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My Little Pony General
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dem crazy planes man
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Will you break my heart again butts?
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Hello, you're there!
>20 minutes
Hah, he did my request.
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Haven't tried it yet but doesn't look bad

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Forget your plane ponies, no pony rockets through Equestria like Rarity.
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Fuck planeponies.

They are pushing me to be productive.
>8 pockets
What the fuck
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sci-fi plane pony
I love you Court of Miracles anon
now finish the song
>Cutie mark billiards set
I... I kind of want it.
1 It belongs to Pinkie Pie
2 Apparently it's Deadpool as a pool table so yeah
Is that discrimination against boops, or some kind of boop-based religion?
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You can't draw or write.
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I sure hope not
neither can you
have you ever had that feeling

when you want to draw, but you have this sort of emtiness that lulls you into not drawing

and then when you draw anyway everythign is terrible, even though you know your stuff is better than that
Now who is the monster and who is the MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANchild
All the time
...Has >rape finally passed?
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I'm playing this right now. It's actually quite good but the double jump doesn't work half the time.
>le rape
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Spoiler Image, 340 KB
Well it might not be a plane, and it might not be in colour, but by fuck does it have a lot of dicks in.

And now it'll be impossible for me to put this on DA

Thank you for another enjoyable MLPG Draw Quest
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You are right.

I am feeling that my wings were clipped, before I even could flown.
Try the next thread.
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I fucking love you
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?
My sides just landed on Mars and have begun terraforming.
Too many dicks.

Where is the puffy vulva.
Its excellent.
The face is great, the wall of dicks is great, the sun is great.
I have no complaints.
Would you go to a movie with a very ugly pone and risk being ridiculed by others?
Is she worth it?
Shit Status: 404
>impossible to post on DA

nonsense, just describe it as abstract art, anyone claiming it's just a wall of dicks is a primitive pleb
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I don't go to movies.
i think boops are racist against poobs

or was it the other way around?
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god damn it, you made me laugh
Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
>that 2 dicks rubbing each other <3

Hahahahahahahaa. There is nothing wrong with that picture at all. Its perfect!
tell us about your situation
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Junebug is always worth it.
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They forbid hard cocks. They took this down because
>A male penis that appears to be erect
Oh god I didn't even see that

I was about to post 10/10 but then I realized that wouldn't be good enough and I can't think of anything witty so I'm just going to say I love you.
You like Pepsi too?
but if it were possible then yes i would. im sure she cuddels just as well.r
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Next time born with talent.
Just turn it upside down.
Then its even more abstract, and all the cocks are limp and hanging
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Oh man you guys turns out my computer isn't busted so I can use appropriate reaction images after all isn't that great
Dash, use your words.
what is your deviant art ?
If she began clapping after the movie, would you clap with her so she doesn't feel like she messed up so badly?

get out.
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That's what happened to me this entire month, but with coloring.
Plane ponies are ugly.
>plane ponies
>start randomly read about planes on wikipedia

Shit didn't know that the MiG 21 is still used in so many countries.

Also did you know that Aspirant is the lowest rank in the Canadian, French, Brazilian and Romanian Naval forces?
I just realized something. Can you name any single individual at all who does good art that is "born with talent" and didnt actually train hard?
Atryl is the best artist of this fandom, prove me wrong
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so. Eternal was really nice,besides shipping, fuck that mess, read the whole thing today. is 160,000 words (533pg) in one sitting unhealthy?
Aspirant is a good man he is going to climb that ladder soon.
yes, but with music
im sorry you are blind anon.
Eh, I do that fairly regularly with real books.

What's eternal about?
My proof of your being wrong is the fact that your taste is bad
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>goes to the Smithsonian Air and Space museum but the one with all the planes
Planes everywhere
What´s eternal?
youre just as bad as fake bugsanon
How is /b/ related to that statement? I'm curious
>The A-10 is scheduled to stay in service with the USAF until 2028

Oh good.

For some reason I don't think this should make me as happy as it does.
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>5m kill radius
>from a bullet
>70 of these coming out every second
I know that feel

He would be one of my favorites if he drew more ponies.
Practically every argument on /b/ is "X is great. Prove me wrong."
Not sure if you're trolling or not but I agree
>live near Strategic Air and Space Museum
It's like living next door to a planepone harem.
they want to replace it with the F-35
5 meters, wow, got to watch out for that.
for what it does, i dont see why they would need to develop a new plane
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I'm sorry about your blindness.
Would you play with Sweetie Belle while she's in your bed?
Dozens of plane ponies that I can't draw.
I feel guilty.
You make me mad
Goddamnit fuck the F35, it's a piece of shit.
i like his ponies.

my penis likes his anthro
>A-10's replacement has a 40mm multi barreled cannon firing HE rounds at 8000rpm at 1300 m/s

If only.
Single-ice-cube guy from yesterday. Tried four today. I still don't see what the big deal is.
celestia and twilights relationship and twilight going all inception on celestia finding out her dark secrets and bonding or whatever.
Stop shoving ice cubes up your butts, assholes.
>the russian version had lethal shrapnel range so high it would hit the plane firing the gun
>and any other planes in the airspace
>they wanted to use it for air-to-air dogfighting

We would play monopoly.
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I would play cards with her. Gold fish if she childish or Poker, Blackjack, or 13 if more mature.
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Oh god what did those bastards do to the poor plane?
>5 meters
>40ft impact zone
>70 bullets per second
Assuming even coverage, and that I didn't fuck up simple math because of tiredness, there are about 0.03 seconds where any one spot might not be exploding
why does mlpg like planes now?
Been there before, that place was pretty rad. Enjoyed that part of DC far more than just walking around the fucking mall. Now the next time I go, I won't be able to go without thinking of planes with tits.
Or nonsexual relationship?
MiG 21 always dresses in style
Dunno why they like pushing it. Like I said yesterday; it's cold right in the ass, followed by mild incontinence. That does it for some people. It doesn't for others.
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Final Korra stream happening, episodes 9 through 12 being played.

Wait, what the fuck am I even talking about?
God damn I am tired, none of that makes sense.
in almost all Russian endeavors to beat the US whatever they make seems to kill all parties involved. Hell they needed to tone back the Tsar Bomb because if it was how they wanted it the plane dropping it wouldnt be returning
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Planes are cute, ponies are cute.
Cute^cute = hnnng
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Don't worry. It would die down soon. In the meantime, tell me why are you not with your favorite pony right now?
>the bullets have a muzzle velocity of 1100 m/s
>each bullet weight 100 grams
>each bullet has a tungsten penetrator that is bigger than an entire .50bmg round
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Are they recorded? I missed the last stream
What plane would sweetie be?
I thought you meant the bullets went only 5 meters
Spoke too soon.
Well at least I can check it off of my list of weird sexual shit that the internet wants me to do.
nope, but it does get awkward, I almost stopped reading at some parts cause lol nope, bit it was worth the feels.
feels are good. can't say no to feels
because she isn't real anon wake up, please
That would be a modernized trainer in service with the Indian Air Force, upgraded to the LanceR standards of the recent Israeli upgrade package.
Nice, I want to test it but I'm at work right now. Apparently is still in development, I hope the guy fixes that stuff.
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>Thread talks about planes
>Not posting this jem
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>get shit messed up

Rarity is a mig19, she is sleek.
>last line
Has anyone seen my shit?
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How is red and yellow camouflage?

And it's still ugly like sin

Still their training plane is kinda cute but that could be just me.

