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  • File: 1330619767.png-(41 KB, 220x271, mlptg.png)
    41 KB /tg/ related My Little Pony General Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:36 No.318753  
    Let's see if /tg/ and MLPG have the energy to get some more shit done.

    Apparently someone's posted the marker I made somewhere, so I ripped it open and pulled out the logo itself.
    >> Harmless 03/01/12(Thu)11:39 No.318786
    /tg/er here.
    What's this all about then?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:40 No.318798
    The gateway thread has been posted.

    We need to figure out how often to have these threads.

    Previously on MLPTG:
    >> Harmless 03/01/12(Thu)11:43 No.318841
    Do you have a compiled set of mechanics information?
    Maybe you could make a GDoc, set it to private, with link, and don't give anyone edit permission.
    That way, we can all view what has been done in real time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:45 No.318860
    ... Are you suuuuuuure?

    To answer your question, we're looking at a classless (probably d20) system. Cutie Marks (created within guidelines or picked from a list) determine areas of greater potential for the character, and may impart special abilities in some cases.

    Attributes are Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intelligence, Charisma, and Power (which determines luck, possibly willpower, and talent for racial magic).

    There were other things, too. Check the threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:47 No.318876
    I await the day of min/maxing cutie marks.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 03/01/12(Thu)11:48 No.318884
    This sounds awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:50 No.318903
    Have we put the racial attribute caps idea to bed?
    Because I didn't like where that was going.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)11:50 No.318910

    Remember that, for it to BE MLP, it needs a sanity meter too because those fucking ponies get freaking crazy for no reason

    The freaking mane 6 go into batshit insane mode each 2 episodes
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:56 No.318953
    A sanity meter reminiscent of Call of Cthulhu would be too long-term, and maybe a bit dark.

    A 'stress' system would be applicable. Effects for frightening circumstances (for characters who are less resistant to that sort of thing) and large events where they 'fail' their cutie-mark's duty.

    I remember last time we decided that death should be possible, but with plenty of opportunities for survival.

    I also remember we decided that the short-term first aid skill would be 'Treat Boo-boo'.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:58 No.318975
    The gateway thread has 404'd.

    I can't help but think this isn't a good time of day for this thread. EST, it's just coming up to lunch. We probably didn't catch most of the fa/tg/uys who contributed last time.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)11:59 No.318991

    >Treat Boo-boo

    I...I dont want to ask

    But yeah, a stress meter sounds better.


    wasnt the last /tg/ thread as slow as this one?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:59 No.318996
    has there been any canonisation on the whole insanity thing, and does any other pony besides the main6 do it? I might just be reflexively grimdarkening the setting but seeing as how their insanity always has something to do with their element, it might be trauma due to internalising such powerful forces...

    Simplicity is probably best here, a stat that tracks their stress, any event that would raise it also forces a stat check which, if failed, send them into insane mode.
    Perks and flaws are inverted?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:00 No.319001
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:01 No.319013
    Could be a weekly thing, or once every few days.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:04 No.319052
    Initially it was going at several posts a minute. But the gateway thread didn't 404 in the first few minutes.

    I don't think it was deleted at all, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:09 No.319105
    Maybe each cutie-mark should have it's 'failure to succeed at your best skill' breakdown detailed with it.

    Too late. We talked about dice pools, but decided this would be better.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/01/12(Thu)12:12 No.319149
    If this one gains steam, I'll be sure to add it to our archive as well!

    Watching with great interest.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:13 No.319163
    anyone have that speculation image from S1 where the insanities are analysed? Linking personality, cutie mark and behaviour during insanity...
    I can't seem to find it in my pony folder...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:15 No.319196
    Something along these lines was discussed last time.

    Cutie mark represents what a pony is good at but it comes at a price. They will lose sanity and generally feel shitty if they are incapable for one reason or another to preform their talent.

    Lets say that a character has the specialty "exploring" and they get locked up. Their sanity will slowly drain unless a way to explore is invented. I believe this could potentially make some games really enjoyable and interesting.

    If the sanity drops below a certain value they will need their party members help to regain control of themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:17 No.319219
    >Maybe each cutie-mark should have it's 'failure to succeed at your best skill' breakdown detailed with it.
    I assume you mean the cutie mark talent, rather than whatever skill happens to be your highest. And that could work, but we need to figure out a way to determine whether any given failure qualifies for a breakdown, or whether the same trigger can cause a breakdown more than once. If resolving a breakdown (with the help of your friends; we should emphasise that) gives you an immunity from breakdowns coming from the same situation, then that could be an interesting form of character development and improvement.

    There should be some roll(s) to avoid triggering a breakdown at all, though. For example, Fluttershy failed in the 'YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME' situation, but succeeded avoiding a breakdown when she consistantly couldn't fix Philomena.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)12:19 No.319252

    Well i was thinking that insanity/stress could be useful with combos,

    Insanity mode will make him unusable and it will probably attack the rest of the party members, the only way to restore his points are to have all your friends around and cast "Party" or something like that

    There can be "Friendship" mode, this can have boosts that should be discusses in a more careful way
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:23 No.319319
    You've both homed in on the same idea, and it sounds good to me.

    For the example of the 'explorer' cutie-marked pony getting locked up, their breakdown could be resorting to their own imagination to explore. Maybe desperately making a fantasy world inside a cardboard box.

