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My Little Pony General
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Would you boop a butt?
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I would boop a butt so hard
It's not a boop unless it's on a nose.
The world is so depressing, that's the only reason I come here.

Because for a split second, I can convince myself that MLPG is the only thing I need anyway.
Anyone here who has some saying on Derpy Hooves?

What the fuck is this and can it be please removed and replaced with something FUCKING MLP RELATED

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but what if you reverse boop? boop a pone butt with YOUR nose?
>slower than linkboard
shamfur dispray, smile-kun
I would poop a butt
Because is fanservice idiot.
what if you booped a nose with your butt?
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>not taking it easy
I saw that in my RSS just a few minutes ago, I thought that DH is completely lost now. Not only are they talking about stupid shit, they even support the wrong side of the argument.
Oh gad that face, hah
because he was selling it in an art book
Man, those eyes creep me the fuck out.
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Where is her nose?
>Censoring it.

What, are you afraid of bans? Haha
You keep saying that you've got something for me

Something you call love, but confess
How does Hasbro let shit like that go?
Well that depends..would pone butt fart in response?
that's because it's in the Hoofbeat art book which is for sale

I only use ponyleaks for pony news. They mostly talk exclusively about the show.
No, pone would poob
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Why haven't I seen touhou merge with this fandom yet?
Can someone give me a tl;dr.
>/mlp/ delivering.

You see guys, this board is not that bad.
made up sociological issues by people who like to play victim
Do you really think hasbro wants to associate themselves with porn? Parents would catch on and then they'd get all afraid and stop buying ponies.
"It is a topic of pretty general importance, and apart from the references I put in there, the whole article was inspired by a discussion of transgender microaggressions (albeit not by that name) within this fandom, a discussion which unfortunately proved the relevance and urgency of education on the topic.

I also wanted to include an empirical survey of the language of /mlp/, /co/, /b/, and several Ponychan boards, since I had already compiled n-gram corpora of those dialects, but I didn’t have enough data to be sure that the results weren’t just noise."

In other words... it's not
It was /d/
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1.54 MB
Ponies should do the monkey
>implying /d/ didn't do the footwork for us first
yeah, then why aren't they trying to stop it?
Laws involving gays and calling them out is a crime. Literally.
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I've posted censord porn before and it got deleted anyways.
So what you're saying is that a pone poobs out of its butt?
BTW it's a hella nice art book. you should buy it if you like it. support the artists.
So trannys and freaks?
>Taking it easy
Fuck you touhou faggots
Not if they make porn
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/co/ is mother
/jp/ is father
well you are the expert on non show related off topic bullshit here
Oh, yeah? Well nice, then, I thought it was that guy who posted all the pics in a thread earlier.
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We all should do the monkey.
>implying it wasn't a one-time con-only artbook
>implying you can scrape up the $1000 to own a solid copy since they aren't going to print more to meet the demand
Because if they make any legal move it'll be all over the headlines within days. By just ignoring it, they're hoping it won't get mainstream media attention, and your average parent will be none the wiser.
that picture is good. he did remove censor but he fucked it up making it worse.
>scoot's tail
We all should fuck the pone
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You know she wants it
remember when the guy from DHN would come here. he said they would never pander to the fandom and turn into EQD.
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fuck da ponelice
Woops. I had no idea, sorry. Color me foolish
johnny bravo pls come back on the air and bring dexter's lab and rocko with you
Do we have any police pone fucking art?
Well there's that anon with the armpit fetish. That's close right?

Always, there's always a fucking faggot ruining everything.
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I need to tatto this thing on my face one day. It would be incredibly pointless because there is no way of me remembring about it this way.

Coming back here just reminded me how many amazing artists are around these places and how much I hate my "style" or whatever I can call it and overall dislike my way of dealing with new pieces. It's just barely holding together in many, many aspects.

Either I'll go with "gotta do more gotta practice more" rule and stick with doing what I hate which means trying to work out my "style" without use of references and similiar stuff OR I'll go with what worked best for quality of my stuff which is experimenting and digging around for new ideas on color/lines/light stuff etc. and be end up in huge dissonance between every new work.

It feels bad. Ideas on that thing? Kitty pls go?
>that feel when DHN is supposed to be the bastion for relevant news
>that feel when interviewing porn artists
>that feel when AND NOW THIS BULLSHIT
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I always assume it's winston. I know it's probably not, but it makes me feel better.
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i hate it when artists better than me whine about their drawings
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>people announce they jack off to my little pony
>then cry and get mad when they are fursecuted for it

in what situation is it ever acceptable to publicly discuss what type of porn you like to jack off to?
When you're in the company of people just as weird as you. It's >fun
>getting wolly sweater stuff in your eyes
Kinda like here
>typical christian extremist
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>Not hating your art
What are you? Tom Preston?
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>nervous police pone
pls no
strong and firm police pone is best
>implying interviewing porn artists is bad
MLPG, when is the show coming back? You said that it was just going to the store.

When it gets back, we'll be a family again, right?
whats wrong with discussing sexual things with other people as long as they care to listen?
Except that here we are anonymous, and usually casuals like those crybaby bronies aren't even remotely anonymous.
Klondike pls.

Pls, Klondike, pls, draw something.

tess pls draw more hips
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Ye... I tried to avoid it sounding like that. I didn't said I hate my works. I said I hate my way od dealing with them. I feel like I need some kind of change or something. I... fuck I have no idea what I'm actually doing anymore.
ATHEISTS 51328975
>implying interviewing Skoon and CartoonLion is, under any circumstances, good
Yeah my stuff is pretty bad
but it's bad like nobody likes it bad
>Implying S3 won't kill MLPG
If there's one thing in this fandom I can't stand, it's the porn
That horse..that horse is so fat I want to squeeze it.
An interesting bit of negativity above. I would like to point out I am about to share this on my facebook, where I have (recently) come out to everyone I know that I am a Brony. Prior to last week I kept it a bit under wraps, although certain of my friends or family knew. For me, making it public on facebook is exactly the same as me “coming out”.