We need a plane pony that speaks in a thick eastern European accent
Reality is what your mind is confined. Break out of it and be with your favorite pony.
>Nato name "Farmer"
Ahahaha poor Rarity
Is.. that an OC shmup plane?
Of course the gun they wound up making turned out to not only damage but destroy the plane it was mounted on. And put any planes near it at risk.
We're all so proud of you and your rape affinity. Really, no need to push it in our faces anymore.
>moreso to the fact that he is a talking fucking airplane.
>anon suggesting self induced psychosis
soo tulpas?
Honestly such a spectacular failure should be commended.
Go ahead and add 'beat off to a anthropomorphic A-10' to that list while you've got it out.
>hatsumi-chan, how do you always win every race?
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Why do pones sometimes have 3 eye shines?
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>A-10 guns
I fucking love that sound
>implying that IAR99C pony wouldn't be to busy with his cousin at bowling to spend time with the rest of the plane ponies

It just wasn't meant to be anon.
Because tears
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>you'll never make significant progress on your artwork
dat engine
more kawaiiness
Apple, plz draw Princess pretty WIngs? Please-please?
Nigga they high
Extra kawaii~ness
Yeah, yesterday's stream started out a bit messy, but they're all recorded.
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yes'm sir
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so they can be even more kawaii desu~
guns are for gaylords I'd rather go fast
>think the first sound if the gun firing
>hear a rip noise a second later
>realise that's the sound of about 60 rounds smacking into the ground
God damn it anon, you're fucking annoying as hell, please shut the fuck up.
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I have something else in mind.

Your dream is your portal. And would you unlock it, even if its temporary every night?
We're not going to coddle you. Stop whining and work on your art.
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They never see me rollin so they are hatin
I just want to see her plowed by a male plane
>do a source search
>realize there's an "airplane" tag on paheal with multiple pages
But guns make things go super fast.
Stop whining and finish your fucking picture
Someone should draw a sad Eastern European plane pony sadly looking at a window at the other plane ponies while her cousin is telling her that it's her turn

And by someone I mean Jessy
Nighthawks are so cute
No, you are the faggot who must shut the fuck up with your "lyra in a fancy hat". Retraded fucktard, fucking ponychan.
I was just thinking the same thing

I've always loved Nighthawks.
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>tfw I find plane ponies pretty stupid.

I need someone to share this feel...
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Thread is too fast
No one wants to draw real porn of them, I can't wait for someone to break the floodgates.

>yfw http://aero.booru.org/
That's nothing.

(also http://a-10writer.tumblr.com/ )

(also http://pastebin.com/8YYuG5z7 )
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Don't be cocky, son.
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Are there any resident artists here?
I'm having trouble posing ponies, if there's anything that could help please respond.

I know all the joints and everything but nothing seems to click.
nigga dis is slow
>not growing a pair and take it like a man with your tick armor

Fucking cowards!
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Me too anon. Its about as bad as coke pony or fluffy pone.
I don't understand it either, it'll pass just like everything else though
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I don't find them stupid
I'm just not into planes, or other sorts of vehicles.
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A10 pls go.
Consider it shared.
>No one wants to draw real porn of them,

Guys RarityQuest in 5 hours right?
Can we be GF now?
>Jet pone visits WWII veteran plane.
>He's just sitting in a hangar.
>Thinking about friends lost so long ago.
>Didn't have anyone waiting for him when he got off the carrier after the war.
>Sure, he partied like everyone else.
>Even met a cute biplane.
>Of course, that didn't last much longer than a week.
>Corsair has been alone ever since.
Is S1E2 out yet?
I fucking loved E1
So.. lucid dreaming?
I don't see why don't you just make a tulpa though, much better than just lucid dreams, not to mention that they can help with lucid dreaming too.
Well it's the only pone-related thing we have right now so deal with it.
GF officially airs on Disney this Friday
Unless Aspirant rescheduled yes
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So I tried drawing some plane ponies.

I don't folllow I know I should but I loved Ep 1 too.
Oh, I see.
Its all pinup type stuff.
I think the artists are still getting over how silly it is to want to fuck a plane.

Luckily I got that out of the way with cartoon ponies pretty early.
Well time to sleep
>waking at 3AM just to go full autism
Worth it
Not bad at all.
coming up with a decent pose is really hard and there isn't anyway that I know of to get it right all the time
I will tell you what I do though
ok so I use sai and the pen tool and I make the pen pretty big and I stay zoomed out and you make a square that is the frame of the drawing and you draw a little version of whatever pops in your head
then you do a bunch more with different shape squares and different perspectives and shit
it's called thumbnailing and it is just supposed to help you get an idea of what you want to draw, I don't always do it but it's very helpful
Not bad.
Meybe a little neck-y
Does this not count?

Only faggots need porn.
I asked last thread for advice and criticism on the face, I want to make sure before continuing.
>f-117 pone
i like
Nah. Bit of difference between some guy drawing some planes fucking and people drawing A-10 and co in that sort of situation.
Man, I hope this show saves me from this hiatus, it's pretty strong on /co/ right now
Not really, they're just humans with silly heads
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>going fast and making photos

Hah, nice moves you have there sis but you are useless.

Satellites took your job.
>i did

>Implying old WW2 planes aren't living extravagant lives in museums, being flown in shows, or being pampered by private collectors

Your feels won't work on me
Become the high and mighty in your little dream land would be enough for me. You could be anything you want, have anything you want, just as long it does not backfire on you.

Its cute. Is the eye like that for the plane on the left? One pupil is bigger then the other.
Been doing that shit for years. Should have thought to bring it over to ponies.
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Oh, here we go
Two episodes on Friday,
( I assume it's EST) 9:00 and 9:30 on Disney Channel
They are great.

>tfw no tablet

my shit will never be cute and lovely.
>Two episodes
wow that is some smooth animation
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2.7 MB
Shit. Years back when Top Trumps were still a thing, I had a card with this thing on it. Nostalgia blast.
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I'm using traditional art.
I've been drawing so long I should be able to draw ponies but I just can't.
What is that?

Would you cuddle that F117 non sexually?
>tfw I'll be at work and couldn't watch it.
>tfw I'll go out with friends after work.

I hope the HDs are up on YouTube by saturday
I assumed one eye was a video surveillance feed.
Hope you're having fun being retired.
Now you know how I felt about fluffy pone.
I think plane pones look cool, but I'm not reading any of the >feels.
Of course
Gravity Falls
>tfw you are a normalfag
>i wish i was normal
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I love advertising cartoons
It's Gravity Falls
The first episode/pilot's on itunes for free
Ah, make a bit of sense.
F117 is too thin and hard
Girl's got no meat on her bones
I guess half of MLPG felt this way with Fluffy Ponies though
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Renne quest earlier, this week? I don't know how I feel about that.
It won't be the middle of the night when shit gets real.
I would hit it with a SAM.
Do you think the Corsair and Zero are friends now?

>B-52 plane
>Deliciously chubby

Meant B-52 pony

B-52 plane is redundant.
Ross gets into plane ponies.png
You need to worry less about the specifics of the pose and try to work out what makes the picture flow, if you know what I mean.

You don't want to follow guides to studiously, since it ends up being too rigid.
>follow stuff like a boss
>it looks dead

Bugs was right...
why are you so cruel anonymous
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>It even rained the day I was born...
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pone should be literate

What's this about? I must have missed something. Don't wanna miss it.
please just no, don't even mention him.
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I always wonder how the fuck can Rainbow Dash write if there is really no hardback on that paper. Magic is not the answer I want.
What is what?
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You don't need to press hard to get ink to flow from a quill nib
She is just that awesome
>like a boss.

What year is it? 2007?
We need a dogfight with WW2 plane pones.
>Suicidal Zero pony
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Would you?
Which one?
I always wonder how the fuck any of them write with their goddamn mouths.
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Lineart for the lineart god!
I would not.
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not to mention she's holding the quill at the tip of the feather in her mouth
Okay maybe Fluttershy and AJ
>that awkward silence from fakebugsanon
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They said me262 was the greatest,
the fastest and the latest.
I was on the hope on the horizon...
Now I am realizin
I am a giant who is dying in her bitzh
The year is 1965, and you and I are undercover detectives on the hot rod circuit.

Now let's drive, baby!
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I wish people would listen to this more.
Gravity Falls DL for anyone that wants it
He avoids plenty of posts
I was really hoping he'd answer you
Fluttershy seem to be the only one I would not mind.
>miss Korra stream
oh fuck sake not again, are you saving the recordings toss/kierz?
The brave little Me109.
Some anon linked it some days ago but I can't enter to Pastebin for some reason, wat do?