    Requiring your party's assistance to recover is obviously appropriate, but we can't be sure the cause of the breakdown won't correct itself- an exit may be discovered by the explorer pony during her imagination time, for example. In such a case, no long-term benefit should be earned (like that immunity to breakdowns of the same origin).
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)12:25 No.319352
    fuck i somehow cut a big part on my post

    > Well i was thinking that insanity/stress could be useful with combos, there can be items like NMM´s crown that boosts your character each time his Stress is higher than the normal value without the berserk mode. Also, can other party members be of other species ?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:29 No.319411
    Attacking the rest of the party may be uncharacteristic of even the insane persona of a given pony. Certain cutie marks or personalities may allow it, like a cutie mark to do with upholding the law (and a breakdown where even the smallest slight must be punished) or a particularly aggressive and competitive pony, but automatic and universal violence may not be best. Certainly, most cutie mark breakdowns should lead to a pony not being able to seek out/accept help on their own.

    And a party will not always be the answer, though a Pinkie Pie-esque character may attempt so anyway, probably fruitlessly.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:31 No.319462
    > In such a case, no long-term benefit should be earned (like that immunity to breakdowns of the same origin).
    ... signifying a catharsis and moral lesson ala "Dear Princess Celestia..."?
    I like it, but if they're given out too freely then it might be difficult for the GM to consistently dish out proper scenarios with the ponies running a risk of insanity. On the other hand, if they are not given out then there would probably be little sense of character growth...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:33 No.319496
    >can other party members be of other species?
    Yeah, we've seen others in the show, but exactly how would you stat them?

    They don't have cutie marks, so wouldn't they be immune to the stress thing? Or should we go the Cutie Mark Crusader route, and have them wear an article of clothing that has a stand-in for it?

    >inb4 Zebra
    Zecora's looks like it's occupation related, so it might border the cutie mark thing if she can't figure stuff out,
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:35 No.319532
    I thought we were having a 1d4chan page to compile everything we decide on here, but I can't see it. So you may need to go back and check the thread in the archive to find all the answers you're looking for.

    And we haven't dismissed non-pony races, but we're working the ponies out first. Alicorns will probably not happen without a very good reason, though.

    And while treasure and magical artifacts are surely going to happen, I'm not sure about that NMM's crown. If such an artifact was found, I'd use it to sow dissent amongst the friends, encouraging the exposed players to become greedy for it's advantages (which would probably be something less brilliant and more double-edged than bonuses while stressed and an immunity to breakdowns). An entire session would probably revolve around finding this artifact and suffering the effects while arguing about what to do with it, until they manage to destroy or throw it away and learn a valuable lesson about greed and putting your friends first.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:38 No.319571
    I was actually saying that immunity to a breakdown from the same thing twice (i.e. being imprisoned, in the case of Explorer Pony) should be given if the breakdown is overcome with the help of your friends, but not if the condition that is causing your breakdown is removed by chance, luck or some other source.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)12:38 No.319574

    Was thinking that some species go with ranks and probably colors

    Black or red dragons being the strongest, white and purple being the weakest, but both can evolve/downgrade


    Yeah you are right, better start with pone

    and i was just giving an example, but i want Starswirl´s beard to be an item...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:39 No.319577
    I'm sorry, could you guys tell me what are you doing? I'm not into /tg/s so I understand nothing, sorry
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:41 No.319615
    We're making a roleplaying game featuring pastel ponies.

    Personally, I'm hitting a roadblock when it comes to fluff. All I can think of is that Unicorns and Alicorns don't necessarily raise the sun, but use their magic to keep the Everfree away. It doesn't matter who raises the sun if everyone is dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:42 No.319630
    I don't think you should ever become immune, it should be much harder to break down from the same thing twice but never impossible.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:42 No.319631
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    Non-pony species need plenty of thought. They should have their advantages, without us lumping cutie-mark substitute effects on them which have no justification in-universe.

    These will need far more thought than any others.

    Anyway, I wasn't dismissing NMM's crown as an artifact. It's a perfect example of what an artifact could be- I was just saying how I'd make it work in-game, as a storytelling device.
    >i want Starswirl´s beard to be an item...
    Oh I'm SURE that can be arranged.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:43 No.319638
    Well that does sound good, I'll keep these threads on my watch! Good luck with this!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:45 No.319664
    Is there any system yet for non-unicorn magic? I'm thinking in specific of Zecora's potions and illusions. Or is that just a variety of magic items? Use of some sort of alchemy skill?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:46 No.319673
    Fluff should only be as-given by the show, with some artistic license on the other eras we talked about, and allowing for GM's preferences and plans.
    Maybe. But having learnt an important lesson about friendship, it shouldn't be easy to unlearn it.

    And in case anyone is wondering, the planned eras are as follows:
    >Three Tribes - War and political intrigue
    >Discordian Era - Adventuring and treasure hunting in a strange and shifting land
    >Modern Era - Taking care of threats and business with emphasis on social and teamwork-based gameplay
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:47 No.319683
    Yeah, sorry, forgot to write the 'otherwise' bit... I meant the same thing.
    Hmm.. might depend on how well the lesson is learned? I can definitely see AJ doing the same mistake over and over again with her pride and stubbornness but I doubt that Twilight will go insane over missing an assignment...
    Acutally... she probably will...

    Maybe a sort of hardening? Every Lesson the character has learned that could be applied to the situation at hand gives a bonus on its resist roll?

