New horse, carry on fellow ponys.Old thread:>>3339340
So does Mito hate tulpas or what?
Are you ready for this MLPG?
>Mito for no reasonwhy does anonymous hate us so much?
>>3340573Why does that faggot still come here?
>>3340573It wasn't mito. just some asshole trying to be funny.
>>3340573>mito can't tulpaforce
>>3340580Because fuck tulpa discussion
Well old horse is actually here:>>3335254Sorry.>>3340570 you see it now?
>>3340574>DerpibooruOh man. Each time I see thing like this I postpone the recreation of an acount there.
>>3340576 >>3340576 >>3340576 >>3340576
what's the best clopfic?i intend to masturbate to it.
Horse died ;_;
>>3340598Fuck off, Mito
>>3340592Why? You got banned?
>>3340598fuck off
>>3340598fuck you, we sent thread now
>>3340598>current thread marked>current thread created before yoursCongratulations?
daily overdose
>wake up>first thing I do is start streaming
Oah man what happened
>>3340592It has the same community as Ponibooru, big surprise there.
>>3340612Thank goodness for those close up bubbles, I wouldn't have known what was going on otherwise
>>3340615>streaming>not screamingdo you even loneliness?
>>3340615Yer a junkie, Apple. Ya gotta cool off.
>>3340605I had an account back at ponibooru.
>>3340579But I was just about to ask if my cum inflation fetish could apply to tulpa sexthis is important
i had a dream where i bought a lot of dresses from rarity and went home
>>3340586Yes, it's all that I posted with my trip?
deploying mito
>>3340635Dream of the year. Only a few things would've made it better.
>>3340635That's a very nice dream anon.
>>3340642To the point where she couldn't reach around her own belly?
>>3340644I jelly
>>3340658With tulpas, the limit really is your own imagination
>>3340634you could have your own micro stretchy pony
>>3340635My last pony dream involved waking up in the middle of the night in Rarity's bed with Rarity near me, looking a bit around hugging her while she was still sleeping and going back to sleep while still hugging her.It hurts the most when you wake up and realize that it wasn't and it will never be realI really think I have a problem
>>3340666>>3340669Brb, cooking up a tulpa
>>3340658You could do anything you want anon
>>3340644Now that's a battlestation
>>3340658There isn't really a limit as to what can and can't happen to their avatar (imposed body), with the exception of death, because that can't happen. You could ruin the avatar though I guess.
>>3340599>clopficAside from that, I tried reading my first one earlier. Someone had used the word "grassy knoll" to mean vaginaWhat the fuck
>>3340646Those shoes are ridiculously off model, both for the SA style shoes and the SOAP shoes in SA2.What was he thinking?
>>3340644Who is that?
>>3340688ITS HIS STYLE
>>3340574My god.>>3340663Judgement is not enough. Must go Catastrophe.
>>3340686"Clopfic" is ok, man.
>>3340599an all time favorite of mine is Hard Days Workif you like Derpy it's even better
>>3340644Is that a new picture?If yes we'll probably have another CMC episode.Who would have guest thatI like bot S1 and S2 CMC
>>3340599a hard day's work
>>3340686>Someone had used the word "grassy knoll" to mean vaginaPFFT
>>3340694William Anderson, BGM composer.
Sanic X Twilight OTP
>>3340711>Trying too hard.
>>3340704mah niggaI wish he would write more ;_;
>>3340711breadditchandaily would be a good name for a Tumblr.
I take my trip off to shitpost in day threads all the time.
>>3340711>/b/read>reddit>ponychan>eqd>tumblrWhat do I win?
>>3340718I wonder if he would like to write some cum inflation?
>>3340728Leth pls go
>>3340728>shitpost in day threadslike pissing in the ocean
>>3340599>>3340702>>3340704Link the man, you heathens
>>3340736That's the fucking joke.
>>3340716>implying you shouldn't tryhard at everything>>3340736The slowpoke award?
>>3340740of piss
>>3340736You with a BALLOON!
>>3340702>>3340704>>3340744Jesus, you guys, really?>>3340738I would.
>>3340759>Jesus, you guys, really?Yes
can someone stream wakfu?
Why are these threads such a tornado of bile, piss and shit?
>>3340765which ponies' bile would you drink?
t'aint fair
>>3340740>at the beach>need to go to the toilet>get out of the water, run all the way up the hot sand to find a toiletI seriously, etc
>>3340759For some reason I feel like I should ask you not to.I mean, one man being my favorite artist, my favorite writer, and my favorite quest runner would be a little muchI'm joking please write
>>3340764I might be able to, just give me a couple of minutes.You want a marathon stream or just a few episodes?
would we be still shitposting even if Season 3 was on?
>>3340789Of course.
>>3340789>weYou can guarentee the shitposters won't piss off even on episode dayIt's just that MLPG would be come way too busy or an hour or two
>>3340764>>3340787Fuck, I'm gonna miss this.
>>3340643That's everything from the month of December 2011. There are lots of dead images, more than I personally feel comfortable with. If I do continue with this, manually go through the whole archive, it won't be complete because of said errors, and you didn't always have your trip since the beginning. I did the entire month of December 2010 and January 2011, and I can not tell you how many times I saw the same blurry .gifs being reposted again and again.side note, I picked out .gifs that I think where made by you from those two months, but no way of confirming w/o you. really think the only way to get a complete collection of your quality .gifs from both seasons is for you to do it, it's not complete in the Archive.
>>3340789Of course, some people will always be mad.But every week there would be a hard reset where everyone talks about the show and nothing but for hours and hours, and later in the week people will filter out except the dedicated faggots who hopefully won't be so mad all the time.also, >implying we
>>3340787I don't know, I've never watched itmarathon sounds great though
>>3340806Tis the royal we.
>>3340782Well shucks. Who should I use? I have no idea where to start.
What are you doing to help the next generation live a easier life, mlpg?
>>3340821Thatcher pls go you aren't royalty
>>3340825And that old man? Albert Einstein
>>3340825Requesting porn
>>3340825Kill myself.
>>3340825Serve as a warning.
>>3340825Not have children
>>3340825Not procreate.
>>3340818>>3340802Ah, my bad you guys. My home internet is pretty piss poor for streaming it seems. Sorry!
>>3340809You don't have to do it man, I barely remember what gifs I made these two seasons, but, anyway, excellent work dude.
>>3340825Instilling various fetishes in the minds of kids today through pony porn that I draw so that they may have a more sexually interesting adulthood.
>>3340825Like I give a shit about the next generation
>>3340825This is so stupid as to almost be a parody.Seriously. This whole thing, from the pixely picture to the non-centered title to the obvious moment where we're supposed to go "OOOOHHH" but just end up going "eh...".I've seen these types of images on facebook all the time and they're all always terrible.
>>3340856So, there will be no collection then?
>>3340825I'm trying to get a degree in engineering so I hope I'll end up doing something worthwhile
>>3340822Scraaaaatchwaterbed sizeholy fuck plspls
>>3340825That entire picture is fucking stupid
>cum inflationSomeone explain to me what the appeal is here? I'm being serious
>>3340825Get a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and invent a RoboPony.
>>3340870My nigga.
I haven't eaten lunch yet
>>3340878>missing the marathon stream a couple months back
Hiatus is best pony
>>3340822Oh man, I don't even know.Anyone is good, I don't really have a preference.>>3340874That sounds fine. There isn't anywhere near enough really big stuff around.
>>3340882What's with the inflation stuff recently?
>>3340888double awwell sucks to be me I guess
>>3340893Table pone isI would climb on top of her
>>3340896i could ask toss or kierz for you if you want, but they already did it once
>>3340870>have an engineering degree>still living with mom since no job and no plans for the future
>>3340883There is hope for mankind yet
>>3340882There are two main aspects to it.1: you are so virile and sexually charged that you literally bloat up your partner with the amount of semen that you produce.2: she wants your seed in her so badly and she cant get enough that she'll keep taking it until her stomach distends with the stuff.There's other, smaller parts to it, but that's the main deal. It also kind of helps to like inflation on some level, but it's not required.
>>3340904Afro-american woman's history is not an engineering degree, anon
>>3340895I feel like it's my fault. Sorry.
>>3340825If I'm lucky, maybe I'll invent something nice and computer sciency.
I am ironman.
>>3340917take that sorry back, inflation is good stuff
>>3340869Yes, there will be (of S2), what I'm telling you is don't crash your head looking for them in the archive if I didn't use my trip, because I won't be able to help you. I still appreciate what you're doing.
>>3340825>computers with light speed
>>3340922OK, fair enough. It's just I feel bad about my previous attempt at a collection.
Am I your brother, now and always?
>>3340937No You don't even exist for me
This thread needs more Klondike
>>3340901I think kierz would do it though, he's a pretty cool guy
>>3340937Sure. I'm sure you can't be as annoying as my big bro.
>>3340945It's only 4pm. He's probably enjoying a stroll outside.
>>3340944>>3340950You see that guy posting stupid unrelated stuff for the last minutes? You see him? Well ignore him
>>3340911>you are so virile and sexually charged >she wants your seed in her so badlyIt seems as though there would be ways to represent these facets without resorting to grotesque at best and impossible at worst inflation of the physical body.Ah well, to each his own, I guess. I just find those two ideas you expressed extremely appealing, while I find inflation revolting.
>>3340937You are my brother, my best friend forever.Singing the songs, the music that I like
Would you go to church with Big Macintosh, who is obviously a devout Catholic and patriotic American?
>>3340965oh okay goodbecause I'm going to betray you in the next book
>>3340920I can't help but feel responsible for the recent influx of chubby/inflation stuff. I just don't want to be annoying.
have you eaten any fruit today MLPGyou don't want to get scurvy, or worse, disappoint your favourite pony
>>3340972>there will never be a peach ponylike sucks
>>3340972Yes.Banana master race.
>>3340967Only if I get to suck on his dick later
>>3340972I hope you're not insinuating that Applejack is my favorite pony.
>>3340972mmm yes aunt and uncle orangeyou're so succulent and juicy....
>>3340971let go of the Ross Guilt effect
>>3340967Yes. Even though I don't believe, I enjoy spending time in churches. I'm considering going in one right now.
>>3340956It's all about excess and exaggeration.Taking things up to the top and beyond. Your lust is so vigorous that it has physical resultsSure you can have those aspects normally, but to see them represented so prominently and with so much force... It just does things for certain people I guess
>>3340995You don't believe but you like church?Explain
we ded
We are the ded
>>3341037>>3341036>>3341035Yeah, RIP.
post what you're listening to
>>3341024Not that guy, but they have a nice and unique architecture. And religion, and the symbolism and mythology surrounding such, have always interested me from a purely academic stance.
>>3340956For me, it's also very romantic. I'm not sexually attracted to the idea of child-birth; that would be weird. But I do find cumflation super romantically attractive. Being filled to be brim with my man's hot, potent sperm. Feeling my belly bulge, literally, with his love for me, knowing that this feeling is similar to the one I'll have as our child grows within me.
What did ya get out of Steam sales?
>>3341041reeses pieces
>>3341044once again proving my music tastes > everyone elses
>>3341052too much
>>3341052Nothing. I don't have some money on me.
>>3341052Mirror's Edge.I'll bet Burnout Paradise and Arma 2 if they go on sale too.
>>3341052Fallout New Vegas, Arma II (for dayz), The batman bundle and Trine 2
>>3340971shush LK
>>3341069> Arma II (for dayz)you are the worst
>>3341024>>3341064Churches are beautiful in general. Also the music is awe inspiring.
>>3341052Finally got Portal 2 and then took Broken Sword trilogy. Nothing else, really. uhm.Oh my.
