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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

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Old Horse: >>3941209

This thread brought to you by: a pone with some flowers.
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pone with flowers thread?
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this thread needs to be about ponies
I approve of butt bows.
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Party horse in the house tonight
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Rolling ponies only.

Pls one more pls
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I think this is one of the mos appealing things Atryl's ever drawn.
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Man it's been a while!
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Dynamic entry horse
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pls go
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Did you eat breakfast with your pony today, mlpg?
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1.23 MB
Aw yiss

That's some serious /b/-tier shit right there.
who would make good voice actors for the Apoc ponies
I'd post shetland ponies but the motherboard fried and can't be arsed to put the hard drive in this computer. Will just have to deal with talking with no ponies.
Sexual Lobster. For all of them.
That is adorable.
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338 KB
>slow sensual rape
Bring in the dancing Lobsters!
Air Force Training Instructors. They have shitloads of females.

And they all sound like Rainbow Dash from yelling too much.
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Apologetic horse
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Do you agree, MLPG?
Glitter Glue
pls update box dog
An art the Japanese have truly mastered.
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I'm damn serious.
Will dump if no one else contributes.

Why not just make your own thread to talk to yourself?
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1.63 MB
>This card cannot be negated or destroyed except when "Rule 34 Thread" is played.
why not?
I'd counter with Shetland Ponies but.... FUCK CATS.
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gilbert gottfried has to be pestilence
awww yeah time to break in the new laptop with ponies~
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>Negates the activation

Your card never even got activated.
why am i so fucking autistic?
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9 KB

This isn't a dump thread, this is the General. Spam is not welcome.
you got dunked
admit it
>implying I follow the rules thanks to my absurd amounts of wealth
DO scootabelle pls
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2.41 MB
we MLPG gifs?
I hate that I know this, but he's not negating the card; seven tools negates the activation.
It doesn't stop the spam though. Only the Janitor and and the only thing she consistently deletes is Pony spam.
You can't screw the rules.
>You don't have money.

Begin the Dump!
Shut up Kaiba boy
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>Hasbro will never make Pony plushes

You're a huge conglomerate that has entire sweatshops overseas and you're getting beat by punk hobbyists.

Step up ya game, niggas.
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1.88 MB
Further proof that MLPG is just talking in circles
Every night, before releasing her duties to Luna, Celestia heads out to her balcony, the one that overlooks her nation. And she cries.

She knows that even a happy world is full of sadness. She knows of the pain and suffering that everyone goes though. She's gone through it herself.

But this isn't why she cries. She doesn't cry because she is sad.

She cries so no one else has to.

Circles are key to everything
and here i thought my crappy drawing were the worst thing to come out of the fandom. Those are truly horrifying
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Spoiler Image, 343 KB

Pokehidden had sex with the admin of Kinkie Pie Tumblr

I.e., this ass

How jelly are you?
But in that one episode Fluttershy cried.

BAM! Myth busted.
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not gonna lie i kinda got tired of making r34 lately.

I would cuddle that Scootaloo.

Close to me.

At night.

When I feel lonely.

If that's a woman then quite jelly

Not a bit.
Copy pasta an what not, but I am posting this again cause I have yet
To get actual advice.

Everytime I jack off to something that isn't a pony, Pinkie Pie appears in my dreams. She tells me that I'll never get to Equestria if I don't completely love Ponies. Then she pushes me down, kisses me, and has her ways with me.

I am completely serious, and more than a little scared. Help.
Why would you need to lie about that
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then you should enjoy this horse
But isn't Pokehidden from fucking brazil?
Isn't it spirals?
Not jelly at all, just upset they didn't make a video of it.
I wish I could watch that ass erupt a big old fart
Imagine those fat butt cheeks quaking as the gas comes exploding out
Im not your partner, sugarcube
> delicious dlutterrape
need to see the rest of the body before I can judge
That is a damn fine bum.

My theory on this is; they hate that Lauren Faust got so much attention for this show - something they couldn't do themselves - that they're refusing to properly merchandise it out of spite.
Are you the same guy who claimed CL was dating Nanaki a few days ago?
>le this ass
Not big enough. I need more to grab. 4/10, could barely hotdog.
A large menacing figure clad in armor and brandishing a sword approaches you and your favorite pony while this music plays


What do you do?
>butt bow
it's a freaking ponytail
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161 KB
Now that pony belongs to me!

Hahahahaha, you can't be serious. They are businessmen not tumblrfags

can you draw texanon as Adam jensen
You wanted to fuck her.

Say it.
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Well, I sure took my sweet fuckin' time on this

It's still kinda wonky but hopefully AJ's expression distracts you from it
>That death

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1.62 MB
Rarity face is bad.

Don't project your sick fantasies on to me.
Snouts look weird
Fucking beaners stealing our ponies...
it depends on how much my favorite pony loves me
Thank you for taking the request.
That said, >Rarity's face
Also, AJ's looking kinda like Scootaloo for some reason. Probably the height difference.
1/20 some.
dey tok our penies
Why is AJ balding?
Silly anonymous, Adam Jensen isn't a pony.
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its okay guy have some canada pone eh?

Like others said, face looks weird. Your style is interesting though.
what do you want to do then?
Realistically, they'd have to hire/assign toy designers to create a workable template for plushes that can be assembled by unskilled labour/mechanically stitched easily. As well as buy the fabric needed, and retool a factory to put these out along with other plushes.

Still, it's pretty egregious, you could make some claw game quality plush shit easy. Horses aren't a hard shap.
Tex please draw butts
Maybe also her hair isn't really...long enough.
Yeah something's just off today

I was drawing in this basic style yesterday and the day before and it just sorta worked. I think I fucked something up.
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by request
filly in clothes

Still looking for one more
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Then I'm sure this will do nothing to you right?
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Draw Sarif playing with pony toys saying "ADAAAAAM you gotta recover the elements of harmony son!"
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But he wasn't to be a pony
Time travel anon writefag here. I blamed the hardware! Everything's fine now.
oh god

this is cute.
now do applebloom in overalls

It's the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense.

Seriously - they got the person who made the Powerpuff Girls and a number of other great cartoons to revamp their show, and it's become a smash hit, and with that comes demand for merch.

They have sweatshops in the Phillippines and Taiwan where they can pay orphans a nickel a week to make a thousand plushes a day, at the very least - so why WOULDN'T they merchandise the living FUCK out of it?

This show has the potential to be a gold mine, and they are not. doing. anything.

Shit ain't LOGICAL.
Seriously, why couldn't I just shoot him at the end?

Also, how was covering up evidence "letting the world make up its own mind"?
>not askign for Alicorn Augmentations
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72 KB
Technically, U.S.A. took Mexico's Ponies.

They're called the Galiceno. Popular with Southerner's as a children's pony.

Would you fuck a Mexican Pony?

This is very lewd.

that is the most offensive thing i have ever seen and you will ruin the fandom mister
Figured it out. If this makes sense, the features that make the head shape deviate from being circular (eye sockets, cheekbones)...I was doing them more subtly the other times I tried it. Today I overdid them all, and it gave me weird fucked-up head shapes. Also I fucked up my snouts.
Luna is a silly pony
You hatin on Sarif?

The fuck man
how do you ruin something that is already in ruin. and on fire. with corpses covered in semen?
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Really? i picked the sarif ending lol
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S'alright. We all have off days.
And I'm gonna toss something at you that I dug up elsewhere. Never hurts to have a ton of references.
Here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke

I liked the first bit with the cute and innocent >feels, but once it ___sexually, I was out.
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how can there be more sweetie I don't understand
there's only one sweetie

unless you meant more like this?
OK Computer > Kid A
>Writing with stabilizer on S-X
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9 KB

Perhaps quality plushies are just not that economically profitable for mass production? They are more complex than plastic stuff that you can just stamp away at the factory.
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Why is she wearing boy undies? Where did she get them?
False, Luna is a very serious pony. If she doesn't try and act mature no one will take her seriously, especially her big sister.
www.livestream.com/phoostream11 streaming friendship is magic <3

I don't trust wikipedia
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112 KB
Saving that.

Also: >>3945843

This is what it looks like when I get this style more "right"
Fuck it ill try and be a draw fag any requests (please try and make it simple)
>fanon nose syle
Pinkie Pie sleeping
you liar
Your favorite pony.

School of Athens ponyfied. Get to it.
Why are you such a pedo?

>not economically viable

The Teddy Bear Factory would like to have a chat with you.
Scootaloo swimming
AJ in a silly hat
Pinkie pie sleeping on fluttershy who wants her to get off
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>implying there's anything wrong with having a wide variety of reference material so that you can pick and choose which techniques you want to steal and make your own
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> Celestia
> not understanding and caring
> especially when it comes to her own sister

nigga pls
pls watch the show
pls pls dom't be a brony
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Nigga pls, you don't need that ponified
Oh shut up you
>Pinkie Pie sleeping with Fluttershy who wants to get her off
He experimented on my body without my consent. Fuck him.

I picked truthy route. If peeps want to ban augs, let them.
a string of sweetie bells singing in unison destroying everything in their path
I would like the entire Apple family in a banquet. Each one plays a different instrument. The rest of the main 6 is on a hill. Each one is singing, but in a different pose. Anon is the chief, but Spike is on his head and watches everything.
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Someone already did that thoughIt was shit but He got bonus points for making hilarious choices on who to be who.

Finally new maf.
>not just blowing up Panchea
Fuck em all up, yo.
pick three ponies.
got em?
they've been handcuffed together and can't break free, how long until they're at each other's throats?
I always knew that Greeks had horrible opinions
>people picking any Human Revolution ending other than the canon self destruct

>The CMC

I'll give it 'til the end of the day.
>Twilight, Dash and Pinkie

Several minutes at best.
i like ponies too you know

You can't legally provide consent to anything when you are in near-death unconscious state
>you husbando will never call you a pretty pony

Plato is mah nigga
>Rarity, PInkie, Twilight

Rarity and Twilight would take turns for stopping the other from murdering Pinkie.

