hey guys, what's goin' on?
Religion discussion general
>moot will never get drunk and post in MLPG
Since when is Mito back?Is he still a faggot?
>>2963436celestia is the only true god
Would you play autismblocks with a pony?What would their house look like?
>>2963436No, that's old horse.New horse is teenage/young adult AB.
>>2963358Would you a femsnails?Keep in mind that she's worked up in her head some very high expectations about sex, and her first time will undoubtedly be a disappointment. Do you really want her to associate that disappointment with you?
>>2963447>Inb4 thread deletion
justin time, what are we discussing this fine evening?
>Evangelical groups are shitheadsWhy do we need to keep discussing this
>>2963448>not worshipping Luna
>the day mlp final episode airs.
So hey, is someone else doing that Applebloom family thing? Because I could always do something else.I've always like delinquency with teenaged scootaloo.
>chillest, bro-est horse in months>sitting in new chair, with comfy pants on>Slinger's Song is playingMy god, I haven't been this comfy in years.
>that feel when the only beer you have left is something bitter you found in the back of the fridge
>>2963484>inferior princess horse has to go begging for followersNo wonder no one likes you
Fluffy will ever get tired of bitching about his fans and the fandom?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L__bLaxjaz0&
>>2963448The Church of Discord teaches otherwise.
>>2963472its overatheism is finished
>>2963497>tfw have one bottle of beer left>It's Stella>you don't really like Stella
>>2963479oddly colored talking marshmallows
>>2963484>>2963448>not being a DiscordianIt's like you want to burn in ponyhell
>>2963490But Im not a yellow man.
>>2963497>tfw you hate the taste of beer and it makes you feel bloated
>>2963472what the fuck is that
>hair gel was like 2 bucks at the store>buy it>sits in my bathroom for a while>get out of shower>well, why not>end up spending 45 minutes dicking around in front of the mirror>walk out with it in a giant spike>nobody is ever going to see it>i'm not even leaving the house
>>2963491>raising hell with teenaged scootsI would fund that.
>>2963186I was working on something like that. Intended for it to be a Spaghetticon print, but I never finished it.
forgot to actually put it i the name field
>>2963511>tfw pope
>>2963503>Organized religion worshiping DiscordBut that's wrong, retard.
>>2963490i kinda want it all to be over now
>>2963497>tfw when you don't drink>tfw when you enjoy a nice cold glass of milk
>>2963484>>2963448>Not being polytheisticThey are both true godsLuna is better though
>>2963528>MLPG is my personal blog!
>>29635351 #...trips are annoying
>>2963511>>2963448I wouldn't mind Discord worshippers in the show. They could be played for laughs.
>>2963534Also had this one.
>>2963515Is... is Dash pretending to be coke pone?
i drew purplebutt on a large sonic cup
>>2963528>blog about life in MLPG>nobody responds>repost it again in new thread because it's so importanty-you too
>>2963536>that feel
>>2963452>Applebloom's house is filled with lever-, button- and pressure-plate-activated pistons>she has to explain the intricacies of red-stone circuitry to you>you labor intensively to build a circuit for a piston door that ends up being at least 30 blocks wide>you still can't get it to work after nearly a week>you show it to her to ask for an opinion>not only does she find the problem, but she also condenses and miniaturizes your design, getting it down to 1/4 of its size
>>2963544mah nigga
>>2963534>>2963555I love them. When is the next Renne Quest?
>>2963543I like the effects of alcohol but hate the taste of liquor. If I could get drunk off milk I'd be drinking that right now
>>2963556look at her stomachit looks like a coke bottle
>>2963526The Amazing Atheist making a vid for some chick he didn't know who asked him. He's a loathesome person.Now let's move on and not talk about this anymore.
>>2963558>not using the bubbles on the cup to draw DerpySHAMEFUR DISPRAY
All you guys are inferior to the cult of Pinkie
>>2963564>install RedPower on the server>her mind explodes
>>2963491No - I put it down when nobody seemed interested.I work better when others are playing off me and giving me some reactions to work with.
Where are my teen Applebloom >feels?, you said there would be anon, you promised me
>>2963529well, lets do it! It might not be as feely as sweebells thread, but damnit we're on a roll this week! We've only been getting chiller every night!
>>2963551>Pinkie>whoreShut up, slut.
>>2963529I'm going to try and do this Applebloom one first because I have some neat ideas, though I'm not sure how family-oriented it's going to be. But I will remember the teenage scootaloos. Being punk as fuck tends to lend itself more to fictions than greentext feels anyway.
>>2963501I dont understand. I thought he quit the fandom for good...?
>>2963597I would this AB.Am I a pedoshit?
how many pones do you think you could cram into a single phone box?
>>2963558>sonicI vomited. Some of the worst food I have ever eaten.
>>2963613maybe it's her being a redhead? dunno
well, here's the ultra-messy undersketch anon.I'll finish it after I see midnight primiere of spiderman
>>2963613No, you are epheboshit.Fortunately, that is totally understandable.
>>2963616I hate it too but I can't stop eating it for some reasonLike, it's so bad that it surpasses some threshold in my brain and I have to eat it just because of how bad it is
>>2963615the correct term is "phone booth"and PINKIE PIE IS WORST PONY
>>2963573Wednesday, usual time. I also need for you guys to make me aware of the time. I don't want to have everyone sitting in the thread for twice as long as they should when I could have stopped earlier in the quest.
>>2963613>liking humanized poneGet a load of this guy.Whats wrong with normal Applebloom huh?
>>2963626That Sweetie is massive.
>>2963616you have to have the right genes to enjoy food properlyyou should just give up eating
>>2963616Their corndogs are god-tier and I never miss a $1 cordog event.
>you will never ride Luna nonsexually
>tfw your hustler subscription and your xanax prescription make you feel lonelier instead
>>2963515>kloudmutt renders pony horse fur the same way he draws human skin and muscleson closer inspection the coke part looks like a bad photoshop edit
>>2963616>>2963630Where the hell have you two been going to Sonic? All the one's near me are great.
Rarity is a pure and virtuous maiden who would enver engage in such unseemly activities as having anal sex with strangers
>>2963645Thats weightlifter Sweetie BarbelleYEAH
>>2963652Will I ever ride her sexually?
>>2963644but I like her too
>>2963616>dem massive drinks for about a dollar from 2-5>doze god-tier Coney dogs
>>2963658i don't listen to rap music
>>2963587>mind explodes>implying she wasn't the one who told you to get it
>>2963630Kinda like cocaine>>2963631>PINKIE PIE IS WORST PONYShe's up there but Rarity and Apple jack are equally pig disgusting >>2963666>that meat>those taters >that cheese>those frozen drinkseverything about that place is nasty man
>>2963667yeah, she always asks them their names first
Free month for me I guess
>>2963610He can't, he loves bitching about it too much.
>>2963669Every time you ride her her horse instincts bubble closer and closer to the surface. Before long she won't object to you riding her however you want.
>>2963615As many as you want.It's bigger on the inside.
>>2963597I'M WORKING, OKAY!? DON'T PRESSURE ME.Just trying to figure out how feel I want to get.
>>2963666I dunno, satan. Every time I go there I can tell that the food I'm eating was frozen moments before I ordered it and microwaved by a large black woman who snaps her gum
Would you let Luna play vidya while sitting on your lap and fussily eat Doritos out of the palm of your hand while she waits to respawn?
>>2963690>Implying horses instinctively want to be ridden
>>2963686So she can write them down in her log book of all the stallions that have fucked her in the ass.
>>2963564>Sweetie Belle lives in a shack made of random blocks next to massive chains of noteblocks>she spends all day composing before she runs inside to wait out the night>Scootaloo just turns on creative mode so she can fly around
>>2963700oh no you di'in't
>>2963704>while she waits to respawn?godammit Luna why are so casual
>>2963452I play with Rainbow Dash. She builds a house in the sky just like her Cloud House. She admits that she loves designing things and makes me swear to never tell Rarity.I then ask her how she plans to get up to her house when she isn't in Creative mode.Time to look up some mods I guess.
>>2963704>Letting Doritos within five meters of game controllers
>>2963671But would you that AB?Would you her over the human one?
>>2963685I'll ask again:where have you been going?>>2963700The ones here in central Texas taste better than all the other fastfood joints. Their onion rings taste like the food of the gods.
>>2963704no fuck that noob bitch i told her to cover my back and she fucking rezzes someone when it was CLEARLY not a safe time to rez and she fucked up my shiteat a dick Luna
>>2963704Depends. Does she grind a little?
>>2963576>Not transparent.Shes cosplaying.
>>2963717>"y'all have a good day now shuga">I live up north
>>2963715>Scootaloo fights monsters for fun>encounters her first Enderman>you hear her scream from all the way down the hall
>>2963729I'll confirm that here in Northern Florida the Sonics are pretty good. A slight step above typical fast food. Good chili dogs.
>>29637279oh no gross i would never fuck a filly
>>2963647I prefer real fucking food>>2963650Lovely, enjoy your soon to come heart attack>>2963675>Soda>ice with colored sugar>Hot dogs at all>good>>2963729I've been to two, one in southern california and one in texas I think
Sonic's food is terrible.But I fucking love the chili cheese tots. Theres something wrong with me
>>2963653>tfw a knife
>>2963733>tfw just got it
>>2963729Wisconsin here.The only good part about them is the fries.Everything else reheated tier.
>>2963763you are now hungry
>>2963452I would play with Twilight. Her house would be a bare cobblestone structure, just big enough to house a quarry and an automated factory for every item in Tekkit.Then we'd hard crash the server by trying to pump water over a chunk border.
>>2963675>those hotdogs they are currently selling>that Chicago dog
Krystal is a pretty good fast food place>mfw fast food places are named after furry porn
>Ordering food from SonicJust buy the cheap drinksStrawberry limeades mix well with vodka
>>2963770you can't get corndogs that crispy from a microwave. Not possible.
>Andrea Libman looks/acts like Twilight>Tara Strong looks/acts like Pinkie Piewhyyyyyyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F383j0WWbyQ&feature=plcp
>>2963759I'm still online faggot
>>2963752Why not
>>2963759oh look, a food hipsteryou like a lot of foods, we've probably never heard of them
Lets get those BA feels a rolling, guys.
>Eating fast foodI thought we were supposed to be /fit/ ?
>>2963682>play on a heavily modded server with the CMC>RedPower, Forestry, Mystcraft, IC2, Buildcraft>one day Twilight wanders by and asks what you're doing>you add her to the whitelist>the next day you log in to a scale replica of the library>you go downstairs to find a labyrinth of machines humming away and thousands of crystal chests containing stacks of every block and item in the game
>>2963783I thought you were referencing furry porn at first.
>>2963800>21 years old>still don't have a Bachelor of Art>that feel
>>2963805Im not a fagboy.
>>2963773Oh fuck me. If you asked me if I'd rather that or a teenage scootaloo it'd be awfully fucking close.
>>2963813>Have a BA>still asking people if they want fries with that
>>2963800>that feel when you don't have a BA>that feel when you can't analyze texts
>>2963791go away>>2963796How about healthy food? Ever heard of that?>>2963773Please you're making me sick
>all this fast food talk>tfw I want to learn to cookDont even know where I should start. I wanna do the one pan at a time approach but then theres all those choices...Fuck why cant Pinkie or AJ just teach me. Damnit.
>>2963707You have a point. Every time I ride they find something high enough to walk under but low enough to smack me in the face. Horses are passive aggressive creatures so long as you stay in control and don't show fear.
>>2963796>Someone doesnt like shitty fast food>I'll call them a food hipster, that'll show them that I have superior taste
>>2963813>>2963821>Arts degreeshaha what fags.
>>2963817What if you could that meat, then teenage scootaloo, then the meat again
>>2963824>not doing keto>2012
>>2963821>no one ever answers you because you're a janitor
What's your pony guilty pleasure?Be honest. You can answer anonymously, trip/namefags.
>>296381328. Get on my level.
>>2963470I ship femsnails with male Sweetie Bellehe seems like the only boy who would actually be nice to her and try to get to know her. also it's kinda cute to imagine
I meant AB.We're never going to get dragged outside more than we would like to be, are we?
>>2963817What if both
>>2963833I wouldn't have the energy to teenage scootaloo after that meat. Can I scootaloo then meat?
>>2963806Yup, sounds just like how Twi plays. I have Better Dungeons installed. Giant tree with a dungeon under it with a Necromancer.I can just imagine the glee of her trying to replicate the Library.
>>2963843i'm going as fast as i can!
>>2963829>>2963832Come on, bros.We chill now.
>>2963791Link his facebookI want to laugh
>>2963846Perhaps we could post really old >feels and waifustories to pass the time?
>>2963842I explained what "anal vore" is to my friends today. It was fun.
>>2963832>bachelor of arts>art degreeha ha, look at the high school kid
i dare you to watch the whole thing without cringehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXyKox-DWrQ&
>>2963742>working on an addition to my house, building around a couple of sinkholes and underground caverns>see something purple down below me>curious>climb down to see what it was>What WAS tha>OH MY GOD ENDERMAN>scramble back up the rockface>OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD>Stop once I'm at the top and wait for a moment>don't hear anything>heave a sigh of relief>BWANG>Enderman teleports right in front of me>scream like a little girl and start swinging my sword wildly until he warps away>run into house and barricade myself insideFucking Endermen.
>>2963832Hang everybody whose job doesn't involve math or manual labor
>>2963860>anal voreBet they thought you were full of shit.
>>2963861I said "arts" not "art".BA is shit tier, BS represent.
>>2963862already watched itsome cringe
I wonder how the guy who made these would react if they saw all the stories we made about them.
>Unhealthy foodThis is the shit people eat where I live.>White rice>Two hamburger steak patties>Two eggs>Greasy gravy>Mac salad (noodles and mayonaise)
>>2963842Grimderp.I don't like it on its own but the contrast of the show's atmosphere with something less cheery is interesting.
>>2963848>tfw you buy a scootaloo load of chicken wings>tfw deep fry them at home>tfw wing heavenit's 2 am and im starving now.
>>2963883Why don't you ask him?
>>2963879HAHA OH SHIT10/10
>>2963879that's pretty good
>>2963773>my dad made a smoker a few years ago out of an old refrigerator he found on the side of the road>every time he has a birthday or there is a family get-together we have smoked meat of all kinds>it's better than anything you can get from a BBQ joint
>>2963877BSEE master race.
>>2963872I'm of the opinion that most creative endeavors don't require the level of study involved in a BA, much less MA.
>>2963879Front legs are a little stubby but otherwise good work.
>>2963885that one's kinda... neatthe text is stupid though
>>2963851>visit her in the real library>she's glued to her laptop>Spike tells you she hasn't slept in days>her last letter to the princess was about always remembering to light up dark corners so creepers don't blow up ore deposits
>>2963892Crippling social fear.I can only interact with machines, like MLPG.