    I feel like the lessons are deeply rooted enough that they should be a mechanic in game, but feel free to disagree with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:49 No.319709
    The Earthies have some sort of shamanistic attunament to the earth, the pegasi can control the weather.

    I think we can safely assume that all sentient beings in Equestria have some sort of magic in them. But only Unicorns and Alicorns have straightforward magic, the others have a more Tolkien-ish magic.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:52 No.319736

    ... I wouldn't describe it as tolkienish, myself. And Zecora's stuff definitely seems like something that could be learned, rather than being innate. We know anyone can make a magic potion with the right ingredients, and Zecora just seems like she knows more of that stuff than anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:55 No.319772
    >>319683 Maybe a sort of hardening? Every Lesson the character has learned that could be applied to the situation at hand gives a bonus on its resist roll?

    This is similar to what I had in mind as well.

    Well Zecoras potions are not explained fully, we don't know whether they are simple potions or if there is something more to it. I always got the vibe that she had some magic thingie going on, but that was pure speculation on my part.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:55 No.319776
    Zebra are among the non-pony races that will be figured out at a later date, but things like alchemy, medicine and certain pseudo-magics as skills are definately up for discussion.

    As discussed, the Power attribute is a measure of racial magical ability.
    A Pegasus's ability to manipulate the weather is determined with Power or maybe a skill affected by power (NOT flying, which is agility or a skill affected by agility).

    An Earth-pony's supernatural empathy for nature (or is it just plants? This needs discussion) is facilitated with Power (gardening etc as skills for non-ponies is available, but Earth Ponies can apply their Power to such things for better results, and some effects unatainable otherwise).

    A unicorn's spells (other than simple telekinesis and possibly other basic magic) are applied with Power, though are studied, learnt and created with intelligence. Power will always apply for unicorn magic worth rolling for, though we may need to decide if there are other factors in the use of different schools of magic (for example, why would creating fire have the exact same chance for success as teleportation).

    Certain talents will of course be improved further if your cutie-mark relates to them
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:59 No.319816
    Tell you what, because if we don't get started it will never happen, I'll go write up a first draft of a skill list.

    I will return with it soon, for criticism and derision.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)13:04 No.319894

    As long as Diamond dogs get to be playable and you can be a lucha, then i´ll wait as much as it needs
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:04 No.319899
    Well, this thread is absolutely perfect for me.
    See, a while back, I tried to discuss the game that I'm in, however due to the fact the setting was ponies, /tg/ got very up in arms, Spesh Mareens everywhere.

    The system that the campaign is using is Aniventure, which is a system which was written to be universally usable for adaptations of anime and such.
    It was decided that to test the versatility of the system that ponies.
    And it's running brilliantly.
    Sure Cloudsdale has been destroyed, but that's not the player partys fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:07 No.319938
    >As long as Diamond dogs get to be playable
    Sure. In the same way Kobolds are playable in D&D- as a less-readily supported monstrous race.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:08 No.319941
    We're going to need some sort of fluff for this game that'll prevent players from just whining to Celestia whenever something really serious comes up.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:09 No.319959
    Just assume that only ponies who know Celestia personally can do that anyway. A lil bit of nepotism never hurt anyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:10 No.319971
    Simply have them be commoners who do not know her personally.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:15 No.320013
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    Will weight be a thing for pegasi? They seem to have some sort of levitation power for carrying things in the air, but only if it's done a certain way. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash together had trouble carrying Twilight, but Fluttershy on her own had no problem hauling a cart full of frogs. Armour also doesn't seem to trouble them.

    Perhaps the wagons and armour and such they use are specially enchanted, though?
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 03/01/12(Thu)13:18 No.320046


    But i think that the cart full of frogs had 1/3 Twilight´s weight
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:25 No.320106
    It's the same thing as when people do it. How much weight can you hold with just your fingers and wrist (uncomfortable, like holding Twilight), while the cart was designed to be carried by a pegasus (i.e. a backpack).

    The armor thing is just practice. You get used to wearing it and the way it shifts around.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:25 No.320115
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:40 No.320295
    >Posting existing Pony games
    Don't do that. It's anathema to innovation.

    I'm still writing a list of skills. Shouldn't be long now.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:44 No.320342
    Lets settle some basic shit

    >Should a newly created pegasi be able to fly
    >Should a unicorn be able to do decent magic right away
    >Should an earth pone be a good earth pone right away

    I vote for no to all of the above, what do you guys think?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:50 No.320401
    I think the Earth Pony equivalent of flying or magic would be tail control rather than anything vague like "good earth pone". I know they have that passive nature empathy magic, but in my opinion what you see the most during the show is how the Earth Ponies use their tails to compensate for lack of wings/horn.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:02 No.320581
    The flight skill is affected by Agility as well as being trainable, so a pegasus could have a very low agility and barely be able to to tricky flying, but that's not what you're talking about.

    Since an Advantage/Flaw system has been agreed upon, we could have flaws for pegasi for an inability to fly (severe), difficulty with flying (less severe) and fear of flight (possibly more than one variety).

    Power affects the Unicorn Magic and Earthpony Earthing (except the most simple telekinesis for unicorns), but we could introduce similar flaws for these, too.

    Have we seen anyone other than Applejack do the creepy tail thing?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:06 No.320636
    Season 2, Episode 13 - Baby Cakes
    Mr. Cake uses his tail to carry dippers.

