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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.
And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

Note: "noko" is now the default when posting. Posting in a thread will return you to your new post instead of the board index. You can enable the old functionality by typing "nonoko" into the e-mail field.

Also, the number of e-mails I've gotten from people saying they met their significant other on 4chan is insane. I feel like some horrible bastard version of Cupid. To all of the ">tfw no gf" people, there is still hope!

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game over: >>3770792
password: Applejack Applejack Hub Pony Fluttershy Rarity

>chill rape
Oh TBOI.. I'll have to play you again sometimes.
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Your pony waifu, MLPG. Who is she and why do you love her? What would an ideal day with her be like?
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Let's keep this waifu train rollin'.

Even though it is late and I'm exhausted form studying all day.
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daily reminder - there is an another shitty alicorn self-insert OC in the show

S03 will be awesome


>Baby Grizelda grabs at her sister's nose and giggles as Gilda sets her on her lap and gently takes hold of her little hands, clapping them softly together.
>The Grizelda of today, however, is just as red as her sister as she desperately fumbles for the remote, trying to stop the tape
>"I-I-I was looking for something else!!!"
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>To you all
I can't fuckin' wait
[Citation Needed], where are you hearing this from?
>"Aww, stopping already? But you were both so cute!"
>Toys are canon
>citation needed

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I'm slowly losing interest in the show beyond the characters I already love.

But that's not a chill night thread topic, book horse is!

How would she react to ear scratches?
Day would be nothing special. Night with Luna, however, would be great since we could go off and explore her glorious kingdom with her glorious sky and everything.
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i just died to satan with a great build

Wonderful, thanks!
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Cadence already shat things up as far as I'm concerned.
The can introduce a nation of Alicorns for all I care.
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I love her because she's nice, loving and can be quite funny. She loves learning as much as I do.
Though naggy at times it's always with your best interest at heart.
Renne quest is still running chaps


looks like Saffron is turning bad
>that hair
>more alicorns
>more episodes directly about toys

i am so bloody conflicted
Jokes on you, anon, I remember this convo:
> cuntdance

nigga please, you seems to be new
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she would probably flick her ear when you first go to touch it, but then lean in close to you when you start to scratch.
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>Alicorn filly confirmed

Where is your God now?

>They both get even redder, whipping around to face you

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>Still not liking Cadence
I guess AJ has a car now and Pinkie has a train and is a baby and Celestia is pink
is that the trollface grin
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I still need like 4 chest runs. They are hard as fuck.
I don't know. I'd love for book horse to curl up in my lap, twitching her ears with each scratch and eagerly begging for more when I stop.

So you want to ride with her at night to explore the lands? That's very nice, Anon. I may write it

What's this about more alicorns

Her power is forcing people to like her. Because nobody will do it willingly.
>you'd be terrified if you weren't struggling so much not to burst into laughter
nah, it's the hasbro logo
>Meanwhile the video continues.
But wasn't Celestia pink in the intro to the pilot?
>What's this about more alicorns

ED got the scoop an alicorn baby. She'll likely be introduced somewhere in S3, like Cadence was in S2
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I am.
Pink Celestia is the marketing decision, train (yes, from the playset) was introduced in s02. Not sure about the car yet, could appear.

Oh, and yes, the turtle (tortoise) appeared tin the toys line too.
>nah, it's the hasbro logo

My god
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>Rainbow Dash will never harbor a deep-seated wish to bear your children
>you will never discover she is infertile
>you will never stick by her side as she slowly withdraws from the world in a spiral of depression
>you will never watch her die slowly from the inside out
Would you smell a farty pone's buttfarts if they farted them out of their butt?
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> liking shitty alicorn OC made by some little autistic girl that pestered her dad to put it in the show because SHE wants it

faggot, worse than brony
I have literally no reason to like her.
>you see baby Grizelda being cradled by a beautiful young woman
>their mother...
>power forces people to like her

This is sort of like the False Alicorn entity I thought of for PonyDnD, it's meant to be what if the party has to fight a OC alicorn

>False Alicorn; medium; mid-high tier
Ponies with the traits of all 3 castes, yet lack the full power and divinity of true alicorn. Said to herald coming disaster.

>Unearthly Form: False Alicorns are unnatural beings, and this is especially obvious in their appearance and colouration. Merely looking at one can hurt the eyes, reducing weapon accuracy. -2 to direct attacks against them.
>Unearthly Fortune: False Alicorns possess an unnatural amount of luck, easily finding themselves in situations where they may glorify themselves and be in a position of power and influence over other ponies. -1 to all actions against them.
>Flight: False Alicorns are capable of flight just like pegasi.
>Telekinesis: Magical ability mirroring unicorns.
>Toughness: Constitutions mirroring earth ponies.
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My Little Pony is a tv show based off toys. Toys came fist. Toys are more canon than the show.

Cope with the situation.
I already sort of wrote that in one of my fimfiction links.. gosh, Luna is so great. So's Nightmare Moon. I like Nightmare Moon's visual design more, to be honest, and I'd wish that there'd be something where Moon as appearance could come back.
>coming disaster
I unsheath my +1 Rod of Sounding.

But... how can you kill a Mary Sue?
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>RPG crap
With another mary sue
>you will never soar through the night with Luna and brofist a kid clinging to Totoro's belly midair
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>alicorn OC made by some little autistic girl that pestered her dad to put it in the show because SHE wants it
By using more Mary Sues

>False Pony; medium; low-mid tier
>Beings that seem to resemble normal ponies, but possess traits distinguishing them.

>Uncanny Form: False Ponies possess odd colouration, and the more garish ones can use it to their advantage by confusing opponents with their unnatural looks. May induce a -1 to direct attacks against them.
>Uncanny Fortune: Though not to the extent of False Alicorns, False Ponies also possess unnatural amounts of luck that easily allow them to have their wishes fulfilled in some way.
>Flight: False Pegasi can also fly.
>Telekinesis: False Unicorns possess the same magic as actual unicorns
>Toughness: False Earth Ponies have the same constitutions as other earth ponies.

The ponies you roll to play PonyDnD count as OCs too
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she'd also probably giggle as you lightly scratch the top of her head with your fingertips, turning her ears downwards so they won't get in the way

>Get the fuck someplace else
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>Not liking Cadence since she was first leaked

c'mon step it up
> he doesn't know
Do you think Rarity and Opal ever have tender moments?


I've always thought it'd be great to see someone who's dimensionally "rooted", meaning they can't be affected by reality-warping powers. They see the Mary Sue for what it is, and can harm it just like any other person. Kinda like a Deathclaw Gauntlet ignoring armor, but with Plot Armor.
/tg/ was making an rpg with that as the premise. You were an "editor" going into real stories to fight oc inserts that screw up the storylines. You'd have to find a way to naturally remove them without becoming a Mary Sue yourself.

It was pretty cool stuff.
>Liking a character based solely on appearances
Congrats anon, you've killed me
I'm going to have to use that as a plot point on my next PonyDnD quest now.

Also, we're looking for more players. Go over to /q/ on the submarine if anyone wants to play.

To hell with lightly scratching, there'd be running my talented human fingers into her mane and along her cheeks in just a few seconds.

Any screencaps?
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Don't be sour
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oh boy, we are going to get princess Skyla and Lord Donut Steel

>"Is that-?"
>Gilda turns off the TV
>"Alright dweeb, show's over."
I'd love to read something with NMM x human/anon. Could be either feels or something sexual. Or both, consistently. Would be awesome.

What I'm lacking in speed I make up for in POWER





I seem to have deleted my bookmarks of the threads. Give me a sec to find one of them
I could link to some Luna-x-OC fics, but I don't know about Luna-x-human...
remember when the cadence playset thing came out?

>Bring in successful storyteller to revitalize old franchise and renew interest in it
>disregard their ideas the moment they leave the project and start doing the same things that made people lose interest in the first place
>More pink, more princesses, more toy commercials - kids don't know good entertainment anyway.
>but don't update the toys to reflect the design of the show because you're a cheap cocksucker

I love this show, but Fuck Hasbro. Seriously.
Is it just me, or is the toy frightening and not at all cute (never mind the implications for the show, just the actual toy as is)?
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MLP: FIM: the movie is going to be one huge blatant commercial. You ain't seen nothing yet.