Now… I have had to deal with negative side comments about not only gay, but bisexual, AND Bronies at my workplace… which several at my workplace have my Facebook. I have not been to work since I posted these things as I am on vacation, but I am both besexual, and a Brony, and am very shortly going to have to deal with the consequences of “publicly coming out” to a number of military members on base that may not be understanding.

This article is interesting and completely relevant to my interests at this time. Being a Brony to many people is as stressful as being gay, or bi, or transexual. As many of us as there are, we are still a minority group, so by default a study done on one minority group may have ramifications in another.

Please don’t knock someone just trying to help, as they may have just helped me.
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Cant right now
I might at least print it out an hang it above my monitor.

I hate my drawings, but I know without time they won't improve.

I just wish they'd be good now.
is she going to shoot her own boob?
>come out to everyone I know that I am a Brony

I just don't understand
Finish your picture about PS3 pony
Oh hey, Hoppip's in there too.
Just watch something or do something in the mean time. I bet you cannot watch all of +140 episode of Gamecenter CX or beat a game before season 3 comes out. Some are looking into GF for now.
Are you sick, Klondike? Are you feeling alright?
Anon, I think it's time we had a talk about the show.
The show didn't go to the store; it went to the doctor.
The show will be coming back very soon, and we need to make sure we love it and appreciate it when it does, because the show has a condition called "bad ip rights holders".
We don't know how much longer we'll be able to be together. Might be one more season, might be five. We just don't know yet.
And sentenal.
I need a drawfag.

Draw DHN jumping the shark.

Because holy shit.
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Why would it?
Yeah, why can't they interview good artists like Ross and veggie55?
We all wish to be and get better but where is the line of: "Ok cool I'm fine with what I can and where I am". Probably there isn't one.
>What are you? Tom Preston?
Hey guys

GFG is just as bad as us

I'm not sick.. I'm playign games. Its the only time of the day I can play games
>Being a Brony to many people is as stressful as being gay, or bi, or transexual.

ha ha ha ha ha faggot
>tfw you'll never be interviewed
>DHN will never interview veggie55

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Yeah, we saw.
The show is going to leave? But...

But you won't leave me, will you MLPG?
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We already knew it.

We already watched it.
>implying that's not the best comment in the thread
Hey, be optimistic, it's a lot better
Derpy Hooves News.

I like this picture

dem chest tufts
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Summer Heat Field Trip
part 5
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Why arent I gettin' 'nterviewed ya tick whomp?
What are you? A dog fucker?
>snail trail
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can't she be both?
Someone actually wrote the down somewhere?
What the fuck

Shit motherfuckers it's on now
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>Girl wants to have sex.
>Make fun of her for it.
Kids are stupid
As someone who's been shouted at from cars to go back where he came from, Bronies acting like a persecuted minority for something easily kept to yourself seriously pisses me off.
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I'm sorry that I can't give you any advice or encouragement because I'm not an artist or a writer or anything, but I just want you to know that I like your art a lot. Not only that but I think you're one of the nicest guys here; it always brightens my day, even if just a little bit, to see you here.
no i mean who is veggie55
Well. They're even more insufferable as boys.
Wait, you have never done that?
Filthy Dumb Faller Scum.
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My butt.
i will kill you for real
In a reply to the dhn article

>As many of us as there are, we are still a minority group, so by default a study done on one minority group may have ramifications in another.

It could be a skilled troll
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What do you get when you cross veggie55 with a bungee cord?
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The idea of ponies going into sexual overdrive like that is just too good.
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the B^U of pony comics
is hoppopopoopop on DHN staff?
Betty pls go
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Why would he be?
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You make fun of them AFTER they have sex. Not before!
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I prefer the term "Gravyfag."

Needs more DT and SS spitroasting femsnails.
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At the same time?
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>Not letting herself get mounted doggy style

what a shitty Pinky Slut
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>snail trail
This is just making me d'aww for her even harder
Poor thing
You want to know what every place you go has in common?
You're there.
That's why it's awful.
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Getting rejected by a girl because you made fun of her is one of the many stations on the way to adolescence.
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Focus on the game Klondyke.
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Thank you. Thank you a lot that means heaven to me. I'm still lost but now I have motivation to look for that something.

I'll be back to get some requests in hour or two.
in before the whole thing changes up unexpectedly

>implying silver spoon doesn't want diamond crown all to himself tonight
Is that dog a fursona or just a normal dog? What the fuck?
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1.21 MB
And it is done! Phew!

With this picture I end my fifth week of drawing. My anatomy is still shit, but I am improving (I think). Now that I have drew around 10 pictures for the General, where is the best place to dump them without dying of shame?
Why are you doing this

what are your demands
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1.09 MB
look at this shit nigas
>they refuse, then torture her by being gaying it up all night in front of her
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How would you get a normal dog to fuck you like that?
What would you have to do to make it happen?
>dem eyes
>dat mane
>Fifth week
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222 KB
These alright?
Man see
people like you

nobody likes me

I draw for myself because I'm the only one who cares.
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>eyes as big as an xbox

what are you doing
>Implying fifth week
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thats tight
It's their dog, who is also their fursona and their soulmate
How did you do the nights sky like that?
Just a furfag but dog fuckery like this is close to being Cartoonlion
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this picture is OK

i have nothing bad or good to say about it
Tess, what would I have to do to get you to draw gay for those of us in the general who like that sort of thing?

That's beautiful. I guess you could dump them here? It's not like image caps mean much nowadays.
Surely he has to actually put forth effort to be this painfully unfunny, right?
That can't come naturally
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Nigga if I was going to save a fucking dog fucking a pony, It better be a diamond dog and not some random feral fur faggoty faggot
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Klondike, are you drunk?
>that feel when the only scalie porn without balloon boobs is feral but you don't like feral
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91 KB
nigga that's kawaii
People have give him a lot of constructive criticism. Including little things, like on how to draw word balloons better.

>this is my style
Would you?