>>3340901Yeah sorry dude, I'm in much the same boat as >>3340853Don't let that stop you though, it's a great show
>>3341079nah it's pretty fun
>>3341086I love those
>tfw rural as fuck>small ass churches
>>3341049You aren't a woman
>>3341057It would be nice if they actually posted some animation.Really it's probably going to be shit
>>3341088that's not the point
>>3341094I live in a small city but the churches are all ugly as fuck
>>3341069>Arma II>before it has been a daily deal>buying games that might not be a daily deal before the last dayNOW YOU FUCKED UP
>>3341098Looks pretty bad.
>>3341094>tfw I moved in a big city and can see in all the big churches I want
>>3341052Trine 22 of the T:A steam starter packsEuropa IIIand Thief 1 just now
>>3341098I have hope it won't, but regardless if it bombs or not, a lot can be learned from it regardless.
>go to Italy>huge ass basilicas
>>3341052NFSHP, JC2DLC, SR3DLC, SimCity 4
>>3341052these + the deus ex set thing + spacechemanyone want a coupon?
>>3341052Saints Row 3, Just Cause 2, La Noire, and Space Marine>>3341059>>3341066>>3341086Why so poor?
>>3341137you sure told him
>>3341129I'm good. Thanks for offering though.
>>3341137>the only reason people won't take Hoppips coupons is because it was revealed Hoppip is a guy instead of a girl from that meet up lel
>>3341098Maybe they should consider using nested clips.Having all the parts of the body in different layers on the same timeline can easily result in pretty bad clipping and displacement.
>>3341052Metro 2033Need for Speed Hot PursuitTrain Simulator 2012Stalker SoCFallout New Vegas
>>3341141>poor>not just pirating singleplayer games>implying I don't already own all the multiplayer games worth playing
>>3341075I can't help it.
I'm gonna go to a church and take photos you guys. Even though the conversation'll have probably changes by the time I come back.
>>3341149I don't take them because I don't want any of those games>Caring about the sex of a tripfag>2011+1
>>3341141Nothing worth buying.
>>3341120What's wrong with that?
What if MLPG made a pony video game?
>>3341155still be interested when you get back!
>>3341170It would suck.
>>3341170It would be shit and make everyone who encountered it despair.
>>3341170it's would be a fart porn game
>>3341166>Theif>EUIII>recettear>not worth buying
>>3341170With all this talking about pony sex Its going to be a pony VNhow lewd
>>3341170I'd play it.Why not just copy counter-strike or something?Bronies would eat up anything pony related regardless if it's an original idea or not
Should i get dragon age y/n?
>>3341155Heck, I'll dig whatever you show us when you come back.
>>3341188DA:O?Yes. Very yes. Play it on hardest difficulty, game is fun a shit
>>3341182Shit I already own>>3341188Hell no
>>3341187What's the progress status percentage wise? 65% done?
>>3341187SHUT UP PENIS
>>3341170Well, there this >>3341187 and the VN.But otherwise, I dunno.
>>3341188nah, pirate it if you have todont give ea money, it makes them hunger for more
>>3341200NO IDEA
>>3341187work on making game right now.
>>3341166>Entire Stalker series for under $12Unless you already own most of the games on sale, I can't believe anyone would say something like that.
>The fan games being made during S1 won't be finished until S3
>>3341205>tfw you don't pirate stuff>not because it's immoral>but because you fear getting caughtmeh
>>3341188first DA?its not too badjust remember to go to the where the mages live first
>>3341170What happened to the most recent attempt to make a VN? Also >>3341187 ponykart.Also I'm still working on an advanced replacement for Desktop Ponies that supports some interactive virtual pet like features. When it comes time to ask for help, I plan on coming to MLPG first. Does that count?
>>3341214I played the first Stalker about two hours and got bored.
>>3341112>>3341098they posted a tidbit of the animation>>3341150the thing is they aren't using keyframe caddy to switch face side symbol and they seem to be doing a lot of face transitions cia disney style rotation so thats why they are forcing it in all clip
Even: poneOdd: start up one of the bajillion fucking games in my backlog
>>3341141How does one move in a space marine armor
>>3341230That looks fucking neat
>>3341199>>3341196>>3341205fucking plebs in my thread
>>3341234>backlog of gamesoh how i envy you
>???!! >this is from a professorAmerica.
>>3341229Seriously?What kind of vidya interests you then, anon?
>>3341244Fuck off Sentenal
>>3341253this doesn't show off anything
>>3341222>not the dorf placeGo hard or go home
>>3341150Exactly. Everything we've heard about the animation from the actual show's animators seems to indicate that their ponies aren't just assembled on the frame like that.
>>3341257>implying Sentenal has stellar taste in vidya like myselfShut up anon
>>3341253>Professors aren't allowed to have fun
>>3341230Yeah, I just remembered the animatic and all the head turns it had.
That boy needs therapy.
>>3341253>John DiMaggio and Tara Strong have casual sex while voicing Jake the Dog and Twilight Sparkle respectivelyTHIS IS MY NEW HEAD CANNON AND NONE OF YOU FAGGOTS CAN CHANGE THAT
>>3341257Remember: Altruism = Autism.
>>3341228We made great progress last night. Aspirant has agreed to expand the intro, and the main 6 paths have each been assigned to a writer.
>>3341095Did I ever say I was?
>>3341264NO you foolthe mages tower gives to bonus stats, and Dorf caves are actually a bit hard
>>3341270It's true, but I don't have the money to play said stellar games.I've been meaning to buy SotC though.
>>3341304I bought itit came with ico
>>3341300That was the pointDorfs -> Elves -> Mages -> HumansI bet you enjoy being a casual, huh?
>>3341304Just pirate the vidyas and buy them if it's worth it
LKare you gonna do that Scratch cum inflation pic?
Sometime I forget completely that these threads are about discussing a cartoon show.
>>3341315/v/ pls
>>3341319I don't pirate. Personal reasons.The FarCry and BioShock I have were already on my computer.
>>3341315>Not getting Wynne as fast as possible.Do you even downtime?!
>>3341283Any blog or website I can follow? Any jobs for a lowly programmer? I'm really glad this has finally gotten off the ground, especially considering how much it was discussed.
>>3341326i would smell rarity's socks
>>3341326That's why we should start talking about ponies again.
Bryzgalov for Luongo
>>3341320Leave the guy alone. He'll probably get to it when he has a chance.
>mfw I see all these games on sale but nothing looks interesting. Everyone's flipping shit and buying games left and right and all I have is the Hitman series and PvZ:GOTYEI think I'm getting old or something. I bought a lot in the '10/'11 sales but now it's like, fuck it
>>3341326We actually never seen anyone wear socks inteh show, haven't we?
>>3341344I think It's About Time is the most underrated episode of S2
>>3341354Everyone I know buys less than in the 10/11 ones, the sale is shit
>>3341344No we must talk about the inane daily activities of popular artists of the fandom
>>3341341Would you also smell her dirty panties that she's been farting in all day just for you?
Rarity is a very ugly pony
>>3341354It's not you, everything just sort of blends together these days.
>>3341366yes, yes i would
>>3341336>WynneMorrigan, Lelianna, Sven and you tanking master race. Max damage and crowd controlGotta use those potions bro, Wynne is a wasted slot.
>>3341366ew ew ew ewthat's disgusting
>>3341344drop da bwass vinyl!
>>3341366>Rarity will never keep a fart jar in which she farts in and seals immediately all day and give it to you as a present at the end of the year
>>3341371Her friends don't seem to think so.
>>3341366Fuck you.
>>3341371What a horrible lie
>>3341339I hadn't even considered getting a blog. Hmm.Programming is done in the Ren'Py engine, so it's mostly busywork. If I get overwhelmed, I'll ask the general.What we need right now are CG ARTISTS, VECTOR ARTISTS, and later on, COMPOSERS.
>>3341359Me too. It had everything from the best portrayal of a time loop in a children's show to some of the best Twilight/Pinkie interaction.
>>3341383That's sillyYou're silly
>>3341357We know they HAVE them.
so what do I think about a man who has painted his fingernails
>>3341380>cargo shorts>that thighSquatz
>>3341380It makes me wonder how bronies are going to explain to their grandchildren why they have a My Little Pony™ tattoo on their body.
>>3341396Yeah, the Sister Socialhoove episode. It would something if we see one pony wear it.
>>3341405Lazer removal when they're 30
>>3341405>implying they will ever mate
>>3341391It was better than Lesson Zero if you ask me
>>3341375What if she decided for you that sniffing those panties wasn't enough? If you love the scent so much then you won't mind taking it in directly from the source. You're going to get a face full of her smelly ass whether you like it or not.
>you cannot rpeort that post - you are banned>porceeds to let me post anywayoh 4chanx
That animation is going to be shit only because of Luna.God, if they were going to put so much effort in something they should have picked a main character.
>>3341424Few episodes weren't.
>>3341426>being forced to smell rarity's buttIt's like a dream come true
>>3341436Fuck off Fluffy.
>>3341433What is that?
>>3341430good morning angry ass pained dipshit, how is this finy shitty day?
>>3341432... why did I look at that for longer than 2 seconds?
>>3341421>powergaming>not gimping yourselfBest way to beat Nightmare, faget
>>3341436That wasn't funnyat all
>>3341436Was that supposed to be funny?
>>3341432>all that black stuff on the carrotwhy cant horses have basic hygiene standards
>>3341211horpup I read your tulpa progress threadwhen are you going to let her post in here so we can ask inappropriate questions
It is my opinion that Scootaloo is cutest child horse.Do any of the people currently lurking this thread agree with me?
Hasbro why
>>3341440An exercise. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it
>>3341436see, you pander to bronies with shit like this and then you complain about it.
>>3341432Hehe, remember Santa? Funniest mare vagina spam ever.
>>3341424Indeed, it was pretty much a Lesson Zero 2.0.Lesson Zero was overexaggerated, it didn't have the charm that the show normally has.
>>3341436we funny video time
>>3341441She sounds like some kinda of deranged "super" villain in this pic
>>3341446Would you a Rarity's candy perfume farts?
>>3341455Because it is difficult to handle soap with hoofs.
>>3341463How do I do it? And how often?
>>3341459I like the marshmallow more.
>>3341467Now we're talking.
>>3341442The irony in this post is astounding
>>3341459I disagree
>>3341467I fucking love Skate 3 videos
>>3341459I agree
>>3341441Time doesn't make that idea more appealing.I voice my opposition to it then and now. I have no complaints about the fetish in particular, just the fact that it gains attention disproportional to its appeal thanks to a handful of very dedicated anons.
>>3341430>It's going to be shit because I don't like a characterGo fuck yourself, /v/
>>3341459Noscoots is sexy
>>3341485I never played that game, is it really that bad? I mean, with all those errors and everything?
>>3341390Fair enough. I'll pass.A blog would be nice. I could help with web design.
>>3341459I prefer Apple Bloom.
>>3341441>DaytimeI usually browse night time, that doesn't make farts any better.
Tess if you're on, I colored your Wakfu pic and threw in a dumb background to boot.
>>33414284chan X is made by /g/ shitposters, so yeah, every connection error is assumed to be a ban.
>>3341437>You are her personal fart slave and ass cleaner, forced to rim her pucker as she bombards you with hot smelly farts
>>3341441Daytime is night where I live. Night are my primary hours.
>>3341504Suce a cute couple...
>>3341510This is just fucking stupid.
>>3341428>>3341428You are most likely banned from another board, candy-ass.Check
I cried more about Ships that Pass in the Night then I ever did about anything irl
>>3341473Only pedophiles like tiny marshmallow horse. Are you a pedophile anon?