I was also planning something like this for PonyDnD quest
>The Nation of Equestria and the surrounding lands have enjoyed a millennium of peace and prosperity
>However, it has come at a price. The very reason they were stopped from finding prosperity in ancient times would soon come to be known, as a mysterious anomaly appears in the Frozen North, threatening to swallow up the entire world.
>To counter this, the various races of the world have banded together and sent in their very best people, technology and knowledge to enter the anomaly and stop it from destroying all they have built and the future of the world.
>Inside, they find twisted ideals and bastardized knowledge given form, all seeking to take Equestria for themselves...
>The first trial: Graveyard of Grimdark. Boss: False Pinkie
>The second trial: Palace of Perversion. Boss: False Alicorn Princess Molestia
>The rest: Still need to think up
I do not have a waifu, I cannot love.
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>OCs everywhere that the cast instantly knows
>random toys appearing in the show that look like ass

Does anyone have that gif of He-man riding that weird fucking thing?
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but if you die then you can't let her lay over you, sleeping soundly feeling nice and safe in your arms
rubbing her back with one hand
feeling the weight of her on top of you
hearing the sound of her gentle breathing
The Newborn cuties look grotesque. I've yet to see any actual young female who likes them either from my sis to her friends to anyone in stores.
Cool. Thanks!
> OC
Also, it is NMM, not Luna, though. Different persona/character despite it is the same being.
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>disregard their ideas the moment they leave the project and start doing the same things that made people lose interest in the first place

you gotta love how they turned Cadence into an alicorn right after Lauren left
NMM is going to be hard, just regular >feels with Luna was what I had in mind
I ship this
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We need to send a, uh... impassioned plea to Hasbro, yeah. Send them enough emails on a topic and hell, maybe they'll respond! It worked for Yamino, right?

Shame they got bored of it. It had a lot of potential
Can I get some references of Marker Pone? I want to draw something of her.

IDEALLY I'd like both in profile and looking at the viewer. It's hard to get a feel for how her hair looks sometimes.
I know, that's why there is no such fics, haha.

Though, a simple sexual greentext would work for me.
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There's a whole bunch in beginning of the last thread.
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this trainwreck is going to be glorious

Gilda doesn't get along with her mother?
Her mother isn't alive anymore?
>arrive in Ponyville
>mass panic as one of the ponies spots you and runs off screaming
>sigh and sit down until things die down
What is /tg/ actually for nowadays? I honestly don't visit anything else besides MLPG nowadays. Note like I ever visited /tg/ before, though.
I was going for the latter
no good? should we disregard it?

Let's see what happens.
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mtg and spess merines
I know, I'm just thinking about fanfics that I've already come across. Like one with an OC and NMM where she turns back to Luna due to his love, one where an OC is a guard pony to Luna and is devoted over to her, and I think there's a TAW one where a human guy is with Luna actually as like a companion...
Would you rub a chubby pone behind the ears?
Well to be fair, there are a lot of bronies that'll eat up whatever shit they serve up from now on.
Only if I could escalate things further later on.
>TAW one where a human guy is with Luna actually as like a companion...
You mean Lunabath one? Yeah, that one raised many boners.
well that's as far as I'd planned, so...
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>I will never buy a ranch with lots of land and pastures
>I will never ride my horses in the fields and mountains
>I will never defend my property and horses from Mexicans
>I will never bond so closely with a horse like a cowboy
Yeah, I loved that. I honestly don't know how I can make something different.

I'm getting more confident though, since my last waifufic seemed better received than my others. Or maybe more people just like Fluttershy.
Like it would have to something like:

Chubbsickles lets out a low moan as you dig your fingers on the back of her neck. You lean forwards, loving how flashes of bliss pop up over her pretty face, and you rub your hands to the sides. Petting her ears, you give in and nudge your face against her sweet fluff all along her back. Your hands act on their own, moving and stroking all around the back of her head.
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Well, I've got the front page open on a separate tab now... looks like pretty standard fare: "are there any systems based around dinosaurs", 40k, dark heresy, 40k quest looks pretty cool, pic related, quest, PnP stories about awesome stuff your character has done, MTG thread, thread on a new 40k game or something (not sure, haven't read too much on it yet), miniature thread, 40k lore thread, quest, a few more PnP discussion threads and a character art dump. I'd say this is about indicative of the average state of /tg/ at any one time.
Kill Molestia?

Better hope she doesn't blog about it.
I dislike it when males refer to members of the mane 6 as "filly". It's like calling a woman in her 20's a "girl".
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>the mane six eventually show up to fight the new "monster"
>Rainbow Dash speeds toward you, ready to attack
>Twilight, now realizing you're one of those "humans" she's read about, shouts at RD to stop.
>Rainbow Dash impacts the side of your head with her front hooves, seperating your spinal column at the base of the neck, killing you instantly.
>She swoops around and back to your body.
>She indecisively sniffs at your body, pacing around your warm corpse.
>Her tight butt plants straight on your wide-eyed face.
>Well to be fair, there are a lot of bronies

Bronies don't watch the show, but I guess we don't either. Well, on the Hub I mean. Bronies don't watch the show at all. You know what I mean.

So how do they turn a profit, and from who? If they fuck the show up, and theyre obviously trying to, will it hurt their ratings? Will they lose coin? Fuck, would bronies even lose money?
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>you will never have a big house with your favorite things in it
Yeah, waifufics have a natural following and Shy has devoted fans in particular; quite ones like their idol.

Personally, I'm really burned out of writing after having done like lots of things.
big houses suck because they take longer to clean and tidy

also they take longer to traverse
That's not fair. That's horrible.
They buy the merch.
>you will never have a big carrier with all your favourite weapons on it
Sorry, I mean what is this for in general.
Oh, that's a good idea for another task. I need to think up an fandom figure that is the epitome of attention whore, though. Seth, Mic or Yanino?
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Only if you're a disgusting pig. Or if you have children, but come on,
>having kids

Those Blood Jaguars are the latest in the line of /tg/ made spess murreen chapters.

Seems like they've been making a lot of them over summer
>You will never have a big helicopter with all of your favorite prostitutes in it.
>you will never share a tiny home with the one who loves you most
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>you will never have a big black fedora with all your favourite pins stuck on it
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By the way, if you think that there is no way that Princess Skyla is going to appear on the show, well.... think again.

She is a pink princess, that makes her a priority for Hasbro: They have to promote her, and there is no better way to do that than put her in the show.

So yeah, prepare for Princess Skyla in S3, you can bet on that.
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>you will never invest in genteically modifying horses to be sentient and capable of speech
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>still thinking hasbro does any kind of marketing strategy or even basic thinking for that matter.

have you even been following the show for the past 2 years?
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Depends on what kind of villain you want. Seth actually seems downright chill compared to Mic and Yamino.

I would say base it off Mic, he is more directly relevant to the bronies, as I see it.
/tg/ makes a lot of them, yeah. I still have fond memories of the discussion around the Angry Marines, the Reasonable Marines, and those dashing rogues, the Pretty Marines.
Like I said, we already have Cadence, I don't care anymore. I guess they could have her deliver a deus ex machina ending as well, but what does it matter? the damage is done.
>she becomes the new leader of the CMC
>the damage is done.

Love is dead

thank you

i was about to screencap that
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Seth may be relatively chill, but goddamn.
>Scootaloo gives up on flying and gets her scooter cutie mark
>summarily written out of the CMC
>replaced with Skyla

I hope that we at least have some nice gore / abuse or other stuff for this new bitch. The amount and quality of this stuff for Cadence is subpar.
>the damage is done
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>anyone liking Angry Marines
How? They're the worst thing that faggy fandom ever came up.

Does she have a cutie mark?