>tfw there is not enough feral pornography in this world
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So you want scalie DFC?
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Gonna change it up and post drafts.
>he didn't see the FemspikexDusk artwork

hooooo boy
I'm liking those hips
yes, like that. Boobs on reptiles are just a no go
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Is it terrible that that was the first thing I thought of when I laid eyes upon that image?
What the fuck have you done to me, MLPG?
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Too bad Shetland ponies are them ost orneryassholes on the planet
I am if you are~
you're looking in the wrong place
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got a folder full of horse genitals?

post plx
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can I ask for some creepy ass music?
I really want to draw something scary.
need to get in the mood.
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Pft I dunno.
Not exactly a frequently asked question.
We have made you right
I wouldn't mind like really shallow bulges. Just to give it a hint of feminine form.
Need context.
Is /b/read here?
Put down some dots, copy and paste them around like crazy, and add some brush strokes in the back.

But..but I followed the reference and everything!
>nobody likes me
You are anon. I love anon.

First rule that I'm following is to get better but when I lose sight of what I'm aiming at... its confusing.
Once I loved CU work and aimed in that direction. Then I managed to work in her fashion but it's not mine this way. I'm just a copycat. Same for any other artist I'm looking up on.

Let me know if you'll ever need to get a tip from me on something that you are working on. I'm green but might be helpful. I'm always happy to help or at least try and talk.
in before vidya soundtracks
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264 KB

would cuddle
>can I ask for some creepy ass music?
Gwarek2, by Aphex Twin
feels like we are being raided
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39 KB
then no


Everytime I hear this I feel someones about to kill me. Its not necessarilly creepy though
In part
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The only one I found has boobs, the anon lied.

They aren't big boobs, but they're boobs nonetheless.
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Well, I mean, obviously I don't want you to draw porn, but, just something for those of us who enjoy males showing each other affection of the romantic sort.

I bet the week of a heat in Ponyville is one of the worst places to be. So many mares, so few stallions.

I wonder how any mare keeps a stallion to herself.

There has to be accidents everyonce in a while. And poor Big Mac.
pls stram
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1.25 MB


>this is not your personal blog
>everybody pay attention to me while I threaten to take my ball and go home
post it anyway
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52 KB
...Forgot I had this in my favorites
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53 KB

Get the fuck in here.
That stallions must have one hell of a time. Especially with the stronger mares jumping them to get their fix.
>so few stallions
>eventually they turn to the younger colts
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Is Harsh Noise creepy? Probably only annoying

and if you feel like it: consumer's market
New facebook timeline pic, thanks for that
>yfw that shit was posted by the author of ponyleaks
>and is on there too
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47 KB
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Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB
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2.69 MB
apple, please respond when you take a listen
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Gimme a dollar n I'll do it.
Well that's not exactly something I think about nor is it something that's requested very often so if you'd like something specific you can ask for it.
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Yo people I havre to tell that episode 20-26 have so much shit in them that season 3 will need an opening with rarity and pinky pie having sex with a dragon dildo so my devotion can be saved

m-my boners
>that tongue

I unfed against my better judgement.
>man twilight
too bad spike has tits
Would you cuddle femSpike?
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This reminds me of the essay on rape culture in the fandom I was writing out of boredom. I'll be done with my uni work tonight so I'll be able to focus on it.
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read this fagg
t-that tongue

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Okay then! That seems fair. Would you be willing to draw Hoity Toity with the bellboy Snails recolour from Sweet and Elite, in a romantic capacity? You do cute really well, so I have no doubt you can think of a good idea!
stop the MLPG I want to get off
what am I talking? Buyer's Market of course!
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26 KB
I would cuddle manTwilight
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115 KB
I was told there would be horse here where is horse
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218 KB
yes I would
make sure you post in on DHN
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96 KB
Who wouldn't want to cuddle Babs?
I-if you're still looking
I seriously want to see a fic where the mane 6 all go into heat at once and rather then find a stallion they take comfort in each others.

Sort of a "I'm not going to let instincts which no longer have any place in modern society dictate my actions."

Twi is saving herself for marrage.

AJ can't get pregnant because of farm work and she keeps thinking of her brother.

Fluttershy is just way to shy to even consider letting a stallion mount her.

Rarity also saving herself for marriage and thinks giving into heat is so barbaric.

Rainbow Dash doesn't want to get pregnant as it will ruin her chances of getting into the Wonderbolts, though she wouldn't mind having Soarin's kid.

And Pinkie...Well she doesn't really care, she spent her last heat with three different stallions and didn't get pregnant at all.
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244 KB
tell me what to fap to today
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103 KB
horses are dorks
File: 1341523969053.gif-(59 KB, 320x240, was that a pun i just heard.gif)
59 KB
God damn it.

Guess I'm masturbating to furry porn today
>it's BARB, you stump!
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128 KB
your mom
>AJ in heat
>keeps thinking of her brother
That's scalie, not furry
>try to cuddle femspike
>her lizard instinct kick in and you now have her basically superglued to you in a hug
>your so warm
Babs is short for Barbara, retard
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140 KB
Mcscarfedro yo thats me,
I walk through the park talking bouy rarity
SHe is the best unicorn on all pony ville
the thinh I like the most is her whining
man, I'd seriously like to draw some 34 of Barb

Maybe Spike x Barb selfcest
It also sounds retarded. Never use it again.
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54 KB
manlight is furry
and that's what's hot in that picture
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Spoiler Image, 873 KB
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60 KB
Guys it's started
Guys I'm scared help me
Quick post more ponies
Colt Twilight has fur, and is at least 1/3 of the unf in that image


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63 KB
Do you have a skype i can add you with
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244 KB
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444 KB

There's no way anyone could masturbate to that. No human anyway.
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101 KB
Anthro ponies?
So a big ol' lesbain orgy?

It's weird because those all sound like solid reasons for them to try and ignore their heat but then in the end they all screw eachother silly.