I say one day till they break and kill her.
I want to draw but it is so hard to draw what I want stupid hand just makes whatever shape
I-I may not be your husbando but I think y-you're pretty...
An army of Sweetie Belles trying to help around Ponyville would inadvertently destroy the town by mid-afternoon.
>your waifu will never tell you you're handsome
>tfw your favorite artist won't be able to draw for the next months because >Real life.
Twilight would cause physical pain with her magic, whereas Rarity would show Pinkie Pie disturbing images with her magic and play with her mind
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>no one will call you handsome
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80 KB
I just want to be a pretty little mare

is that so much to ask for?
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87 KB
Now to try Streaming.
>no one will ever call you "sport"
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46 KB
relax it's just a pony
there's nothing under there anyway remember
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696 KB
this godamn tumblr man
I think you are a very lovely mare~<3

>your dad is dead
thank you mt~
Yeah, but if you talk to the PI, he tells you that you weren't nearly fucked up enough for them to need to do the things they did to you. And if you read some emails in the Sarif office (I think it's the lawyer's computer), you see that they just put whatever they wanted into you because they could. They didn't need to put a huge ball-bearing gun into your torso, for instance.

As tempting as that was, the fact is that if you did that you just covered up all evidence of what happened. The motivation given for that ending made zero sense.
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163 KB
Lyra and Applejack are silly pones
>You will never be as creative as this guy.
>read this
>reminded of something
>suddenly realise it's from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FukYIJhc_C8

and then you animate a fempyro shaking its ass.

Obviously not a hypocrite.
Hero 108?

Hey Pants, how's /co/ going?
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58 KB

I don't understand your post

The difference is that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a cartoon aimed at little girls for the ages of 3 to, let's say, 12?

Team Fortress 2 is a videogame featuring gore, exploding heads, blood, etc. which is rated 18+.

Why are you so dumb AJ?
Apples bronies apples fapping apples pyrosomething apples.

That help?
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40 KB

Ta gueule Max
Also, age difference not accounted for, there's a bit of a difference between A) two horses banging each other and B) an overly curvy, yet non-explicit body just, well, shaking its butt around. (it's not really graphic)

Just my two cents.
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Where did Sweetie get those boy shorts? This isn't important at all.
Whats the name of the tumblr again?
Hahaha you guys...
oh shit are you really that guy or are you just someone pretending to be him?

ur a sperglord lel
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>tfw all circles presuppose they'll end where they begin but only in their leaving can they ever come back 'round

More mafs for you all
I stopped following her ages ago when she started circlejerking terrifically with other tumblrs, and it became less about the funny and more about references
Fuck yeah maths
>not wanting a huge ball-bearing gun in your torso
Suck it up, Murphy.

>tfw Babylon was built on fire and the bones of useless machines

Another one bites the dust
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Better than the altern-
Oh I lost my TypicalNvidiauser pic with Spitfire

Can someone post it?
I like Hero: 108 meets Mlp
Hidden kingdom sounds like a place in the world of equestria.
pretty good.
it's a comment from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jeiWbiuIH0&feature=g-u-u
So, what's the deal with that cop that killed a dog?
She borrowed them from Rumble
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Dashie's hooves
So is S2 really better?

Because S1 didn't impress me at all
that happens all the time, what do you mean?
It happens about every other year and for some reason makes headlines?
If it had been a cop killing a pony I might care.
cool thanks
>Seriously, why couldn't I just shoot him at the end?
Couldn't you? I mean, he IS on Panchea. Can't you just go find him and shoot his face in?
>Playing Majora's Mask
>Beat the Deku Game all three days
>The owners hide because I'm there
>Now I wish I named him Ross
"It's Ross! Hide!"
Just read the news (I'm not from America) and wanted to know about the situation, is that "alright" in New York?
Oh? How?
get a solid ongoing Plot and gives a villain that's a murderous Discord on steroids.
all ponies should wear tightie whities
>You have been blocked by the owner of this video.

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190 KB
> God tier in bed
> Great tier in bed
Rainbow Dash
> Okay tier in bed
Applejack and Fluttershy
> shit tier in bed
Pinkie Pie and Twilight
>tfw you are playing the game I am playing
I want to see fluttershy in tightie whities
>> shit tier in bed
>Pinkie Pie

Nigga, Pinkie Pie would let you do ANYTHING if that makes you happy
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144 KB
>> Great tier in bed
>Rainbow Dash
Yeah, if you're a girl

Pone is not for sexually
that couldnt be more wrong
Trying out a request stream.http://www.livestream.com/mtdoodledump?t=605764I hope it works~
>> shit tier in bed
>Pinkie Pie

This nigga. Try having her sing Oink Oink Oink while you fuck her.
>Great tier
>Shit tier
>Above anyone
Terse pls
deaf still only want humans or has he turned yet?
Pone is for super sexually
>Ross tries to accomplish something
>starts back and square one again and again and again
Like his character designing?
Wow that's a terrible drawing from a terrible artist
Why would I want to have her sound like a fat ugly pig when she already looks like a fat ugly pig?

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I fucking hate people, /co/. Post ponies.
Whats up with its shitty time? 7:30am if I recall correctly. No thanks
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1.65 MB
ok failed now whos idea should i ruin next
don't be so self-depreciating Apple
Aspirant, please tell me that there was no issue with the shift and I at last can enjoy the quest during Saturday
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100 KB
you got it boss
Are you trying to imply Apple drew that
Are you serious
>tfw she bounces up and down singing Oink Oink Oink
>tfw you put your hands on her thighs and guide her down harder and faster
>tfw her oinks start to falter
Yes. I have the way he doesn't finish the lines.
draw pony on the potty
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They were in school and she asked nicely if she could borrow a pair
aww that's cute
can't see shit batman
I mean hate.
who drew it then
did you see that flash i sent you?
Looks cute, thanks for taking my request
Did you get that thing I sent ya?
Some shitty tumblrfag
that idea is so "book pony who spends so much time reading books that she doesn't have any friends"
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1 KB
>mfw you're serious
You should compare the art styles of both artists look at the lines, the way they draw the mouths, I don't know.
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I'm sorry if I am boring in my episodes MLPG, I'll try better in season 3.
Bad news anon,
There were complications and...sniff... Aspirant didn't survive.
>Oh wow, we're the same size!
>There were easier was to find that out, you know
looks about the same
Thats not Fluttershy.
it actually got shot down for regular show.
But why? That doesn't seem like something Sweetie would do.
could have sworn that was just Apple's fifth name


Doesn't look like Apple's style at all to me.
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mmm, nah
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Who the hell is that?
Bummer. Sounds like an interesting show.
No! Look at the proportions on the Anons for instance : Apple's much more slender! Cbt's got a big head.

"Alicorn OC"
Alright, I am going to masturbate. Cya tomorrow MLPG.
Moma Twilot, is me, nox!
Styles are very different
looks terrible
This is extremely sad.
Donut Steel
Is she chubby? This is important.
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just sent a funny flash, but i think i fucked up and sent through the wrong avenue
I just farted of laughing

Would hug.
oh okay
what makes you keep saying that? personal shape preference or the pony fucking?
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What unfortunate initials.
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858 KB

3.75 is the worst thing ever.
She's an aspiring fashion artist. Clothes are her interest. That's why.
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the art in general looks terrible.
Very. Her plump little belly jiggles and smacks against your own stomach if you get her going fast enough.
it's because 'Ditzy'
what the fuck is that worthless thing?
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Tell me about your pony dreams MLPG.

Did you get to meet your waifu?
>you will never embrace Gilda
hnnng my heart
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My pony dreams tend to be weird and nonsensical and often the ponies are jerks or just plain ignore me or remain nice but cheerfully oblivious to my suffering.

Sometimes they're actively hostile and attack me.
I just watched FiW with Luna it was so great, I love she scary

oh I dreamed Applejack was with me doing yard work
Hey. There's a watermark on that picture.
But that seems like a random request. Wasn't it singing though?

>No told my mom
Does anyone else think Luna looked really adorable in that robe

That moment was what made me love her new design, immediately.
No, shit sucks.
I've only had a dream about posting in the general and getting it on topic.
I will never have a dream where Luna even appears.

There's a watermark on that watermark
love the titties, so cute
animu ponies

Are you the anon that had that creepy Pinkie dream?
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nope but one time i had an obsession for ppg and dreamt of bubbles
>robe made of bats
Not until she opened her mouth, I thought she would be frightening to meet and the music really cemented her first appearance as one of my favourite scenes in the show.
I once had a dream where I had the choice between fucking humanized Pinkie and normal pony Pinkie.
I think we both know the answer to that. I had a lot of life evaluation to do once I woke up.
she is cutest princess pony

>dreaming about posting in the general.

Happened to me once. It was weirder than inception
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Hi horse.
Just got back from Newbury Comics.
I missed you.

Tex pls draw Tex anon sitting up in bed wearing striped pjs and glasses and trying to read some kind of high brow literature.

While Pinkie bounces around all around him wearing a party hat and blowing streamers and blowers and trying to get his attention.
...ballsanon? Is that you?

MLPG, I'm visiting a friends. I need you to post something to help show him that you are all a very reasonable and respectable bunch of people that enjoy cartoons.
No its nobody you know

report him immeadeatly for /b/

hi sentenal.

You're looking great today.
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Since /g/ sucks, can I ask you guys?

I'm moving soon, and will have to pay for my own internet service for the first time in my life. Currently the neighbors let me use theirs for free.

I'm in Canada, so our prices and packages kind of suck. But I though I would ask, what kind of speeds and download limits should I be considering? I torrent, not excessively, watch Netflix (HD if possible) and I occasionally like to play games online, if that helps.