    I'm sure there are other examples but that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:15 No.320763
    Thread dead?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:18 No.320799
    Here it is, gentlemen. The first draft of the skills list, for your judgement. I'll post it in sections. Instances of 'see ____' will be addressed at the end. Bare in mind that this requires a lot of rearranging and polish.

    The skills should all be able to have points put in them at character creation and advancement, unless noted otherwise.
    Cutie Marks, flaws and benefits may improve, hinder, unlock or disallow certain skills.

    Affected by Strength:
    Athletics (Pushing, pulling, bucking trees etc. Shows of physical strength.)
    Burly Melee (improved only by increasing Strength. Beyond this, each weapon's skill must be increased seperately.)
    (see Bully)
    (see Scuffle)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:19 No.320808
    Affected by Agility:
    Flight (Only worth training in for flying races, but in the odd circumstance that a non-flying race is made to fly by magic etc,
    Swift Melee (improved only by increasing Agility. Beyond this, each weapon's skill must be increased seperately.)
    Ranged combat (improved only by increasing Agility. Beyond this, each weapon's skill must be increased seperately. This includes throwing or bucking small objects at a target)
    Tamper (encompasses thievery and meddling with things without being noticed)
    (see Scuffle)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:20 No.320822
    Affected by Stamina:
    Endurance (extended physical or mental effort)
    Hardiness (resisting disease, hunger etc. Roll to get back up after taking a massive beating.)

    (Need ideas for more Stamina skills. Health will be determined directly from Stamina, but there should be more skills that benefit from it.)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:22 No.320841
    Affected by Intelligence:
    Geography (Knowledge)
    Culture (Knowledge)
    Mythology (Knowledge)
    History (Knowledge)
    Nature (theoretical knowledge, not practical skill. Knowledge)
    Science (Knowledge)
    Study (As well as learning from books/ponies, can be used for same result as the knowledge skills if a library or other source is available, and researching information not associable with any of the knowledge skills)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:23 No.320852
    Affected by Charisma:
    Charm (different from Affection, in that you're doing it to get something from someone)
    Mingle (partaking in festivities, idle banter, hiding in plain sight)
    (see Bully)
    Affection (endearing yourself with others, brightening up people's days)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:23 No.320864
    Affected by Power:
    Intuition (lie-detector)
    Willpower (resists mind control and possibly emotional or psychological stress)
    Hearsay (to know or hear rumours and gossip, local knowledge, street smarts. Knowledge)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:27 No.320932
    Scuffle, a skill for unarmed combat, is affected by Strength or Agility; whichever is higher.
    Bully, a skill for intimidation, is affected by Strength or Charisma; whichever is higher.
    Treat Boo-boo (short-term healing) is not affected by any core attributes
    Nursing (long-term healing) is not affected by any core attributes
    Vehicle (each type of vehicle's skill must be increased seperately)
    Riding (each type of mount's skill must be increased seperately. Affection may be required when dealing with an unwilling mount. (I'll be frank, I have no idea what you will be riding with this))
    Gardening (Not Earth Pony exclusive, but it certainly helps)

    Weather (Pegasus exclusive) should have been under Power. Woops.
    Spellcasting (Casting learnt/created unicorn spells. Probably unicorn exclusive) Should have been under Power. Woops.

    And a ton of things I will have forgotten.

    Well, let's start nitpicking.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:29 No.320957
    The only one I'm thinking of besides applejack is Rarity carrying the cake in Party of One.
    So, yeh...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:35 No.321027
    That implies it isn't exclusive to Earth Ponies, at any rate.

    I'm not sure if it warrants a skill of it's own. It seems more like a welcome substitute for a hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:38 No.321068

    Strength and Stamina seem a little basic. What if we rolled them into one, and divided out Intelligence and some aspect of Power into a quick-thinking/reasoning/imagination stat, like Wits or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:43 No.321128
    Let's see. We'll be able to find plenty of things to stick among the 'not affected by an attribute' skills, and it might be worth combining the History and Mythology knowledge skills.

    I'd suggest a Stamina skill for determining defense, but it would be coming from the same source as hitpoints, which is a bit lopsided.

    Maybe something in the highest of Athletics, Agility or Charisma for defense, representing a defence built around parrying, dodging or feinting, respectively.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:45 No.321152
    I think healing should be affected by something, if it's nursing something like charisma or if it;s sort of quick, rough and ready if you like something like power/intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:45 No.321154
    Tail as special talent is really lame compared to flying and magic. Lets stick with them having some awesome passive or find an entirely new option.

    Wow nice work. I don't have anything to add really.

    I like the idea of combing STR and STA. Maybe call the stat constitution to make it a bit more general.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:51 No.321233
    There was some debate, but it was thought that it was best having Strength and Stamina seperate considering their different applications.

