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03/01/12(Thu)05:09 No.315453>"What are we gonna do in the alley, Mr Anon?" the young filly asks as you lead her into the dark, secluded area of town. >You chuckle slightly to yourself, the ponies around here are so easy to lure, and oh yes, this one was going to get some 'candy' alright. >The dim rumble of the streets fades as you go deeper and deeper into the alley, your little filly following you excitedly. >You notice a form in the back, some bags of trash? Whatever, you could use something for cushion, and perhaps a way to hide the body later, this keeps getting better. >You notice the dark mass move with great speed and before you can react MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE HAS YOU IN HIS MASSIVE ARMS, AND BOOM, RIGHT INTO THE DUMPSTER, BROTHER. >THE LITTLE SISTERAMAJIGGER FLEES BACK TO SAFETY AS YOUR BROKEN BODY IS THROWN, YEAH, INTO THE BRICK WALLS OF THE RUMBLE ARENA. >"I CANNOT BE DEFEATED" THE MASSIVE MAN BELLOWS AS HE BREAKS YOU LIKE A SLIM JIM. |