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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.
And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

Note: "noko" is now the default when posting. Posting in a thread will return you to your new post instead of the board index. You can enable the old functionality by typing "nonoko" into the e-mail field.

Also, the number of e-mails I've gotten from people saying they met their significant other on 4chan is insane. I feel like some horrible bastard version of Cupid. To all of the ">tfw no gf" people, there is still hope!

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Old Horse

Question time! Now its time for some Family Appreciation Day. How do you think the Zap Apple taste like? In regards to Granny Smith, what to you think about her past and how she was able to produces these Zap Apples? Would Applebloom be able to follow her footstep when the time comes? And what do you think about the whole shenanigans that Applebloom (and with her friends' help) tries to dodge her day in presenting her family history?
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>Nathan thread
Yes but is there porn of her?
I like apples, so juicy
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Hi I'm Pinkie Pie,and I'd throw a party just for you!
Have her do it anyways
>tfw KittyTail bails
Where's the r34 on nathan

1. Like rainbows mixed with sugar
2. It's a cartoon
3. Not if she becomes a fashion designer
4. It's a cartoon ad they're kids.
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Boring question, didn't read.

Posting pony.
Do you like apple balls
Why are you so gay, DD?
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I like the pink one
how do you know the question is boring if you diddnt read it?
le brony culture

I can't eat apples, it hurts my jaw to open it that wide.
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me too
What's the joke here?
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Id eat Zap Apples.. They must taste very rainbow.
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I like the yellow one
Old injury, or just a small mouth?
are you an ant?
I can't wait to delete you.

Searching for just "cadence" on paheal (rather than princess cadence) brings up that result.

I like Cadence.

Who is pink.

Pink pone.
Headcannon: pony kids get a birth control spell that lasts till their 18 cast on them the first day of sex ed. class
all of my WHY
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Read the file name.

Apple Sauce and apple juice might suffice.
It also comes with a spell removing their genitals until their 18 birthday.
I just have lockjaw. Forever.
Is Nathan a pedophile?
>Renne Quest tonight
aw yiss
No, he's just a retard.
its not that surprising. look at his fucking sai brush set: ITS FUCKING STOCK INK, PENCIL, BLUR AND GRADIENT. THATS IT. I came in his stream to see what kind of magical brushes he uses to make that art but THATAS ALL HE USES. ITS FUCKING MAGIC. Also he uses like no layers whatsoever.

i fucking hate you apple, you make me feel inadequate to no end.

season 3 when
Why are you talking about him?
This saturday.
Hasbro didn't want me to tell you but the show its going on right now

How so? Nathan seems okay. Ugly. But Okay.

Shut up Lauren and save the show.
That day, they're ready to enter the real world, which isn't unlike ours.

Equestria could be a continent reserved for the youngest, a simulation of real life of some sort, in which they can experience things like having a shop or working at a farm.

Oldest ponies have their genitals removed, and may reenter the continent to finish their lives peacefully.
apple pls draw

gg pls draw

everyone pls draw
he is hardcore, you little babbys call him a retard all you want
File deleted.





I only have From the Ritz to the Rubble but now I think I love them. At the second song at the moment. Didn't remember the first one all that much
As in, everyone everyone?
My fucking sides
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I find it interest how they say that Granny Smith is about 200 years old. Eiher she lying or senile.

As for Applebloom, kids will be kids, I guess.
Bwahaha nice
your new is showing


les draw k

but wot?
That's stupid.

I like the idea of a mare's first heat being a delicate situation that needs to be handled by guardians.

In fact, I'm writing a fic in which Diamond Tiara encounters this, and how she handles it.

Spoiler: Not well.
But I'm writing, isn't that good enough?
She probably just has a shit memory and half of that flashback didn't happen.
Yeah, I know he masturbates to fantasies of fucking young girls. I wouldn't let a child near him.
stop plugging your shit

no seriously show me like his stupid quotes.
That´s stupid.
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This horse
How about you make me
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Maybe. I find it hard to believe she was able to escape from the timberwolves.
Oh, look, done by the same guy who always plugs his other video here. Big fucking surprise.



you obviously don't know how this works

when anon says something, just blindly believe it


you are the worst

nah i get the feeling the timberwolves' bark is worse than their bite
Look at the archive for last night.

He had of the biggest sperglord blowouts I've ever seen on these threads.
lol wat
that's not me.
just because people keep reposting it doesn't mean it's the creator. i think it's hilarious as shit and worthy of reposting.
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Do you guys think no-car anon got that drunk dick last night?

Please stop.
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It's is a little stupid.
But there really isn't a good explanation for the whole thing anyways.
Why wood you even make that joke?
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k but

how bout a umn on? +weeboo k
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Best art
nah... later
He's probably a Timberton fan.
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context please
>But there really isn't a good explanation for the whole thing anyways
>Ponies are really old
There you go.
why did you save that with my original filename

what the fuck is your problem?
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Please tell me he did not post that in the Luna quest....
artist submitted a desire for requests
someone requested something
he drew it

bcs says he has low self esteem
Idunno, I assumed you meant with it 'sentenal autism'.
I want a song about getting sweaty with Applejack
That's stupid.
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Speaking of old, what do you guys think of Filthy Rich?

in that case, that's exactly what I meant by it and you are a smart, cool and/or nice guy for noticing that
He did
I laughed
Somewhere, in the cross Dimension where Luna exists, she felt a cold shiver down her pony spine.
okay so you can go to equestria, but you can only sex earth ponies
Fine by me.
He's one of my favorite male ponies.
>diamond diara
>silver spoon

yeah no prob
>no Vinyl Scratch

Oh well there's still Pinkie
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Sign me up, dawg.

Fine by me. I don't want to have sex with ponies.
and mac
get out
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lol xd us horsefuckers guiz amiriet?
It's even funnier in context if you care about quests, that is

He posted that not a dozen posts after being informed that the player had no memory of life on earth

you are one sick individual
Thanks anon. I'll be sure to post it whenever I can in your honor. Thank you for bringing attention to that post.
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I can get Bonbon without Lyra in the way? awesome
I usually oppose shitposting like this, but in this case, I approve.

Keep on tearing down these stupid in-jokes and ridiculous aspects of mlpg culture, anon ;)
You mean before.
Does a broken horn/removed wings make them an earth pony?
r34 of those two?
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no you idiot
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i dont see what is wrong exactly with a baby unicorn princess.
And your little sister's immaculate virginity wings away on the bony shoulders of a young horse named George who stole surreptitiously into her geography revision.
(The examining body examined her body.)
Cease, everything you post, and every post in response to you is shit.
N-no...I didn't.

It wouldn't have been as ridiculous if that had been the case.
and shitposting is still shitposting but look at you
Donut Steel will turn out to be the most loving and effeminate father ever
>A toy and something a minimum wage programmer put into some shitty flash game to fuck with people
I hope he talks like the batman.
meta about shitposting is not better than shitposting
Did you mean to say affectionate?
this is what a brony in denial looks like you guys.
>talks like Batman
I'm trying to imagine high-pitched and gravely
No, I meant effeminate. He'll be a Mr. Mom-type
This is what a retard in denial looks like
No, Bronies love Lord Donut Steel. He's a ponyfag in denial, if anything.
>something a minimum wage programmer put into some shitty flash game to fuck with people
If that's the case, I want to meet that guy and pay for him to go to a strip club.
this is what a faggot trying to stir up shit looks like
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Kevin pls
Not everything needs to me an image macro.

Kevin pls

aw cease did you see? you too deaf it's a little non con
Twilight's new niece?
nah the magic and genes are still there
>Bronies love Lord Donut Steel
Evidence? I've looked on EqD and Ponychan, and they think it's as bullshit as we do.
> this fucking guy
why are you keep coming in these threads with all your autism and hate for sentenal? No one *really* hates him seriously except you. You have no idea how retarded you look, don't you?
So Mrs. Doubtfire without the wig
>no one's talking about
>welp better bring it up again

Soup drawfags I want to buy a drawing tablet so I can learn to draw and stop being such a fucking waste of oxygen.

Are there any that you guys would recommend I get? I don't know shit all about drawing tablets.
ctrl + F 52746

See responses. It was one post, with three responsive at midnight. He was tired and not thinking straight. Give it a rest.
why did that become a thing? it makes absolutely no fucking sense.
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Is it time yet?
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You don't need to buy a tablet to learn how to draw. You'd better buy a Loomis.
Odd, everything I've seen there has been 'hey guys, remember when we thought Discord would look like this? It's so cool!'

Maybe it's just confirmation bias on my part.
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Hey Sentenal.


I still smiled
so let them shitpost first and if you say anything you just make it worse! Just let them do it! No, I don't shitpost if you don't shitpost first
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dj acid
nanaki's dick
everyone hates TAW
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Long ago, when the fandom was new. People thought horse puns were funny.

No but I'd prefer to just buy a tablet and draw digitally than buy art supplies and draw on paper.

It's a one-time cost vs an ongoing expense, and it's easier to upload images I draw directly into Photoshop for help.

Cheap and effective
I'd be okay with this, but where's her fucking horn?
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whats it feel like to hug a horse.
Who's in favor of getting rid of the MLPG? There is a vote on the /q/ /mlp/ thread right now.
Who has blue fucking piss
what's the difference between oracle of seasons and oracle of ages
>implying I hate taw
>implying you´re not jelly
it is impossible to know
>so let them shitpost first and if you say anything you just make it worse! Just let them do it!


the fuck you think you're going to do? Make them stop?

Fuck off, every response to a shit post encourages more shitposting, like this.
>then she was eaten by horse
but there is no pun, the word or noise sounds nothing like what a pony or human masturbating would sound like. there is no fucking relation
>eaten out
Wacom bamboo. I have bamboo fun version - Medium size. I heard that even getting small one doesn't make much difference.
Afaik Kevinsano have the very same. If you are not aiming for Bamboo then at least be sure to get something from Wacom since those bests are best out there.
Seasons has a season mechanic, with the Rod of Seasons; Ages has a time mechanic, using the Harp of Time. Seasons is more combat-oriented; Ages is more puzzle-oriented.
Like bags of hay
Rainbow Dash

remember who dumped the bucket on her?
daww its hugging back
>bronies are dumb
More news at 12.
So he's raping her at a concert while the crowd cheers them on?
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If that's actually nanaki, he's improved.

