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Old Horse

So, how long to you think each ponies sleep each day? How about nap? You think your favorite pony sleep that much?
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I would cuddle with Bonbon.
Someone should draw Pinkie or something going >Falls
oh god my dick
Someone should draw LUNA or something going >GRAVITY
>dat speed
Sanic would be disappointed.
Which pony would you share a midnight snack with?
When demons have inner demons
Hey Señor Cardgage
How are you today?
Hamburger time journal is going into hamburger time for a while.

>implying anyone read them anyway
>Lets be honest, why would anyone want stick around there? /vg/ is were the games at.

/vg/ is just too narrow though. The same selection of games over and over again.
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ugly OCs as always but still quite nice
>hamburger time is in hamburger time

Whoa, this hiatus is intense
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Weaver confirmed for Fedora/Cowboy hat wearing pudgy nerd with a neckbeard.
I read every single one.
>I don't read it
I need this.
Friendoff when?
Good choice. Bring it back when we have a firm start date.
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But I do.
someone watch this and tell me if this pony game is going to be any good. my ears exploded at 1 second.

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Now I'm hungry
anyone else see stephen colbert cosplay as a brown realistic horse on his show tonight?
Wait what? Why?
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Is there a neuromancer game I don't know about?
>implying anyone doesn't

They help keep my sense of sanity in the piss fueled hiatus. Don't you dare think they are meaningless to people. Anyway, I hope you wrap up whatever it is you're doing in Canada, we miss you!
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but i always read them
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This gif would be perfect if there was a spaghetti noodle added, wouldn't it?
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she clearly exhibited that she could kick the pervy guys in prisons asses.
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>That guitar cutie mark.
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You Laugh You Lose Thread. GO
I'm a bit late handing in my image. Is it going to mess anything up?
what, but we do!

Animation as good as the show. That's a first.

I would love to see something on the show focusing on side characters.
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Holy shit what the fuck is going on?

It's a conspiracy
Even if Rarity was a mule, she'd be the cutest, most lovable mule to me
>/b/ tries to raid mlpg like they did in /b/read
gl this thread moves too fast to work
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horses for courses
>Bronies are now capable of creating shows.
>Full of their OC's.
I was actually very impressed with the animation. God damn.
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Fluttertaur makes my heart want to burst.
have none of you seen the vocational death cruise video?
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But she not a horse though. That like a double horse, or a horse/pony hybrid.
Animation is one this. Is it good though in idea?
oh man, I almost forgot about Fluttertour

She's so cute
really wish the maker wasn't a giant arrogant dick though.
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Those abominations have no place in this world.
... what
That was....good?

Colour me impressed.
He still around?
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This is coming from a talking train.
She part fairy princess and party pony fairy princess
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Well, damn. That was pretty good.
I'll forgive "Shack that plot" cause damn that thing was smooth.
No he hats us.
What games are you interested in?
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>Needing text on your reaction images

>Show ends
>Bronies use flash skills to create their own shorts and series about their ocs
>Quickly goes off the rails and devolves into fetish pandering shows
>A sub-genre of wretched "pony vids" are made. Associated with weirdos and it's long forgotten they have any connection with MLP

The future. Brownies aren't going anywhere.

Would you cuddle in bed with Fluttertaur nonsexually?

Even if she was a bit too big, taking up most of the space, the covers, pillows and causing a big dip in the mattress?

>Animation is one this. Is it good though in idea?

What the fuck?
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That was yesterday or day before doing some request.

Is that even a question?
>needing to use greentexts to explain the context of your image
>F:E is made.
>Someone dies watching it from start to finish.
Isn't that already being done?
>Is that even a question?

Not really, but its nice to type it out
Yes, but it looks like shit compared to the quality on this vid.
Breaking Bad season 5 drinking game: Take a shot every time Mike affectionately refers to Gus' henchmen as "my guys."
>3 minutes long
>done by one guy
>bassicly a month straight of work
yeah... a full animation of foe isnt happening.
I want to kill Rainbow Dash and feed her to the other 5
Any sane person would, you know that shit would be soft as hell. Plus, if the bed was too small we could just cuddle up close to each other.

Goodnight pony.
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Heh, I am getting the hang of this new lineart-skipping style. I think I will put some effort into my next piece (the twilight museum request), since after that I will have to go on a long hiatus due to university.

>Animation is one this. Is it good though in idea?

Rephrase that in English
Thank god.
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I hate Rainbow Dash
>MLPG makes it's own MLP flash series
>We get Thom Yorke to voice Applejack's distant cousin who farms lemons
Fluttershy has so many spiderbros.

Oh fuck that sent a chill down my spine.
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That guy could get hired on the show proper.
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Rainbow Dash should be written off the show
You are really good.
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How could you hate such a pretty pone?
>"Anon, please dont."
>She's always so embarrassed by her pony parts and feels awkward when you get affectionate with her wings and hooves
>You tell her they're so cute, but she cant help but shy up like this
>you warp your arms around her human torso, nuzzling her neck, telling her she's beautiful. Every inch of her.
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That is a cute moth right there. That is awesome work right there.
Rainbow Dash is the worst member of the Main 6.
Why does she get so many episodes?
Oh man, the thought of this is making me sleepy.
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We moths now.
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A new Cutie Mark had appeared, and it's calling wouldn't be denied. Applebloom whimpered as her body obeyed the compulsion to tear the plastic open and awkwardly unfold it between her teeth. It was from her sister's cider-flavored collection.

Snips and Snails were already on their backs and waiting to take full advantage of the opportunity. They exchanged leering grins as Applebloom jerkingly shuffled her feet towards them, trying but failing to resist the urge to carry out her new "talent." She could but only tremble as the condom acted like a magnet, pulling her head lower and lower towards Snails...
Bring her a snack while she's up studying?
Force her to eat something since she's been up for 48 hours straight without much more than a protein bar?
Yeah that sounds good
I would turn Rainbow Dash into a living bomb and blow her up
I want to into Rainbow Dash.
No, because he will open the OC floodgates.

>"I bet there are some cloppers on the staff."
It's not even a romhack. That's how shit it is.
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Explain what you mean?
is that before or after we make the beach episode?
Rainbow Dash kills Moths for fun.
What would you bring her, anon?

A sandwhich?
>implying an animator gets any say in what happens in show

If he thinks that, he will soon get the sack.
Rainbow Dash defecates on Earth Ponies and Unicorns like a bitch
It is the beach episode
Thom does his dance
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Rainbow Dash needs to die.
It doesn't need to be violent but she needs to take a dirt nap
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And yet there is still no Illithidshy what injustice is this?
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What about spiders?

Spiders are bros.
Rainbow Dash is the cancer killing the show
A Tuna sandwich.
Brain food.
There's no Satyrlight either

Damn shame
For the guys who wanted more r63 raribitch, I wrote some more on the dead thread, in case you stopped watching that.
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But that's a hideous monstrosity.
Rainbow Dash rips off the legs of Spiders and drops them off clouds
>trying to purposefully shitpost in mlpg

You are responding to someone hating Rainbow Dash right now.
I see no shitposting.
Rainbow Dash laughs as she beats up little children
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Those guys are cool but fuck they run fast when you're trying to catch them.
You should write a fic.
Rainbow Dash laughs at crippled pegasi that dreamt about joining the Wonderbolts
>Some Russian chick with 0 friends on last.fm sends you a friend request
wat do
If you mean the pic, yes. For some reason, a lot of the pics on ponibooru keep coming up as missing when I click on them.
>Fluttershy takes care of spiders.
>They are crawling all over her, finding the warm spots under her wings to brood.
>She giggles as they move around on her.
Rainbow Dash is peeking from several rooms over, scared to even get near 'that' room.
Fluttershy starts to move to the room where Dash is, all she hears is screaming as her friend tries to escape.
Tell MLPG about it first.
>russian chick
is she hot?

But that's how we got Derpy.
The only big-ish spiders I have around where I live are wolf spiders.
Rainbow Dash sexually abuses Fluttershy
Today on a very special My Little Pony....
This. MLPGiypb.
>not using derpibooru

its actually better
Ehat made you smile today MLPG?
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The girls learn about loss.
>you gently rub her big pony ears with your thumbs and index fingers
>she buries her face in your chest, trying to hide
>you bury your face into the top of her head, breathing in her clean soft hair
>you feel hear squeal against your chest, so you stop and gently message her back, working down to the base of her wings
>eventually she just falls asleep
>once again, you go to bed with her sleeping against you. She's a little heavy because of her size, but you dont mind. She's just so damn cute
No he didn't.
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Maybe it's just an excuse, but my perception is that my writing skills don't really translate well to proper prose. Not saying I can't write better than half the chucklefucks on heroku, but that's a small accomplishment at best. Besides, as it stands I view my erolit as a means to an end. Writing extended shit would break that chain of gratification and make me feel even more autistic than I do already.

I do enjoy the praise for being a good little slut though, and MLPG is kind enough to heap it on whenever I'm doing anything better than terrible.
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I like to think that Fluttershy is immune to nearly all venom and has a cabinet full of antivemon just in case.
one of my goals in life is to have sex with russian girl and swedish girl
Think again, pedo!
We need more good little sluts like you.
>"But I didn't WANT to lose that bit."
>"I'm sorry Pinkie... but sometimes things like that happen. We learn to move on and find other bits instead."
>"But it was my lucky bit..."
>*audience awww*
I am pretty sure that is a dude.
>need an account
No fuck that hassle.
Medium hunting spiders

Large web spinning spiders
Large hunting spiders

small hunting spiders
Anything poisonous

Small web spinning spiders
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This is truly warmest and coziest feel.
Isnt Faust an animator on all the shows she works on?
>not shaving your neck stubble before taking a picture

Just use a simple email to log in.
Nothing really.

Well Yuropoors vs Murrikans and Valvedrones threads on /v/ made me smile a bit. They can never stop can they?
I'm not sure what I should feel about centaurs
>Small web spinning spiders
Those aren't those little fuckers who always make their webs and single strands of web at eye level are they?
I'd be interested to see a centaur other than Moeblobshy.
Does he even lift?
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Where do trap door spiders fit in there?
Probably not. Look at that elbow squish
That was really fucking good. I have to give credit where credit is due, sorry guys.
Isn't that one of the reason why its on the OH GOD ITS ON MY FACE TEIR?

Gender identity is a social construct
Does MLPG like XTC?
that's how spiders get around you know.
>weaver says he's restarting Boxdog
>Isn't updating three times a day
What a faggot.
What the fuck does that have to do with feminism
>tfw you realize how many people will be Bane for Halloween this year
>tfw 99% of them will be dyel
>tfw they'll wheel slutty girls dressed as cats anyways
not pony
Yeah. They use the single strand like something between a drogue chute and a sail, IIRC.

But tier Anon, all spiders are poisonous.
>actually talking about games
And this is why I never visit anymore.
What happened now anyway? I thought they stopped arguing about Valve and laws
that poor cricket
It doesn't have anything to do with feminism.
But hes a brony so you should not expect him to think.
Construct gender is an identity social.

What he promised was 3 times a week.
dyel as in strong or skinny
Well, when an artist going t odo another art request, why not request the artist to art a centaur not Fluttershy? Right now, she the only one with some decent art to her name.
Yeah, I know.


