best pone. Make out.
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11 KB
>red toenails
use my OP magic to annoy and inconvenience all my friends

Start annoying everyone and eating sugar
>Like them all
>they all are best and worst at the same time
>I am a changeling, zecora or chrysalis
I'm fine with this.
Get used to the fact being fast is my only defining personality trait.
I think I'll start whining for everything and suck everyone's cock.

Perhaps make some awful dresses.
but fluttershy has the biggest rack, this is canon
Continue being a huge slut and make more ugly dresses
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I don't think I like what you're implying, anon.
Why is FiM so racist?
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20 KB
Well, it could be worse.
At least I'll have a friend.
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48 KB
>not hearing her give you a timid "thank-you" when she finally wakes up
>not seeing her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment from her cuddling you in contrast to her usual behavior
>Zebra sense
I'd go fast.
>It's see-through

Fluttershy you god damn tease
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1 MB
Well she's terrible with fabric.
Hang out with Silver Spoon I guess.
which pony does this
Be shy all day
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158 KB
I hate human ponies but his pony ponies are soo good

>duplicate file entry >>4186412
teen Applebloom pls
Worst pony
Applejack is the American in the show, of course she has to be racist as fuck.
Because it's an educational show. "Be wary of swarthy foreigners" is a very important lesson for young children.
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54 KB

is this even legal?

i think it is, it seems it made enough changes to pass as a pin up
Hahahaha it isn't educative anymore though.
>be Fluttershy
>basically be dominated by Angel all day in the cottage

I could live with this
>There is going to be a stranger danger episode.
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84 KB

Fly around and do what I do best, act like an uber doucher.
Pinkie is racist in Bridal Gossip
Bonbon was racist in Putting your Hoof Down
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140 KB
Milk animals I guess
>angel will never tell you to make dinner in an Isaac Hayes voice
Fleetfoot is worst pony?
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find rope
My favorite ross image
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What even is this?
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1.11 MB
Oh you guys
What sort of birth defect is that?
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92 KB
why does MLPG hate Speedycloud so much

when did this happen ;_;
My fucking sides
get that fucking lesbian bullet catcher out of our pure christian thread, put her back to eating box
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I still don't know who you're talking about
Looks like some kind of handsome face

After last night's shitstorm, I'm tempted to say we let the Teen Feels rest for a while.
the best part is they happen to be zooming in
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but blackjack is even worse
Aw, fuck man, I remember when this was new.
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>they actually zoom in in order
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386 KB
Never change MLPG
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84 KB
um someone asked for femrover but i didn't know what to do so here she is

This pic shouldn't be as arousing as it is
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25 KB
>they actually zoom in nicely
> the wisps are steaming shit fumes rising from the caked leavings of her bunghole
It sickens me some will get off on the idea
But that isn't Strangle Snare.
You should be finding bullets.
> gamer luna

brony pls go

get out
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>good grief Rover Brown
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286 KB

Become a good guy. Morph into a good pone. Make friends.
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Because they were picked on as children.
This was my favorite part of the circumstance.
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Because a few people got their panties in a twist?
Oh man fat paunch


N-no my name is Barry.
That's no pony
please tell me you have a vector of that cap
> closing credits
You know what that face really reminded me of, though?
"How I became yours."
Big belly
>This is going to be an episode.
>Chrysalis saves the day disguised as a different pony, like Mare do well.
does it make me a bad person when this is one of my favorite things to happen ever?
>pretends to be pony
>fake pony
>fake is the worse
I agree with this.
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the more you the shit, the more they gonna hate you
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This is the second time this happens to me hah.
Prove it. What is the best kind of sandwich?
Why did this panel stand out the most?
Now they all have the same number of replies
God damn. Im gonna be happy for the rest of the night. Thanks MLPG
What was the first?
My guess is because it looks like she's looking at the roll, i.e. CHECK OUT MY GET
No, it's how off the face looks

A few? The General's behavior from both sides was disgraceful. We were acting like /b/ or /v/. If we'd been doing this in person, I imagine more than a few faces would have been punched.

I dunno WHAT was up that night, but I've never seen that kind of behavior out of >feelsmiths in MLPG before last night.
because manface
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nah its just the manface
Now they don't
they've been resting for weeks

Uhhh no, she's just incredibly unlikeable and I don't enjoy anything she says or does.
Then I know it's really not worth clicking through
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what get speedycloud for birthday?
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This is the definition of taking things too seriously.