Bonus points if you live in Burnaby and can tell me about your internet service, what you like and dislike about it, and what kind of package you have.
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>needs more watermarks

Well okay.
Ballsanon is gone, guys.

You need to get over it.
I had three memorable pony dreams.
In the first one I take a drink that transform my face into Pinkie's.

In the second one I try to save Pinkamena from a rapist/killer but fail miserably after a fantastic nunchaku battle during which I had the upper hand.

In the third one I'm Trixie and I'm lactating, other ponies drink the mare milk and transform into another kind (pegasus to earth pony, etc).

The others are just ponies like Celestia or Luna talking to me.
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sent where?

Alternate idea. No glasses. Tex Anon is sitting down at his desk hard at work. Either at home or at an office. Pinkie is doing the same thing.
S-shut up! His hairy testicles alongside my post will grace my eyes again!
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>tfw never had pone dreams
>tfw all my MLPG related dreams are about MLPG personalities
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i dont see anything wrong with this picture
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But I'm just an Anon.
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Ok next
Your watermarks are ruining the watermarks of that other thing. Donut Steel, I think it's called.
>tfw you don't dream, and sleep is simply a short period of darkness before you wake up.
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Yeah that's me. I dream about ponies that turn into eldritch horrors and attack me.
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would you fuck watermark so hard for the shit she does?
Eh anything 1.0mb or above is fine for gaming and streaming, comes down to data centers and closeness to game servers in terms of ping times and like that, not actual D/L speed.

If you're a torrenter and not the type to only do it when sleeping or out and about, then it comes down to how much you want to pay.
I had the one dream where I could see pone, but could not remember which pone it was, or remember her voice or anything.
Then there was the next dream where pone and I were on an adventure in some temple. Again, I couldn't remember which pone it was. We got ambushed by gorillas and one of them tore my tongue out.
Then the other pone dreams were just MLPG dreams.

I once dreamt I was watching MLP season 3.

Does that count?
Gardner is an asshole, prove me wrong
That's a cute OC.
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Fuck, me too.

It was bad.
wow bro you did it! way faster than I could. Draw fluttershy fishing
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Why would I?
Gardner is in my asshole, prove me wrong.
>tfw the artist is slow as shit and doesn't draw for us often
smile pls

pls dont say that
How does Watermark watermark things?
I don't know, I was just reading some comics and, ugh...

Thank god I got a legit /co/ response
Crabbomule pls
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yo thanks bro
We're still here. Just at random points of the day.
But I just...what. You stop that anon, he doesn't self deprecate that we know of
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/mlpg/ is more /co/ than /co/ usually. It's because we left when /co/ wasn't yet completely shit and we are forced to stay as /co/ as possible to keep the piss out.
so Tiara you gonna make a non porn flash? do something with Watermark there

I would pay you to make me something if I had that wealth
ok we all know that pony fans have a certain image

why isn't it considered weird (as weird, anyway) for adults to like batman or star wars
And neither do I, that you know of.

I think the answer is obvious
its a crossover of psg/mlp. stockings gonna try pinkie to say fuck and pinkie gets bleeped after the f because we cant have that in our PG universe.
i don't know how i could draw that. mind picking something else?
Why aren't you watching the prince of Egypt right now?
Oh god it's 4 am in the morning
Because no one is streaming it nigger

/co/ sucks because our presence there attracted hordes of buttmad anti-pony 'crusaders' who thought they were waging an epic campaign of justice for the anonymoose LEGIONZZZ.

When we left they were left there to mill about with nothing to direct their pent up frustration towards, so they proceeded to turn the rest of the board into shit.
but I am.
Did they finally get a stream link out of that train-wreck of a thread?
Because I'm fapping to Kinkie Pie's admin >3DPD

Correction: normal people liking Batman/Star Wars aren't cnsidered weird.

The guys collecting Star Wars toys and acting out scenes on the other hand....
Do you want Prince of Egypt or How to tame your dragon?


Why does Tex strike me as a straight laced office guy? The "no fun allowed" type?
This is so true, it hurts...

/co/ is shit since Avatar though
It is human nature to seek a conflict between "us" and "them". When there is no "them" we divide ourselves to make one.
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Neither because they're streamed on a bi-weekly basis it feels

Right, we were The "Evil", the root of all problems
Hahahaha 10/10
Are you ever going to level up and do something with a story? Guess that'll mean va's but its time you move on to something more challenging.

Prince preferably, it's been a while and I haven't watched a well animated movie in a while.
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>tfw I miss "one thread horsefuckers" with a sage

Remember when we did it ourselves when /co/ was too busy?
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would you let a catbird play bass in your band nonsexually?
DF here. Three words.
Keep it in one thread horsefuckers
Is the yellow one autistic?
Isn't MLP a show for little girls?
>Let me play you the song of my people, dweeb
Alright. I'll stram it when I get back from getting dinner. Probably like 10-15 minutes tops.
Kraut are you taking requests?
oh it is a story. it's bassicly:
ps/stocking warp in. stocking/panty annoyed that afro priest warped them somewhere. stocking notices pinkie and cake, they instantly start munching it even though they cant communicate (using japanese voices for all their text to put words in their mouth), panty is going to be annoying twilight to a point where she throws her into a shelf of book cases, etc.

>Gilda tries to play a stringed instrument
>shreds the strings with her claws.
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I miss Flash in the pan
Why do you say that's sentenal?
It still happens if we really fuck up and have two concurrent threads.
I might provided she can play what I write.

I once had a dream that I was about to get in a fight with Ross.

We were on the same side.
>allowing griffon scum near me
Next you'll ask me if I'll be friends with mudponies or ziggers
not today. my drawing mojo has returned, but it's far too late right now. maybe tomorrow.
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No one listens.
Hey Canadian anon, can you do me a favor in exchange for the help with the broadband advice I just gave? Involves ponies. (also avoid Satellite at all costs)
>tfw an artist draws an instrument accurately
Maybe you can write this one for later? Sweetie belle giving Rarity the disgusted face when she comes home wearing AJ's hat.
Maybe he'd still hang out if you hadn't started acting like a bunch of faggots

Because of the way he looks

It was a joke Sentenal
Its a start...
>How to Sound Like Gilda: A Guide
>By: Anon
>Step 1: Say 'dweeb' a lot
Guess not. Here comes part 2 of Less.
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This does sorta help, thanks.

Anyone have advice on the download limit? I'm considering a 250GB/month package right now.

But she does say dweeb a lot.
>Having data caps
are you referring to that olympic white fender american standard precision bass with a maple fretboard and a red tortoiseshell pickguard?
That'll do.
I thought jokes where suppose to be funny.
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>Hey Canadian anon, can you do me a favor in exchange for the help with the broadband advice I just gave? Involves ponies. (also avoid Satellite at all costs)

Sure, guess. Also check my second question here:
get tekksavvy if its available there.
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>erryone mad about our one dinky little thread

Good times.
Not always.
I think the banning was the message, not what was said.

it was an inside joke
Nope, though I've dreamt of MLPG a few times.

I remember thinking I was some namefag for a moment. Was weird.

Based on what I do I'm not allowed to have a waifu. But, as stated before, I haven't even dreamt of pony yet so that's not really an issue.
Uhhhhh if your a torrenter, even moderate, you might hit that easily on top of youtube/netflix watching. Even more so if a steam installer/uninstaller freak.
I ain't jelly much
Oh, OK.

>I look like a Boomer

Uhh, OK. If you say so.
>implying i have one.
but i want one. really really bad. even a mexican one, come on!
When are we gonna get shout to draw a picture of Gilda surrounded by multiple utterings of "Dweeb" like he did with the ponies. Rarity spamming "Darling" and AJ "Apples" kinda thing.
>You will never have awkward mansex with Sentenal

I know, the mod was taking our side.
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>Based on what I do I'm not allowed to have a waifu

Okay now I'm curious. What could you possibly do that prevents you from having waifu?

Are you a priest or something and waifus go against your pact to god?
>I remember thinking I was some namefag for a moment. Was weird.
Who was it anon? Spill the beans!
And answered.

The favor is to find a decent image (not blurry or thumbnail sized) of a Sable Island Pony and post it.
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Have you done a Tex-anon as Kenshiro? With a pony? He looks uninterested in the pony.
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Wait, which spammer were they talking about?
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I forget if it was Kortz or Kierz.

You'll get nothing outta me!
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Probably he's a faget and switches them on a whim.

Or he has some 3dpd slut "girlfriend."

I think it was Ika.
Aspirant pls
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>The favor is to find a decent image (not blurry or thumbnail sized) of a Sable Island Pony and post it.

I'll look for it. No guarantees though.
That fucking episode.

You will need a dentist.

You Canadian tiarawhy?
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>You'll get nothing outta me!

Then I'll just have to assume you're a wizard and trying to keep yourself from having unclean thoughts that could prevent you from gaining divine wisdom.
>tfw Genndy is always unappreciated compared to other cartoonists

Evens - Do that thing I've been meaning to do
Odds - Pone more until work
russian, moved to canada
Yes....a wizard.....
Oh ok, good. My ponies are safe. Why do people call me Horse Anon anyways? They're Ponies not horses.

You can never leave blabla
I want to cum inside Nicole Oliver.
it's been so long
why don't you ever rainbow dash to my side anymore
I love Genndy.