>>2963813>Bachelor of Art degree Oh lord wow>>2963855It's on private now, even if he posts it you won't be able to see anything>>2963879nigga please
>>2963903>not BYOBget on my level
>>2963497Based on the way my vidya is going tonight, I wish I had booze.
>>2963884Hawaii pls gib food pls.
>>2963884truly awful
>>2963861>BA>Not useless without combining it with another course.
>>2963884Where do you live?Middle America?
>>2963899most bbq joints are horrible
Google is down.Who is the president of the homosexuals?
>>2963917Go to sleep Beedrill Kamina
>>2963884Too many carbs. IF it was just the eggs/beef alone it'd be perfect. Some salad with no dressing too.
>>2963884Are you kidding me? I would eat the fuck out of that, it looks delicious.I'd feel terrible about it later but god DAMN would I have a happy belly.
>>2963879>Sonic upside down is DINOS>DINOS DINER
>>2963920Bad vidya night Anon?Tonight has been shit on Nuclear DawnAlso my friend cannot grasp a registration process of 3 steps for Airmech. He must be drunk or some shit
>>2963828> so long as you stay in control and don't show fear.So if you act like a pussy they won't try to smack you in the face with inanimate objects?
>You're dragged along by your parents out to the countryside for a weekend festival celebrating the annual blossoming of the apple trees>You arrive at a quaint little farm where you're greeted by an extraordinary mountain of a man and a well freckled woman wearing a cowboy hat>"Well howdy! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, good to see some new faces for the festival! I'm Applejack, but we'll be gettin' a more formal indroducin' later on!">You gently bump your forehead against the window in silent frustration as your parents discuss how adorable and woodsy everything is, proclaiming the whole place "quaint">A flash of red hair catches your eye, and you turn just in time to see a girl with a bushel of apples on each shoulder, a smile playing around her face as an elderly dog plods alongside her>Her overalls hang loosely off her body, a white T-shirt underneath smeared with dirt and oil; she's barefoot, but seemingly unhindered by the lack of protection>She looks at you and nods, a simple greeting that makes your breath catch in your throat>maybe this won't be such a boring weekend after all
>>2963921>>2963944>Hawaii>In a nutshellhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UjY_27HlXw
>>2963899>smoker out of an old refrigeratorI have ALWAYS wanted to do that!
>>2963939Anderson Cooper
>>2963917>mfw people think i'm studying art
>>2963942both the eggs and beef are fried in a pan with butter, as well
>>2963951If you act like a pussy you'll be lucky to stay on their back for more than a few seconds. Horses can be assholes.
>>2963842I FAP TO FURRY PORN ONCE IN A WHILEbut i dont identify as furry/otherkin/whatever
>>2963939oh wow i thought it was just me. i was sure my stupid ass fucked something on my computer up from downloading all those shady horseporn torrents.
>>2963946SONIC DINOS
>>2963884fuck nigga, that's.....fuck>>2963940What the fuck is that
Rollin'Evens - Movie streamOdds - VidyaSorry no draw stream, I'm worn out
>>2963954aww yiss
>>2963955...What the fuck am I watching?
>>2963978>that's.....fuckno, it's shit
>>2963956>you will never build a home smelter out of a coffee can and refractory cement
>>2963963>implying fat is not good for you>implying the cholsterol bs is real>2012
>>2963883He's on dA - EquestriaPrevails.
>>2963939>>2963969http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/google.comThis says it's down but I can still access it. What the fuck.
>>2963993But I have and nearly killed myself
>>2963917I saved all your pictures you know
>>2963862That was horrible."What is 4chan to mlp""oh we post images there and stuff"mother fuckers
>>2964001Their edge servers must be fucking up
>>2964001guess there needs to be "downforeveryonebutme.com" now
>>2964001works if you go to google.com but you cant search from just typing in address bar
>>2963995>if size 2 is beautiful, then my size 22 should be gorgeous!
>>2964008Huh. You have an interesting face.The mouth almost makes me think Stephen King.
>>2963862fuck 5 minutes, i will try
Which pony is most likely to become a lemon stealing whore
>>2964028Lower half is Stephen King. Upper half is The Chosen One from Kung Pow
Holy shit it takes a long time for shit from Hong Kong to get to the USA.
>>2963954I like this. Please keep going.
>>2964040Carrot top.
>ice chill
>>2963992so funneh>>2964028>The mouth almost makes me think Stephen Kingbrb killing myself
>>2963944Oh shit. Which island? I'm on Oahu.I'd like to know so we can never, ever meet.
>>2964010>"What is 4chan to mlp">"oh we post images there and stuff"but that's pretty much what we do
>>2964046>Chosen OneI believe you mean Steve Oedekerk.
>>2963491>Punk ScootalooI always had this headcanon that punk!Scootaloo's family is actually quite well off, and she just associates with punk and all that because of teenage angst.Like, all the shit she wears is actually designer clothing bought straight from Manehatten. All her band patches and the like were actually mail order. She's never actually been to a punk concert in her life, etc etc.Little things like that.am i autistic
>>2963944>>2964064>HawaiiI'm so, so sorry
Hi honey I'm home.
>>2964066Thought that was his name but was too lazy to look it up.Knew it was steve somethin...But yeah that guy, thanks.
>>2964001Different servers man.
>>2963936I live within driving distance of two BBQ places that have been featured some TV show that talks about great places to eat in the US.>>2963956You should. You should also build a beer cooler out of an old toiler.
>>2964065Not true, we also......Well fuck.
>>2964065and then he went on to say how they formed ponychan and that because of them 4chan later made a board to get them all back.
>>2963862i think its time i start learning to draw something else
>>2964078Hi SweetieDraw me some sexy pictures
>>2964078Hey SB, chicken's in the oven
>>2964072It's pretty nice if you can afford a decent place and stay the hell away from the homeless and degenerate dark people.
>>2963954>You check in at a bed and breakfast in the nearby town, your parents acting embarassingly touristy as you skulk away from them as quietly as possible>They quickly bring you back to them and start heading up towards Sweet Apple Acres, your dad taking pictures of the locals as you sink low into the backseat>You get there after what feels like years, and you immediately put some distance between yourself and your parents>Walking your way over to the refreshments table, you reach out to grab an apple fritter when suddenly you feel someone behind you>Whipping around, you recognize the same girl from the day before;She's cleaned herself up though, a jean jacket worn over a much cleaner white shirt, with a pair of battle scarred Dickies work jeans completing the look>"Hi there! I ain't seen you 'round here before." Oh god, she's so bubbly. "I'm Applebloom, pleased as peaches to meetcha!">She suddenly leans in conspiritorially "Don't tell my sister ah said that, we're kind of all about apples here.">You stammer for a moment, and then tell her you noticed>Things are awkwardly silent for a moment as she kicks at the dirt, when she suddenly nods towards your hands. "Ain'tcha gonna eat that?">You pop the apple fritter in your mouth, the taste of salty crust combining perfectly with the sweetness of the apple; it's heavenly>Suddenly you feel a soft tap on your shoulder that snaps you out of your reverie; Applebloom points over to where your parents are in line for the tour>"Well shoot partner, look like you have a tour to catch." Your heart sinks at the prospect when she nudges you again, a glint in her eye>"But not that boring old one. Follow me!" She takes off, leaving you with a mouthful of pastry and a sense that this is going to be way more exciting than the city
>>2963956take a ceramic pot, get a heating plate and wood blocks/liquid smoke. best slow cooked meats you can imagine.
>>2964064Not >>2963944 but I live on Oahu too. Fuck.
>>2964089i heard there's a new cartoon that's pretty good, it's called gravity fallsi don't think anyone's heard of it/started polluting it yet
>>2964088>Ponychan is a wasteland now.Well, even if he didn't mean it, Moot sure did fuck them over.
>>2964049when i ordered $400 of anime porn figures from hongkong i watched the tracking update everyday. my shit was stuck in customs for 2 goddamn weeks.
I enjoy derailing MLPG into irrelevant side shit. And there's nothing you can do to stop me!
>>2964102So are there any nice places in Hawaii?
>>2964113>sweetie belle gets this as her cutie mark>rarity never speaks to her again
>>2964115It's pretty shitty though
>>2964089>all thanks to my dad and 4chan>all thanks to my dad and 4chan>all thanks to my dad and 4chan>all thanks to my dad and 4chan>all thanks to my dad and 4chan>all thanks to my dad and 4chan
>>2964122Weird. I ordered shit from there a little while ago and it came in a little over a week
>>2963967What if you became the things you fap to?You are now the last person/pony/thing you last rubbed one out to. How fucked are you?
>>2964049Really? My laptop just shipped from Hong Kong and is arriving Thursday.
>>2963914>Applebloom builds aboveground, and her houses are full of piston-gadgets and red-stone-circuit-driven machinery for various effects>Sweetie builds in glass boxes beneath large bodies of water, and has accidentally flooded her houses several times>Scoots doesn't build anything - she just likes sawing mountains in half.
>>2964130Oh yes.
Which pony would you like to lie gently on your chest, nuzzling her face against you as you gently stroke her pretty mane?
>>2964089...did Attack of the Show do something about bronies?
>>2964145Oh god I'm a Renamon
>>2964156look at the post they're quoting
>>2964145>marty and/or mui'm ok with this
>>2964156They had a five minute interview with one of the Bronycon coordinators.
>>2964155Can I also gently stroke her pretty tail and her pretty mare vagina
>>2964151How are those gun laws treating you?
>>2964145>Sweetie belleIm a cute little filly!
>>2964088dammit, that shit always sounds so awkward IRL
>>2964130I think my apartment is pretty nice, adjacent as it is to Waikiki.But my roommate's moving out next month and I can't afford the rent.
>>2964145>Twilight in a relationship with DashOh sweet.
>>2964145Oh boy, I'm one of those engineer dudes from prometheus.Now I'll get all the bitches,
>>2964171That depends on which pony it is
>>2964117He fucked us over too.
>>2964182self induced drug coma?
>>2964103if nobody says "off like a herd a' turtles" I'm going to punch you
>>2964190Probably Celestia
>>2964172Acquiring firearms isnt that hard. I have two pistols and several rifles myself. More concealed carry privileges would be nice.
>>2964185Are you Twilight? Dash or the relationship?
>>2964180That was the tiniest voice I've ever heard.God dayum...
>>2964145The last thing I fapped to was a fantasy of me being a stallion and holding down some guy I caught while slipping my shaft against my stomach before drenching him with semen.If past me knew what future me was going to get up to he would have never gotten on the internet.
>>2964145>muzz's 2012 version of eddieon the plus side, I'm a hermbut now all the time I've spent at the gym is moot because I'm fat as fuckat least I can now indulge in my inflation fetish without the risk of harm
>>2964187you fapped to giant naked blue men?really?
>>2964184We should live together.
I'll be seeing you assholes in the morning.G'night
>>2964206I dunno!Anon never said anything about pictures with more than one pony.
>>2964195That's an option i guess.Which drugs would be good for that?
>>2964145>Fat ponyWell fuck.
>HawaiiI went on a vacation there once. I got lost and ended up in some sort of ghetto. Guys were doing meth and playing street dice. I honestly did not expect that.
>>2964210So my level of fuckedness really depends on if I'm in Euqestria or not.
>>2964216Taking bets now on how quickly they'll start fucking one another.
>>2964221i hope you die in your sleep
>>2964145>tfw rubyi'm sorry
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little filly? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Canterlot, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Changelings, and I have over 300 confirmed friendships. I am trained in pegasus warfare and I'm the top unicorn in the entire Equestrian armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this planet, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the magic dragon fire breath? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Equestria and your dragon is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hooves. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Equestrian Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>>2964190Can I stoke Big Mac's mare vagina?
>>2964204It'd probably be pretty hard to reach if she's got her head on your chest. Celestia is a big pony.But as long as you're gentle she wouldn't mind obliging you
>>2964212>EddieWe niggas now
>>2964145>I am now AcidWELP.
>>2964149so who spends all their time lamenting that the airship mod is singleplayer only?>spike stands guard with a musket every morning to drive off anything that survived daybreak
>>2964247Well she can kind of curl up and rest her head on my shoulder. I wouldn't mind.
Imagine everyone in this thread is what they last fapped toandthey're wearing nazi uniforms and all idling outside of the carousel botique
>all this talk about smoked meatsDammit, now I'm hungry again.
>>2964145feels good being the most beautiful pony
>>2964263'kay>they all start fucking eachothernow what?
>>2964268Oh, hello Euro
>>2964268oh goshhere we go
>>2964273Luna is a very ugly pony.
>>2964263>they're wearing nazi uniforms...Now all I'm thinking of is the original Blues Brothers movie.What would happen if pone on a mission from god?
>>2964268Euro! You're alive!I'm really sorry you had to sing that shitty remix of your song, and that you had to put up with two days of Micthemic and Tombstone.
>>2964263>somebody there is a VW beetle with nazi decalsWhat do?
>>2964263Rarity is fucked.
>>2964268Oh hey Euro.also what are you doing upit's like 11:40you should be asleep young man
So cute!
>>2964268Uhm, uhm, uhmeblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblbl
>>2964216$1200/month, utilities includedNo pets.
>>2964261FUCKING ME.I also lament that the airplane mod is not compatible.>you will never be able to mount AA guns to a massive airship to fend off planes that knock chunks out of your airship with guns and bombsSeriously, that would be fucking SWEET.
>>2964103>You chase after her as she sprints ahead, her knowledge of the place allowing her plenty of distance as you stumble and struggle your way through the trees>You turn a corner where you thought she went, and are greeted by a vast expanse of wooden boxes, towering a good 80 feet above you>You curse quietly and look around when a loud wolf-whistle makes you glance upward>Applebloom looks down at you from an alcove in the boxes, seemingly unperturbed by the heavy expanse of wood that could crush her with a single fallen box>"Come on up city slicker, I'm gonna show you what us country-mice like to do!">You close your mouth which was hanging open moments before, and steel yourself as you climb up>You don't look down, just focus on grabbing the crevaces and planks with a vice-like grip as you pull yourself higher>You're on your fifth box when suddenly your hand slips, and you gasp with shock as your body swings away and out>A hand shoots out and closes on your arm, and you look up to see Applebloom's smiling face as she pulls you up and in>"See? Easy!" Her jacket lies off in the corner, and you can't help but notice how impressive her biceps are>She notices and giggles, giving a light flex for you>"Must be friends with a buncha waif-y city gals, huh?" She smirks. She's arrogant but down-to-earth>You like that
>>2964263>renamon>marty>sweetie belle>twilight sparkle>giant blue space man>anon as a pony>muzz's 2012 version of eddie>a fat pony>psycho killer rabbit>DJ acid>luna>In nazi uniformsSounds like a stylish /pol/ meet at anthrocon.
>you will never hear Rarity fake a British accent
>>2964263>Marker ponyWill someone please brush my mane and tell me I'm pretty?
>>2964301That Seatybelts looks a little bizarre but the other two are good.