Everyone take a good look.
The >feeldojo was raided. That can be the only explanation.
Why are you deeply tooled, some cry?
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154 KB
But anon.
We are /v/ or /b/.
>tfw I was the first guy
I lost my shit so hard
>I dunno WHAT was up that night, but I've never seen that kind of behavior out of >feelsmiths in MLPG before last night.

Are you one of those guys who was mad because we wrote sex?

Because I still don't regret it.
a book entitled: "How to stop being a cunt - for beginners".
portable inflatable pillow for those afternoon tree naps
I thought we were /co/ and /mu/
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283 KB
Glad I missed that fiasco then...
It sounds pathetic, but it only took until recently for me to simply ignore the things I don't like

Now I'm so well-practiced I barely register the things I don't like, and then miss out on some things I'd like if I just gave it a try

I guess we all just need some experience at this "dealing with bullshit" thing
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it is a Dash kinda day
We were /fit/ and /ck/ today.
Sometime we are also /mlp/
Looks like I didn't save the screenshot but it was the face of a human Dash, three 5000x5000 pics, really funny.
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189 KB
Closest I could find
Oh sorry no that's not supposed to be there.
Uh. Um.
I'd be okay with this. I'd rather see this than Paula Deen.
I approve. SAved.
I hate you so fucking much, I wish I could hate you to death.
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in all seriousness

what are the odds of that happening?

i didn't even link to that page of the comic
nope it's the cold cut combo
Damnit Tess, you fuck up.
That's not Pastrami
still don't see what the big deal is
I thought it was cute
About 50/50

It either happens, or it doesn't.
pfffthahaha I remember that, it was that pic with Soarin.
>what are the odds of that happening?

On 4chan? pretty damn high.

Still fucking funny every time.
No sadly
Tickets to a Wonderbolts show.

I'm not on either side - I'm saying you were both acting like idiots.
I was about to do it as well but decided I couldn't be arsed. That panel stands out as the shittiest I guess.
I'm not that guy, I'm a different poster
I'm just saying ignoring shit you don't like can backfire
It just takes time and that first step - INGORE EVERYTHING
Quickly Tess! Without thinking.
Coffee, Soda or Tea?
God, I hate that fucking bitch.
If I hear "Y'all" one more goddamn time...
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Dash is a very adventurous pone.

Do you enjoy trying to stir up shit? Do regulars really fire up MLPG and say to themselves "yeah, I'm gonna shitpost today."
Sometimes you don't have to put sex in everything.
i find that hard to believe anon. if you would take off your hate glasses i think you would find she is actually a nice pony.
It's what happens in Aspirant's "quests" on a General-wide scale. Except where we usually burn out after about half an hour and a few hundred posts, this had enough people to run that last half of the thread into absurdity.
...And people still blamed me for it even though I had already left.
Tess, to repent of your sin, you must now draw sandwhiches.
Unless you are into that sort of thing.
> you are now aware Mrs. Cake occasionally slips into an odd twang
> brings Pinkie close and lets slip "Sometimes another stick o' butter just FINDS ITS WAY IN THAR"
> it's supposed to be a spring salad
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but what about babby Dash?
I think he's saying that you shouldn't have been so aggressive about it.

A couple people from both sides were pretty shitty, though. An obvious minority, but everyone knows the most annoying are the most noticeable.
Requesting sandwich pony.
Triplets, two are bread, the other one is the filling
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Would you sexually a sandwich if your favorite pony was into it?
What if it was Tunafish
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the original picture so more people can color it if they want
oh uh her? I would give her oral

We have a uniquely schizophrenic method of blaming the victims for what happens as a result of what we do to them.
...I just realized I had Food network on.
...Fraternal triplets?
>it's nopt supposed to be there

but I kinda like it

can you draw more slightly fat diamond dog
>le filly face.png
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290 KB
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I do enjoy that picture still.
But where IS she going to put that...
Yep. Not identical, naturally. Thought they usually style themselves similarly
>hatin on "y'all"

Paula is annoying as shit but fuck you
We've been writing these >feels all summer, and there hasn't been a single lick of sex in any of them. Count your blessings.
Her stretchy blue butt-hole duh.
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Isn't My Little Pony a cartoon for upstanding gentlemen with refined taste in animation?
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Turn it off, before it chokes all coherent thought.