Posting Luna doesn't help you stay anonymous

Now say who is your waifu!
LK? oh god, if it was the bellybutton stuff roll again pls

>Not wanting to cum inside pone
Russian Russian or Russian for the convenience of it Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech, etc.)
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Oh god I'm flattered, bemused and spooked at the same time, this is odd. I'm not a namefag though

You know, how would you feel about doing more of those mini choose-your-path stories you did way back when again man? Those were quite >fun
I think it was Pink horse, but people were telling him he can't have favorites so that he could stay neutral.
>hurr durr i can't work for a living that's too hard give me money to fund my aarrrrrttttt
>fucking pedophile horse shit
besides nicole is only into /ss/ anyway
derpy is a very ugly pony
leningrad russian russian
>also plays Dota
Oh fuck shit tits tell your comrades to stop being awful
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but only on the inside
Fuck you, she has a heart of gold.
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I want that GMILF what does Spike and Mayor
God, I fucking hate who Eureka Ao has become some fucking Evangelioish shit instead of something like the original

It doesn't even feel like a real sequel.

It even fucking did the whole god damn CONGRATULATIONS scenes
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>Eastern Slavs
>not rolf
No, only a little spot behind her front left hoof
but she has golden hearts
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Decent size. Not HD.
they are just trolling non russians usually. they shit on everyone on purpose cause they still hate americans
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>Tfw I post Pinkie usually but used Luna just because


But no, really, I'm not allowed to. And even if I did, which I don't, I couldn't tell you.

That'd be fun, though harder to do now since people have some measure of expectations of me. But yeah, I'd be up for some of that some time.
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Why would anyone commission GG? Yes his art adds to the fandom/this thread pretty well, but nothing he does is worth what you can get for $5 some other artists out there, even ones who have no idea what MLP is.

>slavshit general

We /k/ now?
I'm European. Also >pretending to be absolutely awful at a video game as a troll
This is both incredibly impressive since they pull it off wonderfully, but also incredibly retarded and confusing

Hmm. I wonder what that says. Given the position of the text and how it's spaced, it can't be a very long word.

Could it be MUG____?
Because e-fame
Tell that to the people that gave him $5000 bucks
That's ponebrone levels of autism/irony
>incredibly retarded and confusing
the best trolling is
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I dunno anon....he seems like a nice enough guy to throw money at.
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Well hey, anonymity is your friend! That is definitely one of the downsides to having a recognisable style and a name attached to you though, must suck ass.
why do other people not like pone
how can anyone hate the ak47s? theres nothing as reliable out there.
>Russians have just pretended to be retarded for the last millenium as part of an elaborate ruse to lull the West into a false sense of security
So, what, Pushkin and Tolstoy just forgot about the act?
because pone fanbase is turrible

that and pone is only average. nothing special

What is subtle?
because pone killed their father
It was $6000
It does. Most of the time when I post my opinions I get called out as my name.
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people didn't even give him money to draw anything, but I would he does pretty decent gore
What's $1000 between friends?
She would slip on that whaddayacallit on her neck
yeah, crushing their own economy and destroying their own reactor to cause a near world catastrophe that would of lead to complete and utter annihilation of the entire European continent was pure genius.

Prince of Egypt streaming as promised.
he never called me his friend. >:(
The AK-74 would like a word
Eh, sometimes. I think the only reason I got called out this time was for Luna imagery.

It'd certainly give me more leeway to greentext to my heart's content at whatever the current thread is on about without repercussion. But I suppose doing that ended up with people wanting me to take a name anyway.

But I digress. It's not so bad. And I'll definitely think to do some more mini-quest stuff. Especially after that one anon wanted me to do NMM/Anon stuff.
Because I like the way he draws ponies? That's all it takes, really.
oh no. most russians are dumb as shit these days even if they are good at the video games. its why i moved away from there
actually i moved to dodge the army draft
Thanks Canadian Anon! Hope you enjoyed searching for Wild/Feral ponies that live on a shitty island in Canada.
did you just see the news about how a russian nuclear sub went undetected in the gulf of mexico for the month of june?

Apple Bloom leaned into the breeze generated by Scootaloo's wings. In the muggy summer air of the Everfree, it was nice and cool, and the smell of wingpits wasn't any worse than the hog waller.

Vine-strangled trees zipped by at a breakneck pace. Sweetie Belle hung on for dear life, but she wasn't afraid. Scootaloo knew how to drive the scooter-wagon combo at higher speeds, and could easily avoid any obstacle. The sun, barely visible through the trees, was nearing the horizon, and the sight made her tummy grumble.

Once they got back to town, the first stop was dropping Apple Bloom at Sweet Apple Acres, on the edge of the Everfree. Then Scootaloo headed for the one-story houses clustered near the business side of town; Sweetie Belle's folks lived around there.

"Hey Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle, "Why don't you want anypony to know about your sister?"

Scootaloo slowed down. "Are you kidding? She's a grounder. Pegasi don't talk to grounders much. Heck, Dad and Mom don't even give her presents on her birthday." Her eyes opened wide, and she skidded to a halt. "Aw, c'mon! Now I'm not gonna get any presents either!" She flapped her wings in annoyance.
who's a silly brony
who's a silly brony
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People who take a name for doing greentext stories are very dumb. I appreciate that is what you do, but at least you can actually write in a normal format too
I dream of sharks.

Who the fuck dream of sharks.
Good, I didn't want to kill you when we go to war against Russia in a few years.


So those S2 posters are available at Walmart right?
>You are Pumpkin Cake the baby Pony
>"Mama! MAMA!"
>Your first words... you shriek them out your tiny lungs as a strange stallion begins shoving his large dick inside your tiny body
>You parents aren't coming though, they've both had their heads caved in by this stallions friends, who are now taking turns riding your Aunt Pinkie Pie
>You'd hear her muffled cries if your own weren't drowning them out
>You feel like you're going to burst and then something hot begins tearing through your insides and comes flying out your mouth
>It's white like Milk, with red mixed in it
>That's the last thing you observe before your body begins shutting down from the damage down to it by the stallions climax
It's better than dreaming of your parents fucking.
Seriously though, it could just be something you ate.
Or so he claims.
But that is literally physically impossible
but that is a thing they do

I once dreamt I fucked my mother. I felt physically ill when I woke up.
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>class little discussion about autism
couldn't keep bronies out of my head...
This is why I never put my name on.
Eh, shifting from greentext formatting to standard isn't that difficult. Although breaking the habit of typing greater than symbols and putting each sentence on a new line was sort of annoying.

But thanks!
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goyim pls
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Uh, the counter that a third party track which can't be edited claims that, actually
Freud please
They should be.

Thing is, you'll probably need to get a pony toy to get them, as it's a promotion. Even without it, you'll probably have to spaghetti your entire trip there.
Amazingly, the janitor keeps deleting them and things don't get worse.
edison was a hero
tesla was a pigeonfucker

>class discussion

Reported for underage.
Really? Jeeze, never feeling sorry for artists again. Bad enough hearing about the Jessica Elwoods who ran off with 5 figure sums.
>tfw my autism prevents me from understanding what this is meant to imply
I've had different dreams where I fucked my mother, my sister, and my best friend (male) back when I was....13? And one involving a chick who I don't remember.

Wasn't physically ill, but I recall those bizarre dreams and it worries me sometimes.

You say that to my face not online and see what happens.
>tfw after 5 years I finally have a soundcard that supports micboost
I'm never going back to creative.
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It's like he's shrugging through text, anonymous.
A shrug.

"Meh/Eh, I think it's good."

Jokes on you, I'm 500km from home. I'll leave a glorious train through the aisles.
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so, how about that bookpone?
It's very normal. Hormones are in whack, you have an increased sex drive which leads to you doing all sorts of nutty fantasies
Sorry. It's like a shrug.
...and then I strutted through the mall
>went there on a whim
>cruised past the toy aisle
>endcap was up, with posters inside
>go to greeting card area, pick up the cheapest one with Cinderella on it
>get a pony toy, get all 4 posters
>cashier said it was cute and she hopes that my niece likes the toys
I once dreamed I was straddling a giant red lizard man's cock

Likethe lizard man and the cock were fucking giant
>tfw hornfarts
I used to dream sex stuff with my bigger sister when I was a teenager

I never liked incest and I never thought she was sexy, I think I was just horny as fuck
That is a very large book she's sleeping on.

Book pone is adorable when she's not losing her mind over trivial things.
Shoes... Rain... Shoes...
So I had two condoms.
that guy used it at the beginning in the place of 'meh' to represent indifference. 'Eh' usually goes at the end as a means of inquiry
what, so college doesn't exist? Am I living a lie?
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Cute, but not as cute as songsmile.
Once I dreamt I was playing Dragon's Dogma.
Then I dreamt I watched the GTA V trailer.
Then I dreamt that I was posting on MLPG.
I fucking hate you people and your interesting goddamned dreams.
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Tiara in the name of actually being a Russian, this video is for you:


And know an artist/writer friend who recently went through a one year service. Hates Putin even more now.
Eh was an expression first and was used in just such situations before anybody ever came up with meh.
>Best Jewish Videos
Why did I laugh at this so hard?
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>This movie
That;s nothing I once dreamed I was back in high school expect my high school was a hybrid with Jurassic Park so there were dinosaurs and shit everywhere and people were all dying and we had to escape on a water vehicle
one time i had a dream that my grandpa was still alive, and I could make any soda i wanted to, and that day I went to Tapioca Express and saw that they made italian soda to order, but my grandpa was still dead
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Today my dream was about a girl, I don't remember her face, but I was really in love with her, and then I woke up and remember I'm alone and sad, fuck my life
>Gummy Pinkie pose

I once dreamt I was walking in my room and seeing myself sleeping.

That was interesting to say the least.
dinofag, pls

I once had this weird dream in which I was in high school, and I had to go around to everyone and cum on them.

It was my mission.
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>but my grandpa was still dead
Why did I laugh
doesnt surprise me one bit. i used to get my teeth drilled/cavities filled with no anesthetics. when i came to canada and went to dentist he was like WHAT YOU DONT USE ANESTHETICS DEAR GOD
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why is straight hair Pinkie so cute and hot?
What a fucking gay dream.