    We could have the higher of Power or Intelligence for a logic skill, but 'quick thinking' sounds like a defence score or an agility thing, and 'imagination' seem like the domain of the player themself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:56 No.321290
    Strength and Stamina are applied rather differently, strength activities could range from pushing a boulder to lifting heavy things, meanwhile stamina would be used for surviving in the cold to resisiting some sort of infection.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:03 No.321353
    Guys, there already is a perfect RPG for playing My Little Pony. It's called Best Friends and it's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:13 No.321468
    Posting existing examples of Pony RPGs kills the innovation. Stop it.
    Besides, the point is that /tg/ are stepping up to the challenge of making the greatest happy horse simulator of all time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:16 No.321503
    >happy horse simulator
    If we weren't obligated to give this the most intelligent name we could, I would insist on this being the title of our masterpiece.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:17 No.321521
    Fa/tg/uy here coming from that board. I give no fucks about what's been posted higher up in this thread and if someone doesn't prove to me there's a legit system and sufficiently-fleshed-out setting within the next 10 posts I'm out.
    >> random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:19 No.321554
    I understand you're planning on using a d20 system. Might I recommend /not/ using d20, since it is regarded as being, well, kinda shitty? What about a d100 roll below system like Dark Heresy and the other wh40k rpgs have? Or a d100 roll above system similar to Anima:Beyond Fantasy? Or heck, what about a d10 dice pool system like nWoD, if you're into that sort of randomness.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:24 No.321621
    I'd actually recommend moving away from all of those number-crunching systems into something more narrativist, like Fate. A game based on a show that is about friendship shouldn't be about number-crunching, it should be about tagging your friendship aspect at the last minute to save the day.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:25 No.321640
    Unless you can tell me why using a d20 for the majority of checks is shitty, I'm oblidged to ignore you.

    Percentile system has been suggested, but outvoted. Something about over-concentrating numbers.

    If we had a legitimate system and setting all fleshed out and ready to go, we wouldn't be here making a system and setting.
    If you're the kind of person who needs someone to read the thread to him, I don't see why we should be so concerned about losing your patronage.
    >> random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:26 No.321662
    sage advice here. I don't know much (anything) about fate, so I can't help there.

    Has there been any consideration given to a relationship system, similar to Monsters and Other Childish Things?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:27 No.321669
    elegan/tg/entleman here.
    Look into the Savage Worlds system. My gut reaction would be d20, but SW seems like it would fit this world better.
    I honestly don't see this being a roll-under type game. In my mind that's for more gritty games like Call of Cthulhu.
    Dice pools might work, but I'm not that big a fan, myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:30 No.321722
    >ask for /tg/'s help

    I just think that the d20 system isn't thematically appropriate to My Little Pony: it's extremely crunchy and the mechanics actually do very little to support story. Fate as a system just feels more appropriate, because Fate's entire thing is using entirely qualitative things (like your relationships with others, your personality, etc.) to influence the outcome of the game.
    >> random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:32 No.321750
    I /personally/ find it easier to decide on the difficulty of checks when using a d100 system. That's just me though. As for why /tg/ hates it, I cannot say, I just know that it is generally looked down upon. not sure if that's using a d20 in general, or a specific system, however.

    Don't get mad brah, just trying to help as best I can. Although I probably could have worded my first post better.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:34 No.321784
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    Should players ever be allowed to do anything Pinkie Pie-ish, or should she just remain.... extra-special? Her powers seem hard to resolve with an RPG, unless perhaps we used Toon or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:35 No.321796
    Well, when you say d20, it means "D&D 3.x" to /tg/.

    D&D 3.x is horribly broken, and quite easily broken as well. it created a boom of RPG publishers, and then a bust which nearly destroyed several very good companies.

    We need to establish that the d20 would be used DIFFERENTLY from 3.x, or we need a different system.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:36 No.321800
    I wasn't saying your input is inherently incorrect because it disagrees with what I've said. I was just saying you didn't give me any reason beyond an opinion. But now you have. Which is great.

    I think I've read Fate, but certainly too long ago for me to remember. Using relationships characterisation as mechanics could be a very good idea, but it depends on whether this is being played as an adventure game or an interactive story, and we're looking to make either possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:37 No.321820
    Pinkie Pie is not impossible to model, she's just built specifically to do what she wants to do. Her "teleportation" and toon physics could all just be part of her cutie mark.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:39 No.321855
    My vote goes toward FATE since that's really the only simple narrativist system I am familiar with.
    >> random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:40 No.321867
    Yeah, I probably should have included my reasons in the first place.

    Give me a bit and I'll pull up my copy of MaOCT and give a summary of how the relationship system works. As I recall, you get "points" in a relationship, which you can spend to give you a bonus to certain rolls, but spend too much and your relationship becomes "strained'. you have to resolve strained relationships ingame with roleplaying. additional points to relationships are awarded again by roleplay.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:40 No.321870
    Pinkie is a Nobilis
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:41 No.321886
    Fate is better for running interactive stories, but it's also fairly crunchy, so it should work both ways.

    Actually, just stealing Fate's aspects into a d20-based system shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

    You can find stuff about the system here:
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:42 No.321894
    So what you're saying is, burn all the points you get, then roleplay them back with interest, then repeat for ever-increasing gains?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:45 No.321938

    Let me give you (and the rest of the thread) a brief breakdown on FATE, specifically from my experience with Spirit of the Century and Dresden Files RPG.

    FATE has 3-4 parts to your character:

    So I'll make a quick mock-up of Twilight. (I'm more familiar with Dresden style, so I'll use that.)

    Twilight Sparkle
    High Concept:Celestia's #1 Pupil
    Trouble: So Much I Don't Know
    Aspects: More Books than Sense, Friendship IS magic, A Lesson Learned, More Magic Than You, Here to Help
    Great (+4): Lore, Scholarship
    Good (+3): Discipline, Empathy
    Fair (+2): Rapport, Presence
    Average (+1): Athletics, Might
    Stunts: Capable Researcher
    Powers: Evocation.