>amateur bugs
step it up
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which pone likes bath salts the most?
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Why is human Fluttershy always drawn with a sweater, MLPG? What about sweaters fits her persona?
i was just some anon to you anon? THAT HURTS
I thought that I must follow that to the best of my ability...
fuck off. nobody appreciates what you're doing. you're not funny, you're not original, you're not accomplishing anything.

get the fuck out.
>implying there aren't 5 people pretending to be bugs
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1.96 MB
I wish WD would draw more rarijack, I just checked her tumblr hoping to see lots of new pics and there was only like 1 per month
Why are all humanized characters drawn in basically the same way?
>and the one real bugs is posting less and less
it hurts
Her self-consciousness is what brings about the sweater, they're comfy and easy to "hide" inside.
That's pretty much it from my experience with clothes
shy people often wear baggy clothing to cover themselves
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94 KB
Retired plane ponies singing worthless.
That Scootaloo is Scootacute.

Augh! My left arm and face hurts...

Hard to breath, feeling a little lightheaded.

Feels like a donkey kicked my chest.

Goddamnit, anon.
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>that feel when you suddenly understand how something works
My god a transmission has never made so much sense
I can picture the entire thing working in my head
Pssst the real bugs stopped posting in march
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>tfw you forget it
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348 KB
quick anon take this, it will make you feel better
I know that feel.
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Spoiler Image, 2.02 MB
Guys. What the hell kind of lesson could be learned in a beach episode anyways?
Fillies are good for fuckin'
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851 KB
>That fucking feel
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151 KB
>naked Scootaloo
>you will never draw cute plane pony

Do I even watch My Little Planes, defying gravity is magic?
I know that feel but she is working on commissions.
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I- I'm sorry anon

Thanks a lot nigga!
I-I think my other arm hurts now..

Am I having a double heart attack?!
Not to pick up jellyfish
I can't take this kind of pressure, anon
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Pinkie would learn not to swim within one hour of eating an ice cream
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Dat applebottom butt
>What the hell kind of lesson could be learned in a beach episode anyways?

Dear Princess Celestia:
Pony legs don't work that way.

Your faithful student, something something.

Swimming is for egheads, flying is for rad kids.
>episode starts with some sort of problem/arguement
>beach episode for everyone to cool off about it.
>everyone is friends again
>sometimes you need to step away from your problems and just enjoy life
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You see a sad Pinky in your travels
What do?
Boots with the fur?
10/10 would hit

with an amraam
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Relax and enjoy your vacation. Don't worry about that 1000 page report back at the library, Twilight.
>throw tablet out window
That's it, I'm out. I can't compete.
>not blackbird
0/10 would not pilot
Hug her, hug her tight, tell her that everything is gonna be alright and take her to eat ice cream.
>MLP season 3 is just a slice of life
>no more plot
I would refuel that pone with my dick
I only see a cloud

You should draw Blitz using a bunch of Reaper drone ponies as robot butlers.
Please draw more blackbird, she needs some love.

She's quite a big plane, why are they all the same size?
Size differences would be cute.
>tfw no tablet

Put pencils back to their old place.
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It isn't fair she exists. Do you want to get rid of her?
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She looks quite inviting.

Give her a sweet and remind her what she taught me. Having fun!
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50 KB
That's not how you play the game, punk.
>All aboard!
>look at effortlessly good art here
>look at my shit
>give up
>taking on passengers is a very... interesting experience for Airliner
jessy how do you feel about drawing sad things
> effortlessly
stop that
>Skybreaker's butt cabin
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25 KB

>Hey big boy, wanna ride with me? I like to go fffast...
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>airliner having an orgasm at max capacity
What kind of jet is that? Or whatever?
Would that be first class or coach?
>Implying Ali would stand a chance
Furfaggotry levels?
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aw hell no
>that feeling of fulness
I wish you were more harsh. Just repeating yourself is so ineffectual
Pls no
pretty low today
we planefags now
but where are the awkward mechanic pones who must work on the planes?
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But that's like a 9 out of 10
No matter what I do I can't catch up.
That means nothing to me. I just asked a question.
Washington came first and he was perfect...
Depends if planes count.
They really shouldn't, I'd say they're more mechanophile than furry.
Not all dreams can come true.
I like it.

But what if mechanic pones were human.
aluminum-faggotry levels on the other hand...
He sold his teeth to buy alcohol
If it means nothing to you then don't ask.
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1.96 MB
Upon a [secret journey]
I met a holy man
His blindness was his wisdom
I'm such a lonely man
And as the world was turning
It rolled itself in pain
This does not seem to touch you
He pointed to the rain
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss
And on the days that followed
I listened to his words
I strained to understand him
I chased his thoughts like birds
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
You will see joy in this sadness
You will find this love you miss
And when you've made your secret journey
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
You will be a holy man...
I bet having your bolts tightened is really awkward for ticklish plane ponies.
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Then it is pointless to live.
>don't know about something
>why bother to find out lol
No, you cut that out
>Last thread's plane pony highlights




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>op's face
Aw hell yeah.

Roy Jones Jr could take Ali, he put people down with body shots or 4 hooks at one time. He came from middleweight all the way up to cruiserweight to take belts and Ali would just be the next target.
But that's extacly what's the best at life. No dreams come true!
I bet you're one of those people who think Tyson would beat Ali too.
>Cropduster pone getting taunted by fighter jets
>What kind of plane is that?
>It's a [insert plane]
>hurf durf that means nothing to me
Don't bother asking if you won't take the answer.
Man, I didn't like plane ponies.

Until now.
What does this picture implies?
>implying the jets arent concerned for her safety
>constantly lecturing her on the dangers of barnstorming
They have years of experience and are still improving. I'm not saying this to demotivate you, but you have to realize, you're trying to catch up to years of experience in a short amount of time, don't be so harsh on yourself.

My print teacher loves teasing us in jest "No matter how good you get, I'll always have x amount of you until I die" On second thought, not everybody might find this as funny as me and my classmates
I asked if it was a jet. I have no idea if a MIG is a type of jet, or a completely different type of plane.

Your answer was very vague, and just generally aggressive for no reason
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I don't know about that, but I would love to see Ali vs Roy Jones. Exaggeration and trolling aside it would be a match made in heaven. The most entertaining match ever.

>tfw it will never happen
I have no other comfort.
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4 KB
>that feel when in a drawing slump
it implies that nixon is hated by everyone.
>TFW Ali got Parkinsons
is CL trying to be MS now?
Looks like it
>tfw your entire drawing 'career' has been one big slump
You did not ask if it was a jet, you asked what KIND of jet it was.

Also, we have this really cool website called google, next time you don't know what something means, try putting it into Google's little search bar thingy before you ask people to spoonfeed you information.
They always say "keep at it, you'll get better".

But I don't.
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>Tfw looking back in your sketchbook and seeing progress
oh be silent nasse

you can draw
Would you put your penis in your favorite pony?
why is she so perfect, mlpg?
if she wanted it, i would be right happy to.
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I killed my own dreams.
I ruined everything.

I can't forgive myself.
Nasse hasn't improved in forever. He barely even draws anymore.
Obviously you can see how clueless I am about planes and shit. No need to be a jerk. Also the search for a MIG gave me a fuckton of results and didn't clear up a whole lot. Of course, you could have been actually helpful instead of raging that I didn't know the ins and outs of jets.
I dunno. I can't see shit.
It happens over time, it's usually very small, but just because you don't notice it now or right away doesn't mean it's there or that you should give up.
Try something new every time you draw, don't get yourself stuck doing one thing.
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410 KB
The second result for "mig" on google will tell you everything you could ever want to know.

>you could have been actually helpful
I could also have been even less helpful than I've been so far. Beggars can't be choosers.
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punko is best pony
I guess giving up is the only thing to do.
Oh you like Pepsi too?
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Best of all ponies
I wish I could
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>Beggars can't be choosers.
Get real, faglord.
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6 posts
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Not best, but a cute pony with a positive mindset!
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It must be nice being naturally talented at art
you just don't notice it until much later when you look at your old stuff and you're like oh god eugh
You're kinda insufferable.
>could have been even less helpful
I don't think so, that's vague as fuck. He asked what type of jet it was, I didn't know either. To me, that could be a comment that it wasn't a jet at all
No one will remember this stuff when I get on your level.