Hell, I'd probably let the guy in the picture you posted fuck me.
Use the sounds instead of the motions, and it's quite easy.

That's another difference; puzzles and minigames in seasons are motion-based, and they're sound-based in ages.
That'd be Ages

It kind of sounds like 'fap'. That's it. We decided that people fap, and ponies clop.
No see, you can't just get away with what you want. you cannot pour a little bit of shit, it is all or nothing baby. you choose to ruin a whole thread with your one post, you start this chain that will never end
in her fucking hair I guess, weren't you just asking about knocking them off anyway?
Its a retarded idea to add in a dance in a puzzle and combat game. At least have an alternate route or some shit because not everyone can past that. Also, my GB sound broke.
No, see the hearts under the 'Ah!' in the last panel? She's fine with it, but annoyed at him for doing it in the middle of a performance.
but fap is an onomatopoeia for the action being performed, clop isnt.
Also, you gotta beat both to get the true ending
>I'm going to ruin this thread, wether you like it or not

and this is why we're the most heavily janitored tread in /mlp/

what the fuck they are doign with thier time is another matter
...It's just A and B though, isn't it? And if your speakers are broken, can't you still use headphones?
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Anon give me a hug
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you meet a girl who is exactly like pinkie

fun loving attitude, flirty, loves to make everyone smile

loves to eat cakes but has a nice slim body and always energetic and dancing and singing

likes to dress up in random outfits of her own design which always inadvertently make her look sexy and you can't help but wonder what she looks like under the outfits

she invites you to her 12th birthday party

what do
You have to press it at the RIGHT moment. The way the goron dance is impossible to follow compare to the other dance.
>Y-you too!
Bring the booze
As I'm not a pedophile I guess nothing?
>exactly like pinkie
>isnt at least 18
It's an incredibly basic rhythm minigame. The other one is exactly the same, but with left/right/A instead of just A and B.
like hugging a gigantic muscular man with a coat
I don't know what to think anymore.
what kind of vag is that?
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W-will you m-...m-marry me, MLPG?
A horse vagina
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Fun fact: a female horse is considered a mare after four years.
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I only have relationships with age appropriate horses.
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Twilight: Tuna and/or Anchovies
Applejack: Martguerita
Rainbow Dash: Meat feast
Fluttershy: Vegetable feast
Rarity: Anything, but eats it with cutlery instead of picking it up
Pinkie Pie: Hawaiian
What is it considered before?
never met a blue horse vagina before, I'd come to know plenty too

a filly.

I'm guessing foal.

a foal is less then one year old.
The colour has been changed to suit dashs face.
a female horse not pastel colored ponies. while i admit there is a little bit of a funny area since they arent humans, but they are at least mentally supposed to be like young adults.
a filly is an adolescent female horse, and a foal is a baby horse of either gender
...Will you?
A Philly cheesesteak
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Would you oblige if Twilight asked you to treat her like a little filly?
oh okay
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i'm inviting you to my birthday party, not your birthday party, silly! that isn't for another X days! (she recites the number of days until your birthday with uncanny accuracy)

she grabs your hands with her small, soft hands and places them on the gentle swell of her jean-covered hips as she turns around and leads you around her house, talking nonstop about all her plans

you try to take your hands off but she puts them right back without a word

what do
YES and she needs a spanking, fucking chocolate milk
I'd go along with it best I could then talk with her parents in private because that kind of behavior is inappropriate for a girl of her age.,

Ask her where her parents are and brig her back to them.

Any other scenario would lead to disaster
>spanking your children as punishment
bad parents plz go
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I'd try to exploit that ability with numbers she seems to have. We'd soon be talking about maths and not considering all that hands-on-hips nonsense.
Ponies age at the same rate as human.
Fucking bitch spilling it all the damn time.
Please let this post be ironic.
Fuck yeah I Love /tg/ pony threads
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how color look so good
I'm so glad no one has done anything with my waifu
For what purpose do lesbians have to lift 1000 pound barbells with their wings?
I like that fuzzy tailed one in the back
Flying scissors?
To have stronger, thicker wings used for winging, a wing version of fisting.

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I do too, especially when they aren't immediately saged, spammed with 40k or gore, or just straight up deleted!
she isn't my child

How do you know? Have you ever watched a MLP pony masturbate?

I don't visit /tg/ often
I meant GOOD /tg/ pony threads, which this one doesn't appear to be.
I guess most of them are troll threads? I probably should have assumed.
i'm aware
hitting someone else s child is also a bad idea
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green and purple pegasus pony! although the puffy mane pones are nice
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how do you know how many days it is until my birthday, you ask, quickly putting your hands behind your back

she spins around and tries to grab them but it's too late

"it's just another one of my special pinkie talents!"

you spend the next few moments face-to-face, gazing into her pretty blue eyes, so close you can smell the sweet scent of her breath, testing her knowledge of complex arithmetic while she rattles off correct answers

"okie dokie lokie, if that's all then i guess i'll see you at my birthday party!" she boops you right on the lips

"make sure to bring your swimsuit!"

what do
but they are in Canterlot, they will never know

besides the whole point was Twilight is pretending, she probably loves it
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Ah. She's pretty ballin, bro.
Does she even have a fanon name?
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so what did everyon think of the fighting is magic alpha?

She's basically asking for it now.
This ain't S1, so I doubt it.

I didn't play it.
fair enough
Is pinkie so easy because she's allergic to rohypnol, and got tired of spending every birthday party in hospital?
Actually it's more like. "Remember when we thought Discord would look like this? How stupid were we?"

Daisy Doe
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I've seen Flora because her cutie mark
dude, G&PPP has been in the show the whole time
mumbles that's awesome! I requested it but never got back on to see it
We deder then ded
Hah! I don't own a swimsuit. That's what I'd do. Show up without a swimsuit.
yeah, the three posts before were all me
maybe it can be like it was back on /co/...
im too busy patching arma 2 to play DayZ to pony right now
Sorry, I ain't Mumbles, but you have good taste in ponies.
I mean that no one names BG ponies any more since S1.
it was confusing as hell people talking like DayZ was its own game
no the picture was drawn by them, but yeah
play on lingor
But we do.
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1. An endless supply of apples that appear magically

2. Get to hang out with AJ for 1 day in Equestria
anything interesting happen last night?:
I mean I know you didn't sorry
yeah but she was in s1, but you're right she wasn't really named even then
Endless supply. After one day I'd be really depressed.
I don't even like apples.
But you could sell the apples
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yes, she's asking you to bring your swimsuit so she can watch it dangle between your legs and get it nice and slippery wet as you plunge it into her pool again and again, the pleasure building until the two of you are soaked and, no longer able to contain yourself, you pull out your water gun and squirt her in the mouth, face, and hair over and over until you are spent
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Not really.
2 involves too much spaghetti and I have an apple tree, is there a third?

I would win so many Nobel prizes for solving world hunger.
Who the fuck are we?
I miss it when we were the ones that made the fandom names ;_;
I got to /tg/ for HUMANITY FUCK YEAH threads.
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Fuck money, me and AJ would have so much fun.
there was a BG pony wiki, it was up to the people who never did
Apples. AJ would wonder what the fuck is a human and ignore me.

It's usually fucking Reddit or Ponychan nowadays.
>Anon didn't get Applebloom a present
>Scootaloo throws her away
>Luna never gets hers

Anon is the worst present-giver ever.
I rather have pony chan name them. Fucking christ the name Reddit gave these ponies. Its usually the "FIRST POST" then thumb up.
I once did too. Do you realize they're the equivalent of fluffy pony threads?
I like Daisy Dole better.
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More >feels.
You know, the usual.
I thought Spike's present was pretty thoughtful
I love how drawing books casually say just go pick up this shit you don't find in normal stores
why and what is that? a server i assume.
It's funny, I never hear any rage stories from Reddit compared to EqD.
Not really. They have some good writefags. I just save the good shit, like For Our Angry Mother, We Find You Wanting, Space Australia, ect.

That said Avatards and 40Kfags do ruin every thread they enter.
like anything other than a number 2 pencil
Sup MLPG my sister is 18 in about a week and I haven't seen her for like 2 years, what should I buy her?
Which pony would you DP?
a dragon dildo
Caramel and Braeburn
A sound
Dragon dildo. Can't go wrong.
pussy or ass?
Condoms and a guide on safe sex.
would i doctor pepper?
an industrial size box of condoms

then use them together
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Fuck you, anon.
I'm fucking underage Pinkie and there's nothing you can do about it.
buy her a bag of apples
Chance the stallion. flared.
One in each of course.
>tfw i really want a chance thanks to this fucking thread
Applejack and Applebloom what are you doing here?
which stallion would you DP with?
> thw Snails Cm means he is good at magic that slow downs the things and its movement in time/speed
> tfw he can slow down your or someone's else orgasm phase
> suddenly, best talent ever
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I like the stories from the POV of the aliens. Those are fun.
Something seems off about her face but I can't quite put it into words

She looks like a gangbanger.

Wonder what it is about MLPG artists and humanized Rarity... they all get frustrated as fuck trying to draw her and they all look shitty.
I don't know what y'all are talkin about.
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I sure hope this doesn't lead to any controversy.
wow nice
Not really good but you did a fantastic job Fluttershy.
Care to post some? I have one I really like.
Jessy you should draw ponies marching off to fight for the fatherland
looks damn noice
Beautiful and elegant Tsunderelestia when?
>not pointing at the Wonderbolts
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Eh Derpy was shown 2 twice with her eyes in that episode.
she drew human Fluttershy too?
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No faggot it's awesome.
>blind pone in the back facing the wrong way

can anyone give me some help here, im trying to patch Arma2 and it keeps telling me "wrong CD Key" when i try and patch it
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Now where did you just find that?
I think this song is appropriate.

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impending tooth brush rape
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I had to look at that for about 30 seconds to understand what the fuck was happening
derpy is a very ugly pony
It's patched correctly, you just need to open regular Arma 2 CO before you try playing DayZ again. It's a pretty common bug with the steam version.
man I love that, thanks
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>Fuck it
I will.
Hey MLPG, I've been away for a week.