>>3341498It might be a bit early.Once we get a screenshot, I'll consider it
>>3341542How many composers do you need and have right now?
>>3341539All of them are tiny marshmallow horses.
>>3341539hey im a pedophile and sweetie belle is rather low on my liststop generalizing
>>3341390Are you going for show accurate artwork? I may be able to fill in as an artist
>>3341542Alright. I look forward to playing.
>>3341549awlpblm pls go srsly gtfo.
>>3341564she's likebelow dt and ssso there
>>3341532>You have been issued a warning - keep /b/ shit out of /x/but I don't even go to /x/
>>33415471 or more, 0>>3341559Show accurate artwork, detailed CG for important scenes. You interested?
>>3341584>(Dead)mod confirmed for shit taste
>>3341467anyone have the original glitch video that was posted around 4chan tons of times?
>>3341577>0But I already told you I could make some tracks, I take personal offense to thatJust kidding, but still.
>>3341577I may have to hold on that offer. I have to brush up on my Illustrator skills. Though I'm interested in what would be considered detailed CG. It'd seems awfully weird to go from show-style artwork to something completely different.
>>3341390>>3341390> VECTOR ARTISTSTechnically, I can trace. But only trace the original, no actual work form scratch ;_;
so i actually went ahead and payed 10 bucks for a something awful accountwell guess whatit costs five bucks to change your avatarit costs 10 to change another personsthis is the greatest scheme i have ever seen
>>3341082>>3341197>Futashy>Pretty sloppy animationBut feeldoe TwilightUNF
>>3341592I was warned for posting her on /a/, said she's only allowed in /sp/ or /jp/.
>>3341595i think it was titled "why i love skate 3" or something. fuck i cant remember.
> apple announces strean
>>3341592It's a guy in a suit, who cares
>>3341415actually it was earlier than that, there was a sock in rarity's trash in party of one
>>3341082>following tiarawhys tumblr
>>3341572Bwahahaha, how many days?
>>3341614Not a single chance.
does anyone else question why we keep coming back here?the show is over until season 3why don't we move on to another show, I hear Gravity Falls is catching on
>>3341611wait what. so you can just change other people's avatars?
>>3341082>>3341082>>3341082Error (404)We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.
>>3341615Pink Pone is always related.
>>3341627looks like a figurine to me
I stopped liking the show halfway through season 2ponyville confidential was okay i guess but other than thati skipped plenty of episodesi haven't even cared about the season 3 stuff
>>3341640Because GFG is absolutely fucking horrible, even more so than MLPG
>>3341595please respond
>>3341614nowhere near enough opportunity for OCs, and not enough characters to ship
>>3341640Oh my godLook at that fat pony
>>3341652Why the fuck are you here?
>>3341640that's some dangerous talk, anonleaving the thread hasn't worked for anyone in this thread, can't be sure it isn't dangerous or something
>>3341642Yep.10 bucks to change someone else's avatar.Then that person gives them another 5 to change it back15 bucks wasted.
>>3341615Look how frustrated she is when Fluttershy is distracted by the picnic blanket
>last night's DJ Acid greentextFuck. Something that stupid should not be getting me so aroused.
>>3341640GFG ias a even shitterier place then MLPGyesthey actually managed that
>>3341659How can you even ask that question with any degree of integrity?In short, >implying these threads are even pretending to be about the shows anymore
>>3341652Okay. Know you've skipped all the boring episodes you can get to the fun part: being part of the fandom.
>>3341679>not even knowing how to greentext midlineHonestly get the fuck out
>>3341642Yes, you can pay money to change people's avatars and custom titles. They can then either live with it or spend (less) money to change it back themselves. Or someone else can change it for them.
>>3341652I did that as well. I tried watching the finale but it was just boring.
>>3341661what a fucking scam.>pay 10 dollars change someone's avatar to some shitty kingdom hearts fanart>they have to pay 5 dollars to change it back>SA gets 15 dollarsJesus fuck.
>>3341679>in short>longer text than the original sentenceyou smell like /b/read material to me
>>3341686I've been on 4chan and I still don't even know how to do that.
>>3341640Because MLPG are nice people who I enjoy talking to is why I keep coming back here.
>>3341688That's pretty fucking ingenious.
>>3341699Whoa, I've been on 4chan too, man!I think I'm still on it but not sure.
>>3341699fuck*for years
>>3341669Like I said, a fucking ingenious scheme.He's just fucking riding the coattails of when SA was the king of the internet and charging money for every little thing to see how many idiots will pay for it.Short on money, well, hell, just ban a hundred users! Only 10 bucks to unban an account!No, I'm not joking.
>>3341706There's a Mitch Hedberg joke in here somewhere.
>>3341709Jesus fuck, why do people still come there?
>>3341707>>3341699/b/ doesn't count.
>>3341699You do it >like this.It doesn't work on every board.
>>3341709That's disgusting.
This site is being slow at the moment
>>3341701Join the Steam group or Skype or tumblr or something then, fuck
>>3341688It's like the sneetches.Kind of.Sort of. im happy about this because it further justifies my hate for SA might not even draw that much today
I'm listening to Pony Swag right nowshould i kill myself?
>>3341714poor girl snails...
>>3341675>>3341653WELL FUCKI got tired of all this talk about GF - link to the current GFG plz
>>3341732No, it's actually pretty good.Unless you mean the version with many skillless hacks who think they can rap.Then you should kill yourself.
>>3341731>spoilering streamsYou're as bad as Rose!
>>3341709So wait, Ponygoons is full of the kind of people who buy into this shit? I knew there was a reason why I didn't want to sign up there, despite it looking like a decent place.
>>3341732That's one of the very few >fandom songs I can listen to without wanting to kill niggas.
>>3341611WaitYou have to pay to use SA>look in to itYou have to upgrade to be able to searchYOU HAVE TO UPGRADE TO REPORT POSTSYou have to pay even more to remove adsYou have to pay to change avatarsthat's just really stupidyou're stupid for giving them money
>>3341614Not furry enough, and not enough girl characters.
>>3341740You don't wanna go.
>>3341719I won't even dignify you by explaining just how wrong you are.
>>3341686I do know how, I just didn't feel it >was integral to my argument>>3341697I meant my justification in short, not my original sentence in short.These threads have evolved, not simply BEYOND the show, but to the point where they don't even have a tangent to the show. Now, watching the show isn't a requirement in mlpg so much as knowing the tripfags and injokes are.I'm not saying I like it, but it's the case as is.
>>3341718SA doesn't tolerate shitposting. Still, the site's pretty muchly irrelevant now.
I haven't gotten around to watching episode two of Gravity Falls yet, it's better than episode one right?
>you will never consume Rarity toast
>>3341709You can actually be permabanned, though.Or if they really don't like you but can't quite justify a permaban for your actions, you can be banned and your account put on probation for years so even if you pay to unban your account is effectively worthless anyway.
>>3341749The idea is to prevent a large breed of trolls.Of course, this also taught some trolls to be smart and witty without getting ban.
>>3341657>>3341750Not to mention it isn't a little girl's show, allowing adult males to feel like they're being subversive.
wasn't that wow forum elitist jerks part of sa or something? those guys were fucking dicks.
>>3341765>without the pornEHEHEHEHEH
>>3341753well that's goodi wouldn't to be talked at by a /b/tard again
>>3341731Apple please.Please.We have draw threads on /mlp/, go there and go away.
>>3341765>without the porn>practically upskirt Mabel
>>3341767Joke's on you, I press her cutie mark into my bread every day before toasting it.
>>3341725I don't really like those people all that much much.I like you.
>>3341776anon plspls
>>3341788Why is Twilight a head with legs?
>>3341777What's wrong with you?
>>3341777But Apple draws nice things
>>3341765>without the pornThat turned out well.
>>3341766It would be nice if someone responded to this post.
>>3341784No, it's not.It was like this all through season two, and during the first haitus as well. Anyone who says different wasn't there or is simply nostalgic.
>>3341753>implying /b/ counts/b/ doesn't count.Trust me.
>>3341777ffffffuuuuck off.
>>3341772No it isn'tThe idea is to scam people with the intelligence of a newt out of $10+ for a forum
>>3341797>>3341796That guy being a shitposter again.
>>3341797She is not. There is merely a piece of paper obscuring her body from view in that image.
>>3341758I wouldn't want to go to a forum with mods breathing down my neck. Shitposting is bad, but goddamn sometimes you just gotta relax.
>>3341765[]popularity[]no pornyou can only choose one
What does MLPG think of .
>>3341804>during the first hiatus as wellI wonder whyAlso you're talking so much garbage it's astounding. Just leave then, jeez
>>3341766Yes. The first episode is necessary for the story or whatever, but I found the rest a lot more funny.
>>3341814that's why I like 4chan
>>3341821I don't like Big Mac
>>3341749It's a concept of artificial exclusiveness. You pay money, then you belong to an elite group, separate from all those plebs who don't PAY for their forums.>>3341772That's exactly it. The system they have in place only prevents STUPID trolls - i.e. the ones who would have caused no damage in the first place.If the concept of a pay to use forum improves the quality of the post, if that is truly the proof of concept with SA, then all I see is a failure.
>>3341821No. I like to be able to sit. Or shit without losing all my bowels
>>3341821>>3341824Janitor you're very fast, and time it well
>>3341777You mean the draw threads that nobody notices or really cares about?
>>3341821janitor pls
>>3341122Hoy Sentenal, if you're still around, can I get confirmation that you've snagged today's Renne Quest?>>3329174
>>3341796 >>3341797 >>3341806He comes in and spams his art and talks about himself and his problems and doesn't do anything else, I don't give a fuck how good he is that shit is fucking tumblr grade retardation.
>>3341816>Note: No porn has been a non-functional choice since launch. Supposedly it will be patched in Humanity 1.78b.
>>3341805Subtracting the time I spent on /b/ I can still say I've been here for years.This argument is dumb.
I wish this board wasn't blue.
>>3341850I repeat, what's wrong with you?
>>3341857You can change the board style at the bottom of the page
>>3341850Yes, he personal blogs and is annoying. Oh well, just look at the art
>>3341852/v/ also doesn't count.
>>3341857me too. no board should be sfw on 4chan.
>>3341814holy fuck this.I had to check, doublecheck and triple check my posts. Then I read the rules again. Then I checked my post again.The moderation there certainly ensured that I produced nothing but posts that were the best I was capable of. It also has the side effect of making it a completely joyless exercise to contribute there.and when I got put on probate for something stupid anyway I was just like fuck dat man
>>3341850>waaah he actually does art for the general and people like him>I wanted to do all that I mentioned insteadYou might as well tell me to check my entitlments next Mr.Kettle
>>3341857If this board was NSFW, there would be only human porn, because no furry shit outside of /b/.Lel.
>>3341867Blue as in SFW. It makes me sad when porn gets deleted
>>3341879but marshmellows don't have fur
>>3341874I'm having a hard time imagining a NSFW /sci/
>>3341862He's right though, I love Apples and I love his art but I really wish he stops blogging here but you just learn to ignore that stuff and just save the art.
>>3341870Surely /co/ counts, right? at this shit.>Word Count: 3642And now for The Great Gatsby's wikipedia page wordcount...>Word Count: 3559holy shit. SA is a bunch of uptight faggots.
>>3341881It was like that on /co/. >It makes me sad when porn gets deletedCome one, please.
>>3341885>hot sctientistunf
>>3341885Some boards wouldn't, nah, SHOULDN'T change, but still ahving the option is nice
>>3341866That's not Cleartype. That's the default smoothing (or lack thereof at small font sizes.)Funnily enough, Windows' default smoothing is the one thing worse than Cleartype.