It makes me depressed now.
That's why you're supposed to be doing it for fun.
This shit takes time so you might as well enjoy the ride.
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Well to me she is best pony
Best and cutest
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I'm working for my shit, but it's still shit.
please take pity on me and give me compliments
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Nothing matters. All that you do is a pointless waste of the universe's time. Your art will never produce anything but strife for you. All the effort will be for naught. Life, itself is meaningless and pointless.

These are undeniable truths I have found.
no you didn't

art is something you're born with, not something you work at


if working for your craft means talent, then yes. Stop repeating empty words you see in the thread.
It's been like a week. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
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Spoiler Image, 10 KB
Get help shitlord.
She is too pink to be best pony
Which is why you
>put it into google

When did people become so helpless?

piss off bugsanon
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Shut the fuck up, it's my job to be pathetic.
And if it doesn't? If I spend the next few years continuing to try and getting nowhere? Pragmatically, there has to come a point when you accept it's just not meant for you.

Especially after watching those around you grow leaps and bounds while you wallow in insignificance.
blue pony is best pink pony
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Oh god
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They're always in Pittsburgh. What's up with that?
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It's not art and you're not a writer.
blue pone doesnt even have any pink in her mane tho!
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>this show game it back my creativity
>it will dead when I can draw anything nice

False hope is worse than hopelessness.
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>Life, itself is meaningless and pointless.
Yes, it's true
but you know what, just enjoy yourself either way- it's the only reason I draw, no mater how it bad it comes out, the very act of touching a pen to paper is relaxing. You guys really need to get unwound
I was actually that angry anon who said " FUCKING DAMMIT IT'S A MIG."

Because it's been said a dozen times by now.
Or you could have done something much simpler and just did what >>2824807 did instead of getting all jumped up because people don't know about your interests

You're both being insufferable, shut the fuck up
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>that whale in the background
Still would, if only for the tits
inb4 Ross pls go

This looks like something off of Star Trek.
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I attempted and failed. Vomited after I was unconscious. Apparently I'm so useless, I didn't even really do any damage.

I don't know how, I don't think I can be helped.

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>artfaggot trying to make himself feel better by bashing on fagfiction
You're both shit.

I find the worst ones are the religious ones.

"You should thank God that you're so talented"
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75 KB
>implying you have talent
>implying you can do something good

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361 KB
Oh are we posting horrifying things now?

They should.

It really feels depressing to be inferior.
Wow, so this is what happens when we go for most of a day thread without mad.
>implying a good artist doesn't steal from everything and everything in minute pieces to put together a work of complete fiction built on the corpses of other successful artists
You should thank God.
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But how about them twins, if you haven't forgotten!
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204 KB
>failing to suicide
Maybe you even longed for a painless one? Faggot, suicide is supposed to hurt you.
>wanting help
You deserve punishment, not help.
I just got here, missed the old discussion and saw a Jessy drawing. I don't read the plane circlejerk, I just look at the drawings it spawns
God should thank me.
Hire a hitman to kill you.
This may be worst fetish of all
Not everybody progresses the same, there will be a point where something just "clicks" and you understand what you want and like.
Everything's not for everyone, I can't do plenty of things outside of drawing, but at the same time, a lot of the things I'm bad at or cannot do, I'm sure I could be better or decent at if I had stuck with it and practiced it more instead of being stubborn and going "this is too hard", which I did for music.
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When we say MiG we most usually mean a MiG-29.
A couple of things.
You might have a point, and your talents might lie elsewhere.
Accept that you'll grow at your own rate, no force in the universe can change that, and comparing yourself to others is the most absolutely MORONIC thing an artist can do.
If you want to take care of him like a foal, shove it into your cunt, you dumb bitch.
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76 KB
This thread is pretty depressive...
Why not get expressive with drawing?!
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146 KB
M-M-M-Monster cuddle.
dat sexy killan machine
>Yellowautism in charge of no autism
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just because you asked so nicely
I'm DMing.
I love my neighbor, she's always been so kind and helpful to me.
But to hear her tell me that I only draw well because of God always makes my heart sink for some reason.
If i decided to commit suicide thats what I would do.

Hire the hitman anonymously, take an assortment of drugs like pcp and morphine to be able to enjoy anything that happens and spend a few minutes running around an abandoned junkyard or something while pissing of a mob member
Just love that cyan's German accent.
>all the artistic self-pitying has probably made Jessy leave
And once again the sad sacks ruin it for all.
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What was the normal start time for Renne Quest and what is the new time?
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But anon... you can never leave.

She's probably drawing.
I would cuddle all the plane pones.
Especially Skybreaker.
dat sexy target practice
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81 KB
Is that Rose or Jessy?
Its getting to the point where I'm 80% sure the people starting it every time aren't even trying to art themselves.
I can't express myself.
I can't draw anything good.

It's depressing.

If I could draw I would.
File: 1340741573598.png-(152 KB, 500x282, 3cd8a33a.png)
152 KB
I'll draw if you do
Are there any cute male planes?
I guess I'll post when you've left
List of plane names?
if you can't draw you can always try writing
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60 KB
That's Jessy, she draws little button noses.
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166 KB
Fuck your shit I'm gonna post some cute pony
Because if I could draw, I wouldn't be here complaining that I couldn't draw.
Are you new?

Welcome to the MLPG's.
And then you're going to mock us for >fanfiction. 0/10, try to be less obvious

You'd think these things would get better but they don't
You mean the actual plane, or the pone names?
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9 KB
Oh god I am starting to love these.

>THE MONOLITH! We destroy it and it's all over, charge!
Anyone can cook.
I know that feel.
Been here since just before S2 starts. Stop trying so hard to fit in.
That picture is a kind of similar style to Rose, but hey, believe what you will - the entire thread is acting like an angry douche right now
I don't mind
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63 KB
>wah, I'm a 12 year old brony and it's messing with my headcanon
Nah, Jessy draws eyes bigger than mine, and noses smaller, too.
Did that anon with the Pinky fursuit on ebay?
I honestly didn't realise they could express anger.
I am betting this. Reminds me of a time when I just started playing around with Morrowind mods long ago. Eventually, I want to create liek all the other modders. I took every resource and How to do manual and before you know it, I made a privite city with a whole bunch of quests and npc with it, all to myself. Did the same with Oblivion, but without the questing part (fucking CS is shitty for quest making).

What I am saying is that it takes time but the payload is worth it and fun.
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What's not to love?
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30 KB
We got to have pony.
>the entire thread is acting like an angry douche right now
Welcome to summer.
That god damn horse.
I want to rub my fingers down its flank.
I don't know where I would stop.
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34 KB
too shiny!
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810 KB
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250 KB
No words
Just Rumble

Would you boop a plane pone's button nose?
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50 KB
Sorry, I laugh at them everytime. Something stupid can be funny, too.

Or maybe it's just the ganja
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
All dose dots
pony animation
you can save as gif but it's 8mb so cant post here
Rose draw plane pone butts
I guess those jokes just don't do it for me.
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62 KB
It looks nothing like Rose.
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1.13 MB
>years before me

Oh. Am I supposed to be scared by that?

I will work hard and smart not to mention full of passion.

Come at me depressed wannabe artfags.
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94 KB
There used to be one.
I need your opinion
for drawings

Which pony would you rather watch getting nailed by a guy in porn
wow, that's pretty good.
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263 KB
>unshorn fetlocks
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255 KB
youre an idiot, im the guy writing the majority of the plane greentexts
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So has anyone uploaded a folder for all these plane pone shit?
I'm too busy trying to badly makes dudes not so depressed!
is it a guy pony?
No, I'm just shit and can't seem to help but unload myself on MLPG to the detriment of all instead of actually sitting up and working.

Which is annoying because I know it eventually gets to the actually-good drawfags too and my shittiness drags everything down.
nanaki's oc
Heh, sleepy Blitz is great
OVER THE LINE JESSY. But is really cute.
>complaining about furfaggotry
>in a thread about My Little fucking Pony
>subject is planes
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54 KB
Shining Armor.
You just proved his point. Calm down.

I think he's joking
I should report you.

Drawing so good should be a fucking felony.
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39 KB
Is it me, or does she look high.
Filthy Rich
Nanaki, like that one guy said.
Or braeburn.

Or if you're not into faggotry, Zecora would be great.
That ass.
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You will inevitably fail.