Did I miss anything good?
I don't see it. Doesn't tsundere only really work if the character is usually brash and bitchy? Like Dash?
Celestia doesn't seem to fit the mold quite right.
Oh come on now she's just asking for it.
okay we are so slow, I think I will take my very first look at /v/

what the glorious fuck am I watching.
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277 KB
Just these

>inb4 another one view video by self advertisement anon
no i mean when i run the patch exe i get that error. i think it might be because im running a pirated version of OA because i cant install it off the CD, but when i installed it it never prompted me for the CD-Key anyways.
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but would you?
Some new posters.
Some new >feels.
And MLPG went to a wedding.

birds do not have teeth idiot
...DayZ doesn't work with a pirated version of OA. Arma 2 can be the free version or pirated or whatever but OA must be legit for DayZ to work.
white people pretending to be funny by acting black


does it better
do you even watch the show
>the wedding thread
Ha ha
I hope he posts pictures of that on tumblr or something
I understand your concern but Jessy is awesome at Tsundere concept. She can do it.
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I really enjoyed MTBPW and I don't get why everyone hates it.
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>fuck you niggalicious
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That she is...
>here come all the people that liked it
I loved it. A lot of people did you dunce. Some people did not.
I like all the episodes, but I do have a favorite.

I also dont find those faces weird.
>A character who loves all her subjects unconditionally
jessy pls
can you try your hand at those teen humanizations that night MLPG has been >feeling about all week?
For what
If anything she'd make a better yandere
>yandere celestia
...that's actually a creepy thought...
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>unconditional love
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>I like all the episodes
dis nigga
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tsundurr planes are for losers
that is confusing because the game launched just fine yesterday but today its asking me for stuff. is there just an iso of OA i can torrent because thats what i thought i had got in the first place. i have a legit copy of the game just my disk drive is fucked so i cant install it off the disk.
skybreaker pls go
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I don't think she might like that.
1. unf
2. unfunf
3. who drew this?
4. unf
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>is there an iso I can torrent
No. The version of OA you have installed must have been purchased, by you, with actual money. There is literally no other way of doing it. Get another DVD drive for twenty bucks or buy OA off steam for about the same, or do without playing DayZ.
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Would you eat her casserole on the condition that it must be completely nonsexual.
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959 B
you're a bad dentist deafy
its been out
What the fuck is wrong with the guy's anatomy?
U-uh... sure?
You always think of the worst of thing. What if she was yawning?

Ho ho ho, nice.
try again
Then it would be a surprise. She's too shy to bite down anyway.
jessy pls do this
Haha, I thought you will drew human version but that will do too heh.
fuck, what did I miss?
oh well, i guess iv gone long enough without a working DVD drive anyways.
blackbird doesn't mock Blitz. it's not her M.O.
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would you?
I actually liked the song. It's one of the few songs I can listen to on its own.
Just an old crappy Megasweet picture.

>all week

Wasn't the teen Applebloom stuff a month ago, though?
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You're a faggot.
MTBPW was one of my favorite s2 episodes for a while until PVC and HCFS came out. and i loved the song
Yeah, but the stories didn't take on a life of their own until later
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>Fluffy in charge of avoiding uncanny valley

Jesus fuck Apple, you are one weird motherfucker. I love half of your pictures and the other half makes me want to stab my eyes out.
What the fuck is with that head
>Fluffy in charge of anything but staying mad
we ded now
>Dead before 4chanX can even display it
What was it?
>dangly bits
I missed it too ;_;
is asking you to draw an uncropped version the same as asking for the uncropped version?
They're not even terrifying
Just needs some minor tweaks

Terrible anthro futa Dash.
anthro futa dash but cropped at the head and just before the glans
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Get in.
Can you do a non dick version?
I need a repost.
What's Apple's tumblr?
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It's not on there, though.
yes my queen
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I don't know man it was anon in the macro threads
Wow, literally the only good thread on the front page is MLPG.
anon pls repost Apple's art
don't pick any
anon pls

>Swimming in the piss
Aren't we all?
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you first
man it is boring there, and the one thread I went to post in 404
me too please
Some body tell me a joke
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oh well.
maybe I can stream.
Yes please.

I don't like it so I call it terrible
>ever any good
even if there is a potentially good thread the board tripfaggots usually shit the place up pretty quickly.
Apple pls repost.
Who is the worst pony?
It's your favorite pony.
Pinkie Pie is a good pony
Not to the levels that you are, no.
the american justice system
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I already knew that.
A unicorn, a pegasus and an earth pony walk into a bar...
dropbox link then? you kno someone save it

>Go to jail for something like littering
>Come out in 5 years as a hardened criminal and gang member

Why don't they fix that?
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that seems more annoyed then sad
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Nobody ever fucking defends the base in Mechwarrior Online.

It's like the opposite problem of Tribes.
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>Implying relativism
Someone needs to grow up.
>you will never hold out an umbrella over her to keep her dry
>fluffy pony drowns
Well it's not quite as severe as that. But the reason we don't fix it is because fixing it would entail being "soft on crime."
>5 years for littering
More. Bigger.

Draw two pones comparing.
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>Playing with pubbies
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>People are still talking about the Lyra plushie
its you. all you know is perceived
What's your ingame name Anon?
I don't think there's any other option right now, is there?
>Another post obliterated before I even see it
oh shit, the smile is the same
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there is only one file naming convention i adhere to, and it only applies to specific pictures.
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Ramses DeLeon

It was the name of my most badass pilot in tabletop
What's your favorite fight scene?
I'm playing with an organised goon lance, so no.
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Have a heart anon

your faggy fuzzy instincts mean nothing to me
carbonated apple cider
Ending scene of Highlander.

oh god the comments on that video.
This has been flagged as spam hide •

This is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen on YouTube ... and that's saying a lot! Casina777, whoever told you were clever lied. EVERYTHING about this video is sooo bad, and not in a 'so bad, it's good' way either. The animation is dreadful, the song lyrics uninspired and completely out of sync. And it sounds like your poor sister is even lamer than you. Hard to imagine what kind of conversation took place around your dinner table.

debram1000 2 weeks ago

I suppose you are one of those educated professionals, that think they are automatically better than anyone else...yeah...keep going....you sir, are a troll..YOU came to my channel to start crap...keep going Mr. Educated College Degree with the one and only universal opinion, and nobody else matters at all..this is to you and your buddy
that sounds like a personal problem
>Note: "noko" is now the default when posting. Posting in a thread will return you to your new post instead of the board index. You can enable the old functionality by typing "nonoko" into the e-mail field.

>Also, the number of e-mails I've gotten from people saying they met their significant other on 4chan is insane. I feel like some horrible bastard version of Cupid. To all of the ">tfw no gf" people, there is still hope!
DB link of what?
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Shipping is pretty cute if you don't take it seriously.
Well that's nice
>that pic on FiMfiction
UNF can someone post the full thing?
I can't imagine a match made in 4chan
It'd either be great or fucking terrible
>manual refresh
people still do that?

oh jesus.
Apple's new pic, all those quotes leading to deleted pic
hey, I met mine
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>people still don't know they can just go back a page after posting to return to thread
>not posting the full version
my friend once dated a tripfag
she was also a tripfag
apparently it didn't end well

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1.12 MB
>Not posting the full version

can someone repost it, please?
at last on imgur or something
>implying that's not being casual
i bet you bitch about assigning units to 0-9 hotkeys in rtses too
>thinking that will stop the faggot janitors from deleting your post
FUCK it changed, never mind
>that was deleted
Janitors are poops.
called it
Oh shit, he's real. I though it was just a troll.
God damn Yanitor slow down a moment.
>taking the easy way is no longer being casual
I don't want to live on this planet any more
also what the fuck is rtses
I only play RTSs offline so I can spend a couple hours stripmining an entire map of its resources, building a massive base and then steamrolling the CPU with an unstoppable army.
>Using something for convenience is casual
Wearing clothes? Casual
Using electronics? Casual
Speaking a language? Casual babby faggot
When did Sanic become a janitor?
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1.86 MB

Your turn
>Janitors only deal with a catalogue of reported posts
>Someone is reporting the shit out of MLPG
No, it's just that the janitor tends to hang out in MLPG.

Woah man, calm down

getting mad is for casuals
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being a lazy fuck and not remembering post numbers to see who replied is not the same shit for brains
>implying it isnt some assdamaged oldfag taking out his aggression on us like a child now that he has the power too.
Reddit, pl-
Oh, wait, MLPG likes Reddit.
But it is.
Janitors only deal with reported posts. They cant just delete any post they want.
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Most of reddit is better than /v/ and /b/




Mad levels are rising bro, sit on some ice or something

Don't let yourself get mad at the internet
Apparently, you need to lurk more.
How come he deletes them before 4chanX manages to fetch it.

fuck it
fuck that drawing
I bet you use calculators too. America is going to shit because of these kids people
MLPG likes reddit?

What have you become without me?
I never like Reddit.
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>tfw I only ever get mad in arguments when someone tells me I am

Yeah, America is shit just because people use calculators
Last time I called out some Reddit for using "mad" I was the one who was called out!

MLPG Summer is horrible.

That's why anybody does it ever
Seriously though I'm just joking around
>janitor is being a dick
>the solution is to shit up the thread with my awful fetish pictures
pls anon

>you will never be this autistic
I can't tell if you're serious or not
Yeah, these faggots huh? Using a computer.
>implying you'd be any different
slaves would be tyrants, given the choice.
No, I think you need to.
Janitors gain access to the report system and queued reported posts which they can sift through and make deletions from the queue.
They can also submit ban requests that may be taken up later by a mod.

>MLPG likes reddit

Says who? I never see anyone talk about being in reddit.
Anyone feel like mafiaing?
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We need a good colorfag
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you need to use your brain. letting these things do everything for you, you will be fucked when they're gone.