>>2964268I have a 200 year old fish brine recipe.Soak some salmon in that, and smoke the fuck out of it with hickory, and the end result is something that people who don't even like fish love.It kinda scares them.
>>2964283Y-You're an ugly pony!
>>2964301>someone draws MLPG at that age>a bunch of extremely short boys in black hooded jackets two sizes too big so they never have to show their faces
>get back from spaghetticon>long day, 9 hours of travelling>can't even finish watching new gravity falls, go to bed>bed falls to pieces under me>mfw
>>2964325Pls shareI fucking love smoked salmon
>>2964330Shh. It's okay Luna. I like ugly ponies.
>>2964268How did you enjoy spaghetti fest
>>2964268>Deadly Fantasy starts playing EBG shows upFUcking hell
>>2964268I didn't get to meet you down there at the con or afterwardsTis a bad feel
>>2964308"Y-you too."
>>2964346I wouldn't have wanted to talk to some autist from here anyway.
>>2964336Hey fatso.
>>2964331I was a tall boy in a sporty windbreaker.now I'm 5'8" and dressed like ferris bueler.
>>2964288Eh, for one thing it'd have been too much to ask of the staff to fit me into my own set (for which I'd be ill prepared anyway); for another, honestly I'm just glad I was able to sing for thousands of fans, twice. I WOULD like for it to be with my own material soon, but that'll happen in due time. November, to be specific.I didn't hang out with Tomb much, truth be told. He was actually exceptionally respectful to me whenver we would talk, though.
>>2964145Well shitNow I'm apparently a 500ft tall anthro griffon hermaphrodite with a jacob's ladder piercing and a ring through the tip of my dog cockMy apartment is fucked and the military is probably going to hunt my ass to death.
which one of the biggest pony related sites is going to die last?ponibooru is already dedponychanEquestria Daily/mlp/r/mylittlepony
>>2964337>Share.>A protected family recipe.Shit, that was a funny joke.
There are people who unironically ship Cheerilee x Applejack.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe#MisconceptionsWhy don't you guys read somethign and better yourselves instead of talking about Pony Waifus?
>>2964331>I'm wearing a jean pants, a jean jacket and a red t-shirt and look like Macaulay Culkin when he was in Home AloneI was an odd kid.
>>2964356>Eurobeat meets MLPG>'sup?>uhhhhh....rape>Well, 'sup?>derpy is a very ugly pony>he starts muttering out a fetishy greentext
>>2964356This is not me. Here's a non-MLP WIP as proof:https://dl.dropbox.com/u/39518350/The%20End%20Progress%202.mp3
>>2964362You're 500 feet tall, there's no way they could take you down.
>>2964371>Astronomy and Cosmology series narrated and hosted by Twilight SparkleFUND IT.
>>2964286Who would be Dan Aykroyd and who would be John Belushi?
>>2964371Because I already read that twice you slow faggot.Congratulations, you found Wikipedia. That's not something to condescend about.
>>2964369That makes no sense at all!Cheerilee x Twilight, on the other hand...
>>2964359i was a shot kid in baggy blue jeans and a massive hoodienow im 6'2" wearing properly fitting blue jeans and properly sized T-shirtsand the occasional cowboy hatunironically
>>2964382See, this is why namefagging without a trip is dumb
>>2964261>>2964304I think it'd be cool to just build one massive airship - house-sized, I mean.Think about it - a house that can go wherever you want it to. Cabins and galley and captain's quarters.I'd love that shit.
>>2964366>tfw I never got my grandmother's sausage roll recipe out of her before she died.Fuck.
>>2964403I read that as >i a shot kid in baggy blue jeans and a massive hoodieI was really excited to hear a story. You disappointed me.
>>2964386Some sort of penetrating shell would probably tear through my skin like paper. I would have to go all iron giant and fly up into the atmosphere when they start sending in missiles. Then, right before detonation, I would ejaculate and shower two-thirds of the continental US with semen.
>>2964411you still managed to miss an entire fork
>>2964361Did you run into Mic after the musician panel?Also,>November, to be specific.Do tell.Or is it a secret?
>>2964371Learning about the universe won't make you better, though.Aristotle writes that the only quality that makes a man "good" is rational thought. (The explanation for this is lengthy, so I'll skip it). So in reality, you're wasting your time if you're not studying something that will have the most likely chance of helping you in the future (i.e.: rational research).The universe isn't relevant enough to the average person in this day and age to improve their quality of life much. They would be much better off reading a basic home economics book, for instance.
>>2964382So how was bronycon?
>>2964331>a tall but fat kid who always looks stunned by something, in white t-shirts and plaid shorts that look like boxers
>>2964379>MLPG convention>everyone sitting on beanbag chairs, chatting in short, broken sentences, spouting memes, and watching old cartoons>fetishists have utilized their chairs for other things
>>2964405Oh God, though... I never thought I'd see the day where I'd need to be a tripfag to not have imitators.For the record, someone from MLPG *did* hit me up to hang out. Sadly I couldn't make it, but it was kind of this person to invite me.
>>2964408Someone was building a Redpower2 frame-based airship on the MLPG server, but they got bored and gave up, I think.
>>2964436the one about swing band music and rarity taking pictures
>>2964412your grandmother peed in the sausage. her wrinkled old body made her urine have too much amonia in it but it was perfect for that extra sausage kick.
>>2964388>>Astronomy and Cosmology series narrated and hosted by Twilight SparkleThis is one of my dream projects.
>>2964308>you like thatOh, I certainly do.
>>2964433It happens to everyone popular enough. Now you have the dilemma of being a tripfaggot or having everyone pretend to be you.
Hey Eurobeat, are you the same guy who used to do the Touhou Eurobeat remixes? I used to listen to some dude who sounded just like you and I wanted some confirmation.If so then you are officially one of my favorite artists of all time.
>>2964438>that feel when RedPower frame engines are slow as fuckAt least you can build a mobile quarry that doesn't suck up MJ
>>2964439You know, anime women have low set noses and weird, animalistic (almost neanderthal, as someone on /a/ pointed out) lower faces in general.Anime might be the transitional thing there
>>2964388"A practical guide to manners and style" hosted by Rarity
Best body best hairstyle.
>>2964451Except it rarely happens and when it does it's obvious.
>>2964463But I don't like men.
>>2964454He is. I prefer his Touhou to his pone.
>>2964463Nah she's ugly
>>2964463The best hairstyle is no hairstyle.
>>2964472gentlemen, how do we use glass to simulate equestria?
Just pony.http://youtu.be/BbB8hCk0Ei8
>>2964300Can't sleep, yet. Still in between NJ time and California time.>>2964302There's no "E" in the Eurobeat riff vocal version. It's BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL. Get it right.>>2964325I don't think I've ever had specifically smoked fish. Is that a good starting point, or what is, if not that?>>2964416Oh God. That part hurt. The mics we were using weren't too great so it was kinda... yeah.>>2964341Needed more garlic bread>>2964346I'm sorry! I didn't stick around much today, kind of had to get to my flight. Maybe next time?
>>2964462>>2964388What would Cheerilee teach? Based on her only lesson we've seen so far in the show, we can only imagine that it would be anatomy and sex ed.
>>2964433Or you could just have a new song ready every single time someone decides to pretend to be you.
>>2964463Like this?
>>2964502It's good motivation
>>2964490Well, we could always hire someo-nah.
>>2964308>Looking around, you notice that you're actually in a tunnel of sorts, one that leads into the box-fort>You're just catching your breath when Applebloom picks up her jacket and starts walking in, easily navigating the small breaks in the boxes>She throws anoth sidelong glance at you, one that indicates you should follow>You try to keep up, watching her vault effortlesly from box to box as she yells encouragement and advice back to you in that soft drawl of hers>Suddenly there's a sharp pain in your hand, and you immediately clutch at your wrist>"W-wait!" You stop, and Applebloom suddenly is at your side as if she'd never left>"What happened?" You hold out your hand, revealing a splinter the size of a carpender's nail embedded in your palm>Applebloom looks at it, and then suddenly turns away, shaking>"I know, it's real bad. Maybe I should see a doc-" You continue looking at her, when realization dawns on you like a hot summer sun>"Are- are you laughing?!" You splutter, and suddenly Applebloom lets out a hearty peal of laughter>You sit there stunned when you suddenly start to chuckle and soon the two of you are roaring with laughter, you still clutching your hand, Applebloom slapping her knee and wiping away tears>Finally she pieces herself together. "Hoo, that's great. Now lemme see that hand.">"What? No! What are you going to do?" You bring it closer to your chest as Applebloom makes a grab for it>"Look, are you gonna trust me, or not?">You followed her this far; There must be something about her
>>2964492Eurobeat mah man.Did anything happen with that Aria mortal kombat mix thing?
>>2964516>Ugly face>Hardcore skinnyfat
>>2964463Fuck tha's uglyer than Samanta.
top ten pony cocks you should like to sniff
>>2964500Cherilee would be the host of the series, she would provide sidenotes and commentary that tie the whole thing togetherFleur de Lis presents Sex Ed
>i enjoyed and fapped to the censored version>that apple guy finally draws uncensor>it is so awful it completely ruins the picture for mehttp://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/879003#search=mlp
>>2964490if they work how i think they do then it's just like firing a game up with a 3d display and using accelerometers on your head instead of a mouse to turn.
>>2964454Yeah. My first few were with Sugano/Kizuna Records, and since then I've gone direct as Odyssey Music.>>2964451I do like posting WIPs to prove it's me, though, a little bit. That way, I verify myself AND everyone gets something fun.
>>2964516No, it's this.
>>2964536braeburnten tiems
>>2964540Can the class contain their horseboners?
So how many orgies did Bronycon have?
>>2964546v pls go
>>2964416Huh, it's not playing for me.What is it?
>>2964551>Containing a horseboner around Escort Sluthooves
>>2964546hnnggsomething about headbands get my penis going
>>2964553>/v/I had no idea, I found it on google
>>2964557Way to beef it
>>2964541Looks fine to me.
OK, third time is the charm.TL;DR version...
>>2964545ask Eurobeat anything timeHow long have you been producing?
>>2964536soarin'braeburnbig macscootaloonanakilunacelestiatwilightthis isn't even close to ten I bet but I'm going to go jerk off
>>2964570...and everything else.SS 1-a: http://i48.tinypic.com/op4vgp.pngSS 1-b: http://i46.tinypic.com/2egd7ra.pngSS 2-a: http://i49.tinypic.com/ht7azr.pngSS 2-b:http://i50.tinypic.com/2qv9h5l.pngSS 3: http://i49.tinypic.com/6nqyj6.pngSS 4: http://i50.tinypic.com/14lij9g.pngSS 5: http://i48.tinypic.com/1hwn0g.pngSS 6-a: http://i49.tinypic.com/312z6mt.pngSS 6-b: http://i45.tinypic.com/2r5f9z8.pngSS 7-a: http://i46.tinypic.com/t4y2bk.pngSS 7-b: http://i46.tinypic.com/o8i1oh.png
And some Sweetie Belle.
>>2964388>>2964462>Rarity does fashion, home design and etiquette>Twilight does Science and History>Pinkie does catering, cooking and game shows>Dash does fitness and sports casting>Fluttershy does animal/pet care, wilderness and nature shows>Applejack does farming, gardening and folk TVThe Mane6 Network. For only 10 bits a year.
>>2964527Sadly it's been on the backburner. I still have a shitton of songs to do. But, it IS on that list, and it's not exactly the lowest entry on that list. It's an actual whiteboard with the songs I need to finish by which date.
>>2964580Eww no.
>>2964580Ugh, too stocky/manly
>>2964580why do they all dress like slutswhy do they wear their hair like morons
>Feel energized as hell, play vidya>Vidya is so terrible right now I'm drained of all motivation>Sorta want to write something>Can't think of anything goodGoddammit, tonight is awful. At least everyone else is writing feels.
>>2964582Cool, whats on the top of the list? If you dont mind me askin.Thanks for what you do by the way, dunno if you hear it enough.
>>2964536Rectangle PonyMic the microphoneSethistoGriffyNanakiNyxLittlemissjaySweetie BelleLeth
>>2964536Big MacBraeburnSoarinCaramelShining ArmorFancy PantsBluebloodPony JoeFlimFlam
>>2964594>Vidya is so terrible right now I'm drained of all motivationWhat happened Anon?
>>2964594>Out of ideas for feels after nightguard last night.
>>2964580This is wrong
>>2964552A thousand
>>2964581I'd watch itAssuming background ponies could get shows too
>>2964597A man of taste, I take it.
We all know that anyone on MLPG with a dick would a pony, but what about the femanons?
>>2964536braeburnsoarinmailmarecyclopstime turnerbig macpipsqueaksnailsthunderlaneroid rage
>>2964463Fuck the haters, that is exactly my type. Link/name?
penises go in vaginas
>>2964536braeburnsoarinmailmarecyclopstime turnermr cakepipsqueaksnailsflamroid rage
>>2964574Good question. I started dicking around in an abandonware MIDI sequencer when I was... what, 14? 15? Eurobeat came shortly after, production-wise... My first album I put together entirely on my own (instead of simply contributing) came in March 2010, so I suppose we could go with that.>>2964596Can't tell, sorry. All I can say is that it's a client piece, one I won't be releasing on my own. The one AFTER that, however, is Diamond Dogs with Vocals. Just finished writing the lyrics a few days ago. They're as wonderfully horrible as the first verse.
>>2964558>>2964576>>2964597>Nanaki's musky panties
>>2964620zero results on tineye.I want to know too. Pale, athletic women with short blonde hair are precisely my type. Russian accent is a bonus.
I didn't expect Tuesday to be part of Questerday.>>2964620http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_Friedrich
>>2964579thanks sentenalthat must have taken awhile
>>2964618Would femanons enjoy having their womb filled with their stallion husbando's hot seed?
>>2964525>You hold your hand out tenatively, and she grabs your arm roughly enough to make you wince>Suddenly, her touch turns gentle, and she brushes her fingers around the site of the splinter, her eyes wide and her breathing deep and slow>"It's not a bad splinter, it's big and intact; but it's deep. I'm gonna need you to bear with me here.">She rips it out before you can even agree, and you yelp a little as she inspects your newly wood-free hand>"You baby! Hold still." You're about to question her when she suddenly presses her mouth to your hand, sucking lightly on the flesh before turning and spitting the blood away>"W-what are you doing?" You wipes her mouth and gives you another grimace>"Well you didn't want a whole buncha dirt in there did ya?" But you wanted her saliva instead? Wait. Did you?>Suddenly she's up and bounding off again, headed for a blue square off a ways down the tunnel>She's frustrating and dense and owch your hand reallyfuckinghurts>But you're following her>You feel your heart pounding and your hand throbbing and your head aching because of this rediculous, wonderous girl>You feel alive
>>2964623as it should be
Is Ponychan down for anypony else?