That's great.
how do you feel about drawing sad things
Hahaha. At least its washable.
sentenal did a few days ago
The hell is going on with this plane thing? I just got in, been out two weeks, why so furfag MLPG?.
>That feel when you're the anon that posted the red anthro plane that Jessy saw and called ridiculous

I feel special
Cute ponaeaeae
Jessy do you have a tumblr?

Sorry I never really followed until recently.
Maybe I like to be fucking mad all the time.
planes don't have fur, anon
But planes aren't furry
They aren't even animals
u wot m8?


God you people are retarded.
get out
I have unmedicated clinical depression and i'm still happier and more motivated than you bunch of sad sack motherfuckers.

God pick it up a little.
It's just one of these stupid phases.
she has askpallet-swap, but she doesnt post plane pone there.

Long story short: One day, someone posted a couple of anthro planes. Anon asked for plane pony, Jessy delivered and the general went wild.
I'm not even sad, man!
I really hope so, it's annoying as fuck.
that makes no sense, you make no sense

>unmedicated clinical depression
>still happy and motivated

How does that even work?
Let me guess

the moment its over youll start complaining about where outr contributors went
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Well, mind sharing the link?
Hey, I put up with all the stupid phases which I didn't enjoy. Now it's your turn.
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>no MiG-31

Do you even go fast?
>i dont like cute fun things
what would you rather talk about anon?

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to call it a phase and wish it to be gone.

Stop being such a fucking buzzkill.

I think she's on a roll, more to come shortly.
I don't remember that.
I don't post plane ponies on tumblr.
you dont know how happy I am!

>I don't remember that.

Ice fucking cold, girl. You don't have to make anon feel like shit.
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I know that feel.
>Anthro planes

That's what I thought, fucking furfags.
Something that's cute and fun, but about a topic that isn't mind-numbingly dull like planes
I don't have the link any more
Cute ponies, marshmallow ponies, from the show.
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Pinkie why are you so plump
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>sister just barged into my room to give me mail
>nothing horrible was on screen
>but i did have recently used fleshlight sitting out on desk drying

it was so fast and from that angle i am pretty sure she couldnt tell what it was

Mane and Tail horse shampoo? Shits pretty good.
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At least get your nomenclature right.

I agree, planes are dull as fuck but I think Jessy's plane ponies are still cute.
then how about you try and start a conversation about it rather than bitching about nothing
He's got the pony pox
If you don't like anthropomorphic plane ponies, do you like anthropomorphic ponies?
If you don't, what why are you on a board centered around them?
But it's haaaaaaard anon-san!
Is that better or worse than the feather flu?
how are combat jets dull?
You best be hiding that rubber, anon. Worst comes to worst, said its from Sex Education from school. Easier if you are in Colleges.
when? in this thread?
I'm sorry. It was probably a random fake Jessy. You're still cool, anon.


What's the point when everyone is full planefaggotry? It'd just get ignored
Is that what that was? Ewwwww!
Well, isn't a pox a one time thing, and it get worst if you caught it when you are a stallion?

these people are worse than hitler
hE IS A DURKA DURKA sandnigger terrorrist that's how
It's probably worse in terms of symptoms, but it's a one-time thing.

How aren't they? I don't understand the technology and I dislike war. Waste of perfectly good money I say.
this was an idea I had a day or two ago
>ice cold
You're such a fucking bitch sometimes, you know that?

I'm not him, I'm just standing up for a fellow anon. I was there but I don't remember you saying it either, but that was still pretty cold.
They all look almost exactly the same and serve the same functions
>I don't understand it therefore it's boring
Its completely off topic
Why don't you ask the boys on the ground how much of a waste the jets are?
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Just wait a few weeks...
If you want to see improvement.

I'll have a drawfag training montage.
your butt hurts?

did jet planes killed your family and stole your oil?

>Any kind of technological advancement
>Waste of money
Bitch I will fucking cut you
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>be young
>watch people taunt each other about their lack of skill
>people I know that have only drawn for like 1-2 years draw better than me cause they had the internet and LOOKED for what to do

quit kidding yourselves. if you had passion you'd shut the fuck up and draw already. like right now already.
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Would you a Chickie Pie
>I don't understand the technology
so the problem is you're dull. and im pretty sure everyone dislikes war, but in the world we live in its hardly a waste of money.
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They are cute, lovely and playful.
The people complaining are probably the same people who talk about their fucking fetishes nonstop for weeks.
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Yes, to me. I didn't know I had to specify my post was my personal opinion. I apologize.
It's sad that this is the state of MLPG during hiatus. Although you didn't intend it that way, your post is remarkably telling about the thread - no one is even remotely trying to discuss the show
I would but my tablet drivers are seriously fucked
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What kind of soup would a sick pony consume anyways? I doubt chicken soup would be the answer.
This is why I love you
Please do, I'd like to see this.
Sounds like modern culture to me.

Just ignore them.
Ross pls go draw actual ponies

Gotta draw now.
how are your pencil and paper drivers?
>turning them into ponies
>completely off topic
do you understand the meaning of the word "completely"

Yeah, I know war fuels technological advancement. A man can still hope there would be a way for mankind to advance technology without having that excuse though. It's a pipe dream and I know it, but it's my dream.
What did Fluttershy make for Philomena?
It looked green, I think.
Split pea?
>chubby nurse
>implying Jet fighters are not the cutting edge of technological progress

oh boy... I am a dirty hippie but you anti-plane faggots are more regressive than the amish...
My offer of cuddles and technical support still stands Reu
Sick quads
I agree
That's a stupid dream.

You're stupid.
Tangentially linking topics to pone is just not interesting.
it will come back around, it always does.
Expensive and I'm too lazy to go to the store to buy them.

>implying Jet fighters are not the cutting edge of technological progress

I'd agree with you but unfortunately the progress driven by military aviation doesn't usually translate to civilian aviation, let alone everyday use.
that's not me

last night I reinstalled the driver and it worked fine
but today it's shaking again
but then I put it down so that it's not moving and it stops shaking.. so maybe it's just my hand that's shaking? it doesn't look like it though..
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because MLPG has NEVER done that before am i right?
From left to right we have Air Liner (Boeing 707), Blitz (A-10), and Skybreaker (MIG-29). The other three are a F-22, Eurofighter, and B-17, but I don't think they ever got names.
Also no stabilizer.
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Hearts on fire
Strong desire

I will sweat blood and shit pony, shape studies and sketches.
Would you indulge pone in their vacuum-pumping fetish?
reu draw the center for ants scene from zoolander with pones

No, goddammit, I'm not letting that slide. Since when has it been wrong to not be interested in a topic? I'm a programmer, people tell me all the time what I do is a waste of time because they don't have the slightest idea what I'm doing. Just because I don't understand war planes and don't have the interest to pursue that knowledge shouldn't mean I get berated for it. All I said was "war planes are dull but the ponies are cute" and you people are all up my grill.
I think the B-17 does have a name though
>doesn't usually translate to civilian aviation
>doesn't usually translate to civilian aviation
>doesn't usually translate to civilian aviation

>that song
Because I'm coloring
But that's wrong
Worst scum of k please go.
Why would they even need me?
> I'm not letting that slide
See, this is where you know you're taking this thread too seriously.
I didn't read the post reading up to that, and I'm not reading the rest of yours.

Go for a walk or something.
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Its reddish.

Also, fuck you, I feel like watching this episode again.
You tell me a cessna has anything to do with a Raptor
If you are happy and motivated, you don't suffer from depression/
and those people that tell you you are wasting your time are dumb as well.
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> the progress driven by military aviation doesn't usually translate to civilian aviation
I don#t have a proper reaction for this stupidity
Civilian aviation is boring.

Remaining competitive against potential opponents in the sky is what keeps the awesome in humanity.
Are you actually trying to be retarded? I don't think you can seriously post this and think "Oh boy I sure showed him"
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>you will never put your dick in this ass
> I'm a programmer, people tell me all the time what I do is a waste of time because they don't have the slightest idea what I'm doing.
What kind of dumb fuckers do you hang out with?
You telling me an Airliner isn't a product of jet propulsion made by the military industrial complex?
You up for a Synchtube tonight, bro?
Dear anon, inertia isn't motivation.
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post loira
>implying jet fighters are the cutting edge of technological progress

Most planes are thirty, forty years old.