Interpreting the concept of heat to a sentient pone is difficult itself. Do they just feel extra horny all the time or are they so warped by the overbearing need to breed they lose themselves until they find a stallion willing to rut them over and over and over again until satisfied?
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1.01 MB
what are you talking about?
here's your pony
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97 KB
Closest Stallion, she definatlly does not want to open up that can of worms and so she runs off to Twilight's for help. Turns out everyone is already there. Queue the orgy.
Romance is not my forte so I don't know what to do with them.
In my entire life I've only been able to come up with maybe three or four romance-type situations, and I'm trying to save them.
I guess I can try and brainstorm something real fast though.
I think for the purpose of the word play she should be called Barb or something.
what the fuck happened to me? yesterday i jacked to the furry anthro comic and now i want to fap to this?

its like i turned into a furfag overnight
Atryl, I think.
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44 KB
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Embrace the Warp, Shout. It is a good pain.
shout pls
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54 KB
Zecora anthro>all other anthro
I could use her tears as lube.
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79 KB
I'll draw fresh ponies and post them, if you'll redraw that with Pinkie pulling her top down.
Dis nigga
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481 KB
ok, but whats the problem? whats happening anon?
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98 KB
shout do you have a tumblr?
>not being a furfag already
Do you even go on /v/?
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1.83 MB
You did
I think part of column A and B. It just depends on how long they go without sex. By the end of the week they are pretty much mindless sex machines.
elvilaz or kitty tail I have no idea how skype searcher works
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242 KB
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93 KB
Maybe I should
Wait why
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115 KB
this guy right here
would you shower a pone in praise and attention?

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270 KB
yeah fuck that site
This is the worst boner I have ever had and I feel terrible. I'm leaving and going to /v/ for a little as my own personal punishment.
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26 KB
Different ponies now.
...anyone got the full version of that LyraBon picture?
because why not
whats wrong with tumblr
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680 KB
He's pretty cute imo
I love how people who don't have a sister like the idea of Applecest, and people who actually do have a sister hate it.
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328 KB
Stop making a drama out of everything bitch and just do it
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19 KB
Because it isn't that bad, faggot

You should feel bad. God, we're not mindless animals guys. Control your fucking urges.
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44 KB
i'm sure they can control themselves
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101 KB
it's a good place to keep all your art at as long as you don't get sucked into it
if he didnt dress like a nerd he would be pretty decent
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53 KB
check your breast privilege, scum
I always thought this was funny, that you had Snails being the heat-guru in this pic and femSnails is all but scooting across the floor.
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264 KB
Shush, Rose. We're not all asexual like you.
>MLPG going into heat
I have three sisters, and the idea of incest makes me physically ill.

And that's why I refuse to write AJxMac
Well that's how I always did it, personally. You can only ignore raging hormones for so long.

I've seen other writers do it on one end and the other. Where they just describe it as horniness+ and the other end is just losing their goddamned minds right off the bat
do what

>controlling heat
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61 KB
Just look at these ponies, do you really feel like fucking any of them?
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26 KB
The best lyrabon pic I may say.
I told you bro, that time you drew that Bronycon comic with that Pinkie cosplayer I told you your anthro was good, I was just warning you!
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460 KB
are you the guy who draws the stuff

and are you the guy who pony karts and plushies
MLPG is always in heat.
That's why everyone here pops a boner at anything even hinting of sex.
Haha, are they all wet?
I'll back this

Is it me or is everyone around here getting called Rose lately? What's up with that.
There's a pretty big gap between being asexual and...THAT.
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516 KB
we lyrabon now
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77 KB
Go to /b/read
Not your Tumblr.
But I have a deviant fuck account
It almost sounds as if I'm trying to redeem myself
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643 KB
Better than this one?
Hey Pony Guy, do Bats next.
remind me of the man
No worries those boobs are cute as fuck.
okay I will post it there now
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731 KB
alright, why not?
You do?
Wait, Hoppip, was that article green lit by the admins, or was it done by someone lesser down the latter?
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136 KB
this is not your personal blog
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51 KB
Hey faggots. I kinda stalled with my requests since i'm surfing on the crest of an academic shit-tsunami right now. i also have to work on giving my style a little personality and that may take a while.

someone as already pointed out that i draw pinkie too much, but i simply can't stop drawing best pony
what man?
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84 KB
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686 KB
what about this one?
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126 KB
Alright, something I'm unclear on but I don't know if anyone else is-
Were the other mane 5 ponies friends before Twilight showed up? It's never specifically made clear or implied in the show, as far as I know.

ur a faget kraut
stop liking pink
gay dude
Pinkie can get dunked
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18 KB
draw more comics pls
>Best pony

Like I said yesterday: you are already in my top tier list.

>favorite is pinkie
Draw Pinkie dancing
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The other one is better. This one is good too.
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45 KB
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29 KB
the lives of popular tripfags is more interesting to me than what we normally talk about

avatar DerpySquad
Posted July 5, 2012 at 5:40 pm EDT | Permalink | Reply

Yeah, not exactly the shit I like to see after waking up from a severe hangover…

tl;dr stop making a big deal out of nothing. It was One fucking guy. ONE, not the entire site.
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32 KB
no idea
sentinel pls go
they don't even like you
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I like this one as well
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I think this is my favorite one.

It's disgustingly cute.
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655 KB
i hate you at first but now i like you.
>damage control
I guess you'll spend a good time in the /b/read
i stopped going to da months ago. too much stupidity. plus tumblr is in my opinion more convenient
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1.21 MB
Re-sized the eye a little, should be at normal size now. The other eye is fucked though, just pretend that it looks normal.
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56 KB
Who do?
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201 KB
i laffed
It was one guy.


Stop. Calm down. Resubscribe. Report the article. Move on.
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110 KB
These were the mounts of Vikings. In order to improve the breeding stock, they had the stallions fight to the death.

And yes, these are ponies.
As if

Now they are roleplaying rl people too

>And I was lucky enough to hear it sung twice by the huge BronyCon crowd last weekend!

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117 KB
I love it.
>Posted by Amy Keating Rogers at 10:21 AM

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22 KB
big deal, AB was only caught streaming child porn ONCE.
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Mexican pony. Funny enough, very popular in southern states and Texas.

That ant is wearing a very stylish hat.
'ts not like there's anything going on there that's interesting anyway

I get most of my news from the general and the ponykart chat
I'd that hat
Reu pls
You are allowed to be the ideas guy for one episode of MLP. How do you proceed?

Hard Mode: Nothing designed specifically to shatter fannon or piss off bronies.