>>2964391Snips and Snails respectively
>>2964628>roid rage>not Blast Hardcheese
>>2964536From most to least?Big MacBraeburnSoarinCaramelMr. CakeShining ArmorThunderlanePony JoeRumblePipsqueak>>2964618There was a femanon that loved well-stretch urethras.
I don't get how so many people misspell Cheerilee as "Cherilee". It doesn't make sense!
>>2964308>"Come on up city slicker, I'm gonna show you what us country-mice like to do!">"Must be friends with a buncha waif-y city gals, huh?"im literally dying here
>>2964638Today, Sentenal wasn't a faggot
>has been doing yoga for like 3 months>stretching>realize that I can probably suck my own dick>feel the need to tell everyone in MLPG about it before actually doing anything
>>2964647Wait, no, other way around.
>>2964640I'm not a femanon, but I really wish I had a vagina and everything so I could experience that.
>>2964645>>2964663>Going to Ponychan
>>2964632I still enjoyed them.The song is lacking without the vocals, even as cool a track as it is.
>>2964664Oh god, sameWhy do I want to be inseminated so badly
>>2964645>stallman@trisquel~$ cat /etc/hosts | grep ponychan> ponychan.net100% of the timejk i have it blocked on the routerthe router is my neighbour's
>>2964658Someone must have figured out his trip.
>>2964643Guess what Metals?You didn't kill her. HA
>>2964643now if only we could make her feel alivethe way she makes us feel alive
>>2964654>Blast Hardcheese>Not Stump Chunkman
>>2964625>>2964625faggot trying to win a contest through referrals, do not click.
>>2964659Do it you faggotand report back if you were successful or if you broke your neck
>>2964697I thought referral links where automatically banned from 4chan.
>>2964654>Not BOW F. LEXON
>start living on my ownholy shit i never realized how fast i go through toilet paper. i need to stop using it for jacking off and going through 3 rolls a day.
>>2964669>Not going to bredditchandaily.
>>2964692I'm going with Stump Chunkman. It's got a good ring to it.
>>2964703>not just using an old dirty t-shirt as a cum-ragI mean, it's going in the wash either way
>>2964703>Not your personal blog
>>2964654>not Beef McLargehuge
>>2964634we fappin to nanaki now?
>>2964640>That greentext where you accidently got preggers with your stallion husbando's foal will never get finished.
Goodnight thread.
>>2964703I just jack off into the toilet, squeeze the last few drops out and use two squares to wipe the stuff that won't fall off as globs
>>2964715but mlpg told me i am not allowed to visit reddit or tumblr
>>2964548>>2964558>>2964576>>2964597>>2964599>>2964619>>2964628>>2964655>>2964662So is this where you tell us that the stallion we wanted all appear around us, or is there a catch?
>>2964703Not just jacking off in your pants and letting the semen crust up on your thighs.
>>2964726The skull is all wrongTheir heads are kind of like human heads with pronounced jaws and giant eye sockets
does anybody have any drawing request ?
>>2964733So buy a domain and install wordpress
>>2964730i cant climax anymore without looking at 2 monitors filled with various videos and pictures up. mostly CMC.
>>2964730>jacking off into the toiletBut why
>>2964739I would like to see Rarity and Mabel talking
>>2964675It's because you recognize that you are inferior to a virile stallion.
>>2964703Just use an old rag and wash it everytime you have a shower.
>>2964739Flitter and Cloudchaser preening each other's wings
Okay so all things considered, Bronycon was mildly mannered and not nearly as bad as it could have been
>>2964643>You catch up with her at the final box, and find yourself looking out upon a great view of the surrounding countryside>But you're more captivated byt the girl standing next to you>Her hair blazes red in the sun like autumn leaves of brilliant fuschia, tied back with a simple bow>Her eyes are amber like tree-sap, a small smattering of freckles crossing her cheeks>"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asks, taking a deep breath>"Yeah, it is." You're not talking about the same thing, but that doesn't seem to matter as you both sit there, lost in the moment>You finally find your voice to ask the question that's been on your mind. "Hey, Applebloom. Why are you doing all this? You don't even know me.">She turns to you with a scrunched look on her face, almost comical in it's intensity>"Well, I brought you out here because you didn't seem to care for it much, and I wanted to show you things my way." Then, after another moment; "And you're right, I don't know you. But I wanted to.">Your heart skips a beat, and she continues; "I saw you sittin' in that car, lip out far enough for a chicken to come lay an egg on, and ploddin around like a herd a' turtles in town.">"But I also knew that wasn't really you. I knew that you were lookin' to have fun. To live a little, not mope around.">She shrugs. "And when I see somethin' I like, I go for it, even if it may not work out.">Sh-she likes you?
>>2964739Snowflake and another pony of your choice having a classy tea party
>>2964733MLPG also told you derpy is an ugly ponyWho are you going to believe
>>2964725What of it is there
>>2964739DJ Acid sits on the MLPG boat.Bonus points if she farts.
>>2964726>weird skull>butt too big
>Not just jacking off before taking a shower, finishing on your chest and washing it off after in the shower
>not ejaculating into/onto your own mouth/face
>>2964761>Snowflake>Not Megasus
>>2964751Laptop, only fap once a day so I don't have dumb requirements like video and ULTRA HD
>>2964725Was that the one where your ass got filled up with his spunk so much that it started coming out your mouth?
>>2964761>SnowflakeYou are a moron. I hope you live unhappily.
>>2964739A pony doing the /fit/ pose
>>2964766She's 90 feet tall or some shit. How about DJ Acid is this giant standing in the water, and MLPG boat is bravely racing towards her.
>>2964769>butt too bigi dont think you belong here
>>2964760s-she likes us...should we tell her that we like her too?
>>2964751Less cleanup.
>>2964760>And then they fucked?
>>2964783Well that's just rudeI'm sorry that I've offended you with the name I've chosen to use for that pony
>>2964792Small butts are my fetish.
i tried looking it up, but to no good use.where can i find good reference for horse cock? i'm trying to draw futa here.
>>2964739I'll second either one of these:>>2964758>>2964752
>>2964801Braeburned made a good one that he never follows.
>>2964794W-well... she's really pretty... b-but do you think we could get a chance to see her again?
>>2964790>>2964785This! Do this!>>2964801http://twentypercentcooler.net/post?tags=horsecock&searchDefault=Searchhttp://e621.net/post?tags=horsecock&searchDefault=SearchGo crazy
>>2964799mah nigga.
I noticed i rarely draw ponies from the back, so i drew this.
>>2964780No, it was something like, you find out he got you preggers, something you both thought was impossible.And you both freak out about it.
>>2964801>futaGo die.
>>2964618So it's a sausage fest on the general tonight then?
>>2964825I need more Scootaloo from behi->>2964831I love you guys.
>>2964825That looks pretty good.
>>2964834are you trying to imply there are times when it's not?Because I really have a hard time believing that
>>2964831This is my cue to go to bed instead of drawing ponies for the general.
>>2964817How far away IS this place, anyways? How hard will it be to come back?I'd like to come back...
>>2964832Where do you think you are?
>>2964831>Pull the plug.Shes going to shit everywhere, isn't she?
>>2964836I know what you likeI know what you need
>>2964834>females>liking MLPthat's crazy talk
>>2964825Its a nice start. Just keep it up.
>>2964738>>2964769>people thinking animation skeletons need to look like actual skeletons
>>2964785>>2964790>>2964823eh, I don't imagine that pose translating well to pony You do mean the one where they're all stretched and covering their balls right?
>>2964851I dunno... she likes it, right? >>2964850This is why I don't like anal.
>tfw you will never play Dota with Klondike, Rose, Jessy
>>2964850>In college>Woken up by screaming from the dorm next to me>Run in to check it out>The girl is naked on the ground, screaming>The guy is standing completely still, a shocked look on his face, a strand of anal beads in his hand>There's shit splattered all over the walls
>>2964703>not eating your semenAssuming I don't blast a big one that flies and ends up on the carpet or high up on a wall, I just lick the rest of it up. I do it instinctively now, some times I don't even realize when I do it.
>this thread
>>2964760>You step closer, and she tilts her head quizically at you>"Is your hand still bothering you? I can take another loo-">A soft "Oh!" Is all she can manage as you wrap her up in a hug, her heartbeat heavy in her chest, falling in rhythm with yours as you pull her close>She stands for a moment, unsure, before returning the hug>Her grip is soft, almost loose as she wraps her arms around you, the toughened country girl melting into your arms as the two of you stand in the rays of the slowly sinking sun>"There's something I like about you too Applebloom. Well, a lot of things." You pull back, her hair falling in front of her eyes as she looks up at you with a gentler smile than you would have thought her capable of>"Aw shucks." She blushes red enough to match her hair, and it's your turn to stifle a laugh this time>Suddenly she pulls away and grabs her jean jacket, which she decisively throws from the tower of boxes as you gaze on with bewilderment>That bewilderment turns to shock as she gives your butt a soft slap, and she sticks her tongue out at you as she removes the shirt and jeans with the same quickness and tosses them off the tower as well>And that shock turns to panic as Applebloom gives you a wink, before jumping straight ahead off the tower
>you will never dogfight krauts on a foggy day over France
>>2964863>What is an enema
>>2964864>tfw you will never play Dota with anyone
>>2964866>"I thought it was like starting a lawn mower..."
>>2964746Or just use Wordpress.com for free. That's what I do.
>>2964869What now bugs? Do you need a hug?
>>2964834>>2964843I'm trying to come up with situations for Slutty Mare Quest 2, I really am. The problem is that it's just so hard to think up ones that make sense.
>>2964870OH SHIT
>>2964870Oh god this is happening so fast how will our spaghetti valve hold out
>>2964869Today's MLPG have been bad.
>>2964769>I decided to stay up long enough to screencap this.
>>2964883Don't comfort me faaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggow my leg>>2964896ya
>>2964870>"See that haystack?"
>>2964872>What is a decent diet
>>2964866>>2964877SHIT STATUS: 404
>>2964866Oh man. That reminds me of a story my high school compsci teacher told us.
>>2964870>And this is when we run into her brother.
>>2964847Me too... This girl is making me wanna stay here forever.
>>2964871>Implying I haven'tYou haven't known terror until you've come face to face with 120 Mk-108 30mm cannons.
>>2964907>high school compsci teacher what
>>2964869>complaining about the quality of a thread>implying that is helping
>>2964870oh godthere's so many new developmentswhat do we doSHE TOOK OFF HER CLOTHES MANTOOK THEM OFF
>>2964902>jar barfswhawhatthisthis has enough of a audience to to be a thingwhat
>>2964915bags bannie
>>2964885Careful, you're treading anthro.
>>2964831>>2964851>>2964885I guess i now know the subconcious reason i never draw ponies from behind.
>>2964896Nigga, the last horse was full-on Blue Lantern and chill as we've ever fucking been. It's been a great night.
>>2964915>filenameM-mugsanon-sama, welcome back <3
>>2964921>pecsThat's anthro, bro. No two ways about it.
>>2964915>implying I'm trying to help italso lol at bugs (3).jpg>3>>2964927What the fuck are you talking about
>>2964923Don't lets those faggots discourage you from draw that, even as a sfw version of it.
>>2964916Don't take your clothes off.Convince her to take them off for you.
did the video get posted on like eqd or something?
>>2964933What is your point?>>2964927You miss me anon? Shouldn't you be drawing?
>>2964934thank god
>>2964934Rarity's horn is what I imagine spike's penis WOULD look like
>tfw ctrl f'ing various names in the archive to see contributions you miss>see an interesting post you want to reply to>it's from yesterdayokay
>>2964912It's not sexual. He used to be navy and was stationed on a submarine. One of the people he knew somehow reversed the pressure when he tried to flush the toilet. The ship's surgeon later said it was like the guy had been shot in the face with a shotgun.
>>2964602Just the usual vidya related stuff; stacked teams, people who don't know how to play, etc, etc... It just seems worse tonight for some reason.>>2964603At least yours is restricted to one thing, I can't think of anything feel inducing right now. At least Metals has it covered.
>>2964946>my face I have an impersonator
>>2964912you didn't have a compsci teacher in high school?
>>2964946>asking Anon why he isn't drawing... You're not bugsanon.
>>2964966darf plz go
>>2964948Better.But cuter.>Oh my god, everyone can see my genitals, why didn't I wear pants today>oh right, I'm a pony>so why is this weird
>>2964963>that>not sexualspeak for yourself
>>2964870>"App-I-WHAT?!" You lean your head out of the tower, looking straight down with the expectation that you'd be seeing a crumpled body, a pool of red>Instead you're greeted by a rippling lake, Applebloom treading water and grinning up at you cheekily>"You obviously didn't pay much attention to the view!">You try to think of something to say, but all that you can think of is that this girl is insane>Nuts>Loopy>"You- you... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!">The laughter is back, soft but brassy like church bells and gentle conversation>"So? " She calls up, "Are you gonna jump or what city mouse?">This weekend you were going to be bored and sarcatically riff on your vacation via text; instead you don't know where your phone is and a girl in her underwear wants you to jump off a woden tower>'The best laid plans of mice and men...'>You strip down and throw your clothes out in the direction of Applebloom's, earning cheers and giggles as you hand back from the ledge in nothing but your boxers>And then you take the leap that she so desperately waited for; that leap you always wanted to take
>>2964963>shit shotgun
>>2964974>capital lettersbro...
>>2964968There's another one. He's awful. I like this one though.You're more of an ideal now
>>2964873I'd play Dota with you, anonIf I had an invite
>>2964973Yeah you're right, I'm not at all. Felt like having a little fun today but I can't do itThat poor guy who thinks I'm mugsanon
>>2964973I still have my old tripcode I used for that one thread that one time. I'm still here for you anon
>>2964983>Chastising someone for not using capital letters while using none yourself
>>2964986>when you become more than a shitposter, you become a symbol>symbols can't die
>>2964426No secret, it's already been announced. I'll be doing a show at EQLA. Still figuring out how I'll do it, but I'm able to perform at least a couple of them by doing more than mashing play.
>>2964980in b4 you flunk it
Two Headed Boy part 2 is legitimately one of the saddest songs I've ever heard.
>>2965002no, i mean darf doesn't use capital letterseverjust like this post
>>2965009You are one of the saddest songs I've ever heardI agree
All this Scootaporn...why not AB?
>>2965007>Anon totally beefs it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tctX771EQeAI'm starting to fall in love with Gravity Falls. And Mabel. Holy hell is she cute.
>>2964994Scootabutt dumper: <3
>>2965009>not casimir pulaski day
>>2964974Not darf.
>>2965009>He's never heard Flowers of The Forest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Cr5Onrwcg
>>2964938Nah...I just meant that i suddenly get why i avoid the angle.
>>2964980"City mouse..."I think I like that.Better look out below..."Country Mouse."
I just fapped to cadence.swf. I thought I was done being a furfag but apparently not.>fetishes don't dieshould I read rubyquest and start fapping to elder things now?