    Now, what does this all mean? (continued to avoid post length)
    >> pink 03/01/12(Thu)15:45 No.321946
         File: 1330634759.png-(142 KB, 395x403, Capture.png)
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    There is great Pony RPG out.

    The Savage World of My little pony.

    Download link is just below the image.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:48 No.321989
    Even if you look it like that, the system still actually rewards roleplaying. I don't think it's a bad thing that the SYSTEM rewards you for roleplaying.

    It actually works the same in Fate. Your character might have an aspect like Drunk. You could use that aspect for stuff like resisting the effects of alcohol, gaining an upper hand in a bar brawl and so on, but the GM could also use it against you by saying "Hey, there's a bar over there, how about your character drops the important quest at hand and I give you a shiny Fate point for it?"

    In that situation you could also opt to ignore that, but it'd cost you a Fate point, representing the sheer force of will your character has to muster up to resist the temptation of going into that bar.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:50 No.322017
    Shut the fuck up about existing Pony RPGs.

    Anyway, for whoever asked, Pinkie Pie's peculiar abilities could be replicated in a series of powerful Advantages, balanced out of course by some serious flaws.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:52 No.322044
    Yeah, flaws like "Terrible Singer", "Socially Intimidating", "Wrong Kind of Party", "Socially Codependant", and "Never Shuts Up."
    >> MaOCT relationship rules random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:55 No.322089
    Part 1:

    A relationship is dice pool that describes a personal attachment to something
    or someone, like gDad 3,h with three dice, or gJenny 2h with two dice, or gMy
    Blankie 5h with fi ve dice. You can have a relationship with anything, as long as you
    can imagine just how that relationship might work.
    You have six dice of relationships when you start out

    If a relationship would somehow improve your odds of success, you can add
    some or all of your relationship dice to your dice pool before rolling. If youfre in a
    fi ght, youfll probably hit a lot harder when someone is ragging on your Mom (4d).
    How do you know whether a Relationship should give you bonus dice? Well,
    itfs pretty much up to you and the GM. I mean, if someone is ragging on your
    mom, thatfs easy. Bring in those Mom dice. But maybe youfre taking a really hard
    test at school, and you want to use your Mom dice. Th e GM isnft sure, but you say,
    gWell, maybe Mom told me this morning that she really had faith in me and knew
    I could do great on this test.h Th e GM says that sounds like a Mom thing to say, so
    you get the bonus dice. Th anks, Mom!
    Th erefs a risk, though. When you put your heart on your sleeve, someonefs
    going to knock it off , kick dirt on it, and then shove it down your throat. If you
    use relationship dice and still fail, the relationship suffers for it.
    >> MaOCT relationship rules random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)15:58 No.322156
    Part 2:

    If, even with the relationship dice added in, you still fail a roll,
    then your relationship takes a Shock. Each Shock reduces your
    relationship by one die.
    Relationship Shock indicates tension, resentment or
    something else. It colors how you interact with the object
    of your relationship, and how he/she/it interacts with you.
    A relationship that’s been Shocked is tense, and everyone
    involved knows it.
    You can get dice back in a Shocked relationship, but it takes
    some work. It takes Quality Time.

    You can call for a scene where you can address problems
    in your relationships whenever you like during the game,
    or seize the opportunity if an appropriate scene happens to
    pop up. Th e GM needs to try and work the scene into any
    big plot he has going on.
    Quality Time requires a dice roll with a diffi culty equal
    to 4+X, where X is the number of Shocked dice that have
    been lost in that relationship. Th at means if you have three
    Shocked dice, you roll at diffi culty 7: Your rollfs height must
    be 7 or higher to succeed.
    If your Quality Time roll succeeds, your relationship
    gains width in dice if you roll a 2x5, you get
    back two relationship dice. But you canft increase the
    relationship beyond what it was before you messed it
    up. To do that you need character advancement (see
    page 23).
    (the rest of it is hard to post without posting the complete rules, if this intrests you I'd suggest just downloading the PDF)
    >> random /tg/er 03/01/12(Thu)16:06 No.322279
    so I was a little off about how it works, for one thing you can't increase your dice in a relationship without "leveling up", and for another it requires RP /and/ a roll to get Quality Time. the manual goes on to talk about how you can have contested Quality Time (when something or someone is actively stopping you from gettin' in the good with someone else) and some other stuff, but I think I've posted enough for you guys to tell if this is want or do not want.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:09 No.322336
    All rolls in Fate use 4d6. two faces are minuses, two are blank, and two are pluses. (There are special dice, or I just say 1-2 is a minus, 3-4 is a blank, and 5-6 is a plus) The roll is added to your relevant skill.
    So, if Twilight wants to make a jump, she rolls the dice (6, 2, 3, 3), and adds 1 from Athletics. So she gets an average (+1) result.
    Now, Twilight has Aspects. Aspect can be invoked to add a +2 to a relevant roll. So, if Twilight were trying to research a magical effect (Lore skill), she'd roll 4d6, and add her Lore Skill (4). Say she rolls 2, 3, 4, 3 . That's only a Good (3) Check. She gives the GM a fate point and says "Surely, CELESTIA'S #1 PUPIL would know that!" and gets a +2, bringing the result to Superb (5).
    FATE POINTS: In FATE, characters have a refresh rate. This is the amount of Fate points they get when the GM says they refresh. it is also the pool from which stunts and powers draw. So a 6 refresh character may have up to 5 points of powers/stunts, and get a single fate point, or they can choose fewer abilities, and more points.
    Stunts are passive bonuses to skills in set situations. For Twilight, she's a Capable Researcher, so it takes her [half] the time to find something out through research.
    Finally, powers: Powers are supernatural abilities of characters. Most Unicorns would have Channeling, which is a focused use of magic in a specific setting (like, only fire, or, can find and manipulate gems). Twilight has Evocation, which allows her to make spells on the fly, representing her greater facility with magic.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)16:09 No.322338
    More interest here. Anyone want to bring me up to speed on what's done and what's not so I can contribute?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:12 No.322389
    By Dresden's abacus, Wings would count as a power, which gives us an interesting side point: In Dresden, if you don't have any powers, you're a Pure Mortal, and you get more refresh than others, which means an Earth Pony, if we used pure mortal rules, could have more freedom than Unicorns or Pegasi.