Of all the ponies to do cosplay (think "slutty Halloween" costumes), which would be the likeliest?
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There's something about Rainbow Dash that gives me a boner. She's somehow cuter than the other ponies.
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Woops, dropped my butts

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118 KB
Soda, but they are all fantastic in their own way.
I am into that sort of thing.
>We've been writing >feels all summer.
I am quite aware.
She ruined it.
>wrong filename

She ruined CMCh all on her own, but that's the writer's fault not hers.
Sexy pone.
>the hyperindex in charge of not dying
Whistle all you want, you fucking whore.
Oh, okay. I was 'worried' they'd all be male. MLPG does that a lot.
That's not a pegasus! It's a chicken! A chicken, I tell you!
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9 KB

> bikini
> blush
> ... cameltoe?
Goddamn it
I did a spit-take
Download more ram, works fine for me.
look out JJ here comes Tess
it's her boyish looks.

The way the writers were behaving reminded me of the FPG.
those sunbuns
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26 KB
Hey, I don't just decide these things when I wake up each morning.
Its too important to no plan.
Obligatory yeast infection/special mayo!
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1.49 MB
So, have you masturbated to horses yet today, MLPG?

I know I have
So what happened last night?
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1 KB
Don't draw that comparison.
Just don't fucking do it.
I think I'm pretty alright about getting autismal when people are liking things I don't like. But I still get mad when someone complains at me because they don't like what I like, I'm not at that power level yet.
>NMM's should not want face is great.
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892 KB
>co-worker checks his email while talking to me
>there's a new email titled "[Inkbunny] Password Recovery"
What are you talking about?

I maintain that it wasn't the right time to go into anything intimate.

We've only written one date, we JUST scratched the surface of her hobbies and the things she likes to do, and there's a lot more development we could do before we get to that step in the relationship.
which pony shall I masturbate to today?
Saved. Also you shoudl do nmm.
LOTS of Nightmare Moon.

Masturbate to your worst pony. You may find your opinion of them... rising.

Now you have to discover his account and find out what kind of things he draws.
Mr. Cake
We won that bitch a teddy bear.
This was the next logical step.
That is one kawaii sandwich
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well thanks to that little incident no one commented on this
We've been working on the farm with her for over a YEAR.

My worst fear.

Goddamn Inkbunny and it's ridiculous security
Rainbow Dash
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96 KB
>i dont understand how pony anatomy and perspective work
>so i will just make up some bullshit and call it my style

I just did, because it's the only one that fits.
> worst pony
> fueling hateboners
I can get behind this idea.
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how would you have had them get their cutie marks then?
>more chubby diamond dog

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Spoiler Image, 1.08 MB
Diamond Tiara
Fuck you.
it sucks

I thought the incident got that point across pretty well.
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Spoiler Image, 1.03 MB
Best pony
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103 KB
>I was 'worried' they'd all be male.
Oh Deafy, what are we going to do with you?
>She ruined CMCh

What? HOW?
Later he asked me to take some shit to the boss and I told him, "Fur you? Anything." With a huge emphasis on "Fur." He looked a bit pale afterwards.
The ponies in MLP have no idea how pony anatomy works.

He's gonna murder you and hide the body now

Trust me
pls respond

Something about >feels?
That's not Luna.
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108 KB
I want to pinch his cheeks
Hahahaha! Keep dropping those hints. You will drive him nuts.
>no song
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94 KB
I'm not so sure about this game.
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Spoiler Image, 256 KB
I like how you put worried in quotation marks

Still in the closet, huh?
Yes it is.
She just turned herself into Sun Pony for a night of role play.
Guess what she turned you into?

And knowing a girl for a year means you get to fuck her?

This is about a relationship, not just getting our dick wet. If our primary goal was sex, we'd have written that coming out of the gate.
a couple of Anons wrote a >greentext that involved getting intimate with Applebloom

a bunch of people got mad because they thought we were going too fast
You sly bastard
Reminds me of that time my dad casually asked me if I watched ponies after I left an old hard drive full of softcore drawing at my parents'.
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98 KB
Does this count?

Would be about 50 times hotter if she were chubby
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508 KB

>kawaii sandwich

Whatever happened to shoe brony anyway?
What if he looked a bit pale because he thought you were hitting on him just then?