>>3341877Wow. What were you put on probation for? gib screencap
>>3341851We're on version 20.12b right now, what are you smoking?
>>3341850I suppose that's true.>>3341814Ponygoons has a fairly strict ruleset against the creepy side of things and while that is a good thing, however, how should I say this? I get the feeling people there are so afraid to speak up their mind.
I want to mafia. What do.
>>3341895If the rules for your video game server are longer than a detailed article about The Great Gatsby, there is something wrong.
>>3341909it was like two years ago man
Can we all talk about he horses we loveI would like to marry this horse and cuddle with her every night
>>3341894Only if you didn't post in Avatar threads
Has the love gone out of our marriage?
>>3341923>Having rules other than "Don't ruin the fun of others" and "Have fun">2011+1
>>3341885Never underestimate the science that goes into porn.
>>3341927Then I'm safe
>>3341926I would do the same but with Rarity instead.
>>3341926You could at least have posted a better picture.
>>3341926That is the worst kind of anthro.
>>3341941What about the legs
>>3341941Furry art style.
>>3341731> that Binky faggot in the streamuhh no, as bad as iris
>>3341926I would very much like to have sex with this pony for hours and hours and days and days and monthsI'd get her pregnant and have sex with our children as well, if it were at all possible.I don't know if I love her, but I certainly lust for her.
>>3341895>, either that's been updated significantly since I started playing, or I simply never read it. Never ran into any trouble, most of it's pretty self-evident or obvious disliked behavior if you listen to people's gripes.
>>3341916Never before have I wanted to wash a horse's butt so badly
>>3341954Binky is a cool guy at least.
>>3341752I do. Link away
>>3341969binky stop samefagging
>>3341954>Binky>as bad as Irisholy shit wat
>>3341963I bet that's something you never dreamed of saying
>>3341940I'm sorry>>3341939Please go into detail
>>3341926I would very much like to have sex with this pony for hours and hours and days and days and monthsI'd get her pregnant and have sex with our children as well, if it were at all possible.I don't know if I love her, but I certainly lust for her.pfft i bet you thought i meant twilight because i forgot the imagenope even creepier than that
>>3341917>I get the feeling people there are so afraid to speak up their mind. That's the exact reason why I come here. I didn't come here through /b/, I don't come for the porn or because 4chan is 2edgy. I post here because it's refreshing to hear people speak their minds about everything on a daily basis.This comes up a lot when we discuss fanart actually. I know if I post a picture here and it's shit, someone will tell me it's shit and then tell me why they think it's shit. That kind of criticism is gold.
>>3341990>someone will tell me it's shit Yes.>and then tell me why they think it's shitHA
>>3341895SA are faggots and less relevant than this site. Thats saying something.
>>3341975But samefagging would imply he just called himself as bad as Iris
>>3341969>>3341975Ahaha, faggot
>>3342004pedant pls go
Man, you use too many commas in your filenames SMILe. The archive apparently doesn't know how to save them because they're all missing.
>>3342015Dumbass pls learn
Attempting to get their charges' the Charge Mark Crusaders wander into the Everfree woods in search of their quarry. They quickly realize that the hunters have become the hunted when they encounter a foul Cockatrice. But as luck would have it, Sir Fluttershy can hear the frantic horn blowing from the CMC and quickly swoops in to save the errant knights errant.
you guys are still tossing around the word furry after all these years holy shit
>>3342001It happens a lot. It may not be informed criticism or criticism from someone with an art degree, but that has never been important.
>>3342020Why are you doing this? From all of SMILe's posts I get the impression he really doesn't get it either.
Would you betray humanity to help the poor little ponies?
>>3342022That picture is fucking cool.
>>3342040Fucking why.
>>3342020Haha, sorry?
>>3342040The internet at its absolute greatest.
>>3342040so mane was the one bitching about him?
>>3342040MLPG - Circlejerk/General
>>3342026I would make it so that every human had to see ross art whenever they closed their eyes if it meant i helped the ponies
>>3342021calm down, binkyi don't even know who binky is, please stop talking about him you fucking brony faggots
>>3342054You evil motherfucker.
>>3342057What kind of reaction is that?
>>3341984Dreamed of saying? No. Surprised to say after spending any amount of time here? No fucking way. Ashamed of what I said? Never. Gimme the horse butts, anon, I wish to scrub them vigorously.
>>3342051nah manI don't even know who the fuckin guy is
>>3342064Why not just ban them?
>>3342009why the fuck, i wanted to read that. piece of shit janitor deleting stories, you're only to delete images. time to irc
>>3342064so funny aren't i awesome
>>3342064So how long will it take for apple to jsut ban both of them from his stream
>>3342077>image was clearly featuring NSFW and anthro pictures
>>3342077But the image was deleted.
>>3342022Sir Fluttershy moments before his lance strikes true and slays the beast. The lady's divine protection saving him from petrification. (or perhaps just plenty of jousting practice)(also thank you anons, i gave fluttershy knight a yellow wash on all the... well yellow parts, and it looks much better now)
>>3342077that particular image had a depiction of a futa pony whose penis is greenthe janitor's decision to delete it is not exactly unprecedented
>>3342079You're my hero.Go gettem tiger.
>>3342071There no one that is modding that place. IT would actually help if someone is there, though.
>>3342055Neither do IBut you're still a dumbass lel
>>3342086didn't see the tiny image>>3342087>what is principle?
>>3342095Well banning Ponybrony is stupid because, yes, he "roleplays" as a brony but if he stays 15 minutes in a stream is saying too much.
>>3342095>ponebroneHis "shtick" is so fucking old now, it's lost all semblance of humour
>>3342022>>3342089Lookin' good!
>>3342090in before we get the censored verison of the story>all the images have censor bars over the dicks>janitor still deletes it for anthro anyway because douchebag reasons
>>3342077Janitors can only delete images. 4chan X makes them powerless to delete text.
>>3342115It's actually kind of impressive how he keeps that up. I've never seen him break form yet.
>>3342097>Artosis>fineDestiny would like a word
>>3342129I have a few times
>>3342091>(Dead)Really? Deleting a link? That's dumb.
>>3342124I won't complain
>>3342130>imageobvious implants.
>>3342129>>3342115At least he's not Nachoes.
>janitors in charge of making mlp a ponychan board
>>3342091>Janitor deleting links yto pornfuck you janitoryou know 4chanx stops that shit and it's completely pointless to do thatIf you want to rules lawyer maybe you should do somethign actually usefull rto the board and start deleting random shit in the fluffy pony general for Posting gore on a sfw board.
>>3342025Just for the heck of it, testing my script to see if it works as I advertised. You're just jelly of my web server full of SMILe gifs.>>3342048Eh, 's not your fault.
so even though images get deleted in the general, they still get saved in the hyperindex, right?
>>3342091>(Dead)Am I on Ponychan?
>>3342091>(Dead)All hail our glorious nazi janitor.
Remember, mod: complaining about moderation is rule violation.Get the fuckers.
>>3342157Naw. he just doing his job.
>>3342157He mad
>>3342157>(dead)Please repost it.
>>3342157>rose shows her tits.png>(dead)Hahaha, did a janitor really fall for that one?
>>3342146>>3342150Oh yeah, ponychan had closed didn't it? Seem we are the ponychan now. you shouldn't delete such natural beauty though, you monster
>>3342146this happens every single morning, some janitor pops in, deletes a few things, people are like "yay" then he deletes a few more things and people are like boo and it happens every single morning and people never learn
>>3342157Why does that faggot only do that here and not, say, IN THE FUCKING FLUFFY PONY GORE SPAM THREADS?
>>3342157good lord that guy
>>3342157>deleting thatnigga u srs?
>>3342175Those are very nice horse teats, to be honest
it's probably lethhe HAS to take out his anger at some point, I mean look at the guy
>>3342180because it's an american site.violence is fine, sex is the worst possible thing
>>3342157>deadokay janitor you can fuck off nowyour purposfully shitdeleteingit's like a newer deadlier form of shitposting and it's a hundred times worse because it's guarenteed metaplease go away and be a shit janitor elsewhere
Someone needs to fire this faggot fuck janitor who sits in MLPG all day, and get someone who will actually manage this fucking board like /v/'s janitors.
>>3342181Thank you, saved.
>jan is just doing his job>everyone complainsIf you got a problem, take it up with moot. if you have a problem with the holocaust, you dont talk to a random nazi soldier, you go right to hitler
>>3342181Hey Sent, did you snag Renne Quest yet? Assuming you have, but I don't want to lose it.
>>3342161I don't think the archive is that complex. As far as I know, it just constantly redownloads the page verbatim until it 404s.
>>3342191>/v/>ModerationLast time I went there, 7/10 threads on the front page were not about video games.
>>3342193>doing his jobdis nigguh srs?
>mod does nothing about the kiddy torture porngore porn is totally safe for work
>>3342193>awkward analogiesAlso Godwin's law please go
>>3342205Read the fucking rules.
Requesting a picture of Janitor Pony trying to censor Acid's enormous dick.
>>3342195I don't have a problem with him deleting actual porn images but deleting links to them is going too far.
>>3342211how is this >>3342181 prohibited by the rules?
>>3342161The archive save what is recent. So a quest in a dead horse would be saved but if the image is delete by the user or janitor, then it ded in the archive.
>>3342203Those threads always go down before 80 posts.
>>3342198I did, but I can't use the script Perlanon gave me to redirect the links to the DB folder. And it doesn't work when I tried to do it with previous log entries.
>>3342214and accidentally breathing in the musk...
Fuck the rules, guys, let's complain.
>>3342225and becomes addicted to it
>>3342224Alright, just checking. Thanks.
Could you guys stop talking about the janitor? Good lord how old are you?
>>3342225And then tasting the jizz.And suddenly rolling around in it.
>out of morbid curiosity, reading the Fallout Equestria tabletop ruleset>"Alicorns start with no cutie mark and only two Tagged skills. During play, an alicorn character may discover their special talent, gaining her cutie mark and an associated Tagged skill. (Players should work with their GM on when and how this may occur.)"implying this won't end in blatant spotlight-whoring. then again, >alicorns.>"Perk: Pony Sutra. You are experienced in the art of giving and receiving pleasure."bronies erotic roleplaying. i have nothing more to say here.otherwise, the rest of the game seems solid standard d20 fare.
>>3342234but there's nothing else to talk about!
>>3342236You switched your name off mane
>>3342237>Fallout Equestria tabletop FUCKING WHY
>>3342185Ikr, wouldn't even mind putting my lips to them. Only other nice teats pic I have is also a heiney shot and that's a no-no
>>3342234Biodrone please go
>>3342234> Good lord how old are you?I would just say summer and that all.The janitor just doing his job but he staying if the summerfag kept reposting deleted stuff.>>3342242That is not an excuse.
>>3342219Not the guy, but global rule #8.>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishmentI've always felt that one's pretty shit myself, but it is there in writing.
>>3342242Excuses, excuses.>B-B-B-B- HIATUS!
>>3342237> Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletop Fallout Equestria tabletopi oppose this on every single level it's possible to oppose things one
>>3342234Twenty and a half.
>>3342228Yesterday, and the day before that there were literally 4 porn dumps on the front page.If the janitor would have left MLPG after it has hit the bump limit those might not have existed.He just hates us.
>>3342243intentionallyI'm not, like, some attention whore after all
>>3342251>deleting a picture of janitor pony>deleting text posts>doing his jobWhat.Really, what.
>>3342263Please leave it on all the time.
>>3342259You know, when this Janitor is around at least 4 or 5 pages of this board are deleted.
