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!DKv57dsetY 02/28/12(Tue)20:44 No.287248 File: 1330479859.png-(200 KB, 1452x1152, projectlunasblessing0.png)
Experiment Day 22
Pony-Mind Preparation: 44 minutes -Watched: The Last Roundup, and Baby Cakes
Amount of Sleep: 5 hours
Pony-Dream Achieved: Positive
Notes: I'm pretty proud of this second Pony-Dream. It's entirely on-model and the characters acted relatively in-character. I should note though that I've been involved with a lot of Metal Gear Solid lately, so that may explain a few things.
Equestria is on the brink of war. Some faction of Pony is opposing Celeista so she sends a special agent, Pinkie Pie to find out more. Pinkie's first task is to retrieve information from a certain brown Pony and rescue a prisoner he's captured. The prisoner may or may not be a Pony Scientist. The Pony always carries a doll with him that looks like Smarty Pants, but it's red. Pinkie Pie thinks to herself, this is such a cliché and fights him in hoof-to-hoof combat. She eventually disarms him and holds his doll hostage, and I think she eats it at one point, but he is now cooperative and lets the prisoner go, and tells her about the location of a special factory.
Pinkie Pie's second mission (there were supposed to be three intelligence gathering missions) is to outright defeat a Stallion who specializes in unarmed combat and retrieve some kind of codeword for her to enter the factor. But Pinkie knows she could never outright defeat the Stallion, so she decides to go the subtle route and sends in Rarity to seduce him.
And then I wake up.
As has been stated by countless anon before, waking up in the middle of your sleep schedule is the best way to remember your dreams, so I'm beginning to suspect that I may have had plenty more of these dreams, but simply been unable to recall them.
I dub the preceding dream Operation: Cake Eater |