Is this SB?
Aren't you basically asking for anthro?
which pony enjoys anal sex them ost?
The animation was great, the song, not so much.
I want to see more of yellow autistaur.
>wake up in the middle of the night
>She's sleeping on top of you, her considerable weight pushing you pretty deep in the mattress. You don't mind, she's soft anyway.
>what woke you were her wings, gently flapping. Her hooves are also twitching a little. You know whats happening. She having a dream.
>You can't get up. Shes far too heavy for you. So you just gently stroke her hair until you get sleepy again, hoping she's having a good dream
Spiders are natures trolls.
You never should have entered Equestria. You never should have made that deal. How could you have know what kind of horror you would become on Equestrian soil. How could you have know that your flames and poisons would murder nearly the entire pony population. You held Twilight in your arms as she both burned and rotted from the inside out. You destroyed what you loved most. Now you are simply a monster ravaging the poor land, sucking the life out of Ponies with your tentacle like teeth when the hunger becomes too much
Eh. Fuck 'im. Gotta draw the line somewhere, and arthropods are way below it.
>She having a dream.

Why did I picture a black woman saying this?
Great album
Not enough resemblance to Jack Black.
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>tfw she will never love you
>last year an Applejack came to my door
>gave her extra candy
>implying I'm not lifting this very moment to be as fit as possible for Halloween
>She isn't.
After having my south mouth slammed, he then proceeded to slam my puckered brown eye. I can't wait to lap the creamy load from his love muscle. I awoke the next morning with my wunder down under still dripping. I thought it was over but his chorizo howitzer had other ideas. He munched on my flappy meal, even though I'd had Aunt Flo visiting for the best part of a week. With his Vince cable hammering deep into my penis pothole, the sensation of his stilton sword smashing my cervix made me quiver like a tasered slab of chopped liver.
But I love the sounds they make, along with grasshoppers and all other mid and late summer musical insects.

Oh you're adorable.
What happens if you have to take a piss?
>not kidnapping her
You tell me.
Did you tell her she was patrician before insulting her friend who had the gall to dress and fluttershit?
>Going to go as a stereotypical old western villain.
>Black duster.
>Black hat.
>Massive handlebar stash.
>Rope. (Optional)
>butt hurt flutterfag
Frogs and toads eat crickets. They're not exactly predators.
Suddenly flip her off the bed.

In all seriousness, try to squeeze my way out from under her.
The moment you stepped into her den, it was too late. Foreign thoughts begin to drill into your mind, scrambling your thoughts and dissolving your will. Where horror and physical repulsion at this creature's attempt to appear sexually appealing once dwelt, a simple command begins to ring silently in your ears:


The creature's tendrils quiver anticipation. She gurgles excitedly and spreads her arms open to welcome you to her heaving bosom. Psychic fishooks manipulate your feet to bring you closer to her embrace, one step at a time...
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>Still dressing up for Halloween
Valve changed the EULA so that the EU new law can't affect them and not be sued or something

Problem is that EULA means nothing and they can still sue Valve , and Valve still has to allow them to sell games they own because the law overrides the EULA since it isn't a legally binding document.

Vavledrones still think that that's not true and even if it was true Valve would stop completely selling in Europe...even though that's like 60% of their total sales
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>anal sex ost

>being mindraped by a monster
this is the best possible thing.
>her hooves twitching and wings flapping she's dreaming of running
>running away from something terrible
>your gently petting only adds more unpleasant sensation to her plight, her dreaming mind interrupting it as something trying to climb on her back
>She wakes up with a fright in the middle of the night
>You had since fallen back to sleep.
>She clutches you a little tighter, drawing your unconscious self face deep into her bosom and wrapping your body with her pony legs
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Gotta do something at work.
I go down to the village every year for the halloween parade

It's fucking nutz
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Dude. Be chill.
What IS she supposed to look at anyways
Someone please distract me from how much I suck.
This is making me want to go to sleep.
>not dressing up for Halloween
Come on, it's half the fun.
The other half is locking your door and eating all the candy instead of handing it out.
No becasue she was actually close to my age and being the chaperone for the kids and I was far too beta
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>you are rudely awoken by a deep bassy thrum ripping through the mattress
>it's suddenly very warm under the covers, and there is a stinky tinge to the air
>she's farting
>it's so adorable, you can't help but melt inside as she keeps ripping huge punchy farts while still gently slumbering
>you pat her head as a particularly powerful fart bursts its way out of her, her face tensing slightly as the fart threatens to wake her up
>"Shhh, rest. It's just a fart."
>she smiles in her sleep, clearly having heard your voice comforting her
>you lie back down as she farts endlessly, smiling as she starts to suckle her little thumb
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>not dressing up as the cast of Supernatural with your friends
Well, if you did it now it would be bad, but it was cool three years ago.
>y-you too
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Not impressed. A lot of the posing is taken from the show itself. No one here would suck my dick if I traced, so we shouldn't do any different for the bronies who made this.
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>Going as a vague character
>Not a specific one
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You can draw a pony, right?
the song was amazing till the mandofagot had the rap interlude. ugh, why.
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Sorry I'm late.
like fucking straight-up lifted from the show
>not realising that post was satire
>pony bodies all have the same base
you are retarded.
>fartfags constantly feel the need to inject their terrible fetish into everything
>get mad when people tell them to fuck off

It's good to be curious about many things.

You can think about things and make believe.

All you have to do is think - and they'll grow.

I can draw a pony.

Just not with any degree of competency though.

Just like everything else I do.
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I don't have the right hat, and like hell if I am shaving off this beautiful goddamn thing.

What a fuckign pussy.

Casually mention you like the show too. OBVIOUSLY SHE DOES TOO.
>i'll never make anything as awesome as that
I actually never seen a fart fag get made
They just want to have a gas with us.
nigga that's a mandolin

Fartfags have been the new wingfags for quite a while now.
is that Retsupurae?
>she was probably just dressing up as a generic cowgirl for halloween
>"oh are you applejack? I like the show too"
>"applejack? Isn't that a character from that pony show that little girls watch?"
posing and actions, numbnuts. like at 45 seconds, where PF has her hands on that blue OC, that shit is directly from pinkie and fluttershy doing that in one episode
Your very form drives the weaker-willed t madness upon sight. Your pleas for forgivness are wrapped in language too alien and strange for their minds to comprehend. Your every sob and cry only creates one more pair of bleeding ears.

You have become the Other; eldritch and adversarial to reason and Equestria's natural laws.

And you are only the first.
we ded
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>4chan in charge of working
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far and ancient, from somewhere beyond the edge of hearing, the voice calls to you, until it becomes a stir of echoes brewing in your head, their silent chants deafening, maddening
with sightless eyes you stumble forward, and the cacophonous noises coalesce into a single voice that runs through you like an icy wind, cutting straight to your core

As you approach the yellowed, tentacled form on the floor, words flow through your mind, a toxic river of alien noises come together to mouthlessly speak:

"Um, do you think you could house-sit Angel for me for a while? I need someone to look after him while I go check on a family of possums. I'll make it up to you. I mean, if that's all right with you, of course. Pretty please?"
>you wake up, feeling great and are semi surprised to find you nose tucked in her sweater
>gently, you pull back so you can breath, but find that her grip wont yield despite the fact she's still sound sleep
>you just lay beside her, gently rubbing her soft side
>Eventually she wakes up, having had a much more comfortable sleep. She nuzzles against your face lovingly
>"Another bad dream?"
>She nods
>Want to sleep in?
>She nods
Would a centuarshy have the sexual anatomy of a human or a horse?
One of these days it's just not going to come back.
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254 KB
woah woah woah

What's wrong with wings?
>Suddenly Anon's candy bucket fires spaghetti all over.
I have a pistol with only one shot in it for just such an occasion.
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493 KB
They're too creepy for me.
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709 KB
Did anyone else just get a badgateway error? I had to clear cache and such.
Neither because she is a cartoon.
shooting your computer wont help
I got it too. It's just 4chan being awful as usual.

Man that shit is creepy.

And you want that around your dick.

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1005 KB
dooks when
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How can you not like them beautiful wings man.
May I humbly suggest MOAR
No, the shot is meant for moot.
Then I take my place upon his throne.
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214 KB
Why is the font rendering so bad?
Checked status and boards were down for a minute.

That level of gas isn't healthy. Likely some kind of digestive problem.
Oh... oh god.

>Fluttershy will never bash your bishop with her wing fingers
Hell you talking about? Those kinds of wings are as close to the show as it can ie normal. They are never as bad as people make out to be.

All of the videos in this series are awesome.
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21 KB

2 or 3 days
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776 KB

Working on it!

In the mean time why not read this side chapter I penned yonks ago, about how Twilight got ready for that fateful dinner.

Probably Paint(.net)
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Alright, it's time for bed.
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101 KB
Artistic ability isn't genetic. Tenacity, drive, and curiosity might be, though, and you need those to develop "talent."
Rainbow Dash stop fucking jumping on your bed you cunt
It's for sleeping and fucking in only
or windows without mactype installed
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goodnight MLPG
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105 KB

Wings are awesome. You gay.
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Derp, that's me there. Sorry about the wait, the chapter's turning out a lot longer than I'd planned.
what about snuggling?
She has to reproduce at some point
I don't want my cartoon to die childless after all
At this point, do we even need Hasbro to make any new episodes? We can do them ourselves.
TheLastBrainLeft 5 minutes


fucking bronies jesus.
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>Mr. Rodgers would never connect with modern kids.
a-anyone wanna play l4d2 with me...
>looking through horse fart videos
>see a comment in one
>my little pony general

Which one of you was it.

Um, I mean r'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.... Um if you want too....[/spolier]

Just you wait. A kickstarter will be made for OC and fanon shit. Real animators will be hired.
Where was this said?
on xbox?
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I rushed back as fast as I could from bed when I sensed snuggling to say that snuggling is great.

Now it's time for bed.

Post the comment or link you fool.

Real horses are gross. Not like cute pastel feminine ponies.
Fuminori Sakisaka plz go
>They reach several million.
>Turns out it was Faceless.
>He runs away with it all.


>One person had to be looking through such videos and left a comment as a joke for another to find on the off chance that someone else was looking through horse fart vids.
>kickstarter is made
>raises millions upon millions of bronybux
>they try to hire studio b with all the money
oh well fuck it then
C.S. Lewis rebuttal
If my shit comp could handle it, I would anon.
Photoshop Elements. How do you fix that?
Deafdefiler pls go back to whatever you were doing over the past few weeks.
Well post a server IP or something
I can't play with you if you don't give me a way to play together
In other words, like cartoons, but dont be a manchild
Sometimes I post in long dead threads so that in the future some archive diver will read it and maybe get a laugh.
Now there's an idea.
Say, MLPG, wanna rip off bronies and split the profits?
>animation comes out
>its 22 minutes of two ponies on the screen talking
>it never shifts away from it
>just 2 ponirs talking non stop and occasional background switches.
The fact that people actively look for videos of horses ripping ass makes me lose slightly more faith in humanity.
Sure I'd l-
>haven't reinstalled since reformat

>C.S. Lewis rebuttal

Both statements are true though. If you combine both you get this lesson:

>In other words, like cartoons, but dont be a manchild
>Jerry Springer
>Taratino directs it
It wasn't
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I'd love to play L4D2 with you Fluttershy, but I only have L4D.
Welcome to several hours ago, anon.
>"Fluttershy, we should probably get up now. It's almost noon. Arent you hungry?"
>"Just.....five more minutes. Please?"
>She rubs the side of your cheek, her very soft hand bristling your morning stubble.
>"Ok. Five more minutes."
>The two of your are out in two
I stick to things that matter when judging human beings. You know, genocide and oppression and such. How people get their kicks isn't really a big deal to me.
Would you?
>Are you a brony and your lover objects? Call
Gina at 1-877-735-3779

Please tell me this didn't actually happen
So... Waiting for Godot?
I'd watch it.