>Tiny & Big on flash sale>what the fuck is Tiny & Big?>watch trailerHuh. It looks pretty neat. Anyone played it?
prepare your bodies
Why aren't you practicing your art?
oh wellgood night everyone
>>3342244>>3342256you're not even going to ask if it uses SIMPLE?
No one can deny my love for you, Acid Trip.Not even the Janitor.
Which one would you?
>>3342266but then how will I ever get around people's filters, anon!baka, you never think these things through~
>torture porn of small fictional animals that behave and talk like children is never deleted>but posts about moderation are
>>3342285You're literally worse than Ross.
>>3342281I for one welcome our janitor overlord.
>>3342270looks pretty hipsterI have no idea
>>3342292Email spam moot if you don't like it. Complaining here won't help.
>>3342270it's neatwatch the WTF is of it
it just seems half-assedi mean, for 23.7 hours of the day porn is entirely safe to post without repercussion, and then the janitor rolls out of bed and waddles to his desk to delete one or two images, then gets tired and collapses on the floor until he can regain the strength to roll over to his bed and drag himself up to put himself to sleep with hardcore porn he bought off amazon.i mean, that's all i'm saying
>>3342293That's quite a feat! And considering how much energy he puts into his efforts, I'm pleased to hear that I achieved superior results at a fraction of the expenditure.
>janitor encourages the shitposters to come into MLPG again by being a faggot>doesn't be the dark knight of /mlp/ and delete fluffy pony threads for gore and otherwise posting material that doesn't belong on a blue boardYOU CANT RUN AWAY FOREVER
>>3342284Purple waifu
>>3342237So does it use simple or what? Where did you see the shit?
>>3342278actually nah i was just planning on killing myself
>>3342309I think WE can do something about Fluffy Threads if we complain to moot enough.They don't belong to a SFW board and they are not MLP related.
>>3342263>Nanaki is chilling in Apple's ded stream>you're not flirting with himApplepls
>>3342314Could you take your trip off now?
>>3342309>Not being a true hero and rage deleting everything on the entire board for several days only to be fired but living on knowing you helped stop the poniesDark times
>>3342284smacking that purple ass is tempting but to go all the way I'd say the apple one
>>3342314Oh, sorry, here. have no idea what you mean by SIMPLE though.
>>3342319You know what? That's a good idea. Everyone, email moot about why fluffy pony threads need to be banned.
>>3342319Written NSFW is allowed, as far as I know, eg. porn fanfics or "I want to put my dick into this pony" posts. Hell, if we would go by that, 70% of MLPG would be baaawleted.
>>3342319Let's do it then. We got the customized spoilers and we're big enough for a response.
>>3342329I think he means SPECIAL
>>3342331I'll email moot if you email moot too. I don't want to be the only person who does it.
>>3342333This shit shouldn't fly.Fluffy ponies aren't even related to MLP.
>>3342333Well according to this janitor in here we have we ponychan nowyou no rike overlords? too bad ding dong deletu
>>3342325but ponychan is gone! Where will the trips go?>>3342329SIMPLE was a simplified SPECIAL used in the Fallout pen and paper game. and thanks
>>3342346Why the fuck would you even think about saving and posting that?Fuck off, honestly.
>>3342349Ponychan isn't fucking gone
>>3342349they could always go to hell
>>3342323>flirtingobviouslyyou have no idea the kind of relationship i want to have with wolf nanaki's oc
>>3342347To be fair, the Acid post featured an anthro AND NSFW image.
>>3342343>>3342334Of course i'll fucking do it. Let's email moot and make the piss smell a little better.
>>3342329>>3342339nah brah. here it is this deal
>>3342349Most of the ponychan trips are in the /b/read by the way
>>3342349>Fallout pen and paper gameWoah, holy shit.
How about we all chill out and discuss pleasantly plump pony bellies?
>>3342367Yes, it's fair that was removed.But then just a link to the image was posted, and THAT was removed.
>>3342368Could we get rid of those /b/read faggots while we're at it?
>>3342368This won't workmoot_imafanofignoringshitidontlike.png
>>3342385>pleasently plumpthat term has never been used to describe something that is plump to a pleasing degree.
>>3342392It's blatantly against the rules.
>>3342387It's pretty much the same shit. External links can be banned anyway.
>>3342392Then explain /vp/, /vg/ and /mlp/
>>3342389Unfortunatly nobecause they are /b/tardsit wouldn't work because moot somehow thinks /b/ can be redeemd
>>3342365If you had Nanaki's pony for a week, what would happen?
>>3342397That's subjective. I find almost any degree of plump to be pleasant.
>>3342409And /jp/.
>>3342392It CAN happen.
>>3342367yeah, sorry I hadn't noticed that at first. stupid me>>3342384Ikr? I saw that like three wweeks ago and blew my fucking mind
>>3342397>>3342385there's one and only one picture of pleasant plumpness that I enjoyedit was pinkie piei think their was cupcake involved...?maybe someone knows what I'm talking aboutshe was just a bit plumpnot fat
I want to have gay sex with Wolf Nanaki.
>>3342397Are you saying you prefer guts that touch the ground or ponies immobilized by their massive midsections?
>>3342420And /soc/ and /r9k/
>>3342385would you blow raspberries on your favorite ponies belly?
>>3342436And /pol/
>>3342435I'm saying fat is disgusting.
All the worst boards in /-p/>/vp/>/sp/>/mlp>/jp/
>>3342447>/sp/>/jp/>Even close to the worst boards
>>3342439I'd make her giggle and laugh before running my hands across her heavy stomach
>>3342440And /m/.
>>3342445well that is your disagreeable opinion
>>3342427You mean this one?It is very cute, but it's not fundamentally different to the world of pleasantly plump pony pictures out there.
>>3342451Both /jp/ and /a/ are homes to some of the angriest folks I've ever seen. I wasn't aware humans could be so vile.
guys guysthe worst board is __
>tfw your name is Patrick>tfw you can't think of any vidya characters named Patrick>tfw you google "video game characters named Patrick">tfw one of the top results is about Patrick Klepek>tfw you share a name with the ugliest faggot in the world
>>3342434But does he want to have gay sex with YOU?Or would you not give a shit how he feels and rape him, and steal his musky panties as a prize?
>>3342468Ever been to /v/?
>>3342469guys guysthe best board is /d/
>>3342462That's rather pleasing.
this is the best plump pony picture
The worst board is ponychan
>>3342471/v/ pls go
>>3342462>there's powdered sugar on her belly>it's also on her hooves>she must have taken a break to rub her tummy after eating some of those donutshnnnnnngggg
>>3342475Yes, but they're no match.
>>3342469you are hereright hereno jokingAt least when we're in the /co/ motherland we faggotry and autism was a degree. Now its like a shaken cola bottle, stuff all over the place.
>>3342471>tfw you saw this exact post on /v/ an hour ago/v/ get out
>>3342495I can't think of a single thing /v/ doesn't hate.
>>3342474no and noi'd probably just blow himconsensually.
>>3342495Maybe 2008 /v/
>>3342499/v/ and /b/ are still worse
>>3342502Steam sales.
>>3342477/d/ went to shit after the futaspammer drove everyone off. Now it's just ancient threads and NEXT POST HAPPENS TO YOU LOL
>>3342471>google video game character named steve>nothingbeing steve is suffering
>>3342493The Freys can eat a dick. Mallister's are cool guys
>>3342415By the end, I would have a beautiful collar with "cockslut" engraved into it. And he would hold my leash.or something gay like that i guess
>>3342471Because anyone named Patrick is a retard.
>>3342513But they hate Gaben.
>>3342516Steve Blum
>>3342516>I am an awesome looking guy from Fire EmblemCool
>>3342511SA did the right thing banning MLP discussion, and everyone who discussed it.Thats right, I said it. Goons did something right for once.
>>3342511>fuck wordfilters to gently caress
>>3342469/b/ is the worst board. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't checked up on it in a while, is ignoring it because it's the obvious answer or they have a chip on their shoulder.
>>3342514Ok the futaspammer was an asshole but it's still pretty chillThe next post and global fetish threads aren't too bad if you ignore them
>>3342548and shit to poo poo>remember, you're paying MONEY for this
>>3342502GabeSteam salesPlanescapeThief
>>3342415I would pet him, kiss him, molest on him with my tongue. the usual pet stuff
>>3342531no, 3 posters hate gabenEveryone else loves the big teddy bear
>>3342553I do ignore them, but honestly I don't see enough new content there of my fetishes to warrant regular visits. And futa tends to get a bit of a knee-jerk reaction unless it's specifically in the OP last time I checked
>>3342563Gabe is a brony, so they are tsundere. Otherwise, you should add the Hat trading simulator.
>Go to the last finished /b/ thread>Ctrl+F "pony">15 results>10 of them are a guy's tripcode>the rest are meta discussion, refering to themselves as 'pony threads'Damn. Literally not a single post talking about ponies in an entire thread.
>>3342516As this guy's saying>>3342543The standard player avatar from Minecraft is called "Steve" by the developers.
MLPG, what's the best episode of season three?
Would you let a pony rut and breed you?
Current Steam sale votingSpess MahreenDead IslandTotal War Shogunwhich one? I might want to try Shogun.I bet either Space marine or Dead Island will win anyway because there are too many people who cannot play strategy games
>>3342583The one with Rarity. Trust me, i'm from the future.
>>3342583My favorite.
>>3342568>big teddy bearThat reminds me. I'm gonna start playing persona 4. what should i name the proswagonist?
>>3342511>DivisionPost's commentlel
>>3342556I remember when I was on SheezyArt years ago, before it went to shit. The site had been completely free up until the admin decided to make 'membership' thing of some sort. What did you get? Effectively nothing but it disabled ads.And the admin was already complaining that people shouldn't use adblock.
>>3342585yes. that would work well with my pre-existing plan to instantly get my tubes tied if i ever get magically transformed into a female
>>3342583None of them, they're all going to be shit.The /v/ gods told me so
>>3342563Also Due Sex and Space Engine
>>3342599you have made my life
>>3342595>Not already owning Shogun
>>3342583the one where Trixie returns, sings a song, and then gets her ass kicked anyway>>3342585only if I was in love
>>3342583Lets just say Rarity by default. Seriously, her episode never really flatter compare to the other 6mane's episodes for both seaons.
>>3342583The one about drugs obviously
>>3342595shogun is on sale for 7.50 on amazon pretty much every month, it activates on steam so you might want to wait if you have a backlog
Would you be up for a bit of roughhousing with apple pon?
>>3342595I voted Dead Island because I have friends.
>>3342629Rarity has never had a bad episode but the other 5 sometimes have episode that are good/better
Would you still love your waifu if she were a chubby pone? Would you rub her tummy and tell her she's cute?
>>3342583Rarity and Octavia duet! Or the Luna one. Ooh, no! the one with Cadence and those crystal fuckers! That was some creepy shit
>>3342638No, she's boring as fuck.
>>3342629>Season 3 rarity song was confirmedit's a biasbut fortuanetly we know all Season 3 epsiodes will at leasyt have one song each in them
>>3342629she will most definitely have the best voice acting of the entire season - unless, of course, patrick stewart does a cameo, fingers crossed - but the best episode will be a pinkie episode. calling it now.
>>3342605So, safe in the knowledge that you won't get pregnant you'd let a stallion roughly pound you until his fat cocktip flared and you felt his shaft throb with each spurt of musky pony sperm being pumped into you?
>>3342649yes, and i would use her belly as a pillow at night
>>3342583The coping with loss episode.Gummy...;_;
>>3342595Voted Dead Island since my friends have been playing it and trying to make me buy it.