What if she shows up in one episode and tells the CMC that they're her inspiration?
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>and you will never spend your last days with your waifu
Is that actually him?

Wouldn't surprise with all the stuff he did in the past.
>the damage is done
Cry me a river.

>"Who was--?"
>She ignores you, heading for the door.
>"I'm going for a ride - look after the little shit, will you?
>Her usual aggressive attitude has been replaced by a sullen anger.
>"Gil, c'mon, you don't ever talk about--?"
>"Not a fucking word out of you. If I see that tape again, I'm setting it on fire."
>the door slams behind her.
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You're bringing back fond memories
I suppose I could use Seth as a leader figure of the bronies faction, with Mic being the attention whore boss.
God is dead.
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It's a cascade of shit!
Oh no, the zombies killed God!
>Grizelda starts to cry
Because they're space marines, they're angry, and mostly because nostalgia
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I'd prefer funny abuse. That's something we can all enjoy.
Skyla is only a babby anyway. Just like Pound and Pumpkin.
Yeah, if Seth is the overall leader, Mic is the scary military general. Seth was placed on the throne, but I'm sure Mic would gladly rip it out from under him.
Fuck you
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On the box, she's an older foal.
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Guess who has been playing with the paint utility?

On that note,

>mfw everything we've learned about season 3 so far
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I have always said that a good rape scene will help the show find its niche - maybe some nice why are you still reading this for fuck's sake get out of this thread and go back to fluffy pony general you twisted fuckjaw.

She's a filly, if you mean the picture on the box.
Which pony whinnies in her sleep?

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I haven't seen that in years, Anonymous. You have warmed the bitter cockles of this old fa/tg/uy's heart, and for that I thank you.

Why are Eldar such cunts?
Would you happen to be a pony DnD player?

Also, the bronies aren't the only faction. Hasbro wishes to take back what should be theirs as well.
>everything we've learned so far
Care to bring me up to speed, I may have missed some shit.
I don't play Pony DND at the moment
They are cunts for the greater good.
>fluttershy whinning quietly in her sleep
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Half full > Half empty

>tfw you have a bearded donkey Paladin
>tfw you've only played one session with him because you never know when Nasse has another session set up or if anyone in the quest is doing anything
>tfw you've probably been left behind
My nigga
C'mon they get sen to the moon. For their honeyMOON.
Come to the submarine, we always want more people to pretend to be horses with us
>A fa/tg/guy is in the general!
This is normal.
No no no, you're thinking of the Tau. The Eldar are cunts because they accidentally an elder god of excess, pleasure and pain, and now they're mad they lost their planets because of it.
But I only hate Cadence. I would never want to see Twist pounded black and blue by a stallion.
>Crystal Ponies
>Donut Steel
>Princess Skyla
>All the music we've seen so far is awful
>Half a season length

All of this pales in comparison to what is unconfirmed but likely, and will be the greatest travesty of all if it comes true. Season 3 does not have an Applejack solo song.

I never understood this debate. It's half full when the last time something happened to its contents, it gained in volume, and it's half empty when the last time it lost volume.
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>princess Skyla
Wait... I HAVE missed some shit.

Fuck, time to get googleing.
I dunno, the failure song was good.
1-3: league
4-6: draw
5-9: sleep
0 or dubs: you guys pick one of the three
>not wanting to pound Twist's fillyslit with your maremasher
Yous missed 90% of this entire thread and threads from yesterday.
>tfw the only session I finished was the second quest by DM
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My early days in MLPG-->My current days in MLPG

or just read the thread
Draw Octavia cum inflation
That's terrible
>Draw two ponies having sex where the guy in the back is making a feels-good-man while the girl in the front has somehow had the cock go through her body and out her mouth.

Who are you anon?

pls draw something involving Rarity
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73 KB
Is that anything like a mage masher?
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45 KB
>Princess Skyla

there's that word again
>google results
>toy pops up
>speculation that the princess may not appear in the show
>if she does she may be Cadance's kid
What's the problem? Did the general shit itself?
lyraquestanon is there, he dropped the trip
If you use it right, it'll definitely inflict silence
Well, you stab things with it...
File: 1344509398054.png-(442 KB, 1280x1024, rarity in boxers wip kind(...).png)
442 KB
Sorry, I don't do that.

You maybe picked the right guy to ask. What will it be?
Not that guy, but you should raw Rarity cum inflation
File: 1344509448959.png-(60 KB, 262x270, we twily now.png)
60 KB
twilight x skyla porn when

> maremaster
Want to feel like crap about your art?


the entire poster was done on one layer.
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96 KB
And now we have a face for her!

>rarity in boxers wip kind of clean.png

I don't see boxers, oh god please finish that. There can never be enough Rarity in men's underwear.

Draw Rarity putting makeup on Twilight.
Can you do a similar picture but with Celestia or NMM please?
because butts
no fat plz
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Spoiler Image, 636 KB


is/was this finished?
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Spoiler Image, 13 KB
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1.53 MB
But Twist is unattractive and lesbian.
Ask Apple on his tumblr.
please never stop drawing.
and now they must be drawn...together!
>always have mlpg open
>haven't been reading it
>princess skyla
>oh some breaking bad joke, I'll pick it up later
>see this
>google it
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760 KB
>Not just posting the image

I bet you use multiple layers in your images you fucking plebeian.
brb drawing
damn you got me
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41 KB
Everything will burn
>you will never stroke that bulge
>you will never feel it throb and spurt
>you will never watch a wet spot grow on her swimsuit
considering the colors, shes probably cadences daughter
Why I should feel like crap? It's a whole other level man. I've barely ever practiced my humans... I don't even have right to feel bad at this point.
Are you trying to kill the General?
>one layer
Oooh man I sure wonder how they do it without computers.
File: 1344509659247.png-(355 KB, 640x480, just burns.png)
355 KB
Everything already burns.
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551 KB
Don't be silly.
>oh no she didn't
>oh no she didn't
>oh no she didn't
>oh no she didn't
>didn't she oh no
>you didn't pay me what you owe me
>and now it's over for you
>cousin twice removed of the Princesses chambermaid
Be it through adorable pictures, or >feels.
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I was gonna do some bloomers on her instead maybe, but I could easily make a version with boxers (that was the original idea).

Maybe later; are you saying I drew Rarity fat?

why would I ever stop?

Should I stram it?
>implying I'm not inspired
Zelda sucks though
>Twilight is an aunt
now that's a strange feel...
Twilight is S tier
Rarity is F tier

This coming from a Rarity Main
>Celestia and Luna
>1000+ years old
>Never had children

>Already has a child despite utra-extended lifetime

Cadence confirmed for canon slut.
oh hey, good idea


oh fuck. i thought it was like r63 celestia or something. i though you god damn bronies were just talking about some dumb fandom thing...

executives just need to be kept out of creative works.
So be it.

Neck seems to be too long. Otherwise it looks great.
celestia and luna are too busy keeping the sun and moon in the sky to have children

equestria would literally die if they were distracted for even a single day, let alone 18 years
>Maybe later;
It's funny, you always say that hen I request something. Seems like I'm doomed to be that "later guy".

> are you saying I drew Rarity fat?
No, it was just preventive. Most of the drawfags tend to draw Celestia with fat ass and it is disgusting.
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33 KB
Why you gotta hate the old dickeroo
>Cadance will outlive Shining Armor
>she will eventually grow taller than he will but he'll be dead long before that happens

I can see that becoming a feel fic.
what if.. what if the sparkles are descendents of celestia? her and luna are the only two pure alicorns left. twilights inate magical ability rises from the magical bloodline.
Tan, try for long, slow strokes. Make love to the canvas.

I know it sounds sexual, but you really should try it. Focus on feeling the shape and stop chicken-scratching it.
They're royal, they could hire someone.

Bloomers are fine too.

TWILY confirmed for not wearing condoms
>the Sparkles are the Sensei of the Equestria world without the immortality
mit b gud
>not wanting a mouthful of her mare meat as she manouvers in a masturbatory manor until she marinates you in her motherly milk
Oh geez, sorry bro, I didn't know. Tell ya what, I'll draw the undies on Rarity, then I could start on a Twilight.