>having a computer that can't handle l4d2
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260 KB
It's a fake quote.
God no.
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Cosmo pls

Brony isn't censored here, anon. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was only ever censored on /b/...
That's pretty suspicious, anon.
Even if they don't get anyone they'll just hire actors.

Jerry Springer is still on the air? I haven't heard about that show for a decade.
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20 KB
>tfw no other warm body to help keep you comfy through the night
Yo wtf, Hamburger Journal is on Hamburger Time? This is too much man, I can't take it. This Hiatusception!
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Why is this person not on the animation team for the show yet.

I mean.


Holy fuck.
>how to take a screenshot
every time
It's a laptop. I only play LoL and consoles anyway.
Read the thread nignog.
Yeah, it's still going strong.

It's good watchin'. I like Maury Povich, too.
A) 2slow
B) The animation isn't actually as good as in the show
C) Brony shit
>9 hours left
>on 83mb

I hope that's a photoshop.
Sorry Anon, just not up for it right now.
>implying it's a computer and not a laptop
>implying it's not just the connection instead of the hardware
I'm not that guy, but the last time I tried playing L4D2 with other people, I was lagging so badly it was more luck that I actually shot anything at the right time than planning. That's to say nothing of the heat generated by the thing, even with a cooling fan tacked onto it.
I can't even run Metro 2033 at the lowest settings. I weep for my lost money and inability to play with others.
>The General goes.
>Makes Bronies look like some of the most vile, toxic cults the world has witnessed.
>We all apparently have tuplas that are having an orgy in the middle of the stage.

My laptop:

>4 Gb ddr2
>2.0 Ghz dualcore
>500Mb video card

Could it handle it?
Because he's not Filipino and can't be paid $3/hour for a white collar job.

Also most of their assets are already built, so they just have to move shit around and use pre-made cycles and animations.
morale: nonexistant
>Morale: Very Low

Graphics card is the limiting factor.
Try it and see.
I don't understand
Internet cut out mid download.
What's up mah server.
Shit, Leth, do I need to hugbox you so you don't unplug yourself?
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139 KB
>2.0 Ghz dualcore
>500Mb video card

The actual animators on the show are American right? And all the grunt work is done in the Philipines?
Isn't the last day for Friendoff today? I assume Leth and the others are organizing the stuff with all the submission they have.
Which pony would you travel the Mojave wasteland with?
Leth don't want no trabble.
Not entirely sure where the line is drawn. I know the storyboard artists are Canadian.

Anyone want to correct me?

Well, thanks guys. Even leth can't take your shit anymore.
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Laptop is 5 years old. I broke the screen, and the keypad. It's still going strong. Deal with it.
>Bronies get banned from everywhere.
>MLPG goes down in a blaze of glory.
>Season 4 is canceled.
>The timeslot is replaced by reruns of season 3.5
I'd want a unicorn with survival skills, none of which I know from the show exist.
If it makes you feel better, it has nothing to do with MLPG.

You guys are still great.
f-fuck you ;_;
I bet you can still see most of your screen :V
>She stretches her wings as she steps out of bed.
>Or at least tries to; they shudder halfway up as she lets out a quiet whimper
>"You okay?"
>"O-Oh I'm fine..." she says in an apologetic tone as she tucks her wings back in to her sides.
>"I guess I just...slept on my wings funny..."
Bullet Lesbian.
I will never get injured.
Studio B which does the primary animation is in Vancouver, Canada...I think.
My mind instantly went to Fluttershy because I'm a hapless Flutterfag oh god what have I done that would be terrible for her

No but seriously probably Applejack.
I'm sorry bro I hope everything is ok
>You both have the whole day to yourselves, so you have more then enough time
>Eventually around noon you cant take it anymore, despite how warm and inviting she is
>You get up, having to hear her moan and clutch to you, forcing you to peel her off you
>You make up for it by making the two of you a nice little breakfast. The wonderful smell is just whats needed to draw her sleepy self out of bed and by your side in the kitchen.
>She wraps her arms around you from behind, practically melting into you as you fry up the eggs
>"It smells wonderful."
>You lean your head back and sneak a quick little kiss
>"It'll be done in just a minute."
>not upgrading every year
What do you people even spend your money on? Hookers, blow and pony toys?
He could be connecting it to another monitor or a TV actually. I broke my laptop before this way and used another screen for a while.

I eventually ponied up the $70 and bought a replacement from some guy in China though.
Weird I kept getting the "Our system thinks you're spamming" message
Dragon dildos.
>No rules.
>But we won't do that.
I spend my money on CDs because I just love lookin at that sweet collection
somebody stream a movie or something
>Friend-off submission time
>Didn't do any changes I wanted to do
>Still in sketch phase.
>Turn it in anyway

I feel horrible.
Im not a hacker like you anon.

Definitely not Pinkie Pie. Or Rarity for that matter.
i did the same thing
holy shit
this friendoff sucks
I hope nobody gives you grief for it
>having money
So.. who wants to write the replacement hamburger journal?
i don't know how to do this

i'll just pretend the computer is you guys
You are an awful awful awful person.

I hope you get a rough outline with bulletpoints in return.
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43 KB
wanna ask but I just stare
Can I run my hands through your carwash hair
>Upgrading more often than every 5-6 years
do winfags really do this?
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dem ponys sleepin'
oh you
I'm pretty sure Leth will give you a day or two anyways.
mess with the best die like the rest
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You pieces of shit. Where is your motivation
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1.41 MB
>my face
What's your steam ID, feggit
>I hope you get a rough outline with bulletpoints in return.

shit status: misplaced
I WILL!!!!!!!
i could go for a movie. someone stream last unicorn.
Oh god. That series
I sure as hell don't. The last laptop I had ran on XP and lasted me four years before it fell and broke.
I expect this one to last at least that long, if not longer. because I don't have a job to get it replaced.
>not Pinkie Pie

But she'd keep your spirits up while in such a terrible place
hamburgay day yesterday+1
I just got here but the general was probably really shitty today, since it always is
morale: gay
horsefucking levels: pretty damn gay
all in all a pretty gay day
Fluttershy: Personal pack mule and Casino security would never check her for weapons
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dont try to play with faceless, he thinks he is better than everyone else.
You forgot your trip, Leth!

MLPG hamburger time journal: Day 101

Horsefucking levels: take a fucking guess
Morale: okay

More Jerry Springer talk, haven't bothered watching that show in years. Hopefully bronies do manage to go on and make asses out of themselves for our amusement. Friend-off soon fellow MLPGers. Other than that, nothing of any particular importance comes to mind.
Would security check for weapons in their mareginas
Could you keep contraband in there
I wouldn't be offended by that actually, I did work on a 31 panel comic that was the max size that sai would allow me to work on. But I still think I could've done more. ;_;
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Did you like You are Umasou?
I vote this one.

Good work anon
Is it over? Can I get off Mr. Pone's Wild Ride?
is this real?
>everyone else

Thinking you're better than Nanaki is hardly an uncommon sentiment around here.
no, i have seen it too many time
Nothing on my end.

Depends what you mean by upgrading. Parts can and will die out, so I often replace RAM and HDD's. Graphics card have gone out. I've been through three mobo's in the same year.

Also, my keyboard JUST DIED. The letter that comes after O is not working.
Yes and nanaki is mad.
Well, that's a problem because I know I am better than Faceless.
I shall add him and we will hatefuck one another.
You had thirty days.
There's a movie and a TV show.
What's up with that? Which one do I watch?
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Glitter Glue you should Ruby Quest with Ponies
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Also further proof that WoW is nothing more than a black hole that sucks in productivity like Tara sucks in attention at a Brony convention, I have drawn nothing since the beginning of last week.

Maybe I should fuse BugsAnon and Batman together into some unholy deity to motivate me to work on my shitty art.
>can't add
What did you even do?
50/10 get fucked nanaki
Remind me again why we hate him so much?
Aside from the whole furfag thing?
It's a pretty normal reaction..

And it's more than just a few people.
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81 KB
It is too late for Knighty to put up the page, we also agreed to give latecomers some freedom in submitting. About two days delay.

Do people still do that?
Guys, I think Tara is gonna get fired from the show.

She's bringing TOO much attention to herself.
It's shit.
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70 KB

>playing WoW past BC
>hell, playing WoW at all
Yeah, I also liked autism hen too.
Yeah, why do you think I feel bad about it. Procrastination is my worst enemy even if people said I started early enough. Fuck.
people just hate him because he's a furfag, i know because i used to hate him too
Dooks, how do I into mixing?
its all the massive furfag thing
you are a pretty cool chap on the other hoof
Pretty much. Nanaki's a whipping boy. Faceless is genuinely awful.
If you want to smuggle shit across borders you need the pink pony. Not only can she pull an entire cannon out of hammerspace, she keeps streamers and confetti in her nasal cavities.
At least it's not costing me anything. Molten WoW, 3.3.5a.
Here's some fucking motivation:

That fucking impregnation pic you did is the only pic I've been able to get off to since it first got posted. Please for the love of god draw more. I will praise your name every time I jerk it if you do.
No, I hate him because he's an attention whore.
I could care less what he jerks his man meat too.


The whole steam group has evolved into an inaccessible circlejerk

better to just let them do their thing and not get your panties in a knot whenever they act like morons

>nanaki's musky panties
Mixing like "music mixing" as DJ?

Or mixing as "mastering a song" ?
>I could care less
That would be neat.
So we'd only lose Twilight's voice...So not much really. I mean yeah I would be annoyed as fuck because the voice change. I hate when that stuff happens but they could get a new VA easily``.
Second one.
Well, mixing and mastering are separate, but still.
I'm tryin to fap to good old american furry transformation porn and suddenly a shitty Nanco drawing comes in and just ruins the whole good time for everybody
>be on CR
>integrated webcam no longer works
>Tara Strong fired
>They get an African American chick to voice Twilight
Remind me again why we hate AB so much?
Aside from the whole childporn thing?
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70 KB
About the cake.
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132 KB
So, Cree Summer?
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Call me crazy, but this sort of makes Faceless look like an asshole more than it makes Nanaki look pathetic.
And I don't even like him.
Sweetie looks like a dog
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16 KB
>tfw ponies broke me from that game.
>ftw I was a main healer, my absence caused the guild to fall apart and is now just a PvP guild.
>tfw I logged on and was still in the guild, months later.
>Note is the only one in the guild with DKP on it.
>aside from the whole childporn thing
Who hates AB for that?

I just hated the way he'd always come on whining about how terrible he was at art and how he was never going to get better at it.
Mostly just ross thought for once that he wasn't the most hated faggot here. So he samefagged bitching about AB.

Ross is still worse.
Oh, what do you need man?

My mixing abilities are a bit poor, but shoot away!
File: 1343798841019.gif-(Spoiler Image, 274 KB, 275x200, you_looked_faggot.gif)
Spoiler Image, 274 KB
nothing to see here
Faceless IS an asshole.

Like, intolerably so.
That's a bad analogy and you know it.
>inaccessible circlejerk

I see new folks access the circlejerk all the time. Sure, no one knows your name at first, but no one's gonna run you out of the TF2 server for having an unfamiliar name.
Not that anon, but yes you should draw more impregnation stuff.

Shit's hot yo.
Didn't AB avatarfagging that Khajiit from that shitty web comic?
So we have two extra days?
thats exactly what the picture is are u actually retarded?
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167 KB
You're not crazy at all.

This makes Faceless look way worse.

Like he's still in Junior High or something. "Other people don't like you, so I don't like you either!" Really? He's like Diamond Tiara or something.
You know what's hotter?
Birthing + newborn Foal slaughter
They might if you don't have a mic or didn't memorize the "thank you medic" voice commands well enough to do it as second nature.
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111 KB
>What do you people even spend your money on? Hookers, blow and pony toys?