Black people really do have completely unappealing genitals
Well, seeing as how many people here use emoticons, post trollface and still say ``mad''...
Smells like Reddit, but they probably are in denial.
yes he is which is the stupidest fucking thing to do. It doesn't waste the image limit or anything so why do it other than to be a power abusing faggot
yeah sure
Have fun doing math more difficult than 7th grade stuff without a calculator.
Anyone feel like playing Doter with me?
I've never seen anyone use emoticons or post trollfaces.
Keep being in denial though.
>not doing differential calculus in your head
Proles, pls.
>emoticons and trollface
i almost never see trollface posted and the only emoticons i see used that isnt in ironic shitposting and doesnt get you laughed at is ;_;
Am I a faggot if I bought a pre-built computer for more than the parts are worth because I didn't feel like inconveniencing myself with building one?
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While you're wasting time doing nothing I'm programming drums anon

While you're wasting time doing nothing I'm writing melodies anon

pls be productive anon
Your attitude toward the situation parallels that of the kind of people who caused the eventual creation of /mlp/.

Think about that.
Daytime MLPG has ``:D'' and ``:P''.
Can someone post that screen cap of moot introducing /mlp/ for the first time?
You ALWAYS need to depend on something, why not use the more effective thing?
Doing that on paper shouldnt be an issue for anything other than irregular trig function values.
No it doesn't.
I think you should pay attention to the thread right now. Some butthurt faggot posting up porn and shitting up the thread while the janitor is deleting it.
no it doesnt
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>Not doing linear algebra in your head
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Reddit invented emoticons.
seriously though, this obsession with reddit has really got to stop
No, you're shortsighted, but that's about it.

It's ridiculously easy to get the parts together to build a computer. If you're doing high-end stuff then it'll probably be cheaper to build since you can tailor what you want. If you're doing low-end stuff it's just cheaper all-around.
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I did it because I didn't know any better. it is still my only computer
A little bit, but only because putting PCs together is so easy.
Takes less than an hour and it's good to put it together yourself in case you ever have to take something out
>Costing noticeably more than home builds
Either you got ripped the fuck off or I'm back in 2002.
Sure, but it's certainly a lot more convenient with a calculator, and try doing relatively difficult maths on paper when you're also trying to work out other problems mentally, or keep a complicated idea in your head.
But it's not efficient in any way.
Reddit, autism, shitposting, beta are all words that 4chan needs to stop using.
I wonder which one is apple in this discussion about >casuals.

I like beta and alpha because I think they're funny, but the rest are shit.

Also circlejerk.
>Taking modern topics in algebra
>One of the most difficult math classes
>Family thinks its regular old high school algebra
None, Apple doesn't browse while he's drawing.
is it as ridiculously easy s getting art supplies, because I don't see parts for sale in stores
oh ok
>not constantly solving unsolved algorithims in your head

And whiteknight.
Don't buy them in stores, get them online at Newegg, Amazon, etc.

>many people here
>using emoticons
>posting trollface
>and say mad

2 of those I have never seen posted here. Daytime MLPG may be bad, but it's not at the point of fucking unironic emoticons.

And since we're making assumptions, I'm going to assume you're some faggot from /v/ that thinks calling people redditors is offensive.
Beta/alpha are only funny as parodies of a certain mentality. Unfortunately, 4chan started taking it seriously.

Same goes for autism. Originally people joked about how stupid geeks had "self-diagnosed asperger's," and now people take it seriously.
'faggot' would be an understatement
>Not solving millennium prize problems in your head
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>all these math talk

Shit man, I use to know how to do all these equation for calculus under a minute with a paper and pencil. Now I cannot even do that sine/cosine/tangent crap.

Speaking of math, what do you think the highest level of math taht Twilight can do?
>especially since porn is only not allowed because you don't want to have to see it at work, and you cannot see a link
guy doesn't know why the rules are there, only blindly enforces them. the worst >I'm jut following orders!
Exception is processors at Microcenter.

Holy shit they sell CPUs for cheap.
>liking Reddit
Fuck off. Enjoy your f7u12 and babyfuck.
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But I'm playing Mechwarrior Online and filling pubbie's robot urethras with short-range missiles.

>if you don't care about reddit that means you like it

/v/ pls
it was you guys who first told me I could build my own computer, I haven't tried it yet. You al say it is so easy but looking a computer it looks hard and I don't know what all goes in to computer anyway, I'll miss something or some shit
>In my mind it's different than that.
It's not. Because your "protesting" will literally have zero positive effects. It's only purpose is being shit.
If you really cared you would be emailing moot or trying to become a janitor when they open up, instead.
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It's gotta be pretty advanced.

>liking reddit

When the fuck did I say that? I was commenting on how you think calling people redditors is inherently offensive, like how people use autistic to describe everything they don't like.
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>More greentext than you can read in all your days of >feeling
Naw. The second the janitor leaves, you would just spam all the /v/ shit and anthro in this thread.

In other words, get the fuck off.
>letting your brain turn to mush
>emailing moot
Everyone knows that's a god damn useless endeavor. As for the janitor thing, last I checked the positions were filled.
Grandiose, I'm rolling with goonlances exclusively.
>tfw leth is dead
It's not the easiest thing in the world to do, but it's really not difficult. I'm probably going to get some Flak for this given the current discussion, but this is a really helpful place for anyone interested, mostly the links:

Are you literally retarded?

Yes, i'm sure clicking "delete" is hard. Oh that poor janitor.
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In the time it took you to type out that post I literally recorded an entire album

get your priorities right anon
I knew it, MLPG is full of Redditors.
You have no idea how wrong you are.
I've never bought anything over the computer before, I don't have a credit card or whatever
>But if I can make that janitor's job just a little harder then I'm satisfied.
That seems really mean-spirited
I mean, look at what you're saying
That's something a villain in a movie says
Why don't you just get the fuck out?
I did it myself with nothing but the newegg guides on youtube, and a casual browsing of /g/ for two months.

b-b-b-but 4chan told me to hate reddit!
yeah well you're a pleb
samefagging is when you reply to yourself. I don't know what the fuck you're implying here.
I always prefer this.

Just stop fucking up the thread with your trashy pictures.
It's not hard at all to delete that and I'm sure you wont annoy him. Infact you have more work to reupload it all the time
>Algebra with babbies first calculus
So she's at the level of a high school senior/college freshman.
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54 KB
>goonlances exclusively

Oh, and the catapult-loaded-with-SRMs trick got me not long ago. It's a good one, if that's what you're doing.

>In hunchback, looking for something nice to tear up
>Find lone little catapult ready for destruction
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Maths is like a language in that if you don't use it, it can quickly fade from memory. You've gotta stay in practice.

is it safe
HA! oh my fucking god
you don't even pay attention to what the fuck your ding, that was a link to Olympic shit you fucking dumbass
Dustin pls
Soon I will destroy 4chan and it's mods! Then I will be the ruler of the world! Bahahahah!

>I'm protesting
>by shitting up the general
>if I can make it harder for the janitor I'm satisfied

So because he doesn't let you shit up the thread, you're going to shit up the thread. Great, thanks a lot there buddy. The same goes for all you other fetish fags that whine whenever the relatively normal people don't want to see your shit.
My mistake. I took you for the faggot that usually tell everyone to email moot or /q/ that this janitor that deleting the spam suck or some shit.
That's probably not the most advanced thing, I just posted it becuase it's pretty high level physics
I've looked at that and was not enlightened in the least, I have no idea how to navigate that fucking site and the info is already involved. I have no idea about this stuff whatsoever
I'll look
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No, I'm in an Awesome-8R, 4 SRM6s and 3 medium lasers. 375XL engine.

My Hunchback build is 9 small lasers, 375XL and the rest goes into heatsinks. Rapes everything else 1 on 1 and sometimes I get lucky and I get to fight 3 pubbies at once and win.
>pic related
Would you a futa version of any of the mane 6?
I meant mistook

There also /g/ as well.
Can anyone recommend a good prebuilt PC manufacturer?
I wouldn't be shitting up the thread if the janitor wasn't being such a prick. I started this bullshit because he was deleting links for fucks sake. Christ, you people don't understand anything.
And as for the fetish shit, just filter or ignore it and it won't bug you, trust me.
last I heard Amazon was for books. I don't have a money slot on my computer anyway, why I need a new one I guess
>In Hunchback
>See lone catapult
Nigga I don't care what weapons he has, if he's a missile loading 'pult, you should kill him because you can remove his main weapons in about 15 seconds.
CLQUUs4Q pls go.

I would a futa Dash, AJ, or Rarity.

Anything else is shit-tier futa
>I wouldn't be shitting up the thread if the janitor wasn't being such a prick
What's this, elementary school?
Grandma what are you doing on MLPG?
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hey guys
can you help me please? Check your sketches folder and find the rough sketch of this Rose did first before inking. I remember she posted it. I really need it.
And I thought MLPG was good. Welp. What did Summer and /mlp/ do to you, I miss the old MLPG's on /co/.
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>end up opening a dozen tabs
>go through closing them one by one with a deep sense of shame
This is daytime MLPG, it's full of piss and children.
the fact he deleted things started the shit, yes it is elementary if you need to learn cause and effect
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Oh god I how know that feel.
>Renne Quest day
Well, it caused /v/ faggots like you to storm in.
Why did he delete it? Because it doesn't belong here.
Whine all you want.
>tfw no sleep
>tfw questerday
Yay pills!
Go back to /b/ or /v/
Reddit was never a topic of MLPG and you were never on the generals from /co/.
I forgot daytime meant American daytime.
>Hes cleaning up shit.
Actually alienware machines are pretty good at delivering, they're just ridiculously expensive for what they are. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST NO OTHER CHOICES I LIVE ON THE ROAD have a gaming laptop, get an alienware.
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Rainbow Dash is a faggot.
All I found in my folder of Celestia are +7 wip of art-anon and + 10 wip of Nasse. I got 0 from Rose.
And yet you people visit Reddit? It's your own damn fault. Fucking Reddit, I bet you like ``le'' and ``xD''.
how the hell can /g/ help? I've lurked and learned nothing, I made a thread and was not taken seriously, all the fucks on specific boards are fucks
America owns more than one planet now.
All time is America time.
All chicken sandwiches while saluting God all the time.
>Apple oekaki chats with Weaver

I don't know who to be more jealous of.
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>buttmark on her actual buttcheeks
Why are bronies trying to deny this.
/v/ are literally the only ones using that.
Get the fuck out.
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>Prebuilt computers
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Cold-Blooded Twilight has really outdone himself this time.
so is Apple's new pic on Derpibooru yet, where the fuck is it
I'm still learning to not fucking miss with the autocannon.
And people with diagnosed Aspergers have to put up with people talking shit about our medical condition.
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>if he doesn't want to talk about something that is irrelevant he must like it
Two words, anon, two crucial words that should be ingrained in your memory, that should probably be burned onto your eyelids the first time you visit 4chan: lurk more
>Rear legs splayed.
>Tail flagged.
>Inner thigh cutie mark.
Don't you worry about having it without a case?
And please stay there.