Guys, does anyone want a stream though?
>His daughter will outlive him

Shit, Shiny, get it together.
>You will never be raped by Pinkie Pie until your anus bleeds so much that you must be hospitalized and placed into a diaper for months.
Nice alliteration.
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With respect, Anon, perhaps this is a company you don't fully understand, either.

A long time ago I was in /co/. My friends and I were working for the local Avatarfags. They were trying to buy the loyalty of Nickelodeon with figurine purchases and social media. But their voices were being drowned out in the social media by Tumblrfags, so we went looking for the figures. But in six months, we never found anyone who had managed to find an official figure vendor.

One day I saw a child playing with an Aang figure the size of a tangerine. Nick had been throwing them away.

>But why make them?

Because they thought it was good sport. Because some companies aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some companies just want to watch the world burn.
>Her mother, having more alicorn blood than her, will outlive her.
I would like rather die
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36 KB
there could not possibly be any other explanation
Then she'll be as retarded and annoying as Applebloom
Eh? I was the one who requested Celestia, though. Not Rarity.
How about silencing Twist with your mare masher?
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459 KB
>retarded and annoying

that's a funny way of spelling sweetie belle

I think he's making an applecest joke.
Guys guys

I think I become a steamfag
Bloomers/boxers are just gonna be their own layer or two, I was saying that i could maybe finish it up quickly, then get on with a Twilight one.
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15 KB
A part of me still doesn't want to believe that Princess Skyla will appear on the show, but given the fact that is a pink princess, it's almost guaranteed that Hasbro wil put her on the show.
Sorry, man, you totally lost me:

>Can you do a similar picture but with Celestia or NMM please?
>Maybe later; are you saying I drew Rarity fat?
>It's funny, you always say that hen I request something. Seems like I'm doomed to be that "later guy".
>Oh geez, sorry bro, I didn't know. Tell ya what, I'll draw the undies on Rarity, then I could start on a Twilight.
>Eh? I was the one who requested Celestia, though. Not Rarity
>Bloomers/boxers are just gonna be their own layer or two, I was saying that i could maybe finish it up quickly, then get on with a Twilight one.

Are you drunk?
Yes, that was the implication of the post.
Oh, I swore you wrote twilight, oh well, I guess I'm just tired.
I don't drink
Oh god pls
Draw each main 6 and Luna and Celestia wearing bloomers and boxers

Twilight is most important though
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Alrighty, I'll try. I'm streaming it, I've decided. I really want to try and refine my stroking technique anyway. I just have a lot of trouble with that; I was fixing on getting to it soonish anyhow.

Draw Twilight in bloomers

Seriously why do so few love bloomers they are classy and adorable as fuck
It somehow amazes me people like a cartoon for little girls.
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Ah, okay.
If you meant Celestia then I can't wait.
Though, I'm not a fan of undies. Could it be a pajama, drawn in a way that it reveal/half-open her body, and to be more precise - the butt and thighs? That would be awesome :3

I hope I don't ask too much.
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we thought you'd forgotten about us!
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>not drilling actual holes into your legs

such lack of dedication to the costume!
Nope. Doesn't work. I don't know why, maybe it's the attitude.
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499 KB

holy fuck i want a staff like that
>Not genetically altering you body to make yourself marshmallow

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124 KB
I'd rather carve mine in wood. Ehh... Now that's an idea.
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111 KB
Only Pinkie is that dedicated!
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591 KB
uh yeah. here or whatever
AJ seems the type who would be proud of her flat chest.
Jesus fuck this is creepy.

I really dislike your anthros, Apple. i do adore your ponies, though.
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150 KB
>you will never be cuddled by a horse
it's disheartening that the best pony video came out only a few months from the start
Thank god for that.

I actually really liked those two pictures klondike did on his birthday.

They made me feel. Is something wrong with me?
>on couch with sun princess
>not cuddling as hard as you can
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43 KB

that should give me a feel

but instead it made me laugh

I can't ever see the freaky fred face without thinking it's faceless making the post.
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12 KB
GG's a nice guy.
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124 KB
You know what my main problem with Cadence and SA is? Their love for each other is so strong and yet we're never given a reason that they like each other. The only thing that got her to marry him was apparently getting Twilight as a sister-in-law, which is troubling on its own.
Wow, haven't watched that video in like a year, good memories.
everything Silk has ever done is better than that whole video

song's amazing though

>ice pack kissu~

GG is a very neutral human
File: 1344512038782.jpg-(5 KB, 300x58, captcha draw horse.jpg)
5 KB
>my captcha

uh, link?
Derpy is a very ugly pony
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156 KB
Eh...he's ok, sometimes he's a cunt sometimes he's nice.

The truth is candyass manipulated him with her magic as part of a privately arranged marriage settlement with Celestia that allowed their kingdoms to unite.
We're never given a reason because the reason won't air on girls TV. Cadence would give Twilight books and then go make out with Shiny. Twilight Autism would never notice the signs of a heavy makeout session.
I know. It's like he has multiple personality disorder.
his most famous thing would probably be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4NubXXg5Rk
I wouldn't put it past him.
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42 KB

well aparently for the writers and Hasbro, little girls don't need to know more about a relationship, they just need that they love each other and i guess they are right
Same here. Especially with that pic of Fluttershy with her nose bleeding.
Are you kidding? That's a GREAT lesson for little girls to learn! That way, when I...

The FBI isn't around, are they?
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Spoiler Image, 926 KB
Well Braeburned drew something that wasn't dicks
Unfortunately it's shit
That post is all fucked

Those legs look awful.
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59 KB
Pinkesque is a very sweet pony
We dolphin now
Seems fine to me
It is, however, dildos.
She stole that entire episode.
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369 KB
I just love how round her head is.
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88 KB
Day threads soon, have fun while you can.
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199 KB
Deluded pinkiefag detected
>you will never be your favourite pone's dildo
>go to bed at 2am
>wake up at 7am
>miss best part of night threads
k ;_;
can she be my fleshlight?
ponies don't have outer labia, idortr
Then we better get chill quickly

>I am an expert for marshmallow pony anatomy
Horsing around
>implying I want horse vag on my marshmallow pony
Trot a story Mark
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85 KB
Nothing much to discuss, just talk about how much Luna is the best pony.
It's nearly 8AM. The daytime has begun
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665 KB
finish this please
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348 KB
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She's very good but there's no way she's had enough air time to be the best.

Best one-shot maybe? Can she be considered a one-shot?
>implying I'd like a socially retarded and emotionally unstable pone near me
>Fanon = Canon
implying air time related to how good a pony is
Did you even watch Luna Eclipsed or the pilot episodes?
File: 1344513077976.png-(497 KB, 644x696, 134351134672.png)
497 KB
Can someone provide 1080p versions of these screeshots please? I don't have eps on this PC and my internets is quite shitty.
It can be.

Too little of something can be bad.
Too much of something can be bad.
> = != !=
>implying I understand what the fuck that post is trying to say
Speaking of Luna, I don't much enjoy Friendship is Witchcraft, but the songs are ridiculous.

I'm the princess of the night...
>There will never be an extended version
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710 KB
>slugbox wants 500 dollars for drawing Chrysalis

i'm not surprised by that

what surprises is that none of his worshippers has paid him already
File: 1344513267709.gif-(978 KB, 320x180, Rarity108.gif)
978 KB

I would swallow Rarity's horse semen.
File: 1344513279318.png-(629 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2012-08-09-12h53m43s38.png)
629 KB
Not 1080, but hopefully this is good enough...
500 dollar for these trash pictures?
I'm never writing fanfiction again.

You're welcome.
>can't afford to buy a painting by a artist
>paint it instead
That's the spirit
I quite liked their Luna.
>But how can I be more sexy?
File: 1344513404849.png-(1.04 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2012-08-09-12h56m(...).png)
1.04 MB
but give me a link to what you've written already anon
And the first one?
It's shit anyway.