I'd much rather dream about sharks or giant lizard cocks
I once dreamed that I got up, got out of bed, showered, shaved, collected my notes and books, went to Chemistry class, sat through a lecture, and left class.

Then I woke up and it was time to go to Chemistry class.
Have you ever dreamt of tractors, MLPG? I never knew someone who dreamt of tractors
>that giant black cloud coming out of it
Also how did he not see the river
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No one will ever know
I don't know man.
She does things to me.
Specifically to my penis.
>That feel

I had a dream about this girl I had a crush on during a foreign exchange. Wonderful gal, real smart, had a laugh I loved listening to. Had a dream where we were married, or at least living together. We went out to eat, saw a movie, came home and snuggled on the couch. It was all very vivid. And then I woke up, just like that.

I actually nearly cried. It was everything I could've ever wanted, and it was fake. My heart still pangs thinking about it.
>Why are you not being cute as her?
Did you tell him, "Anesthetic expensive. Teeth very cheap," and then shrug and mumble something about the fucking Ukrainians?

>There are no more good animated musicals being made these days like this
What's the shortcut to move between tags in SAI?
It's diesel, the cloud looks nasty but is a lot cleaner than a cloud that size coming out of an internal combustion engine would be.
I once dreamt I was walking home from college and an invasion from aliens happened. People dying all around me. Jumped in a random car and drove the fuck out of there. Picked up a guy running for his life.

We found cover in a tunnel. But the guy looked like he was going crazy, pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot himself through the head.

I love my dreams sometimes.
>tfw as a kid you had a dream where you were literally going about your every day life
>tfw you wake up and for a while think that what transpired in your dream actually was what happened yesterday because it felt so normal and real
Almost as bad as dreaming that you were taking as piss when you were a kid too. That horrible moment when you woke up after that one...

My fried doesnt like ponies. Not at all.

How can I change this?
If I ever get a not-shit connection, I'll have to stram some fun Russian movies.

God I hate when that happens.
>The Plagues
>Sung by Twilight and Celestia's VAs with the other mane 6 as the chorus
leave them alone
by not doing it?
trying to force your friend to like it makes you a brony
>Implying you never dreamt of you going to school in underwear
fried? whos fried? is it chicken?
is it the same as firefox? CTRL + TAB?
I didn't, actually.
i've gone to school without underwear
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>implying I did
I often dream about going to school and forgetting something (where the classroom was, doing the homework) when I'm in the middle of my vacations

Never. I did have dreams about walking around town and suddenly being naked.
>tfw when fried chicken doesn't like ponies
I tried to get those fucks at Popeye's to listen to me about why Rainbow Dash is best pony, but they just wouldn't listen.
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I remember once or twice...
I never did that. I dreamed of being naked all the time, though.

Fun fact. I only found out a few months ago that penis inspection day didn't actually happen in America. I was led to believe a lie, and one that made me laugh so much at just the thought of what you all suffered
How do you feel about Bill Watterson?
He is one of my favorite artist/authors and I probably have his strips to thank for my dry sense of humour.
I once dreamt I fell out of a hole in the floorboards of my parents car and onto the freeway. Then it became a lucid dream. I summoned a motorcycle by closing my eyes and making vroom vroom noises, then drove to a casino/restaurant that looked like the space needle.

>tfw my only lucid dream was when I was 7-8
I feel like a goddamn retard.

Thanks, anon.
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what was the video with Lesbian Carwash?
>go to wal-mart on a whim
>go to electronics
>see the anniversary blu-ray of Full Metal Jacket is out
>pick it up and get ready to pay and leave
>decide to check toys since they're right next to electronics
>see the little stand with the posters
>'no way I checked like five other Wal-Marts oh man oh man'
>pick up all of them
>go to cashier
>see drinking flask while waiting in line
>why the fuck not, it's cheap
>stuff gets scanned, show posters to cashier and tell him I think they're free since they were just kind of sitting out in the open with no barcode
>idiot keeps looking them over and goes to find someone
>walks into someone and shows him the posters
>guy looks them over and then at me, giving a "seriously" look
>give him my best "who the fuck cares, you're wasting your life at Wal-Mart you don't get to judge me" look
>guy tells my cashier that there's no way to scan them, so I'm "lucky"
>leave and don't give any fucks
I like Gary Larson better but he's probably my second favorite comic artist of all time.
You should have conjured a lightcycle
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Well if you ever come to Los Angeles, just know there's plenty of Ukrainians you can hang with. And Filthy Rich Russians if all the sports cars with Russian flag adorned license plates give hints of.
>buying movies
Unless they've got a particularly interesting commentary track, fuck that.

And more people are including commentary tracks on their uploads, anyways.
>implying I didn't cuntpunt all the sluts for laughing at me when I fell over that time

Only completely weird people didn't have those
>Implying I don't do that irl
Or you can come to Glendale and hang out with all the middle class armenians driving their ugly bimmers and forgetting that deodorant is a "thing"

>implying you never had a dream where your teeth fell out.
>telling me what I should and shouldn't buy
I'll waste my money any way I want, thank you very much.
>hate changed to resent

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I'm curious why this particular strip was never republished (there is another similar comic, but this one isn't even in the Complete Calvin & Hobbes).
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I just got back from playing Mann vs Machine.
Fuck those giant soldiers with pocket medics.
Fuck them hard.
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>playing animal crossing for the first time in forever on an emulator
>second day of playing, buy some ungodly luck have caught two dorados after six hours or so
>sell one, museum the other
>pay off house
>get up to get another cup of coffee
>accidentally hit the escape key
>emulation window closes
Oh my fucking god
In all my years I have no met a stupider bunch of people

The kids actually WANT to go back to the Middle East because they think they'll be treated better than how their treated outside of it
>tfw picked up posters along with Yu-gi-oh cards
>tfw more embarrassed about the cards than the posters
The dreams of falling endless distances was the worst.

I'd wake up when I hit ground, only to find I'd rolled off my bed. I wonder if that seemingly infinite amount of space I fell in my dream was all though of in the span of me falling to the floor.
Let's go disco dancing MLPG.
I'll bring the rollerskates
old news

Is it fun?
>not being able to kill a medic
You have to pay off the house 3 more times, each payment being substantially larger than the next

I even ctrl+f'd and everything.
fucking giant heavies with four medics
Oh god I went to Glendale for one year of class in the 6th grade. I was the only non-armenian in class, including the teacher. There was three Armenians who knew negative English.

Hell this Armenian lady in Phoenix, Arizona got mad at me in a Bus Station for mentioning Glendale (Racist!) when I was trying to tell her places to visit there since she was going there.
In the mid-90s there were a series of relatively high-profile cases of kids sticking their arms into running washing machines. So they might have feared that kids would be encouraged to put their friends in washing machines and turn it on.
Lyra pls
It's a joke about Hobbes being aroused by Calvin's mom.
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>try me
Yeah that's like, a week old man
>Dreamt that I casually murdered all of my classmates while they slept during a graduation ceremony
>Some of them woke up while I sliced their throats so I had to hold their mouths shut
This happened a week before graduation, and I wasn't one of those people that got picked on by everyone in the school
This doesn't even make sense
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I know that, and that's why I love it
the goals take forever to reach unless you're absurdly lucky or have enough time and dedication to play the stalk market for several weeks
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"Maybe," said Sweetie Belle, hesitantly, "Maybe they won't care. Being family is like being apple pie-"

"Yeah, yeah, crust and mush," said Scootaloo skeptically. "Hey, you want to come over for dinner? See how they treat me now that I'm not a pegasus?"

"You're still a pegasus," said Sweetie Belle softly.


Sweetie Belle's parents gladly gave their permission for dinner at a friend's house. The smell of burning food from their kitchen only hastened Scootaloo's departure.

On the industrial side of town, near the lumberyard, a three story row-house towered over the street. The sunset cast a deepening shadow across the two fillies as they slowed to a halt.

Scootaloo gazed up at the long ramp of the balcony overhead, and lowered her eyes. She took off her helmet and set it in the wagon while Sweetie Belle dismounted. As they entered the house, she hollered, "Mom, Dad, I'm home. Sweetie Belle's staying for dinner." The ground-level hallway was cluttered with kneepads, roller skates, a softball bat, a rainbow-colored football, a taped-up hockey stick, and other sports equipment. The lighting was poor, but Sweetie Belle could tell it would be a nice place, if somepony would clean it up.
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Anonymous - 1
Anonymous - 0
Someone drew porn of her.

i want pony encounters with talking dog food stuff
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MLPG what are your favorite movie commentary tracks not counting things like Rifftrax?
no they didn't
na uh
>come up behind them as heavy
>they uber
>I survive
>dakka the fuck out of them
>they uber again after like 7 seconds
Does that include comedy commentaries that aren't Rifftrax?
Frustrating sometimes, but killing billions of robot scouts is satisfying as hell.
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Luna has the best colorscheme
Tropic Thunder's commentary is a whole nother funny movie
I enjoy the kind of banter you get with the Futurama commentary. That's TV, but I think TV commentary works better than movie commentary.
On official DVD releases included with the movie, I mean.
The Schwarzenegger/Milius commentary track for Conan the Barbarian is every bit as hilarious as the snippets on youtube are.
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>/v/ getting asspained as fuck because Valve added this set of cosmetic items for a Dota2 hero
The reason?
It was made by a ponyfag. This is apparently meant to resemble Braeburn

I don't get the hate either
colgate has a better one.

they both taste and smell minty
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Too green. I like this one
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Total Recall
Well thanks for posting.
I have a couple different books including his complete work for the series, but can't say I've seen that one.

Tex, you are my nigga forever now.
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will magichorn ever find a special somepony?
>Playing heavy with knockback on attack, 75% bullet resist, 500 minigun ammo and 30% faster firing rate
>hat = braeburn
John Wayne was such a horsefucker.