I would probably make love with Weaver

I would get high from solvents and forcibly copulate with him.

This is a legitimate, 110% true promise.
Fluffy made some pretty funny comic once that had a "I don't believe Rainbow Dash is _really_ a lesbian you guys!" note on it.

That was stupid.
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The one with femanon?
Mines also an apple
that is just an image with a bunch of info on parts, it doesn't actually tell me anything
Haha. I should be drawing ponies, but I'm not.
I just uploaded it there for you anon.
>Apple oekaki chats with Weaver
Wait, he does? Is this in his stream?
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Because bronies are also faggots.
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>hussie is writing articles again

Fluffy should just do what he does best.
Entertain the Fluffy pony general with his shitty gore art.
He deleted a link. A fucking link. Not an image.
It's not even about the contents. It could be furries shitting and vomiting all over themselves and I wouldn't care. It's the fucking principle.
It doesn't eat up the image limit. If you don't want to see it you don't have to open it. It literally affects nobody except for those who choose to open it and yet it was still deleted.
If you can't see why that's bullshit then there's no helping you.
As long as you can keep the components safe from things like static electricity, shorts from spilled drinks, dust, and maintain good airflow it should be pretty safe.
Is that Yoko.
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Moot in Response to 4chan Gold accounts:
>"I don't like the idea of creating two distinct classes of user, but am not opposed to offering something like a premium feature and charging for it (not sure what these would be though)."
That's Wendy, you moron.
because any other time it would have been ignored by mature adults who didn't like it, and appreciated by people who do like it. that your ruining the quality of the thread by deleting material is just wrong
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It's thundering outside and I'm scared... can I sleep with you?

>Being ashamed of what you fap to

File deleted.
He did it to anger you.
He gets a perverse pleasure from your rage.
Yes. Here, let me make room on my bed.



Your not Diamond Tiara...
While I don't usually like the ponies to have fingers this isn't bad.
Her hoof feet are bugging me out though
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>"I am going to shove all of these in my vagina."
oh boy
Where is the dick?

If that's true then that's corrupt as fuck. That janitor should be ousted from his position.
horrible anthro
what the fuck is that? oekaki? how do you use it?
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>dat irony
Yes, out the janitor that is deleting all the porn, anthro, and meta you post.

Stop being such a baby.
And it's focused on you alone.
He has your IP stapled all over his wall.
Every post you have made.
You are his target alone Anon, and he fired the first shot.
What skype chat is apple in?
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nah dickdash
thank you. very nice
aw shit
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this thread is unbearable
>I had thought about doing an archive and charging for it back in 2003-2004 (it's mentioned in an old news post if you look), but am now pretty opposed to archives in general because they eliminate the ephemeral nature of content on 4chan. I can't do anything about third-parties archiving, but don't plan to offer it as a first-party thing.

...I'm scared. If he could, would moot delete the MLPG archive?
Derpy is falling ass first to her death (she is unconscious so cant fly). Do you catch her or let her die?

Remember, ass first.
I really like it though I think it would've looked better with feet instead of hooves
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There is still taht one percent!


Catch her. I am sure her ass would not crush me.

>...I'm scared. If he could, would moot delete the MLPG archive?
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
> I can't do anything about third-parties archiving,
Trick question. Derpy cannot be injured ass-first. Her ass will destroy anything in its path.
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I managed to leave.

You're just a faget.
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>tfw you can't watch artists draw because it makes you extremely jealous
>Still not getting the point

Dynamic IPs are your best friend
I let her bounce off her ass
She'll fuckin' crash through to the earth's core ass-first. I can't catch her, I don't even lift.
The shit continues on
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These guys got it.

But wait, what about Ponyville? If you dont catch her before she hits there could be massive damage to a 50 mile radius.

Are you man enough?
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Her ass will impact the ground and the resulting explosion would kill everyone as the sun gets choked out in a cloud of dust that will stay up for centuries.

So begins the great extinction.
hope he never does and you continuously do this and have an embolism one night
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>bothering to use 4chanX after backlinking and hover over got built in

auto refresh is for casuals
this derpy-has-a-bubble-butt stuff is getting a little ridiculous...
>Backlinking got in finally?
archive.org offers torrents


one of the top torrents is "ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked"
Butt it's canon.
Its all in good fun man.
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Would you a Seaty Belt?
but all they ever say is numbers letters and brand names I don't know, and I don't know what parts do what or anything they talk about, It's not like I'll magically understand one day
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Yes, but it can be a bit assinine at times.
Yes. Sexually when she's older.
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I know, right?

Have some 4chan crystal pone.
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>Dat Crackle
>leave during one stupid shit stom to do stuff
>Coem back to find the remains of a shitstorm that apprently has something to do with the janitor

dammit guys I turn aroudn for live a hour and you guys go to hell seven times over
>Coke Pony can be made now.
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That is fucking adorable.
krabb's brother pls go
Finally. I'm still using 4chan x though. fuck the police.
Link this shit.
I can't believe I lost that brass lighter...
Forgot your spoilers.
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stram where?
>Actual uncensored tits
Are we sure this is really GG?
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Anyone have that picture of Dash looking in the fridge and scratching her butt with her wing or tail?
Yes, GG does occasionaly do uncensored tits

also Janitor Killjoy has just given this conversaition no context for archivedivers
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The one with Fluttershy and the jars of kush is my favorite.
will we do another one next year?
>your waifu will never wear one of your shirts in the morning after
Nevermind, he just drew two big floppy tits, so yes, it's him.
It wouldn't be the same
>no dick

try harder next time
>Tabasco with a box of swiffers.

Sometimes I imagine Our Friend the Janitor as sitting over an anthill holding a buckknife, and stabbing anything that comes out of it with all his strength.

Meanwhile behind him, civilization collapses and people loot and burn at leisure.
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Such a feel, I want it to happen.
Any Renne Questers here?
File deleted.

Let's go with that.

Take this.
1. waste time trying to draw
2.waste time reading about building a computer
3.waste time playing a game
4.waste time looking at a board I've never been and try to learn something
5.waste time reading about one of the popular games and figuring out if my 2005 prebuilt computer can play it
6. go try to find a job
7. watch pony
8.watch some other cartoon
9.kill myself
0. walk to my friend in another state
I still have no idea what the context behind that joke is.
Care to enlighten me, RCH?
I'm here.


These posts are stupid.
0-1 clean apartment
2-3 go to the store
4-5 vidya
6-7 write
8-9 post ponies
Evens = get high
Odds = stay sober
Dubs = rolls are for fags


>that fucking generalivan video
>Crackle will never scratch your back with her 4 feet
the janitor is Aeris

that should tell you everything you need to know

Look up Swiffer-Pony some time.
Link to the apple stram?
>only 10% chance of suicide

you are casual

Awesome. I tried to get ahold of you guys the past few days putting my name on then would have helped I guess. Just wanted to let everyone know that the quest tonight might start a little later, and potentially be shorter. I have a birthday to go to today. Also, school is starting up next week, so quest time may change a little bit then as well. I'll be better able to let you guys know in a few days.
The fact that the janitor bothers to focus on MLPG instead of /mlp/ as a whole proves that they're an angry little shitwagon with a grudge.
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watch pone

And have this
>Even later
Shitty fat tripfag furry attentionwhore from /x/.
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I know man, I know
Old, old greentext where a Swiffer pony was doing a patrol, dusting the kitchen, Tabasco asks her what she is doing, in her usual way of snark.
Not listening, or not paying attention the duster rubs against and around the now stunned Tabasco as it keeps cleaning.
She leaves Tabasco sitting on the counter, speechless as she keeps on her patrol.

Need a little more context and explanation than that.

haha nope
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>do so
...but why is she shipped with Tabasco?
Wouldn't you still eat Steaks if they were called Brown Shit Rectangleroos?
It's a pretty useful link.
has anyone ever drawn swiffer pony?
>Brown Shit Rectangleroos?
I couldn't order that without laughing

I could give it a shot...

We've had a hard time nailing down a look for her.
>Brown Shit Rectangleroos

Britain please go
When I make a steak restaurant I am calling all the steaks that.
Was that ever proven that it was Aeris? Why would they choose to shit up MLPG?
>tfw it's almost midnight and you haven't done a single push up
Fuck you
I don't even know what she is supposed to look like.
She has been drawn before, but yeah...

this is so good.
Sorry, I already feel bad enough as-is for how late I start them usually. If anything, school will allow me to start them earlier in the day, but I'm not 100% certain. Also, if I ever run another quest, I'm probably gonna do it on the sub and with periodic updates so that you don't have to wait for a "session."
Quick MLP/G/, I need that picture on how to acquire Ati drivers!
I only did 10
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Start smoking pot
I would try to buy computer parts if I had the money, but they probably wouldn't match or some shit. So that pic has all the parts that go together? Is there even a complete list of what all needs to be in a computer?
it's only 5:26 man
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You're welcome
what even is an at driver anyway?
I'm pretty sure you're me, so possibly some kind of multiple personality disorder?
It's only 2:27 man
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>My favorite ponies are Rarity and Twilight.

I think I've found your problem.
That was literally my first thought when I saw Apple Fritter.