    For instance, Twilight's build uses 4 refresh, in a 6 refresh slot, giving her two fate points. Applejack, by contrast, would get 8 refresh, allowing her to get 4 stunts, and still get more refresh than Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:16 No.322450
    It would give people a reason to be an earth pony and not some sort of mary sue alicorn
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:17 No.322468
    I would, but it would take too long.
    This is why a 1d4chan article was a good idea.

    Current order of business: continue with a modified d20 system, or borrow aspects of FATE.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:18 No.322491
    As a fa/tg/uy I say fuck d20. Don't just borrow from FATE, fucking use it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:20 No.322522
    What this elegan/tg/entleman says.

    Even when adopting Fate you'll have to figure out setting-appropriate skills and stunts, so it's not like you have all your work done for you.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)16:23 No.322575
    Thirding FATE, although I'm only vaguely familiar with the system. D20 is really clunky, and while I run the risk of belittling some people with this comment, the crunch it has at times is just too annoying for some.

    Any thoughts on that savage world variant that was posted earlier?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:23 No.322577
    >It actually works the same in Fate. Your character might have an aspect like Drunk. You could use that aspect for stuff like resisting the effects of alcohol, gaining an upper hand in a bar brawl and so on, but the GM could also use it against you by saying "Hey, there's a bar over there, how about your character drops the important quest at hand and I give you a shiny Fate point for it?"
    I really, really like this. Lets use this.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:27 No.322629
    Making alicorns a playable race was never part of the plan.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:31 No.322681
    Over on /tg/ this is as good as a consensus as we ever hope for, so we're settled on FATE.

    Now, does anyone have the setting in more concrete detail than just the shit from the show?
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)16:38 No.322767

    Toss things in there until we can get a wiki entry up with something a bit more concrete.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:40 No.322825
         File: 1330638042.jpg-(1.63 MB, 2700x2900, theknownworld.jpg)
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    I will refer you to our decided eras...
    >Three Tribes - War and political intrigue
    >Discordian Era - Adventuring and treasure hunting in a strange and shifting land
    >Early Alicorn Era - A combination of the other three; a mostly medieval fantasy adventuring setting, with a mixture of politics, expanding territories, dungeoneering, and a decent number of threats from the untamed world.
    >Modern Era - Domestic or travelling adventure with emphasis on social and teamwork-based approaches to threats.

    We have also noted that any given mythological or fantasy monster will fit the setting, and have not abandoned the concept of lovecraftian abomination seaponies.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:43 No.322873
    How does one edit it?

    And don't call it 'Pony FATE'. We're using aspects of FATE, but we haven't come this far to just knock off another MLP supplement for an existing RPG.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:44 No.322906
    This. Aspects are great roleplaying prompts, but we've got too much good material to just drop.
    >> Izzy 03/01/12(Thu)16:45 No.322918
    I want to help with this project.
    >> pink 03/01/12(Thu)16:50 No.323002

    Before you settle on Fate, Check out savage worlds, and the SW:MLP system already out.

    (P.S. Some people in /tg/ are trying to sabotage you by directing you to FATE)
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)16:50 No.323008
    Alright, disregard what I wrote, should be editable now. Feel free to copypasta whatever is decided thus far in there.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:59 No.323170
    >implying that FATE isn't thematically appropriate for MLP

    Sure, keep telling yourself that.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:00 No.323177
    >Some people in /tg/ are trying to sabotage you by directing you to FATE

    Huh? You may be thinking of Fatal, but if you can prove people are meddling to ruin our work, please do.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:00 No.323183
    >thread complete overrun with /tg/ talking about things us casual rollplayers don't understand

    Well I guess it was fun while it lasted
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:02 No.323230
    I'll say it again, we're not here to make an MLP supplement for FATE. By all means, drag and drop mechanics from FATE that will work, but we're here to make a new game.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)17:04 No.323263
    'pologies, all, we're not trying to detract interest, it's just in our nature as fa/tg/uys to bash certain systems.

    Anyway, the doc is going places. Let's get some of your ideas throwin' at the wall to see what sticks. And what means absolutely anyone, /tg/ or /mlp/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:19 No.323511

    someone already mentioned it, and someone else said no, then all of a sudden /tg/ wanted FATE.
    I think FATE works for this, but we could always build the mechanic from scratch.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:21 No.323558

    what don't you understand? Im from /tg/ and this makes me feel bad.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)17:28 No.323691
    The intent IS to build it from scratch. While I agree that FATE is a good enough base, I'm also going to have to advocate the usage of mechanics from that savage worlds variation. (Mostly the feats/interactions junk, as well as the bestiary being pretty good.)