Contra with no continues mode: Nothing that could be construed as sexual
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168 KB
who summons me
i went in there for a second
he was drawing toxicmarios OC
i burned my computer
Why do germans always have the best taste in pone?
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239 KB
not really a full comic, but i forgot to upload this one.

i can also upload some scripts for comic which have gotten too long
>awkward analogies
That's not even related at all though. That's not even similar to what he's saying
>Nothing that could be construed as sexual
Like every single episode? Is not like we twist everyghin.
Rose already did that joke.
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49 KB
Fuck, can't post all my ponies. You fuckers are posting them somewhere else.
I'm doing one but it's not coming out as well as I'd hoped..
reu why do you like ants so much

Kraut. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love your comics and art. But have you tried filling their irises? They look a little crazy to me.
because shes antsy
i know, i just like to shitpost
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Konik is Polish for "Little horse"
But... but world building!
Bah. I suppose it would have to be another slice-of-life episode in order to evade the fanon-shattering requirement. So I'm going to steal another Anon's idea and just have the episode be 22 minutes of Dash sleeping as her cloud scoots over all of Ponyville, with a bunch events going on just outside the camera frame.
Is Fighting is Magic be at the EVO stream tomorrow?

Is anyone here watching it by the way?
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94 KB
>You will never have a cute indie girl to go to concerts and listen to music with
Simpsons did it!
The autism in this guy is pretty strong
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26 KB
This pony almost conquered Europe
i wasn't aware of that

i haven't been drawing for long and i'm fully aware of the fact that my drawing style is acomplete trainwreck. but now that you point that out, i should really do that in the future
they're small and I can relate to that but they also make up for it by being super strong and like imagine if one day you were sitting posting on 4chan when suddenly loads of ants crawled up you and used their collective ant strength to break your fingers
It probably won't be on the stream for a significant amount of time. Maybe between events.
Yes I will be watching it. I need to record the exact moment FChamp gets knocked out so I can laugh at him.
Baby Cakes episode

Clear cuckolding joke
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6 KB
reu are you small
Not a single fuck was had this day.
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1.86 MB
Can you even begin to fathom the number of people who'd done that joke before Rose?
The joke isn't exactly new.
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189 KB
So they are everything you want to be?
Why are you so strange reu
>Not teats
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457 KB
We coulda been anything we wanted to be
With all the time we had!
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53 KB
those don't even look like tits
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395 KB
While we're /socjust/, what are your thoughts on the legitimacy of the Bechtel test?
ants are pussy bitches
I love pony teats.
the milk must be delicious

No man, fuck, your drawing style is great. They were just bothering me a very little bit when you posted your first comics but I didn't say anything because I hate to be a bother or accidentally make people feel bad. I don't know shit about art so ignore me.
good, because everyone in the world except for me has shit taste in music
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51 KB
That's not how ant strength works at all, reu
Only if you're Nachos or Jay Naylor.
They knew eachother, but were probably not friends beyond a few connections.
If you look at the Gilda episode, Pinkie and Dash weren't friends.
If you look at the Sleepover episode you'll notice AJ and Rarity don't agree much.
Rarity and Fluttershy go to the spa though, its pretty unclear overall.
It's anthro.
brony pls go
What legitimacy? What is it even trying to prove? That anyone can come up with bullshit tests?
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113 KB
So last night I finally embraced my bisexuality. Holy crap getting gay sex is the easiest thing ever.
Enjoy your gay diseases.
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166 KB
no son, he's a half-faggot
So last night i gave a fuck
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1.57 MB
postin nanaki to help shit up the thread
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50 KB

You might have to wait a long time; I hear he's not using his Phoenix team for all of EVO, and his Dormammu is fucking great.

I will also want to record that.
>implying faggotry can be halved
Who the fuck is wolf nanaki and why are you giving him attention
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Spoiler Image, 13 KB
Hey Reu
What if purged your friends
>Great Tit
>Blue Tit
>Long tailed Tit
why did i laugh so hard
>DJ Pon-3 is not backwards even though it's a mirror
Fucking magic
File: 1341525397785.png-(1.23 MB, 1304x1319, CT sw homo.png)
1.23 MB
did you man up and tell your mom?
File: 1341525409067.png-(120 KB, 637x637, i wash myself with a rag on a (...).png)
120 KB
>Who the fuck is wolf nanaki
flipped image
all dem diseases
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44 KB
Alrighty, that's all the ponies I have. I'll work on Clydesdales and miniature horses/ponies next thread.
File: 1341525429391.png-(203 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2012-07-05-16h55m56s39.png)
203 KB
wake up see this what do
Because you're blue
da ba di
>Be a furry for knowing who he is.
>Be a brony for not knowing who he is.
Uninstall VLC and install a real video player.
Inspect her pink butt.
>I'm better looking than Nanaki
Hello self-esteem boost.
>implying reu has friends
>i'm a furry who doesn't know who he is
>be someone who has been in MLPG for longer than two threads for knowing who he is
Damn son, that's a fine looking zebra
File: 1341525509216.jpg-(8 KB, 249x285, let me tell you ape.jpg)
8 KB
>str4ight mane
he flipped the image MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
Does he even lift?
Probably scream. Maybe flail a bit. Definitely scoot backwards. I don't like people in my personal bubble, so anything else being that close is going to set off a few fight-or-flight lizard brain responses.
if you want to make me feel bad you have to try harder. i don't know squat about art either since i just started this year and i'll get better in due time. i'm a pretty optimistic person anyway, so critique is always appreciated
File: 1341525550261.jpg-(62 KB, 604x658, gummy pinkie.jpg)
62 KB
Why aren't you drawing?
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171 KB
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95 KB
oh my god it's so fucking beautiful
I saw him at the con