No it's not. He's saying it's not as good as Calvin thinks to have to be washed in the washing machine.

1/10 got me to respond.
>all this talk of dreaming
>you haven't been able to remember your dreams for years
>last dream you remember ended in a fade to black in a place with no escape
I remember bringing this up once before. I was told that my "dream self" had died. I blame oddly effective dream catchers instead.
>hating something

Wake me up when you have something actually news worthy.
i dun get it
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It was printed in half of the newspapers carrying it that week. The other half got this strip, which I'm sure you do have.

I love C&H.
Why is she blushing?

And sure, eventually.
...Is this some sort of meta-joke?
Yeah, I hate those fucking brony cowboy movies too. John Wayne can go fuck himself.
nope, she has too much spaghetti to find a special somepony.

she will wink forever without relief
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Looks more like Smokey the Bear
What this guy said
blood flowing to the head
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reminds me when i was cleaning a room and the tv was on

a documentary on how autistic children prefered the mac

no joke the whole show seemed like bait
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That's pretty weird. But they do say that everyone dreams, but that you just might not remember it. They say that you go insane if you don't dream.
I don't know if all that's true, but you've got me and baby I've got you...
I think I watched that with the commentary. Didn't Michael Richards come in on the track for a while? It's been too long since I've seen it.
MLPG I'm trying to introduce my friend next to me into pony.

What would be a good entry level pony to get him started?
They are pretending to be retards right?
Yes. /v/ is like Russia.
Which pony enjoys having her anus lavished the most?
I was watching my Looney Tunes DVDs last night and John K did commentary on a lot of the Bob Clampett cartoons.
Fuck you, I like John K and I like to hear him talk about animation.

It's about worst pony but is good horse episode.
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I wanted to put a second hand in, but there doesn't seem to be a need for it. What do you all think?
first episode like god intended
I like John K's work. I wish he were less of a douchebag, and I wish he could finish anything. Then he might not have to resort to begging for money on the internet to fund his little projects.
One hand is enough.
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One day anon one day it still won't happen
it looks so great
I think the implied hand in the cooter is fine.
Maybe one rubbing her back?
Nah, it's alright when he talks about old stuff. His nostalgia goggles are just strapped on to the EXTREME, so he becomes more insufferable the newer something is.
I remember both of these in Yukon Ho!

Just because I don't like him in general doesn't mean that I don't think he doesn't have any good opinions and knowledge on and of the industry at all.
Just put anon hands in it and call it good enough.
He says Rarity is too sluty
Horse cooter would be pressed against the ground in that position
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she already has a special somepony.
it's you.
but she knows that she will never have you, because you don't don't really exist.
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jesus fuck he caught up quickly
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Hey out there!
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Other than the Dream where I laughed at pone being thrown into a cement mixer I haven't had much. I think the most recent one was this dream where I went and killed a bunch of people in a South Korean Airport and for some reason no one in the Airport knew that the massacre happened so I was sitting in the food court freaking the fuck out and watching FiM while waiting for the news to come on and confirm that I really did kill those people. There was of course the many dreams about posting in MLPG but that doesn't really count.
Tell your friend that he's a monumental faggot. Give him yellow pony.
Tell your friend to get off the table and try Panka
That's probably why I like it, because I'm kind of the same way. I'm self-aware, and I'm not a dick about it, but I do think the best cartoons of all time were made in the 1940s.
Why is she made of plastic?
>saying don't twice
Not now, Pinkie.
Step one
Remove tables
Step two
Slap his shit for insulting best pony
Step three
Introduce him to Fluttershy. Always works.
He will learn how wrong he is eventually.

Try one of the pegasus, entry-level usually love 'em.
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My only dreams lately have been the ones where you wake up and you're late for work by 2 hours so then you panic and the panic makes you actually wake up but then it's 5am and you can't get back to sleep.
which pony would you like to sit on your hand?
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Here's a colored slime sun princess.

Hopefully it doesn't suck.
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What's wrong?
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Hey, in there!
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>That Anon and Twilight in heaven greentext
That pink eye looks really odd
I'm masturbating that's what
Then you wake up again and you actually ARE two hours late.

Fucking alarm clock, you damn Judas you.
Post caps please or i'll fuck your skype until it feels nothing except my cock
>tfw corwin hats us

actually, I just haven't seen him in a while
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No Anon, I'm not late for work because I'm not a lazy bum.
oh shit my mouth is bleeding
do i keep ponying or do i do something about it
goddamn life as a white person is hard
brush your teeth
Gums, cheeks, or tongue?
Rarity is sluttiest pone.
Using her feminine charm to manipulate poor ponies and baby dragons into giving her what she wants.
she manipulates poor neckbeards into believing she is best pony.
>that outfit

first time I said "unf" to ponies ( iwas always more of a humans guy)
I'm here. The last pony thing I drew was on the twelfth. I'm here literally every day, but I only use my name when it's related to the stuff I make.
I've been drawing a lot of non pone stuff on paper, though.
That's cool, keep practicing
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Is this any better?
Neat. I just checked your DA and saw new stuff. I thought that dancing Pinkie was yours, but I wasn't sure. Looks good, if jiggly.

Snuggle Buddy is funny/cute.
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So what if I am? My bed just feels sooooo good. I work hard when I actually get there and it doesn't even happen often. It just happened recently is all.
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>Jr will never be as good at drawing on model as Equestria Prevails
Yeah, i'd hit it

I don't have a cap, but from I can remember it's about Anon dying and meeting Twilight in front of the gates of heaven. Twilight tells Anon that she never had a husband or family because she spent her entire life waiting for him.

Anon and Twilight get to spend fifteen minutes together before being going into their respective heavens.
somebody stream something
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Finish your work faster and you can go home and sleep sooner
that's pretty stupid
The show doesn't shade like that
I think it was Metals that did that while high or something.
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>My bed just feels sooooo good.
I know that feel.

>obviously a fan of either of the worst ponies
That shading is a bit offputting
Everything is too bright for the size and amount of light sources.
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It's magical light.
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>go to work
>can't wait to go home and rest
>get home
>wide awake
Celestia: *wwalks into bar*
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Spoiler Image, 52 KB
This is what I did in the last hour. All I have is a shitty built-in webcam.
Jokes on you, I don't even have a neckbeard. Rarity is the best pony
God I wish I could bring myself to practice drawing for more than ten minutes
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I know that feel
Please stop biting my butt.
That hair looks like my microwave husbandos~
Hey guys, I've been seing these threads on the front page of /co/ for a while now, and just had the courage to see what the fuss is about.
Honestly I think it's a good show but I have just one question
Is the grey one a slut?
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guya im watching 2and half shit the astin cootcher episodes...aparently this episodes about two chicks staying over at there house

its clear they hate each other
>the blonde and inglesh snooty chick
>begins to rain, suddenly a thunder storm

do i have to finish this or do you guys get this?
im not surprised , bad writers, but funny how its sooo similar
every fucking time
It's canon anon.
Rarity is manipulative, she has gotten to you too I see.
Yes, Flash is not for frame-by-frame. I have learned this.
>have dream
>paper not done
>technical write ups not ready
>an analytical chem test
>wake up
>realize youre done with college for years
best feel
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It's good to not feel alone...
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Don't stop.
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>mfw bronies think she's white
Now he says Rarity is best pony.
>being that nitpicky
autism pls go
The colour corrected version is white
This man has taste
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1. Go to deviantart
2. Put your name in the search bar followed by pony
3. Post what you find
but the show doesnt use noses like that
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No, but the yellow one is autistic.
She is grey anon.
He's still a faggot.
A faggot that has seen the light but still...He'll need to redeem himself first
Yes, it does.

No, but the yellow one is autistic.
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Even the color corrected version shows that she's off-white.

None of the ponies are pure white you retard that would just look awful.
Your favorite obese bear-pony just tooted
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So I'm a extremely girly/trap Alicorn OC?
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NO stupid keyboard

ok meant to say

2 and a half men
shitty episode about the guys having both ladies in the same house
ladies have a shit rivalry

rains now they are stuck there

there fuck you internet
the 3/4 faces? no.
Shining Armor is, actually.
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We've done this before.
Except for Shining Armor.

And he looks awful.
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I hate when people hold up someone else's art and uses it to insult or discourage others.
>tfw you reach a new low
>because of waifuing
The only reason I don't fell pathetic and worthless is that I'm laughing at how pathetic I am.
But that's only temporarily

What has this show done to me?
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And he looks retarded. That's why he's the only one.
Pure white is a colour mistake professionals would not make.
It is a shade of grey as pure white looks jarring.
Who's shinning armour? I've never heard of him before. is he a character for season 3?
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I'm the grey one
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300 KB
He's light gray, but he's still gray

>mfw people think we ever commonly spoke like this
She's bluish grey bro
It's quite easy to see looking at her eyes

Hey Tex

Any chance of this? >>3946783
What's a chapette?
It's your punishment for being british

Now be happy that you aren't a frenchie
Just posting real quick to say that I'll be starting a new quest tomorrow night on the sub if anyone wants to play
>mfw people think Texas is all desert.
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those never work tried it

the only thing that shows up is angry beaver crossovers

whit either sonic or mlp
Do we get a teaser or anything?
Someday. My humans need work.
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1.47 MB
Are those cats with hooves?
OK, so:

Breaking Wind Quest
Raisin Quest; 4th Edition

Luna Quest

Wizard Pinkie Quest
Same approximate time as usual?
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what time?
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>tfw people think all of America is just Texas with a smattering of LA and New York.
>Raisin on friday
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10 KB
You mean

You don't actually talk like that?
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Not bad. Second result.
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There are no deviations in this category.
We do, but only when americans aren't listening.
...holy molly. Nice job anon!