Good riddance.
>2 days ago
thanks man
>that song
It was much too short, the song was picking up then bam, it's over
I hate to ask again, but is there a frame nearby without these guards covering the castle on BG?
>the captions
Yellow comic sans and papyrus. That's actually the best part of the whole video
well, there's at least a great (subjective) remix by sim gretina:

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522 KB
Well here you go, it's finished, but I can't help but think my inks look terrible. I'm working on that though.

Rose was right, the more you love a sketch, the more you'll hate the ink.
But Aspirant how else will I waifu a horse
The quality is pretty awful
Have you ever tried the stabilizer?
i prefer the naked one

for some reason
I've never bothered with FiW but jesus that Luna voice is so annoying
yeah, but I was told it's for [/spoiler>casual artists or something and that I should feel bad for using it.
File: 1344513793107.png-(11 KB, 943x114, yeah screw faggot.png)
11 KB

>that Luna voice is so annoying

That's what wrecked the show for me. First episode I watch, and it's centered around someone who has an annoying voice. I wish only amateurs fell prey to this, but it's a pretty blood common plot
Meet adults l00king t0 have XXX sex n0w!

Yeah. It indeed feels like cheating.
I don't even...

File: 1344513903430.jpg-(121 KB, 728x312, superman.jpg)
121 KB
Turn your headphones up
>implying the best part wasn't Zecora
we not alive
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803 KB
We have an obscure peasant saying in my country: Ded threads tell no tales.
File: 1344514088419.jpg-(1.73 MB, 2312x2343, 1324817847112 (1).jpg)
1.73 MB
Say that again?
File: 1344514113510.jpg-(44 KB, 720x540, 1340492683383.jpg)
44 KB
Tis common known: all that lives must die.
I guess I could do something about it since it's the afternoon, but... What?
Lyra with a fancy winter hat
File: 1344514230717.png-(307 KB, 1239x787, lyra closeup.png)
307 KB
my dick
Oh my god! That man has a gun!
Which pony is the best cook
I'd pee it
Lyra in a fancy winter hat fondling his dick
Mr. Breezy
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84 KB
Pinkie bakes best
Fluttershy just makes the best homely warm meals you've ever had
But Lyra has not a dick, anon, she's a mare.
Applejack is. They said it in the show.
It's fucking hard to draw like shit purposely

I'd like to know what goes on in applebeans' head.
>Implying everything that's said in the show is canon.

I laughed
Not now Lyra
Oh god, dem girls in gimnastics, my dick can't hanlde it.
1000 years of lonely practice.

> tfw she is baking cakes and cookies every morning for Luna... knowing that there is no sister to happily taste them yet still ding it just to suppress the depression and melancholy.
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131 KB
Okay, if you say so, bro...
who here thinks ponies are "cool"
why am i so fucking autistic
these two
What perfect timing

>magots in a boys head

>dat reflection
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228 KB
They're so fucking cool man

I bet this guy >>3775794 does.
Is Applejack into scatplay?
Shut the fuck up sentenal
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52 KB
actually it was me
No, but she surely wouldn't be disgusted by it.
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119 KB
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163 KB
Fuck you
Link me to your favorite pony YTPMV
That's nice
>no yay in the picture
>not 5000x5000
best i can do
>you will never eat Applejack's applesauce fresh from the source
Important: The traffic here is really painfully low… almost nonexistent. Hour after hour passes, day after day, with almost nobody participating or finding their way here. It's inexplicable. You've had so fucking long to spread the word, yet you fucking won't. Why the FUCK am I still sitting here, writing this fucking shit, instead of raking in cash and compliments and negotiating ad deals with advertisers between working with passion and joy on great new features and much-needed improvements? You'd like this place much better if it were like that. So fucking make it happen already. Stop this deadness nonsense once and for all.
how did you do that :\

I like this one.
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610 KB
> some faggot from MLPG made alicorn OC for realz, not ironically

sure is bronies here
Breaking the same number of responses in both posts


It's not my favorite, but it's pretty catchy and there's plenty of best pony.
He's not from MLPG you dolt.
I've never seen this
It's great


>leads trying to draw like smittyg whos trying to draw like slurpbox whos trying to draw like some other faggot
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Spoiler Image, 146 KB
I hadn't enough place on my sheet to finish the head, sorry.

Any other requests? I swear I'll be more careful about the canvas. I also own a small set of dark inks I could use.
fixing >>3775878

That was actually pretty...pretty.
Still kind of a wasted effort on ponyshit, though.

is that penis

Oh boy, are you in for a surprise.
Spill the beans.
I thought it was "fear it"?
He visited MLPG before. Whatever, it doesn't matter, it does not make this shitty oc less horrible.

Why wasted? GK "wasted" her shit on many random and unimportant things and now she is working on the show.
That's it. I'm done. I won't be lifting one fucking finger to do anything beyond the bare minimum from now on, just like you worthless fucks. You have successfully killed what could and should have been bigger than Google, Shitter and Facefuck put together. You've completely ignored me long enough now. Eat shit, the whole bunch of you. Yes, that's ALL of you — fuck everything I've said in the past about not counting "those who do contribute" or "really try to help", because you don't even exist. You're ALL a bunch of worthless traitor fucktard shitheads, and I want ALL of you to get the fuck out of this place and never come back unless you start giving a shit RIGHT NOW and KEEP IT UP INDEFINITELY without dying shortly afterward. GOT THAT, YOU DUMB FUCKS?
im really not autistic you guys
that was so mean
im going to regret posting here all day now
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That's what happened to my pet guinea pig.
Except it was maggots chewing through it's rectum.
My dad had to euthanasia it via cutting it's head off.
Later on, I cried because I didn't get to watch him do it
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Call me picky but I figured if you did this song then the chorus would be a little more then just Applejack and RD reciting the words to each other.

I mean all the people in the chorus are different people. I just feel like they would be something like
TS:That needs therapy
RD: Lie down on the couch
AJ: What does that mean
RD: You're a nut

and then go on to like
PP: I'm going to kill you
TS: That boy needs therapy
FS: Lets have a two

You get the idea. I just think it seems kind of mediocre. Its still great but that's just how I would have done it. The characters in the whole song seem like visions and delusions and I'd like to think they should be treated as so.

They're making an actual high quality animation out of it. That's all good but... http://lionheartcartoon.deviantart.com/#/d59202d these are in it.
You can shut the fuck up...

at any time...
Wasted, because this show is about ponies and it's shit because of it.
at least they aren't alicorns
>there will never be a pony tactics game ala FFT
Well when I said pretty, I was mostly talking about the song anyway.
Who's GK?
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Whoa buddy! There's no need for that! I didn't even say I hated it. What's with the hostility?
Klondork pls love me
>implying that makes the animation worse
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1.21 MB
>Enter a level
>Rules: No Unicorns

Take my money
>implying the concept of "X but with PONIES" isn't the most autistic/brony thing ever.
There is one alicorn


Ponies with Ponies is autistic?
Earth with Ponies?
Farms with ponies?
Sex with ponies?
Galo Sengen with ponies?
I fucking hate the 4chan definition of autism

It isn't. The most autistic ever is drawing mary sues you like beating up other fictional characters you don't like.
you know what I meant. Stop being intellectually dishonest
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>There is one alicorn
Of course there is
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>party.mov has over 1 million views
>TFW someone calls autistic
>Cry cause I will never be autistic like Dustin Hoffman in Rainman.