What a scrawny little shit
bcos time for bed
i have a bunch of bestiality videos i download from a russian site. they wont play in MPC but they work in VLC
File: 1341525581291.png-(255 KB, 504x639, 91138%20-%20CD-i%20die%20Disco(...).png)
255 KB
da ba
File: 1341525586434.png-(54 KB, 353x466, what am I getting myself into.png)
54 KB
File: 1341525601424.jpg-(244 KB, 1727x965, 735653 - Friendship_is_magic M(...).jpg)
244 KB
because it's in the middle of the night and so humid that all paper is crumbling
Another one for my starving Zecora folder
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643 KB
Because I can draw later when I expend all this pent up energy on having fun
Because my mousemat is so comfy I think I'll just take a quick nap.
I'm 5'1''

please don't
they're so hard working and cute and little
Can you post the bronycon comic please? The one with the Pinkie cosplayer.
Because I'm coloring, fuk u fuk u fuk u fuk u fuk u fuk u
Suggestiveness gets me so damn hard, jesus

more, do more
Look at you drawing boobs

if you don't like what you're doing draw a person pinkie pie
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84 KB
>tufted titmouse

it's shit
Dang adorable right thar
So. Was Bree at the Bronycon orgy?
oh my
>no bra
...Nope, keep going until they're juuuust about to pop out. Alternately, we could go for an outfit swap. I bet she'd look smashing in nice sundress.
>I'm 5'1''
Holy shit that's tiny
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18 KB
One ant at a time though in big groups they're just scary.
>work on your procrastination
Eh. Maybe later.
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227 KB
>not giving up on your arting
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110 KB
Because whatever I touch

Begins to melt in my clutch

I'm too much
Put something between them. Anything you want.
>chest boobs
File: 1341525788914.jpg-(163 KB, 500x400, Shetland pony bucking.jpg)
163 KB
Hey, that may be true about Shetland Ponies, but they look adorable doing it.
Every time

You're a natural at this
n-no it's not
Reuniclus are meant to be 3'3''

yeah so you don't want to anger them
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119 KB
So what, some people learn faster, they probably worked their butt off.
Drawing is fun!
I gave up around the same time SB got good.
Holy shit, I thought I was short at 5'7.
>hating anthro on principal
It's cute, what's the problem?


You're still short
File: 1341525884962.png-(385 KB, 1280x838, ragingsemi fluttershy firework(...).png)
385 KB
do you know who else started drawing this year
But you're writing write now
>angry ants in the UK
Oh no im being nipped and crawled over, whatever shall I do

Come back when you like these ones
>Schmidt describes the pain as "Pure, intense, brilliant pain. Like fire-walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch rusty nail grinding into your heel."
>write now
Oh lordy, thats really fucking tiny
This is really shitty.
>tfw friends of yours make you feel short at 6'3
yeah nah you're a cunt
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Why would you some of you guys want to bring your pony waifu into the real world? I mean, how fucking awkward would it be walking around town with a brightly colored, polychrome equine?
I want these and stuff them in my pants
groupthink told him anthro was bad, and not being able to form his own opinions, he accepted that meme as being true
well, i've been a college-kid for almost two years and approached drawing as i approach a paper or essay. you just need some self discipline and invest a little time. i start to think that starting with stylized horses was a mistake because i might end up being unable to draw anything else, so i'll branch out as soon as i have time for more advanced study
Just like his writing
that's horrifying
I don't have a face to express my dissatisfaction
I don't like hands and chest boobs on my ponies. Take that 3DPD shit out of my sight.
That's cute Reu
If you had a penis I'd have sex with you
haha cool! I will have to add them to my army
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1.72 MB
Do you play Pikmin? I love Pikmin.
>there will never be another chapter of the Rapering
You're expressing the exact same thing you're describing right now by jumping to conclusions about people who dislike anthro.
I used to be that size. My parents wanted to put me on steroids, thankfully I had a growth spurt before I had to get on that shit

And spiders are still way better than ants
its ok if a girl is short, i would still give her le dick
I'd never bring her here by herself. That would be cruel, especially since the world works so much differently here. If I could go there, however... I probably wouldn't, because I've got responsibilities weighing me down like a ton of bricks.
>Tfw you will never benchpress Reu while he draws you a pony
>some people learn faster than others
>some people learn slower than others
>it stands to reason that some will learn so slowly they'll never make it anywhere in their lifetime

I wish I was a good student like you.
>dem droopy crotchboobs
... how is it still alive? Its missing half of its face
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69 KB
stfu niggggarara
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but my current technique is also applicable to stuff like aircraft and helicopters, so i might make it somehow.
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I started last december.

I was in the friendoff
And that person is you. Yes you. The person reading this sentence right now. You will never make it anywhere.

Do you really need half of your face? Be honest.

Damn. I really can't imagine how you can get that good in half a year. You must be talented as fuck.
i dont think that word means what you think it means.
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1.98 MB
it is very rare for me to see anthro that i find tolerable
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382 KB
Is this the one? I saved it a while ago when he asked about it
I started Nov '11.

I'm stiil shit and nobody knows I exist.
I guess it's in his genes
i fucking suck. i'm at the end of my fourth semester, but already looks like i have to stay an additional year just because i've failed shit a little too often

>that feel when you've already spent too much time and money to leave to get into art school
woah that nigga's a girl?
You find THAT tolerable?
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we anthro now?
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60 KB

you dont know abotu the sutile black comedy

not cute. get out
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1.64 MB
Yes thank you.

I like her horse panties.
This thread isn't human

This thread isn't pony

I don't like the halfway things
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1.93 MB
If you brought your waifu to the world, how would you cope with the ridicule and crimes against nature charges of marrying a horse?
Think about that for a moment, then consider the fact thats exactly how she would feel about you if you were together in Equestria.
It would never work out anon.
aw shit nigga that's the same size as my dad
are you my dad? who's your favourite pony

Actually no, I've never played it, sadly
if you remove the head, i like.
I don't know what the fuck it is about this picture, but it makes me nostalgic.

what the fuck. I think it's the warm colors.