A week or so ago.
Nope, sorry chum, it's not all tickety boo and higgledy piggledy. I drop my globber ropes just thinking about it
>tfw I always miss when Jr posts
so only when we're clapping at the end of films?
>Being French
Is there even a worse fate than this?
Don't feel too bad. I keep getting pictures of the Ninth Doctor as a pony.
And things that aren't even ponies. There was a Christopher Walken pony, though. Terribly drawn, of course.
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Spoiler Image, 697 KB
I don't want to play this game anymore
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79 KB

Yes. Being Polish.
How much of my name?
Full birth name, social security number and 4chan tripcode
It's always Dan vs. crossover stuff
>0 results
feels good
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228 KB
dunno but two of them are the angry beavers
Also mothers maiden name.
>implying we ever killed weasels and vermin
>implying we didn't train dachshunds and other assorted dogs to do this for us
Do you even

Am I missing a reference? I want to say Watership Down but I'll be wrong
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Could be a lot worse.
All I'm getting is Dr. Who shit.
god dammit why do i have to share my name and last name with the fucking eleventh doctor

I know man, shit sucks. I love stereotypical UK people.

>tfw you stumbled into furries at the age of 9 because of Redwall fan sites

They were okay, actually.
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could be worse
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fuck yeah a prince, not too bad

>being neutral poland

If I die, tell my wife hello.
Your name is Derek? Sounds like a scientists name.
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96 KB
Oh man, this is wonderful
>Dark blue and black
>Flying at night
That's seems dangerous
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132 KB
>Be American
>the local Theatre 4 blocks down the street is about to conclude its performance
>Instinctively begin to clap
>Rarity's pliable marshmallow ass gets in the way

What do?
Give 'em blood'n vinegar.
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98 KB

all is as ever well.
They NATO now.
Spread cheeks
Obviously you clap the ass
>tfw Navy wanted me to consider Nuclear Engineering

You're too good at this anonymous.
Continue to knead and squish. Kiss and lick.
I can't help but listen to this and think about DT singing it. Wat do?

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635 KB
Does this mean I get CS:GO for free
>Be Yuropoor
>Can enjoy her ass in peace

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1.14 MB
>mfw americans call the whirly birdy a "helicopter."
What is this aspirant
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101 KB
actually scratch that
the fuck is this and what does it have to do with ponies
>CS gloves for the sniper

I don't know, but I preordered it and I never got an AWP
Can you download the beta? The beta is open to everyone who pre ordered
Long story short. Shit happens, need to fix it, find the ponies. There will probably awful jokes and worse dice rolls.

Probably. probably 10-sih EST

>purchasing games to get items in other games
Gaben and the Valve marketing team are fucking brilliant.
Every god damn time
I loved doing this
Even better than gloves faggot. You get the AWP
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>tfw dragon gives oral
>tfw princess sends you a letter
That rat from Flushed Away, Rita Malone? Her voice and accent gave me a boner
Hey Aspirant, since you've given up the illusion of being anon for the moment, Saturday's session is going to be at 10 PM EST, right? Or is it starting earlier?
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Hoooooolyyyyy shiiiiiiiit if that isn't a blast from the past.

Excuse me while I see if I can tamper with this.
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I had a beta invite before it came with preorders, maybe they're just sending it to everyone with the beta.
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>mfw Americans call Incest-Murder-Crazy-Death-Wahey "Hamlet"
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The hallway led past a bedroom to the bottom of the stairwell. Sweetie Belle looked up in amazement. The whole apartment was hollow, with light wooden walls. Rooms hung out over the gap. A narrow staircase ran around the walls in a square spiral, connecting the three levels. Through the house wafted a wonderful scent that made her tummy rumble again.

A stallion's face peered over the edge, blinked, and smiled. "Well, hi there," he said, and flew down to meet them. "I'm Scootaloo's father, Tailwind."

"I'm Sweetie Belle, please to meet you," she said in her politest voice, shaking his hoof. He was yellow-coated, with a mane the color of the sky.

"Good to finally meet you," he said, "We were just about to eat. Are you staying for dinner?"

She nodded. He grinned. "I was counting on leftovers for work tomorrow, but first class company is worth more than a second go at a meal. C'mon up, dining room's at the top," he said, and leapt upward. With four mighty flaps, he disappeared onto the third floor. The fillies started up the staircase. Scootaloo ran, holding a wing out to catch the air and push her toward the wall.
London accents? Gross
Congrats, anon. You've got a sparkle dog.
Holy shit I didn't notice this right away
I'm laughing so hard you giant weeaboo
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so out of desperation i decide to search on google

only found this
who even are you
'Norbert', apparently.
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36 KB
>that e-mail address
My god. Even if it's a throwaway account, that's some grade-A weeabooery.
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2.08 MB
RIP in peace
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216 KB
I got this.
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125 KB
Oo, la señorita~
Elo is ded?
What kind of a name is Norbert?
>where they have broadband. Hopefully ill be able to play this soon, because i get bored around here sometimes. Another really cool site is www.youtube.com your able to post videos and watch many, theres quite a few of everything.
Just how fucking old is this
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>go to your pone waifu's house in the morning
>she greets you at the door
>she's wearing another man's shirt that is a couple of sizes too big for her

how would you react
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1.93 MB

so that means you're some kind of ginger Spanish vampire then.
I demand porn of this thing
I would that horse.

I would that horse with a pile of cocaine in a penthouse apartment with Rarity.
Draw her singing it.

Also mah nigga. Shame it isn't coming over until 2013.
Kill youself.
What kind of a fucking name is Blood? Or Garnet if your name isn't Blood?
that's a hot pony
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Anyone else want a Crocodile dundee type character in MLP
She's the OC of Kevin Garnett's daughter.
Mind blotting rage
>went through google
>got http://iliketrains156.deviantart.com/art/My-little-pony-Christopher-305022395
Jesus Christ that's awful.
I hate that miLes draws belly buttons
That's Pip.

I'm fine with more Pip, so long as he's a joke character.
I see.
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...horses don't have belly buttons?
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>Giant weeaboo
I took a foreign exchange trip to Japan. This website is from when I was a sophomore in high school. It's bound to be full of dumb, naive things.

But yeah, it's pretty funny. I made that so my high school classmates could keep up on me. Totally forgot about it.

I'm surprised it still exists at all.

How embarrassing.

Oh and no, that email doesn't exist anymore. It was a throwaway.

I'm happy to say I grew out of that phase.

About 7 years old at this point.

Ask her what's with the shirt.
What is with fags and the heterochromia?
No the ones from the show
is that that one scp? i should get back to reading that thing
its supposed to be the protag of the Thief games

they think it means they were marked by the gods.
Australian =/= British
How did they even find out you made it Satan Aspirant?
Where can I find Paint Tool SAI?
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Assume it's her brothers. Applejack probably has a lot of hand-me-downs, after all.
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Special Snowflake Syndrome

It's from a film called The Poughkeepsie Tapes or something like that.
In my butt, care to draw in there?
the ones from the show don't have any genitalia either.

doesn't stop the other artists from adding them
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Is it fetish time yet?

No. You can't draw on intestines because they tear too easily.
I thought you meant in spirit, anonymous. You know -- a comical national stereotype.
did you go to okiyama?
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All of you people look and sound the same to me.
>the ones from the show don't have any genitalia either.
Nah it's a movie about a serial killer who documents things about his kills. The thing that kills the women I think is a former victim turn servant.
well there is also a scar if you notice
Maybe because ur dumb opplejock
>that Wizards Harry Potter site you were a member of
>that gaia account name
Oh Aspirant, you're reminding me so much of myself right now
Thief game protagonist. It's not heterochromia, he's got a magic fake eye.
Hey, whatever happened to Pony or DIe?
Hasn't CWC died yet?

Also, a pretty decent caricature, Corwin.
excuse me, its his OC as the protag of the thief games, which if it makes any difference doesnt have heterochromia
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here it goes again

but it's a stereotype of the wrong nation.

I suppose I should have clarified - Is the "SAI in English" download what most of the people who use SAI have? Or do they just use the Japanese one?
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>tfw ham hands

No hopes and no dreams.
I'm useless.

Leth ded and took Pony or Die with him to the grave

He's alive, and I assume it's almost over.
Why are you faggots e-stalking Aspirant?
Well, that's what I get for playing the first name pony thing with my trip on. Haha.

It's cool though, just a little embarrassing to have that pop up after so many years. God just looking through it is making me laugh terribly while shaking my head.

Oh man this is too crazy.

I was in Nara prefecture, attended Koriyama high school.

>Harry Potter site
I don't remember this one.
Eh, everyone in my class had one at some point. Just bandwagoned onto it.
Because it's funny seeing all the dumb shit we did back in the day.
Is your girlfriend a horse?
He's gotten a lot fatter and grown his hair longer.
The last news of him I heard was hiring that prostitute several months ago.
But they don't.
It really is, I'm laughing for real. Oh man the nostalgia.
>natural mammalian reproduction
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Why am i so sexy attracted to this character archetype.
Weird, I don't remember that site at all.
no but she is a guy

it is so fun to pretend
>User's local time August 17, 2012 03:57 am

Holy shit, dude. Go to bed.
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242 KB
>Have at least four .sai files to finish.
>Too lazy to finish at least one.

Where do I get the will to work in my stuff?
That's wrong, it's only midnight where I'm at.
But it's like, only just turned midnight, no
Think you're doing it for your waifu
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20 KB
>Go on skype with a girl
>Awkward silences
>she hangs up
>go back to chat
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60 KB
Nothing Faust says is canon. That dumb bitch said there were only two alicorns.
Clearly you crushed those memories so you could forget that terrible site design
Because one day, you will be a great artist.
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She's a little pony.
No, but he does have a mechanical eye, so...
call them practice sketches and move on

well, that's what i thought: it's only nine.
Hahahaha, probably. Why is it pink? Oh man.
Yes. Just fucking youtube 'free paint tool sai'. It'll get you what you need.
Only one solution.
Meet in public so you can have awkward silences in person.
At least you HAVE hands, asshole. Some of us aren't lucky enough to have horns, and mouths don't work very fucking well for fine motor control.
Do it!