>>3342659I'll just say that a Dash episode will be the best one
>>3342638erotic wresting with a pony would be fun
>>3342623Its not available in my country...
Which pony would be the most religious?I lit a candle for you people
>>3342649I would take her jogging every morning. Before working at the post office.But yes, I would still love her.
>>3342638I bruise easily but I think I can take it.
>>3342638hell fucking yeah. I would roll in the mud with apple poon
>>3342680I think i'd be ironic if Celestia was the most religious
>>3342680Twilight. Celestia strong.
>>3342680AJ, since she's modeled after a southern girl
>>3342649I'd make her my little spoon and run my hands over that delicious pudge every night.
>>3342652Yer getting roughhoused first.
>>3342672Lets just see if they learn their lesson on a Rainbow Dash episode. Reading Rainbow was a step up compared to 2 of her previous episodes that made her look like a cunt. Lets see how high can she go form here, or just fall to the ground.
>>3342680Who are you to light candles for me? Check yourself, asshole.
>>3342680Which one is ours.I think apple pony would be a very religious pony.
>>3342680either applejack or granny smith or mayor mare (for the public, at least)heh, or OPPP
>>3342649only if she let me play with her hooves and butthole too. of course I would anyway, to not would be monsterous
>>3342664What if she confessed to you that she'd like to make the pillow bigger and softer?
>>3342680I don't think any of them aren't religious, seeing how they have gods literally living among them
>>3342713Don't fight it, my child.
>>3342680Fluttershy. And maybe Applejack, because think about the farmers and whatever.
>>3342720then i would use her as a mattress
Muslimshy is best pony
>>3342717What if she asked you to do it before you had a chance? What if she wants nothing more in the world than to have you play with her body in any way you desire?
>>3342720Then I would assist her in achieving that desire in whatever way she wanted.
>>3342741no, you're thinking of literally any asian woman
>>3342741Has anyone drawn pony fluttershy as a muslim? I think those headdresses can be cute.
>>3342680Do you think Celestia would like people praising her as a god even though she is one?Would she try and tell them that those outdated texts aren't true and were written by cultists but they just wont listen?
>>3342762You'd be suprised
>>3342762>tfw burkhas are my fetish
>>3342762There's quite a bit for some reason.
>>3342762how about this?
>>3342768Praise the Sun
>>3342758Holy shit it's Bobby Hill
>>3342746well then oh god yes I would play with her entire body. She could lay on me and I would play with her ears.
>>3342768Meghan plzpla Meghanwatch the show, learn into Celestia' characterplz
>>3342789Diversity is magic
>>3342785Cutie Mark Jihadists?
>>3342780heh, unf
>it is now 19th July>ponibooru goes dark on August 17thSo what have YOU uploaded to derpibooru?Because your not going to have much time left to get things elsewhere - for example, a lot of miLes stuff is still not uploaded to derpibooru when someone should really get to that.
>>3342768I like to think Ponies praise the Sun as their God and that Celestia has the same rank and function as the Queen of England.
>>3342810I did nothing and I plan on doing nothing
>>3342810That's an entire month. I'm not sure if you're aware of my attitude towards deadlines.
>>3342810We keep telling you, dude. The torrents are available.
>>3342814What about the moon and Luna?
>>3342810>So what have YOU uploaded to derpibooru?Nothing.
>>3342810I've uploaded my own artfuck milesIf he wants it on derpibooru he can upload it himself
>rule 63 gilda and pinkie storymy penis is ready
>>3342810>So what have YOU uploaded to derpibooru?Yeah, about that
>>3342796Even if she melted at your attentions, pressing her chubby belly against you as she nuzzled your chest, moaning out "Nnnnnhh... touch meee"
>>3342802Cutie Mark Mujahedin
>>3342762>tfw Ramadan is tomorrowAnyway, here one (a simple google search yield a lot more), though I assume this whole Mulismshy is more of a rage thing coming from Yamino when people tell the him to stop drawing black Twilight.
>>3342822What and who?
>>3342810but there are the torrents anon
>>3342843>Speccy will never doodle for us again.
>>3342846>the torrentsYeah, who needs safe pictures anyways?
>>3342843>Fluttershy going out on a rainy day
>>3342821>>3342846>having the diskspace for those torrentsNot everyone has a supercomputer
>>3342854Yeah, he had a huge fallout at spring when he complain one of the anon tell him not to draw porn.
>>3342762there's a whole muslimshy tumblr
>>3342865Yeah, not a good tumblr at all.
>>3342865...Of course there is.
>>3342837yes. rub her ears, her neck, knead her shoulders and back. they must ache
>>3342859>The safe torrent>>3342863>85gb>supercomputerHello 1985
Silly, MLP is a religion.
>>3342847why it say 502fiction? Has it been fucking up?
>>3342886If you are a brony
>>3342887yeah, it's been derping recently
>>3342886love and tolerate anon
>>3342886Not really. That bronies in a nutshell, but here its mostly to past the time.
>>3342887>http error 502, aka "bad gateway"guess so
>>3342883all them giant pics are only 85gb? I think I only have 50gb anyway
>>3342886Don't insult MLP by calling it a religion.
>>3342883Hard drive manufacturer floods, anon
>>3342883Does it look like most people want to spend the money neccesary for that ammount of GBs?Also like half the porn I had wasn't uploaded before godamnat least occasionally upload a single image or so
>>3342897oh okay>>3342905I've never gotten that before, not yet I guess
>>3342877I think she'd be forced to groan softly as you rub the soreness from her body and replace it with an aching pleasure. She's so soft, warm and terribly willing. Her heart is racing, the feel of your hands anywhere on her flesh getting her excited.
>The griffon rested his back against the tree and enjoyed a pity masturbation session, more commonly known as wangst. >Wangst
Would you worship Celestia if she was real?
>Pinkie and Cranky fap storyfinally, hell yeah
>>3342928>not cranking
>>3342941No. I would like to have a peaceful chat with her, though.
>>3342941Oh, would I...
>>3342951this nigga saw the same image that i saw
>>3342962That face...
>>3342941Maybe sexually, if she wanted me to.
>>3342950is that code for be raped by?
>>3342973Naw. Just a simply chat. Of course, that is next to impossible unless you are royalty or some shit.
Is there a way to report or request a mediafire link to be removed?
>>3342941I would ask for a private sermon.
>>3342981Why is she so perfect /co/?
>Go check up on art sites because of discussion>nobody has hardly drawn anything on Gustav (french grphon)
>>3342997Because she's the sun.
>>3342925well then yeah I would have to do thatshit I have to go, I would hate to have to leave my little pony
>>3342997Because the way she looks, the way she talks, and her soft and gentle personality.
Most of these really aren't "confessions".>>3342999These aren't the early days anymore. We no longer get sores of fanart over every little one-shot.
>>3342997You'd be hard pressed to find a prettier pony.
>>3343006I WISH she had an episode.
Reminder for those interested, I'll be checking in to see who all is ready to begin tonight at about 8pm EDT. So in about 7.5 hours.Have a nice day!
>>3343008>confessionsAre confessions ever any good?
>>3342999That's a problem with pretty much all S2 oneshot characters.
how many god damn brony memes will trixie's re-appearance spawn?
>>3343014Did you get any good Luna pictures to use? And will we be using the sub?
>>3343014Excellent. Something to look forward to.
Do you think luna's farts are as loud as her voice?
>>3343028The mane cast is going to love and tolerate Trixie.
>>3343028There will be no hope.
>>3343030I have a fair amount, yes. I would've posted a more relevant one, but it seems there is a Luna thread out in the piss that has nearly all the ones I possess. But since we'll be on the submarine, that shouldn't be an issue if I decide to use pictures more prominently this time around.
>>3343037Why do you even exist
>>3343019At least the creepy ones about pone porn etc. are actually confessing something. These are just observations.
>>3343037louder. and more grand.
>>3343040Wow, it's STILL up?
>>3343008No, instead we continue to get tidal waves of art over three second wonders like scratch, but characters that mostly share half an episode with get ignored.How many one shots got ignored this season?Cherry Jubilee got shafted because of the derpy thing, the teen dragons pretty much fell of the map so badly only one of them has a name (and that was a animator one), two out of the three bakers are shafted (donut joe only got out of it because he was a one shot in season 1, so he already had a bit of art), I'm pretty sure I'm missing some one shots
>>3343046Not that anon but does it really bug you that much?
>>3343028Even if its only one, it will be one too fucking many.
>>3343046why do any of us exist
>>3343013She'll never have one. Probably because she's a plot device sadly.>>3343008It's amazing how much art Octavia and VS get.>>3343014Great!
>>3343058Iron Will? The Flim brothers? The donkey?
>>3343051I had a feeling that was your doing.Yes, in fact someone posted in it all of an hour ago. But that's alright, I have the pics for when I need them.
>>3343073Because our dads didn't use a condom?
>>3343076>Celestia will never use you as a plot device
>>3343083>tfw you're a test tube baby
>>3343060I admire your enthusiasm, but please don't wreck your daily activities just to participate. I'd feel terrible.
>>3343079Cranky and Matilda are good examples alsoIron Will got some love from Art AnonNot sure what the status on Flim-flam art is ebcause they had a song
>>3343088Haha freak.
>>3343076>She'll never have one.Fuck you, even fucking Luna got one
>>3343076>It's amazing how much art Octavia and VS get.All fanon.
>>3343089I'm not the guy, but I can't miss this. Fuck sleep.
>>3340614>crayon drawingsbut why nigga?
>>3343073Joke is on you i don't exist
>>3343102All fan art is fanon.
>>3343112Not really.
>>3343089Actually I don't even know why am I doing this.I prefer Celestia more, and the only reason I woke up at that hour was because Rarity is my waifu and even tough I have a pretty decent social life I still have a waifu...Oh well still >FUNDon't worry I mean I only sleep six hours.Two days per week where I sleep only 5 won't be so bad.I just hope we\ll finish it in five hours
>>3343089Not him. I haven't slept since Monday night. Your quest is of little consequence to me.
I'll be honest, I only ever practice drawing when I'm here talking with you guys about it. I feel so stupid trying to draw alone, I wish I had a real live person here to help me with my hand motions. sorry I don't have my tablet today to prove it is me
someone come up with a funny caption for this picture, i'm too tired to come up with anything at the moment
>>3343088I'd like to be a test tube baby
>>3343102they are very novel too
>randomly going trough ponibooru>see thisIt's so sad that they actually believe this
>>3343134fugina full of AIDS
>>3343129Christ, dude.>>3343127I'll try to keep the first few sessions short, since this first one especially is going to be establishing background info and current standings and so on.>>3343107Well, do what you're gonna do. I can't stop ya.
I know what you did.
>>3343150Or alive.Anyways, reminder another 1k files been added to the GW 2 folder. Remember to update your client by tomorrow.
>>3343129Somehow I don't believe that
Tell me MLPG, what would yo do to these wings?
>>3343171Nope.It's amazing how self contained this place is.All I have to do is -boop!- close the tab, and everything here cease's being relevant
>>3343183>that anatomy oh dear
These thread screech to a halt when I stop posting
>>3343166what the hell is TOM DELAY?
>>3343195no, they screech to a halt because no one wants to respond to your stupid opinions
>>3343195oh i'm sorrysignil ityphoen
>>3343183I would take them apart and use them as a flying contraption.
>>3343174I am so fucking ready.
>>3343166What the fuck is a Tom Delay?
>>3343183NothingI don't find wings interestingHave a Cheerilee
>>3343174>>3343208ONE DAY
>>3343166It's the same way with all other Generals, they don't like outsiders.Like us.