I survive on 22,000 dollars a year. Somewhat comfortably. I'm a neet who has serious anxiety issues. Although I do like volunteering. I only have 3,500 in the bank and I can't waste that on new computers.


I have it hooked up to my projector and a keyboard now. I will buy a proper screen tomorrow.
Just advice in general. I know to cut low and high on guitar, and give stuff its proper place in the mix, but other than that I'm really bad at it.
Deafdefiler is such a joyless cunt that he makes playing mafia with Faceless a delight.
Yes. Yes he did.
>Laying in bed with Fluttertaur, enjoying each other's loving affection
>She has your held close to her with both her human and pony limbs in the weird way she can
>You gently rub the base of her back, messaging her tense muscles with the tips of your fingers
>She starts kissing your bare chest, her impossibly soft lips touching everywhere from your neck to your navel
>You try not to giggle, afraid that it would embarrass her
>Eventually she tires her self out and falls asleep, her gentle breathing tickling your skin every time she exhales
>She just so cute. You wish nights would last longer
Apparently we don't like Nanaki because other people don't like Nanaki.

>Twilight starts talking like Exevutor Selendis.
>1 and then 3
Is there any 2?

Dammit I have this pictures but never found 2
more like Silver Spoon
Might be your MOBO, bro. I've seen lenty of webcams sto working, but they never cause a BSOD. Have you tried re-installing the driver at least?

Also, I use Google's icassa rogram to test them out. Give it a try.
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314 KB
>Shitty web comic

Now hold on just a second
>le bobcut brony
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483 KB
I forgot to save 2


I'll ask Sangiunius if he still has it when he's back from Ireland

>Thanking medics
>Anyone playing medic

that shitty coloring is painful
File: 1343799051835.jpg-(13 KB, 320x241, HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG.jpg)
13 KB
RCH pls
it's a laptop. Yes, i've tried reinstalling the drivers, but it can't find the webcam when it tries.

It's a thinkpad if that helps.
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I've been working on an illustration of Twilight pleasing herself in her bedroom, and am at a point where I could really use some input. The original idea was to set it at nighttime (when everyone else is asleep), but after experimenting with a more colourful daylit variant, I'm not so sure anymore.

Which of these two colour palettes does /mlp/ prefer? Perhaps I should strike a compromise with a dusk/dawn variant?

>didn't AB avatarfagging

What am's you to says?
I like the night one better. Easier on the eyes.
>Get called RCH
>Am actually a namefag

feels weird, yo
I didn't do it.
I like it already
Go for the top

She'll get warned long before that. Until this point it seems they never have had an issue with her.
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1.28 MB
Then put on your name stupidfag. What did I say 2 nights ago?
ah well, it was worth a shot
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166 KB
somebody stream something damn it
File: 1343799214025.png-(72 KB, 500x547, 100833 - crossover forum_(...).png)
72 KB
Hey fuck you too buddy
How do you get the 22k?
Take it back to the sho then, if you have a warranty. At most, you should get a disconnect warning with a bad webcam, not a BSOD
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183 KB
>Aside from the whole childporn thing?
no, he's also a tripfag

If I put it on now I'd feel like I'm attention whoring. Wouldnt you rather just more cute Fluttertaur ?
Top it is, then. It should be finished in a day or two.
movie, show or drawing, I'll take anything
That look like one tasteful pizza. That cheese looks thick.
I want him to do a pony quest
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60 KB
this friendoff is gonna blow
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203 KB
It's late.
I'm tired.
I played CoC for five hours.
I wanna draw.
When do the pony-or-die results come out? I want to see what bizarre shit came out of my story.
can I just submit the same thing to the friendoff as last time and pretend i'm not a lazy asshole?
Little Shop of Horrors?
there's too much eye bleeding day porn

go with the top
Call of...?
I've been evaluating your quarterly performance reviews, and I find myself questioning how I allowed things to reach this point. This clearly isn't working out for either of us. There's no easy way to phrase this so I'm just going to come out and say it.

Anonymous, you're fired. Clear out your desk and turn in your pony. If you're not out of the building by five, Security will escort you from the premises.
Draw a pony
corruption of champions I think
I think it comes at the end of August.
YMBNH, Corruption of Champions.
Corruption of Champions
Corruption of Champions
More or less this >>3594911

I think people -might- notice
Uhh, the most I've learned about this is for electronic music, I'm gonnal list some tips, see if that helps!

-Green/Yellow = Good

-Red = BAD

-If you want a more potent Kick drum, try layering 2 or 3 different kicks from any sample pack, with the ones with a lot of low frequencies, filter them the high ones, do the other way around with the ones with mid frequencies.

-Kick drums should peak between -6 and -8db.

-ALWAYS sidechain the bass to the kickdrum

-If everything else fails, add Ozone in the master track, and let it do the trick.
>Implying I don't own the building.
>Implying the floor is not lava.
>Implying security will listen to you because of the mind altering drugs I put in their coffee rendering me as their hivemind.
>Implying I am not this entire building.
>Implying you are not fired instead.
>implying people looked at my last pic

it's the perfect plan
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My god, it's Space Station 13 with ponies.
>You will never get a Hearts and Hooves card
bleep bloop
>implying anyone pays attention to the Friend-Off
I thought it looked nice. It matched the part of the story you took it from.
>One night she tentatively asks if she could be the big spoon
>That is, cause she's kinda bigger then you are. But only if you're ok with that. And only if you really are, not just saying that cause she asked, cause she'd feel guilty for making you
>You tell her its fine and you'd love to
>The two of you lay together
>Her pony legs warp around your legs and midsection
>Awkwardly, her arms warp around your head, holding you close to her chest
>Your ears are sandwiched in her large, soft breasts. They feel very warm, maybe because of your ears or her general embarrassment about it
>Eitehr way, you think this is probably the best way to rest in bed
>you will never have a shmoopy bear
> It matched the part of the story you took it from.

shit, he knows
beep bop bleeeep
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A fun game, where you are a pure and righteous demon slayer.
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boop beep
I want P/D results NOW
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Don't be such a stick in the mud.
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I would whip Nanaki.
beep boop bip
>You will never get poisoned by the local kids.
>4chan in charge of working
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85 KB
>4chan keeps going down
>"Man moot is such a fucking faggot. Fix the server idiot!"
>"Now I'll just go back to browsing with 1 second auto-update!"
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422 KB
Are we posting CoC now
>average thickness
>Sorry babe, couldn't find the marker. Please wait a minute or two for the index to update.
u mad? he mad.
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why isn't anybody streaming yet
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Leth, please don't into depression.
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I know, she should be a bit thicker, but hey.
that didn't go beep at all
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>MFW threads on /v/ talking about bronies are always taken down when I see them
What is it with their mods?
You guys should look outside tonight. It a full moon. You can look at it and know that somewhere another crazy horsefucker is looking up too.

Now to make this post worthwhile, gimme a pone to pretend to snuggle tonight.
Go to the bakery
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>/v/ thread on Kotaku critizing Steam
>turns into a debate on Nazis, diversity and feminism.
Ugh i just spent 2 hours rewatching that magics flash animation and realizing how inadequate my art is and how i'm never going to get anywhere with it. the realizations of how much of a failure I am are startling and i just cant take this. so long mlpg.
But then I'd have to raise my shades
I naturally assumed it was incest at first and then wondered why the tail was pink.
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Why not the Princess of the Night?
So MLPG, what would you do if you got a secret admirer card while living in ponyville? What would you do if you finally deduced it was from your least favorite pony?
You wanna fight?
Photo Finish
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This one.
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I would simply explain that the barn door doesn't swing that way, and I'm not interested.
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Why the fuck would Dash be all girlie girlie on me?
/v/ has a raging hateboner for all things colorful, fun, and/or cute, and it's best to keep such discussion away from them so as not to distract from on-topic videogame related discussion
But I don't know who my least favorite pony is D:
> tfw Apple has GG in Skype
She was last night.

This will work. But I'm going to pretend it's Dash in disguise but she can't break cover.
Pfff, It wouldnt be hard to tell the card was from RD. She'd be very aggressive in the note.
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>on-topic videogame related discussion
Actually this time it wasn't rage or hate, they were talking about Jerry Springer and how a brony episode would go, it was hilarious
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>this feel
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>tfw no moon

Damn cities, being full of skyscrapers and shit.
/v/ has mods?
But seriously, maybe it's because it's not vidya
>You wil never look upon GG's face
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>developers and online retailers Valve have announced changes to Steam's subscriber agreement that seek to prohibit users from filing lawsuits against the company
>they think that user agreements last more than half a second in court!
We need one with a keyboard.
>"What is write?"
>"How do make words good?"
"Tonight you are taking me to dinner and a movie. Afterwards we are going back to your place for coffee. Oh and you're paying."
>"Did thou honestly think we did not NOTICE thee staring at the Royal Derriere?"
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I would rape her so bad, so then she would stop stalking me.
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Well again, I find it hard for her to write an admirer card that isn't a Wonderbolts. What the hell does she want in a human anyways?
You and your favorite pony are given a pair of potions. If you drink them then look into each others eyes, you will acquire each others deepest, most depraved fetishes and your bodies will transform to best satisfy them. They get your fetishes and you get theirs.

Do you drink? What happens?
Oh fuck wait, found it:
>tfw they phased out the slapping of the royal ass
Hey her butt doesn't splotch that way
Does it? Fuck I hadn't seen LE in a while
She would take your rejection as a challenge.
And then, when it finally hits her.
Crippling depression.
we turn into applejack and big mac

But that sounds so cute.
Stop going to /v/.
It's unhealthy, not related to video games, and Bob Ross would not approve of their loud mannerisms.
she turns into a snake and eats me
Yes. We're able to satisfy each other's wildest dreams and we probably never leave the bedroom.
>It's going to happen in Luna Quest.
>Luna Points -10
No, Luna is canon lankiest pony.
she grows very very very tall
Nothing changes
Because my biggest fetish is love

>Give DT a hug
>She tries her damnedest to convince herself she's not enjoying it
>It doesn't work
Friday night correct?
So which pony is into vore? Remember, she gets yours but you get hers too.
Twilight turns into Twilight, and I develop a deep understanding of erotic magic theory.

Yes, this is acceptable to me.
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well, this is interesting


>"Uhm... Well, I... Oh..."

Nothing changes to her. You could still gain a prehensile penis.
derpy is a very ugly pony
Yeah, as long as Asspirate's move goes well.
I turn into the wonderbolts. She turns into a sexy human girl
Better I cut off all hope than he suffers in vague doubt and gets hurt worse down the line.
>she stays up late trying to come up with the right message to write
>the trash can by her desk is filled with crumpled up papers
>it has to be perfect
>it has to be something he would like
Finally emailed my friend-off entry.

God damn.

>Despite the complaints from consumer advocates, mandatory arbitration clauses aren’t going away. This month, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 in favor of CompuCredit, overturning a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that cardholders could sue the company. The customers filed their class-action lawsuit after discovering that their Aspire Visa cards, which were marketed to people with poor credit scores, came with a lot of hidden fees. Consumers complained that a card promoted as having an upfront $300 credit line was hit with initial fees totaling $257, leaving them with not much of an available balance.