The F-22 is grounded because they couldn't get the oxygen system to work.

They're not cutting edge.

They're just expensive because military contractors gouge the taxpayers.
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This'll do?
Well, after a good sesion they're all worked up and need some help to release all that needy tension.
I stand corrected
Tangentially linking dull topics, where only one drawfag and a collection of anons contribute, to pone is just not interesting
Wait, are we speaking normal pinkie or Ross'd Pinkie?
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Gilda needs more porn.
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>"Huh, well I don't see what he wa--"
Oh, so tomato, almost certainly.

Good choice, I like tomato soup.

And it was a pretty good episode, lots of slapstick without really being overdone.

Hard to find in cartoon nowadays.

Who wrote it anyway?

Then why do airports still use WWII-tier radar for ATC

why dont civilian aircraft that arent top fucking tier have proper airborne radar

why are airliners still fucking cigar tubes
Got a video in the HD. Watching it before I snooze anyways.
Actually civilian aviation is directly upgraded by advances in military aviation, especially if you consider that the companies that make the combatplanes are the same companies making the airliners.
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By any chance would you have any of your earlier works? I'd love to see your progress.

Also, I colored the drawing I did last night.
>Implying I don't want to
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That is a very nice horse to post.
I agreement
Really? The only other one I thought had a name was the SR-71 pony, which should be obvious. After the first three we kinda just started referring to them by models.
Then find it somewhere else, fuck you. Nonsexually, of course.
>your face when jet propulsion was invented by civilian interests and the military took half a decade to even touch the shit
Unf! but where are the legs?
>her two big toes tied together
why is that so cute
did you use MS paint or some shit?

Huh. That's pretty cute for being anthro.
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Fine butts you got there, friend.
>why are airliners still fucking cigar tubes
Because that's how they are practical.

Also most modern airliners use modified enginees of military aircraft.
You have to understand: militaria-fanatics are like fans of anything else. The idea that you might not be into their obsession and that you don't think it particularly worthwhile is infuriating to them.

It's like those Homestuck kiddies throwing shit at that cancer patient or whatever.
too you sure, but let them have their fun
As a retired Marine, I'll say fuck this kid, he doesn't know how many lives have been saved by an airstrike.
Really? I haven't heard of this.

Can I get some linkage on this shit.
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what would you do with a fat baker pony

Truly, you people are blind.
>the perspective of the post thing she is sitting on

what the fuck is that even supposed to be
bake fat baker treats
wiki, faggot

I think it's the face. I like the face.
That looks like Pinkie if she tried to style her hair like mrs Cake. Color it like that!
Charlotte Fullerton wrote the episode A Bird in the Hoof.
the airliners yes,

after thinking about it I do realize I was talking more along the lines of small-scale commercial and private aviation rather than large-scale commercial and airliners, and I should have stated such.
you mean the baby-killing retards who couldn't get a real job so they joined the Army to fight a senseless war in Iraq?
It's just curved and also inclined towards the viewer.

You know, makes sense.
You realise that he was calling War, and the technology used in it, a waste of money, right?
I mean, not just jets. War in general. Including this ex-marine
burden of proof etc etc
Binary pen in SAI

Ponies have other things besides butts?
Every person that I've met are generally impressed by war-planes, even hippies.

You must suffer from some extreme case of boring.
I'ts be more practical and efficient to use the flying wing designs theyve been half-assedly tossing around and spoonfeeding to popular science.
Shh alplblewm, you didn't make it past training

Take her to the gym
I think the gag is too small for her.
>Binary pen in SAI

Whatever it is, it doenst look good.
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Why can't we have anything nice?
>Pinkie styles her hair like Mrs.Cake one time to try an make Mrs.Cake feel better about herself

can someone draw this

I am... sorry.
I find the fact that people can recite pi up to a ridiculous figure by memory impressive

That doesn't make it any less boring
When she passes my table, give her bum a pinch to the sound of a penny whistle, to which she'd reply "OOH, YOU CHEEKY BASTARD!", prompting my bow tie to spin around and I say "WO HO HO!".
>implying a Military job isnt a valid and required occupation.
This country and pretty much any other will have a need for a standing army.
Not an anti-air fag. But what the fuck where you doing in a foreign country anyway?
I'll....just leave this here.

this guy screaming WIKI FAGGOT and LOOK IT UP needs to fuck off.
yes it is much safer to murder hundreds of people by dropping bombs on them from a mile up moving at hundreds of miles per hour than it is to shoot them on foot

you are truly the hero of our times
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Ah but how would we keep the rates of return on investment high if we weren't junking capital and goods via warfare and military spending?

War and imperialism are essential to the maintenance of global capitalism.
God. We fight over some stupid shit, but this takes the cake. If some of you like it and some of you don't, why don't you just ignore each other?
>It's like those Homestuck kiddies throwing shit at that cancer patient or whatever.

Turns out that incident was a couple of attention whores making it all up for attention.
>That feel when just getting back from running a few miles
>That feel when sitting down to browse MLPG with a pear and a tall glass of water

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I loved posting that .gif and getting reactions comparing little girls to Celestia and Luna while their brother is Discord
>FiM is just little girls playing with toy
He's probably the same faggot ranting about the anon not knowing a MiG-29 earlier.
Thanks man.
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Because some people are enjoying their slice too loudly!
It's not done in such a way that makes sense though. It's just bad. There's a method to this cheating this stuff.
>alplblewm is the only Marine in the entire world
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When drawing try to think in 3d, understand the think you are drawing.

It helps you a lot.

We've gone way beyond planes by now. I actually find it a better discussion than our usual off-topic bullshit.
>every country needs a standing army

Because the movie Red Dawn was a realistic scenario
>anti-planefags try to ignore planefags
>the entire general is now ignored and nothing is posted
Sucks to be them I suppose
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Remember when you thought you would never associate ponies with anything sexual?
>with toys*
>Look Before You Sleep, Suited For Success, A Bird in the Hoof, May the Best Pet Win!, Baby Cakes and the story for Putting Your Hoof Down.

Not bad
LBYS was enjoyable, SfS was great, and AbitH is fun.
MtBPW gets some hate but I've always liked it. Sure Tank was predictable, but so is every episode to some degree. The song was great, and Dash really entertaining.

Putting your hoof down made me sad when Fluttershy insulted Pinkie and Rarity, but Iron will was awsome.

I think it looks good.
Mostly patrols.
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Don't worry military bros, I love you guys.

The bleeding heart pussies can cry all they want.
Saved? I thought airstrikes were meant to be a more efficient way of ending lives.
>implying he was ever a marine in the first place
Did you not even read the post you quoted?
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do what I do and make plane noises while you read the general
I never thought that.
Hey hippie fags, for every plane you don't like I will cuddle two.
>That expression
Oh god my shit
Not the anti-plane fag again but >need for an army doesn't equate >kill brown people for oil.

Your goverment obviously tries to remove niggers and whitetrash with violent tendencies from society.

If murka was in true need of soldiers you would have kept the draft.
That time didn't exist.
I was being sarcastic, anon. The perspective makes zero sense, yes.
I don't
>I know nothing of how the world works

You're a special case of retarded, Pinkie.
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brb drawing fat Mrs. Cake crying about how fat she is

I never really cared about pony sex.

It all depends on our values.
are you stupid or something?
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>No man just ignore this stuff if you don't like it. It's no big deal.
>ignore the entire general
My sides

where are my sides

I can't feel them, bubba
America would never repass the draft. Most of the people over there already try and avoid the fact that they're living in a society where they should have to help shore up money to provide for the less well-off
We /pol/ now?
>that feel when sarcasm doesn't translate through text for me and i respond seriously to everything
>this thread
Just 60 more images to go, god damn
An precession airstrike can take out the objective target and only the target. By saving lives he means no collateral damage.