>>3343209a senator or something
>>3343209American Politician, used in a meme
Refresh your page as there were many deleted images.>>3343183I take it the wacky anatomy was intentionally, wasn't it?
>>3343190>>3343207>>3343215I am disappointed, guys.
>>3343166MLPG isn't labeled, so I'll assume it's Chrysalis in this scenario.
>>3343234/co/ is on the right
>>3343234>/co/ in the upper rightIt was the first thing I looked for
>>3343166it's so sad that we actually believe the same thing, but with us in the middle
>>3343232Since nearly all of her pictures looks like that I'd assume that it was indeed intentionally.
are Lyra and Bonbon dying?
>>3343245>implying>We just want to be left alone, not fight
>indie bundles in charge of showing up properly
>>3343166Hah, /b/ pony thread has worst pony. I think we're fine.
>>3343238>>3343240mlpg isn't /co/It's so sad that you actually believe this
>>3343260Doesn't look a thing like Rainbow Dash
>Rainbow Dash x Meganumm...
>rs finally came out with Lunchoh wow
>>3343268>insulting my waifu
>>3343258>new vegas for as much as a new avatar on something awful
>>3343286>RD>waifuOh my and I though Terse had bad taste
>>3343219>>3343208Can't wait to try out those salad race and Asura. Definitely Asura for their animation, if that what the video led to believe due to their size.>>3343257Basically the right idea. Funny that the general got the wrong end of the stick for something the spammers did.
>>3343285what is that
>>3343277damn that's pretty good actually
>>3343299You dont want to go there anon. You simply dont.
>>3343299So what kind of opinions did this Terse guy have anyway? Did he like Fluttershy? I know you guys don't really take too kindly to that.
>>3343262MLPG on /mlp/ is just a /co/lony.
>>3343304sequel to Breakfast, stories where you fuck a bunch of food ponies. kinda vore too then I guess
>>3343207Don't fly to close to the sun now...
am i even a real person
>>3343328No, you are a pony.
>>3343328this is the funniest fucking thing I've ever read on these threads.
>>3343320Wait, isn't that the one Leth read a couple month ago? Screw you for making remember that story.
>>3343320>tfw I fapped to that
What is this?
>>3343314Nah. Most people here are new.The contributors that made /co/ threads good are long gone.Those threads are dead and they're never coming back.
sometimes i fear that, when i go to take a shit, the shit will take me instead
>>3343339I've seen this formula somewhere before.
>>3343328would you like to be? i could help you
>>3343339Kinda looks like physics to me bro
>>3343339Why would you ask here?
>>3343339it's the gamma fundamental, describes the strong forse
>>3343339Looks like some kind of bitmap data compressed with discrete cosine transforms and entropy coding to me.
Why is MLPG so harsh to newcomers?
>>3343339Fancy math.
>>3343343stop being dumbit's just the internet bro
>>3343331If I were a pony I would have an easier time getting fucked
>>3343367Thats what I thought too, reminded me of time dilatation.
>>3343375Would you be our slutty mare? We'd treat you will, buy you a nice collar and everything...
>>3343376like when something travels faster through space, it travels slower through time? Was that on hurricane fluttershy?
>>3343339I'm pretty sure it has something to do with time dilation.
>>3343365Is it? What makes you say that? I'm a newcomer too.
>>3343381>treat you willWould desperate, pathetic old men leave their slutty mare everything in their wife, a sign of a pony who had fallen in love with something that will never reciprocate?
>>3343381y-yeah I would...
>mfw Tarnished SilverAnd what the fuck is Dark Equestria?
>>3343401What kind of?...
>>3343401I suppose thats fanon Link to the Past Dark World tier thing.
>>3343339dumbed down special relativity
>>3343391October 2011.The hardest part is remembering who all the contributors are. People here can identify art just by recognizing the style.
>>3343417>People here can identify art just by recognizing the style.That really isnt too hard though.
would anyone happen to have capped that Silver Spoon >greentext from a couple threads ago?
>>3343381Would you fill me with your collective spunk until my swollen belly pressed against the floor?
>>3343419Lookin' buff there Carlos
you people are pretty boring, you know
She’s first to go over the edge. If you’ve never felt a pony cum on you – and I’ll bet you haven’t – It’s like your partner turns into a shivery, trembling lump of happy. At least, that’s how it is with Rainbow Dash. She doesn’t tense up, she just sort of… goes into it. Our legs are laced together, and her panting is turning into soft, breathless moans. I can see her wings trembling above us, and then she rocks hard against me, bouncing me into the mattress. I know what’s coming and squeeze her tight against me. Her pussy spasms against mine, clenching and releasing each time splashing hot fluid against me. Her voice escapes as a melodic cry with each squeeze, and I cry out with her. My own release isn’t as dramatic, but it’s no less fulfilling.
>>3343440I don't even waifufag RD but this gave me feels
>>3343439You should take a look at this :
>>3343440>Her voice escapes as a melodic cry ... I didnt boner through the whole text but that line got me... what the fuck is wrong with me?
>>3343450I don't have that feature enabled on 4chanxif this was supposed to something, I mean
>you fuck a pony>and she farts or something>you now have a boner
>>3343475If you are fucking her you already had a boner.
>>3343475You know there's an old /sp/ greentext about farting during sex that I've been meaning to adapt for use here.
>>3343475oh jeez
>>3343464You want to make love anon.
>>3343475>you fuck a pony>she gets fat on your semen or something>you erupt on her face
>>3343481i'd have a double boner
>>3343475I bet pony farts are much cuter than horse farts
>>3343486i want to make babies, not love
>>3343481>>3343483>>3343484>>3343487>>3343492thank you for proving my point, lowest common denominator
>>3343487And so concludes the story on how Mrs.cake got so damn big
>>3343499I'm just saying I wouldn't mind a pony fart, just imagine how cute little toot
>>3343499lol u mad
>>3343499I love lowest common denomitators. Did I mention I am a bachelor in Pure Mathematics or something?
>>3343512#owned #dunked #told #exquisiteness
When do y'all reckon Season 3 begins?Like october or something?
>>3343265I don't know, it seems like it. I haven't seen anything new in a while
Winston: noWinston: i am not watching apple streamWinston: hes like bizzarro world bob rossWinston: instead of inspiring you to artWinston: he inspires you to lock yourself in a closet with a shotgun and a bottle of everclear
>>3343527No you did not.Please tell us more.
>>3343539keep it on steam please
>>3343499where did you first make your point? I missed it. were you the one who said we were boring?
>>3343536who cares
>>3343536Probably September/October but I hope not until November/December. Every week we wait now is a week we don't have to wait later.
>>3343539its like he wants to be sentenal but hes too lazy to actually take a screenchot
>>3343550yeah who cares about the stupid show>>3343551Aight
>>3343543hypocrisy sickens me
>>3343536I am betting either September or October. I would not be surprise if they pull a December.
>>3343550>who cares
The reason I like impregnation is because it's the absolute most intimate way two people can be connected. It's more than just a physical connection it's their very DNA being entwined. Shit's hot.
>>3343560>>3343543>>3343539can we not do this today
>>3343558When did sentenal say such assholeish things?
>>3343546no, my point is that everyone here is so simple-minded that all you have to do is append a few nasty words to a pony's nameand BAM! instant attention
>>3343550>who cares>about when the show comes backYou... you are the worst.
>>3343546His point is that farty pony fetish is what keep this thread alive, even though that itself is retarded in many ways.
>>3343562I don't think they're gonna pull a December. September/October seems more reasonable.
>>3343562Well the dvd for the crystal empire is decemberso it'll have to be earlier then that
>>3343581It will come back when it comes back.I apologize if I'm not moaning and groaning enough for you.
>>3343541A picture stands for a thousand words, right?I'm also knowledgeable in the area of drawing ponies before exams and in Geometry.
>>3343576im talking about the guy copypasting it from steam, not Winston
>>3343588Eh whats Twinkle Wish adve.....Eh never mind.
>>3343577Well we like to talk about ponies, I don't see the issue. I do see you'd rather talk about our state rather than our actual topic
>>3343584why does everyone think farts are such a big deal anyway, nobody above 14 years old gives half a shit about you farting unless it really fucking stinks
>>3343571>ADN porn
>>3343598There's an ad for this on the first DVD. It's pretty surreal to see that then jump right into the G4 stuff.
Would you beat the shit out of rainbow dash in front of scootaloo?
>>3343608Farts are funny.
>>3343610I don't know what that is.
>>3343620not really.
>>3343600Then use your other head for a change.Talk about something that you can't find in a raunchy porn magazine.
>>3343616Consensually, yes.
>>3343616Not really, no. There no reason to beat someone unless they threaten some I care for.
>>3343622I meant DNA. I just switched languages in my head. Damn!
>>3343608I fucking hate fart jokes, but I'm fine with fetishization.
>>3343632>>3343627you've obviously never come to blows with a close friend.shits the best.
>>3343624why don't you talk about what you want instead of telling me what not to talk about? We are moving forward here, you are being detrimental
>>3343616I love you
>>3343642>linking to images on an image board
>>3343640When it comes to that, I wrestle with them instead.
>>3343642well damn, that is quite a fine ass. such a funny position too, pone don't sit that way! Why is it so hot? Oh yeah, act like a human for me...
>>3343616Man, couldn't you have said that she crashed and Scootaloo is taking care of her or anything like that?
>>3343659...Considering what the link actually is, and the entire shitstorm we had with the meta janitor thing earlier?
>>3343642>>Click on it to see image>Try clicking it again to spoiler it again>Image just gets biggerdamnit 4chan
>>3343642o-oh my would you look at that plump...Wait a second that's a human vaginaGOD DAMMIT FUCK EVERYTHING
>>3343659shut up you faggot-ass janitor, I'll report you for entrapment
Can it be 'complain about the fandom' time.Because I really hate the fucking MLP fandom.
Wellthat 63 Pinkie/Gilda story was pretty fucking bad
>>3343640>having close friendswow, it's like you're not even on the computer right now
>>3343679What happen now?
>>3343684you cans top pretending having a life is a bad thing any day now
>>3343640That would be horrible, I'm stronger than all of my close friends
>>3343640My nigga.When you and your best friend break eachother's noses, you come out of that close as blood brothers.
>>3343642Is there a difference between derpibooru and
>>3343692I'm just saying you wouldn't even be here to hand me that crap
You'll never see a closer bond than the one shared between two men who just beat the everloving shit out of each-other. That's a special kind of respect you ain't gonna find anywhere else.
>>3343691I went to FiMchan again. First thread I see in the art section was Cartoon Lion.Can't stand that shit.
>>3343681but the Dash x Megan one wasn't too bad at all
>>3343684>having friends means being attached to them at the hip
>>3343679You best start believing in the fandom you're in one
>>3343715>this is what Pinkie Pie actually believes
>>3343708you just mad at applecest
>>3343707What is it like?>>3343708Could be worst. CL might be lurking here.
>>3343464Well, you're on MLPG for starters
Is anyone interested in Minecraft anymore?
>>3343707I dunno, the few times were I bet someone up I still hated them afterwards.
>>3343738>Bonbon has brought home the biggest toy yet
Can someone drop me that gif of Scootaloo pouring glitter?
>>3343740I still haven't looked up what it is, I don't get much computer time
>>3343706You can also stop pretending that being on this site precludes you from having a life.
>>3343738It's hard to put into words.Ask /k/.
>>3343740Yeah. I still play it with my brother every fortnight.
>>3343765will it is midday friday though. I don't live in a highly populated area
>>3343762Where do these ponies get these glitters anyways?