>Implying she doesn't get hugged all the time.
>Her dad works full time, hell, sometimes pulls 80 hour weeks.
>He jokingly tells the staff in a meeting that the building is a second home to him.
>Diamond Tiara learned how to tuck herself in.
>Her blanket almost feels like a hug.
>"I guess it's alright if you like warm...soft...loving-oh who am I kidding?!"
>she buries her face in your chest
>"It's wooonderful!"
She's still got her best gal pal Silver Spoon right?
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>mfw writefags
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9 KB
>Playing ff3
>get to castle city
>find all that dragoon gear
>enough for 4 people
>Fucking dragoons. Sell it all.
>finally change everyone to a dragoon
>no armor
>still win

I enjoy grinding
We need some fanart for this little girl.
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anyone have good sideboob pic of pony, that is my fetish. (no anthro please)
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You... disappoint me, spartan.
Fucking Supreme Court. Yet another basic right turned over to business.
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17 panels later and we still haven't reached the porn yet. jesus what the hell brain, you tricked me into illustrating an entire fic again.
Oh god. Does this stuff actually end up on the front page? What horrors have been innocently let loose on the world in this way?
Under 1000000 to go.
Rape her, she's too shy to say anything.
>placed between your cheeks where it belongs

Can it... Like... Move?
And they have Wednesdays.
And that photo album...
My penis cannot wait.
>people get dj acid on their front page
A fic that doesn't exist. How do you go about planning all that anyway? Do you write it down or just have it all in your head?
>tfw "verified by visa"
Why the fuck does a legitimate ecommerce security scheme break all the rules of "not looking like a scam"?

I've not seen it move... but I wouldn't doubt some furfag is writing something for it right now.
>her father is never around
>she doesn't even remember her mother's face
>she has all the money and power that she could ever need
>but none of it can compensate for the lack of the one thing she really wants
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it's all in my head. i have a stupid ammount of stories/image ideas in my head.
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when he was dancing for her while he wore the horse panties you better have shown his boner flopping around.

>"P-please--! Please stop! Y-you're-- h-hhhurting me...!"

Just odd that they'd have that there if you couldn't have it migrate up your back or something weird.
>we have spawned a new generation of fetishfags
a nice rough dicking provided by yours truly? I think arrangements can be made
If only you could illustrate any of them competently
you're not very good at this...
Oh snap.
>You will never make Fluttershy orgasm as you rape her.
>You will never coo and tell her that she must love it.
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I know that feel man.
And I'm still in the middle of doing one myself...when do you think you'll be done?
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>17 panels
>still no porn

that's a long warm up

probably i will end up fapping before panel 10 othewise my balls will get blue

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>Implying she can forget her mothers face.
> competently
it's just a matter of time as my skill improves.
oh please I'm a pro at this
yeah girl you like my big dick in your tiny horse butt don't you
shh, let my penis do the talking baby oh yes that is the good stuff
oh god I am ejaculating inside you! that was nice, keep the change
Pinkie would make a great Butt Pirate.
Stealing butts from everyone, all to have the greatest pile of booty in the world.
and what have you done exactly? show us.
What if ponies could combine?

Implying her mother didn't die during childbirth.
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Go to sleep.
>if you aren't a great artist your feedback is invalid
>drawfag defense force
As much as I hate the insults, I think tiara is a big boy (girl?) and can handle idiots.
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because of roflbot
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Whoa whoa whoa whoa...
We are clashing fanons here.
it's kinda funny but it's always the non artists who use this defence. always.
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hey, i told you last time to make the handwriting better. its still shit you dumpass.
Ventriloquist's dummies are spooky enough without eye shadow. Goddamn.
Don't start this argument again.
>call something shit
thats not feedback but an opinion.
Now imagine it's a ball-joint doll.
What's this from?
I'm thinking teen human DT
different fanon from pony DT with her crazy mom

I don't mean to be rude but you don't have the technical skill level to be producing erotic art. You need a lot of work on your skills. Good art takes LOTS of practice, and if you want it to actually be sexually appealing, you need to be REALLY good.

There are so many fucking people out there that start drawing because they "wanna draw porn" and just start doing it right off the bat without studying anatomy, rendering, inking, composition, or any basic skills. They just draw awful porn and count that as "practice." These people make horrible shit for the rest of their lives and never improve.

If you pull out the "but I'm already a famous brony artist" card I swear I will hunt you down and end you.
"If you cant do as good or better then your opinion is invalid" is a common logical fallacy. That means it makes no sense even if it can be used to shut those who think less or feel more up with ease.

Dear god, stop the trolling.
>Every thing was better but pinkies cupcakes never tasted the same.

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I'll re-adjust all the text, sorry.
God I wish Sai had a text input thingy

>The housekeeper has been working for Filthy Rich since before his daughter was born.
>She's watched Diamond grow up - she remembers when she had a more innocent light in her eyes, before another one slowly began to replace it, after she lost her mother, and her father started working such long hours.
>She knows that look - it's the look of someone who's hurting inside, but doesn't dare admit it.
>She's said several times that if she ever wants to talk to someone, she only needs to ask.
>In four years, she's not had one conversation with Miss Diamond that's lasted more than a minute.
>But she's sure Diamond will come around when she's ready.
> all that waste of the effort on a shitty anthro
GTA 4 - Dinosraurs mod


How hard would ti be to make a pony mod? And then create custom landscape, storyline and such?
it does, MS uses it.
can you make one with just Scoots eyes bugging out like that?
>7.22 am

Is there any point now?
>I'm thinking teen human DT
Sorry about the confusion.
I had no idea the lore of teen Dt expanded that much.
When are we gonna do some fics?

who cares?

You're essentially talking about developing an entirely new game in a pre-existing engine.

So, hundreds of thousands of man-hours over multiple years.
Everything you draw is horrifying beyond belief, and shows no sign of changing
MS makes an image file with text in flash and just cuts and pastes in sai.
Wha? Are you sure you ain't pulling my leg?
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1.16 MB
Improved this gif.
Now with princess teleporting action.
>search tutorials for this stuff
>all that comes back is just other "artists" without any real good examples giving the tutorials
feels bad man, i have no idea where to start.
shit sucks, play it backwards after so it goes in smooth loop.
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Posting flats.
>Pinkie still sold cupcakes from the asylum.
>They all had crazy flavors.
>They were never the same.
>custom landscapes and storylines and models
10 years of working on it 40 hours a week. At least.
Anon doesn't know what he's talking about.
>Oh god. Does this stuff actually end up on the front page?

/mlp/ is one of the boards that is allowed, for whatever reason to post pics randomly to the front page. So yes.
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Would you buy your stallion a bra to support his swollen, sagging balls?


Notice how there's usually a bike pic on there since they have /n/ as a board whose pics are posted to the frontpage?
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Nice quads.
hes progressing but some areas are still lacking. if you think not look at some of the stuff he made origionally, its trully terrible in comparison.
It doesn't, but there's a plugin for SAI that let's you do it, I forgot the name tho, sorry.
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>listening to this video
>its kinda nice i wonder who the artist is
>remember wolf nanaki also likes them

ruined forever
You have failed me for the last time DOOKS
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>Moot did it to fuck with people.
>Some people see an interesting, colorful thumbnail and hover over it.
>And get mad.
Fucking bikefags. I want my spergy train-obsessed /n/ back.
>tfw one of my worst fears
>insecure hipster child that is worried that people will judge him based on the worst possible people he can possibly be associated with rather than based on himself
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not a problem


Damn that's cute.
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>there's a plugin for SAI that let's you do it, I forgot the name tho, sorry.
>I forgot the name t
Dooks why
>wearing shades at night
Damn nigga, u cool
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1.04 MB
What if pone made a railroad [race against time]?
>tfw trypophobia
What's your phobia, MLPG?
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oh moot
It's I don't have one and I jerk off to holes at least twice a week
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i'd love to have a guide that has a "do this and don't do this" but i've yet to find anything like that that exists. All i got to go on is the resources i've found online in forms of tutorials/examples and critique here and random messages from people.
I'm afraid of heights.
Well not exactly heights, but rather being in a high place and feel uncomfortable that someone could make me fall

>FemSnips is very self-conscious about her voice.

>she wishes hers was prettier.
I bet if I started a Commisar thread no one would even get it.
I'm not terribly fond of heights.
There are other things, but I've got reasons for disliking those. Like spiders. I don't mind them, but I just can't stand the way they move.
Wait how do I use it?

Do you use it?
I don't think I have any pathological-grade phobias, but I social situations in general. No more than many other nerds, though.
Being restrained in a confined place.
Like being stuck in a pipe or something.
Shit would be terrifying
I don't know, I don't use it.

But forget that link, use this one instead.


Take an art class. That is my one piece of advice and request, straight from my heart.
they're called little girls, anon.
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I hope y'all ARE looking at mah' butt
But the general was earlier ripping into someone who wanted to join an art school for art classes.

I am receiving conflicting information here.
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Glorious Soviet vehicles?
It might get some traction.

Dunno if it's really bad enough to warrant being called a phobia, but I've never been comfortable around gas fires.
I know it's perfectly safe, assuming no-one does anything really stupid, but I'm always worried about the possiblility of leaks or somehow ignition getting back to the gas source or daft things like that.

You can still post trains to /n/. /n/ is all transportation that's not automobiles.
Dont. You cant read shit and have no control over fonts
i have a fear of having my chest crushed, so i can never lay comfortably on my back. i dont think this is even a real fear so there isnt a name for it.
>pony sideboob
>not anthro
then you mean humanized?
don't listen to anything that anon says here. if they are not a well known and good namefag artist then their "advice" is pure shit and they have no idea what they are talking about.
>moot chilling on /o/

It's my favorite board after all.
Bees and wasps and yellowjackets n shit

but I think im slowly becoming less afraid of bees
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They don't get many replies and soon enough the thread goes off to hang with the year old airports thread.
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Afraid of losing my thumbs
Afraid of losing any extremity
he posted on /f/ a few days ago, I think he's going to embed a flash into the big get that's coming up or something
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what happened here

good try though
Scared as fuck of brain damage
Oh sweet jesus all that dither
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oh god

we can show up on the front page

what is going oooooon
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>Fucking bikefags.

Bikes are fucking efficient as hell. Add a small engine and you got yourself a small motorcycle for traveling medium distances. People laugh at the idea of motors on bicycles because they think they're there to replace regular bikes. Wrong. They're a replacement for cars.

Add a trailer and you can buy groceries and transport small things.

Cars are not needed for single people. Why can't people realize this? For me:

1. Short distance - Walking
2. Medium distance around town - Bike
3. Between cities - Couch bus
4. Across country - Planes

Saves you thousand and thousands a year. I know idiots who got right out of high school and got tied down to a car. They had to work long hours more or less just to pay it off. They were slaves to the thing.

Free as in Freedom. Bikes bitches.
locked in syndrome. you are full concious but can't move or communicate in any way. you can still feel/hear everything around you.
>3D Render
fuck me
That looks nothing like him.
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>They don't get many replies and soon enough the thread goes off to hang with the year old airports thread.
>see this on /co/
>can never not read it as "sethisto"
Oh god, she has to be the sweetest housekeeper.
>Diamond does have one 'friend' in the household.
>Hes one of the butlers, always acts the part, always quick witted in his respectful tone.
>Diamond discovered that he has a different side, one she can exploit.
>He stands on the padded mats of the private gym, focus mitts in his hands, the same dull expression on his face.
>She stands, hands wrapped, and charges, fists flying.
>He catches the blows, commentating, offering advice, she tells him to shut up between blows.
>A focus glove connects with her head, dropping her on the mat.
>A gloved hand helps her up.
>"You have to keep an eye out for your blind spot, Miss Tiara."
in short, I fear myself becoming or being insane.
I'm afraid that how I view the world doesn't line up with how everyone else views it

I'm terrified of talking for hours on end making perfect sense to only myself.

Every time I suffer a miscommunication in conversations, I fear that I'm just speaking crazy.
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Recumbents were here. You are smalltime.