>>2965017you should draw porn of her
>>2965008>Scootaloo cosplays as Nanaki
>>2965009>But dont hate her when she gets up to leave
>>2965009take a sad songand make it better
>>2965029Porn? That's wrong.I would instead love to baby sit her and watch her be energetic and cute.
>>2965024>That coverart
>>2965014No one likes her.
>>2965038she would end up drugging you and rape you in your sleep
>the real bugsanon is backWell fuckIt was a fun ride though. Mugsanon out
>>2965033How is she a slut?
>>2965044wait about ten years, then get back to me
>>2964726they should be abled to move their ears too
>>2965024Also this thread is now about music I likehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQPHbJ7vRzwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQVq3DibRDA
>>2965014the AB fans are too busy suffering from heart attacks
>>2965044i'd prefer to rub other things ;)-*rubs lower and lower on your belly*-
>>2965050There can only ever be oneIf anything, I liked you more
>>2965028Yes. Fap to ace blowjobs.
>>2965058>Shit taste
>>2965052She's just a kid, she doesn't know what she's doing displaying herself like that! She just wants her belly rubbed, nothing else.>>2965062...At least you think...
>>2965060oh come on. I won't make a habit of it.
>>2965062You dun fucked up now.
>>2965049I'm half way through the second episode. How is she a slut?
>>2965052>"Think about it. Is age really the matter here?"
>>2965052>ten yearsyou do know the natural lifespan of hoers, rite?
>>2965050i dont even know who you are but ok bye>>2965071lmfao you probably like brony music
>>2965083these aren't hoersthese are marshmallow pone
>>2965084I liked it better when you were just pictures of bugs.And had no tripcode.
>>2964966>At least yours is restricted to one thing.I...I could do feels for other things!I-it's not like I only do one thing!God, that thing was so cheesy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_nljw2WxRsit's like everybody but me has shit taste in music
>>2965084>>2965095Yeah this sucks
>>2965090these wounds they will not feel
>>2965084>tripcodeThe real bugs is smart enough to know this only means you can be filtered.
>>2965095He kind of looks like an ugly human bugs.And he's doing a dreemwurks face
>>2965084Mugsanon was basically you v2.0You never truly left
>>2965044stop jacking off to children you pedophiles, only look at naked children for artistis purposes.
>>2965095You realize how stupid that sounds right?
So, if Eurobeat is still around, did it feel bad having to sing along to the remix of your song? I personally like your original version more but I can imagine that it feels somewhat bittersweet...
>>2965078>rhyming wings with sing>rhyming sing with sing
>>2965084it's not so -anon when you incorporate it into your name
>>2965098Please go back to /mu/
>>2965095But the fake one will return and this is the only bugs picture I have left
>>2965095It what you fucking deserve for calling him "Bugsanon"God, you don't just give names to anonymous like that. Then they aren't anonymous.
>go play civ5 for an hour>still no sexy greentext; admittedly some porn being posted nowDo I need to make it happen myself?
>>2965114they have shit taste too
>>2965079i presume it's because of all the boys she hit on in the first episode but i dunnoask the /co/ general
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXHczjOg06w&feature=g-all-uI FUCKING LOVE SUPERCONDUCTORS JESUS CHRIST THIS IS SO COOL
>>2965116Remember scootanon? Is he still around? He was a fag
>>2965116>>2965113No one is anonymous anymore. You still don't get it.
>>2965095I like that hes going back into my filter
Hey Guys, I think I'm a brony.
>>2965121>mic does it all the timeRhyming pony with pony
>>2965098we hipster now?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtcJLJ4U2w8
>>2965112>Somewhere Zecora had a blood vessel burst in her eye.>Dayguard gets concerned.
>>2965097you shipped my moonguard waifu with spitfire, you bastard.just kidding, it was pretty cute. I got a bit jelly
>>2965118Go ahead and get us started, I'll help if I can
the new bugsanon was awful, i knew something didnt feel right.
>>2965134and that's why you're a brony.
>>2965128I still haven't gotten a -anon name and I've been here since 2010
>>2965126You have a trip now? Enjoy being added to my filter.
>>2965134All fans of my little pony are
>>2965135>Rhyming.>Implying his secret is talking fast.
>>2965135it's off-putting but it can be effective for just that reason.Not saying mic has the intelligence/skill to be doing it intentionally for that purpose, but yeah.
>>2964980>For a moment there was nothing; no wind, no gravity, no sound>And you were free from the noise of the city and traffic and obligations, free from these things you never really cared for anyway>Free to fall>Whind wistles in your ears as you plummet, water rushing up like a wall or a car going too fast to stop; and suddenly, you're under>You let yourself float to the surface, kicking gently and finally breaking up into the air of the hot rural summer>You whip around, looking for Applebloom, but she's nowhere to be found>"Applebloom..?" A sudden tug on your leg makes you yelp, Applebloom surfacing with a gasp and a smile>"Made ya jump." You splash her gently, and she responds by pinning your arms to your side>You struggle for a minute against her grip when you realize that she's moving closer... and closer...>She wraps her legs around your waist, relinquishing your forearms and wrapping her arms around your neck>"Ah knew you had it in you." She rests her wet head against your neck, allowing you to support her completely as she cuddles with you in the lukewarm waters>"Shoot, you're blushin' like a Red Delicious." >The two of you stay in the water for a little while, the sun tinging your world a deep gold as Applebloom happily tells you about her life in the country
>>2965126I saw him a few days ago.
>you will never have an armful of CMC
>>2965143That's because you haven't done anything noticeable.
>>2965143I dub thee anon-anon.
>>2965138My brain would not stop trying to ship them so I was like "UGH, FINE!"
>>2965151Here I'll just sum up every possible response to this real quickUNFHNNNNGGGOH GODtherenow shut up
>>2965063>>2965108>I encouraged Scootabutt>Got CMC pornI just wanted cute ponies doing cute things...;_;
>>2965162>no fun allowedyou shut up
>>2965146That's what bronies want you to believe.
>>2965153Someone make me one like that, even i don't remember my entire history here
>>2965148yeah, if done to draw attention to a certain word that might carry the theme of a song it can be okayfor example, Kanye West
>>2965151>She wraps her legs around your waist>wrapping her arms around your neck>rests her wet head against your neckIf I was in this situation I'm pretty sure my dick would have torn through any remaining clothing the two of us were wearing
>>2965162Now that Metals will write no longer, what do you want to talk about at 4 AM, anon?
>>2965125oh fuck yes superconductershttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z6UJbwxBZI
>>2965163>cute poniesYou disgust me sir
>>2965098I can't find this on youtube
>>2965155If posting the same picture over and over and the same opinion over and over is notable, then I prefer to think of myself as not being a fucking tool.>>2965158LOL!!!! FANKS ANON
>>2965063>Sweetie Belle, eager to please you, will never nervously blush as you slide an egg vibrator into her tight white pussy
>>2965151why is she so perfect...
Consider some niggas are talking about music let's talk about how great this album is
>>2965173I don't want to talk about anything with you faggots, I have actual friends and you have consistently shown that you are incapable of all but the most superficial conversations.I just want you guys to stop having fun.
>>2965182>having a pattern is being a tool
>>2965182Look out we are dealing with a bad ass over here.
>>2965194oh you
>>2965184>egg vibrator what is thisI seriously saw this in a mind control fic earlier todayand now hereonly two times I've heard of it
>>2965194You could just leave
>>2965194So the truth is revealed. Shitposter.>>>/b/
>>2965194>I have actual friends
>>2965175Does this make you sick to your stomach?
there's something wrong with this thread...
>>2965177>not using ncmcpcpp
>>2965203Look in the pic. little, remote-controlled vibrating "balls".
>>2965191Let's not and said we did
>>2965204he backs away so calmly
>>2965203bullet vibrator shaped like an egg
>>2965182you gave me an idea for some reason>>2965217>no fun allowed also testing
>>2965211Ew, no. Ncmpcpp is garbage.Go back to the arch forums loser.
>>2965208I am outraged that you would keep such a disgusting image on your computer
>>2965203>tfw I knew about sex toys at 14 in order to pass myself off as a woman online
>>2965233>not porn
>>2965233Expected horrifying porn, went anyway.I was rewarded for my curiosity. This is fucking cool.
>>2965233That's really cool
>>2965233>http://e621.net/post/show/220434/>There we go, that should kill everyones thought of fapping to her.>im-fucking-plying
>>2965229enjoy your bloat
>not using 1by1seriouslyyou open ityou pick an mp3 on your computerand it playsno storeno auto playlistsno synching or any other bullshitI now buy TAW's "perfect simplicity" argument
>Not using foobarYou guys disgust me
>>2965249>cares about bloat>uses a bloated ncurses mpd client written in sepples instead of an external script that handles mpc keybindsHaha
>>2965259leider, no foobar on linux
>>2965154What a pity.
>>2965259what is foobar
>>2965259I doAnyway, let's talk ponies. I think the third season might be it's best season. After that would be a good time to cancel
>>2965275>You will never roughly fuck someone's shitty OC
>>2965154>CMC will never have a throat-full of your cockwhy do i even bother
>>2965276some gay shitthese days I just use basic winamp and spotify
>>2965278Why are you such a fucking faggot holy shit
>You will never a pony>Not even once
>>2965259>FoobarYou're my nigger.
>>2965151>The sun is almost down when the two of you get up, Applebloom confidently wading her way out of the lake, unfazed by her scant dress>She bends down to pick up her clothes, and you can't decide if you should look, or if you shouldn't look, or if she's testing you>You solve the dilemma by becoming very interested in a nearby lilypad until she gets her jeans back on>She becons for you to come on in, and gives you a sly smile as she puts her shirt on, the white cloth clinging to her damp skin>"You know, you're a very forward gi-">She practically bumrushes you, grabbing you with her hands and pulling you into a hard kiss that makes your knees feel weak>She smells sweet, like apple blossoms and cinnamon sticks, and her lips are smooth and slick as the skin of a perfect apple>Breaking the kiss, Applebloom takes and unsteady breath before looking at you with sparkling wet eyes>"S-sorry. I hope I didn't do something wrong by you." You don't respond>You pull her in for another kiss, fingertips carefully brushing her stringy hair behind her ear as the two of you embrace>Applebloom looks almost dizzy by the end, and murmurs gently to herself as you finish dressing and begin your trek back to Sweet Apple Acres
>>2965276Foobar is non-free (freedom denying) software. I recommend that you avoid using it if possible out of respect for your own rights. Instead, consider free software alternatives such as clementine and deadbeef.
>>2965278so fun
>>2965287Why are you fucking responding holy shit
>>2965115Heh, that's an old one.
>>2965278Let's not count our chickens before they hatch
>>2965283>You will never tie a leash to that collar>You will never lead her around ponyville, embarassing her in front of all the ponies she wishes she could live with (and could, if she wasn't such a shitty OC)>She will never beg for your cock
>/mu/Ooh!Can I play?http://youtu.be/xzORu1dqEE0
>>2965295I know my foobar has a zune like look to it>>2965300Why not? I'm on topic>>2965304I guess you're right
>/b/read using our sweetiedisgust.jpg
>>2965286>winamp>spotifypls anon>>2965276foobar2k is a full featured but very slim audio player for windowsit plays just about anything while using 2mb of ram
>>2965293OH GOD
>>2965279i only use native applications, wine + foobar is probably worse of a decision than going with another player instead
>>2965301>>2965294>>2965275We slutty OCs now?
>>2965294deadbeef.wait a second whatwhat did you do to my husbando
>you will never cuddle with your pony waifu and tell her hoe special she is to you
>mfw I use Songbird because I'm too lazy to install and configure and transfer everything to something new. and it does everything I want it to
>>2965294How is foobar not free? I thought it was open sourced.
>>2965294How is that stallman?It's nowhere near fat enough.
>>2965311>You will never fuck her in the towns square, letting all the ponies watch her moan and scream.>You will never tie her to the fountain and charge stallions 10 bits a go when you finish inside her.
Wow, this thread went from okay to awful damn quick.
>>2965338I have a 5 year old mid-range laptop. Songbird is a beast for resources. Foobar is better.
>>2965312I would like to interject for a moment.What you’re referring to as please go, is in fact, GNU/please go, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus please go. please go is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “please go”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a please go, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.please go is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. please go is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with please go added, or GNU/please go. All the so-called “please go” distributions are really distributions of GNU/please go.
>>2965336>hoeThat's ok though I have a gf that said that to me once anyway
>>2965294Stallman plsthe SDK is BSD'dIt isn't perfect but every free player is shit and you know it
>>2965336>hoeSuch a charmer.
>>2965340it's not open source>>2965294his cutie mark wouldn't be the hurd
>>2965344That would require drawing a new pony instead of just using the pony template.
>>2965293hold her handHOLD. HER. HAND.
>>2965350This seems boring.I think I've been here too long.
>mfw reading this conversation while listening to music in iTunesIf your rig can't even run itunes while doing anything else you could need it to do you don't even deserve to be talking about computers. Get dunked.
Post butts.
>>2965340nope the SDK is though
>>2965374Slutty OC butts?
>>2965373>Get dunked.Fucking die.Just fucking die.
>>2965373>Using iTunes>Telling others to not talk about computers
>>2965373what's that pic from?btw I use itunes
>>2965357I tried posting that ages ago but it tripped the spam filter. What gives?
>>2965383Get. Dunked.
>>2965367It was boring to write.It was meant to be boring!
>>2965350>She is an OC so none but the most desperate stallions fuck her>However, many mares and stallions pay you to have her eat out and/or rim them
>>2965370I would not be opposed to him using his magic to force me to deepthroat him.seriously what's up with that condom, though?
>>2965387JFK Reloaded.
>>2965387JFK Reloaded.A game where you shoot JFK.
>>2965374>Ponies in heelsI can't imagine what that would do to a real horse. But god damn is it hot on fictional ones.
>>2965111I'll be honest. I'd always prefer to perform my originals (name any musician that wouldn't, deep down!). However, given the circumstances of the event, my VERY late registration, and a few other things with which I won't bore you, I'm honestly just very happy that I was able to hop on stage and sing for, what, 4000+ screaming fans (if we count Livestream)? Besides, Tomb has been very respectful about the matter, from when he asked to remix it in the first place to when he asked me to sing on stage.tl;dr: A little bit, but I'm just glad to perform anyway.
>>2965402>hooves>heelsI don't even.
>>2965387JFK Reloaded
>>2965395Does that comic still update?
>>2965399>>2965401I remember a gif where the crazy crash and the woman fly into the sky, team rocket style. Was that the same game?
>>2965398You put it on him. You don't want him getting on you after you finish assfucking him.
>>2965404>eurobeat guy>the hero we need, not the one we deserve
>>2965373>chewing up cycles and ram for no reason>apple>super closed source>no features>plays 4 file formatsYou are a faggot of inconceivable dimensions
>>2965404I didn't see you dunk MiketheFag, but were you raging when you saw him pull his bullshit?