>>3343765I mean well, it is an hour drive to Houston and I don't have a car. I wasn't born with a truck under my ass like everyone else here
>>3343773Will you play on the MLPG server? No one else is on it but me, and I want to make an awesome temple to Celestia. I already have a statue ready to be made to back it up.
>>3343775thursday, son.
>>3343786We had to work for these trucks, thank you.
>>3343775It's Thursday...
>>3343785Probably imported fro mthe Crystal Kingdom
>>3343775this nigga
>>3343790>>3343796>>3343799What is timezone?
>>3343785I bet it's like ground up gems.
>>3343789Can't, sorry. It's the xbox version and we share an account for two on a console that isn't even where we live. We only have access to it suring the w-e.
>>3343785No idea, considering their world... They probably get it from nature or something.Also, thanks. Now i have the companion for this one.
>>3343790>>3343796>>3343799I just know it is not wednesday anymore, I took a wild guess
Wait...>Crystal Kingdom>Cadance needs their help>Her cutie mark is a heart shaped crystalWhy didn't I make that connection till just now?
>>3343813They grind gems.
>>3343814It's okay, I thought it was Friday, too.
>>3343807There's no timezone that's currently in "midday friday"
>>3343813>they get it from glitterbugs
>>3343817Derpy plsplsstay
Which pony enjoys long, tender kisses the most?
>>3343775Asia pls go
Of all the things I could call Tara, "boring" isn't one.
>>3343839Holland pls go
>>3343826well they're partying like it is friday, I thought it was
>>3343839>replying to those sorts of commentsshe really needs to learn when to keep her mouth shut...
>>3343824I am sure that Spike is happy drinking a cup full of glitter right now.>>3343832Fluttershy. She would be embarrased at first, but she would embraces it for as long as she could for this was her first time her lip are in contact with someone she cares for.
best filly
>>3343832one of these two, with the other. I could watch them just peck each others lips all day too
>>3343853Do you think she'd be curious and bold enough to try using her tongue?
>>3343860post the lineart please
>>3343794your parents did you mean. you don't work for the truck when you're fifteen. tacking out the trash and getting good grades doesn't count as enough work to pay for a truck
happy ponies, enjoying each others company
goddamnit MLPG, you've went and given me womb envy. I already had enough shit on my plate, and now I can't stop thinking about how wonderful it must be to carry a man's child for him. The ultimate sign of romance and affection, growing inside of you. Having him care for you as you get all round. Laying his head against your belly and rubbing it. I don't need this shit; take it back
>>3343870This is where you take the lead. She would be awfully surprise when you pull a tongue on her.I rather have lip to lip, though.
>>3343885>you will never know how it feels to have someone enjoy your company like they enjoy each other's
>>3343894dem butts
>>3343874I was earning the real money, thank you very much. You didn't see my parents going down on badly cologned businessmen to pay for the gas.
>>3343897I like them both. lip-to-lip for the tender moments, tongue-kissing when you're feeling a bit more passionatejust gotta go nice and slow - most people seem to equate "tongue-kissing" with "flailing your tongue around with wild abandon and eating each others' faces like you're a pair of zombies"
>>3343904where are you, Galveston?
>>3343786>I mean well, it is an hour drive to Houston and I don't have a car. I wasn't born with a truck under my ass like everyone else hereWoodlandsfag detected
>>3343861>>3343885It'd be an awful shame if anything tore them apart.Just a regular reminder for Lyraquest's finale, 20:00 PDT (UTC -7) tomorrow, Friday, the 20th. Anon must confess, Bonbon will learn the truth, and everyone eats spaghetti. Right here in the dead threads.
>>3343900I will one day, they are states away right now though
>>3343932It's PDT yo- oh cool you got it right
>>3343930pretty damn close man, but not even as populated as that. Montgomery. dial up over here
>>3343947hahaThere's a surprising number of Texas (and, specifically, Houston) MLPGers.
>>3343935You know, that's not always a barrier. I live in Tennessee, and a friend of mine met a girl living in New York through LoL. They really hit it off, and after several 8-hour drives, he's now living up there.
>>3343913Yeah, you're right.The zombie part is usually what EVERYONE kept doing in any media ever. God dammit that can be annoying.
>>3343885*hugs* FUCKING AUTISM
So, how many people would want to watch a shitty artist stream their drawing?
>>3343983Who the fuck is that and why should I care
>>3343971>you will never have Fluttershy's legs wrapped around your face
>>3343994That would depend on what the artist is drawing.
>>3343964I know that, they are actually just one eight hour drive away, but they are going to go to college somewhere soon (they don't know where) so I'll just wait and see where they end up
>>3343994Its not like there anything better to do. If you are Ross, I would decline the offer.>>3344010Its not like no ship you or anything.
>>3343994I would if that's ponies.>tfw you're too shy and have too low self-esteem to dare to do that
>>3344010b-but it's free
>>3343994Yeah, i would.
>>3344010>marriage, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks
>>3344049That's actually very sweet and cute
>>3344042But them sibling though. That ain't right.
>>3344049Damn that's shiny.
>>3344055Oh myWell that's...something
>>3344055>linking to images on an image board
>>3344055Woah, megasweet finally got around to drawing something nice for once.
>>3344056those are my favorite kind of pics
>>3344055What's the difference between derpibooru and
>>3344067shut the fuck up you piece of shit janitor
My sides...
>>3344049I wonder what tunes she can play with only 3 strings. Oh well, it's better than 2.
>>3344077HA HA SHORTY
>>3344049>Lyra in a suitMy unf levels have reached maximum capacity.
>>3344087reported for thinking I'm a janitor
>>3344086they're called mirrors, nothing
>>3344097That's 7 notes there champ.
>>3344091>>3344106why is that fucking sexy?
>>3344107with a great ammount of dragon lube
>>3344098I like lyra in a fancy suit.
>>3344112Is she meant to be playing that lyre or pulling the strings out?
Why does this picture make me laugh so much?
>>3344088fucking d'aww
derpy is a very ugly pony
Drawing is boring and stupid, I want to skip all this stupid sketchwork and paint digitally instead.
>>3344138that is a power strum
>>3344055>you must have an account>making the account>that email been taken>try out the email and it workWhat the fuck is this? How the hell they even got that information?
>>3344140The shit quality? The terrible ship?
>>3344140Rarity's giant eyeball, like that one bathtub flash>>3344152she has an adorable butthole though>>3344156you could. have you seen some oil paintings? slap that shit on there until you make a shape
>>3344107Human Rarity will never poop the same ever again.
every dayh until you like it!
>>3344186What´s the real context of this gif?
>>3344162oh man all those feels
>>3344168Its a horrible shipping indeed. I get how good is Fancy, but its just not right for some reason for Rarity to be ship with him for some reason.
>>3344162Cuddlesex is best sex.We LyraBon now?
>>3344190Wrestlemania, apparently.
>>3344121>7 What? Do you count the harmonics?
>>3344190>>3344201That's Christian Cage after losing or something
>>3344181I doubt she'll even avoid Mr. Hands' faith
>>3344198you can now no longer have sexonly cuddlesgood luck fucker
>>3344197tess pls go
Would you to a human Lyra fucking a horse?
>>3344178She just have a nice butt, in general.
>>3344198sweet jesus look at her booty
>>3344209Jokes on you, I'm asexual
>>3344181relax I bet Human rarity has had bigger inbefore she can still fit the entirety of spike into her
>>3344219Would you tap her ass?
>4 hours of sleep a night all week>11 hour work shifts
>>3344220jokes on you, i don't give a fucki'm asfuckual
>>3344227Too much pon?
>>3344227Finally he draw something decent.
>>3344227get money.
>>3344209But I love cuddling. >>3344227Get a new job? Yes, I know how hard it is to find a new job.
>>3344216um, sure?>>3344218oh yes, how rash of me to just comment on a particular aspect of its attractiveness
>>3344212Tess isn't the only one who likes Twirity you know...
>>3344220Amoeba pls go...
>>3344225oh my of course
>>3344251Is Rarity inebrated?
>>3344251Only you and tess.
>>3344254>Not being an amoeba>>>/bredditchandaily.tumblr/
>>3344248hahaha that fucking pic
>>3344098I fucking hate that brush style or whatever that is. It's blurry and ugly as fuck. What is it so I can avoid ever using it?
>>3344266stop forcing this shit
>>3344276>forcingSure new is here.
>>3344269the pen tool
>mfw I read this theads
>>3344255Well you just sexually harassed someone in the park.What the fuck is wrong with you?
So we're ending this thread with shipping? Okay
>>3344276>>3344284>>3344285Ironic shitposting and replies to ironic shitposting is still... FUCK!
>>3344269it's like a square brush with half opacity or some shit it looks like, I don't know I've never watched him draw. wish I could
This is the thread that never ends.It scoots on and on my friends.
>>3344304>I don't know I've never watched him draw. wish I couldHe stream you know.
and holyfucking shit that artist this i greatest thing ever
>>3344301twishy doesn't make sense compared to the ships I like (which do make sense)
>>3344313Groose plsplspls
>>3344304he's streaming this very second
>>3344309kil it with imageswill we see more skunks in the show?
>>3344311yeah but my internet isn't good enough
>>3344326>that picoh my
>>3344326i hope they spray ponies, that is one of my fetishes
Remeber to refresh your image counter.
>>3344326I.I hope so.
>>3344323it isn't worth ten bucks a gig tho
>>3344341>that poseHow did her legs get so long.
>>3344319>shipperfags in a nutshell
I wonder if we'll ever get a thread that hits 2000 posts before hitting the image limit.
>>3344364Pretty much.
>>3344344Twilight did in winter wrap-up. i just think they look nice
>>3344369we did on episode days
>>3344364Pretty much. Its why I hate when shippers complain about other ships 'not making sense' compared to ones they like. For fucks sake, if they aren't married or canon dating none of it makes a lick of sense.Doesn't mean you can't like it but don't pretend it makes sense.
we can we spooky?
What should the new thread be about?
>>3344386my ship>your shipu mad?
Smoothing out.
>>3344377i know, but i would like to see more
>>3344394that is a spooky pony
>>3344401Its a surprise.>>3344414Any thread I made tend to be the opposite.
>>3344401Ponies farting while lactating.
>>3344424Dang it, was not suppose to quote 3344414.>>3344403Wasn't it smooth before?
>>3344430ponies farting from their nipples while lactating
I'm glad Sparkler's gone
i give this thread 7/10keep it up
>>3344433No most of it was on like fours.Compare and contrast.
>>3344450thumbs up
>>3344449Could anyone think of a worst ship?
>>3344449>dat brush
>>3344442you know it's gonna get ruined now>>3344450this
>>3344386I've mentioned before that I can see someone using shipping as a catalyst for creating content, but beyond that I just don't get it.
>254 images>refresh>241 imagesTHIS THREAD WILL NEVER END
>>3344464I don't think so, that's pretty bad.Rarishy is bad too.
>>3344469>you will never have a kiss with pone
>>3344477Every single fucking ship is bad.
I like you, twishy guy, you do not conflict with my diamond dash or apple pie
Fluttershy x Angel is my OTP
>>3344483you and I are niggas
>>3344483Don't you insult my Flutterdash again, fag.
>>3344483>>3344477I dont care if you think its badI think its cute
Here your new horse>>3344504>>3344504>>3344504>>3344504
i like the pink pony at least as much as every other pony
>>3344498Are we having a contest for worst ship or what the hell is going on.
>>3344441>shopping pony images into OCsstop
>>max limit ofwell fuck you too
>>3344531dude, slowking return
>>3344498>Flutterdashnigga what
>>3344553Is canon after HFS.
>>3344605not funnyeven ironically
>>3344605>implying Twishy isn't canon after ABITHDo you even watch the show