We've already could the whole time.
Rock climber here, I don't understand you people.
Is there pony rock climbing art out there?

Joke's on you. That picture is actually the product of two people collaborating.

The colour guy quit the fandom in disgust.
Remember Sweetie Belle was the dumb one?
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So this shit is basically Silver Spoon >feels but switched with Diamond Tiara.

You guys aren't being very creative this morning.
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He was neato when he was here though. That comic series was nice.
I know.
But the linework still needed to be drawn by someone, and he will one day be ground into the dust by someonelike SB.
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no my first one is accurate
who needs drawing anyways

I think the pony sketch is cute
Remember when she was Lyra and Bonbon's kid?
I like the idea of Diamond Tiara selling her body.
>and then anon crashed and split his head open, leaving his organs to be parted out to those in need of them.
Thats the ticket!

We're trying to find something that works.
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Only it isn't.
Beyond the fact that they are both rich.
One had an overbearing parent figure.
The other has none at all.
>Get in this position
>Real comfortable, have control over vehicle
>Realize you have to get OUT of that position
>Oh shit
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What's the benefit of those? I think they look weird.

My ideal bike would be a city bike with shocks.
>screenshot from a film with a quote from the film overlaid on it
gb2 anywhere but here please.
Bikes are efficient and add greatly to an effective mass transit system. The cultural shift was just too fast and massive. The /n/ front page shouldn't just be bikes. It used to have discussions about urban planning and effective transit employment. Those have largely been eclipsed by "so then I smashed his windshield with my U-lock."
Aw that's adorable, anon <3
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Would you use your hands to milk every last drop out of your pony?
How does he turn?
Remember discussing transit maps and the intricacies of each of our transit systems?

Short version: Lower air resistance, more comfortable.
mmm...wolfie sniffed in my draggy musk...
Well, if their teats were full to the point of being sore, I'd have no choice, would I?
I'd do my damnedest to be gentle with them, and make the process as comfortable as possible.
Looks like photoshop, but in theory you could design a bike with this structure that steered with the back wheel, the whole wheel mount and upper beam pivoting on the vertical beam the seat is mounted on.
Compare this: http://www.jakecoolidgecartography.com/2011/10/27/the-bart-system-that-never-was/

To this: http://www.bart.gov/stations/

The California bay area got SHAFTED.
Well yeah, that pony is quite pregnant at that point. Gentle is the key.

You know what, we don't have to take this. Let's go start a train thread, right now. Give it everything you got.
>Butler basically bitch slapped her.
How does he still work there?
It's not, one of the bottom bars looks like it's actually a steering linkage. Looks like it's only suited for NASCAR turning, though.
Los Angeles here, stop whining like a little bitch.

I ride the train to work every day, jelly?
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Fuck you, stop taking our water.
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I had a bike once.

It was rad.

Then a crackhead stole it.
>it's slow going at first, the fullness of their teats making the initial pressure of milking a little painful
>but once she gets flowing it's all lazy relaxed smiles and sighs of intense relief
>the sound of her milk jets squirting into the pail beneath her is the only sound in the room for a good long while
I want /n/ to stay.
>that one frame of sea ponies
About a month ago some one stole my bike right out of my garage.
And they replaced it with a slightly shittier bike.
I actually work in an office building attached to LA Union Station.
It's okay, anon. Shit happens. My first recumbent got ripped off because I was too fucking stupid to lock it up one day.
I'll be with you in a few, I've got to go lift before the gym closes.

Do ponies count as transportation?
I've had two bikes stolen from me.
Shit is no bueno, yo
The speed is a little off, looks odd
Oh fuck you, we need that water.
>tfw had a sweet bike
>go to cousins house that's like 3 blocks from shitty neighborhood
>leave it by the garage and go inside
>come back out
>stolen as fuck

thats the end of the story
>tfw australian
>tfw live on one of the flattest places on earth
>tfw our capital cities aren't even linked by a direct train route (GOTTA JUMP ON A BUS TO GET TO ADELAIDE)
>tfw government will keep sucking the dicks of the big truck companies

You amerifags build trains over MOUNTAIN RANGES

Australia is the most obvious fucking place for trains and yet we do jack about it.
So seriously: how do you get good at art if you don't have the time/money to enrol in a college. What are good sites to learn from? Anyone?
>Implying Northfags understand they are getting their water stolen.
The keed keeps them dumb.
I think it actually checks the MD5 of the file
There's a train in the show! Post that glorious 4-4-0 bastard in there.
Obviously not, I had to (Dead) my first post for it to go through.
draw. Stop being a faggot and making excuses and fucking draw.
Stop building cities in deserts.
Stop living in the middle of the desert then, faggot.
>Lower air resistance,

Is that really a real issue? Does it have major benefits?

>more comfortable.

Debatable. Also you can't stand up to provide more push.

>every last drop

...and now I'm remembering a mental image that hasn't come to the surface in quite a while.

Octavia jerking off a zebra stallion into a bathtub while Scratch films it, thick zebra cum slowly filling it with each orgasm.

Every so often she nips at his ear and tells him to squeeze out one more load for her - until they can get every single last drop of his goodness out.
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You just draw, I guess.

I've made some improvement without much help.
but im sad because I don't really know why I want to draw any more
>one afternoon DT is stringing you along as she makes her way to the drama club room, barking orders to you along the way while you take notes in a little notebook (in reality, you'e doodling her being hit on the head with a mallet)
>"-and I want a full page dedicated to the play coming up next Friday. A FULL page! Got it?!"
>"Yeah yeah..."
>you let your eyes skim the list of upcoming events as she reaches for the door to the club room
>"Alright...what do we do about Mother's Day?"
>she twitches, her hand recoiling from the door-handle
>"Mother's Day. It's this Sunday, remember?"
>she looks back at you
>"...Right. Do whatever for that."
>"Huh? No big plans like usual?"
>she lets out a frustrated sigh and rubs the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger
>"You really are dense, you know that?"
>she turns on her heels to face you and crosses her arms
>"Alright look, it's very simple."
>"I don't have a mother."
>"Therefore, no plan."
start following some real artists and not fanartists.
>post stuff
>its shit anon
>try harder
>repeat for 6 months
this is obviously not working.
Huh well okay
Stop posting it. Time you spend posting and looking for feedback is time not spent drawing.
how is following a real artist change anything? you can look at their picture and go "thats amazing" but how is that going to make you a good artist?
I won a bike in a Wendy's contest before I was born.
No gears or anything.
I rode that bike from 5 until I was 18.
>using the opinions of the MLPG for encouragement
>getting dejected
That's your own fucking fault.

What does Zebra spunk taste like?
>you will never slowly sink into a tub full of hot, fresh zebra spunk
Post your art shitanon.

>Does it have major benefits?
Other than being able to wear street clothes and keep up with spandexfags when I'm having a good day? Not really.

>can't stand up to provide more push.
What do you think the seat back is for? Decoration? Though I will admit that having a lower center of gravity that's slightly further back makes hill climbing suck all of the dicks.
>In charge of not stealing our water
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Would you vote for the Yellow Party?

That design is just hipster for the sake of hipster. It'd be way stronger if they just connected it.

Substance trumps style always.
>6 months

bitch this takes YEARS. Get to it

A novice artist copies original art.

An expert artist creates original art.

Are you using references?
Black or red?
it's going to take a bit longer than 6 months, especially if you didn't draw as a kid or anything
What do you think

whichever you want anon~
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Fixed then.
oh my.
nah, an expert just makes you think he didn't copy anything
fuck no
That´s not bad.
Assuming this isn't just trolling, this is great, stop complaining.
It's terrifying
looks good to me, don't really know what else to say
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>buy $300 Costco "mountain bike"
>go mountain biking
>lasts about 5 miles


Look at all those disadvantages.

I don't feel safe in them. They're so low to the ground. I'm scared as it is that someone will drive over me.
Hell no, why should I vote for a bush?
Is it bad to wipe semen off your dick with a napkin covered in blood?
I mean, if it's my own blood it's fine, right?
>On one of the rare days that Filthy Rich manages to come home he is greeted by the entire staff.
>He greets them all warmly, if not a little tired, shaking every hand, and glove.
>He shakes a few more hands, thanking a few more faces before it clicks.
>He looks back at the butler.
>No gloves are seen.
>"Your daughter is in the gym, sir."
>"Wh- OH thank you!"
>"Always a pleasure to serve, sir."
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no fuck you
thats impossible
I hate it when people like you call your work shit.
How do you think it makes me feel when my art is ACTUALLY garbage.

Get another one. I got mine for free on freecycle. You can find used ones as low as 50 dollars. Learn how to do your own maintenance.
>buying a mountain bike from costco
>it's as thick as jelly
>not cracklehead
Don't get it in your urethura. Just clean up most but travel to the bathroom for the rest.
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congratulations, you are improving in life.
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well you guys have been telling me its shit so ive not been posting for months out of depression
>costco bike
well there's your problem

The majority of those are subjective or frame-style-specific, though.
>and have been drawing for longer
it's like a double "FUCK YOU" right to our faces
>not buying in bulk

well there's your mistake, Anon
>"Spare me," she interrupts. "We're not having a moment here."
>she reaches up and brushes a lock of pink hair from her eyes, a look of disinterest on her face
>"It was a long time ago. I had my whole life to get used to it, and I did. It doesn't bother me at all!"
>she sticks one finger out towards you
>"Now get that head of yours out of the clouds and back to work! One. Full. Page. Got it?!"
>"...Got it."
>she turns away from you in and slips into the drama club room, slamming the door just a little too loudly on the way in
>And they replaced it with a slightly shittier bike.

The thief thought "He'll never know!"
you've only been drawing for 6 months and you're that good
fuck you fuck you for calling your stuff shit
I fucking hate you

We were always here. We just never had a chance to talk about it.
>well you guys have been telling me its shit so ive not been posting for months out of depression
God you are stupid.
> that fanmade animation

I honestly wasn't able to notice difference between it and the show
it's not shit. it's still a bit rough around the edges, but it's not shit.
If this is after 6 months work, it's not bad. The wings look kind of flat, like they aren't actually in the space, but you seem to be developing a great sense of communicating form, and your sense of weight is great in this image.
I think you take 4chan a little too seriously, anon
ahahahah. This guy >>3596164 is more right

Stop it, I have to head out.

I don't want this boner burdening me.
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Shit re fixed.
>Own a Schwinn Mesa.
>Disk breaks, the works.
>Used it for a paper route.
>Still own it.
>Never used it after getting a car.
really? I've never even seen you post anything before
The music quality but the animation is good.
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i fucking hate this so much
i fucking hate art
fuck everything
For $250 you can get a used steel road bike off Craigslist.
I'm the "bikefags off the frontpage" guy and even I know Costco bikes are shit.
cut that out
Get that shit tuned up and get on it, faggot.

>Recumbant fag in denial

Regular bike master race reporting in.
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i jizzed into some toilet paper then threw in the bathroom trash. later when i was taking a shit i ran out of tp and used the jizz paper to wipe my ass. i got my own jizz inside of my asshole. i pretty much just had gaysex with myself.
>deliberately tell the general your art is shit and you're feeling like a failure
>even though your art is good
>attention whore so you can get some ego-boosting from the inevitable "That's good I don't know why you were complaining" replies

Why do this?
"Fishing for compliments"
you gonna get pregnant
>Mic The Microwave
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I like your art. Because I like you.
Everyone who aspires to be better is a good artist and draws good
so you can get some ego-boosting from the inevitable "That's good I don't know why you were complaining" replies
Since we are talking about bikes, are Nikita bikes any good?
I had it tuned up before I moved a year ago.
The cables were rusted, I had to...
I have owned it for almost ten years.
Where to get bikes:

>craigslist, kijiji, other online listings
>Dump. They get a lot of bikes. Many will have a service to just give them away. Will likely need repairs and parts.
>Thrift stores. I got a 50 dollar one that's a fine simple bike through those.
>University Bike place. Many have some kind of bike repair and service place. They can give you extra bikes, or buy one of them.
My ex did this
Guess what ELSE it does.
it makes people feel like COMPLETE SHIT
because fuck you I'm trying my fucking hardest and I can't fucking see progress like that FUCK YOU
The animation is great but this song sucks
hey apple how long have you been arting and where did you learn?
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did anyone have an ex that didn't do this?
True or False
>a good artist can be satisfied with the quality of his picture
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I fucking love you apple
I really do
thank you
Mine just had sex with cokeheads
I only have one ex and she did this.