>that feel when you've never failed a course despite not studying at all but you can't summon the motivation to enlist in enough of them

I expect to drop out on my third year because of my chronic laziness. I'd say you're a better student than I am.
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21 KB
>draw a person
>copypaste horse head on top
this is more pig than pony to me
Is there more of this?
Maybe it reminds you of the time many years ago when you fucked a horse
fuck off dinofag
you should

its when you control 100 ants to do ant things
>anthro logic
and the head's size doesn't even fit

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596 KB
>he didn't download the comic

>yfw bronies buy an island
Bestiality is legal in Texas as long as no one saw the act.
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101 KB
Here: A gun.
There: They seem to very comfortable with different sentient species. As long as you don't cause any trouble I don't see any reason they wouldn't like you. And inter-species relations seem to be normal or at least accepted considering no one cares about Spike liking Rarity.
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and then they all die
That's quite possible.
fuck off! i'm sorry to be that way, but i worked my ass off. i have 1 inch thick stack of drawings of pones, which each having about six ponies on them. and then i have some photshop files (some of which i have unfortunately lost) which contain about 300 layers of pones, each having about 4-10 on them. i worked my ass off. don't talk about talent. i don't play video games, i don't read books and i don't watch movies. that gave me a lot of time.
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132 KB
Dammit Pinky
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2.01 MB
>not reading it for the feels
Nah. Es ist Talent.
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69 KB
This had better not fucking happen.
abomonation pls go


get away from my onions those are the safety zones ogod they're all dying
I love you
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20 KB
John de Lancie seems like a reasonable man.
Why won't the bronies get off his case?
But why
File: 1341526547940.gif-(Spoiler Image, 559 KB, 200x200, pls.gif)
Spoiler Image, 559 KB
>Liking ants
>Not playing Pikmin

Pikmin > Ants in terms of cuteness.

Sorry man, I was just half-joking anyway. You're a fucking champ for being able to dedicate your time on something so well.
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113 KB
What about all the real ponies?

Would you fuck this pony?
You've drawn as much as I have in forever.
And you're better at drawing ponies, but then again I spent most of my time drawing people.
Nope, no feels here.
>Why won't the bronies get off his case?
Because he is one of them.
Please tell me Rarity's called Charity.
because his head is HUGE
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2.11 MB

>he doesn't like Applesack and Charity
He likes bronies and the fandom. How is he reasonable?
I wish I had your dedication
That fucker is easy to kill if you know how to do it.
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15 KB
no its ugly
you see, this is why i usually post anon. i've mande a complete ass of myself while being pretentious about drawing ponies, fuck me, i'm gone.
hey guuuuuuuuuys
can't you see he's with me and you're free to go?
yes free.
uh huh.

changing 1 letter in the name means hasbro cant sue and send them to jail. that makes sense right?
Good night
he played Q in three different star trek series

he has been going to conventions probably longer than you have been alive

he can deal with a few sweaty neckbeards
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1.98 MB
The end.
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631 KB
I thought he likes dosh.
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68 KB
Would you fuck it now?
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81 KB
holy shit you're right
he looks like he could actually wear AD700s!
Cleavage sure is wonderful
Is a reference?
Which of the main six is secretly a trap stallion?
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273 KB
>Pinkie playing hockey
From like two threads ago.
I think the point is the first time you meet it you're not going to know how
Would you a deer?
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2.03 MB

I guess I should've posted the first two.
no its ugly
Fluttershy Don't tell anyone.
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2 MB
>Lust before you sleep
Sad, lonely girls are my weakness.
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27 KB
Okay this has to be fuckable
Oh yeah. That thing raped my entire army the first time I fought it. But now that I've played that game to oblivion it's really easy. Pikmin is easily my favorite game of all time.
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Nice work there.
Can you draw Rarity in a fencing outfit?
Their courtship is like a well-written fairy tale.
Are you Applejack.
>fucking something so adorable
i thought you already killed yourself hitler
this art isn't actually too awful looking yknow

there's no plastic sheen of sweat or weird atryl-ness to them

not worth a $1000 to me of course
no its ugly
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1.81 MB
No, because Rarity is shit.
Or that one fanfic from Friendship is Witchcraft. Even has the same names.
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They feel how they look. Had to hold one still while a lady did something with an IV and saline solution cause it had trouble breathing/sick..
Edit the names?
Would you follow a pony through town, unable to take your eyes off her puffy, winking marecunt as it drools heavily all over her heavy, sagging nuts?
Hey, that's not nice.

I'll see, I might have somewhere to be real soon.
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121 KB
Nigga what?

I like it. Not in a penis-in-hand way but I think the art is neat, it has no grammatical errors and it has fair bit of jokes.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
I have just decided.

I shall bake a cake tomorrow.
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Now would you fuck it?
Second and the one with AJ and Rarity is really cute.
its like sb
as a horse

Don't burn the place down.
samefag please go

That's my favorite by far. We can be niggas.
The version I have saved has the real names.
>all of his wildest dreams have come true
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A cake, you say? What kind? Frosted or no? If yes, what kind of frosting? Buttercream is usually a good choice.
Yeah its not too offensive. I'll give it a download and check out the rest. It's probably good for a laugh
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1.96 MB
no its ugly
Meanwhile Homestuck is on hiatus.
just a heads up, but [TRIGGER WARNING: FUTA] dash grows a dick
Yes, butter cream.

Chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream.
I really like the Fluttershy one



It's probably ridiculous enough that I won't care

I bet Pinkie Pi has winning dialogue
I stopped caring about homestuck a long time ago.
what the fuck is a homestuck?
actually her dialogue is pretty shit
Sure you can handle all that chocolate?
It's been too long
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Would you a femsnails?
I think it would be much more fun to deny her and watch her squirm.
Only nonsexually.
I do worse than fantasize about her. I ship her.
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Okay this has to be fuckable.
no its ugly
>tfw suddenly EqD is okay and DHN is the faggots

i dont know what to believe anymore
Post that shiny one.
Would I what? Tell her everything I know about sex? Yes.
>implying eqd is okay
Very very hard
Both are for faggots.
>and watch her squirm.

but why
either that chick is really short or that horse is fuckhuge

I probably would, but only after I mashed my face up against her snatch and took deep breaths of her sweaty heat scent.

So just to make sure I'll melt some chocolate on the top too. Or better yet, caraque! Both white and plain!
oh relax, it was just one post

Just because hopopopo sperged out, it doesn't mean you should
Pony or human?
Because I'd both.
>EqD is okay
No its not.
We'll see how DHN handles this.
Why it was greenlighted to begin with is beyond me.