Also, those crystal Wonderbolts? I WANT!
Not here.
done 15 now, only 85 to go...
All you need is a motherboard with integrated audio, cpu, ram, video card, power supply, hard drive.
It's 6:57 you loons
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But they're both good ponies.
go to PCPartspicker.com
Set the filter to only search Amazon and Newegg (unless you want to register and order from several different sites for minor savings)
Once you've got a full list of parts post it on reddit.com/r/buildapc for review
The main things you need to worry about matching are your case and your motherboard form factor
>The Crystal Gem Apple from Adventure Time
based anon

Dash is a huge fucking cunt in S2. Unlikable to the core. Almost a villain.
But it's only 4:28
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>Integrated video card

Unless you meant integrated audio only, that's not a good option, at all.
>implying I watch that shit
Wait, there are half timezones too?
>good ponies

>neurotic time bomb
>fake eyelashes


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You most likely have avoidant personality disorder. See a therapist.
Try finding a mobo with integrated sound card, cpu, ram, gpu, power supply and hdd anywhere at all, anonymous.
>click get started
alright a complete list!
>click one
I'm supposed t know about all these or just pick one at random?

am probably slow with this but

>hoity toity tow
>that is show acurate
You just suck is all.
That's where the falcon guide comes in
If you're really feeling that unsure, try copying someone else's build on /r/buildapc that has a similar budget as you
You don't have a mobo with an integrated everything?
Casual pleb
Mine has an integrated case
also how do you post something there anyway?
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>the guy deleted his post

Man I wonder if he killed himself

No seriously I have friends who have been in his position and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him.
It's 2:32 here, but 7:02 there. I thought timezones only increased or decreased time by increments of an hour, not half an hour.
>Not having an integrated monitor
You do realize that was a copypasta?
>guy deleted his own post
>implying it wasn't ghosts
are you me?
Oh, you've got a laptop too? Cool!
>I have a birthday to go to.

Who's? Not mine, that's for sure ;_;
If I built a gaming pc, I know nothing would work on it. That's how it always works for me.
I don't know anything about this at all, and I don't have the patient to read about each part right now. I'll try to find my way around reddit. I don't know why I'm doing this, I have absolutely no money
Fuckin' hell, I don't know.
My laptop has an integrated desktop
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>being a macfag/tabletfag/laptopfag

kill yourself
Nah, they're weird in some places. I believe there's one strip along the southern coast of Australia that's off by 15 minutes from the rest of the time zone around it.
but how can i pony on the go without a laptop?
>You do realize that was a copypasta?

I just typed it out right now.
But I have a tower, a laptop and a tablet
>all this computer talk

I bought some avocados today and they need to be ripe by tomorrow so I put them on the top of my computer where a vent is to ripen them faster.
/g/ would be proud.

It was the janitor trying to get other people to off themselves because he has such a shitty life.

I haven't gone to MLPG since the /co/ /mlp/ split, you guys sure are like daytime /v/ except with ponies, aren't you?
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this reddit site is impossible. what do I click?
>click on faq
>it isn't an faq for the site, just building a computer
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>mfw casuals use laptops for travel instead of hauling their desktops everywhere
>mfw casuals dont take up an extra seat in lectures, airplanes, subways, and busses for their system units while putting their two monitors on their laps
How are tablets now, by the way? I've out of the tech scene for the past few years, but they seem interesting.
I'm looking at getting something portable, but laptops are too big, so I was looking at notebooks.
What all can you do on a tablet? Is like a big phone you can't call people on?
>It was the janitor trying to get other people to off themselves because he has such a shitty life.

No, the first replies were mocking so I deleted it. I don't like people laughing at me.

>Mount and Blade

>Not just spraying a little ethylene on them to speed up the ripening
All the pertinent links are on the right hand side.
It's organized terribly so just use your smarts and make due.
...But that was a six.
Tablets are great for entertainment and internet browsing.
For actual work? Get a laptop or netbook.
That must really sting. I know how you feel.
It's not normally this depressing during the day

Also, try coming back later tonight for delicious fetish discussion
I'm not smart. I don't want to do this. I don't like all these options
During the hiatus, yes
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The mental image is too much
Someone post the screen cap when people first realized GG got 3000 bucks in donations from that one guy.
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That's pretty beta man.

But you should probably know that those people were probably joking
I didn't know that, but I don't have anything here with that chemical in it.
In my perception, having a cheap android tablet is like having a Smartphone, but withouth the calling and messaging function that is, they're kinda useful for music production / live performance if you use TouchOSC.


Calm down anon, just breathe.
You can do it.
Why can't we have the fetish discussion now?

doin it wrong
Well, just for random knowledge.
Ethene (ethylene) is, among many other things, a natural plant hormone that (among a ton of other functions) causes fruit to ripen.
so do all my parts have to be the same brand? That would make this easier
This is usually the reason, /v/ posters

Do what I did: go to ibuypower.com
Build yourself a riced out PC that's slightly over your budget
Once you've got a full list of parts, go to pcpartspicker and copy everything from your ibuypower build for massive savings
would you rub a chubby ponies belly?
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>You most likely have avoidant personality disorder. See a therapist.

Seeing one now. Just the free ones Canada gives me. So only something once every other week. Focusing on anxiety right now though.

>That feel when you can't decide which Fall of Cybertron trailer is cooler
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Oh I think I did know that, that is if that's the same chemical in apples.
Since apples will ripen avocados in placed in a bag with them.
Mom's. I would go to yours if I knew when/where especially if you had it at a place with skee-ball.
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it is the picking parts that is giving me trouble, I don't know the parts or what they do, but I'll keep what you said in mind
No they don't, you can mix and match.
But there are some limitations.
Just before to post your build some where for critique before you buy.
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It's in every fruit.
Putting them in a bag is like putting a dirty sock in a plastic bag. The chemical cant go anywhere, so the concentration (like the smell of the sock) intensifies.

If you stick a ripe fruit (pretty much gushing ethene) in a bag with some not so ripe ones, it ripens the unripe fruit.
It really sounds like you either need to find a friend that has a bit more confidence to walk you through the process or just give up and buy a premade
I would rub it and snuggle it and blow raspberries into it.
>Not also bringing along your vinyl record player
would you let her sit on you?


I would, though
The computer I have is fine, I don't need to play games. No one I know in this area has a computer they built, I don't have smart friends
There was a kid in my degree that would lug his desktop to class every day for only 90 minutes. In a computer lab full of Alienwares.
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I just don't get this and never will.

Even if I didn't have my small convenient electronics I would rather just go without until I got home instead of hauling heavy crap around in public and potentially damaging it.
Wait, if the computer you have is fine and you have no interest in PC games then why are we even discussing this?
Not him, but yes. I would wrap my arm around her belly and brush my head to her mane.
I'd do it too

Why don't you have art threads.

I don't mean artists circlejerking over OMG TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY I mean actual critique and dicking about and humor.

Oh wait I forgot this was /mlp/ for a second.
>actually expressing your laughter in a drawn out sentence
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22 KB
Hahaha, oh shit.
As long as you don't buy it, it's not like alienwares are bad.
Just buying them is stupid as shit
u wot m8
have you ever looked in these threads before?

Now that's fucking scary. It's like you're describing me.
We used to, but most of the artists have left for the summer. The few we have left like to stick around this shithole.
I had an interest in the fallout games but it is not a need
I was really just lamenting the things other people do easily that I cannot, like having high speed internet or drawing
>all this ded
This is why I shouldn't ever leave. I miss all the fun stuff.
yeah, and it is always the same sad guy who types out his laughter thinking it makes someone feel bad or something, fullretard indeed
It was just some jabroni posting some personal stuff about how he's depressed or something.
Newfoundland is -3.5GMT
>I don't mean artists circlejerking over OMG TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY I mean actual critique

Sounds contradictory

but to answer your question, no artists
1 week, 5 days and 20 hours until CS:GO comes out
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>mfw I got a mostly intact, top of the range alienware by stealing it from my dumb fuck rich neighbor's trash

I fucking love retarded uninformed consumers.
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341 KB
everyone ded
Are you actually serious?
The specs were better than his. He was a dingus for lots of reasons, that just being one of many.
Probably the same retard going AAAAAAAAA at bad pictures.

Really? I do that too and I never do it because of that. I reply like that to posts that I found extremely funny.
Have you looked in these threads? It is all I ever see, people trying their hardest for no reason
But I'm playing mechwarrior online.
any chance of a chubby pone quest? a quest about a chubby pone being chubby? pls?

So MLPG, what's your pick?
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All you that recorded in a theater. I work at a theater and they now can put your video through a program to find out where you recorded it and will find you. Not only is there a secret code on the screen, but there is also info put through the speakers in morse code throughout the whole movie. Just warning you now..
My computer is a 2005 but I don't use it for anything but posting here. who the fuck doesn't want to play games but I fucking can't anyway, and I don't know ll this shit you all seem to know. My parents didn't have computers in the house for me to learn on like you all did. it is so fucking frustrating

Tell me your secrets.

Which trash do I search through?

>that malformed query string
>quest to become the chubbiest, most hugable pony
>there are measurements of chubbyness, such as "Mrs.Cake level"
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329 KB

everyone everywhere

the reaper is busy

>could be deleting fluffy pony and gore
>decides to hang around MLPG and delete half of everything posted

Our Friend the Janitor, everyone!
>Katana Sushi
I was talking about doing a bellyrub quest the other day. I'd run it on the sub, and after Renne Quest is over.
we should give her a name
>Kawasaki Shoggoth
They're so cute...
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1 KB
>computers in the home
Yeah, that C64 really gave me a leg up on everyone else as far as technical expertise goes.

(Zecora sez: Prequel updated, picture related.)
Even if true that only lets them know where you were and possibly roughly when it happened.

There's still a room full of basically anonymous people.
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>implying you need to like something to use reactions from it
Pic related, I fucking hate Sucky Star.
Cry. I for one appreciate janitors works here.
Hey wait a minute, I'm enjoying the fuck out of Young Justice.

Why does /co/ hate this?
>5 days until gw2 is out
That was offtopic bullshit and you know it.
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175 KB
/co/ is hate
I have such a hard time with things, and then I saw something that makes me look like I'm trolling and no one can fucking help anyway why bother spending ten bucks a gig on this

Your post is offtopic bullshit and you know it.
Why don't you ask
Why is Seinfeld so great, MLPG?
this isn't like that Japanese comic where suddenly the page flies down is it
Yes, she could sit on me, lie on top of me, anything. I want to feel that warm squishy pudge weighing down on me.

I did ask.