Bombing targets in WWII meant a thousand bombs being dropped. Now, we can do the same damage with just one to a few missile.
Newfags don't know about the imminent threat of a Canadian invasion.
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nah i don't have any old stuff.
I've been drawing for about 7 years I suppose
When I was passionate I didn't have anything to learn from so i lacked foundation which was very VERY important. and now that I'm older and my passion is dead, I have internet. which showed me what i could do with my art if I learned properly. like a balanced out kind of unintentional holding back

Point is. I don't even like drawing that much anymore. my progress is mediocre
now STORIES. I wanna hop on that like a horny mexican on a french whore, weird ain't it.
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I firmly believe this is what people should do if they don't like the general. Better than saging and arguing incessantly over it, anyway.
I never participated on ponychan.
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Sometimes I do that when I post [BRRRRRRRRRT]

I think I might just be a 6 year old inside.
A really messed up 6 year old.
>with just one to a few missile


Warplanes have become obsolete.

That. Fucking. Feel. Sometimes I miss it vocally, too. I have no chance of detecting it in text.
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>trying to rustle jimmies
>with ancient piece of scrap
Sooner or later it would end in a junkyard either way.
>I have now demonstrated I know nothing of how the world works
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Do you have a tumbrl?
i was specifically attacking his "real job" statement, as i found everything else retarded.
Now I'm imagining a fat neckbeard doing plane noises
Oh god hold me my sides are exploding

Why is she so cute when she eats
Eh first six months or so of mlpgs was pretty much a ponychan prototype
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i was close to joining the military once but then i realized i dont like america enough to fight for it.
Well, I didn't give much indication. I figured that the statement that the perspective made sense was ridiculous enough for anyone to tell I was kidding.
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Would you a pone if it were sleeping in your lap?
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Pick something and try writing then.
Theres a ton of books and shit, I assume they also have foundation.
You could get in on the ground floor.
Says the baby killing retard who can't get a real job and leaches of tax payer welfare
That would give me an involuntary erection
>plane sees ross art.gif

Now I'm imagining a crashed plane pony writhing on the ground in agony. Oh god.
I try... I really do.
But for ponies, it's either this place, tumblr, Ponychan, or FIMchan.
I'm thinking of joining the military as an officer.
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Pinkie is cute whatever she does.
That's pretty true, though there was still sexual stuff posted.

But after the bans we began to differentiate a lot. Still, I remember all the arguments over Kloudmutt's "Ponies in Panties" series pretty vividly.
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Only for this war.

But do you think because we aren't having dog fights these days that the Russians aren't continuing designing and producing?
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>don't like america enough to fight for it

A moot point. Soldiers haven't fought for America since WWII.
nope. i jack off to horses is the only reason i even gave mlp a chance. if it was any other animal or humans i would not have watched.
She would be killed instantly.
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Not really, no.

Those are decent episode except for Baby Cakes for me. My favotire amoung that writer's episode is Look Before You Sleep. Take what could have been a girly episode and made it a decent interaction of Rarity and AJ, while Twilight being all oblivious as to whats going on.

Also, I remember the shitstorm that happens here when that event when both ponies cries. That stuff was hilarious.
It'd have a hard time sleeping comfortably on my enormous erection
I just think pony sex is hilarious as fuck.
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I don't have any fat neckbeard reaction images though so you'll have to make do with pinkie
>no collateral damage.
That becomes moot when you take in account that murkans can't tell apart a tape-camera from a bazooka.

Also UAVs firing precision-missiles with the least yield are responsible for the most collateral damage caused by the U.S. in the last decade.
I'm going to draw this

But if she didn't crash that badly. A torn wing and a ruined underbelly. Shit, I'm getting nauseous.
that part was actually kinda cute
>implying im in the military yet

Ask her what her rates are
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Poor Su27.

Somebody should draw Su27 pony who is the big sis of Mig29 pony.
if they're smart, they'll be designing and producing missiles and drones.

Warplanes have gone the way of the dodo. They're like battleships at the beginning of WWII.

You only have to worry about surviving a dogfight if you're driving an obsolete warplane in the first place.
>that story about US soldiers sent to rescue a US citizen being held hostage
>they throw a fucking grenade through the window, killing everyone
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Every one of you fuckwads arguing about the military need to shut the fuck up or take it to /k/. We're talking about cute little warbird ponies, not wether or not the war on terror is legal or not, or why anyone who's paycheck is paid by taxpayer dollars is a welfare queen (GUESS THAT MAKES TEACHERS WELFARE QUEENS, TOO).

Post ponies, PLANES OR OTHERWISE, or fuck off.
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Dumb bitch shouldn't have been taken hostage.
That was objectively stupid.
Dogfights are mostly over, but Close Air Support will probably be alive until we stop fighting in person all together.

>my waifu A-10 gets to keep her job
But all the plane ponies where posted thanks to the fuck sentenal

No, we will not do this.

We will not be here in a month, teling people to go to

>Fluffy Plane General

They are for cute. Not for crashing.
when's the last time you gave your pony a nice hard dicking
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I bet two ponies having sex would be just too adorable.
You'd hate to hear about Russian rescues then.
Nanakis fursona

Your lines are very pretty.

Carrot Top.
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That bit was cute. Before the camera cut and he asked for her rates.
I wish I could stroke a pone ;-;
Soarin and spitfire cuddling after a workout
>guess that makes teachers welfare queens too

No, teachers have a real education and a real job.

More important, they actually contribute something to society.

You're right, I don't know what the fuck came over me.
>google it
>it's real
Holy fucking shit Americans get your act together
Way to ruin the fun you fucking faggot
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Ya blew it
destroyer of dreams
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>real job.
there you go using that word again
Styling Pinkie's hair like hers
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Spoiler Image, 66 KB
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So you guys could just sexualize anything with a butt couldn't you?
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I'm sorry for everything we've done.
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Oh lord I can't even imagine it.

It would be too cute.

It makes sense you wouldn't know a real job from a fake one, soldier boy.
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>hating on the military

Okay, now this is a think I can't understand.

Hippies take your fetish to somewhere else.
A family of squirrels are living on the tree in my backyard. I just saw them playing around on the tree having fun.

This is pretty fucking cute.
>Biological drones get developed
>All I can think about is DA2 and SWTOR

PFFFT-- no, dude, no. Joke's over now.
Planes don't even have butts, they have tails.
And maybe "afts" I'm not sure.
But yeah, pretty much anything ever.

>implying the overpriced piece of shit codenamed F-35 won't take all other good planes' jerbs and especially CAS

It was not called Joint Strike Faget for no reason
Drones cannot into CAS.
0/10 troll harder faggot omggggg
No pls

You don't know what you do!

>ironic vore and fluffy image spamming

Do you really want to know the answer to that?
because everyone in the military murders babies. even the ones who are cooks and desk jockies
Why not?

I can't understand people not hating on the military. Or rather any and all militaries.
Especially if it was Twilight and Dash.
irony is a lost art.
I imagine plane pony generals having them crash into the twin towers and stuff.
>Dogfights are mostly over
Yeah... that's what you Murkans said back in 'nam too.
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>implying thats any worse than the rest of the world
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Well, the show does a good job in presenting some butts.
>tfw I'll maybe join the military as an aerospace engineer
niggas b hatin
I didn't know we had so many hippie faggots in the general.
I murdered a baby a second ago.

I work as a cook. We are all baby murders!
The cooks feed the babykillers.
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I just wasn't a paladin crusading in defence of my pure cartoon horses.
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You are a bad person in my eyes anon.

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Dubs decide if happy, sad, confused, etc.
Add detail
Especially if its Soarin and Spitfire
Remember that time those American soldiers threw that puppy off the cliff? Is that still on youtube or did they take it down?
its because you live in a fake world
I know we like to joke about that sort of thing, but really, that's enough. It's not funny, it's not cool, and it's not ok.