>obvious act of a mary sue

Come on man, are you fucking serious?
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43 KB
seems legit

Teen Applebloom feels got derailed by horny teenagers, the General told them it was too soon, and they threw a temper-tantrum, sending the whole thread into a nosedive.
I pony therefore I am.
Imagine the same picture with a little pudge.
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Spoiler Image, 313 KB
A pretty mare with a puffy butthole?
that looks pretty much correct to me, except the very bottom of the hoof.

but why don't you redline it, Ross, and tell us what you think it should look like
imagine how close those two dudes have to be sitting next to each other to be in that position. one guy has to be almost on top of the other. what an awkward position to be in to receive underage child horse blowjobs.
>Playing Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening
>To get the Y-pipe you have to fucking make a rainbow in the weather generator and take the coins from the pot of gold at the end

How in the fuck was I supposed to know that without looking it up? Goddamn bullshit.
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560 KB

Are you like fucking high or something?
im having a hard time believing you are being serious
I would fuck Rose

The pony, not the artist

I fucking hate chinks
Well, he seems like a pretty normal guy minus the furry stuff, so maybe he'll respond to it~
I like it. I'm not the same guy though.
sure, I guess

looks a little different from the frotn veiw but i'll take it
he is a pussy
this would be better
PICK (I don't know, four?)
>This is about a relationship, not just getting our dick wet.

If it was about getting our dick wet, we would have fucked her that time when we slept together up in the hayloft.

You talk like we suddenly see her as a piece of meat, rather than the girl that we love.
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Spoiler Image, 193 KB
She just looks way better with the long hair.
Didn't he get a C&D from Hasbro?
Welp. So no more teen >feels? Fuck.
>looks pretty much correct to me

you're an idiot.

He was saying the same thing that you are, just so you know.
Would you watch a pony totally beef it?
What if Questanon discovered the fountain of youth and had to make a choice between living together with Luna forever or saving Bears life?
An indomitable fountain Guardian prevents you from taking enough for both.

are you doing that thing again? Arguing with yourself for attention?
BBC got butthurt about the Dr. Whooves shoes, Hasbro C&D'd him.
Wait a minute
SHe's straight on
And has some sort of curves
Holy shit this might be goo-
At least her mons looks almost right
Iv watched my favorite pony beef it in several different episodes. so yes
The Squid
>no explanation

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't have any
>derailed by horny teenagers
>the General told them it was too soon
Implying hivemind.
>they threw a temper-tantrum
No, we ignored you all and kept writing like nothing was happening.
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245 KB
S1 ended in may and S2 started in september

S2 ended in april and it seems unlikely that we will get S3 in september

why is S3 taking so much time if it's only 13 episodes?
so you mean to say proportion is off. the anatomy is fine
I see you took my reccomendation
Adventure game logic. Trying everything just might work.

Personally, I'm going to say that everything after fixing the tractor didn't happen, and I'm going to continue on with it, and when the time is right, we'll try again and hope the next step is written a little more sensitively.
They have to rework some of the episodes to put more pandering in and more toy advertisements.
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186 KB

Of course you would anon, she is best pony afterall


I don't know if it was a true C&D but the shoe shop thingy did indeed get blown up. He posted for awhile after that though
>Hit tab
>Find all secret stuff
And yet we're advocating opposite opinions. I think the >feel was just fine.
Well I wouldn't go that far.
Kinda glad I missed all that.
Because of slashed budgets
i played through you are what you eat again, shit was harder than i remember.
>Rose is a chink
Well damn, now I have to start white knighting her, too.
Not necessarily, but it's not uncommon.
Yeah, and then the bitching about sentenal's caps...

Not chill. Not chill at all.
Being an earthy, I assume she loves anal. Am I wrong?
Should I get this on a mousepad?
Shining armor.
Sentenal was the only one throwing a bitchfit.
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165 KB

pls respond
>Kangaroo legs

Those aren't kangaroo legs at all.

They're bending in the right spots.
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129 KB
i almost got a boner but then i notice the jugular notch is placed too far below the clavicle, completely ruining the picture.
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241 KB
Why does that even make sense
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468 KB
>mfw S03E01 cold open


Post it when you get it.
RCH, I really like you usually, but jesus christ.
Untwist your panties.
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117 KB
So I heard you like Luna
And you are one of these faggots.
Having you guys help with No Need to Hide on the stream was incredibly helpful.

I would have never gotten all the clues. Hell, I didn't even see the pickaxe. I still need to find all the socks.
nobody likes a whiteknight
you guys like this stuff right?
>you guys are gay right?
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83 KB
Well she was never supposed to have a belly to begin with so I don't know.

And I'm saying if it has the General up in arms, that it's not the right time, and the level of aggression we saw from the writers and >greentextpolicetakingittooseriouslyanon didn't exactly ingratiate it, either.