Just now.
Woe is you
Reminder: GF marathon in one hour and 30 minutes!
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The reaction faces of course
There really wasn't anything quite like it when it came on. Still one of my favorites.
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so, mafia when?
Not quite. It's not a startle thing.
fucking hate it my dad watches it whenever it comes on, just like Everybody Loves Raymond. hate hate
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66 KB

I cannot refute this statement

Goddammit guys.
New EP out?
Thank god you didn´t post the other one.
/co/, I mean
Oh shit, really? AWESOME
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2.45 MB
>>5 days until gw2 is out
Want to know something about GW 2?

There is another Stress Test TOMORROW!

I'm stuck in a laptop without my reaction images, so don't kill me.
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So what will Spike do when Twilight and the others die? Hang around Ponyville?
I don't know why I try to get into things I'm not a part of, sorry I bother you guys
meant say
Yeah, but we're marathoning all the current episodes tonight!

>tfw 7 gf
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I was right all along.
I'm sure he'd want to see the world, become an explorer, work for Celestia.

But this is /co/
And you're also a shitposting faggot and you should kill yourself
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George Costanza is the best character on tv ever.
you can just type url, moron

I actually just overhead him talking about throwing it out and getting a new one.

He's the kinda faggot that would rather keep something he doesn't want or need but someone else does so I just liberated it from his trash.

I've heard similar things have happened.
No, this is /v/
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The characters are all awful selfish people and while they sometimes are punished for this just as often they get away with being terrible and no matter what they never learn a lesson.

:( I'm sorry.
On DisneyXD, or streaming through one of you glorious faggots?

>Rarity's jewel on his cheek

Damn. Damn. That hit me.
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Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB

Why is that?
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Dare I ask: How many Costanza ponies are there?

There's hardly a difference anymore
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You sound somewhat like me.

To me it sounds like you suffer from either general or social anxiety, perhaps both. It also sounds like you have low self esteem.

The goods news is that you said you live in Canada, so I'm assuming you're able to see mental health professionals.
Radioactive turd
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Quite a few
I like it when they make the same kind of pose naturally in the show.
How far into Renne Quest are we?
>implying you'll say
Sounds exactly like It's Always Sunny.
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please respond

Also they didnt try to mask anything with attractive actors like most shows did. Everyone was unashamedly mediocre. Especially Costanza.
Sounds exactly like real life.
Get out of /co/; horsefuckers
Don't be so defeatist, I don't see any dubs on the front page of /co/.
And they always make great recommendations whenever I ask.
On my stream:

Thanks for your help though man, i just don't have any money right now, I was trying to figure out building a computer before I actually do it but I have no patience

it is just one of those things all you people can do that I cannot and I feel like I should
>Also they didnt try to mask anything with attractive actors like most shows did. Everyone was unashamedly mediocre. Especially Costanza.

Jason Alexander was the most handsome male on the show.
Always Sunny is Seinfeld's concept taken to an utter extreme.
Isn't that the name of the channel that carries the show? Right next door to the Hub on Comcast?
Can you build a house out of Lego?
If yes, you can build a computer
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it is too late

all is lost
It's just plain Disney channel that is shows on, not DisneyXD
Well it's good that you're making an effort to learn something new but cheer the fuck up, anon.

Fucking ciphers.
>implying we're still on /co/
I want to be, though.
Makes sense
Guess that's why I like it so much
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fucking shit why won't the link work correctly
An actual house, or one for my pony dolls?
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thingy maboober
An actual house for your actual ponies
So many try hards in these threads nowadays.

I don't see dicks, hands or legs. I declare this

a good picture.
sure that is always said, but actually look in a computer. it is not fucking lego
I was cheered when I started but all the confusing shit I encounter knocks me down

I don't play WoW anymore but I still like MMO Champion's monthly post on computer builds on a budget.
Putting it together is really simple, though.
Mount mobo to case, put cpu, ram, hdd, gfx card on mobo, install psu, connect everything to the psu and the mobo
Takes maybe 15 minutes
I can't really tell what's going on
Is that unicorn Rarity with Pinkie's hair
1) Go to epicmafia.com and make account
2) Sign into account
3) Then try link

I'm trying to give you the /co/ feeling guys.

>try hards

nigger people are the opposite of that now

do you see how much effort I put into this fucking post?

i didn't even use capitalization
Are you logged in?
Have you exited any previous games?
I've been waiting for dicks all day.

I got 1/3 of a Rainbow Dash dick and that's just not enough.
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>it is not fucking lego

It pretty much is. Actually, it's a whole lot easier because most pieces only fit in their right place.

It's much like these.
Holy shit Weaver draws some really fucked up porn. I guess the SFW filter's been skewing my perception all this time.

I interpreted it as Pinkie actually being a unicorn, her horn is just normally hidden by her poofy mane.
I think the leg represents....The id.
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We've come pretty far to consider a pic without dicks "good".
but there are fucking wires with plugs halfway down them and shit. lego does not have wires
also I need to learn what each of those parts fucking looks like, I'm looking in this computer and I can't tell what's what. I know my power source died but I don't know how to replace it
See? THIS is what happens when I'm stuck on my work computer, not allowed to install 4chanX, and kept away from /co/ by work for a month. We all have a new favorite show. I dropped Life In The Dream House after episode 11, the initial charm had worn off and I didn't care about the characters or story.


That slaps me on the knee.
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Thanks man.

I am legitimately retarded and forgot how epicmafia works after not playing it for 2 days.
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Rut is one of my favorite words.


janitro that picture was censored

are you tryign to get people tpo complain about you? again?
no wires on that though
do new computer not have wires anymore?
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Time for >feel

>buck it
>horse panties
>red eyes
>figure looks like a penis

Jesus that's a horrible picture.
>Buck it
On the other hand this play on words is way too overused.
eh, nothing

The wires are pieces themselves. The only trouble you'll have with wires is keeping them from tangling up too badly or getting in the way of some pieces.
Just stop thinking about how hard it is.
The mother board has slots for everything, and there's only like, 2 kinds of wires.
PSU has nice little easy-to-identify wires that go to the motherboard, hdd, cpu fan, gfx card, and then you run a wire from the hdd to the mobo
I thought this fanon were ded.
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>they still give a shit about what Lauren has to say about FiM

I wish it were
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it really does
Wire management is far and away the hardest part of PC assembly.
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Building a computer for the unexperienced is one of those things that seems really intimidating but it's really not. I got a crappy Wal-Mart computer as a Christmas present one year and over the next two years I kept buying better components to replace the crappy ones it came with until finally I decided that I'd just build my next one from scratch.

That was eight years ago and I haven't looked back.

Your motherboard manual will explain exactly how all the shit plugs in. It's like assembling IKEA furniture except there's rarely parts missing.
I think this is pretty need, actually.
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If only anon, if only
>Holy shit Weaver draws some really fucked up porn.
Proof required. Post it or GTFO.
Stop with the personal blog
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They're annoying, I'll give you that, but I've never had any actual trouble with them. For me the most dreadful part is putting the CPU in place.
Any tutorials for us lemmings?
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Spoiler Image, 77 KB
alright that is fucking great, it just has these things I know all about and expect you to too. I'm saying this computer I am looking at right now needs one part and I don't even know how to get it out, or where to buy a new part. you can't always have the computer to buy shit, I cannot buy shit over the internet don't tell me to order the fucking part online. like every fucking job that tells y6ou to apply online, not everyone has a fuckin computer. I dont' fucking shop for groceries nline
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1.02 MB
Stop that
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>not knowing Weaver can come up with fucked up shit

Do you even Rubyquest?
Nah, CPUs are pretty sturdy. I had an accident where I bent 3 pins completely horizontally, I bent them back into place with tweezers and it worked fine.
I found this

>Your motherboard manual will explain exactly how all the shit plugs in. It's like assembling IKEA furniture except there's rarely parts missing.

That guy speaks the absolute truth. I knew zero about building computers before I just went out, bought the parts that were highly recommended at the time and followed the motherboard's instruction manual. That computer served me for five years and is still in use.
How do you not have a checking account these days? That's kind of impressive.
Youtube. There's a couple there.
how are you posting right now if you can't order a part online?
I am looking at the wires in this computer and they are not simple. do you understand what I mean when I say it has plug halfway down? A plug in the middle, and a plug on the fucking end. It came unplugged and not I don't know which fucking plug to plug in. I'm thinking this is really old though
the cpu isn't hard, really, nerve wracking for a newbie. My first time, I was sure I was breaking it.
I have an antec 1200, which is a tall as fuck case, so cable management was a pain in the rectum. I'm getting a workbench case next time

Go to a fucking library then.

What the fuck are you posting on RIGHT NOW?

Post his gore ponies series.
Too much /g/ in here
OK, maybe I should clarify. I want to send someone the funds to buy a custom made PC, like mine. I asked the guy who made mine and he said its around 800 bucks. How easy would it be for someone to assemble the computer when he buys the parts I tell him to get?
I have a walmart computer, yes! My PSU died, I think. what does the motherboard manual look like? I have to find the fucking things it was seven years ago, I'm just now learning this shit
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Did my best.
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I agree

Lets post ponies instead

Go to 6:14

>that tail
hnnnng/10 nice job.
Yeah, but that may be gore, but it isn't porn.
>How easy would it be for someone to assemble the computer when he buys the parts I tell him to get?
If he knows what he's doing, really easy. I don't know if you've been reading the thread, computer assembly is pretty easy. Less than an hours work
>Hold a ponies beautiful stomach
>Visualize where her stomach is
>Visualize her food being broken down.
>>Realize you're mere centimeters away from her feces
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I do have one. Do you just type it in on a website? Very safe sounding
a laptop my grandad gave me. I didn't know how to buy thing online, you all had to help me buy something from Steam that time and I can't even fucking use it
that makes me curious about what the extent of LK's fucked upedness is, Renne quest has been pretty fucked up so far
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I... don't know, all I know is he's good with drawing ponies. I assume he knows nothing about computer assembly, and I can't ship a PC to his house, I don't eve know where he lives.

...Huh. Interesting.
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111 KB
12" official hasbro pony plushies

worth buying?

I'd clean up with her if you know what I mean.