I'd be rich as fuck
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1.56 MB
But it's justified because of shit like this...
>LK says that this week's Renne Quest will be shorter
>9 hours later

One of them has a raccoon tail.
i want whoever made that post to apologize to me
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...and this...
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>those eyelashes
>tfw listening to all of Phoenix Wright's objection's themes

>there will never be a good pone visual novel
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...and this as well.
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I have begun work on Celestia, however, I do not know if I will finish her before I pass out. Here is a small preview.
are those
did someone
why didn't

you can save the

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He deserves it. Even if he does have shit humor the animation shows that Flash has limits not yet to be breached
fuck you! i stand by my previous statement!
Fuck this, I'm gonna finish that spiral manga
Keep up the good work, sentenal-hate anon.
Have fun
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When did you stop?
>Something I don't like = autistic is justified because there are some actual autists on 4chan
Nigga what
I love you jesus christ.
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>tfw trying to draw but keep getting distracted
In the mosquito thing yesterday I had to go outside to do stuff from my work, noticed spirals everywhere...
Inserting ponies into everying isn't just "something I don't like". It IS autism.
I mean one of the kids are alicorn because based on someone OC based on someones fursona. And they said they won't "fix" it even if it is retarded.
Fuck you bitch
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I always felt this image was more autistic than the one you posted
No it isn't. It's something you don't like. Fucking learn what autism is.
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>tfw trying to do anything but keep getting distracted
is this shitposting or just trolling?

i can't even tell the difference anymore
Looking good.
That's bollocks and you know it.
Actually, that's fucking hilarious and I'd probably give the occupier of that room a high five.

Unless I was the occupier of that room and the other occupier was a masked robber/horse.
No, it's not. Everything is better with ponies, faggot.
It's only the beginning...
the only thing i would change about that is i would put the marker and gaben pictures in frames

k >>3776091
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You're using his shitty static bodies and poorly animated faces as an example of good flash?
Just because his art is clean doesn't mean the animation is any good.

>implying Wakfu isn't the best Flash animation to date
I want that Gaben poster.
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>getting distracted from getting distracted

that feel
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Wakfu was made in Flash?
Dude.. Wakfu is After Effects.

Watch the behind the scenes.
If you seen the program you realize it.
Important: You are the most worthless users that anyone of anything has ever had.
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77 KB
>mfw I found out
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i miss wakfu so much

they're making a movie or something aren't they?
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>tfw tired and drowsy in the morning even after a full night's sleep
Sh-shut up
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I can live with that.
Do you know how, and what for, do people use AE? Hint: the name is very descriptive
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The owner did actually
After Effects is probably not the only thing they use. MLP also uses video editors in post production.
>Diablow 3
anything more happening in renne quest? speculation?
I'm actually looking forward to seeing this finished. I'm not a fan of the designs of the "children" in the video, but the animation looks nice.
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Not that anon, but I kinda gave up and stopped reading when the girls hat spirally hairs and have mortal combat with each other.

I mean, it's really silly. Why haven't they ran away already? I mean shit, if I saw a couple straight up twist their body and bonded each other like a freak of nature, I would've zipped out of the town immediately after that.
>you will never wrap up winter with your pone waifu
You'll see, Anon
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That's a fucking changeling or some shit.
There's no way you can make a character like that in the same universe and claim that its meant to be just a pony.
Don't you have a renne quest thread where that would be more appropriate?
Hey Jessy, I hope everything will go all right for you and your bro.
ew no why would i want to do that
Saffron is dead serious about helping Renne
Feels fucking bad man
That is literally the most ridiculous part.

It gets kinda better when the whole town gets destroyed towards the end and they try to escape.

The highlight is definitely the beginning though - you're already past the best parts.
I also read that yesterday. 800 Pages I think. Was quite entertaining. That last story was totally out of context though
>Rarity will never stitch you a beautiful dress to wear
You mean the one with the galaxy or some shit?
It's a practical, traditional, and physical way to bond.

Plus it's in winter.
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Fine..I'll just skip that.
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Thanks dude.
>you will never convince Rarity that males of your species wear dresses and pantyhose

I really like the guts guy in terms of flash animation (he did things like motorcity and superjail)



also zeurel is really good

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>that very slide shadow shading effect that isn't seen anywhere else except in the openinng.

It makes a big difference. Even if it is slight.
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and FIRE!
>Not wearing a kilt everyday

yer canae be serious
Yeah that one.
When did that happen? Could only be inbetween the stories.
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There is none, you're insane
oops forgot this one:
>There is bad news which could hit PC gamers pretty hit hard, though. While the frame-rate's rough edges have been filed down, you're still going to be playing at 30FPS out of the box, as widely rumoured. A graphics menu has been added in, but there are no obvious ways to raise the bar to the preferable 60FPS mark.

>There's also something curious about the resolution too in that there's no change in clarity when attempting to crank up the settings. On close inspection, it appears that Dark Souls PC uses the very same 1024x720 internal framebuffer as the console versions, regardless of which resolution has been set in the menus. The option provided is for output resolution only; a simple courtesy to allow the game to play on most monitors, but the image quality will always remain the same. In short, PC gamers will very much be getting the genuine console experience here, right down to the pixel.

Fuck this gay industry.
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Dohoho [isitthattimeagain]
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okay i have to go for now, see you later
ilu all!
have a great day everypony! (and visitors too~)
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Also semen
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BYE /)
I'm sorry, Jess, I tried to read that post of yours on tumblr but I just can't ;_;
I'm sorry, too depressing to me.

Fuck all this sad stuff, draw pone.
Draw Celestia winghugging filly Twi, if, umm, you are ok for that
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>you will never be a bubbly public relations officer for the Campaign to Elect Senator Scootaloo
Yes! Good day Mister/Miss!
Mods will probably help.
Well, it's an extra chapter, I don't exactly know where it' supposed to fit in though, I think it's between chapter 1 and 2
This fucking shading man is fucking bizzare

We'll see. It's closed so it's going to need some serious ingenuity to do anything about the issues. I'm not holding my breath.

There are some chapters one can find in several works of Junji Ito. I remember reading "Army of One" in Hellstar Remina.
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I wish I could have fun with the ponies on nightmare night.
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...I should have done this years ago.
Would your favorite pony enjoy Huey Lewis and the News?
Please. She don't even have a chance since those pictures were released.
I wish I started years ago.
I hate this grinding shit.
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I'm fairly confident she would.
I sit here paralyzed with self-doubt. I want to write, I have so many ideas, but who will read them? In essence, what's the point? Wouldn't my time be better spent doing something else?

And yet all my time is spent doing nothing but wondering if my time would be better spent doing something else...
>Dark souls is now $80 on steam in Aus
>Still has gwfl
>now this
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287 KB

Tell me about it.
>Still has gwfl
Why is raindrops always so happy?
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Making art is it's own reward

If you write now, whatever you writer after it will be better
> I’ll understand if people find the GFWL implementation and the technical problems too much to stomach but I’m already hoping that whatever comes next concentrates on the PC from the start. Like the game, perhaps this is a learning curve for From and Dingy Souls will finally recognise the platform that can help eradicate its technical hitches once and for all. Given how unlikely the journey has already been, it’s possible.
Y'know what. Sure.

Having to learn so much stuff it's overwhelming really blows, being afraid to draw is the worst feeling I've felt in forever.
I coulda skipped all this if I started drawing in middle school.
>Piracy is why it didn't sell well, as such we won't be supporting PC again and if we do we'll load it up with DRM
The birth of Ubisoft retold
>filly princess
fucking unf

I hate GFWL, I hate consoles, I'm going to pirate this game. BUT, if the issues aren't enough to keep me from playing it, you can bet your ass I'm going to buy it without a second thought. Even if it is a terrible port, they kinda let us know they didn't know shit about PC development when they started with it, so I can't blame them too much and I want to reward the effort.
Which pony is entry level waifu tier?
Fluttershy and Rarity
Why is princess celestia such a humanslut?
Fluttershy, definitely
>hurr so shy and timid moemoe
Not really... actually you'd feel that anyway. How I'm getting around that is drawing for myself. I'm just getting with idea I had in mind. If I fuck up - oh well... happens. I can save it and try some other day in the future. If idea will stay fresh and possible to expand. I'm for sure going back to get it done properly one day. If not. Nothing of value was lost. I learned something. Then If someone likes it then it feels like extra reward and that should be all.