>mashing your face up against her snatch
>not proceeding to eat her out
damnit kraut, you're the hero MLPG needs, don't go anon
You don't have to envy his vagina so much Anon, he doesn't have one.
I have to confess I'm confused, I have just seen a vid clip tagged " amateur rape " I'm curious, are there professional rapist out there, and how long does the apprenticeship for the job last, and what sort of salary could I expect if I followed this career path???
only if i were a stallion
Would you leave her sweaty and breathless, her pleasure-addled mind incapable of speech let alone coherent thought?
>not denying her that pleasure so she can struggle some more with her carnal desires
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74 KB
Special note: This is the horse of the sand niggers.
That article wasn't greenlighted by anyone, if Plaster and Derpysquad's comments are any indication.
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Because, like I said, it's fun.
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45 KB
human snails would want to fuck when I would rather just cuddle
pls respond
Not that shiny one, the gold one

>Only a minute passed

Holy shit chill the fuck out
I chuckled
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237 KB
>male AB with a bandana on his neck instead of a bow

Why don't I ever think of this
99% of rape porn is fake

there's fake rape done by professionals, fake rape done by amateurs
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no, i shouldn't have raged in the first place.

also, discouraged novice drawfags: we all have to start somewhere. this is my oldest pony drawing i could find.

just keep this in mind: draw. don't whine, don't fuck around.
so do you suppose this ends with femsnails taking pictures of silver spoon being the little spoon for diamond crown
Anon pls


Pls don't
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23 KB
You think THAT'S bad?
Where did this "pls x pls" nonsense come from?
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91 KB
Is the anon who requested that Celestia pic here?

I'm working on it I swear, have a wip
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250 KB
Pls stay

Fuck you, xeno scum.
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32 KB
Yesterday I think anon offered up that artists should take their old as shit drawing and redo it

I think ill do that
>DC fucks SS in front of Snails
>Snails continues to be frustrated
Could a few of you guys help me and report this guy?
I think you need five to secure a ban
So I'm at that point where, if I concentrate, I can make my vision black out. Do I

a) keep drinking
b) keep drawing ponies
c) sleep
e) all of the above
oh yeah fuck i forgot to do that
Oh wow. 8 minutes in and gravity falls has me grinning ear to ear.

Mabel's VA sucks though.
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I'd rather you leave than that guy

stop being such a jackass
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86 KB
This thing is taking forever.

Any ideas how I could lay out the background? I was thinking of doing the bottom of the image as if the pony was standing on a floor of posts that were still waiting for cleanup. Is there any way to do a similar thing to Photoshop's "Perspective Warping" using SAI's Transform?

>not rolling for it
I hope it ends with SS and DT having sex in front of her and taunting her, and she masturbates, frustrated and embarrassed while they laugh
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52 KB
Fuckable now? Its even a filly.


What kind of a faggot are you?

You're no MLPGer.
> 10 doesn't evenly divide into 4
Hey this is looking good. Your stuff gets a lot better when you take your time on it, though I'm sure you've realized that.
I don't know, I guess I had a different voice in mind when I first saw the character.

She might grow on me.
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35 KB
I would just rather not have actual mare vaginas cluttering the thread, boosting the image limit, is there somethign wrong with that?
I don't mean to come off as "assholeish" or anything
>is there somethign wrong with that?
Yes. Everything is wrong with that.
You don't need to announce it, just report and move along.
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21 KB
This is my favorite
>that one time where 3 anons posted this
I swear we didn't plan it
>your waifu will never love you
>your waifu introduces you her new boyfriend
>your waifu is getting married
>your waifu has two children

Why are you still alive, MLPG?
She says "boop" in the second episode. It is impossible not to like her afterwards, regardless of the voice.
He's right. I come here for marshmallow ponies, not the real kind.
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86 KB
This was my first submission. It sits permanently on my desktop as a reminder.
can i sex with her children?
Not the horse I was looking for, but I don't even know, I've never had the opportunity and probably never will. The thing is, I honestly don't know if I would or not if I had easy access to horses
Mechwarrior Online still isn't out yet, and I want to play it before I get to hell/oblivion.
>I don't mean to come off as assholeish

That's exactly how you're coming off. If you don't like something, ignore it.

I for one like mare vaginas. Don't be one of those dicks who has to ruin everybody else's fun.
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290 KB
>Why are you still alive, MLPG?

Well she'd still be happy so why would I be sad?
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Fluttershy started to laugh at AppleJack with a psychotic voice. “You should look at your face. Buhu why are you such a baby”. Fluttershy tried to pull out the sharp knife from AppleJack’s vagina, but this wouldn’t come out; the heat of the knife pasted Apple Jack’s vaginal lips. “O it’s stuck well how about a pull” Fluttershy said trying to pull out the knife. Coagulated blood started to drop out of AppleJack’s vagina with every pull Fluttershy did. With one last pull Fluttershy pulled out the sharp knife cutting through AppleJack’s genitals. AppleJack moved desperately trying to relief the pain she felt.
>Almost at image limit
>Not even 900 posts

what the fuck is happening
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59 KB
but then again I'm just a writefag
some dick keeps dumping horse pictures.
real pony spam.
We've had a lot of spam/image dumping today.
>implying your waifu gives a shit about you

Come on, MLPG. Become the villain, kidnap her and then let her boyfriend kill you in the most badass way.
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108 KB
because fuck you
When lots of art gets posted, that tends to happen
So I just started DQIX

Is it as awesome as I think its gonna be?

>trains explodan
>silly enemy names-an
>I think theres multiple classes-an

Holy shit this gonna be good.

Are you some sort of retard?

Never hit the alert button. Never ask other people to help you hit the alert button.

It's that simple.
Because I don't have a waifu. They're all xeno scum to me.

All video games are shit.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting
autism is such a buzzword on 4chan
Nigga if I became the villan I wouldnt pull some Bowser shit.

Gotta aim higher than that!
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894 KB
Do you get to make ice cream?
I agree with these guys.
>buzzword is such a buzzword on 4chan
commenting on ironic shitposting is shitposting
File: 1341528522203.png-(74 KB, 642x1083, derpy.png)
74 KB
kill this throd
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140 KB
>thinking DQIX == Dairy Queen 9
mah nigga
I dunno but I picked up horse shit within like the first 5 minutes.

Seriously, I picked up 5 piles of horse manure.
>I wouldn't pull some Bowser shit
>that feel when I suck as a villain even more
Glad I'm not the only one.

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