You a soldier!
>tfw forever worried people will find the retarded shit you did back in the day
I was part of an online forum based around roleplaying as pokemon
For some reason, I thought you were Irish.

I did - I was just making sure what I found was the right thing. No need to get fucking snippy about it.
Klondork pls
Shut up, Klondike
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I remember this PMV from a while back:


It would be so much better with DT instead of Rarity.
Because you are a beta ass faggot.
I wrote runescape fanfiction.
that game was my childhood
Wait, Klondike did this too? I must get in contact with him and ERP with him now
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494 KB
>tfw i used to browse all sorts of fanfiction
>was never stupid enough to create an account
>tfw having multiple email aliases unrelated to anything else for every stupid thing I did
>tfw never having to worry about it
you know I didn't know what Gaia was (I knew the earth spirit but not the site) until I came here

the kids who did stuff online never talked to me so I didn't know about much of anything
I have a cartoon drawn with my mouse in MS Paint and put together using Windows Movie Maker about Nazis being obsessed with Mario. I did it when I was 13 and I posted it when I was 15 or 16.
>on skype with girl
>not with guy
It's a lot easier.
I remember posting in some Yu-Gi-Oh! forums way back, with the most stupid grimdark name, 'Lord of Darkness' and having a pic of Casey Jones because I thought he looked cool hahaha oh man those days..
My nigga!
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25 KB
>tfw like half of contributorfags have Pokemon names
I'm glad that all the people from MLPG I've Skyped with have gotten along really well with me. Zero spaghetti, we just shoot the shit for hours
Fucking Scot.
You ruined Scotland.
I kinda half want to start reading fanfiction again
I think the earliest stuff I posted online were posts to a Simpsons forum when I was like 10.
Ewww disgusting
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277 KB
The only thing embarassing thing I did when I was younger was "play" gaia
I'm still ashamed of myself
>it's only nine
Isn't it 5am in Scotland?
Anyone here played ManagerZone?
I always do before I sleep

>you will never discover Runescape for the first time again
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80 KB
>TFW you are still waiting for your turn and religiously check your Gmail while steeling yourself to write pone.

I keep worrying I'll be busy the day my turn comes and I can't do shit.
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53 KB
>open page
>computer blasts out "I WANNA BE A POPSTAR"
I love you. I still remember the goddamn beatmaps for that shit.
I don't know.

This world is stressing me
Everybody's testing me
I just wish they'd let me be
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29 KB
>Dear princess Cellie
>Today learnt that good mates are blokes who don't bugger off when shit hits the fan, true blue mate call the ambo after you get chucked out of the boozer for being Face, off one's

Your Dinkum mate dundee
I'm more worried that someone will find the one track I can't cover, and discover that everything I've told them about myself is pure bullshit. Making a new you online is too much fun
Anything good recently?
Also did Summer Days and Evening Flames ever finish?
Anything good recently? Assuming you're talking about MLP.

Dooks porfis
Everyone post your skype username
I was a God on that game.
>the start of youtube and broadband
Blast to the past indeed
I don't have a skype

I only ever read one shot deals, and I can't remember any that caught my attention
I've posted TWO things in MLPG that could link to my full first & last name, but only by accident.
I fear that they will one day come back to hurt me.
>Write "C" in the Address bar
>First result: Clopfic Directory

Welp, time to bed.
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7 KB
>tfw you create a new persona
>tfw you inevitably begin lapsing into old habits
Willie pls.
I'm so glad you remembered that.
Anyone wanna Maf, Haxball, Transformice or something like that?
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460 KB
Pero si ni siquiera he posteado.
Haha John.
That song was huge while I was over there and it's catchy as hell. Found it on Osu again and just nostalgiad all over again. Still like it, despite no longer being weeaboo.


I owe you an intro.
>that feel
I'm up for maf
I'll play mafia
I don't have Skype. I don't know what I'd talk about with people here.
Pero usted acaba de hacer
>Pony or Die trucking along
>OS's turn comes up
>Complete fucking paradigm shift for the string on next story
Well post one you like.

And ponies, occasionally.
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107 KB
Anon porfis.
Is that porn?
Tehoonted pls
I'd be up for Mafia or Transformice though. Dunno what Haxball is though, is that something you guys have recently started playing?
Common interests? I harass people here about music, vidya, different cultures - it's fun to me, and most of you are fantastic people
eric suffoletto
will you actually talk to me?
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call
>ordinary phone call
ha, if you want to pay money
Why are they so perfect?
And the regular style is hotter than the fanservice style sometimes.
God damn I loved that episode
>not recognising PSG
>in MLPG
>in 2012
Dooks No puedo creer que te gustó lo que hicimos. Se fue del 100% satisfacción de los deseos

such is the way of these things.
I don't know how it works. I've never used it. Is it like a chatroom?
Oh god >>3948516
It's a really shitty VOIP program. You invite people into calls, where you can then talk like in Teamspeak, Mumble or Ventrilo or something
Also doubles up as an IM, like Steam friends

Dis nigga
That's two characters from Panty and Stocking you pleb. /co/ flavour of the month back in 2010
regular show style is always great
I wish there was a download document for all the epiodes
>tfw the word doubles is now considered spam

>And the regular style is hotter than the fanservice style sometimes.


Espera, que?
a new horse, a new horse.
Sweet Negro
>The two boys then said "you're a brony?", I shook my head yes, smiled and blushed
it said site was down now it's it's full
why do you people always turn spectating off anyways
my kingdom for a horse
I've been had
Google doesn't know how to translate "wish-fulfilment"

I can't spaniards
New Horse:

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1.53 MB
Does it still hurt?
Read past the OP. It's a troll.
sucks they called him a pony fucker, he was just a casual brony

I'm not posting my skype fuckhead.
Why are you telling him this
0: Luna
1: Celestia
2: Caramel
3: Cloudchaser
4: Junebug
5: Cheerilee
6: Flitter
7: Bonbon
8: young Granny Smith
9: Braeburn
Dubs: Daniel Ingram
Trips: Tara
Anime doesn't normally work like that. You can find the release groups here (http://anidb.net/) and then download them over bittorrent (http://nyaa.eu/ maybe?) or XDCC.
Because we don't want you getting free entertainment.
>tfw no season 2 since it did so poorly in japan
The fuck? Didn't it sell decent?
Well I don't know about torrent stuff, but that it is anime doesn't not make it data that can be treated like the other data
Well duh, it's just lolsorandum sex joke sex reference sex joke boobs.
It's what GG would be if he could make his own show
>Japan in charge of tastes

At least Trigger is trying to get those rights back.
still it was a breath of fresh air to the moe infested waters of japan.
>Does it still hurt?
Yes. Very much yes.

First series that ever bummed me out when it finished.

This is going to be the second. I can feel it
Anime release groups have a somewhat established way of doing things. You can get almost everything over XDCC. DDLs are rare.
Sweetie Belle followed slowly, carefully. She made it to the second floor, and peeked over the edge. She immediately wished she hadn't.

"Uh, I'll be there in a minute," she said, and looked around. This room had bookcases on the walls and clouds hovering above a knitted rug. Curious, she walked over and stepped through the cloud. It was clammy and cold, and she shivered at the sensation. This must be the living room, she thought.

She turned and gingerly climbed to the third floor; when she finally reached the top, she ran to the middle of the floor, dropped to her belly, and hugged the rug.

Scootaloo's mom laughed. "First time to a pegasus townhouse, dear?" she asked.

Sweetie Belle stared at her. She was tan-coated with a purple mane more vibrant and shocking than Rarity's. "Yes ma'am," she said, and got to her hooves. The dining room table was U-shaped, with couches on the outside. "You eat lying down?" she asked.

"It's traditional," said Scootaloo's mom, opening the oven. "I'm Flowstream, but you can call me Flo."

The delicious smell increased a hundredfold. "That smells amazing!" said Sweetie Belle, her mouth watering.

Flo carried a glass pan to the counter. "Thank you."

Scootaloo licked her lips. "It's her incredibly fantabulous Oatmeal Surprise." Then, raising a hoof to her mouth, she whispered, "The surprise is cheese."
At least it won't rail against you like that one. If anything, it's going to go out on a standard issue episode.
Nah, two parter for sure.
Maybe a movie after the show ends
>people liking P&SwG
My God, if /a/ could see you guys.
New horse slaughter
PSG is nothing like your typical anime so of course /a/ hates it
oh the IRC, that's cool thanks
Y? Moeblob crap/cute girls doing cute things that hardwired into Japanese Culture?
It's Family Guy made by Gainax
Aaaand that's it for tonight.
Can you cap it?
Well shit my internet connection is not that great
It's probably more /co/ than /a/ for sure
The humour is very American
I still believe Gainax made it purely to troll moefags. Who cares if /a/ likes it?
Having said that, there seems to be a good dual audio version here http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=332518

The English dub is hilarious. I'm downloading this right now. The torrent seems healthier than the comments make out as well.
>english dub
>not sub
Really? How are the demon sisters and Corset?
Fudge I just want the classes I want for the Horse Program at the local Community College. Classes are being taken up by a bunch of Iranian kids who don't want to be there and desperate (their parents) for units.


Special note: The CC contains the only public farm in the Greater Los Angeles County.
It's dual audio man. I downloaded the HorribleSubs version when it came out.

The voice acting is definitely nowhere near as good. I dunno. It just seemed more funny in English. Less of the humour went over my head.
LK pls
we at new horse
It's kinda hard for it to go over your head if it's mostly in engrish

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