So please, just don't, alright?
In their defence you only had one person to protect.
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Oh Christ, that head.
Happy. REALLY happy.
choking on dicks
oh shut up now. You're just an attention whore looking for dubs
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i want her to do this with her mouth
For one thing their controllers are halfway across the world. There's too much lag for gun runs, and when you start armoring them enough for CAS missions its more or less a full-blown aircraft anyway.
I wish they would take this so you faggots would stop talking about it.
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207 KB
>I've been hearing about this F-35 fairly often, I should probably read a little about it
>Defence Minister Peter MacKay, when asked what would happen if the F-35’s single engine fails in the Far North, stated "It won’t"

Oh fuck everyone that flies that plane is dead
Mrs. Cake expression watching you streaming

I don't. I would want to live in a world where there was no need for militaries. I know this isn't a world like that but that doesn't stop me from hating them.
Confused and covered in cum
Pfhahaha nice job.
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fuck you ruined my get

I hate you
happy with a moustache
Especially if it's Fluttershy and Big Mac.
Oh my
>thread about my little pony, cartoon about peaceful colorful horses
pick both
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219 KB
Got lazy, sorry mate.
lip biting
>dat ass
Nice reaction and art.
drowning in spunk
Pfffthahahaha thank you miLes

So many Dubs, still no answer
reroll >>2826178
with a dick in it
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I love-hate the marker tool so much.

Looks great, miLes!

>no Pepsi logo

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31 KB
Hey cease.
You do that thing yet?
>this thread
how about we talk about ponies instead?
What color collar do you think each pony looks best in?
I think Dashie looks best in black
Distraught over the death of her family.
Let me guess, you're a Celestiafag?
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>no dubs yet
Make her do this face!
So you hate on militaries because reality is harsh? That makes no sense. Let me ask this as just for clarification, do you also hate the men and women that serve in the military?

>my perfect waifu
>drinking american piss soda

fuck you


Not to mention its gun is only good for taking out trucks, its piss-poor payload, no armor, stealth is useless within visual range, one engine + low and slow = DEAD BIRD,

the list goes on.

F-35 is a shitpile trying to do too many things at once and winds up being good at none of them.
That's frightening
No I'm saving it

ok you need to stop

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bacon all over her face
Rarity in a collar of solid gold.
>implying Murkans would not simply carpet bomb from high altitude whatever posed a threat to shoot down a $100million piece of inventory
>implying murkans would pick equal fights
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Nice, miLes. Rarity just doesn't seen to give a fuck at all what she drink, does she?
fucking reroll
Horrified yet slightly aroused.
Drooling like a tard.
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what is he so shocked about?


she has a dick right?

>Having fun with Begetten.

Sure is summer in here.

Definitely confizzled
So you admit we need them but talk shit to soldiers because you want to live in a fantasy land.

You're an even bigger faggot than you make THEM out to be.

>rerolling until you get dubs

Fuck off to /mu/, Cease. You're being dumber than usual.
no. No. Please no
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it truly is summer in here
>you will never fight in a war with your waifu on your side

How do I even banzai now?
>not the highest quality black leather, stitched with gold thread and a small tasteful diamond pendant in a setting shaped like an "R"
Extreme apathy.
Yeah, this >>2826178
jessy should draw f-35 with a constantly confused expression on her face, she means well but constantly under-performs
>implying you didnt just say F-35 would take over CAS

>implying carpet bombing wouldnt wipe out the unit you're trying to help

>implying picking equal fights in a warzone isnt full retard

It has ended
Jesus christ finally
Stop bitching about it and just filter me you dumb cunt

Eat shit fuckers
Fucking attentionwhores
>implying she gets a fancy collar
She'll have something basic and demeaning, and she'll like it. Or, learn to like it, anyway.

The ones that do it proudly.


I don't talk shit to soldiers. I talk shit about militaries on an anonymous image board to no one in particular.
Eating a very phallic pastry.
>banzai charging
>not swarming like the Russians or Chinese
Fuck off Cease
derpy is a very ugly pony
>implying you ever want to pick an equal engagement
do you even war?
>tfw first time in your life you get dubs you get a couple in a row

Today has been a good day, MLPG.
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>Not to mention its gun is only good for taking out trucks
Beg your pardon? Wasn't the GAU-12 suppossed to be the Avenger's replacement?
hey ice cube guy
I still didn't like it, sorry. It also melted really quickly. Thanks for trying, though
Equestria is imperial Japan with horses.
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Like this.
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What the fuck did you just say?!?!
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enjoy your rectal bleeding
I'd be proud for serving in the military.

The military is awesome.

I don't want to filter you. I want you to know that rerolling for doubles like that is fucking sad and stupid and you should stop it.
But I am.
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i agree
>sudoky derpy

Not the same anon, the need for a military is only present because humans are too dumb and need something to herd them. Why the hell wouldn't you want to live in a world where everyone is smart enough to behave without a military? Sure it's not a realistic expectation, but you rather live in a world where all countries just NEED to have a bunch of trained morons running around with guns to keep people from rioting and other nations from killing them?
Their noses aren't even touching. Their just shaking heads at each over.
You're being a faggot, stop it
Smitty why don't you take requests anymore?

derpy is very suicidal pony
well then thats fair enough.
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1.74 MB
>Summer in MLPG

Best description ever.
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623 KB
Please be kind and draw something.

It is for fun, it doesn't need to look good.

Draw Applebloom Riding Applejack.
You misspelled "Slugbox Junior"
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Are you serious?
>>implying carpet bombing wouldnt wipe out the unit you're trying to help
What part of America did not you get?

non-American NATO forces in Iraq had more casualities by american friendly fire than from enemy combatants.
you act like the military doesnt also handle foreign aid and disaster releif/response

and military doesnt handle riots, police do.
This nigga
Can you PLEASE stop talking about the military now?
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I don't know much about the guns in detail, but wikipedia tells me that the GAU-12 weighs 270 lbs, and the GAU 619.

There's definitely something there.
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Do not question Derpy's ways
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I am drawing but nothing is coming out right.
>that feel when you'll never grab the back of Dashie's collar and hold her down on the bed, forcing her to beg for your touch and plead for kindness
>that feel when you tie back her wings and force her to ask permission to fly, or to have a drink of water, or when she wants a meal, or basically anything she wants to do
>that feel when it eventually becomes second nature to her and you don't even need to restrain her, she just doesn't feel right acting without your permission any more--and disobeying your word is unthinkable
Smitty never took requests
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would you rather into braeburn

or have braeburn into you
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Very suicidal.

Would you help her to convince that life is great and worth living?
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Does anyone have one of those color references of Chrysalis?
You know the ones right? With all the funny lookin' ponies on 'em?
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I winced.
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470 KB
what happened to that anon who bidded too much on that pony fursuit?

Ew, neither, I'm not a queer. I'd bro out with him though.
>Well you see we need a military to help foreign nations in case of a disaster. Yeah. Like, they will put the food into the stealth bombers and drop it from 10km high! See, they military is necessary for other things too!
Stop worrying about it coming out right and just draw it/post it. Goddamn.
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This isn't a competition.
I don't have ARMA. I might buy it for DayZ though, it looks interesting.
>Stop worrying about it coming out right and just draw it

I am. calm down.

>implying it's not
It's kinda fun, but you die really, really easily.

you absolutely need a buddy
>>implying picking equal fights in a warzone isnt full retard
To a great extent that's suppossed to be the role of CAS.

Militaryfags correct me if I am wrong but I thought close aircraft support in most cases was in order to supress enemy advancement/ambushes/heavily fortified defences.
Someone else came buy later and said they outbid him.
I didnt have the link, or remember the original price so I couldn't check.

I told him he should camwhore
It's difficult to type with hooves.
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28 KB
>that pic
>this lens flare
Oh boy oh boy! Thanks!
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75 KB
For every line you draw Bugsanon gets raped twice by a pack of Bronies.

Isn't this a good enough motivation for you?
Whoah, where are my keystrokes going today?
Time for a break.

The GAU-12 weighs 270 lbs, and the GAU-8 weighs 619.

One of those numbers is a lot bigger than the other.
Well it could make sense if you would use B-2s for humanitarian aid paradrops in countries where corrupt regimees steal it.
>Anon puts on pony suit
>can't get it off because hooves
>has to call emergency services to get it off
>futa cadence raping shining armor

Why is that guy so luck?
>they send a SWAT team and frag him with grenades
>its too late
>the suit has taken hold
>become one
>Never separate
>Never die
That's not how EMT works
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Here a new horse for you guys





I feel bad for instantly thinking it's Mito time because daytime anonymous thread. I hope I'm wrong.
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287 KB
Not mito, promise!
Don't worry, I know you made a thread yesterday too, you're ok.

Well, I feel even sillier because I didn't notice at first your thread had a topic. I'm sorry for doubting you.

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