>>2965411Yeah, there are a couple options for physics and traffic settings, if you set it right things go off da railz pretty quick
>>2965367now I'm imagining Anon fucking a slutty mare out in public, looking completely bored out of his mindand now my shit appears to have been misplaced
>>2965404You're such a rad guy, Euro. I'm really glad you come here and I want you to know that every moment you were on stream during bronycon every single person was freaking out over how awesome you were.
>>2965413Tw-Twilight why are you wearing a saddle in bed.W-why are you giving me that look?Where did you teleport my pants to?
>>2965415>implying <impylng >inyom,gpl<>ioymg>ionmiy
>>2965404You're a bro
>>2965430>implying << EOF
>>2965419>If you dont make mp3 files in itunes an alias from an external drive, it soaks up obscene amounts of RAM
>>2965374>you will never inset Twilight into Celestia's oversized butt>you will never press Luna's face into Twilight's exposed rear, then eat Luna out while she eats Twilight out
>>2965405I will never even. But I will get off to it just the same.
>>2965404You continue to be the coolest contributor this fandom has, in my eyes. Thanks for being kickass.
>>2965404You're my husbando.I just wanted you to know that.
>>2965423>You will never be the nervous mare>It will never be your first time meeting the human>You will never get the chance to beg for him to give you the same wild ride all the other mares have had
>>2965419Call me back when it affects anything related to me or my music.
>>2965421>you dunk GO FUCKING DIE
>>2965423>"Where did I go wrong in my life...">"I could be doing something productive, but here I am.">"I wonder if Celestia will make me a TV if I asked her nicely..."
http://lil-miss-jay.tumblr.com/post/26376092365/holy-fucking-fuck-fuckety-fuckhttp://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/878996#search=Friendship_is_magic>Humanized version of Lil' Miss Jay's Little Miss Rarity, and before all the 'NOT PORN' complaints, yo can see her vag and one nipple.>And yes, Mommy's still pretty :) ...i don't even care anymore
I've never been to /mu/.What do they think of Royksopp?http://youtu.be/9dq6Zp10tb4?hd=1
>>2965438>Hey boys. You can look. But you can't touch.
>>2965373>iTunes.>Not using Spotify like a boss.
>>2965438Going from the heights of the ponies themselves it would probably work better if Luna ate her sister out with Twilight in the rear I'd rather eat her out anyways.
>>2965444>You will never be a human in equestria that is constantly propositioned for wild human sexings>You will never turn down every single request
>>2965455How do they get away with that in a kid's show? She's clearly flirting in her little fantasy.
Here's a little something.Slight taste of HSG, but still.
Lyra is a very bisexual pone
>>2965453They liked Junior if I remember correctly.I fucking love Royksopp
>>2965404Considering that I went through the same stuff with AlexS, I just wanted your feedback. I'm glad you had a lot of fun. Plus, at least you could sing. Those high notes that you hit on "Away" were just lovely to listen to.Very jelly, bro.
>>2965412It's a dealAlso it seems like that nigga with my facebook went to bed
>>2965468HahahahaIs that one guy Nathan?
>>2965438>>2965374I wish to share a bed with Celestia, Luna and TwilightAnd cuddle all night long
>>2965468That's going in the brony folder, danke.
>>2965466Why don't we have high res of that nathan face
>>2965444>You will never experience the toe-curling (if ponies had toes) joy of hands running up and down your supple flanks for the first time>He will never pull out a stopwatch (he's got this down to a science by now) and let you fellate him for 45 seconds before he turns you around and slips two fingers into your slit
>>2965404Such professionalism...You're a true bro, you know that Euro?I mean, shit, I've probably said this in your streams plenty of times but I look up to you man.Your insanely talented and STILL you're quite possibly the most modest man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Never change man, never change...
>>2965477....oh god
>>2965468Why did Nathan get that bad haircut?His old hair was fine
>>2965465>You will never have to save face when your friends ask you how the sex with the human was.>You will never tell them, nervously that it was the best thing you ever had.>You could never tell them that he turned you down.>You would be laughed at.
>>2965468...Is that nathan?
>>2965477Yessir, the Pagemaster himself.
>>2965429>She pulls your pants out of her mouth>Your shirt is tied to your pants>Another one of your shirts is tied to that>She keeps pulling more and more clothes out of her mouth>When she finishes she takes a little bow and tells you she found a book on magic tricks>She asks if you like her saddle, the book said mares should have scanty outfits
I didn't know MLPG wanted to read all those posts, so that's why I didn't include them the first time. Is the same still true for this session with Applebloom?
>>2965468I called that guy on the right out as Nathan on the streamIs he Nathan?
>>2965480>But you can't touch.I don't know. That's kind of flirty. Especially the way she says it.
>>2965483>electronic music>talented
>>2965481>He will never brush your mane>He will never call you a pretty pony>He will never strip off your dress and pin you to the bed in a single move
>>2965508Jesus Christjust kill yourself right now, please
>>2965506>no one believed meI FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS
>>2965493>they were all turned down too>their stories are all built off of stories they heard from other turned down mares
>>2965513Why are you so angry, anonymous?
>>2965508"That-one-anon-who-hates-contributors-and-disagrees-with-me-and-posts-in-lower-case" pls go
>>2965508McFuckin kill yourself
>>2965465>You will never strut around naked, denying sex every single day>You will never fight off rape on your way to the supermarket as the mares get desperate
>>2965468NATHAN WHAT DID I SAY?I said you should lose weight, and you might look okay. But what do I see? I've seen that you've gotten fatter. BAD NATHAN. BAD ODD LOOKING BRONY!
>>2965509>>He will never brush your mane>>He will never call you a pretty pony#bonerlost
>>2965517Because someone is wrong on an anonymous imageboard, mom!
what music player do you recommend for windows beside foobar or winamp. i tried both and was not a fan.
>>2965518I seriously have no idea what you're talking about.>>2965519Why are you so angry, anonymous?
>>2965524Look, he's got "giving mares the time of their life" reduced to a precise science. Us mares eat shit like that up.
>>2965529Windows Media Player
>>2965521>Stallions will never come to you asking for tips>The occasional stallion will never ask for a different tip entirely
>>2965529Windows Media Player Classic is the only way to go.
>>2965529Windows Media Player with Windows Explorer
>>2965529Windows Media Player?It's what I use, and it serves me just fine.
>>2965529Windows Media Player Classic: Business Edition
>>2965529Foobar until you like it
>>2965535what is the natural estrus cycle of humans?
>>2965531I'm not angry I'm just giving my input. That input is that you should kill yourself.No seriously.
>>2965293>You get the full third degree from your parents upon your return, and decide that your punishment will be staying with them for the closing Apple Harvest Picnic>You keep up appearances, complain a little bit and generally ensure that you'll be attending with them>Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, you can help but be awed by the change that has taken place>Lanterns hang from all the trees, each one shaped like an oversized apple; the tables are decked out in pristine checkered cloths, and the spread of food is mouth-wateringly appetizing>Taking your place at the table, you look at the massive crowd that has gathered, eyes scanning for one person in particular; and you spot her>You can't breath>She's a vision in a buttercup yellow dress, lace adorning the endges but not so much as to be frilly; her hair is done up exquisitely>You ask your parents if you can go and say hello to the hosts; your mom agrees without looking up from her brochure, while your dad follows your line of sight and gives you a rather discomforting wink>You go over and say hi to Applebloom, and she curtsies in what you can only believe is a display of irony>Next to her is the giant man you saw when you first got here, and you ask Applebloom who it is>"Oh, Mac? He's my brother." Oh good lord>Mac reaches out a hand for you to shake that pretty much engulfs yours, but you do your best to return the shake without wincing
is there any decent porn of that teenage girl in gravityfalls
>>2965529Foobar2k you faggot
>>2965521This is the most thinly veiled manifestation of a long, frustrating, virginal life that I've ever seen.
>>2965548Sentenal plsyou aren't helping
>Windows Media Playeris this trolling or what?
>>2965550Oh god Mac's gonna cockblock usgoddamned meathead
>>2965521>Anon's day>The mayor wants you to repair a roof today>Get up>Pull a mare out from under your bed that was going to pounce you>Escort her out of the house, dodging two others that hind under chairs>Grab a ladder out of the shed, duck another potential rapist>Walk towards town>Start running as mares and stallions come out of the bushes, driven mad by lust>Reach town>Confronted by a mob>You don't want no trabble
>>2965552I really hope we get to see more of her later on, seems like a girl I'd like to fuck, but I'd want to know more of her
>>2965562I'm sorry, just trying to be somewhat funny at 4 in the morning.
>>2965549Then it's even more disturbing! The fact that you can wish death upon someone without being angry is indicative of a much more several mental disorder!
>>2965552get out
>you are dancing at a club>a slightly drunk looking Shining Armor comes out of the crowd and starts grinding his rear against your leg>if you try to back away he follows you>another rear presses against your other leg>it's Big Mac
>>2965550That better be a firm handshake, mister.DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT.
>>2965452I don't know why I went to thereI wish I hadn't
>>2965529Foobar keep in mind is some weird thing you can modify to make good. Did you install Columns UI?It looks like this. Don't go with default. And on top of that you can get skins to make it look like anything you want.
>>2965567>LadderThe town is fucked.
>>2965421Not really. It takes a lot to piss me off. Then again, I don't really remember much of what I said during the panel (besides "um" and "blblblblblblbl"). Gawd... that first day, I was so horribly jet-lagged (first time east of Nevada, ever). Forgive me if I don't quite recall much of the panel.>>2965424>>2965434>>2965441doushio~ (Thank you, guys. Honestly I'm just happy that folks are listening to what I make.)
>>2965567we jackie chan now
>other fluids
>>2965582Just set them on eachother, problem solved.
>>2965546Human men are always in rut.
>>2965582are you the one who posted this weeks and weeks agoplzplzmales grinding against me like little slutsi can't contain this boner
>>2965590i guess i will give it a try again
Can we get more "Nathan at BronyCon" pics?He's just... oddly intersting to look at.
>>2965567>one repaired roof later, you go home
wake upsee thiswhat do
>>2965597I could only think of dirty stuff
>>2965613give it a nice, long kiss
>>2965607>i guess i will give it a try againYeah, like the problem with foobar is that it's the Linux of music players. You can make it do ANYTHING. Which means it's really scary and hard to figure out to new comers. I think there might be preset downloads out there I don't know.
>>2965613give her what she wants
>>2965613Ask her how she got into my houseOn earthThen alert the military to the equestrian mass relay
Was this finished?
>>2965499I'll just do this then. I think we're almost done with this story.
>>2965592>um and blblblblblblYou almost made me choke on coffee when you did that on the panel you fucker
>>2965578I knew it was bad, but geez. How much more can you indicate how desperate you are then with fantasizing "u-um...e-everyone wants to have sex with me...but uh, but i don't want it of course...i-i don't care that I'm not having sex, heh..."
>>2965622Dude that's fucked up jesus christ No really why would you kiss a yellow cartoon horse? fuck man
>>2965552>is there any decent porn of that teenage girl in gravityfallsHer name is Mabel, and she is cute and adorable. Stop trying to sully her with porn.
>>2965613>throw my arms around her>uh oh, arms tied down to bed>legs too>I have an erection, wth?>she's idly fiddling with it with one of her rear hooves
>>2965626>Um, I was making pancakes for angel, and uh...>can I have some flour? whole wheat only please, um, he won't eat anything else
>>2965613Wonder why Fluttershy is acting so out of character. Maybe she's sick.
>>2965592Hey Euro, did you catch the stir knighty caused over on FimFiction?
>>2965628AB pls finish it
>>2965592Well keep making it. I'm looking forward to the vocal version of Diamond Dogs.Also you gave me a huge list of eurobeat stuff a while ago and I felt like I should let you know I listened to all of them and I really liked Bazooka Pistolero by Franz Tornado. Also some of the other ones from that label. Thanks for the recommendation dude.
>>2965613Boop her nose.Then process to ask her what is she doing here.
>>2965550>Mac releases first, and gives and almost imperceptible nod to Applebloom who looks like she's suddenly won the lottery>Applebloom proceeds to introduce you to a long line of cousins, second cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, family friends, and finally, her sister>Applejack is dolled up to a much lesser extent, a simple dress and well shined boots a fitting selection>"Well partner, what do you think of Sweet Apple Acres? I hear Applebloom gave you the unofficial tour.">The look on your face must have been great, because Applejack lets loose with a guffaw that is at once embarrassing and heartwarming>"Shoot, sisters are always honest with each other. 'Sides, I've given that tour before myself." She says with a wink "Anything you didn't get to know that you wanted to ask?">You look over at Applebloom, and think about what today was like; how today felt more real than anything before>You realize that you'd like nothing more than to be here; than to be with her>"Yeah, I have a question. Do you guys allow for internships here?">Applebloom bites her lip and looks to her sister, who gazes thoughtfully at the two of you before allowing herself a grin>"We can probably arrange somthin' like that. You'll have to stay at Sweet Apple Acres- In the barnloft!" She adds, noticing the look that passed between the two of you>Applejack heads over to talk to your parents, and Applebloom suddenly grabs your arm with that vice-grip of hers>"Do you really mean it? You wanna stay here?">You take her hand and bring it to your lips, giving a gentle kiss on her palm in the same place she pulled your thorn free earlier>"Applebloom, I want to stay with you."
>>2965632I think it was a parody of the shitty horsefucking self insert stories
>>2965579I already know I have problems. If you want to help you could remove one of them by offing yourself.
>>2965631Sorry.>>2965647Uh, not really, no.
>Idea for a fic wont leave my head.>I want it to leave because it's shit.FUCKSHITGODDAMMIT
>>2965592Honestly, you're talented at making the music you make and that wip you posted was awesome too. You were like one of the only people who gave me any feedback on 20% Cooler when I was asking for it.Thanks for always being cool as fvck.Like I said, you were one of the only dudes who could sing at that entire thing and it was a pleasure to listen to.Unlike Mic(please for the love of god turn the lights on)themicrophone.
>>2965641Mabel is 12I think he was talking about Wendy
>>2965644>suddenly reminded of those >feels about Fluttershy cooking for us from earlier today...can I have some pancakes too?
>>2965643This shitponychan tier
>>2965660Well, I don't think I'm going to. Sorry.
>>2965667so fucking write it or go get drunk until you forget about it
>>2965667>personal blogjust fucking write the fic
>>2965674>This is pinkie pie!>Everyone here loves her because she acts exactly like a 9 year old girl!
>>2965652Why are you doing this to my heart
>>2965677Sorry, I'm tired
>>2965674>12really? I thought she was much younger, like 8=9 or something
>>2965663>SorryI still love you
>>2965681But I get drunk and write fics...
>>2965592You should've seen the stream chat when you were on the panel. Definitely the high point of the con for MLPGSpeaking of you, what are some artists, that you draw influence from in the Eurobeat genre? I hadn't heard of it until a year or so ago and I'd like to get some more of it. If it's anything like what you make, I definitely want some of that.