Easy said, but then emotions and feels kicks in and messes everything up. Keep it simple, keep it fun, keep developing. It helps to get through blocks.
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Fluttershy and Rarity I guess
Fluttershy and Rarity confirmed
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>Applejack presenting her vag
>Not her ass
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Because 90% of horses are humansluts.
Really? I always figured it was Twilight

"She's a nerd and antisocial just like me :) she's smart enough to understand my complex thoughts."
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God damn it.

It's funny cause its true
Story of my life.
> supporting GFWL
. supporting Ubisoft
But she hopes you don't look at her butt.
>that fucking pastebin
>tfw you want to own a horse in the last category
I know, but I hold the noble and regal princess to higher standards than that.

Even if he subjects can't resist, I figured that Princess Celestia would have the dignity to refrain from jumping on every human dick she sees.
Yeah, you're right.
Thanks man
post the pastebin
jj pls go
Even though the execution is so-so, I love the idea of the picture with Applejack wearing a chastity belt that only covers her vagina, and coyly asking if you've got the key.
You know, human dicks are rare in Equastria. Most of mankind doesn't even resemble a lifeform anymore. Faggots wiring themselves to their colossal starships, transcending time and/or space, uploading themselves to massive electronic storages of information and so.
There's no such place called Equastria
>tfw you'll never go to Esquatria

daytime pz go
Of course, thas place is called HBAS-5K-6237.
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>tfw you'll never got to Sasquatchria
We're talking about Esquashia, anon, not "equestria"

get with the picture
Worst feel
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This same type of discussion would happen the same way in a night thread and you know it
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I don't get it?
>implying batman gets people to draw

have you even seen the replies?
"a boo hoo I'm lazy right now" etc.
Fandom sees raging lesbian.
What there actually is a cute Rainbow Dash.
Oh it's a lesbian. Alright then.
>entry level

Really, guys? I bet I can count with one finger the people here who thought Rarity was the best pony before Suited for Success. Fluttershy is the entry level waifu, followed by Twilight and Dash.
I see her expression more as "slightly worried"
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man what happened to this dog
Is there a comic where Lyra's crying because BonBon dumped her? I don't remember what else happened in it.
I like to play "Guess the color of the M&M" by tasting it with her. She's not very good.
Try it with skittles.
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>toothpaste specks on the mirror
I thought gay men were supposed to be CLEAN
we can be slobs, too

Goddamn, Hope. You have the right idea.

Kind of a shitty place to end it...
"Grown dudes and ladies like Regular Show and Adventure Time too, is the thing. They didn't make this abrasive entitlement culture out of it."

That face is just perfect.

>"Why did I BUY these?!"
Probably because those shows aren't as good
Well, he has common sense

No. No they are not.

My first roommate was gay, and he was quite possibly the scuzziest piece of shit to walk the earth.

Black spots on his teeth, greasy hair despite having six bottles of shampoo in his bathroom protip: he probably wasn't using them for his hair and I'm pretty sure he's the reason I caught scabies shortly after I started college.
>entitlement culture
That's a good name for it.
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I'm going to try to take a break for a week. From quite literally everything.
See ya creeps. Don't stay coped up in here forever~ Go outside or something.
what else would you use shampoo for?
Anal masturbation?

Think about it.
Is The MLP fandom becoming more visible? I'm seeing a lot of normalfags bring it up lately.
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Don't forget to eat an apple every day.
>moot in charge of proper site operation
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Would you?
I really doubt it. I've been horny and tried to use stuff like that in a pinch, and anything more than non-scented hand lotion sets your butthole on fire.
If he was, he must've had insides of steel

I agree - going into suddenly "Gilda's ANGRY-angry and Grizelda's crying" from a cute embarrassing moment for both of them is a little...
Pinkie and Batman always remind me I need to draw

JesuOtaku is a woman.
Does it really matter?
>Go outside or something.
no thanks

Because I would toatlly fuck her if I could.
There's nothing there.
No really
I've been thinking about it
Have you ever tryed shampoo for that shit? Burns like a motherfucker, conditioner works great though
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>apple hats us
Bronies are spending a lot of time and effort on creating awareness for themselves and their falsely grounded messages of morality like the conceited simple minded people they are so probably.
He always hatsed us.
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daily dose

Is that kid on the left cosplaying as Microwave?
Man can you just post all your photos and stuff of bronies
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>Grizelda hastily digs out another tape, and her face brightens
>"Aha! It's this one!"
>You look at the label
>"Gilda's 2nd Grade Christmas Pageant"
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>you will never draw with your favorite artists
Like I'm sure a lot of people have already said, bronies aren't bad for the fanfiction they write or the art they draw or the conversations they have or even liking the show to begin with.

They're bad because they are so damn vocal about it. Like ponies? Good for you, why the fuck should we care? Liking a show does not make you unique, special or entitled any more than reading obscure fantasy novels.
Is Grizelda the name you guys chose of that griffon from that bar scene picture last night?
That was like 8 hours ago damn.
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Why do people claim that Applejack is boring? I think she's the most entertaining in the show.
I'd say having cons for it was taking things a bit too far.
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What if we got deerpone in season 3?
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No, Grizelda's been around longer than that.

She started as an early concept for Gilda, and she seems to have been adapted into her little sister.


>8 hours
I hope you're not implying that was a long time ago.
Even the conventions are fine. Tons of other franchises have them.

Going on Howard Stern or Jerry Springer to talk about it is taking things too far. Making pony a permanent fixture in your online identity is taking it too far.
If there's one thing I can't stand in this fandom, it's the porn. All other things are A-okay.
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I went to bed and woke up in that time.
It's an eternity.

What's his special talent, though?
>GK "wasted" her shit on many random and unimportant things

Nigga, Ruby Gloom is one of my favorite cartoons, you better check yourself.
>She started as an early concept for Gilda

She's one of the witch sisters from the MLP movie with the Smooze who's name I keep forgetting.
Well, she is kinda pretty.
Someone's who's in on this must be posting them... GG? Rose?
furry oc, furry oc, furry oc
Hopefully you'll use that time to get a job and start opening commissions. See you next week.
> that discord's voice
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nigga i'll cut you
The right one looks like that donkey
Being drawn by CL and not being futa
CL drew that?
Is that a squirrel?
Aww, I guess I cab't like it then.
Squirrel girl oc
Yup. Posted on her Tumblr.


I doubt it, but it's still fun to think about.
That's not a very special talent
Maybe his talent is being a deer
That really looks better than her usual stuff then
Deers aren't equines.
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I was surprised myself.

>Create OCs so you don't have to worry about proper characterization with established characters
The fuck are you talking about
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Dude what
nigga she an apple
Is it me or is 4chan and/or 4chanx lagging?
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why are the oc's designs so fucking terrible, though?

>different colored ears
>random stripes and different colored feet
>horrible color schemes

I wouldn't even care if this didn't have potential to be good.
Wait what? All of those OCs are self-inserts of some morons from DA and tumblr. And regarding characterization, there are only about 7-8 young ponies that actually have a character, and at least 15 that don't.
Nah, that is clearly an bowel of cereal.
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They were posted last night.
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Hahaha, what? But yes, it's shit.
The color schemes arent bad though except for the left one
I like where this is going.
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94 KB
>an bowel of cereal.

>also "an"
They could at least look like ponies that would fit in the actual show.
i think you're lion
You people prejudge CL's work because you don't like her typical content, but she's actually a pretty good horse drawrer.

Except for when Ask Futashy was a co-op with MS, and she started getting all cartoony.
That was shit
How long are the function RVAs in the exports section of a 64-bit PE executable?
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1.12 MB
But does she taste like apples?
Why do kids like Applejack if she doesn't taste like apple?
>You people prejudge CL's work because you don't like her typical content, but she's actually a pretty good horse drawrer.
No I don't, I normally dislike her style and couldn't care less about the content
Almost every OC there has a shitty color scheme, the one in the middle is the worst, not because of the colors themselves but because of the use though. The entire flash will contain about 1 OC with a decent color scheme, and very few with passable.
>multicolored everything
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Revising idea because I zuck sillion dycks
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Can I fuck it, daddy?
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They are all bad. The brown ones look like rodents or other dog-like mammals. The muzzle and ears being different colors is fucking retarded. There's no reason for it and even if they weren't fursona inserts it would still be breaking the style of the show. The designs are overdone and bad.
Of course not, it's the pony sweat swirls in every bite!