Jizz dries fast.

Fishing for compliments is the fucking worst.
>tfw no ex
>he is holding $60 worth of prints

why would you spend money on this, whats the point if they arnt even signed?
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>that face

Mic the microwave is best pone
But it's over the fucking internet. Told to you by people who are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
you probably didn't compliment her enough
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Adding Freecycle comment from before. You can get a lot of good shit from there. I have some nice computer tables for instance. Rich hippie "eco friendly" people give nice shit away all the time.
is that a nose or the country of new zealand

Dats some false shit nigga. Maybe accepting, but never satisfied.

There's always SOMETHING.
An artist should always pursue something better, but it is possible for a good artist to be happy with something.
>people who are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
all of them ?
You've been drawing for a lot longer than just 6 months.

everyone is meaningless in the grand scheme of things
A good artist can always improve on their work, no matter how happy they are with it.
I did
She was just one of those ones that would suck off anyone if she were drunk
And there just happened to be cokeheads
Best answer.
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THIS is a nose.
Of the disadvantages listed on Wikipedia:

Balance: True, and takes some getting used to. There's more wheel steer than balance steer.
Starting: Beginners have trouble with it, but once you figure it out it's a non-issue. Start in granny gears, shift up from there.
Maneuverability: Depends on the frame. Long-wheelbase recumbents have a larger turning circle, short-wheelbase recumbents are similar to upright bikes.
Uphills: Rider-specific. If you're out of shape, uphills are a two bitches in a bitch box.
Frame length: Subjective.
Constant position: Truth, but can be mitigated through proper fitting.
Road visibility: Partially frame-dependent, but still true. It takes some getting used to.
Safety and visibility of the bike: Novelty helps you not blend in to the background noise as "just another bike", as does adding shit like flags and lights, but it's still true.
Price: True.
Nonstandard design: True.

>You should have known this was going to be weird when they tied you up
>your cock is flared so hard it hurts now - your balls are aching and probably bruised and you've lost track of how many times you've blown your load, but the dark-haired one keeps pumping at you.
>You can feel her pressing up against your back, her teats rubbing against your rump, but even trying to look back over your shoulder yields only her hoof pushing your face away, turning you back to the front, with a sultry "No peeking, dahling~"
>The blue-haired one sits nearby, her camcoder trained on you, every so often chiming in about how such a small penis can produce so much.
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He's a ginger? That explains so much.
How often did this happen while you were with her?
it might have been a big phony pretending to be an artist and using pictures from somewhere we've never mentioned/seen/been linked to
>Actually thinking that is who you think it is
what's up everybody it's critikal
this is why weaver will never be a good artist
its just some guy trolling with his images.
Do that full page.
We could have done two, but she had to be specific.
Bedridden with pneumonia, kinda hard to party
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im still mad
>>3596421 (cont.)
Safety: Look at all that [citation needed]. Look at it. Leg suck is a real thing that does exist, but it can be prevented.
Heel and toe strike: Depends on your frame, but true.

All in all, wikipedia's page is exaggerating or over-emphasizing what I feel to be trivial concerns.
did that nigga actually pay money for softcore pony porn
and then take a picture with his pony porn?

man this is going to be bad for him if a background check done by a potential employer and they find this
Oh whoops misread
But yeah, lots, because I could never be there
then keep arting to a point where you can grind anyone who dares challenge you into the ground!

THE subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. A question seldom stated, and hardly ever discussed, in general terms, but which profoundly influences the practical controversies of the age by its latent presence, and is likely soon to make itself recognized as the vital question of the future. It is so far from being new, that, in a certain sense, it has divided mankind, almost from the remotest ages, but in the stage of progress into which the more civilized portions of the species have now entered, it presents itself under new conditions, and requires a different and more fundamental treatment.
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Why haven't you called her yet MLP G ?
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bitches aint shit
That's the way to do it man. Just keep pushing yourself forwards.
Did you know about it happening when it did, or did it all come out of the wash at once, prompting you to leave her?
Tonight; you
>you will never wake up to a fat pair of heavy, sweaty ponynuts resting on your face
Damen Huseman will do anything in the pursuit of attention.

He posted "I'm going to kill myself mlpg ;_;" like once a day for weeks
reality is so cruel

call who?

>Get in your bike
>Listen to this as you drive
>Feel like The Driver

We both like to ride around late at night listening to electro-pop.
> that consistency of the proportions
You call it bad? Really? You are faggot.
why didn't he just go to ponychan?
Just kill me already.
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yeah, because background checks look for images posted on 4chan by some guy only known as "microwave"
Lazare would like to have you know it's called synthpop
All at once
benson pls go
>you do that full page
>apparently the drama club will be putting on the play "Macbeth"
>Diamond Tiara is playing Macbeth's wife
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Which pony has the fattest, squishiest, most well-rounded ass?
It could get out somehow, it's on the internet.
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Giving a girl a night call to tell her how you feel. Listen to the song:

>I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
>I want to drive you through the night, down the hills


>you will never wake up with a stallion hilted inside you
BCS is already back home and drawing horses porn
>tfw only ex-gf is a bitch and theres no one else
>tfw no one to call
He's disqualified himself from a plethora of high profile careers, as I would gleefully send his employers that image (among others) if I ever see his name in an paper or his face on the news.

Not that, you know, a typical privileged LA yuppie has much chance of getting a career like that in the first place.
brb committing sudoku
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you will never be happy with your art
Applejack. She uses her donut-sized pucker to help Fluttershy feel proud of her inch-thick, puffy marelips.
Uhhhh. I'm gonna go with Mrs. Cake
Ugh god dammit that fucking jew nose
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>texta party last night
>people got drunk and drew on other people
>think i drew a pony on someone

shit shit shit what the fuck do i do
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>search for Lazare and synthpop
>Expect to find some musician
>/mu/ tripfag


Any good synthpop suggestions would be nice. Something like Kavinsky. Or something atmospheric.
>gleefully send Microwave's potential employers that image

Wow, you must hate the guy to want to ruin his life like that.
there is a fine line between my left ass cheek and right ass cheek, and its called the ass crack

Mrs Cake.

i just want her to bounce on my face.
>you will never lap at the swollen orbs on your face as the sleeping stallion buried in your drooling folds begins to thrust in his sleep
>this will never be just another Wednesday morning for you
>you go to the play to report on it for the paper, finding yourself a nice seat in the back
>the play starts off well enough. it's pretty much the same story you've been forced to read in English class. three witches, prophecy of doom, yadda yadda yadda
>you have to admit that they really went all-out with the costumes and stage. thanks in no small part to Diamond's influence, you're willing to bet
>finally, the first scene with Lady Macbeth starts, and Diamond Tiara takes the stage
>your pen drops out of your hand and clatters to the ground
>...Holy SHIT.
>Good synthpop

Art of Noise.

Art of FUCKING Noise.

Collect your records
Terminate your online presence
Fake your death
Move to Bolivia
better safe than sorry
Laugh at the faggot who has a pony drawn on him.
Oh god, I never did study this.
Fuck you English, for only doing Romeo and Juliet.
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>not being apathetic towards everything in your level
I really don't even care if you get on my level or not
Wait is he in my mouth or my ass?

>you will never be a pone broodmother
Mouth. His bro's got your ass handled. With his tongue.
It's a rarity to see best pony posted anymore
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dats some good shit nigger
Older brother or younger?
I am. which is why I have no motivation to improve.

So I guess I'm not happy about my personality, not about my works.

It's... okay.
There's one sleeping near your head with his balls sweating onto your face and another lower down thrusting into your vagina
Shout pls
>She shows up on Jerry Springer.
pls continue


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Meh, just wait till twilight. That's when the people with taste come out.
>im a girl
>you will never slake the lust of your stallion harem even as you're swollen with foals, a pair of newborns slurping at your heavy teats as your maresex grips and milks a fat ponycock
In the morning when the birds start to flutter, is when the shy people start posting

and there's a line of horny stallions just outside, chomping at the bit for the chance to pour their seed into you.
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Oh god I want to draw this.

I want to draw this so bad.
Glad she has her priorities straight.
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So you should FUCKING DRAW IT.

>you will never watch them grow up to be just like their fathers

must be good to be Celestia.

fuck off!, no one cares

just kidding, good to know that she is fine
i just watched a hilarious bestiality fail video. where the guy couldnt get the minihorses cock in his ass. it kept poking him in the back and he eventually fell over while yelling.
Thanks I was trying to post that and it wouldn't go through.

Damn it feels good to just finish something.
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oh god my boners cannot be contained
>"Club Penguin is for looooooseeerrs"
>It haunts Pinchies mind.
I haven't known that feel in a while.
m-maybe a little art break wouldn't be so bad
Man it's champing. Learn yo horse.
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Alright I think I finally got this right!
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>I gradually faded out of her life
>She visits my city regularly but has made zero attempt to contact me in 3 years
Is that fucking Alf.
Needs Snoop Dogg
>the musk of the sack pressing into your mouth and nose is overpowering even as you hungrily lap up the beads of sweat on its surface
>you reflexively begin to thrust back against the pony inside you, feeling him shift in his sleep before picking up the pace
>he's mumbling something as he pistons in and out of you, making lewd slurping noises as he makes a mess of both your crotches
>you feel the nuts on your face begin to shift as their owner starts to wake up

i had a feeling, as i posted it, that i was wrong. oh well.

Make it creepy like it's degrading. Like those vlc glitch gifs.
Don't you mean Snoop Lion?
So do her sons grow up to fill her with foals as well?

>you will never watch as through the generations your progeny grow more endowed
>you will never be rutted fiercely as you watch your colts run and play, their fat erections and heavy balls bouncing and swaying carefree
dat ending
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they aren't that creepy
I'm very horse
Why aren't we still talking about picture perfect pony animation?
>No more DT fics.

do you have the one with the fast food lady who like opens her mouth and melts?
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Is it just me, or does this horse smell a little stale? Kinda like dried semen and old cheetos.
Get out of here stalker
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>retarded inbred colts with huge dicks
So how about that Stalker 2? Being made by FUCKING BETHESDA
Because it's fucking depressing how good it is.
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but of course

of course they will.

you'll smile when you see each one born, because you'll know that it won't be long before you're teaching them how to have sex. and soon those motherly pecks on the lips will turn into something more lustful.
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my bad
>celestia not monitoring genetic lines to guard against that
do you even pone
I'm totally okay with his sudden change. Maybe because I didn't care much to begin with.
>implying continued breeding with Celestia is a bad thing
>the flowing green dress with golden embroidery, the fancy way she did up her hair, the regal way that she carries herself...and of course, the golden crown adorning her head
>she almost seems like a real queen, stepped right out of Dunsinane
>and then she starts to speak
>every word that leaves her mouth oozes with raw emotion. You can almost see the rage in her eyes as she sneers curses at the ill-fated Macbeth
>you knew that she was in the drama club, but you had no idea that she had this sort of talent
I-Is this SB?
P-pick that pen up.
no please no

i don't want stalker 2: new vegas

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Indeed it is.
>eventually you remember that you have a job to do, and start frantically jotting down notes

>your article dubs the play an outstanding success. a truly riveting performance
>special mention is given to the unparalleled performance of Lady Macbeth
>you catch DT reading a copy of the paper that day
>you see the faintest of smiles on her face as her eyes wander over the text
>you will never catch one of your colts slapping his cock against his belly
>you will never scold him for it
>you will never tell him that if he ever needs to empty those lovely balls of his he should just ask you
>you will never turn and let him mount you

you know who DT would be good for?

he only draws two ponies
Think of your favorite mane cast pony and CMC
You three are on an adventure. The last song you listen to is the theme of the zone you are in

Who are the ponies? What song is it? What kind of an adventure are you on?
I love it when you do this.
>Sad Sack

Okay then who drew this?
I picked a good day to listen to retro vidya music.
We're in a deep dank cave in search for one of Daring Do's artifacts.
hey mlpg, I'm back from vacation, I'll draw for you guys again soon enough, but now I'm just getting back into the swing of things here and just chillin.