>>2965663>nooh boy.
>tomorrow is july 4which pone will get their hooves blown off with mexucan fireworks?
>>296569412 seems about right.
I wonder what happened to ponies in the old continent?I doubt that everybody left and went to Equestria.
>>2965702scootaloo, DYEWTS
>>2965663Long story short, Knight post this and wanted to see Mic's reaction.
>>2965688>And everyone who wants to fuck her is a pedophile.
>>2965663Knighty stuck some text at the top of every page calling Mic talentless.http://www.fimfiction.net/user/knighty#comment_list
>>2965705Famine.Only the ones that could live off their magic alone survived.And then they became changelings after years of evolution to feed off the purest magic of all
>>2965705>Trixie is a gypsy>that's why she travels in a wagon and is a villain and everybody hats her
>>2965705They froze to death long before they had to worry about starving to death.
>>2965605I'm not.>>2965599>you try to slip out from between them, but they follow>you try again but all that happens is their tails slip out of place, removing one of the two barriers between you and them>there is a sharp intake of breath and they start grinding and pushing against you harder>placing your hands on their rears you manage to push yourself out from between them>several ponies are staring at the scene you have become involved in>you turn around to try and make a quick exit, but another rear hits you just bellow your crotch and pushes your rump against the grinding stallions>Soarin has joined in
>>2965716>>2965710Sorry to butt in but where did you guys get the impression that Euro gives half a rat's ass about Mic?You know that thing about him dunking mic was greatly exaggerated.
>>2965699>missing bronycon stream chatAlmost makes me regret tripping in the woods all weekend
oh man i'm only partway into RQ but i already fapped to the idea of giving myself a handjob with tiny stomach arms while double fisting ruby
>>2965705Perhaps they tunneled underground to escape the cold, and became mole people
>>2965705They get readded into the nation, which I would not be surprise at all.
>>2965732What exactly happened? What "dunking" situation are you guys referring to?
>>2965721Nah.Don't make me hate the character.pls.
>>2965673Ashcorp? Wow! Glad I could be of service, man! I also really dug Touch Fluffy Tail, by the way. Confessedly when I saw the title I thought it was about Touhou at first, gave it a listen and realized I'm sort of a dumbass.
>>2965612>The next day the ponies all convince themselves they had a giant orgy with you>There's no way you fought them all off with that ladder>Especially not after you caught that pegasi foal that fell out of the sky and held onto it with one arm during the encounter
>>2965721>Gypsy>Not carnie.But Pinkie is a gypsy
>>2965652I can'tI can't I just can't
>>2965723>Oh, fuck this.>Move over to braeburn>Hop on his back>Adjust your hat>HI HO SILVER, AWAY!>Gallop out of the club and go fight cattle rustlers
Suck my ponis mlpg
>>2965705That could explain the military oriented Equestria.Do they have their alicorn leaders?
>>2965757Oh man oh man oh man
>>2965652>That night was the last night you've spent with Applebloom for weeks>You and her write each other all the time, and besides; it's not forever>You're going back to work there soon, and you're looking into ag-sci for your future>And Applebloom says that she has the loft all made up, waiting for you>Waiting for the endless summer the two of you can start; togetherHope I made y'all feel tonight.
>>2965744>"where did all those jackets come from?! he was only wearing one when we started!"
>>2965757who is flanks?
>>2965757She looks sick, get the medicine ready.
>>2965735You're not a real man until you fap to weaver's actual art.
>>2965673>>2965740Ah shit if that is him, that song was amazing. I even got away with playing that one at the clubs a few times.
>>2965750He'll rustle your cattle alright.
>>2965767I love you so much Metals
>>2965750>He wasn't sure how to respond when you jumped on his back.>Your heels in his ribs made his body react on it's own, causing him to rear up and start to gallop.>Hes horrified.>You just keep kicking.
fleecin rubes
>>2965640because i can only feel all the happy feelings people have for humans if it's a cartoon, even more so when it's not a cartoon human.
>you will never meet humans>you will never experience having fingers>you will never life in a stressful word full of hatePass me the bleach, I don't like being a horse.
>>2965767Its cute. I love it! Here your cap.
>>2965767I loved it
>>2965767God damn it, that's one of those >it's so perfect now that things can only go downhill from here endings. Kinda depressing.
>>2965766She owns the getup and a fucking Crystal ball.
>>2965789Lyra pls stay
>>2965789>thinking earth is nothing but stress and hateLearn to chill and hang with the right peopleIf bonbon and the town ponies are any indication, some ponies are just as rude as some humans.
>>2965780>you finally get far enough away from the club to feel safe>Braeburn has no idea what just happened>he doesn't object to it though>something about it feels natural
>>2965785Bullshit, get off the internet and go talk to some people. Like a normal person. Maybe then you will realize what you're trying to convince me is stupid.
>>2965799>You arrive, to find the whole place a burned husk.>None survived.>Haueueueueue
>>2965673>You were like one of the only people who gave me any feedback on 20% Cooler>20% CoolerWait, are you Ken Ashcorp?Shit!Can't say I expected you to be posting here.Can't say I've listened to much of your music, but the tunes that I've given a whirl were pretty snazzy.Mind if I ask you stumbled upon MLPG?
>>2965767you didmy god you didfirst Sweetie Belle, now thisI've >felt so many >feels tonight it's insaneand your sweetie belle story gave me a little idea of my own...
>>2965710>>2965716I see. I think I caught wind of that. Not to put it the wrong way, but I was just sort of focused on other things.Won't be on much longer, I'm fighting a cold/getting my voice back and trying to get back to a California sleep schedule (if such a thing exists), but I can get a couple more posts in.
>>2965801>talking shit about my waifu
>>2965723Are we Braeburn now?Did the guy that liked slutty males not like this?
>>2965809>and thus a supervillain was born
>>2965779Thanks. I'm just sorry that took so long, I got some kind of a ban error/disconnect thing a few times I tried to post.>>2965790I appreciate you, guy. Thanks.>>2965799Anon, life is only what you make of it. Applebloom and Anon will certainly have their hard times ahead. But with a foundation like that to build on, a foundation of pure love and insane happenstance, they will overcome.
>>2965738Goddamnit someone answer meI need to know about pointless brony drama faggotry
>>2965814>California>Sleep schedulelel'Night anyways dude.Keep on truckin'.
>>2965811Isn't he foreverpandering?
Does anybody have the 20% Nathan image?I need it for scientific purposes. Bigger the better.
>>2965821Tomorrow, we tackle Scootaloo!...figuratively
>>2965825Mic, in his nervous rant, made a comment about needing talent for music and Eurobeat interrupted him saying "No you don't" and then mic shut up for a bit.That's about it
>>2965803>you will never relax with other humans by going down to the firing range>you will never blow apart human shaped target and laugh about it with your friends
Who the fuck is Ken Ashcorp?
>>2965830>figurativelyfuck that, gotta restrain her somehow or she'll never fuck us
>>2965825mic got dunkedspaghetti explosioneverybody laughsroll on snare drumcurtains
>>2965832And nobody recorded this?
>>2965829I have this I made a while back
>>2965828I can't even remember the names of all my cousins, this shit is confusing.blblblbl
>inb4 autistic caps every post related to this shitty feel story
>>2965830uhm sure."figuratively"
>>2965825Whenever Everfree manages to upload the thing, you'll be able to see it exactly
>>2965837He makes music pay the fuck attention you autistic spaz
>>2965841Of course it was recorded.
>>2965838I'm talking >feels here, Anon!
>>2965851Am I going to get to see it?
>>2965848HeyHeyI like the orange one
>>2965853Getting fucked by Scootaloo feels pretty good.
>>2965835I always shoot at printed out pictures of my pony waifu so I can learn to stop loving her
>>2965847posterity is very important, anonit's good that we have someone obsessive-compulsive enough to record all these gay little >feels that the general is so often full of
>>2965835>You will never play a video game>You won't get the chance to spend hours a day simulating the murder of other humans
>>2965848We can tackle her literally too, if she wants to roughhouse. And knowing Scootaloo, she probably does.
>>2965856everfree radio recorded eveything but they have to edit it and internet it and shit idk
>>2965865Lazy niggers. Oh well.
>>2965847and I love it!
>>2965847>People feeling the need to cap every little thing in these threads
>>2965850>Google it....Oh my God.
>>2965829Better one here, but I don't know the original image.I NEED IT, I NEED THIS SHIRT
>>2965847>>2965862Do neither of you like >feels?
>What's the first problem with every monster hunt?>If you're a side character you die in the first 5 minutes. Dude am I a side character? Do you ever think about stuff like thatA show aiimed at people under 10 saying "die" and "death". Interesting.
>>2965874>Not feeling the need to cap everything.>Even other caps.>Or capturing actual caps.>You will never be a millionaire when the nukes fall.
>>2965882Only if you're referring to wingsor boobs
What does pony eat for midnight snack?
>>2965878indifferentif i want to feel bad about how i'm never going to make a meaningful connection with another human being i'll go to the mall and look at all the happy couples going about their days with their hands in eachother's back pockets
>>2965863>you will never watch the news>you will never listens to the weatherman guess at what the weather is going to be like tomorrow and talk about the people killed by a storm somewhere else>you will never hear the news anchor talk about someone that got murdered last night>you will never read the ticker at the bottom of the screen to see how many people got massacred by an oppressive government on the other side of the world
>just found out you can apply for medical marijuana card if you have autismoh ya i definitely have that
>>2965881what show
>>2965881Is this Adventure Time?
>>2965881I fucking love Gravity Falls.Episode one was great, Episode 2 was meh. I watched Episodes 3 and 4 today and they were hysterical. I'm convinced it's my favorite cartoon of the year behind MLP
>>2965888I would assume the same old chips and sodas.
>>2965892>You will never watch the History channel.
>>2965888egg salad sandwiches
>>2965881>mlpfim aimed at 7 year old girl>A bird dies, bursts into flame, and burns to ash>kidnapping and slavery>a funeral>hostile monarchy takeovers
>>2965806maybe i know the wrong people, maybe i'm disgusted by reality, but at least for now it's not bullshit.
>>2965895>Implying you would use it for real medical reasonsI hate people like you. If you want it so bad just find a dealer, don't take advantage of the government like that.
>>2965878Most >feels are either poorly written or just terrible variations of "you will never ..." I've definitely enjoyed some but the mood has to strike me and the writing has to not suck. It's not like it bothers me whatsoever that others enjoy it, that would be crazy.
>>2965898Gravity Falls. I'm watching it. I'm falling in love with it and Mabel.
Post some sad songs.
>>2965912That's really easier said than done if you don't know the right people.
>>2965892>You will never have to search for a job>You will never get to live on the street after failing several interviews>You will never rob a convenience store just for the chance to spend a night in jail
>>2965914>you will never do a thing you want to do with a pony because they aren't real
>>2965881>stealing jokes from Galaxy Quest
Good night MLPG.So many writers around. It's a nice feeling when they write nice feelings.I am no longer needed.
>>2965900Just imagine if ponies would pay you to let them blow you after a stressful day.
>>2965892...this place sucks...
>>2965917Nigga. If your father was ever distant or absent in your life, if you ever feel like you'll always be a disappointment to him, this will hit you like a fucking freight train.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6WHxo-qWso
>>2965914To be honest, greentexting kinda limits people and yes, the "You will never" shit is annoying.Stop trying to make those feels.Just, stop.It's a dirty feel.The kind of feel you would expect to do a line of off the flank of a hooker pone in a seedy Ponyville bar.
>>2965929>>2965931ded dog mind
>>2965918If you're a social person it really isn't hard. I only had 2 friends back in high school and I still somehow found a way to get some.>>2965917http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2INC0In9ZzY
>>2965927>salti'm gonna make it so dry for you
>>2965933>wanting to live in this saccharine hellWhat are you, a mule?
>>2965895>tfw in certain countries such as Israel medical marijuana is administered by a trained doctor through an injection device which deploys a concentrated cannabis extract that utilizes the pain relief chemicals needed>tfw in Murrika the government just hands out a packet of weed and says 'whatever'
>>2965936>filenameFuck you, anon
>>2965936>have ideas>can't write well enough to put them into extended prose that isn't fucking terrible>write greentext
>>2965941Would you stick margarita salt to your lips and tongue then make out with a pony?
I'm thinking of just joining the furry fandom. MLP is basically Furry-Lite at the moment and most of the talented artists are also active in Furry.Drawing cute characters ain't so bad, right?
>>2965939>if you're a social person>wheredoyouthinkweareNo but seriously, I lucked out and was best buds with someone who went on to deal full time in college. If it weren't for him I probably wouldn't have even smoked until mid college, let alone found a dealer.
>>2965914some >feels are contextualthey aren't meant to be saved or read later on. they just serve the purpose of making a few people right then and there >feel somethingsometimes it's even directed towards a single Anonbecause sometimes I like to do that and make someone out there feel warm and fuzzy for a bit
>>2965832I seriously don't remember this. Not that I didn't say it; honestly at that point I was still jet-lagged like hell.At any rate, I'm off to sleep. Ken, absolutely great to hear from you, hit me up anytime. MLPG, stay frosty.um blblblbl.
>>2965881Oh geez, like a few scenes later:>Uncle: Hey. Want to hear a joke? Here goes. My ex-wife still misses me. But her aim is getting better!Mentioning divorce, and using a rather dark joke about attempted murder. Or at least featuring it. The actual joke in the scene is that he's an idiot and going up to random people and saying that joke isn't the best idea.The show is still clearly aimed at kids, I guess it just means how the really strict censorship of the 80's and 90's has lessened a bit. A bit. Also, the pace of the show is a little too fast. I'd slow it down a bit. A tiny bit. But I guess that's the price you pay for having a kid's show.
>>2965925We will always need you fellow writefaggoodnight
>>2965936I'm a fan of forced limitation in art, though. Not for all of it, but I feel like it forces people to come up with interesting ways around problems. Greentexting forces people to not be wind bags, the same as the writers for My Little Pony are forced to write for a wide range demographic.
>>2965923Dude, tha'ts a very common joke. I don't like it actually.
>>2965917http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CzcOcBb_msGuaranteed bitch tears when combined with sad imagery.
>>2965934Wow. That actually made me tear up a little.
>>2965954Don't join the fandomDooooon't join the fandomtoo much drama and shitheadsJust do the art and maybe have a FA account and it'll be okay.
>>2965925You will always be needed.
>>2965917http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gre-o_tsumkTears man.
>>2965925>I am no longer neededThere might be a day (or week) without writers. You might be there to make sure that never happen.Nite to you.
Oh cool, the feel wrapped up just as I finished the last of the trio.Nice feels MLPG. Is Human Scootaloo next?
>>2965946it's still a federal crime in 'murrika, any refinement lab would just be a great big target for obama's stormtroopers
My little sister just calledShe said that I'd be the ice king if the ice king was an emotionless robotShe's 20 years oldI have no idea how to comprehend this
>>2965954Nothing wrong with furry, but the furry fandom is just as bad if not worse as MLP, and if you're in MLPG it's probably because you don't like the fandom.