He sounds pretty good... better than I expected.
The taste you can see!
batman would probably be so pissed at me by now that he just lifts me over his head and breaks my spine
Screw the content... I think her ponies are OK, althought I find SB's mix of cartoony and real world anatomy slightly nicer. Her colouring is usually not up to par though. This one is quite nice though, even if it's a little sketchy
>different colored ears
>random stripes and different colored feet
I didn't disagree to those mind you, they look fucking dumb
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1.73 MB
>tfw finished reading Uzumaki
Oh well, at least it had a happy ending.

>Junji Ito
>"Happy Ending."

Get out.
Yeah, those are some terrible color schemes. That's what comes out of a fallen paint bucket.

Do people just blindly spray colors everywhere and then go "YEAH, THAT'S BAD ASS!".
>that fucking gif

Why is it so shitty?
Well, if you consider that a happy ending

Most of them don't realize what color theory is, or that too much of something that could look good just looks bad.
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What if Parasyte was ponies?
>implying Junji Ito is in any way bad

I'm not fond of his work. It revolves too much around shock/gore and his storylines are just senseless cruelty on a cosmic scale - I can't pick any of them up because I know they're going to end badly for everyone.
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Because it's so kawaii lol ^_^ :3 *hug*
You know.. Thats the point
He almost never does actual gore
I think he was implying that nearly every Junji Ito work ends with a bad ending, not always a good one

That doesn't mean I have to like it or find it enjoyable.
My problem with him is stuff tends to get too ridiculous to be scary.
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Well, at least they're together in the end, content with their fate. That's happy enough for me.
Since when does not having a happy ending imply something's bad?
No. Feel free to dislike it.

>not resigned
>not panning away and fading to black with everyone laughing
>not ending on a random dance party for no reason

Gurren Lagann has infinitely better use of the Spiral as a story element.
>implying you can compare Uzumaki to Gurren Lagann at all
Yeah, human/pony wish fulfillment crap pisses me off too.
Unless it's porn.
>apples and oranges
Waita Uziga is too gory for my tastes, it's almost silly
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>leave for work at 8:30am
>back by 11:30am
>still getting paid £105 a day
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What the fuck do you work as?
It doesn't "piss me off" so much as just makes me a little uncomfortable to witness.
It's very silly,but the man is quite creative in my opinion. The way the story goes that is. It's what I like about these.
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I only read doujin though.
Like that My Little Dashie comic with that stoned-face guy?
Yeah, like that.
telecomms engineer

Gurren Lagann's spirals are used as a positive thing - upward and outward movement is suggested in "piercing the heavens" and the like, symbolizing advancement and growth, as opposed to the "downward spiral" in Uzumaki that turns the town into a cesspool of madness and misery, like a whirlpool that pulls everything down.

I just DID compare the two. Come at me.
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And this?
It's not just wish fulfillment. It's crossover shipping.

Just like Mordetwi

Or RainbowPerry
And that nets you 26 pounds per hour?
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Oh boy.
I never got that pairing and I probably never will
This had better be a goreless porn comic about a girl being raped by her teddy bear or I'm not interested.
Not so much, but probably just cause it's drawn a lot more simply. The other 2 had a lot more effort put into them.

Man I love these.
Every fucking time
Are there more of these?
>Pinkie being a flattie
Hey, I'm actually okay with this!
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Spoiler Image, 299 KB
Sorry got to disappoint you.
The way the picture is edited makes it look like Twilight is deepthroating his beak.
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I love Mordetwi.
We ded
It nets me a day rate which means I get paid the same amount regardless of how much work there is for me to do
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I hate Applejack.

I wish she would die far away from me
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Yes. I don't know if I have any more than this.
And suddenly I'm remembering a doujin where a little girl get's fucked by a snowman she made last night.
I hope you don't live in Brooklyn then.
if i see that fucking snowman one more time...
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I have a handful.
>AJ trying to fit in with the cool tech, crowd
>Failing miserably
I would that AJ.
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Oh Applejack
You punny pony
He had the silliest face.
>AJ's tits
Please. Name it. I have to read.
Only if it's guro though.
Because an Apple never falls far from the tree.
Does it count as guro if the little girl melts the snowman at the end?
No guro, just loli. Forget the name.
Fuck thats disgusting. No I don't think I could read that.
But the snowman eats her out.

Puts her clam on ice, so to speak.
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>tfw I don't know that feel
i want to get off
I'd like to read it. Name or link?

What's the name anyhow. If I feel like it later maybe ill read through.
The only way to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride is to get stuck on even worse ride.
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>softcore pony "porn" prints
If your going to buy porn of a little girls cartoon, it had better be hardcore.
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Privileged computer knowledgeable swine.
I wish I could remember the name. I don't even rememberwhere I saw it posted (maybe /a/).

You could always go ask /cake/ aboutit on that other image board.
Imagine putting your face between them after she's been working all day. Imagine how warm and sweaty they'd be.
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why is she so perfect?
She is not your waifu.
She is a cartoon.
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Because she not.
She probably has a one night stand after every show.

Just the kind of mare that loves fun and doesn't give two shits what anyone thinks of her.

She parties hard on stage, on the floor and in the bed. The orgies she hosts are legendary.
Why isn't she 70 feet tall?
Why doesn't she have a dick?
>Editor's Note: Vinyl Scratch later died of anal cancer.
Want to redo something.
Original is horribru awful
Sketch is awful.
Line is barely better.
I jumped from "horribru" to "uh... it sucks" and don't know if I should continue or give up and do something fun.
Actually, that's one thing she was never into.

She loved to party and sex it up, but didn't get into that much kink.
A sad panda?
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That's the irony of her death.
>Getting the Panda
When it comes to background characters, that's all we got.

But just look at her and try to tell me you don't think she fucks like a tiger.
So how do we not get panda?
In my opinion she's an ugly horse.
Probably more like a pony.
Just make an account.
Come on, literally just googling "exhentai panda" gets you the solution
Don't be a lazy cunt
You must look deep within yourself and answer how your life got this far out of control.
Am I the only one that gets threads that randomly stop auto refreshing? It's fucking annoying .
How do ponies fuck anyway

are they specially passionate?
>Not having 4chan X 3.12
they dont fuck
they dont have genitals
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You are not the only one.
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I should have seen that coming

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That was a legitimate use of "am I the only one" you fucking cunt
This is not a case to post that comic, think before posting you fucking retard
It's not that, if you'll look at the bottom right your updater timer will just jump to like 5 minutes randomly.
It's annoying
>tfw you see a post you made six years ago
Look, I'm all for curbing the wanton misuse of the phrase but in this instance it's asking "is this a normal thing or do I need to fix something?"
derpy is a very ugly pony
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>3/4s of the comic is missing
Thanks anon
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why is blue pony so much better than pink pony
Can you link it?
But that's wrong
why are you so full of shit
>I come how
I can upload the Chrome script to Mediafire, so you can replace it, give me a moment
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The pink one is an even bigger cunt
I come how, too.
Because she's cuter.
Because it's false
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Because you're a delusional faggot
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>Bigger cunt than Rainbow Dash
Fuck I got blocked the access to the folder in this computer...well I found the script in /g/, you might go and ask there
I'm not really knowledgeable about these things, but couldn't I just copy and paste the code from


Into my 4chanx extension and overwrite the current one?
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Kill thread and move when ready:

It's true, though.

Princess Luna is a much better pony than Princess Cadance
Oh Oh
never mind i i figured it out
Just hit the "Raw" Button on the right
That's it
I dun get it with AJ
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Diamond Tiara, pls go kill yourself
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But that's wrong
Er sorry. Try this

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But she's the 1st or second best filly.
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Oh, you plebes.
My waifu could beat up your waifu.
My waifu can break not only the 4th wall, but all kinds of wall.

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