>give pone a belly rub
>watch his face grow more and more awkward as your hands slowly start to drift south
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298 KB
Right here

Sentenal, don't buy Tex a fucking computer.
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418 KB
Apples? I don't know where they are. It's a mystery.
>She asks if that's where you'd like to be right now
>You tell her that you'd love that
>Her belly growls hungrily in response as she licks her lips at the prospect
>The moment is ruined when he cracks and shouts TWILY~
>You jerk him off anyway
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the thread is people just saying that, and obviously the people do not know what they are doing
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>tfw no Luna/Celestia duet
Funny how you posted Dinky's sister, which is linked to Derpy now.
would be pretty neat to see all of MLPG chip in a little to get him a PC.
vore anon pls
keep going
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How 'bout I just eat em instead?
if i was rich I'd buy people in the general shit, just because I could
>Sentenal, do buy Tex a fucking computer.
I don't know what's wrong I love that, every part of a girl. her organs, muscles, bones and flesh. I love more than just skin and hair man, I love their being

I don't know about Tex, but random people on the internet buying me a computer, or anything, would just make me angry at them and then myself for being angry at generosity.
not vore anon, but if it's going to be digestion I'm out
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I fail to see the link between Dinky and Derpy
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>tfw no apple song
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What if we build a fort.
i like full tour
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Actually that is dolphin pone, not sarcasm pone.
I fail to see the link between Dinky and this two ponies.

How has nobody drawn Rarity in a dress fort?

Or a gem fort. That'd be something.

It started out as a skirt/dress, but I think it's better this way.
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I never figured
Who made that picture? It was released befor the wedding I know.
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>tfw no Pinkie/Sweetie duet
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What will we call it?
>at this hour

The fuck?
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210 KB

>tfw no sweetie song
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306 KB
>Come back from an Asian market.
>See this.
Thanks bro.
Fuck my mouth is on fire.
I recently discovered a new fetish: a hot, sexy thing's stomach growling while I finger her.
Fort Slut
It totally is.
And who is JR.
It was Jr.
Didn't he trick ponychan into thinking it was real?
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2.38 MB
The link is right fucking there. They're all together in the crowd, then the adults are together, then one of the adults is with the child

Have you ever seen Derpy and Dinky interact in the show in any way shape or form?
I'd be happy people cared enough.

I can understand the anger but ya gotta understand that if such a thing would happen it would be no strings attached.
Oh come on
Apple fort?

Your new is showing.
vore anon here
It would probably end in digestion were it not for the fact that not many are into that. I like either or myself.
Perhaps, you haven't spent much time with a woman?
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130 KB

That's why I'm here.

For a moment they really believed it.
>Didn't he trick ponychan into thinking it was real?
Some anon tried, but a sentry spoiled the fun in like two minutes.
Whoah whoah is it fetish time already
To cause burning sensations in people's mouths?
Do we still have those?
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56 KB
>They're all together in the crowd
So they are a couple?
It's always fetish time

Fucking sentries ruining our fun.

Are you proud of yourselves?
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1017 KB
>taking Last Roundup as canon
>roommate can't possibly be babysitter while mom's working a weather emergency

You want a connection? Here's one from an earlier episode, trumping your canon.
Where's the stream, Dooks? You said there'd be a stream.
Isn't that that scat guy that shit up the threads a while back?
>putting your ear to a belly
love it so much
>taking Last Roundup as canon
What the fuck?
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46 KB

Dinky is more like some kind of street spawn that belongs to the whole town. She shows up everywhere, with everyone. Except derpy, funnily enough.
I blame that on the chili paste i bought because I had some kick my ass at a restaurant yesterday so I hunted it down and am staring at it scared.

Jesus. No. That's Faceless. Fuck, guy.

sometimes i venture into the day-threads, when i'm going to regulate my sleep-cycle and i know i won't be able to stay up until six AM.
Save up for Stealth Spinfusor or buy Bolt Launcher? I do have a D. Spinfusor but no good INF Primary yet.
>stomach sounds
That shit is unf as fuck, man
Jr. did scat too
um, perhaps you're a prick?
Just in case we decide to raid them.
We dont have enough tables for that.

I was tryin to think of a pun involving the Alamo but I got nothin.
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57 KB

why Lauren decided to leave?

>was her first show she was executive producer

>a subject she loved

>and became a huge success

those things make more curious about her reason/s for leaving, but i guess we will never know

Bolt Launcher is fucking shit. Fusors all the way.
But we never did that and we never will
Hasbro pull the leash too hard or something like that.

Is the Faceless the human trash who scammed people on Ponychan out of their money ?

i know where this is going.

belly worship.

I don't really get why Ponychan still thinks we would raid them. The fandom has become so rotten, they're not even the biggest autists around.

Yes, and he's called a hero around these parts, stranger.
Hm okay,so spinfusor is it.
>and he's called a hero around these parts
Most poeple actually consider him a gigantic faggot
No, he was the glorious faggot who scammed ponychan out of their money, then proceeded to comission scat with said money.

Probably a combination of Hasbro not giving her as much control over the show as she would have liked and being pregnant.

Faceless is worse then human trash, but not because he scammed ponychan.
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413 KB
Clearly there's some sort of relationship going on between the two of them, even if we don't know exactly what that is.
derpy is a very ugly pony
File: 1344466076909.png-(48 KB, 203x135, lyrabonbonsmoothie.png)
48 KB

Oh that silly smoothie. Best recurring character



But not in a relationship.
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Haha right.
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>scamming faggots on ponychan
>not a good thing

Fuck off brony faggot, Faceless is fucking hilarious due to the drama he generates.

I hope you step on 2 legos, one on each foot.
We need a "oh smoothie you are so crazy" pic with Loira.
Friends that fuck each other?
'JUST FRIENDS' is still a relationship that's more than 'two ponies that have vaguely similar color schemes'
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>being pregnant.

she denied that

Using a bullshit sob story to scam anyone out their money and not having the decency to show remorse or to repent makes a person human trash in my eyes.
>bummed out lyra
>cheers up when bonbon comes
Even if they're not involved, awww.
He's a horrible person.

Scamming ponychan was awesome though.

It was even better when Disco scammed him for commission money, and he got butthurt over it.

you cannot break a lesbian horse headcanon that easily
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Not cool.
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Then you're really in the wrong place son.
Would you hang out with Bon Bon?
Would you occasionally have angry sex with her?
>Hasbro pull the leash too hard or something like that.

Likely this. Note how S2 finale and S3 seem to be all about pushing stupid toys.
I would but she is taken.
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You take that back!
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>remorse or to repent
>for scamming retarded people

Apologist nigger, people were fucking retarded, they lost out because of it, big fucking deal, if anything Faceless is a fucking genuis.

And then one of the artists he commissioned scammed him. Poetic justice.
They're sisters.
Yes, but keep in mind they are retarded.
Sure I'd hang out with her. I'd say no to the sex since my waifu would kill me but I get the feeling that it'll happen even if I say no.

But Lyra shares Bonbon with Golden Harvest apparently so, could be hot.
>Using a bullshit sob story to scam anyone out their money and not having the decency to show remorse or to repent makes a person human trash in my eyes.

Just like Glitter Glue?
Faceless commissioned scat porn from Kloudmutt, and has written several stories based around scat.

Would you like me to post them?
Yeah... wasn't the Kloudmutt one of those who did work for him?

If you look at it that way, that does make sense.
They are sisters.
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>S2 finale and S3 seem to be all about pushing stupid toys.

and people are going to buy them no matter what
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Best incest
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okay see look

does it matter which plug?
>implying she isn´t
>trying to brign this shit up again

no, hate anon. We have simply gone through this too many times to fall for this.

>Note how S2 finale and S3 seem to be all about pushing stupid toys.
The entire show is about pushing the toys.
And that artist never got a pony commission ever again, also poetic justice
I remember BraveSpark got really ass damaged over that.

Could never figure out why though.
>tfw no GF
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That's a lovely shade of pink furniture you have there.

If you can provide solid evidence that everything GG has posted about his life is nothing but lies I would like to see it.
If it is going to one device, no.
That is illegally cute.
do you not understand the burden of proof

New horse in here
>Policemare arrests Derpy under suspicion of being too damn cute.
Entirely possible although I feel like they would have participated in the sisterhooves social if they were

The point i was trying to make is that they have appeared together in the show so it's reasonable to have them interact in fanon

Making Dinky the child of Derpy because they kind of look alike is retarded because they've never interacted and ponies do not look like they're parents. I was going to attach a picture of Twilight Sparke's parents as an example, but we've hit image limit

Now that I've gone and gotten all upset about it, I think it's time for me to take a break from the general
>IDE cables
Fuck those were annoying. SATA cables are much smaller and easier to use.

No, it doesn't matter which goes in which. The different plugs on a single cable are just for convenience.
But that isn't poetic at all
If he is uding more than one device they may need to have pins moved for master/slave.

Assuming old devices.

But note how previous episodes seem to have a lot more leeway about how to insert said toys. Hasbro seems to have much more control now. And the quality suffers because of that.

Cadance and SA will be seen as the point where the show jumped the shark.
Yes. Courts usually take a witness at his word unless there's evidence to indicate otherwise. An alibi is believable until it's contradicted.

GG has given zero evidence to begin with. We know nothing about him or the validity of his sob stories. Dude got like 6,000 dollars out of that. I'm thinking he's a scam artist.
Someone scamming their only customer and losing all their business is kind of poetic
Yeah, that's possible. Unlikely, but possible.

Far more likely that he's telling the truth.
what the fuck are you talking about, courts? If you just accept whatever baseless story you hear, then you are the definition of a moron
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>Yes. Courts usually take a witness at his word unless there's evidence to indicate otherwise. An alibi is believable until it's contradicted.
Disco? Man he kept getting a shitton of commissions

He just left the pony fandom. Probably because mlpg was sucking Faceless's cock last year. Faceless was last summer's GG.
You're aware just how BAD legal systems are for solving disputes right? That's WHY disputes go to courts.
You're a moron if your automatic assumption is that someone is lying when he tells you a story.
When a known attention whore tells me an unlikely but sympathetic story, I'd be a moron to believe him.
obviously not what I said, genius
okay thanks you guys
you too

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