I was wondering if anyone was up for a stream, like a movie or a game perhaps? Just throwin' the offer out there I suppose.
AJ and Sweetie.
Ruins theme from Kirby 64
I guess we're just exploring. And trying to keep Sweetie Belle out of trouble.
obviously somebody else did moron he only draws two ponies
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>my face
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This is a fun relaxing/daydreaming album to listen to.
SB, mind if I ask you to color something in the same style?
>i don't want stalker 2: new vegas

Nope. Enjoy Stalker: Fallout 3 Edition.

New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda.
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>Rarity and Sweetie
>Adventure in the Diamond Dog mines
This gonna be fun nigga. They're going down
Scootaloo, Twilight and I are in a mutable dreamscape, unable to comprehend reality. Doors open, close, and spin all around us. A blue haze distinguishes itself from a endless black horizon. The three of us only have one goal in mind - sleep. We are eternally tired and doing anything we can to relax, a soothing voice urging us to do just that as it itself prevents us.

It is only a matter of time before the edges and walls of our sanity are chipped away by this maddening place.
>Pinkie Pie
>Platinum Disco

...The only thing I can think of is something out of Adventure Time, with all the colourful backgrounds.

Might be fun
you should've streamed 2 hours ago, it's getting too late now
I'm with Twilight and AB, and the last song I listened to was The Animals's House of the Rising Sun.

Well since I've got the smartest, most rational ponies with me I might as well go on a murder mystery adventure.
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Fluttershy, Apple Bloom and I are raiding Molten Core.
That is a tiny Spike.
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That is not a song.
What the fuck is that link?

Meant to post this

>"Satisfactory?" you butt in, making her jolt as she clenches the newspaper tightly in her fists
>she looks over your shoulder at you with an angry look
>she just stares at you for a moment
>and you stare back
>after a moment, her expression softens to one of mild frustration
>"...It'll do."
>"Glad to hear it," you say with an overly-cheerful smile
>"Hmph," she grunts dismissively, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear and turning her attention back to the paper
AJ and Applebloom
technically it was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYPer8uPMMs&feature=player_embedded
I guess we're trying to make it out of deviant art's physical manifestation of a really violent ghetto filled with sonic "OCs"?
I can try.

>There's a small chance that's posted to the front page
Good lord what the fuck have you been fapping to Anonymous.
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>Twilight Sparkle
>Sweetie Belle
>the opening to Steins;Gate

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>She manages to land a blow on the butler that night.

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Oh, someone else's pic?

I guess I can try it. I don't need to redo the lines or anything right?
Twilight and Applebloom. Exploring an bunch of cloud-level towers all connected by bridges and full of tomes of knowledge, under attack by flying creatures as parts of the stucture begin to crumble and fall.
>not proofreading your posts
holy shit that tumblr is still going
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dat juicy horsie hole
Would probably be totes sweet
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A likely excuse.
There's no shame in it.
There is.
Does anyone here actually eat cheetos?

They're really gross. They smell gross. The finger stuff is gross. They don't even taste good.
Only if you feel like.
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i hat everything
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Don't you lie to me, boy
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Why did you stop?
Which pony has a disproportionately large flare?
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I don't eat any junk food. Because I'm cool.
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I mean...re-inking that thing would take AGES.
I eat cheese doodles. With chopsticks.
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Only flamin' hot ones.
Alright then, sorry. I'm guessing no one else would be interested then?
What are cheetos? Are they those small cheese flavoured things that you put on your fingers as kids? If so, I've had one packet of them in the last 6 or so years, I was somewhat drunk at the time and don't remember them being that great.
that doesnt look safe for the dick at all
There was no response.

Where would you like me to go with it?
That is a ridiculously good and somewhat autistic idea for how to keep the cheese dust off your fingers. Plus it seems like good practice if you want to teach yourself how to use chopsticks.
Why would you need to do it? The lineart seems to be pretty clean so all you need top is color and do some simple shading like >>3596732
>cheese flavoured things you put on your fingers

Nnnno... What the hell weird British shit are you talking about?
did I do good?
>Blob link
What's that used with?
>coworker who I get into heated debate with invites me up to her house to sit around the fire, drink beer, and talk philosophy

is this what friends feel like
I got the idea from a comic. I lament I didn't save it to show I'm not bullshitting you.
I'm Australian, and I see what they are now, and I haven't had them in years. Can't say I have any intention of having any either.
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I'd be up for a fic or an epic greentext story but that would be asking too much so just however far you feel like taking it.
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You did good.
You did good.
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Was The Driver autistic?
Can you stream tomorrow Tan?
...No that's called rape.
Keep trying anon
Sorry, confusion.

I was asking at first if coloring was all I had to do. Just confirming that it is.

Okay I'll try to get this done for you then.
she wants your dick anon
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i am jelly, i would probably blow it by trying to take her used panties.
Is he thinking of Bugles? Those little cone-shaped corn chips?

They fucking rule.
That's okay, anon. I believe you.

You know those Cheese and Bacon balls? Or Twisties? It's like those.
Yeah man, I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow (or all week for that matter), which is why I was about ready to do a night thing or whatnot.

I just don't really get the chance to do so until later during the day/night.

>heated argument
>invite for discussion

I don't get it.
So I'm watching Judge Dredd.
How do they feed Megacity One, /co/? I mean, all the surrounding countryside is desert.
Aww shit, we stealth now.

>Equestrian Industries, 12:20 AM
>use grapple to reach the top of the outer wall
>reach the top, peek around inside
>two guards beside the dimly lit door to the west
>look down at Twilight and Scoots, give them a wink
>they hoofbump
>Scootaloo runs around the building to the opposite face of the wall
>Twilight and I sneak up near the guards, making sure to stay in the shadows
>Scoots bucks the wall with considerable force, causing a loud crack from the wall
>as the guards' heads turn toward the sound, we chop a sensitive part in their neck, taking them out simultaneously
>knock on the wall
>Scootaloo runs around again and climbs up the rope
>we all prepare to enter the building from the first floor window
Just put it in URL Got it from a 4chan Sounds thread
why do I want to be liked by people over the internet so much
I was thinking of cheezels, I think they are pretty much the same thing as cheetohs, but shaped differently.
Alright cool. PM hours? I'ts 4am for me atm. Anyway to go earlier?

Likely covered in the comics. That movie was meh too.

>Judge Dredd has no problem just mercilessly murdering his fellow officers later in the movie
And that's why you don't have friends, anon.

nah. what horny girls feels like.
She wants to eat your flesh.
He probably meant something more specific, silly.
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Fellow Aussie, you're thinking of Cheezles, I think.
I thought Cheetos were the same thing too.
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Just a guess.
Could be that you desire fame, respect, or friendship.
Yeah, twisties are our version of cheezohs, made by smiths I think. the cheese and bacon balls I haven't had since I was a kid.
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Aha, found it.
PM for the most part, yeah, but I mean, I could literally just go to bed now, and stream for most of the actual day instead of sleeping in tomorrow.
I'd like all three because I've never had them before.
I have the same thing, but I'm TERRIBLE at it.

The only time I've ever lost a friend that I didn't WANT to lose was over the internet.
>his thrusts are frenzied at first, but you clench hard on him to hold him in place
>you tell him that he should slow down and enjoy it
>relaxing your powerful marecunt he obliges, working up a nice slow rhythm
>you smile as you see another one of your colts walk over, his fat erection drooling heavily
>no words are needed and you lower your head as he turns slightly to the side
>pursing your lips you kiss his tip as he begins to thrust into your mouth

Do you have any close friends or acquaintances ?
That sounds pretty good. Got an afternoon appt. with my doctor at 4 but after that I'm good all day. Looking forwards to it.
You'll be taking requests or anything or getting back into the groove with practice sketching?
Still a little autistic, but in the "Huh, I never would've thought about that" sense.
Well, everything's autistic to a degree these days, apparently.
Still, it works.
Yeah, that's what broke it for me. I never read the comics, but up until that point I was willing to buy everything. Then, when the cops show up after the plane crash, he just guns them down as soon as he sees them.

Wouldn't he still trust them? Shouldn't he think, "Oh, they realized their mistake, and now they've come to get me and take me back to the city!"

Everything was cheesy but kinda fun up until then.

Actually I think they say it's "okay" for you.

But wouldn't you need some inputs, still?

Same goes for >>3597232
just don't seek to be liked by Faceless


Get it guys?
perhaps, but I wanna take a few days to enjoy the
"souvenirs" I got. Long story short a guy I lent okami to got it back to me, he was supposed to before I moved, etc. and a friend surprised me by buying me KH 1. I was in the mood to stream one of em, I figured KH was animation related enough and y'know, okami shouldn't need a reason. Also I found a cheap copy of Sonic 06 to put myself through torture for the sake of entertaining others.
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can a server hoster block people by their user-agents?

>you may be their lover, but you're also their mother
>you don't want them going out and getting into trouble
>yet, the other, older stallions decide to take them out for drinks one night
>they stumble back in the early morning, and straight into your scowling face
>as punishment, you decide to fit them with tight cockrings
>they can fuck you as much as they want, but you won't let them cum until they apologize to you-- and mean it
we ded

Humans are social creatures, perhaps you want to be liked by others on the internet because you desire social relationships.
Oh man that's adorable
I didn't want this boner.
A man can only have so many fetishes.
>everyone expecting someone else to make new horse
>no one does
>new horse never comes
well shit
There is a colored version, but...you know.
No new horse...
What about the female children?
I take advantage of the situation!
Ah I see. Well. Lookking forwards to ya tomorrow
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but why is it so hard
Maybe Celestia can control the gender of her offspring?
>it takes them days to come around
>their balls are visibly swollen and nearly drag on the floor behind them
>they line up in front of you, cocks throbbing madly, bow their heads and apologize
>when they look back up at you, you know they're sincere
>your horn flashes briefly and the rings clatter to the floor as both colts gasp
>a thick jet of pre squirts out of their massive members and you turn around
>since they've been bad they'll have to share you
>it takes some awkward positioning, but soon both of their fat cocks are stuffed into your winking marecunt
>you smile, knowing that when they finally unload it'll be good and messy

Do you have any hobbies ? One way of making friends is to find people who share the same interests as you and go from there.
>continue in new thread pls
I like to draw, kind of. I'm really not sure any more.
I met a few guys online that also draw but it's hard for me to talk to them.
Making progress on Lady "Tiara" MacBeth.

No dress though.

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