    This way, we have a good foundation to start with, and it pleases more people? Maybe? (I honestly just want to see more constructive stuff and less confusion)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:32 No.323768
         File: 1330641127.jpg-(63 KB, 648x532, 132289278215.jpg)
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    Sup, bro?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:32 No.323782
    As a person who is a fa/tg/uy and a brony seeing this kind of behavior from /tg/ makes me sad.

    Grow the fuck up and act like an adult, /tg/ isn't /b/. Don't try to make it into /b/.
    >> ZOID !BERGxJYqs. 03/01/12(Thu)17:34 No.323811
         File: 1330641253.jpg-(71 KB, 360x326, image.789 reaction.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:35 No.323849
    Oh good someone made this. Hello fellow fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:37 No.323886
    The thing that baffles me, as a fa/tg/uy who is also a brony, is the hellbent insistence on creating a game from scratch. Looking at the doc at the moment it looks like there are some good ideas there, but at the same time it looks like they're not very cohesive and, well, a bit all over the place. It also doesn't look too casual-friendly.

    The reason why I've been suggesting Fate as a base for the game is that it's a really simple system, really easy to learn even for casuals and rewards the sort of stuff, i.e. character interaction and mechanics based on personality and relationships, that I think is appropriate to the show.

    But yeah, I'm watching how this project develops with mild curiosity.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)17:39 No.323914
    Rebumping doc link in case people couldn't find it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:42 No.323968
    Hey someone told me there were a bunch of fat guys who pretend to be big tuff guys that were gonna come in here and teach you all a lesson.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:43 No.323991
    He chickened out and deleted his threat to spam this board upon realizing that the rest of /tg/ didn't care for his sperging.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:44 No.324029
    Which was probably a good thing, given how many posters on /mlp/ are /b/tards and how tiny /tg/ really is. The counter-raid would have been devastating, and as much as I loved ruining that thread I wouldn't have enjoyed watching all of /tg/ burn.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:48 No.324081
    I am about to shit myself laughing at all the buttrage on /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:56 No.324227
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    Hi /mlp/, /tg/ here.

    I'd like to apologize for the behavior of that shitposter who was trying raid this board. Not sure if he's a troll or just a newfag with too much autism in his system, but I'm sorry regardless that you were exposed to such gargantuan faggotry.

    Here, have a picture of Pinkie Pie in power armour.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:56 No.324229
         File: 1330642573.jpg-(263 KB, 1600x960, applejack_marine_by_ghettomole(...).jpg)
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    Related to both /tg/ and /mlp/

    Also, the stuff for the project looks interesting so far.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:57 No.324247
    This is the /tg/ I know and love!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:59 No.324282
    Well, everything beyond dices and stuff you can find in your 12 year old D&D book I'm at total loss.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)18:02 No.324334
    Your contributions to the RPG are still valid, though. Just tell us "hey, wouldn't it be neat if 'x'?"
    And then we turn it into a useable mechanic.

    The beauty of a collab like this is that people only need to actually throw some ideas out there.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 03/01/12(Thu)18:09 No.324456
    Thread marked for archival.

    Will update until the thread dies.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)18:10 No.324483
    So what kind of dice system are we going to use? Or do we want to use something besides dice? like, maybe a modified deck of cards or something?
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)18:14 No.324568
    I dunno what Fate runs- I did post another set of PDFs in the document that's a d6 system, though. Could someone help me trawl through em' for anything valuable?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)18:20 No.324678
    I think FATE's mostly run without much dice, but it does use whatever FUDGE dice are.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)18:47 No.325292
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)18:55 No.325441
    Holy fuck, /tg/ are ultra-bros. I wish I knew something about traditional games so I could hang out there.
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)19:08 No.325700
    S'never too late to learn.
    Or keep working on the system, if you guys have any ideas.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)19:21 No.325921

    Fudge dice are d6's with 2 pluses, 2 minuses, and 2 blanks. You always roll 4 of them for a skill check in FATE.
    Its a fairly popular system. And its really good for roleplay since to succeed you need like, 1 success, and if you have a 2 in a skill, you have to roll pretty badly to screw up.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)19:24 No.325985
    hey I know!
    Let's port ponys into FATAL!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)20:01 No.326592
    Minotaurs confirmed as, having them as a playable race would be delicious.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)20:05 No.326675
    Playing Pony Quest:

    >What Race should I be; Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn?

    >What Class Type should I be; Melee, Ranged, Magic, Support?
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)20:11 No.326777
    It's not inconceivable that they'd exist as a monster of some sort. Maybe even a peaceful monster race. But.. having them as a player race might be kinda ehh... They're neither pony-related nor were they introduced in the show.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)20:14 No.326830
    Watch the preview for the next episode bro
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)20:15 No.326852
    >> Jupies 03/01/12(Thu)20:17 No.326884
    Disregard me, I suck cocks. Minotaur confirmed for player race.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)00:04 No.331299
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)11:57 No.340007
    So when will this continue?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)12:53 No.340629
    After the break
    >> Quillian 03/02/12(Fri)13:06 No.340777
    I'm starting a tumblr as soon as I've got my tablet set up, called Warpony 40k, and I intend to make it a sort of interractive story. Kinda like Prequel or Homostuck. Should be great fun, following an unnamed (folks get to name her) inquisitor pony.

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