>>2965364I'm way late on this, but you were right, and this assault on our freedoms needed correcting.
>>2965954pls pls noit's really bad there, I know
>>2965966i have never found that song sad
>>2965971Fuck you fuck you fuck younow that song is stuck in my head again
>>2965969That's basically what I meant>>2965977Yeah good point>>2965979Okay
>>2965958I guess that's probably what started this conversation a few anons ago when people were annoyed at seeing everything the color green being screen capped.
>>2965954>I'm thinking of just joining the furry fandomDon't. I try to make mods for them one time and they end up using rape mods with it.
>sad musichttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1Vt6r-sj8
>>2965934>Strict military father, dies in service>While he is handsome and masculine, I'm baling and baby-faced>Live life haunted by the memory of my father and his death, while pining for my lost childhood>Meanwhile I slog through day by day in a life lacking companionship or fulfillmentThat music video is literally my life.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRP6egIEABkwe sad now
>>2965954I don't like this idea...But it's your choice, I won't judge you.
>>2965976Congratulations, a 20 year old hipster bitch just called you autistic in the most autistic way you can call someone autistic
>>2965886I was referring to wings. Human scoots can stay her usual lithe self.
>>2965959Goodnight Eurobeat we love you
>>2965954>furry fandomhttp://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3612705/
http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/847998>Seems like something the Professor would make: "It's a glow-in-the-dark clit you can wear over your regular, non-glowing clit. Observe."
>>2965976Hahahahahahahaa oh god
>>2965974human scoots might be tomorrow night, I really wasn't planning to write tonight and now I've pretty much skipped sleep for tonightGoodnight MLPG, I'm going to take my 3 hours of sleep.
>>2965982He's baaaack...You die, I get paidMore cash surrounding this game.It's crazy, I get more money by killing these fools,now, ain't that funny? (x2)Look around, tell me, what do you see?A lunatic now, get like me.It's a rap, on the count of three.And it's all being viewed on Shock TV.Yeah, man, I'ma do my best.To rip through your chest, maybe your flesh.Tear your neck, get my check.I don't really care if I got your respect!I just slaughter, don't be botheredWatch your step there might be hot waterYou oughta pay me now!Cause right here, it's about to go downYou die, I get paidMore cash surrounding this game.It's crazy, I get more money by killing these goons,now, ain't that funny? (x2)Jack, Jack, he's a psychomaniac,That's right, he's death on sightIt don't matter who's wrong or right!I just might, catch you slippin'Gettin' paid is my intuitionAnd my ambition is to be the city ever-siegeMore death, more Gs!Gotta get the paper, reach your make-upAnd each boss, I'ma undertake!There ain't no shortage of KB laid offIn fact, Rest in chaos!You die, I get paidMore cash surrounding this game.It's crazy, I get more money by killing these goons,now, ain't that funny? (x2)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gre-o_tsumk
>>2965986it seems to me like it's mostly the longer stuff that gets capped
What draw
>>2965885>This cap.I don't remember this happening...
>>2965993Oh god, that musicthese memories
>>2965990>I'm thinking of making a children's cartoonDon't. I try to make cartoons for them one time and they end up creating countless thousands pornographic derivatives of it
>>2965997Playing at The Folk Music Center, Los Angeles on Jul 3, 2012>mfw i missed this>>2966003I won't lel
>>2966017Roseluck working in her garden.
>>2966004point taken
>>2966017Scoots' massive wings
>>29660174 of the Mane 6 picked at random playing video gamesAnd getting angry at them.
>>2966015Well yeah, I was just exaggerating. Have a pony
>>2966008G'night Metals. I hope you found the time well-spent.
>>2966026People care about roseluck that aren't flying saucer and some fag on /g/ with rainbow dash in the email field?
>>2966017>>2966028seconding this
>>2966017Scoots' massive breasts
>>2965962Eh, I guess it's why I like doing greentext shit.I had a blast with the guards.
>several hours after the initial suggestion/idea
>>2966008>>2965959Don't stress yourself, both of you. Good nite.
>>2966034Roseluck is fucking awesome. One of the prettist pones.Have a few images.
>>29659well fuck I cried like a little bitch.
>>2966034Well of course
>>2966020Don't let the shit take you down.>>2966034I like her design.I don't know about the others.
>>2966017You know we don't have a pony version of this, if you wanted to take a crack at it.
>>2966044>one of the prettiest ponesbut that's not Lyra
>>2966041Nigga it's been a full day.Thanks.
Hey uh on the topic of sad songs can we post some sad pony while we're at it? preferably pinkie
We Roseluck now?
>>2966015But that nightquard cap was only three posts long.
>>2966004I like how people treat fandom shit so seriously.
>>2966017Street Fighter vs. MLPTwilight vs. Urien.Aegis reflector deflects Twilight's magic. A second one is used for combos.Seth vs. Rainbow Dash. Dash flies around, and Seth fires Sonic Booms at her.
>>2966047That was supposed to link to >>2965934
>>2966054Fuck you, no sad ponies tonight
>>2966015I usually cap the long ones. If its really cute, I cap the short one as well, like that Nightguard one.
>>2966054How strictly Pinkie are we talking here.
>>2966055I wish I didn't color this so shiiiny
>>2966050>Instead of a rag it's a sweat stick.
>>2966054>wanting pinkie to be sadyou are a bad person
>>2966070I miss Octopanka discussion threads
>>2966072Rose draw sad donkie
...I think I'm out of Rose already. A shame. She is a very pretty pone. There should be more.
>>2966068please, i feel in the mood for it.
>>2966077It's that time again!
>>2966081What are you, some kind of furry?
>>2966077cute cuddly little octopones...
>>2966074>not wanting sad pony so that you can make them happy
>>2966079A very pretty pony indeed
>>2966063Is it wrong that I tend to see SF characters winning in one on one fights against MLP characters? I think that can mostly be justified, but Twilight is broken. Yet I still imagine her being man handled.
>>2966052>>2966044ACKSHUALLYTrixie is the prettiest pony, but sadly she is a neurotic bitch.inb4 "stage persona" justification from someone that can't let villains just be awful people for once
>>2966054Well I was looking and I somehow don't have any sad poniesHave a sad dragon instead
>>2966085maybe a little I mean i post bugs bunny all the time>>2966090yeah like that
>>2966088With tentacles!
>>2966089>IsaacWhy is isaac clarke romancing background horses
>>2966081I'll see what I can dig up out of my 20 gigs of ponies
>>2966094Why do you have to call her namesdon't you think she suffers enough from her own behavior
>>2965954what the fuck is wrong with you SB? why not work at becoming a real artist instead of a furry artist?
>>2966093Daigo could beat her. Or at least double ko
>>2966099Because he's not a one marker kind of guy.
>>2966094But villains are better when they're complex. pure evil/bitch villains are for plebs that can't handle conflicting emotions.
>>2966088that thing she's holding onto is a peniscannot unsee
>that feel when you know you're going to pull out of the friend-off but are too shy to say anything
>>2966099I don't know, but he's always upsetting them
>>2966103SB went to bed already
>>2966092Very interesting. Her voice need a toning though. The first season one was cute; next one wasn't though.
>>2966098>those teethEvery day I come home and my fucking faggot octopone is just sitting there...
>>2966103I'm not SB.
>>2966099Apparently Marker's not the only one he's fucking.
SS 1: http://i47.tinypic.com/2iw0yg1.pngSS 2: http://i48.tinypic.com/1z4vm8p.pngDid capping all those responsive even matter in the long run?
>>2966101I take that back.The stage persona justifications are better than just flat out sympathizing with a complete and utter bitch.
>>2966094there's no fun in that.
>>2966104>Daigo could beat her. Or at least double koThat's not Poongko. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AKVJEOSGRM
>>2966121Nothing ever matters.
>>2966119SB is so close to going full furry, i am pretty sure he will now that rose has.
>>2966124MN27 is my favorite pony artist, if she was a little lighter on the shipping she would be perfect.
>>2966069I require more ideas for Nightguard.Feed me, Seymour
>>2966110The woobie bit is cliche, though. I personally like Trixie's strong personality and, much as we may need to deconstruct it, giving her a justification for it all ruins the magic for me. I'm attracted to confidence.
> for someone who has no capability to understand the difference between writing style and spelling, i guess it may b great deal of fun. however, i dnt write 2 b read by such ppl, actually, since i pay little attention 2 mediocre minds.AAHHAHA
>>2966121well, I saved it all.
>>2966123Yeah well fuck you
even the show can't bring me joy anymore
>>2966138That statement along with the fact that you have THAT picture saved...I'm not angry anon, I'm just very disappointed in you.
>>2966138>now that Rose has
>>2966138Rose was full furry since way before MLP. Get your facts straight.Incidentally those two artists are why I was considering this.
>>2966114>tfw you know this feelI know it's against everything the friend-off stands for but honestly I'm actually insulted by my pairing on so many levels.
>>2966140Nightguard being a total slob and wearing boxer shorts for some reason
>>2966123finally, somebody says something sane
>>2966140I don't understand nightguard feels, it's all too fanon for me to enjoySTOP HAVING FUN
>>2966147>those lip colorsI can't
>>2966139I mean god damn look at this beauty
>>2966153Don't be a faggot. Put aside your ego for once and just make something nice.
>>2966144I'm sorry, but I won't be doing this again. The responses are not as important as the actual feel, entertaining or bland as they may be.
Apologetic Pinkie is best pinkie
>>2966149how do you explain this?it aint even cutehttp://inkydonkey.tumblr.com/post/26364716701/whitekitestrings-i-was-going-to-color-this-and
>>2966154Uh...How the fuck am I going to write that?Someone draw that tho.
>>2966164but so many good artists didn't even get a pairing
>>2966167>bringing some one's tumblr nonsense into mlpg when it is 100% unrelatedanon plsanonseriously
>>2966167Rose was always a furryA chubby 20some furfag girl that always wears baggy clothes
>>2966150are you that applescrum guy?
>>2966167>Dat cyclops girlHnng.Rose should do monstergirls instead
>>2966167Yeah this isn't newlikeat allI'm pretty sure almost everybody in this thread would identify as furry if didn't mean associating yourself with the furry fandom
>>2966168Posting all this sad pinkie is starting to wear on my morale.
>>2966123I still don't understand why people think Trixie's so horrible. What exactly did she DO? Acted arrogant: okay, kind of bad, but she's a performer. Showed up the mane 6. Okay, again, she's a performer, and they fucking called her out in the middle of her show. Ran away from the ursa. Okay, making false claims is the one really bad thing she did, but again, come on. She's a performer, of course she's going to exaggerate. And I didn't exactly see the rest of Ponyville standing up to the giant fucking bear.Trixie may not be a very likeable character to most, but saying she's such a huge bitch just seems weird to me.
Hew Norse?hm...someone draw a viking getting cut in half!
>>2966179And none of that matters, because of all the cute pones she draws.
>New interview of Faust from Bronyconhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gre-o_tsumk
>rose made a gravity falls fursona>she is leaving us to join the GF /co/ generals
>>2966174That's not the point. The point is to NOT compare yourself or your partner to anyone or anything.Just have fun. Jesus dude. If you don't know how to chill out just a little bit maybe your partner IS better off without you.
>>2966167>>2966182Hey ah.. I reblogged it, but it's not mine
>>2966195No, it matters a lot.It means she's the perfect woman;_;
>>2966196wrong link?
>>2966187I know I would. The only reason I don't identify as furry is because it's not *really* true. I like ponies, which is undeniably a subset, but I don't like any of the rest. Horsefucker is just more accurate.
>>2966201shut up isabelle
>People bitching that Artist X is a furry.
>>2966201>Rose doesn't actually draw cute monstergirls(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻I'M OUTTA HERE
>>2966187It's true.Also that there's no fucking point to "identifying" as anything unless you're the type of person who makes the furry fandom so bad in the first place.Incidentally Rose takes this position as well
>>2966193People exaggerate things. It doesn't her status when her fan is Seth or Nanaki.
>>2966201HeyHey youDraw more Inky
>>2966196am i the only person who doesnt give a fuck about faust? she is a nice person but her work doesnt impress me. i'm not gonna eat shit out of her ass like all bronies do.
>>2966193The Trixie hate is most of the time simply because of her fans.
>>2966214Never come back
>>2966221>Not enjoying PPGpls anonpls
>>2966199but I literally cannot work with their 'work', and every time I try I just get reminded how much I'd prefer to work with somebody elsemy mind is made
>>2966215I wonder why she's sad in this picture
>>2966220thisRose pls restart updates on Ask Inky. I will pay you all of my love.
>>2966165I have a feeling that something like that most likely won't happen again.And if it does, I'll cap it all myself.
>>2966212>dem cuteboldsHNNNNNNNG
>>2966221none of us would be in this general if it weren't for faustsome of us probably wouldn't still be alive if it weren't for faust.
>>2966197>posting that with the intention to deceive peopleI hate you anon
>>2966235I'm pretty sure he was kidding around dude.
>>2966225i didn't say i didn't enjoy it
>>2966224┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)No.Daftkins might start liking lyra again and I'll finally have a decent lyrabro to bro with
>>2966228Because she's the only pony who knows you're watching her.And no one would believe her even if she wanted to tell.
Time for a new horse!
>>2966225i will admit i enjoyed PPG even though i am pretty sure i havnt seen over half of the episodes. fosters i mostly hated but some was good. iron giant was good but she has such a little part in it.
>>2966220>>2966078yeah okhttp://i.imgur.com/kPsK3.png
>>2966249Make it a donkey so Rose has no choice but to draw.
>>2966158Like I have always said. if you don't like it, you don't.It's not your cup of tea.
>>2966254yesssI wish she wasn't sad though.
>>2966248That was very unnecessary
>>2966254oh gosh that's too cute
New Horse:>>2966261>>2966261>>2966261
>>2966221>she is a nice person but her work doesnt impress me.>her work doesn't impress me>saying this in MLPG
>>2966242what a strange thing to say
>>2966254>http://i.imgur.com/kPsK3.pngah yissmother fucking donkey despair
>>2966225PPG was her husband.
>>2966270oh shit the actual rose is here at 3am wtf
>>2966244Lack of sleep has clouded my judgement and ability to chill
>>2966278She's always here around this time.
>>2966289I'm usually asleep by now
>>2966297I'd make a "You sleep?" joke but that would be silly.
>>2966276She was a storyboard artist, writer, director, and supervising director for PPG.
>>2966297Rose pls2 nights in a row with shit sleep isn't good
>>2966319I slept fine yesterday!out like a light.. a slow light
>>2966297sorry rose. i like you but i also like to troll the general.
>>2966329Oh! Carry on, then. have fun
>1 post a minuteWe asleep now
>>2966411We in new horse now, slowpoke.