We can write a lot more than just one date, and yesterday turned from getting to know her better, into "hey, you like building stuff, okay time to fuck now."
i liked it better when people were calling my waifu a cunt, at least we were talking about pone then and not something stupid that happened last night.
No because I've never seen a single starwars movie.
your waifu is not a cunt

Wrong, and no.

Stop taking this so seriously.
>Katia fanart
>Pineapple out of nowhere
Let's talk about ponies we all like
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My waifu is better than yours
South korean to be specific, iirc
I don't get it
If you're waifu is Fluttershy she's not better than anyone.

Aw fuck you man, why did you do that?
How's her micro?
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>still bitching about that Apple Bloom greentext
Guys your brony is showing.
Was that one picture actually Rose?
The one with the scarf and you can't really see her all that much?
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flash is up
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>you will never beat rose in starcraft
Well at least your trying to acomidate the happy accident

I suppose thats what matters
Thank you anon.
>if it has the General up in arms
How many people actually were up in arms?
>saying brony just for the sake of it
>liking the picture before that
I don't think so. Just a picture somebody labeled "rose tripfag.jpg" and decided to post it a lot.
You're one to talk.
>Celetia will never coo that you're a very good human

hey thanks
>Lyra's magic aura is blue
> I've never seen a star wars movie so I'm not a brony faggot

sounds legit
I'm still confused.
I was at work when this shit went down.

I'm ignoring shit I don't like. Isn't that what you wanted me to do?

You need to lighten up.
>mocking what others like
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Why would anyone name an image other than what it is, though?
Oh not this shit again.
Look, can we all agree to leave the >greentext isn't canon bullshit in this thread and start fresh on the next one?
Last thing we need is for this to become self-sustaining bullshit.
not you
I just mistook him for you because you fuckers never wear your names
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Actual picture of Rose in a real life situation.
>liking things YOU like
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That was disappointing, I won't lie

I'm all for it.
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it's going to start right up again the moment someone tries to write another teen >feel
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What I mean is you're making a big deal about something small, stupid and insignificant that only relates to the fandom, and can easily be forgotten about.
In other words, you're acting like a stereotypical brony who cares more about the fandom and waifuing than the show itself.
You got my hopes up and then you crushed them. Good show, anon.
No goddamnit I won't masturbate to a Kingcheetah pic

Why aren't these being deleted, anyhow?
I love it.
anything interesting today?
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rose posted this picture of her room. as you can see she has a webcam pointed at her bed. this pretty much confirms 100% that she likes to masturbate on cam and has videos posted somewhere.
No but seriously thanks

there's not a lot of guys around that would accomidate the "hey that doodle looks actually good for a design feaure, please draw more like it"

I suppose the general is getting bored of my request antics, though

so draw chubby femdog butt because your sort of supposed to be on a butts spree

I don't have a name.
I think I see a reflection on that donkey's eyes.
Zoom and enhance.
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>tfw built up massive tolerance to orphan Pinkie feels
I don't think torsos work that way.
Not if we have one so ridiculous it would literally be impossible to make it at all remotely sexy.
Like...teen Snails or something.
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>MS likes to draw human child sex porn
>kevinsano likes to draw foal rape porn with human man pretending its him

i will mock them forever about it
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pig disgusting
I'm in love
I just don't know anymore man
>windows xp
>2 taskbar layers
>a million notification icons
this is disgusting
DJ Acid shitstorm, anthro argument, we were /fit/, then /ck/, game grumps, Full Stop impersonator, mlp comic preorders, a strange comic that spawned a screenshot.
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>You will never take her out on a date to the finest Italian restaurant in Korea
source on tumblr?
Don't forget GG.

see >>4194912
>Autism speaks face.
I will love them forever for that.

This is my favorite kind of Pinkie.
Did Twilight kill Pinkie because she knew?

What did Celestia do to Pinkie at the end?
>trying to post feels and an appropriate image
>duplicate file detected
Shit, let's try...
>duplicate file detected
Motherfucker. Alright I'm sure nobody's posted this one ye--
>image limit reached
God fucking dammit.
whoooo does what exactly?

Draws kobolds.
>Hey, let's play a game. It's called Cup and Blunt! You need one blunt to play.

>Now here is a ball. Look for where it is when I shuffle the cups.

>Congrats, you win the 300 bit prize!

>But you don't get your blunt back.
>caring about your computer

>NOT caring about your computer
>When you're on it for 12 hours a day
It's probably just a very old picture.
how can you mock that though?
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>I make myself look retarded

Shine on you crazy diamond

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